--- a/telephonyserverplugins/multimodetsy/test/Te_LoopBack/Te_LoopBackcphoneBook.cpp Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/multimodetsy/test/Te_LoopBack/Te_LoopBackcphoneBook.cpp Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,1310 +1,1310 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Phase 1 - variable name change only - still compiles
- @file
-#include <e32test.h>
-#include <etelmm.h>
-#include <mpbutil.h>
-#include "Te_LoopBackcphoneBook.h"
-#include "../../hayes/TSYCONFG.H" // for KInternetAccessPoint
-// Entries to write to the iPhone book
-// Test-side class
-// With the assistance of the base class, this class must start the emulator
-// and drive the ETel API.
-CTestDrivePhoneBook* CTestDrivePhoneBook::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry)
- {
- CTestDrivePhoneBook* phBk=new(ELeave) CTestDrivePhoneBook(aScriptListEntry);
- CleanupStack::PushL(phBk);
- phBk->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return phBk;
- }
-CTestDrivePhoneBook::CTestDrivePhoneBook(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry) :
- iMESupported(EFalse), iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry)
- {}
-TInt CTestDrivePhoneBook::RunTestL()
- {
- iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
- return StartEmulatorL();
- }
-TInt CTestDrivePhoneBook::DriveETelApiL()
-// This function contains the real meat of the Client-side test code
- {
- _LIT(KMmPhoneName,"GsmPhone1");
- // Open and Initialise the iPhone
- TESTL(iMmPhone.Open(iServer,KMmPhoneName)==KErrNone);
- TRequestStatus reqStatus;
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
- tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
- iMmPhone.InitialiseMM(reqStatus , tableSettingsPckg);
- User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
- TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone Id, Available Phone books and Get Info"));
- GetPhoneInfoL();
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Get PhoneBook Capabilities and Information"));
- testGetPhBkCapsAndInfoL();
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Deleting the 1st 5 entries in the SM and ME (if supported) phonebooks"));
- TInt ret;
- ret=testClearPhBkL(KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
- TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
- if (iMESupported)
- {
- ret=testClearPhBkL(KETelMeAdnPhoneBook);
- TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
- }
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone book Read and Write"));
- testPhoneBookReadAndWrite(); // New method using CPhoneBookBuffer
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Advanced Phone book tests"));
- testAdvancedPhoneBook(); // New method using CPhoneBookBuffer
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone book Notifications"));
- testPhoneBookNotifications(); // New method using CPhoneBookBuffer
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone book Read Cancel Requests"));
- testPhoneBookReadCancel(); // New method using CPhoneBookBuffer
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone book Read & Write International Numbers"));
- testPhoneBookReadAndWriteInternationalL();
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone book Multithread Write"));
- testPhoneBookMultiWriteL();
- iMmPhone.Close();
- return KErrNone;
- }
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::GetPhoneInfoL()
- * Retrieve iPhone Information
- */
- {
- TRequestStatus stat;
- RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 phoneId;
- iMmPhone.GetPhoneId(stat,phoneId);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat);
- TESTL(stat == KErrNone);
- // check version id ?
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Extension ID : %d"), phoneId.ExtensionId());
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("\nManufacturer ID : %S"), &phoneId.iManufacturer);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Model ID : %S"), &phoneId.iModel);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Revision ID : %S"), &phoneId.iRevision);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Serial number : %S\n"), &phoneId.iSerialNumber);
- // common mode
- TInt numAvail=0; // counts number of phonebooks
- IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelMeAdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
- IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelMeDialledPhoneBook, numAvail);
- IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelMeMissedPhoneBook, numAvail);
- IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelMeReceivedPhoneBook, numAvail);
- IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelCombinedAdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
- IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelIccAdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
- IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelIccFdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
- IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelIccSdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
- // gsm mode
- IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelTaAdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
- IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelIccBdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
- IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelIccVoiceMailBox, numAvail);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%d Phonebooks available.\n"), numAvail);
-TRequestStatus CTestDrivePhoneBook::IsPhoneBookAvailable(const TDesC& aPhoneBook,
- TInt &aCount)
- {
- TRequestStatus stat;
- RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1 info;
- RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1Pckg infoPkg(info);
- iMmPhone.GetPhoneStoreInfo(stat,infoPkg,aPhoneBook);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat);
- if (stat == KErrNone) // available
- {
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S Phone Book is available.\n"), &aPhoneBook);
- aCount++;
- }
- else
- {
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S Phone Book is NOT available. Status %d.\n"), &aPhoneBook, stat.Int());
- }
- return stat;
- }
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testGetPhBkCapsAndInfoL()
- * This function:
- * Gets the SIM and ME iPhone books static capabilities,
- * Information associated with the iPhone books,
- * and also Validates the obtained information.
- */
- {
- // SIM iPhone book - mandatory
- TInt ret=KErrNone;
- RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
- ret=simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
- TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
- // Get SM Phone book Capabilities
- TRequestStatus stat=0;
- RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1 info;
- RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1Pckg infoPkg(info);
- simPhBk.GetInfo(stat,infoPkg);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat);
- TESTL(stat == KErrNone);
- info = infoPkg();
- // Need to Read entries
- TESTL((info.iCaps & RMobilePhoneStore::KCapsWriteAccess)!=0);
- TESTL(info.iName == KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
- TESTL(info.iType == RMobilePhoneStore::EPhoneBookStore);
- TESTL(info.iTotalEntries > 0);
- simPhBk.Close();
- RMobilePhoneBookStore mePhBk;
- ret=mePhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelMeAdnPhoneBook);
- if (ret==KErrNone)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ME phonebook supported\n"));
- iMESupported=ETrue;
- mePhBk.GetInfo(stat,infoPkg);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat);
- TESTL(stat == KErrNone);
- info = infoPkg();
- TESTL((info.iCaps & RMobilePhoneStore::KCapsWriteAccess)!=0);
- // Need to read entries
- TESTL(info.iName == KETelMeAdnPhoneBook);
- TESTL(info.iType == RMobilePhoneStore::EPhoneBookStore);
- TESTL(info.iTotalEntries > 0);
- // GetInfo Cancel Request
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GetInfo Cancel Request..."));
- mePhBk.GetInfo(stat,infoPkg);
- mePhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreGetInfo);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("GetInfo Cancel Status = %d"), stat.Int());
- TESTL(stat==KErrNone || stat==KErrCancel);
- mePhBk.Close();
- }
- else
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ME phonebook is NOT supported"));
- }
-TInt CTestDrivePhoneBook::testClearPhBkL(const TDesC& aPhoneBookName)
- * This function deletes the first 5 entries in the SM and ME (if supported) phonebooks.
- */
- {
- TInt ret=KErrNone;
- RMobilePhoneBookStore thePhBk;
- TRequestStatus stat;
- // Open the SM iPhone book
- ret=thePhBk.Open(iMmPhone,aPhoneBookName);
- TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Deleting %S phonebook entries..."), &aPhoneBookName);
- TInt i;
- for (i=1; i<=5; i++)
- {
- thePhBk.Delete(stat,i);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat);
- if (stat!=KErrNone && stat!=KErrNotFound)
- break;
- }
-// Check that KErrNotFound is returned when reading an empty phonebook.
- TBuf8<50> buf;
- thePhBk.Read(stat,1,99,buf);
- User::WaitForRequest(stat);
- TESTL(stat==KErrNotFound);
- thePhBk.Close();
- return ret;
- }
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::ReadAndWriteL()
- * This function writes a few entries to the SM phonebook and then reads them back.
- */
- {
- TInt ret=KErrNone;
- RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
- // Open the SM iPhone book
- ret=simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
- TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
- simPhBk.Close();
- }
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testAdvancedPhBkL()
- * This function opens an Advanced GSM ME PhoneBook, writes a few entries to it, and then
- * deletes these entries.
- */
- {
- TInt ret=KErrNone;
- RMobilePhoneBookStore mePhBk;
- ret=mePhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelMeAdnPhoneBook);
- TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
- mePhBk.Close();
- }
- void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhBkNotificationsL()
- * This function opens the ME phonebook and posts a request for notification when an
- * entry is modified.
