--- a/telephonyserverplugins/multimodetsy/test/Te_LoopBack/Te_LoopBackCRxMess.cpp Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/multimodetsy/test/Te_LoopBack/Te_LoopBackCRxMess.cpp Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,488 +1,488 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// This file implements various receive message tests.
-// See CDataCall.cpp for fully documented test scenario.
- @file
-#include <e32test.h>
-#include <etelmm.h>
-#include "Te_LoopBackcrxmess.h"
-#include "../../hayes/TSYCONFG.H" // for KInternetAccessPoint
-// Test-side class
-// With the assistance of the base class, this class must start the emulator
-// and drive the ETel API.
-CTestDriveRxMess* CTestDriveRxMess::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry)
- {
- CTestDriveRxMess* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDriveRxMess(aScriptListEntry);
- CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
- aA->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return aA;
- }
-CTestDriveRxMess::CTestDriveRxMess(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry) : iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry)
- {
- // NOP
- }
-TInt CTestDriveRxMess::RunTestL()
- {
- iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
- return StartEmulatorL();
- }
-TInt CTestDriveRxMess::DriveETelApiL() //1
-// This function contains the real meat of the Client-side test code
- {
- TRequestStatus reqStatus;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initialising the Phone..."));
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
- tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
- iPhone.InitialiseMM(reqStatus , tableSettingsPckg);
- User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
- TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
- RMobileSmsMessaging sms;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Sms Messaging"));
- TESTL(sms.Open(iPhone)==KErrNone);
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsCapsV1 smsCaps;
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsCapsV1Pckg smsCapsPckg(smsCaps);
- sms.GetCaps(smsCapsPckg);
- smsCaps = smsCapsPckg();
- DispCaps(smsCaps);
- TRequestStatus stat1, stat2;
- sms.SetReceiveMode (stat1, RMobileSmsMessaging::EReceiveStored);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat1);
- TESTL(stat1 == KErrNone);
- if(stat1 == KErrNone)
- {
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsGsmTpdu pdu;
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1 attrib;
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1Pckg attribPkg(attrib);
- sms.ReceiveMessage(stat2, pdu, attribPkg);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat2);
- TESTL(stat2 == KErrNone);
- attrib=attribPkg();
- DispSmsAttributes(attrib);
- }
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing SMS Messaging..."));
- sms.Close();
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// Emulator-side class
-// With the assistance of the base class, this class must run the designated script
-CTestRxMess* CTestRxMess::NewL(const TScript* aScript)
- {
- CTestRxMess* aA=new(ELeave) CTestRxMess(aScript);
- CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
- aA->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return aA;
- }
-CTestRxMess::CTestRxMess(const TScript* aScript) : iScript(aScript)
- {
- // NOP
- }
-void CTestRxMess::ConstructL()
- {
- CATScriptEng::ConstructL();
- }
-TInt CTestRxMess::Start()
- {
- StartScript(iScript);
- return KErrNone;
- }
-void CTestRxMess::SpecificAlgorithmL(TInt /* aParam */)
- {
- }
-void CTestRxMess::Complete(TInt aError)
- {
- iReturnValue=aError;
- CActiveScheduler::Stop();
- }
-// Test the SMS Notification Request
-CTestDriveNotMess* CTestDriveNotMess::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry)
- {
- CTestDriveNotMess* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDriveNotMess(aScriptListEntry);
- CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
- aA->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return aA;
- }
-CTestDriveNotMess::CTestDriveNotMess(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry) : iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry)
- {
- // NOP
- }
-TInt CTestDriveNotMess::RunTestL()
- {
- iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
- return StartEmulatorL();
- }
-TInt CTestDriveNotMess::DriveETelApiL() //2
-// This function contains the real meat of the Client-side test code
- {
- // Since NotifySmsMessageArrived is no more supported, we just have to
- // test with 1 script. We don't have to do post notify, read sim. and
- // then post notify, wait for complete, and post read.
- // Also SetReceiveMode requires a completed iPhone initialization.
- RMobileSmsMessaging sms;
- TRequestStatus reqStatus, stat1, stat2, stat3;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initialising the Phone..."));
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
- tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
- iPhone.InitialiseMM(reqStatus, tableSettingsPckg);
- User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
- TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Sms Messaging"));
- TESTL(sms.Open(iPhone) == KErrNone);
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveMode aReceiveMode;
- // KErrNotSupported is normal response as there can be only
- // one sms client who knows if the mode is changed.
