changeset 24 6638e7f4bd8f
parent 0 3553901f7fa8
--- a/telephonyutils/etel3rdpartyapi/ExampleApps/IncomingCalls/CMainMenu.cpp	Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyutils/etel3rdpartyapi/ExampleApps/IncomingCalls/CMainMenu.cpp	Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,509 +1,509 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#include "CMainMenu.h"
-#include <simtsy.h>
-Factory constructor.
-@param  aConsole Console to which output is printed
-@return          Instance of CMainMenu class
-CMainMenu* CMainMenu::NewLC(CConsoleBase& aConsole)
-	{
-	CMainMenu* self = new(ELeave) CMainMenu(aConsole);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	self->ConstructL();
-	return self;
-	}
-Constructor called by CMainMenu::NewLC().
-@param Console to which output is printed
-CMainMenu::CMainMenu(CConsoleBase& aConsole)
-	: CBaseMenuAsync(aConsole)
-	{
-	iCount = 0;
-	iMessages = 0;
-	iRecievedCalls = 0;
-	iCallWaitingOn = EFalse;
-	}
-Second phase constructor.
-void CMainMenu::ConstructL()
-	{
-	CBaseMenuAsync::ConstructL();
-	iPhoneId = CPhoneId::NewL(this);
-	// Create active objects using their factory constructors.
-	iCallForwarding = CCallForwardingStatus::NewL(this);
-	iCallBarring = CCallBarringStatus::NewL(this);
-	iFlightModeInfo = CFlightModeInfo::NewL(this);
-	iIdentityService = CIdentityServiceStatus::NewL(this);
-	iCallWaiting = CCallWaitingStatus::NewL(this);
-	iLineStatus = CLineStatus::NewL(this);
-	iAnswerIncomingCall = CAnswerIncomingCall::NewL(this);
-	iCallInfo = CCallInfo::NewL(this);
-	iDummyAnswer = CDummyAnswer::NewL(this);
-	iHangup = CHangup::NewL(this);
-	iCallStatus = NULL;
-	}
-Deletes owned objects.
-	{
-	delete iTelephony;
-	delete iPhoneId;
-	delete iFlightModeInfo;
-	delete iCallForwarding;
-	delete iCallBarring;
-	delete iIdentityService;
-	delete iCallWaiting;
-	delete iAnswerIncomingCall;
-	delete iHangup;
-	delete iCallStatus;
-	delete iCallInfo;
-	delete iDummyAnswer;
-	delete iLineStatus;
-	}
-Provides functionality for member objects to notify the Menu object (their 
-owner) that they have completed their request.
-@param aDerivedType Type of class derived from CISVAPIBase
-void CMainMenu::ExecComplete(TTelISVExampleType aDerivedType)
-	{
-   if (iState==ESetNotifier)
-		{
-		switch(aDerivedType)
-			{
-		case KLineStatus:
-			iLastOperation = iLineStatus;
-			break;
-		case KCallInfo:
-			iLastOperation = iCallInfo;
-			break;
-		case KCallStatus:
-			iLastOperation = iCallStatus;
-			break;
-		case KAnswerIncomingCall:
-			iLastOperation = iAnswerIncomingCall;
-			break;
-		case KHangup:
-			iLastOperation = iHangup;
-			break;
-		case KCallForwardingStatus:
-			iLastOperation = iCallForwarding;
-			break;
-		case KCallBarringStatus:
-			iLastOperation = iCallBarring;
-			break;
-		case KFlightModeInfo:
-			iLastOperation = iFlightModeInfo;
-			break;
-		case KIdentityServiceStatus:
-			iLastOperation = iIdentityService;
-			break;
-		case KCallWaitingStatus:
-			iLastOperation = iCallWaiting;
-			break;
-			}
-		// Request to be told about particular events occurring.		
-		TRAPD(errNotify, iLastOperation->RequestNotificationL());
-		if (errNotify != KErrNone)
-			{
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("Notification Request for TTelISVExampleType"));
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("%d left with error code "), aDerivedType);
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"), errNotify);
-			return;
-			};
-		// Check the type of iLastOperation to see what it has been cast to.