- */
- {
- RMobilePhoneBookStore mePhBk;
- const TInt Pause=2000000; // 2 second pause
- TRequestStatus writeStatus = KErrNone;
- TESTL(mePhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelMeAdnPhoneBook)==KErrNone);
- TRequestStatus status;
- TInt index=KErrNone;
- TUint32 eventChange;
- // Post a notification request
- //mePhBk.EntryChangedNotification(status,index);
- mePhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status,eventChange,index);
- if (writeStatus==KErrCancel)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This is unexpected!!!. If the test carries on, this means that\n"));
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("the Write request has been transmitted to the iPhone regardless of\n"));
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("of the apparent success of the Write cancel request.\n\n"));
- }
- else
- TESTL(writeStatus==KErrNone); // The Cancel request was not successful
- // Completion of the notification request posted earlier
- User::WaitForRequest(status);
- TESTL(status==KErrNone);
- TESTL(index==1);
- // Post another notification request
- mePhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status,eventChange,index);
- // Delete and DeleteCancel Request. Wait 2 seconds before posting the Cancel request.
- // Enables the request to get through to the TSY (simplifies the script).
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Delete Cancel Request..."));
- TRequestStatus deleteStatus;
- mePhBk.Delete(deleteStatus,index);
- User::After(Pause); // Wait 2s, give the request time to get through to the TSY.
- mePhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreDelete);
- User::WaitForRequest(deleteStatus);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Delete Cancel Status = %d"), deleteStatus.Int());
- if (deleteStatus==KErrCancel)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This is unexpected!!!. If the test carries on, this means that"));
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("the Delete request has been transmitted to the iPhone regardless"));
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("of the apparent success of the Delete cancel request."));
- }
- else
- {
- TESTL(deleteStatus==KErrNone); // The Cancel request was not successful
- }
- // Completion of the 2nd notification request posted, (dependent on the Delete request above)
- User::WaitForRequest(status);
- TESTL(status==KErrNone);
- TESTL(index==1);
- // EntryChangedNotificationCancel Request
- mePhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status,eventChange,index);
- mePhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreNotifyStoreEvent);
- User::WaitForRequest(status);
- TESTL(status==KErrCancel || status==KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("EntryChangedNotificationCancel Status = %d"), status.Int());
- mePhBk.Close();
- }
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhBkReadCancelL()
- * This function writes a few entries to the SM phonebook, and then does some Read Requests
- * which are cancelled.
- */
- {
- TInt ret=KErrNone;
- RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
- // Open the SM iPhone book
- ret=simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
- TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
- // Close the iPhone book
- simPhBk.Close();
- }
-// NEW Methods based on CPhoneBookBuffer class
-// testing the PhoneBook ReadAndWrite
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhoneBookReadAndWrite()
- {
- TRAP_IGNORE(DotestPhoneBookReadAndWriteL()); // trap but ignore error
- }
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::DotestPhoneBookReadAndWriteL()
- {
- TInt ret=KErrNone;
- TRequestStatus aStatus;
- RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
- TBuf8<(RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmTpduSize*3)> pbData, pbReadData1;
- TInt requestedIndex(0), numOfEntries(1);
- TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook()) == KErrNone);
- const TText16* names[]={(TText16*)KMuddyWatersText.iBuf, (TText16*)KArethaFText.iBuf};
- const TText16* numbers[]={(TText16*)KMuddyWatersPhoneNum.iBuf, (TText16*)KArethaFPhoneNum.iBuf};
- const TInt KBufSize=20;
- TBuf16<KBufSize> entryNumber(numbers[0]);
- TBuf16<KBufSize> entryName(names[0]);
- CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer = new(ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer();
- pbBuffer->Set(&pbData); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
- // Write the entries to the SIM Phone Book
- TInt writeIndex(0);
- TUint i(0), size(2); // Only entries are written
- for (i=1; i<=size; ++i)
- {
- //first reset the following three local buffers to delete any existing data
- entryNumber.FillZ();
- entryNumber.Zero();
- entryName.FillZ();
- entryName.Zero();
- pbData.FillZ();
- pbData.Zero();
- entryNumber=numbers[i-1];
- entryName=names[i-1];
- // First specify starting index and set iNumofEntries to 1, since it is only
- // possible to write one entry at a time
- writeIndex = i; // Note that TSY will overwrite any existing data. It is up to
- // the Sync to check whether it is the first available entry
- // convert number into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, entryNumber);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- // convert type into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi, (TUint8)129/****RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumber***/);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- // convert text into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, entryName);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- simPhBk.Write(aStatus,pbData,writeIndex);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- TESTL(aStatus==KErrNone);
- }
- /* Read the entries back */
- TPtrC16 number(NULL,0);
- TPtrC16 text(NULL,0);
- TUint8 aTagValue(0);
- CPhoneBookBuffer::TPhBkTagType aDataType;
- TPtrC16 field(NULL,0);
- TInt counter(0);
- /* Reads Forwards and to read all entries individually */
- for(i=1; i<=size; ++i)
- {
- //first reset the following three local buffers to delete any existing data
- entryNumber.FillZ();
- entryNumber.Zero();
- entryName.FillZ();
- entryName.Zero();
- pbData.FillZ();
- pbData.Zero();
- // reset all loop variables
- counter = 0;
- aTagValue = 0;
- requestedIndex = i;
- simPhBk.Read(aStatus, requestedIndex, numOfEntries, pbReadData1);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone) ;
- entryNumber=numbers[i-1];
- entryName=names[i-1];
- // now decode PB data received in TLV format
- pbBuffer->Set(&pbReadData1); // Set pbBuffer to point to received phonebook data
- pbBuffer->StartRead(); // Start reading received phonebook data
- while(counter < pbReadData1.Length())
- {
- TInt ret = pbBuffer->GetTagAndType(aTagValue, aDataType);
- if(ret==KErrNotFound) // Reached the end of phonebook data
- break;
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- switch(aDataType)
- {
- case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt8:
- {
- TUint8 int8(0);
- counter = counter + 1; // add tag-field only in case that is beginning of new field
- if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBAdnIndex)
- {
- pbBuffer->GetValue(int8); //
- counter = counter + 1; // 1-byte integer
- }
- }
- break;
- case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt16:
- {
- TUint16 int16(0);
- pbBuffer->GetValue(int16);
- counter = counter + 3; // 2-byte integer + tag-field
- if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi)
- {
- }
- }
- break;
- case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt32:
- {
- TUint32 int32(0);
- pbBuffer->GetValue(int32);
- counter = counter + 5; // 4-byte integer + tag-field
- }
- break;
- case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeDes8:
- {
- pbBuffer->GetValue(field);
- counter = counter + field.Length() + 1; // add desc length + length-field + tag-field
- if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText)
- {
- text.Set(field);
- }
- else if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber)
- {
- number.Set(field);
- }
- }
- break;
- case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeDes16:
- {
- pbBuffer->GetValue(field);
- counter = counter + field.Length() + 3; // add desc length + length-field + tag-field
- if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText)
- {
- text.Set(field);
- }
- else if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber)
- {
- number.Set(field);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } // end switch aDataType
- } // end while
- TBuf<128> pName;
- TBuf<128> pNumber;
- pName = text;
- pNumber = number;
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Reading \'%S\'"),&pName);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Reading \'%S\'\n"),&pNumber);
- } // end for
- simPhBk.Close();
- delete pbBuffer;
-// testing Advanced Phone book Read Write
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testAdvancedPhoneBook()
- {
- TRAP_IGNORE(DotestAdvancedPhoneBookL()); // trap but ignore error
- }
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::DotestAdvancedPhoneBookL()
- {
- /**
- * This function opens an Advanced GSM ME PhoneBook, writes a few entries to it, and then
- * deletes these entries.