- sms.NotifyReceiveModeChange(stat3, aReceiveMode);
- // set to CMTI mode (CNMI=0,1)
- sms.SetReceiveMode (stat1, RMobileSmsMessaging::EReceiveStored);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat1);
- TESTL(stat1==KErrNone);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat3);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sms Messaging: NotifyReceiveModeChange Not Supported = %d"), stat3.Int());
- if(stat1==KErrNone)
- {
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsGsmTpdu rxPdu;
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1 attrib;
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1Pckg attribPkg(attrib);
- sms.ReceiveMessage(stat2, rxPdu, attribPkg);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat2);
- TESTL(stat2==KErrNone);
- attrib=attribPkg();
- //TestDriveRxMess->
- DispSmsAttributes(attrib);
- }
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing SMS Messaging..."));
- sms.Close();
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// Test-side class
-// Test CMT based incoming SMS messages
-CTestDriveRxMessCmt* CTestDriveRxMessCmt::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry)
- {
- CTestDriveRxMessCmt* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDriveRxMessCmt(aScriptListEntry);
- CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
- aA->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return aA;
- }
-CTestDriveRxMessCmt::CTestDriveRxMessCmt(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry) : iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry)
- {
- // NOP
- }
-TInt CTestDriveRxMessCmt::RunTestL()
- {
- iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
- return StartEmulatorL();
- }
-TInt CTestDriveRxMessCmt::DriveETelApiL() //3
-// This function contains the real meat of the Client-side test code
- {
- TRequestStatus reqStatus;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initialising the Phone..."));
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
- tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
- iPhone.InitialiseMM(reqStatus, tableSettingsPckg);
- User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
- TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
- RMobileSmsMessaging sms;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Sms Messaging"));
- TESTL(sms.Open(iPhone)==KErrNone);
- TRequestStatus stat1,stat2;
- sms.SetReceiveMode(stat1, RMobileSmsMessaging::EReceiveUnstoredPhoneAck);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat1);
- TESTL(stat1 == KErrNone);
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsGsmTpdu pdu;
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1 attrib;
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1Pckg attribPkg(attrib);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing SMS Messaging..."));
- sms.ReceiveMessage(stat2, pdu, attribPkg);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat2);
- TESTL(stat2 == KErrNone);
- attrib=attribPkg();
- //aTestDriveRxMess->
- DispSmsAttributes(attrib);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Rx CMT type message"));
- sms.ReceiveMessage(stat2, pdu, attribPkg);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat2);
- TESTL(stat2 == KErrNone);
- attrib=attribPkg();
- DispSmsAttributes(attrib);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing SMS Messaging..."));
- sms.Close();
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// Test-side class
-// Test CMT based incoming SMS Notifications
-CTestDriveNotMessCmt* CTestDriveNotMessCmt::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry)
- {
- CTestDriveNotMessCmt* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDriveNotMessCmt(aScriptListEntry);
- CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
- aA->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return aA;
- }
-CTestDriveNotMessCmt::CTestDriveNotMessCmt(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry) : iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry)
- {
- // NOP
- }
-TInt CTestDriveNotMessCmt::RunTestL()
- {
- iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
- return StartEmulatorL();
- }
-TInt CTestDriveNotMessCmt::DriveETelApiL() //4
-// This function contains the real meat of the Client-side test code
- {
- RMobileSmsMessaging sms;
- TRequestStatus reqStatus, stat1, stat2, stat3;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initialising the Phone..."));
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
- tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
- iPhone.InitialiseMM(reqStatus, tableSettingsPckg);
- User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
- TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Sms Messaging"));
- TESTL(sms.Open(iPhone) == KErrNone);
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveMode aReceiveMode;
- sms.NotifyReceiveModeChange(stat3, aReceiveMode);
- sms.SetReceiveMode (stat1, RMobileSmsMessaging::EReceiveStored);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat1);
- TESTL(stat1 == KErrNone);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat3);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sms Messaging: NotifyReceiveModeChange Not Supported = %d"), stat3.Int());
- if (stat1 == KErrNone)
- {
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsGsmTpdu rxPdu;
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1 attrib;
- RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1Pckg attribPkg(attrib);
- sms.ReceiveMessage(stat2, rxPdu, attribPkg);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat2);
- TESTL(stat2 == KErrNone);
- }
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing SMS Messaging..."));
- sms.Close();
- return KErrNone;
- }
-void CTestDriveRxMess::DispSmsAttributes(RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1& aMobSmsAttr)
- {
- switch (aMobSmsAttr.iStatus)
- {
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus."));
- break;
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck."));
- break;
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck."));
- break;