-		switch(iLastOperation->GetExampleType())
-			{
-		case KLineStatus:
-			iConsole->ClearScreen();
-			iConsole->Printf(KMenuMsg);
-			CallsCount();
-			iConsole->Printf(KAnyMsg);
-			GetInput();
-			break;
-		case KAnswerIncomingCall:
-			iCallId = reinterpret_cast<CAnswerIncomingCall*>
-			          (iAnswerIncomingCall)->iCallId;
-			TRAPD(err, 	iCallStatus = CCallStatus::NewL(this, iCallId));
-			if (err != KErrNone)
-				{
-				iConsole->Printf(_L("CallStatus construction left "));
-				iConsole->Printf(_L("with error code %d\n"), err);
-				return;
-				}
-			iState = EGetCallStatus;
-			iLastOperation = iCallStatus;
-			SetActive();
-			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-			break;
-		case KCallInfo:
-			iState = EAnswerIncomingCall;
-			iLastOperation = iAnswerIncomingCall;
-			SetActive();
-			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-			break;
-		case KCallStatus:
-			iState = EDummyAnswer;
-			SetActive();
-			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-			break;
-		case KFlightModeInfo:
-			if (IsActive())
-				{
-				Cancel();
-				}
-			iState = ECallBarring;
-			iLastOperation = iCallBarring;
-			SetActive();
-			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-			break;
-		case KCallBarringStatus:
-			iState = ECallForwarding;
-			iLastOperation = iCallForwarding;
-			SetActive();
-			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-			break;
-		case KCallForwardingStatus:
-			iState = EIdentityService;
-			iLastOperation = iIdentityService;
-			SetActive();
-			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-			break;
-		case KIdentityServiceStatus:
-			iState = ECallWaiting;
-			iLastOperation = iCallWaiting;
-			SetActive();
-			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-			break;
-		case KCallWaitingStatus:
-			iCallWaitingOn = EFalse;
-			iState = EGetLineStatus;
-			iLastOperation = iLineStatus;
-			SetActive();
-			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	else if(aDerivedType == KPhoneId)
-		{
-		iLastOperation = iFlightModeInfo;
-		SetActive();
-		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-		}
-	else if (aDerivedType == KNotType)
-		{
-		iConsole->ClearScreen();
-		iConsole->Printf(KMenuMsg);
-		CallsCount();
-		iConsole->Printf(KHangupMsg);
-		GetInput();
-		}
-	}
-Provides functionality for member objects to notify the Menu object (their
-owner) that they have been notified of a change.
-@param aDerivedType Type of class derived from CISVAPIBase
-void CMainMenu::ExecNotify(TTelISVExampleType aDerivedType)
-	{
-	switch(aDerivedType)
-		{
-	case KAnswerIncomingCall:
-		iCallId = reinterpret_cast<CAnswerIncomingCall*>
-		          (iAnswerIncomingCall)->iCallId;
-		TRAPD(err, iCallStatus = CCallStatus::NewL(this, iCallId));
-		if (err != KErrNone)
-			{
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("CallStatus construction left "));
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("with error code %d\n"), err);
-			return;
-			}
-		iState = EGetCallStatus;
-		iLastOperation = iCallStatus;
-		SetActive();
-		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-		break;
-	case KCallWaitingStatus:
-		iCallWaitingOn = ETrue;
-		iState = EGetLineStatus;
-		iLastOperation = iLineStatus;
-		SetActive();
-		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-		break;
-	case KLineStatus:
-		if (iCallStatus != NULL)
-			{
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("Call Waiting!\n"));
-			iRecievedCalls++;
-			iConsole->ClearScreen();
-			iConsole->Printf(KMenuMsg);
-			CallsCount();
-			iConsole->Printf(KHangupMsg);
-			GetInput();
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			// Request to be told about particular events occuring 
-			TRAPD(err, iLineStatus->RequestNotificationL());
-			if (err != KErrNone)
-				{
-				iConsole->Printf(_L("Request left with error code "));
-				iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"),err);
-				return;
-				}
-			iRecievedCalls++;
-			iState = EGetCallInfo;
-			iLastOperation = iCallInfo;
-			SetActive();
-			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-			}
-		break;
-	case KCallStatus:
-		if (iFlightModeInfo->IsActive())
-			{
-			iFlightModeInfo->Cancel();
-			}
-		delete iCallStatus;
-		iCallStatus = NULL;
- 	  	iLineStatus->Cancel();
-		iState = EStart;
-		SetActive();
-		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-		break;
-	case KCallForwardingStatus:
-		iState = ECallForwarding;
-		iLastOperation = iCallForwarding;
-		SetActive();
-		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-		break;
-		}
-	}
-Responds appropriately depending on what key the user has pressed.