- */
- const TInt KFillTo=2;
- TInt ret=KErrNone;
- TRequestStatus aStatus;
- RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1 aPhoneStoreInfob;
- RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1Pckg aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb(aPhoneStoreInfob);
- RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
- TBuf8<(RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmTpduSize*3)> pbData; // Client reserved space for phonebook data
- _LIT(KTel,"0123456789%02d");
- _LIT(KText,"Tel %02d");
- TBuf<15> text(KTel), number(KText);
- TInt index(1);
- TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook()) == KErrNone);
- // Write the entries
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\nFill the 1st 30 locations in the SIM phonebook..."));
- simPhBk.GetInfo(aStatus, aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone) ;
- aPhoneStoreInfob = aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb();
- TESTL(aPhoneStoreInfob.iTotalEntries>0);
- TInt used=aPhoneStoreInfob.iUsedEntries ;
- CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer = new(ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer(); // used to write phonebook data
- pbBuffer->Set(&pbData); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
- // Fields supported by this phonebook are returned to client as capabilities
- // in aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb. It is assumed that all GSM phonebook fields (index, tel num,
- // type and name) are supported even though that part of the code has to be tested as well.
- while (used<KFillTo)
- {
- // First specify starting index and set iNumofEntries to 1, since it is only
- // possible to write one entry at a time
- number.FillZ(); // Reset previous values
- number.Zero();
- text.FillZ();
- text.Zero();
- pbData.FillZ();
- pbData.Zero();
- // convert number into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- number.Format(KTel(), index);
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, number);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- // convert number type into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi, (TUint8)129);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- text.Format(KText(), index);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Writing \'%S\'\n"),&text);
- // convert text into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, text);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- simPhBk.Write(aStatus, pbData,index);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone);
- used++;
- index++;
- } // end while
- simPhBk.Close();
- delete pbBuffer;
- // Delete the entries //
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Re-opening phonebook...")) ;
- TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook()) == KErrNone);
- simPhBk.GetInfo(aStatus, aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone);
- aPhoneStoreInfob = aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb();
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Deleting the entries..."));
- for (int iy=1;iy<=KFillTo;++iy)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Deleting %03d\n"),iy);
- simPhBk.Delete(aStatus, iy);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone );
- }
- simPhBk.Close();
- }
-// testing PhoneBook Notifications
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhoneBookNotifications()
- {
- TRAP_IGNORE(DotestPhoneBookNotificationsL()); // trap but ignore erorr
- }
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::DotestPhoneBookNotificationsL()
- {
- /**
- * This function opens the ME phonebook and posts a request for notification when an
- * entry is modified.
- */
- RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;//, combPhBk;
- TBuf8<(RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmTpduSize*3)> pbData; // Client reserved space for phonebook data
- TInt index(0), ret(0);
- CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer=new(ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer(); // used to read/write phonebook entries
- pbBuffer->Set(&pbData); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
- TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook)==KErrNone);
- TRequestStatus aStatus, status1;//, status2;
- TInt index1 = 0;
- TUint32 eventToReturn;
- simPhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status1, eventToReturn,index1); // Will Notify if an entry is added
- index = 1; // write to the first slot
- // convert number into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, KMuddyWatersPhoneNum);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- // convert number type into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi,(TUint8)129);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- // convert text into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, KMuddyWatersText);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- simPhBk.Write(aStatus,pbData,index);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus); // Write request
- TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone) ;
- User::WaitForRequest(status1); // Notification
- TEST(status1==KErrNotSupported);
- if (status1==KErrNotSupported)
- {
- // Notification is not supported by phonebook store - as expected
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Write Notification is NOT Supported - as expected\n"));
- }
- else
- {
- // This should not happen since this notification is not supported by phonebook store
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Write Notification IS Supported - not expected\n"));
- }
- status1= KErrNone; // reset status variable
- simPhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status1, eventToReturn, index1);
- // Now delete that entry
- simPhBk.Delete(aStatus, 1);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone);
- User::WaitForRequest(status1);
- TEST(status1==KErrNotSupported);
- if (status1==KErrNotSupported)
- {
- // Notification is not supported by phonebook store - as expected
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Delete Notification is NOT Supported - as expected\n"));
- }
- else
- {
- // This should not happen since this notification is not supported by phonebook store
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Delete Notification IS Supported - not expected\n"));
- }
- // EntryChangedNotificationCancel Request
- status1= KErrNone; // reset status variable
- simPhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status1, eventToReturn, index1);
- simPhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreNotifyStoreEvent);
- User::WaitForRequest(status1);
- TEST(status1==KErrNotSupported);
- if (status1==KErrNotSupported)
- {
- // Notification is not supported by phonebook store - as expected
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Notification is NOT Supported - as expected\n"));
- }
- else
- {
- // This should not happen since this notification is not supported by phonebook store
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Notification cancelled - not expected\n"));
- }
- // Cancel Notification Request after 2 seconds
- status1= KErrNone; // reset status variable
- simPhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status1, eventToReturn, index1);
- // Now write the same entry again
- simPhBk.Write(aStatus,pbData, index);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- TESTL(aStatus.Int()==KErrNone) ;
- User::After(2000000L);
- simPhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreNotifyStoreEvent);
- User::WaitForRequest(status1);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Cancel Status = %d\n"), status1.Int());
- TESTL(status1==KErrCancel || status1==KErrNotSupported || status1==KErrNone);
- simPhBk.Delete(aStatus, 1); // Deleting the last added entry so that the test ends "clean".
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- simPhBk.Close();
- delete pbBuffer;
- }
-// Testing Phonebook Read cancel
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhoneBookReadCancel()
- {
- TRAP_IGNORE(DotestPhoneBookReadCancelL()); // trap but ignore error
- }
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::DotestPhoneBookReadCancelL()
- {
- /**
- * This function writes a few entries to the SM phonebook, and then does some Read Requests
- * which are cancelled.
- */
- TInt ret=KErrNone;
- TRequestStatus aStatus;
- RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
- TBuf8<(RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmTpduSize*3)> pbData, pbReadData1;//, pbReadData2, pbReadEmpty; // Client reserved space for phonebook data
- TInt requestedIndex(0), numOfEntries(1);
- TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook()) == KErrNone);
- const TText16* names[]={(TText16*)KMuddyWatersText.iBuf, (TText16*)KArethaFText.iBuf};
- const TText16* numbers[]={(TText16*)KMuddyWatersPhoneNum.iBuf, (TText16*)KArethaFPhoneNum.iBuf};
- const TInt KBufSize=20;
- TBuf16<KBufSize> entryNumber(numbers[0]);
- TBuf16<KBufSize> entryName(names[0]);
- CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer = new(ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer();
- pbBuffer->Set(&pbData); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
- // Write the entries to the SIM Phone Book
- TInt writeIndex(0);
- TUint i(0), size(2);
- for (i=1; i<=size; ++i)
- {
- //first reset the following three local buffers to delete any existing data
- entryNumber.FillZ();
- entryNumber.Zero();
- entryName.FillZ();
- entryName.Zero();
- pbData.FillZ();
- pbData.Zero();
- entryNumber=numbers[i-1];
- entryName=names[i-1];
- // First specify starting index and set iNumofEntries to 1, since it is only
- // possible to write one entry at a time
- writeIndex = i; // Note that TSY will overwrite any existing data. It is up to
- // the Sync to check whether it is the first available entry
- // convert number into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, entryNumber);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- // convert type into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi, (TUint8)129);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- // convert text into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, entryName);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- simPhBk.Write(aStatus,pbData,writeIndex);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- TESTL(aStatus==KErrNone);
- }
- /* Read the entries back */
- TPtrC16 number(NULL,0);
- TPtrC16 text(NULL,0);
- TUint8 aTagValue(0);
- CPhoneBookBuffer::TPhBkTagType aDataType;
- TPtrC16 field(NULL,0);
- TInt counter(0);
- /* Reads 1 entry */
- //first reset the following three local buffers to delete any existing data
- entryNumber.FillZ();
- entryNumber.Zero();
- entryName.FillZ();
- entryName.Zero();
- pbData.FillZ();
- pbData.Zero();
- // reset all loop variables
- counter = 0;
- aTagValue = 0;
- requestedIndex = 1;
- simPhBk.Read(aStatus, requestedIndex, numOfEntries, pbReadData1);
- // Cancel the Read
- simPhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneBookStoreRead);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Read First Entry Cancel Status = %d\n\n"), aStatus.Int());
- // If the request was successfully cancelled, then do read the first entry, 'want
- // the phonebook pointer to point to a valid entry for the ReadNext() operation.