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored."));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Index = %d"), aMobSmsAttr.iStoreIndex);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Name = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iStore);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging iOriginator = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iOriginator.iTelNumber);
- }
-//it's bad, but I don't have any idea to redesing these tests
-void CTestDriveNotMess::DispSmsAttributes(RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1& aMobSmsAttr)
- {
- switch (aMobSmsAttr.iStatus)
- {
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus."));
- break;
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck."));
- break;
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck."));
- break;
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored."));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Index = %d"), aMobSmsAttr.iStoreIndex);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Name = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iStore);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging iOriginator = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iOriginator.iTelNumber);
- }
-void CTestDriveRxMess::DispCaps(RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsCapsV1& aSmsCaps)
- {
- if ( aSmsCaps.iSmsMode & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsGsmSms)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" GSM SMS Supported"));
- }
- if (!( aSmsCaps.iSmsMode & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsGsmSms))
- {
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" SMS Mode = 0x%x"), aSmsCaps.iSmsMode);
- }
- if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsReceiveStored)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" ReceiveStored Caps Supported"));
- }
- if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsReceiveUnstoredPhoneAck)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" ReceiveUnstoredPhoneAck Caps Supported"));
- }
- if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsReceiveEither)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" ReceiveAny Caps Supported"));
- }
- if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsCreateAck)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" CreateAck Caps Supported"));
- }
- if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsSendNoAck)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" SendNoAck Caps Supported"));
- }
- if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsSendWithAck)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" SendWithAck Caps Supported"));
- }
- if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsGetSmspList)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" GetSmspList Caps Supported"));
- }
- if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsSetSmspList)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" SetSmspList Caps Supported"));
- }
- }
-void CTestDriveRxMessCmt::DispSmsAttributes(RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1& aMobSmsAttr)
- {
- switch (aMobSmsAttr.iStatus)
- {
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus."));
- break;
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck."));
- break;
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck."));
- break;
- case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored."));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Index = %d"), aMobSmsAttr.iStoreIndex);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Name = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iStore);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging iOriginator = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iOriginator.iTelNumber);
- }
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This file implements various receive message tests.
+// See CDataCall.cpp for fully documented test scenario.
+ @file
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include "Te_LoopBackcrxmess.h"
+#include "../../hayes/TSYCONFG.H" // for KInternetAccessPoint
+// Test-side class
+// With the assistance of the base class, this class must start the emulator
+// and drive the ETel API.
+CTestDriveRxMess* CTestDriveRxMess::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry)
+ {
+ CTestDriveRxMess* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDriveRxMess(aScriptListEntry);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
+ aA->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return aA;
+ }
+CTestDriveRxMess::CTestDriveRxMess(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry) : iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry)
+ {
+ // NOP
+ }
+TInt CTestDriveRxMess::RunTestL()
+ {
+ iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
+ return StartEmulatorL();
+ }
+TInt CTestDriveRxMess::DriveETelApiL() //1
+// This function contains the real meat of the Client-side test code
+ {
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initialising the Phone..."));
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
+ tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
+ iPhone.InitialiseMM(reqStatus , tableSettingsPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+ TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
+ RMobileSmsMessaging sms;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Sms Messaging"));
+ TESTL(sms.Open(iPhone)==KErrNone);
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsCapsV1 smsCaps;
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsCapsV1Pckg smsCapsPckg(smsCaps);
+ sms.GetCaps(smsCapsPckg);
+ smsCaps = smsCapsPckg();
+ DispCaps(smsCaps);
+ TRequestStatus stat1, stat2;
+ sms.SetReceiveMode (stat1, RMobileSmsMessaging::EReceiveStored);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat1);
+ TESTL(stat1 == KErrNone);
+ if(stat1 == KErrNone)
+ {
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsGsmTpdu pdu;
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1 attrib;
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1Pckg attribPkg(attrib);
+ sms.ReceiveMessage(stat2, pdu, attribPkg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat2);
+ TESTL(stat2 == KErrNone);
+ attrib=attribPkg();
+ DispSmsAttributes(attrib);
+ }
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing SMS Messaging..."));