-void CMainMenu::RunL()
-	{
-	switch(iState)
-		{
-	case EStart:
-		iState = EGetFlightModeInfo;
-		if (iCount)
-			{
-			iCount = 0;
-			iLastOperation = iFlightModeInfo;
-			SetActive();
-			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			iLastOperation = iPhoneId;
-			TRAPD(errPhone, iLastOperation->StartRequestL());
-			if (errPhone != KErrNone)
-				{
-				iConsole->Printf(_L("Request left with error code "));
-				iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"), errPhone);
-				return;
-				};
-			}
-		break;
-	case EEnd:
-		iFlightModeInfo->Cancel();
-		CActiveScheduler::Stop();
-		break;
-	case ECallWaiting:
-	case EGetFlightModeInfo:
-	case ECallForwarding:
-	case ECallBarring:
-	case EIdentityService:
-	case EGetLineStatus:
-	case EGetCallInfo:
-	case EGetCallStatus:
-	case EAnswerIncomingCall:
-		iState = ESetNotifier;
-		TRAPD(errAnswer, iLastOperation->StartRequestL());
-		if (errAnswer != KErrNone)
-			{
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("Request left with error code "));
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"), errAnswer);
-			return;
-			};
-		break;
-	case EHangup:
-		iDummyAnswer->Cancel();
-		TRAPD(errArg, iLastOperation->StartRequestL(iCallId));
-		if (errArg != KErrNone)
-			{
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("Request left with error code "));
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"), errArg);
-			return;
-			}
-		break;
-	case EDummyAnswer:
-		iMessages++;
-		iState = EHangup;
-		TRAPD(errDummy, iDummyAnswer->StartCount(1000000));
-		if (errDummy != KErrNone)
-			{
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("Request left with error code "));
-			iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"), errDummy);
-			return;
-			};
-		break;
-	case EWaitingForKeyPress:
-		{
-		TInt c = iConsole->KeyCode();
-		switch(c)
-			{
-		case 'E':
-		case 'e':
-		case EKeyEscape:
-			// Cancel notifications
-			if (iAnswerIncomingCall->IsActive())
-				{
-				iAnswerIncomingCall->Cancel();
-				}
-			if (iHangup->IsActive())
-				{
-				iHangup->Cancel();
-				}
-			if (iCallStatus != NULL && iCallStatus->IsActive())
-				{
-				iCallStatus->Cancel();
-				}
-			iFlightModeInfo->Cancel();
-			iLineStatus->Cancel();
-			CActiveScheduler::Stop();
-			break;
-		case 'h':
-		case 'H':
-			if (iDummyAnswer->IsActive())
-				{
-				iState = EHangup;
-				iLastOperation = iHangup;
-				SetActive();
-				CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
-				break;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				GetInput();
-				break;
-				}
-		case 'i':
-		case 'I':
-			{
-			CTelephony::TPhoneLine line = CTelephony::EVoiceLine;
-			CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 iLineStatusV1;
-  			CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg iLineStatusV1Pckg(iLineStatusV1);
-  			iTelephony->GetLineStatus(line, iLineStatusV1Pckg);
-			CTelephony::TCallStatus voiceLineStatus = iLineStatusV1.iStatus;
-			if (iCount >= 1
-				&& iCallWaitingOn
-				&& voiceLineStatus != CTelephony::EStatusRinging)
-				{
-				iCount++;
-				TInt ret = RProperty::Set(KUidPSSimTsyCategory,
-										  KPSSimTsyIncomingVoiceCall,
-										  0);
-				break;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				GetInput();
-				break;
-				}
-			}
-		default:
-		// Pressed a non suggested key to simulate an incoming call
-			if (iCount == 0)
-				{
-				// For SIM TSY to simulate an incoming call
-				iCount = 1;
-		   		TInt ret = RProperty::Set(KUidPSSimTsyCategory,
-		   								  KPSSimTsyIncomingVoiceCall,
-		   								  0);
-		   		}
-		   	else
-		   		{
-					GetInput();
-			   	}
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-		} // switch(iState)
-	}
-Calculates the number of people who did not leave a message and displays result
-to the console. Result = Number of received calls - Number of messages received
-void CMainMenu::CallsCount()
-	{
-	iConsole->Printf(_L("You have %d Messages\n"), iMessages);
-	TInt difference = iRecievedCalls - iMessages;
-	if (difference > 0)
-		{
-		iConsole->Printf(_L("%d people called and left no message\n"),
-		                 difference);
-		}
-	}
-Cancels outstanding asynchronous request.