- TESTL(aStatus == KErrCancel || aStatus == KErrNone);
- if (aStatus==KErrCancel)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Read First Entry Cancel Successful. Read First Entry Again.\n"));
- simPhBk.Read(aStatus, requestedIndex, 1, pbReadData1);
- User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
- TESTL(aStatus==KErrNone);
- }
- // reset all loop variables
- counter = 0;
- aTagValue = 0;
- // now decode PB data received in TLV format
- pbBuffer->Set(&pbReadData1); // Set pbBuffer to point to received phonebook data
- pbBuffer->StartRead(); // Start reading received phonebook data
- while(counter < pbReadData1.Length())
- {
- TInt ret = pbBuffer->GetTagAndType(aTagValue, aDataType);
- if(ret==KErrNotFound) // Reached the end of phonebook data
- break;
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- switch(aDataType)
- {
- case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt8:
- {
- TUint8 int8(0);
- counter = counter + 1; // add tag-field only in case that is beginning of new field
- if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBAdnIndex)
- {
- pbBuffer->GetValue(int8); //
- counter = counter + 1; // 1-byte integer
- }
- }
- break;
- case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt16:
- {
- TUint16 int16(0);
- pbBuffer->GetValue(int16);
- counter = counter + 3; // 2-byte integer + tag-field
- if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi)
- {
- }
- }
- break;
- case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt32:
- {
- TUint32 int32(0);
- pbBuffer->GetValue(int32);
- counter = counter + 5; // 4-byte integer + tag-field
- }
- break;
- case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeDes8:
- {
- pbBuffer->GetValue(field);
- counter = counter + field.Length() + 1; // add desc length + length-field + tag-field
- if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText)
- {
- text.Set(field);
- }
- else if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber)
- {
- number.Set(field);
- }
- }
- break;
- case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeDes16:
- {
- pbBuffer->GetValue(field);
- counter = counter + field.Length() + 3; // add desc length + length-field + tag-field
- if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText)
- {
- text.Set(field);
- }
- else if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber)
- {
- number.Set(field);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } // end switch aDataType
- } // end while
- TBuf<128> pName;
- TBuf<128> pNumber;
- pName = text;
- pNumber = number;
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Reading \'%S\'"),&pName);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Reading \'%S\'\n"),&pNumber);
- simPhBk.Close();
- delete pbBuffer;
- }
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhoneBookReadAndWriteInternationalL()
- {
- TInt ret=KErrNone;
- TRequestStatus status;
- RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
- TBuf8<200> writeBuf,readBuf;
- _LIT(KInterNum1,"441234");
- _LIT(KInterName1,"ABCD");
- _LIT(KInterNum2,"445678");
- _LIT(KInterName2,"EFGH");
- TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook()) == KErrNone);
- /* Write entries */
- CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer=NULL;
- TRAP_IGNORE(pbBuffer = new(ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer()); // TRAP but ignore error
- TESTL(pbBuffer!=NULL);
- pbBuffer->Set(&writeBuf); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, KInterNum1);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi, (TUint8)145);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, KInterName1);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- TInt writeIndex=1;
- simPhBk.Write(status,writeBuf,writeIndex);
- User::WaitForRequest(status);
- TESTL(status==KErrNone);
- pbBuffer->Set(&writeBuf); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, KInterNum2);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi, (TUint8)145);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, KInterName2);
- TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
- writeIndex=2;
- simPhBk.Write(status,writeBuf,writeIndex);
- User::WaitForRequest(status);
- TESTL(status==KErrNone);
- /* Read the entries back */
- simPhBk.Read(status, 1, 2, readBuf);
- User::WaitForRequest(status);
- TESTL(status.Int()==KErrNone);
- TInt index=0;
- pbBuffer->Set(&readBuf); // Set pbBuffer to point to received phonebook data
- pbBuffer->StartRead(); // Start reading received phonebook data
- for(;;)
- {
- TUint8 tagValue;
- CPhoneBookBuffer::TPhBkTagType dataType;
- ret=pbBuffer->GetTagAndType(tagValue,dataType);
- if(ret!=KErrNone)
- break;
- switch(tagValue)
- {
- case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNewEntry:
- index++;
- break;
- case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBAdnIndex:
- {
- TUint16 val;
- pbBuffer->GetValue(val);
- TESTL(val==index);
- }
- break;
- case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText:
- {
- TPtrC text;
- pbBuffer->GetValue(text);
- if(index==1)
- {
- TESTL(text==KInterName1);
- }
- else
- {
- TESTL(text==KInterName2);
- }
- }
- break;
- case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber:
- {
- TPtrC number;
- pbBuffer->GetValue(number);
- if(index==1)
- {
- TESTL(number==KInterNum1);
- }
- else
- {
- TESTL(number==KInterNum2);
- }
- }
- break;
- case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi:
- {
- TUint8 ton;
- pbBuffer->GetValue(ton);
- TESTL(ton==145);
- }
- break;
- default:
- TESTL(KErrGeneral);
- break;
- }
- }
- simPhBk.Close();
- delete pbBuffer;
- }
-void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhoneBookMultiWriteL()
- {
- _LIT(KThreadName,"MultiPhBkWriteTest%d");
- const TInt KStackSize=0x4000;
- const TInt KHeapSize=0x4000;
- const TInt KMaxHeapSize=0x8000;
- const TInt KNumThreads=2;
- RThread thread[KNumThreads];
- TRequestStatus status[KNumThreads];
- TInt ret=KErrNone;
- TInt i=0;
- for(i=0;i<KNumThreads;i++)
- {
- TName name;
- name.Format(KThreadName,i);
- ret=thread[i].Create(name,CTestDrivePhoneBook::ThreadFnWritePhoneBookEntry,KStackSize,KHeapSize,KMaxHeapSize,NULL);
- if(ret!=KErrNone)
- break;
- }
- if(ret!=KErrNone)
- {
- for(i=0;i<KNumThreads;i++)
- thread[i].Close();
- TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
- return;
- }
- for(i=0;i<KNumThreads;i++)
- thread[i].Logon(status[i]);
- for(i=0;i<KNumThreads;i++)
- thread[i].Resume();
- for(i=0;i<KNumThreads;i++)
- {
- User::WaitForRequest(status[i]);
- TESTL(status[i]==KErrNone);
- }
- }
-TInt CTestDrivePhoneBook::ThreadFnWritePhoneBookEntry(TAny*)
- {
- _LIT(KNum1,"12345678");
- _LIT(KName1,"ABCDEFGH");
- _LIT(KPhoneName,"GsmPhone1");
- CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
- if(cleanup==NULL)
- return KErrNoMemory;
- RTelServer telServer;
- TInt ret=telServer.Connect();
- if(ret!=KErrNone)
- return ret;
- RMobilePhone mmPhone;
- ret=mmPhone.Open(telServer,KPhoneName);
- if(ret!=KErrNone)
- return ret;
- RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
- ret=simPhBk.Open(mmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook());
- if(ret!=KErrNone)
- return ret;
- CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer = new CPhoneBookBuffer();
- if(pbBuffer==NULL)
- return KErrNoMemory;
- TBuf8<200> writeBuf;
- pbBuffer->Set(&writeBuf); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber,KNum1);
- if(ret!=KErrNone)
- return ret;
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi,(TUint8)129);
- if(ret!=KErrNone)
- return ret;
- ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText,KName1);
- if(ret!=KErrNone)
- return ret;
- TInt writeIndex=1;
- TRequestStatus status;
- simPhBk.Write(status,writeBuf,writeIndex);
- User::WaitForRequest(status);
- if(status!=KErrNone)
- return status.Int();
- delete pbBuffer;
- delete cleanup;
- simPhBk.Close();
- mmPhone.Close();
- telServer.Close();
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// Emulator-side class
-// With the assistance of the base class, this class must run the designated script
-CTestPhoneBook* CTestPhoneBook::NewL(const TScript* aScript)
- {
- CTestPhoneBook* phBk=new(ELeave) CTestPhoneBook(aScript);
- CleanupStack::PushL(phBk);
- phBk->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return phBk;
- }
-CTestPhoneBook::CTestPhoneBook(const TScript* aScript) : iScript(aScript)
- {}
-void CTestPhoneBook::ConstructL()
- {
- CATScriptEng::ConstructL();
- }
-TInt CTestPhoneBook::Start()
- {
- StartScript(iScript);
- return KErrNone;
- }
-void CTestPhoneBook::SpecificAlgorithmL(TInt /* aParam */)
- {
- }
-void CTestPhoneBook::Complete(TInt aError)
- {
- iReturnValue=aError;
- CActiveScheduler::Stop();
- }
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Phase 1 - variable name change only - still compiles
+ @file
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include <mpbutil.h>
+#include "Te_LoopBackcphoneBook.h"
+#include "../../hayes/TSYCONFG.H" // for KInternetAccessPoint
+// Entries to write to the iPhone book
+// Test-side class
+// With the assistance of the base class, this class must start the emulator
+// and drive the ETel API.