+ sms.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// Emulator-side class
+// With the assistance of the base class, this class must run the designated script
+CTestRxMess* CTestRxMess::NewL(const TScript* aScript)
+ {
+ CTestRxMess* aA=new(ELeave) CTestRxMess(aScript);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
+ aA->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return aA;
+ }
+CTestRxMess::CTestRxMess(const TScript* aScript) : iScript(aScript)
+ {
+ // NOP
+ }
+void CTestRxMess::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CATScriptEng::ConstructL();
+ }
+TInt CTestRxMess::Start()
+ {
+ StartScript(iScript);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CTestRxMess::SpecificAlgorithmL(TInt /* aParam */)
+ {
+ }
+void CTestRxMess::Complete(TInt aError)
+ {
+ iReturnValue=aError;
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+// Test the SMS Notification Request
+CTestDriveNotMess* CTestDriveNotMess::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry)
+ {
+ CTestDriveNotMess* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDriveNotMess(aScriptListEntry);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
+ aA->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return aA;
+ }
+CTestDriveNotMess::CTestDriveNotMess(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry) : iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry)
+ {
+ // NOP
+ }
+TInt CTestDriveNotMess::RunTestL()
+ {
+ iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
+ return StartEmulatorL();
+ }
+TInt CTestDriveNotMess::DriveETelApiL() //2
+// This function contains the real meat of the Client-side test code
+ {
+ // Since NotifySmsMessageArrived is no more supported, we just have to
+ // test with 1 script. We don't have to do post notify, read sim. and
+ // then post notify, wait for complete, and post read.
+ // Also SetReceiveMode requires a completed iPhone initialization.
+ RMobileSmsMessaging sms;
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus, stat1, stat2, stat3;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initialising the Phone..."));
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
+ tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
+ iPhone.InitialiseMM(reqStatus, tableSettingsPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+ TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Sms Messaging"));
+ TESTL(sms.Open(iPhone) == KErrNone);
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveMode aReceiveMode;
+ // KErrNotSupported is normal response as there can be only
+ // one sms client who knows if the mode is changed.
+ sms.NotifyReceiveModeChange(stat3, aReceiveMode);
+ // set to CMTI mode (CNMI=0,1)
+ sms.SetReceiveMode (stat1, RMobileSmsMessaging::EReceiveStored);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat1);
+ TESTL(stat1==KErrNone);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat3);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sms Messaging: NotifyReceiveModeChange Not Supported = %d"), stat3.Int());
+ if(stat1==KErrNone)
+ {
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsGsmTpdu rxPdu;
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1 attrib;
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1Pckg attribPkg(attrib);
+ sms.ReceiveMessage(stat2, rxPdu, attribPkg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat2);
+ TESTL(stat2==KErrNone);
+ attrib=attribPkg();
+ //TestDriveRxMess->
+ DispSmsAttributes(attrib);
+ }
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing SMS Messaging..."));
+ sms.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// Test-side class
+// Test CMT based incoming SMS messages
+CTestDriveRxMessCmt* CTestDriveRxMessCmt::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry)
+ {
+ CTestDriveRxMessCmt* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDriveRxMessCmt(aScriptListEntry);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
+ aA->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return aA;
+ }
+CTestDriveRxMessCmt::CTestDriveRxMessCmt(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry) : iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry)
+ {
+ // NOP
+ }
+TInt CTestDriveRxMessCmt::RunTestL()
+ {
+ iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
+ return StartEmulatorL();
+ }
+TInt CTestDriveRxMessCmt::DriveETelApiL() //3
+// This function contains the real meat of the Client-side test code
+ {
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initialising the Phone..."));
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
+ tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
+ iPhone.InitialiseMM(reqStatus, tableSettingsPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+ TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
+ RMobileSmsMessaging sms;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Sms Messaging"));
+ TESTL(sms.Open(iPhone)==KErrNone);
+ TRequestStatus stat1,stat2;
+ sms.SetReceiveMode(stat1, RMobileSmsMessaging::EReceiveUnstoredPhoneAck);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat1);
+ TESTL(stat1 == KErrNone);
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsGsmTpdu pdu;
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1 attrib;
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1Pckg attribPkg(attrib);
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing SMS Messaging..."));
+ sms.ReceiveMessage(stat2, pdu, attribPkg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat2);
+ TESTL(stat2 == KErrNone);
+ attrib=attribPkg();
+ //aTestDriveRxMess->
+ DispSmsAttributes(attrib);
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Rx CMT type message"));
+ sms.ReceiveMessage(stat2, pdu, attribPkg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat2);
+ TESTL(stat2 == KErrNone);
+ attrib=attribPkg();
+ DispSmsAttributes(attrib);
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing SMS Messaging..."));
+ sms.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// Test-side class
+// Test CMT based incoming SMS Notifications
+CTestDriveNotMessCmt* CTestDriveNotMessCmt::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry)
+ {
+ CTestDriveNotMessCmt* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDriveNotMessCmt(aScriptListEntry);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