-void CMainMenu::DoCancel()
-	{
-	if(iState == EStart)
-		{
-		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrCancel);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		iConsole->ReadCancel();
-		}
-	}
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "CMainMenu.h"
+#include <simtsy.h>
+Factory constructor.
+@param  aConsole Console to which output is printed
+@return          Instance of CMainMenu class
+CMainMenu* CMainMenu::NewLC(CConsoleBase& aConsole)
+	{
+	CMainMenu* self = new(ELeave) CMainMenu(aConsole);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	return self;
+	}
+Constructor called by CMainMenu::NewLC().
+@param Console to which output is printed
+CMainMenu::CMainMenu(CConsoleBase& aConsole)
+	: CBaseMenuAsync(aConsole)
+	{
+	iCount = 0;
+	iMessages = 0;
+	iRecievedCalls = 0;
+	iCallWaitingOn = EFalse;
+	}
+Second phase constructor.
+void CMainMenu::ConstructL()
+	{
+	CBaseMenuAsync::ConstructL();
+	iPhoneId = CPhoneId::NewL(this);
+	// Create active objects using their factory constructors.
+	iCallForwarding = CCallForwardingStatus::NewL(this);
+	iCallBarring = CCallBarringStatus::NewL(this);
+	iFlightModeInfo = CFlightModeInfo::NewL(this);
+	iIdentityService = CIdentityServiceStatus::NewL(this);
+	iCallWaiting = CCallWaitingStatus::NewL(this);
+	iLineStatus = CLineStatus::NewL(this);
+	iAnswerIncomingCall = CAnswerIncomingCall::NewL(this);
+	iCallInfo = CCallInfo::NewL(this);
+	iDummyAnswer = CDummyAnswer::NewL(this);
+	iHangup = CHangup::NewL(this);
+	iCallStatus = NULL;
+	}
+Deletes owned objects.
+	{
+	delete iTelephony;
+	delete iPhoneId;
+	delete iFlightModeInfo;
+	delete iCallForwarding;
+	delete iCallBarring;
+	delete iIdentityService;
+	delete iCallWaiting;
+	delete iAnswerIncomingCall;
+	delete iHangup;
+	delete iCallStatus;
+	delete iCallInfo;
+	delete iDummyAnswer;
+	delete iLineStatus;
+	}
+Provides functionality for member objects to notify the Menu object (their 
+owner) that they have completed their request.
+@param aDerivedType Type of class derived from CISVAPIBase
+void CMainMenu::ExecComplete(TTelISVExampleType aDerivedType)
+	{
+   if (iState==ESetNotifier)
+		{
+		switch(aDerivedType)
+			{
+		case KLineStatus:
+			iLastOperation = iLineStatus;
+			break;
+		case KCallInfo:
+			iLastOperation = iCallInfo;
+			break;
+		case KCallStatus:
+			iLastOperation = iCallStatus;
+			break;
+		case KAnswerIncomingCall:
+			iLastOperation = iAnswerIncomingCall;
+			break;
+		case KHangup:
+			iLastOperation = iHangup;
+			break;
+		case KCallForwardingStatus:
+			iLastOperation = iCallForwarding;
+			break;
+		case KCallBarringStatus:
+			iLastOperation = iCallBarring;
+			break;
+		case KFlightModeInfo:
+			iLastOperation = iFlightModeInfo;
+			break;
+		case KIdentityServiceStatus:
+			iLastOperation = iIdentityService;
+			break;
+		case KCallWaitingStatus:
+			iLastOperation = iCallWaiting;
+			break;
+			}
+		// Request to be told about particular events occurring.		
+		TRAPD(errNotify, iLastOperation->RequestNotificationL());
+		if (errNotify != KErrNone)
+			{
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("Notification Request for TTelISVExampleType"));
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("%d left with error code "), aDerivedType);
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"), errNotify);
+			return;
+			};
+		// Check the type of iLastOperation to see what it has been cast to.