+CTestDrivePhoneBook* CTestDrivePhoneBook::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry)
+ {
+ CTestDrivePhoneBook* phBk=new(ELeave) CTestDrivePhoneBook(aScriptListEntry);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(phBk);
+ phBk->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return phBk;
+ }
+CTestDrivePhoneBook::CTestDrivePhoneBook(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry) :
+ iMESupported(EFalse), iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry)
+ {}
+TInt CTestDrivePhoneBook::RunTestL()
+ {
+ iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
+ return StartEmulatorL();
+ }
+TInt CTestDrivePhoneBook::DriveETelApiL()
+// This function contains the real meat of the Client-side test code
+ {
+ _LIT(KMmPhoneName,"GsmPhone1");
+ // Open and Initialise the iPhone
+ TESTL(iMmPhone.Open(iServer,KMmPhoneName)==KErrNone);
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
+ tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
+ iMmPhone.InitialiseMM(reqStatus , tableSettingsPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+ TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone Id, Available Phone books and Get Info"));
+ GetPhoneInfoL();
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Get PhoneBook Capabilities and Information"));
+ testGetPhBkCapsAndInfoL();
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Deleting the 1st 5 entries in the SM and ME (if supported) phonebooks"));
+ TInt ret;
+ ret=testClearPhBkL(KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
+ TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
+ if (iMESupported)
+ {
+ ret=testClearPhBkL(KETelMeAdnPhoneBook);
+ TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
+ }
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone book Read and Write"));
+ testPhoneBookReadAndWrite(); // New method using CPhoneBookBuffer
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Advanced Phone book tests"));
+ testAdvancedPhoneBook(); // New method using CPhoneBookBuffer
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone book Notifications"));
+ testPhoneBookNotifications(); // New method using CPhoneBookBuffer
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone book Read Cancel Requests"));
+ testPhoneBookReadCancel(); // New method using CPhoneBookBuffer
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone book Read & Write International Numbers"));
+ testPhoneBookReadAndWriteInternationalL();
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Phone book Multithread Write"));
+ testPhoneBookMultiWriteL();
+ iMmPhone.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::GetPhoneInfoL()
+ * Retrieve iPhone Information
+ */
+ {
+ TRequestStatus stat;
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 phoneId;
+ iMmPhone.GetPhoneId(stat,phoneId);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ TESTL(stat == KErrNone);
+ // check version id ?
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Extension ID : %d"), phoneId.ExtensionId());
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("\nManufacturer ID : %S"), &phoneId.iManufacturer);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Model ID : %S"), &phoneId.iModel);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Revision ID : %S"), &phoneId.iRevision);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Serial number : %S\n"), &phoneId.iSerialNumber);
+ // common mode
+ TInt numAvail=0; // counts number of phonebooks
+ IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelMeAdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
+ IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelMeDialledPhoneBook, numAvail);
+ IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelMeMissedPhoneBook, numAvail);
+ IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelMeReceivedPhoneBook, numAvail);
+ IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelCombinedAdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
+ IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelIccAdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
+ IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelIccFdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
+ IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelIccSdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
+ // gsm mode
+ IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelTaAdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
+ IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelIccBdnPhoneBook, numAvail);
+ IsPhoneBookAvailable (KETelIccVoiceMailBox, numAvail);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%d Phonebooks available.\n"), numAvail);
+TRequestStatus CTestDrivePhoneBook::IsPhoneBookAvailable(const TDesC& aPhoneBook,
+ TInt &aCount)
+ {
+ TRequestStatus stat;
+ RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1 info;
+ RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1Pckg infoPkg(info);
+ iMmPhone.GetPhoneStoreInfo(stat,infoPkg,aPhoneBook);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ if (stat == KErrNone) // available
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S Phone Book is available.\n"), &aPhoneBook);
+ aCount++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S Phone Book is NOT available. Status %d.\n"), &aPhoneBook, stat.Int());
+ }
+ return stat;
+ }
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testGetPhBkCapsAndInfoL()
+ * This function:
+ * Gets the SIM and ME iPhone books static capabilities,
+ * Information associated with the iPhone books,
+ * and also Validates the obtained information.
+ */
+ {
+ // SIM iPhone book - mandatory
+ TInt ret=KErrNone;
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
+ ret=simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
+ TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
+ // Get SM Phone book Capabilities
+ TRequestStatus stat=0;
+ RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1 info;
+ RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1Pckg infoPkg(info);
+ simPhBk.GetInfo(stat,infoPkg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ TESTL(stat == KErrNone);
+ info = infoPkg();
+ // Need to Read entries
+ TESTL((info.iCaps & RMobilePhoneStore::KCapsWriteAccess)!=0);
+ TESTL(info.iName == KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
+ TESTL(info.iType == RMobilePhoneStore::EPhoneBookStore);
+ TESTL(info.iTotalEntries > 0);
+ simPhBk.Close();
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore mePhBk;
+ ret=mePhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelMeAdnPhoneBook);
+ if (ret==KErrNone)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ME phonebook supported\n"));
+ iMESupported=ETrue;
+ mePhBk.GetInfo(stat,infoPkg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ TESTL(stat == KErrNone);
+ info = infoPkg();
+ TESTL((info.iCaps & RMobilePhoneStore::KCapsWriteAccess)!=0);
+ // Need to read entries
+ TESTL(info.iName == KETelMeAdnPhoneBook);
+ TESTL(info.iType == RMobilePhoneStore::EPhoneBookStore);
+ TESTL(info.iTotalEntries > 0);
+ // GetInfo Cancel Request
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GetInfo Cancel Request..."));
+ mePhBk.GetInfo(stat,infoPkg);
+ mePhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreGetInfo);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("GetInfo Cancel Status = %d"), stat.Int());
+ TESTL(stat==KErrNone || stat==KErrCancel);
+ mePhBk.Close();
+ }
+ else
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ME phonebook is NOT supported"));
+ }
+TInt CTestDrivePhoneBook::testClearPhBkL(const TDesC& aPhoneBookName)
+ * This function deletes the first 5 entries in the SM and ME (if supported) phonebooks.
+ */
+ {
+ TInt ret=KErrNone;
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore thePhBk;
+ TRequestStatus stat;
+ // Open the SM iPhone book
+ ret=thePhBk.Open(iMmPhone,aPhoneBookName);
+ TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Deleting %S phonebook entries..."), &aPhoneBookName);
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=1; i<=5; i++)
+ {
+ thePhBk.Delete(stat,i);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ if (stat!=KErrNone && stat!=KErrNotFound)
+ break;
+ }
+// Check that KErrNotFound is returned when reading an empty phonebook.
+ TBuf8<50> buf;
+ thePhBk.Read(stat,1,99,buf);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ TESTL(stat==KErrNotFound);
+ thePhBk.Close();
+ return ret;
+ }
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::ReadAndWriteL()
+ * This function writes a few entries to the SM phonebook and then reads them back.
+ */
+ {
+ TInt ret=KErrNone;
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
+ // Open the SM iPhone book
+ ret=simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
+ TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
+ simPhBk.Close();
+ }
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testAdvancedPhBkL()
+ * This function opens an Advanced GSM ME PhoneBook, writes a few entries to it, and then
+ * deletes these entries.
+ */
+ {
+ TInt ret=KErrNone;
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore mePhBk;
+ ret=mePhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelMeAdnPhoneBook);
+ TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
+ mePhBk.Close();
+ }
+ void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhBkNotificationsL()
+ * This function opens the ME phonebook and posts a request for notification when an
+ * entry is modified.