+ aA->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return aA;
+ }
+CTestDriveNotMessCmt::CTestDriveNotMessCmt(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry) : iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry)
+ {
+ // NOP
+ }
+TInt CTestDriveNotMessCmt::RunTestL()
+ {
+ iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
+ return StartEmulatorL();
+ }
+TInt CTestDriveNotMessCmt::DriveETelApiL() //4
+// This function contains the real meat of the Client-side test code
+ {
+ RMobileSmsMessaging sms;
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus, stat1, stat2, stat3;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initialising the Phone..."));
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
+ tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
+ iPhone.InitialiseMM(reqStatus, tableSettingsPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+ TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Sms Messaging"));
+ TESTL(sms.Open(iPhone) == KErrNone);
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveMode aReceiveMode;
+ sms.NotifyReceiveModeChange(stat3, aReceiveMode);
+ sms.SetReceiveMode (stat1, RMobileSmsMessaging::EReceiveStored);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat1);
+ TESTL(stat1 == KErrNone);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat3);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sms Messaging: NotifyReceiveModeChange Not Supported = %d"), stat3.Int());
+ if (stat1 == KErrNone)
+ {
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsGsmTpdu rxPdu;
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1 attrib;
+ RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1Pckg attribPkg(attrib);
+ sms.ReceiveMessage(stat2, rxPdu, attribPkg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat2);
+ TESTL(stat2 == KErrNone);
+ }
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing SMS Messaging..."));
+ sms.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CTestDriveRxMess::DispSmsAttributes(RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1& aMobSmsAttr)
+ {
+ switch (aMobSmsAttr.iStatus)
+ {
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus."));
+ break;
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck."));
+ break;
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck."));
+ break;
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored."));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Index = %d"), aMobSmsAttr.iStoreIndex);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Name = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iStore);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging iOriginator = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iOriginator.iTelNumber);
+ }
+//it's bad, but I don't have any idea to redesing these tests
+void CTestDriveNotMess::DispSmsAttributes(RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1& aMobSmsAttr)
+ {
+ switch (aMobSmsAttr.iStatus)
+ {
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus."));
+ break;
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck."));
+ break;
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck."));
+ break;
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored."));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Index = %d"), aMobSmsAttr.iStoreIndex);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Name = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iStore);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging iOriginator = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iOriginator.iTelNumber);
+ }
+void CTestDriveRxMess::DispCaps(RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsCapsV1& aSmsCaps)
+ {
+ if ( aSmsCaps.iSmsMode & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsGsmSms)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" GSM SMS Supported"));
+ }
+ if (!( aSmsCaps.iSmsMode & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsGsmSms))
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" SMS Mode = 0x%x"), aSmsCaps.iSmsMode);
+ }
+ if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsReceiveStored)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" ReceiveStored Caps Supported"));
+ }
+ if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsReceiveUnstoredPhoneAck)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" ReceiveUnstoredPhoneAck Caps Supported"));
+ }
+ if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsReceiveEither)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" ReceiveAny Caps Supported"));
+ }
+ if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsCreateAck)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" CreateAck Caps Supported"));
+ }
+ if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsSendNoAck)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" SendNoAck Caps Supported"));
+ }
+ if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsSendWithAck)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" SendWithAck Caps Supported"));
+ }
+ if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsGetSmspList)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" GetSmspList Caps Supported"));
+ }
+ if (aSmsCaps.iSmsControl & RMobileSmsMessaging::KCapsSetSmspList)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" SetSmspList Caps Supported"));
+ }
+ }
+void CTestDriveRxMessCmt::DispSmsAttributes(RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1& aMobSmsAttr)
+ {
+ switch (aMobSmsAttr.iStatus)
+ {
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnknownStatus."));
+ break;
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredPhoneAck."));
+ break;
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck."));
+ break;
+ case RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageStored."));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Index = %d"), aMobSmsAttr.iStoreIndex);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging Store Name = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iStore);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" RMobileSmsMessaging iOriginator = %S"), &aMobSmsAttr.iOriginator.iTelNumber);
+ }