+		switch(iLastOperation->GetExampleType())
+			{
+		case KLineStatus:
+			iConsole->ClearScreen();
+			iConsole->Printf(KMenuMsg);
+			CallsCount();
+			iConsole->Printf(KAnyMsg);
+			GetInput();
+			break;
+		case KAnswerIncomingCall:
+			iCallId = reinterpret_cast<CAnswerIncomingCall*>
+			          (iAnswerIncomingCall)->iCallId;
+			TRAPD(err, 	iCallStatus = CCallStatus::NewL(this, iCallId));
+			if (err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				iConsole->Printf(_L("CallStatus construction left "));
+				iConsole->Printf(_L("with error code %d\n"), err);
+				return;
+				}
+			iState = EGetCallStatus;
+			iLastOperation = iCallStatus;
+			SetActive();
+			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case KCallInfo:
+			iState = EAnswerIncomingCall;
+			iLastOperation = iAnswerIncomingCall;
+			SetActive();
+			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case KCallStatus:
+			iState = EDummyAnswer;
+			SetActive();
+			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case KFlightModeInfo:
+			if (IsActive())
+				{
+				Cancel();
+				}
+			iState = ECallBarring;
+			iLastOperation = iCallBarring;
+			SetActive();
+			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case KCallBarringStatus:
+			iState = ECallForwarding;
+			iLastOperation = iCallForwarding;
+			SetActive();
+			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case KCallForwardingStatus:
+			iState = EIdentityService;
+			iLastOperation = iIdentityService;
+			SetActive();
+			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case KIdentityServiceStatus:
+			iState = ECallWaiting;
+			iLastOperation = iCallWaiting;
+			SetActive();
+			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case KCallWaitingStatus:
+			iCallWaitingOn = EFalse;
+			iState = EGetLineStatus;
+			iLastOperation = iLineStatus;
+			SetActive();
+			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	else if(aDerivedType == KPhoneId)
+		{
+		iLastOperation = iFlightModeInfo;
+		SetActive();
+		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+		}
+	else if (aDerivedType == KNotType)
+		{
+		iConsole->ClearScreen();
+		iConsole->Printf(KMenuMsg);
+		CallsCount();
+		iConsole->Printf(KHangupMsg);
+		GetInput();
+		}
+	}
+Provides functionality for member objects to notify the Menu object (their
+owner) that they have been notified of a change.
+@param aDerivedType Type of class derived from CISVAPIBase
+void CMainMenu::ExecNotify(TTelISVExampleType aDerivedType)
+	{
+	switch(aDerivedType)
+		{
+	case KAnswerIncomingCall:
+		iCallId = reinterpret_cast<CAnswerIncomingCall*>
+		          (iAnswerIncomingCall)->iCallId;
+		TRAPD(err, iCallStatus = CCallStatus::NewL(this, iCallId));
+		if (err != KErrNone)
+			{
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("CallStatus construction left "));
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("with error code %d\n"), err);
+			return;
+			}
+		iState = EGetCallStatus;
+		iLastOperation = iCallStatus;
+		SetActive();
+		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+		break;
+	case KCallWaitingStatus:
+		iCallWaitingOn = ETrue;
+		iState = EGetLineStatus;
+		iLastOperation = iLineStatus;
+		SetActive();
+		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+		break;
+	case KLineStatus:
+		if (iCallStatus != NULL)
+			{
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("Call Waiting!\n"));
+			iRecievedCalls++;
+			iConsole->ClearScreen();
+			iConsole->Printf(KMenuMsg);
+			CallsCount();
+			iConsole->Printf(KHangupMsg);
+			GetInput();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Request to be told about particular events occuring 
+			TRAPD(err, iLineStatus->RequestNotificationL());
+			if (err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				iConsole->Printf(_L("Request left with error code "));
+				iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"),err);
+				return;
+				}
+			iRecievedCalls++;
+			iState = EGetCallInfo;
+			iLastOperation = iCallInfo;
+			SetActive();
+			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+			}
+		break;
+	case KCallStatus:
+		if (iFlightModeInfo->IsActive())
+			{
+			iFlightModeInfo->Cancel();
+			}
+		delete iCallStatus;
+		iCallStatus = NULL;
+ 	  	iLineStatus->Cancel();
+		iState = EStart;
+		SetActive();
+		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+		break;
+	case KCallForwardingStatus:
+		iState = ECallForwarding;
+		iLastOperation = iCallForwarding;
+		SetActive();
+		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+Responds appropriately depending on what key the user has pressed.