+ */
+ {
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore mePhBk;
+ const TInt Pause=2000000; // 2 second pause
+ TRequestStatus writeStatus = KErrNone;
+ TESTL(mePhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelMeAdnPhoneBook)==KErrNone);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ TInt index=KErrNone;
+ TUint32 eventChange;
+ // Post a notification request
+ //mePhBk.EntryChangedNotification(status,index);
+ mePhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status,eventChange,index);
+ if (writeStatus==KErrCancel)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This is unexpected!!!. If the test carries on, this means that\n"));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("the Write request has been transmitted to the iPhone regardless of\n"));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("of the apparent success of the Write cancel request.\n\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ TESTL(writeStatus==KErrNone); // The Cancel request was not successful
+ // Completion of the notification request posted earlier
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TESTL(status==KErrNone);
+ TESTL(index==1);
+ // Post another notification request
+ mePhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status,eventChange,index);
+ // Delete and DeleteCancel Request. Wait 2 seconds before posting the Cancel request.
+ // Enables the request to get through to the TSY (simplifies the script).
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Delete Cancel Request..."));
+ TRequestStatus deleteStatus;
+ mePhBk.Delete(deleteStatus,index);
+ User::After(Pause); // Wait 2s, give the request time to get through to the TSY.
+ mePhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreDelete);
+ User::WaitForRequest(deleteStatus);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Delete Cancel Status = %d"), deleteStatus.Int());
+ if (deleteStatus==KErrCancel)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This is unexpected!!!. If the test carries on, this means that"));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("the Delete request has been transmitted to the iPhone regardless"));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("of the apparent success of the Delete cancel request."));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TESTL(deleteStatus==KErrNone); // The Cancel request was not successful
+ }
+ // Completion of the 2nd notification request posted, (dependent on the Delete request above)
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TESTL(status==KErrNone);
+ TESTL(index==1);
+ // EntryChangedNotificationCancel Request
+ mePhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status,eventChange,index);
+ mePhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreNotifyStoreEvent);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TESTL(status==KErrCancel || status==KErrNone);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("EntryChangedNotificationCancel Status = %d"), status.Int());
+ mePhBk.Close();
+ }
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhBkReadCancelL()
+ * This function writes a few entries to the SM phonebook, and then does some Read Requests
+ * which are cancelled.
+ */
+ {
+ TInt ret=KErrNone;
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
+ // Open the SM iPhone book
+ ret=simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
+ TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
+ // Close the iPhone book
+ simPhBk.Close();
+ }
+// NEW Methods based on CPhoneBookBuffer class
+// testing the PhoneBook ReadAndWrite
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhoneBookReadAndWrite()
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DotestPhoneBookReadAndWriteL()); // trap but ignore error
+ }
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::DotestPhoneBookReadAndWriteL()
+ {
+ TInt ret=KErrNone;
+ TRequestStatus aStatus;
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
+ TBuf8<(RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmTpduSize*3)> pbData, pbReadData1;
+ TInt requestedIndex(0), numOfEntries(1);
+ TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook()) == KErrNone);
+ const TText16* names[]={(TText16*)KMuddyWatersText.iBuf, (TText16*)KArethaFText.iBuf};
+ const TText16* numbers[]={(TText16*)KMuddyWatersPhoneNum.iBuf, (TText16*)KArethaFPhoneNum.iBuf};
+ const TInt KBufSize=20;
+ TBuf16<KBufSize> entryNumber(numbers[0]);
+ TBuf16<KBufSize> entryName(names[0]);
+ CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer = new(ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer();
+ pbBuffer->Set(&pbData); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
+ // Write the entries to the SIM Phone Book
+ TInt writeIndex(0);
+ TUint i(0), size(2); // Only entries are written
+ for (i=1; i<=size; ++i)
+ {
+ //first reset the following three local buffers to delete any existing data
+ entryNumber.FillZ();
+ entryNumber.Zero();
+ entryName.FillZ();
+ entryName.Zero();
+ pbData.FillZ();
+ pbData.Zero();
+ entryNumber=numbers[i-1];
+ entryName=names[i-1];
+ // First specify starting index and set iNumofEntries to 1, since it is only
+ // possible to write one entry at a time
+ writeIndex = i; // Note that TSY will overwrite any existing data. It is up to
+ // the Sync to check whether it is the first available entry
+ // convert number into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, entryNumber);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ // convert type into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi, (TUint8)129/****RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumber***/);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ // convert text into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, entryName);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ simPhBk.Write(aStatus,pbData,writeIndex);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ TESTL(aStatus==KErrNone);
+ }
+ /* Read the entries back */
+ TPtrC16 number(NULL,0);
+ TPtrC16 text(NULL,0);
+ TUint8 aTagValue(0);
+ CPhoneBookBuffer::TPhBkTagType aDataType;
+ TPtrC16 field(NULL,0);
+ TInt counter(0);
+ /* Reads Forwards and to read all entries individually */
+ for(i=1; i<=size; ++i)
+ {
+ //first reset the following three local buffers to delete any existing data
+ entryNumber.FillZ();
+ entryNumber.Zero();
+ entryName.FillZ();
+ entryName.Zero();
+ pbData.FillZ();
+ pbData.Zero();
+ // reset all loop variables
+ counter = 0;
+ aTagValue = 0;
+ requestedIndex = i;
+ simPhBk.Read(aStatus, requestedIndex, numOfEntries, pbReadData1);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone) ;
+ entryNumber=numbers[i-1];
+ entryName=names[i-1];
+ // now decode PB data received in TLV format
+ pbBuffer->Set(&pbReadData1); // Set pbBuffer to point to received phonebook data
+ pbBuffer->StartRead(); // Start reading received phonebook data
+ while(counter < pbReadData1.Length())
+ {
+ TInt ret = pbBuffer->GetTagAndType(aTagValue, aDataType);
+ if(ret==KErrNotFound) // Reached the end of phonebook data
+ break;
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ switch(aDataType)
+ {
+ case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt8:
+ {
+ TUint8 int8(0);
+ counter = counter + 1; // add tag-field only in case that is beginning of new field
+ if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBAdnIndex)
+ {
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(int8); //
+ counter = counter + 1; // 1-byte integer
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt16:
+ {
+ TUint16 int16(0);
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(int16);
+ counter = counter + 3; // 2-byte integer + tag-field
+ if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt32:
+ {
+ TUint32 int32(0);
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(int32);
+ counter = counter + 5; // 4-byte integer + tag-field
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeDes8:
+ {
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(field);
+ counter = counter + field.Length() + 1; // add desc length + length-field + tag-field
+ if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText)
+ {
+ text.Set(field);
+ }
+ else if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber)
+ {
+ number.Set(field);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeDes16:
+ {
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(field);
+ counter = counter + field.Length() + 3; // add desc length + length-field + tag-field
+ if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText)
+ {
+ text.Set(field);
+ }
+ else if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber)
+ {
+ number.Set(field);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ } // end switch aDataType
+ } // end while
+ TBuf<128> pName;
+ TBuf<128> pNumber;
+ pName = text;
+ pNumber = number;
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Reading \'%S\'"),&pName);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Reading \'%S\'\n"),&pNumber);
+ } // end for
+ simPhBk.Close();
+ delete pbBuffer;
+// testing Advanced Phone book Read Write
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testAdvancedPhoneBook()
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DotestAdvancedPhoneBookL()); // trap but ignore error
+ }
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::DotestAdvancedPhoneBookL()
+ {
+ /**
+ * This function opens an Advanced GSM ME PhoneBook, writes a few entries to it, and then
+ * deletes these entries.
+ */
+ const TInt KFillTo=2;
+ TInt ret=KErrNone;
+ TRequestStatus aStatus;
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1 aPhoneStoreInfob;
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1Pckg aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb(aPhoneStoreInfob);
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
+ TBuf8<(RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmTpduSize*3)> pbData; // Client reserved space for phonebook data
+ _LIT(KTel,"0123456789%02d");
+ _LIT(KText,"Tel %02d");
+ TBuf<15> text(KTel), number(KText);
+ TInt index(1);
+ TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook()) == KErrNone);
+ // Write the entries
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\nFill the 1st 30 locations in the SIM phonebook..."));
+ simPhBk.GetInfo(aStatus, aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone) ;
+ aPhoneStoreInfob = aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb();
+ TESTL(aPhoneStoreInfob.iTotalEntries>0);
+ TInt used=aPhoneStoreInfob.iUsedEntries ;
+ CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer = new(ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer(); // used to write phonebook data
+ pbBuffer->Set(&pbData); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
+ // Fields supported by this phonebook are returned to client as capabilities
+ // in aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb. It is assumed that all GSM phonebook fields (index, tel num,
+ // type and name) are supported even though that part of the code has to be tested as well.
+ while (used<KFillTo)
+ {
+ // First specify starting index and set iNumofEntries to 1, since it is only
+ // possible to write one entry at a time
+ number.FillZ(); // Reset previous values
+ number.Zero();
+ text.FillZ();
+ text.Zero();
+ pbData.FillZ();
+ pbData.Zero();
+ // convert number into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ number.Format(KTel(), index);
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, number);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ // convert number type into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi, (TUint8)129);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ text.Format(KText(), index);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Writing \'%S\'\n"),&text);
+ // convert text into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, text);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ simPhBk.Write(aStatus, pbData,index);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone);
+ used++;
+ index++;
+ } // end while
+ simPhBk.Close();
+ delete pbBuffer;
+ // Delete the entries //
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Re-opening phonebook...")) ;
+ TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook()) == KErrNone);
+ simPhBk.GetInfo(aStatus, aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone);
+ aPhoneStoreInfob = aPhoneStoreInfoPckgb();
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Deleting the entries..."));
+ for (int iy=1;iy<=KFillTo;++iy)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Deleting %03d\n"),iy);
+ simPhBk.Delete(aStatus, iy);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone );
+ }
+ simPhBk.Close();
+ }
+// testing PhoneBook Notifications
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhoneBookNotifications()
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DotestPhoneBookNotificationsL()); // trap but ignore erorr
+ }
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::DotestPhoneBookNotificationsL()
+ {
+ /**
+ * This function opens the ME phonebook and posts a request for notification when an
+ * entry is modified.
+ */
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;//, combPhBk;
+ TBuf8<(RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmTpduSize*3)> pbData; // Client reserved space for phonebook data
+ TInt index(0), ret(0);
+ CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer=new(ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer(); // used to read/write phonebook entries
+ pbBuffer->Set(&pbData); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
+ TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook)==KErrNone);
+ TRequestStatus aStatus, status1;//, status2;
+ TInt index1 = 0;
+ TUint32 eventToReturn;
+ simPhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status1, eventToReturn,index1); // Will Notify if an entry is added
+ index = 1; // write to the first slot
+ // convert number into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, KMuddyWatersPhoneNum);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ // convert number type into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi,(TUint8)129);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ // convert text into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, KMuddyWatersText);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ simPhBk.Write(aStatus,pbData,index);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus); // Write request
+ TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone) ;
+ User::WaitForRequest(status1); // Notification
+ TEST(status1==KErrNotSupported);
+ if (status1==KErrNotSupported)
+ {
+ // Notification is not supported by phonebook store - as expected
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Write Notification is NOT Supported - as expected\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This should not happen since this notification is not supported by phonebook store
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Write Notification IS Supported - not expected\n"));
+ }
+ status1= KErrNone; // reset status variable
+ simPhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status1, eventToReturn, index1);
+ // Now delete that entry
+ simPhBk.Delete(aStatus, 1);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ TESTL(aStatus.Int()== KErrNone);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status1);
+ TEST(status1==KErrNotSupported);
+ if (status1==KErrNotSupported)
+ {
+ // Notification is not supported by phonebook store - as expected
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Delete Notification is NOT Supported - as expected\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This should not happen since this notification is not supported by phonebook store
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Delete Notification IS Supported - not expected\n"));
+ }
+ // EntryChangedNotificationCancel Request
+ status1= KErrNone; // reset status variable
+ simPhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status1, eventToReturn, index1);
+ simPhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreNotifyStoreEvent);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status1);
+ TEST(status1==KErrNotSupported);
+ if (status1==KErrNotSupported)
+ {
+ // Notification is not supported by phonebook store - as expected
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Notification is NOT Supported - as expected\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This should not happen since this notification is not supported by phonebook store
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phonebook Store Notification cancelled - not expected\n"));
+ }
+ // Cancel Notification Request after 2 seconds
+ status1= KErrNone; // reset status variable
+ simPhBk.NotifyStoreEvent(status1, eventToReturn, index1);
+ // Now write the same entry again
+ simPhBk.Write(aStatus,pbData, index);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ TESTL(aStatus.Int()==KErrNone) ;
+ User::After(2000000L);
+ simPhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreNotifyStoreEvent);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status1);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Cancel Status = %d\n"), status1.Int());
+ TESTL(status1==KErrCancel || status1==KErrNotSupported || status1==KErrNone);
+ simPhBk.Delete(aStatus, 1); // Deleting the last added entry so that the test ends "clean".
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ simPhBk.Close();
+ delete pbBuffer;
+ }
+// Testing Phonebook Read cancel
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhoneBookReadCancel()
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DotestPhoneBookReadCancelL()); // trap but ignore error
+ }
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::DotestPhoneBookReadCancelL()
+ {
+ /**
+ * This function writes a few entries to the SM phonebook, and then does some Read Requests
+ * which are cancelled.
+ */
+ TInt ret=KErrNone;
+ TRequestStatus aStatus;
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
+ TBuf8<(RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmTpduSize*3)> pbData, pbReadData1;//, pbReadData2, pbReadEmpty; // Client reserved space for phonebook data
+ TInt requestedIndex(0), numOfEntries(1);
+ TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook()) == KErrNone);
+ const TText16* names[]={(TText16*)KMuddyWatersText.iBuf, (TText16*)KArethaFText.iBuf};
+ const TText16* numbers[]={(TText16*)KMuddyWatersPhoneNum.iBuf, (TText16*)KArethaFPhoneNum.iBuf};
+ const TInt KBufSize=20;
+ TBuf16<KBufSize> entryNumber(numbers[0]);
+ TBuf16<KBufSize> entryName(names[0]);
+ CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer = new(ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer();
+ pbBuffer->Set(&pbData); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
+ // Write the entries to the SIM Phone Book
+ TInt writeIndex(0);
+ TUint i(0), size(2);
+ for (i=1; i<=size; ++i)
+ {
+ //first reset the following three local buffers to delete any existing data
+ entryNumber.FillZ();
+ entryNumber.Zero();
+ entryName.FillZ();
+ entryName.Zero();
+ pbData.FillZ();
+ pbData.Zero();
+ entryNumber=numbers[i-1];
+ entryName=names[i-1];
+ // First specify starting index and set iNumofEntries to 1, since it is only
+ // possible to write one entry at a time
+ writeIndex = i; // Note that TSY will overwrite any existing data. It is up to
+ // the Sync to check whether it is the first available entry
+ // convert number into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, entryNumber);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ // convert type into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi, (TUint8)129);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ // convert text into TLV format and append it to allocated buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, entryName);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ simPhBk.Write(aStatus,pbData,writeIndex);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ TESTL(aStatus==KErrNone);
+ }
+ /* Read the entries back */
+ TPtrC16 number(NULL,0);
+ TPtrC16 text(NULL,0);
+ TUint8 aTagValue(0);
+ CPhoneBookBuffer::TPhBkTagType aDataType;
+ TPtrC16 field(NULL,0);
+ TInt counter(0);
+ /* Reads 1 entry */
+ //first reset the following three local buffers to delete any existing data
+ entryNumber.FillZ();
+ entryNumber.Zero();
+ entryName.FillZ();
+ entryName.Zero();
+ pbData.FillZ();
+ pbData.Zero();
+ // reset all loop variables
+ counter = 0;
+ aTagValue = 0;
+ requestedIndex = 1;
+ simPhBk.Read(aStatus, requestedIndex, numOfEntries, pbReadData1);
+ // Cancel the Read
+ simPhBk.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneBookStoreRead);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Read First Entry Cancel Status = %d\n\n"), aStatus.Int());
+ // If the request was successfully cancelled, then do read the first entry, 'want
+ // the phonebook pointer to point to a valid entry for the ReadNext() operation.