+void CMainMenu::RunL()
+	{
+	switch(iState)
+		{
+	case EStart:
+		iState = EGetFlightModeInfo;
+		if (iCount)
+			{
+			iCount = 0;
+			iLastOperation = iFlightModeInfo;
+			SetActive();
+			CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iLastOperation = iPhoneId;
+			TRAPD(errPhone, iLastOperation->StartRequestL());
+			if (errPhone != KErrNone)
+				{
+				iConsole->Printf(_L("Request left with error code "));
+				iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"), errPhone);
+				return;
+				};
+			}
+		break;
+	case EEnd:
+		iFlightModeInfo->Cancel();
+		CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+		break;
+	case ECallWaiting:
+	case EGetFlightModeInfo:
+	case ECallForwarding:
+	case ECallBarring:
+	case EIdentityService:
+	case EGetLineStatus:
+	case EGetCallInfo:
+	case EGetCallStatus:
+	case EAnswerIncomingCall:
+		iState = ESetNotifier;
+		TRAPD(errAnswer, iLastOperation->StartRequestL());
+		if (errAnswer != KErrNone)
+			{
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("Request left with error code "));
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"), errAnswer);
+			return;
+			};
+		break;
+	case EHangup:
+		iDummyAnswer->Cancel();
+		TRAPD(errArg, iLastOperation->StartRequestL(iCallId));
+		if (errArg != KErrNone)
+			{
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("Request left with error code "));
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"), errArg);
+			return;
+			}
+		break;
+	case EDummyAnswer:
+		iMessages++;
+		iState = EHangup;
+		TRAPD(errDummy, iDummyAnswer->StartCount(1000000));
+		if (errDummy != KErrNone)
+			{
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("Request left with error code "));
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("%d\n"), errDummy);
+			return;
+			};
+		break;
+	case EWaitingForKeyPress:
+		{
+		TInt c = iConsole->KeyCode();
+		switch(c)
+			{
+		case 'E':
+		case 'e':
+		case EKeyEscape:
+			// Cancel notifications
+			if (iAnswerIncomingCall->IsActive())
+				{
+				iAnswerIncomingCall->Cancel();
+				}
+			if (iHangup->IsActive())
+				{
+				iHangup->Cancel();
+				}
+			if (iCallStatus != NULL && iCallStatus->IsActive())
+				{
+				iCallStatus->Cancel();
+				}
+			iFlightModeInfo->Cancel();
+			iLineStatus->Cancel();
+			CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+			break;
+		case 'h':
+		case 'H':
+			if (iDummyAnswer->IsActive())
+				{
+				iState = EHangup;
+				iLastOperation = iHangup;
+				SetActive();
+				CompleteOwnRequest(KErrNone);
+				break;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				GetInput();
+				break;
+				}
+		case 'i':
+		case 'I':
+			{
+			CTelephony::TPhoneLine line = CTelephony::EVoiceLine;
+			CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 iLineStatusV1;
+  			CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg iLineStatusV1Pckg(iLineStatusV1);
+  			iTelephony->GetLineStatus(line, iLineStatusV1Pckg);
+			CTelephony::TCallStatus voiceLineStatus = iLineStatusV1.iStatus;
+			if (iCount >= 1
+				&& iCallWaitingOn
+				&& voiceLineStatus != CTelephony::EStatusRinging)
+				{
+				iCount++;
+				TInt ret = RProperty::Set(KUidPSSimTsyCategory,
+										  KPSSimTsyIncomingVoiceCall,
+										  0);
+				break;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				GetInput();
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		default:
+		// Pressed a non suggested key to simulate an incoming call
+			if (iCount == 0)
+				{
+				// For SIM TSY to simulate an incoming call
+				iCount = 1;
+		   		TInt ret = RProperty::Set(KUidPSSimTsyCategory,
+		   								  KPSSimTsyIncomingVoiceCall,
+		   								  0);
+		   		}
+		   	else
+		   		{
+					GetInput();
+			   	}
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+		} // switch(iState)
+	}
+Calculates the number of people who did not leave a message and displays result
+to the console. Result = Number of received calls - Number of messages received
+void CMainMenu::CallsCount()
+	{
+	iConsole->Printf(_L("You have %d Messages\n"), iMessages);
+	TInt difference = iRecievedCalls - iMessages;
+	if (difference > 0)
+		{
+		iConsole->Printf(_L("%d people called and left no message\n"),
+		                 difference);
+		}
+	}
+Cancels outstanding asynchronous request.
+void CMainMenu::DoCancel()
+	{
+	if(iState == EStart)
+		{
+		CompleteOwnRequest(KErrCancel);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iConsole->ReadCancel();
+		}
+	}