+ TESTL(aStatus == KErrCancel || aStatus == KErrNone);
+ if (aStatus==KErrCancel)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Read First Entry Cancel Successful. Read First Entry Again.\n"));
+ simPhBk.Read(aStatus, requestedIndex, 1, pbReadData1);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+ TESTL(aStatus==KErrNone);
+ }
+ // reset all loop variables
+ counter = 0;
+ aTagValue = 0;
+ // now decode PB data received in TLV format
+ pbBuffer->Set(&pbReadData1); // Set pbBuffer to point to received phonebook data
+ pbBuffer->StartRead(); // Start reading received phonebook data
+ while(counter < pbReadData1.Length())
+ {
+ TInt ret = pbBuffer->GetTagAndType(aTagValue, aDataType);
+ if(ret==KErrNotFound) // Reached the end of phonebook data
+ break;
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ switch(aDataType)
+ {
+ case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt8:
+ {
+ TUint8 int8(0);
+ counter = counter + 1; // add tag-field only in case that is beginning of new field
+ if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBAdnIndex)
+ {
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(int8); //
+ counter = counter + 1; // 1-byte integer
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt16:
+ {
+ TUint16 int16(0);
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(int16);
+ counter = counter + 3; // 2-byte integer + tag-field
+ if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeInt32:
+ {
+ TUint32 int32(0);
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(int32);
+ counter = counter + 5; // 4-byte integer + tag-field
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeDes8:
+ {
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(field);
+ counter = counter + field.Length() + 1; // add desc length + length-field + tag-field
+ if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText)
+ {
+ text.Set(field);
+ }
+ else if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber)
+ {
+ number.Set(field);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeDes16:
+ {
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(field);
+ counter = counter + field.Length() + 3; // add desc length + length-field + tag-field
+ if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText)
+ {
+ text.Set(field);
+ }
+ else if(aTagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber)
+ {
+ number.Set(field);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ } // end switch aDataType
+ } // end while
+ TBuf<128> pName;
+ TBuf<128> pNumber;
+ pName = text;
+ pNumber = number;
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Reading \'%S\'"),&pName);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Reading \'%S\'\n"),&pNumber);
+ simPhBk.Close();
+ delete pbBuffer;
+ }
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhoneBookReadAndWriteInternationalL()
+ {
+ TInt ret=KErrNone;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
+ TBuf8<200> writeBuf,readBuf;
+ _LIT(KInterNum1,"441234");
+ _LIT(KInterName1,"ABCD");
+ _LIT(KInterNum2,"445678");
+ _LIT(KInterName2,"EFGH");
+ TESTL(simPhBk.Open(iMmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook()) == KErrNone);
+ /* Write entries */
+ CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer=NULL;
+ TRAP_IGNORE(pbBuffer = new(ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer()); // TRAP but ignore error
+ TESTL(pbBuffer!=NULL);
+ pbBuffer->Set(&writeBuf); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, KInterNum1);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi, (TUint8)145);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, KInterName1);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ TInt writeIndex=1;
+ simPhBk.Write(status,writeBuf,writeIndex);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TESTL(status==KErrNone);
+ pbBuffer->Set(&writeBuf); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, KInterNum2);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi, (TUint8)145);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, KInterName2);
+ TESTL(ret == KErrNone) ;
+ writeIndex=2;
+ simPhBk.Write(status,writeBuf,writeIndex);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TESTL(status==KErrNone);
+ /* Read the entries back */
+ simPhBk.Read(status, 1, 2, readBuf);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TESTL(status.Int()==KErrNone);
+ TInt index=0;
+ pbBuffer->Set(&readBuf); // Set pbBuffer to point to received phonebook data
+ pbBuffer->StartRead(); // Start reading received phonebook data
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ TUint8 tagValue;
+ CPhoneBookBuffer::TPhBkTagType dataType;
+ ret=pbBuffer->GetTagAndType(tagValue,dataType);
+ if(ret!=KErrNone)
+ break;
+ switch(tagValue)
+ {
+ case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNewEntry:
+ index++;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBAdnIndex:
+ {
+ TUint16 val;
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(val);
+ TESTL(val==index);
+ }
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText:
+ {
+ TPtrC text;
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(text);
+ if(index==1)
+ {
+ TESTL(text==KInterName1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TESTL(text==KInterName2);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber:
+ {
+ TPtrC number;
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(number);
+ if(index==1)
+ {
+ TESTL(number==KInterNum1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TESTL(number==KInterNum2);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi:
+ {
+ TUint8 ton;
+ pbBuffer->GetValue(ton);
+ TESTL(ton==145);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ TESTL(KErrGeneral);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ simPhBk.Close();
+ delete pbBuffer;
+ }
+void CTestDrivePhoneBook::testPhoneBookMultiWriteL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KThreadName,"MultiPhBkWriteTest%d");
+ const TInt KStackSize=0x4000;
+ const TInt KHeapSize=0x4000;
+ const TInt KMaxHeapSize=0x8000;
+ const TInt KNumThreads=2;
+ RThread thread[KNumThreads];
+ TRequestStatus status[KNumThreads];
+ TInt ret=KErrNone;
+ TInt i=0;
+ for(i=0;i<KNumThreads;i++)
+ {
+ TName name;
+ name.Format(KThreadName,i);
+ ret=thread[i].Create(name,CTestDrivePhoneBook::ThreadFnWritePhoneBookEntry,KStackSize,KHeapSize,KMaxHeapSize,NULL);
+ if(ret!=KErrNone)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<KNumThreads;i++)
+ thread[i].Close();
+ TESTL(ret==KErrNone);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<KNumThreads;i++)
+ thread[i].Logon(status[i]);
+ for(i=0;i<KNumThreads;i++)
+ thread[i].Resume();
+ for(i=0;i<KNumThreads;i++)
+ {
+ User::WaitForRequest(status[i]);
+ TESTL(status[i]==KErrNone);
+ }
+ }
+TInt CTestDrivePhoneBook::ThreadFnWritePhoneBookEntry(TAny*)
+ {
+ _LIT(KNum1,"12345678");
+ _LIT(KName1,"ABCDEFGH");
+ _LIT(KPhoneName,"GsmPhone1");
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ if(cleanup==NULL)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ RTelServer telServer;
+ TInt ret=telServer.Connect();
+ if(ret!=KErrNone)
+ return ret;
+ RMobilePhone mmPhone;
+ ret=mmPhone.Open(telServer,KPhoneName);
+ if(ret!=KErrNone)
+ return ret;
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore simPhBk;
+ ret=simPhBk.Open(mmPhone,KETelIccAdnPhoneBook());
+ if(ret!=KErrNone)
+ return ret;
+ CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer = new CPhoneBookBuffer();
+ if(pbBuffer==NULL)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ TBuf8<200> writeBuf;
+ pbBuffer->Set(&writeBuf); // Set it to point to the Client buffer
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber,KNum1);
+ if(ret!=KErrNone)
+ return ret;
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi,(TUint8)129);
+ if(ret!=KErrNone)
+ return ret;
+ ret=pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue((TUint8)RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText,KName1);
+ if(ret!=KErrNone)
+ return ret;
+ TInt writeIndex=1;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ simPhBk.Write(status,writeBuf,writeIndex);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ if(status!=KErrNone)
+ return status.Int();
+ delete pbBuffer;
+ delete cleanup;
+ simPhBk.Close();
+ mmPhone.Close();
+ telServer.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// Emulator-side class
+// With the assistance of the base class, this class must run the designated script
+CTestPhoneBook* CTestPhoneBook::NewL(const TScript* aScript)
+ {
+ CTestPhoneBook* phBk=new(ELeave) CTestPhoneBook(aScript);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(phBk);
+ phBk->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return phBk;
+ }
+CTestPhoneBook::CTestPhoneBook(const TScript* aScript) : iScript(aScript)
+ {}
+void CTestPhoneBook::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CATScriptEng::ConstructL();
+ }
+TInt CTestPhoneBook::Start()
+ {
+ StartScript(iScript);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CTestPhoneBook::SpecificAlgorithmL(TInt /* aParam */)
+ {
+ }
+void CTestPhoneBook::Complete(TInt aError)
+ {
+ iReturnValue=aError;
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }