changeset 24 6638e7f4bd8f
parent 0 3553901f7fa8
--- a/telephonyutils/etel3rdpartyapi/src/Telephony.cpp	Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyutils/etel3rdpartyapi/src/Telephony.cpp	Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,1566 +1,1566 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB - initial contribution.
-* Nokia Corporation - additional changes.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* Code for CTelephonyFunctions class, used by CTelephony class.
- @file
-#include <e32def.h>
-#include <etel3rdparty.h>
-#include "TelephonyFunctions.h"
-// Constructors
-EXPORT_C CTelephony* CTelephony::NewLC()
-Constructs a CTelephony object.
-A pointer to this object is left on the CleanupStack.
-The returned pointer is typically assigned to a pointer-variable
-on the stack.
-@return	Pointer to a newly created CTelephony object.
-	{
-	CTelephony* self=new (ELeave) CTelephony();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	self->ConstructL();
-	return self;
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony* CTelephony::NewL()
-Constructs a CTelephony object.
-No pointer to this object is left on the CleanupStack.
-The returned pointer is typically assigned to a pointer-variable
-stored in the Heap.
-@return	Pointer to a newly created CTelephony object.
-	{
-	CTelephony* self=NewLC();
-	CleanupStack::Pop();
-	return self;
-	}
-// Destructors
-CTelephony::~CTelephony() // virtual, so no export
-Deletes the underlying CTelephonyFunctions object.
-	{
-	delete iTelephonyFunctions;
-	}
-This method is no longer supported.
-@return KErrNotSupported
-EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::FindDeviceStatus(TInt& /*aCallStatus*/)
-	{
-	return KErrNotSupported;
-	}
-This method is no longer supported. 
-It was used to establish a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed
-as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should
-consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.
-@return KErrNotSupported
-@see RConnection
-@see RSocket
-@see RMobilePhone
-EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::EstablishDataCall(TInt& /*aDataChannel*/, const TDesC& /*aDialNumber*/)
-	{
-	return KErrNotSupported;
-	}
-This method is no longer supported.
-It was used to establish a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed
-as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should
-consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.
-@see RConnection
-@see RSocket
-@see RMobilePhone
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::EstablishDataCall(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TInt& /*aDataChannel*/,
-                                            const TDesC& /*aDialNumber*/)
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, KErrNotSupported);
-	}
-This method is no longer supported.
-It was used to terminate a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed
-as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should
-consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.
-@return KErrNotSupported
-@see RConnection
-@see RSocket
-@see RMobilePhone
-EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::TerminateDataCall()
-	{
-	return KErrNotSupported;
-	}
-This method is no longer supported.
-It was used to receive a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed
-as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should
-consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.
-@return KErrNotSupported
-@see RConnection
-@see RSocket
-@see RMobilePhone
-EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::ReceiveDataCall(TInt& /*aDataChannel*/)
-	{
-	return KErrNotSupported;
-	}
-This method is no longer supported.
-It was used to receive a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed
-as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should
-consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.
-@see RConnection
-@see RSocket
-@see RMobilePhone
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::ReceiveDataCall(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TInt& /*aDataChannel*/)
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, KErrNotSupported);
-	}
-This method is no longer supported.
-It was used to cancel an outstanding request to establish a circuit-switched
-data call, but support was removed as functionality was no longer required by
-licensees. Developers should consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket
-for data functionality instead.
-@see RConnection
-@see RSocket
-@see RMobilePhone
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::CancelEstablishDataCall()
-	{
-	return;
-	}
-This method is no longer supported.
-It was used to cancel an outstanding request to receive a circuit-switched data
-call, but support was removed as functionality was no longer required by
-licensees. Developers should consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket
-for data functionality instead.
-@see RConnection
-@see RSocket
-@see RMobilePhone
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::CancelReceiveDataCall()
-	{
-	return;
-	}
-// constructor support
-// Not exported, as used only by functions inside this DLL, eg NewLC()
-//First-phase constructor
-//Private function which cannot Leave().
-	{
-	}
-// Class member functions
-void CTelephony::ConstructL()
-//Second-phase constructor
-//Allocates and initialises CTelephony object by constructing a
-//CTelephonyFunctions object where the real work is done.
-	{
-	iTelephonyFunctions = CTelephonyFunctions::NewL();
-	}
-EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::CancelAsync(TCancellationRequest aCancel) const
-Cancels an outstanding asynchronous request.  
-The result of the cancellation request will be reflected through the 
-request status of the pending request.  A status of KErrCancel denotes 
-that the request has been safely cancelled.
-@param aCancel Canncellation code of request to be cancelled.
-@capability None
-	{
-	return iTelephonyFunctions->CancelAsync(aCancel);
-	}
-//Notifier related exports
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::NotifyChange(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TNotificationEvent& aEvent, TDes8& aDes) const
-Registers interest in receiving change notifications for events.
-Specify the event that you are interested with the aEvent parameter. 
-Each event is associated with a packaged class.  Pass an instance of 
-this class to this method.  Then, when the event occurs, information 
-relating to the event is written into it.  The description
-of CTelephony::TNotificationEvent tells you the information class for 
-each event.
-This is an asynchronous method. Notification can be cancelled using the
-cancellation codes specified in CTelephony::TNotificationEvent. Pass the
-appropriate code to CTelephony::CancelAsync() to cancel the notification
-@param aReqStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous call completes.
-@param aEvent Event on which change notification is requested. 
-@param aDes Packaged information class.  On completion, information 
-relating to the event is written into this class.  Until then, this 
-class's data is not valid.
-@capability Dependent This function depends on the TNotificationEvent value 
-passed to it.
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aReqStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aReqStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aReqStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->NotifyChangeL(aReqStatus, aEvent, aDes););
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{
-		iTelephonyFunctions->ResetPendingNotifyRequest(aEvent);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->ResetPendingNotifyRequest(aEvent);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-//Call related exports
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallParamsV1::TCallParamsV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::DialNewCall(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aCallParams, 
-							 const CTelephony::TTelNumber& aTelNumber, CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId, const CTelephony::TPhoneLine aLine) const 
-Initiates a new call.
-The client specifies the telephone number via the aTelNumber argument 
-and the desired call parameters via the aCallParams argument. 
-This is an asynchronous method. After successful completion of the dial request 
-a call identifier is returned back to the client via the aCallId argument.  
-The call identifier is needed to hold, resume, swap, and terminate the call.  
-It is also needed to monitor the status of the call.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes.  Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EDialNewCallCancel to cancel.
-@param aCallParams The call parameters used by the TSY.  Pass a CTelephony::TCallParamsV1Pckg, a 
-packaged CTelephony::TCallParamsV1.
-@param aTelNumber  Telephone number to dial.
-@param aCallId Upon completion, contains the call identifier. 
-@param aLine Line on which call can be made. Currently, only voice calls are supported.
-@see AnswerIncomingCall()
-@see Hold()
-@see Resume()
-@see Swap()
-@see Hangup()
-@see GetCallStatus()
-@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
-@capability NetworkServices
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->DialNewCallL(aRequestStatus, aCallParams, aTelNumber,aCallId,aLine));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EDialNewCall, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EDialNewCall, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::Hold(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId) const
-Places a call on hold. This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony. 
-The call's dynamic capabilities must allow the Hold operation for 
-this call to have successful completion of this request; see CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps().
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of Hold, line and call status might be affected by this operation. 
-Hold is only available for the voice line.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EHoldCancel to cancel.
-@param aCallId Call ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
-@see AnswerIncomingCall()
-@see DialNewCall()
-@see Resume()
-@see Swap()
-@see Hangup()
-@see GetCallStatus()
-@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
-@capability NetworkServices
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->HoldL(aRequestStatus, aCallId));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EHold, EFalse);	
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EHold, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::Resume(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId) const
-Resumes a held call. This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony.  
-The client specifies the call ID via the aCallId argument. 
-The call's dynamic capabilities must allow the Resume operation for this 
-call to have successful completion of this request; see CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps().
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of Resume, line and 
-call status might be affected by this operation. 
-Resume is only available for the voice line.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes.  Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EResumeCancel to cancel.
-@param aCallId Call ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
-@see AnswerIncomingCall()
-@see DialNewCall()
-@see Hold()
-@see Swap()
-@see Hangup()
-@see GetCallStatus()
-@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
-@capability NetworkServices
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->ResumeL(aRequestStatus, aCallId));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EResume, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EResume, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::Swap(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId1, const 
-					  CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId2) const
-Swaps calls. This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony. 
-Swap is possible only if both calls are owned by this ISV application. 
-The client specifies the call ids via the aCallId1 and aCallId2 arguments. 
-This is an asynchronous method.
-The calls' dynamic capabilities must allow the Swap operation for this call to 
-have successful completion of this request; see CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps().
-Swap is only available for the voice line.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::ESwapCancel to cancel.
-@param aCallId1 ID of a call, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
-@param aCallId2 ID of another call, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
-@see AnswerIncomingCall()
-@see DialNewCall()
-@see Hold()
-@see Resume()
-@see Hangup()
-@see GetCallStatus()
-@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
-@capability NetworkServices
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->SwapL(aRequestStatus, aCallId1, aCallId2));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::ESwap, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::ESwap, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::Hangup(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId) const
-Hangs up a call.  This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony. 
-The client specifies the call ID via the aCallId argument. 
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of Hangup, the line 
-and call status might be affected.
-Hangup is available only for the voice line.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EHangupCancel to cancel.
-@param aCallId Call ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
-@see AnswerIncomingCall()
-@see DialNewCall()
-@see Hold()
-@see Resume()
-@see Swap()
-@see GetCallStatus()
-@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
-@capability NetworkServices
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->HangupL(aRequestStatus, aCallId));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EHangup, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EHangup, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId, 
-		const CTelephony::TPhoneLine aLine) const 
-Answers an incoming new voice call.  Fax and data calls cannot be answered.
-Answering an incoming call is possible only when the voice line status 
-is ringing (CTelephony::EStatusRinging) and RLine::NotifyIncomingCall
-has completed.
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of 
-AnswerIncomingCall() a call ID is returned to the client via the aCallId 
-argument. The call identifier is needed to hold, resume, swap, and terminate 
-the call.  It is also needed to monitor the status of the call.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EAnswerIncomingCallCancel to cancel 
-@param aCallId On completion, contains the call ID.
-@param aLine Line from which the answer request will attempted.  Currently, only the voice line is supported.
-@see DialNewCall()
-@see Hold()
-@see Resume()
-@see Swap()
-@see Hangup()
-@see GetCallStatus()
-@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
-@capability NetworkServices
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->AnswerIncomingCallL(aRequestStatus,aCallId,aLine));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EAnswerIncomingCall, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EAnswerIncomingCall, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::GetCallStatus(const TCallId& aCallId, TDes8& aStatus) const
-Retrieves the status of the selected call specified by the aCallId argument. 
-The current status of the selected call is returned to the client via the 
-aStatus argument. 
-GetCallStatus is available only for the voice line.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aCallId Call ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
-@param aStatus On completion contains a CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg, 
-a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 containing the call status.
-@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
-@see AnswerIncomingCall()
-@see DialNewCall()
-@see Hold()
-@see Resume()
-@see Swap()
-@see Hangup()
-@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
-@capability None
-	{
-	TInt rc=KErrAccessDenied;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCallStatusL(aCallId, aStatus));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		return leaveCode;
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		return rc;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}	
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallCapsV1::TCallCapsV1()
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps(const TCallId& aCallId, TDes8& aCaps) const
-Retrieves the dynamic call capabilities for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony. 
-The client specifies the call ID via the aCallId argument. 
-Upon successful retrieval the call control capabilities (Hold, Resume 
-and Swap) are returned via the aCaps argument.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aCallId Call ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
-@param aCaps On completion contains a CTelephony::TCallCapsV1Pckg, 
-a packaged CTelephony::TCallCapsV1 containing the call's dynamic capabilities.
-@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
-@capability None
-	{
-	TInt rc=KErrAccessDenied;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCallDynamicCaps(aCallId, aCaps));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		return leaveCode;
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		return KErrAccessDenied;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-//Phone related exports
-EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::TEtelISVType::VersionId() const
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	return iVersionId;
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1::TPhoneIdV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetPhoneId(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
-Retrieves the model information and unique identification of the mobile device.
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the request the 
-manufacturer name, model and serial number (IMEI or ESN) are returned back to 
-the client via the aDes argument. 
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetPhoneIdCancel to cancel.
-@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
-CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1 class which is filled on completion.
-@capability None
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrAccessDenied;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetPhoneIdL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetPhoneId, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetPhoneId, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1::TSubscriberIdV1()
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetSubscriberId(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
-Retrieves information about the mobile device's current subscriber. 
-This will normally identify the SIM card on GSM and WCDMA networks or 
-the R-UIM card on CDMA networks.  It is independent of the phone.
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the request
-the serial number of the SIM or R-UIM card is returned back to the client
-via the aDes argument. 
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes.  Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetSubscriberIdCancel to cancel.
-@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
-CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1 class which is filled on completion.	
-@capability ReadDeviceData
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetSubscriberIdL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetSubscriberId, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetSubscriberId, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TIndicatorV1::TIndicatorV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetIndicator(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
-Retrieves the battery charging indicator, the network availability 
-indicator and call-in-progress indicator. 
-This is an asynchronous method. The method returns two flags for each
-indicator: the first is a capability flag; it says whether the indicator
-is valid.  The second flag is the indicator itself.
-For instance, two flags are returned for the battery charging 
-indicator.  The capability flag is only set if the phone can detect 
-when a charger is connected.  The indicator flag is only set when a 
-charger is actually connected.  The indicator flag is only valid when 
-the capability flag is set.
-Six flags, two for each indicator, are returned by this method in the 
-packaged aIndicator parameter.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetBatteryInfoCancel to cancel.
-@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TIndicatorV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
-CTelephony::TIndicatorV1 class which is filled on completion.	
-@see TPhoneIndicators
-@capability None
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetIndicatorL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetIndicator, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetIndicator, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetBatteryInfo(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
-Retrieves the status and charge level of the phone battery. 
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the request
-the battery information is returned via the packaged aDes argument. 
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetBatteryInfoCancel to cancel.
-@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
-CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1 class which is filled on completion.	
-@capability None
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetBatteryInfoL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetBatteryInfo, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetBatteryInfo, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1::TSignalStrengthV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetSignalStrength(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
-Retrieves the phone's current signal strength via the aDes argument. 
-This is an asynchronous method.
-If signal strength information is not supported by the phone the method will 
-return KErrNotSupported. If no signal strength information is currently 
-available the method will return KErrNotFound.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetSignalStrengthCancel to cancel. 
-@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1Pckg, a packaged version of 
-the CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1 class which is filled on completion.
-@capability None
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetSignalStrengthL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetSignalStrength, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetSignalStrength, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1::TIccLockInfoV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetLockInfo(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const TIccLock& aLock, TDes8& aDes) const
-Some phones allow users to lock them to prevent unauthorised use. 
-Typically, a code must be entered to unlock the phone. 
-This method retrieves the state and status of ICC locks PIN1/2. 
-The client selects the lock that it wishes to retrieve the status and 
-state of. 
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the
-request the PIN1/2 information is returned via the aDes argument. 
-Note that this member function does not concern the keypad locks.  
-Nor does it concern the lock that the networks use to prevent a phone from 
-being used on other networks.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetLockInfoCancel to cancel.
-@param aLock Lock to interrogate. Either Pin1 or Pin2.
-@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
-CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1 class which is filled on completion.
-@capability ReadDeviceData
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetLockInfoL(aRequestStatus, aLock, aDes));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetIccLockInfo, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetIccLockInfo, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::SendDTMFTones(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus,  const TDesC& aTones) const
-Transmits DTMF tones across all the current active voice calls. 
-This is an asynchronous method. The request completes when the tones
-have been sent.
-The string of DTMF characters is passed via the aTones parameter. 
-The string of DTMF characters can contain one or more DTMF tone(s).
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. use CTelephony::ESendDTMFTonesCancel to cancel.
-@param aTones String containing tones to transmit. It can contain one or more
- occurance of the numbers 0 to 9, * and #.
-@capability NetworkServices
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->SendDTMFTonesL(aRequestStatus, aTones));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::ESendDTMFTones, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::ESendDTMFTones, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TFlightModeV1::TFlightModeV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetFlightMode(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
-Retrieves the current flight mode status. The flight mode is returned 
-via the aMode argument. 
-This is an asynchronous method.
-If the flight mode status is set to "off" then all network-related 
-requests are disabled.
-If the phone’s software does not support this feature then this method 
-returns KErrNotSupported.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes.  Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetFlightModeCancel to cancel.
-@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TFlightModeV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
-CTelephony::TFlightModeV1 class which is filled on completion.
-@capability None
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetFlightMode(aRequestStatus, aDes));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetFlightMode, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetFlightMode, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1::TBatteryInfoV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallStatusV1::TCallStatusV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-//Line related exports
-EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::GetLineStatus(const CTelephony::TPhoneLine& aLine, TDes8& aStatus) const
-Retrieves the status of the line selected by the aLine argument. The current 
-status of the selected line is returned to the client via the aStatus argument. 
-When only one call is in progress, the line status is identical to the 
-status of the call.
-When two calls are in progress (one active and one on hold) then the 
-status of the most "active" (connected and active or in progress) call 
-is returned.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aLine Identifier to line from which status is to be retrieved.
-@param aStatus On completion contains the current line status in a 
-CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg, a packaged version of CTelephony::TCallStatusV1.
-@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
-@capability None
-	TInt rc=KErrAccessDenied;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetLineStatus(aLine, aStatus));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		return leaveCode;
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		return rc;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallInfoV1::TCallInfoV1()
-Default constructor.
-	: iCallId(-1)
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TTelAddress::TTelAddress()
-Default constructor.
-	:	iTypeOfNumber(EUnknownNumber),
-		iNumberPlan(EUnknownNumberingPlan),
-		iTelNumber(0)
-	{
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1::TRemotePartyInfoV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallSelectionV1::TCallSelectionV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::GetCallInfo(TDes8& aCallSelect, TDes8& aCallInfo, TDes8& aRemoteInfo) const
-Retrieves information about the call selected by the aCallSelect argument. 
-If a call with the appropriate status is not available, then 
-KErrNotFound is returned. Upon successful completion the call 
-information will be returned via the aCallInfo and aRemoteCallInfo 
-This functionality should be used after a notification of an incoming 
-call, notification of line status change to dialling, or notification 
-of remote party info change. Notification is requested with 
-CTelephony::NotifyChange(). After completion of the notification the 
-client should immediately request information about the call.
-@param aCallSelect Identifies the call for which information is retrieved.
-@param aCallInfo Contains CTelephony::TCallInfoV1Pckg, the packaged CTelephony::TCallInfoV1 
-parameter class which is filled on completion.
-@param aRemoteInfo Contains CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg, the packaged 
-CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1 parameter class which is filled on completion.
-@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
-@capability ReadUserData
-	{
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCallInfoL(aCallSelect, aCallInfo, aRemoteInfo));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		return leaveCode;
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		return rc;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-//Network related exports
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1::TNetworkRegistrationV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetNetworkRegistrationStatus(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
-Retrieves the current network registration status. 
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of this request
-the registration status is returned via the aDes argument. 
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetNetworkRegistrationStatusCancel 
-to cancel.
-@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1Pckg, a packaged version 
-of the CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1 class which is filled on completion.
-@capability None
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetNetworkRegistrationStatusL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetNetworkRegistrationStatus, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetNetworkRegistrationStatus, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1::TNetworkInfoV1()
-Default constructor. 
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-Default constructor. 
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV2::TNetworkInfoV2()
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV2;
-	}
-Retrieves over-the-air network information about the currently 
-registered mobile network. 
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion the network 
-information is returned via the aDes argument.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
-call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetCurrentNetworkInfoCancel to 
-cancel.  KErrAccessDenied is given to this request status if the device
-is in flight mode.
-@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
-CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1 class which is filled on completion.	
-@capability ReadDeviceData because Cell ID is retrieved from the platform.
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetCurrentNetworkInfo(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCurrentNetworkInfoL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCurrentNetworkInfo, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCurrentNetworkInfo, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TNetworkNameV1::TNetworkNameV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-Default constructor.
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TNetworkNameV2::TNetworkNameV2()
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV2;
-	}
-Retrieves ICC-stored information about the (preferred) name of the
-currently registered mobile network.
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion the retrieved
-network name(s) is returned via the aDes argument.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-Cancellation of the request can be achieved by passing
-CTelephony::EGetCurrentNetworkNameCancel to the function CTelephony::CancelAsync().
-Note: This information is only available on GSM/WCDMA networks.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous call completes.
-                      KErrAccessDenied will be returned if the phone is in flight mode.
-@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TNetworkNameV1Pckg, a packaged version of the
-            CTelephony::TNetworkNameV1 class which is filled on completion.
-@capability None
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetCurrentNetworkName(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCurrentNetworkNameL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCurrentNetworkName, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCurrentNetworkName, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
-//Supplementary Services related exports
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallBarringSupplServicesV1::TCallBarringSupplServicesV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1::TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1()
-Default constructor.
-	{
-	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
-	}
-EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetCallForwardingStatus(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const TCallForwardingCondition aCondition, TDes8& aDes, const TServiceGroup aServiceGroup) const
-Interrogates the current status of the call forwarding services. 
-Specify the condition for enquiry via the aCondition argument. 
-This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion the status
-information is returned via the aSSInfo argument. Support is available
-only for the voice line.
-This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
-Note: This information is only available on GSM/WCDMA networks.
-@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous call completes.  
-Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetCallForwardingStatusCancel to 
-@param aCondition Call forwarding condition to be interrogated.
-@param aDes  Contains a CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1Pckg, a packaged 
-version of the CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1 class which is filled on 
-@param aServiceGroup Service group to be interrogated.
-@capability ReadDeviceData
-@capability NetworkServices
-	{
-	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
-		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
-	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
-	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCFSupplementaryServiceStatusL(aRequestStatus, aCondition, aDes, aServiceGroup));
-	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
-		{	
-		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCFSupplServicesStatus, EFalse);
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
-		}
-	else if (rc != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
-			{
-			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCFSupplServicesStatus, EFalse);
-			}
-		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
-		}
-	}
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB - initial contribution.
+* Nokia Corporation - additional changes.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Code for CTelephonyFunctions class, used by CTelephony class.
+ @file
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <etel3rdparty.h>
+#include "TelephonyFunctions.h"
+// Constructors
+EXPORT_C CTelephony* CTelephony::NewLC()
+Constructs a CTelephony object.
+A pointer to this object is left on the CleanupStack.
+The returned pointer is typically assigned to a pointer-variable
+on the stack.
+@return	Pointer to a newly created CTelephony object.
+	{
+	CTelephony* self=new (ELeave) CTelephony();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	return self;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony* CTelephony::NewL()
+Constructs a CTelephony object.
+No pointer to this object is left on the CleanupStack.
+The returned pointer is typically assigned to a pointer-variable
+stored in the Heap.
+@return	Pointer to a newly created CTelephony object.
+	{
+	CTelephony* self=NewLC();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+// Destructors
+CTelephony::~CTelephony() // virtual, so no export
+Deletes the underlying CTelephonyFunctions object.
+	{
+	delete iTelephonyFunctions;
+	}
+This method is no longer supported.
+@return KErrNotSupported
+EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::FindDeviceStatus(TInt& /*aCallStatus*/)
+	{
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+This method is no longer supported. 
+It was used to establish a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed
+as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should
+consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.
+@return KErrNotSupported
+@see RConnection
+@see RSocket
+@see RMobilePhone
+EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::EstablishDataCall(TInt& /*aDataChannel*/, const TDesC& /*aDialNumber*/)
+	{
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+This method is no longer supported.
+It was used to establish a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed
+as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should
+consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.
+@see RConnection
+@see RSocket
+@see RMobilePhone
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::EstablishDataCall(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TInt& /*aDataChannel*/,
+                                            const TDesC& /*aDialNumber*/)
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, KErrNotSupported);
+	}
+This method is no longer supported.
+It was used to terminate a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed
+as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should
+consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.
+@return KErrNotSupported
+@see RConnection
+@see RSocket
+@see RMobilePhone
+EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::TerminateDataCall()
+	{
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+This method is no longer supported.
+It was used to receive a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed
+as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should
+consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.
+@return KErrNotSupported
+@see RConnection
+@see RSocket
+@see RMobilePhone
+EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::ReceiveDataCall(TInt& /*aDataChannel*/)
+	{
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+This method is no longer supported.
+It was used to receive a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed
+as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should
+consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.
+@see RConnection
+@see RSocket
+@see RMobilePhone
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::ReceiveDataCall(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TInt& /*aDataChannel*/)
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, KErrNotSupported);
+	}
+This method is no longer supported.
+It was used to cancel an outstanding request to establish a circuit-switched
+data call, but support was removed as functionality was no longer required by
+licensees. Developers should consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket
+for data functionality instead.
+@see RConnection
+@see RSocket
+@see RMobilePhone
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::CancelEstablishDataCall()
+	{
+	return;
+	}
+This method is no longer supported.
+It was used to cancel an outstanding request to receive a circuit-switched data
+call, but support was removed as functionality was no longer required by
+licensees. Developers should consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket
+for data functionality instead.
+@see RConnection
+@see RSocket
+@see RMobilePhone
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::CancelReceiveDataCall()
+	{
+	return;
+	}
+// constructor support
+// Not exported, as used only by functions inside this DLL, eg NewLC()
+//First-phase constructor
+//Private function which cannot Leave().
+	{
+	}
+// Class member functions
+void CTelephony::ConstructL()
+//Second-phase constructor
+//Allocates and initialises CTelephony object by constructing a
+//CTelephonyFunctions object where the real work is done.
+	{
+	iTelephonyFunctions = CTelephonyFunctions::NewL();
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::CancelAsync(TCancellationRequest aCancel) const
+Cancels an outstanding asynchronous request.  
+The result of the cancellation request will be reflected through the 
+request status of the pending request.  A status of KErrCancel denotes 
+that the request has been safely cancelled.
+@param aCancel Canncellation code of request to be cancelled.
+@capability None
+	{
+	return iTelephonyFunctions->CancelAsync(aCancel);
+	}
+//Notifier related exports
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::NotifyChange(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TNotificationEvent& aEvent, TDes8& aDes) const
+Registers interest in receiving change notifications for events.
+Specify the event that you are interested with the aEvent parameter. 
+Each event is associated with a packaged class.  Pass an instance of 
+this class to this method.  Then, when the event occurs, information 
+relating to the event is written into it.  The description
+of CTelephony::TNotificationEvent tells you the information class for 
+each event.
+This is an asynchronous method. Notification can be cancelled using the
+cancellation codes specified in CTelephony::TNotificationEvent. Pass the
+appropriate code to CTelephony::CancelAsync() to cancel the notification
+@param aReqStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous call completes.
+@param aEvent Event on which change notification is requested. 
+@param aDes Packaged information class.  On completion, information 
+relating to the event is written into this class.  Until then, this 
+class's data is not valid.
+@capability Dependent This function depends on the TNotificationEvent value 
+passed to it.
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aReqStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aReqStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aReqStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->NotifyChangeL(aReqStatus, aEvent, aDes););
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{
+		iTelephonyFunctions->ResetPendingNotifyRequest(aEvent);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->ResetPendingNotifyRequest(aEvent);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+//Call related exports
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallParamsV1::TCallParamsV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::DialNewCall(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aCallParams, 
+							 const CTelephony::TTelNumber& aTelNumber, CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId, const CTelephony::TPhoneLine aLine) const 
+Initiates a new call.
+The client specifies the telephone number via the aTelNumber argument 
+and the desired call parameters via the aCallParams argument. 
+This is an asynchronous method. After successful completion of the dial request 
+a call identifier is returned back to the client via the aCallId argument.  
+The call identifier is needed to hold, resume, swap, and terminate the call.  
+It is also needed to monitor the status of the call.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes.  Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EDialNewCallCancel to cancel.
+@param aCallParams The call parameters used by the TSY.  Pass a CTelephony::TCallParamsV1Pckg, a 
+packaged CTelephony::TCallParamsV1.
+@param aTelNumber  Telephone number to dial.
+@param aCallId Upon completion, contains the call identifier. 
+@param aLine Line on which call can be made. Currently, only voice calls are supported.
+@see AnswerIncomingCall()
+@see Hold()
+@see Resume()
+@see Swap()
+@see Hangup()
+@see GetCallStatus()
+@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
+@capability NetworkServices
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->DialNewCallL(aRequestStatus, aCallParams, aTelNumber,aCallId,aLine));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EDialNewCall, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EDialNewCall, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::Hold(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId) const
+Places a call on hold. This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony. 
+The call's dynamic capabilities must allow the Hold operation for 
+this call to have successful completion of this request; see CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps().
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of Hold, line and call status might be affected by this operation. 
+Hold is only available for the voice line.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EHoldCancel to cancel.
+@param aCallId Call ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
+@see AnswerIncomingCall()
+@see DialNewCall()
+@see Resume()
+@see Swap()
+@see Hangup()
+@see GetCallStatus()
+@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
+@capability NetworkServices
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->HoldL(aRequestStatus, aCallId));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EHold, EFalse);	
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EHold, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::Resume(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId) const
+Resumes a held call. This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony.  
+The client specifies the call ID via the aCallId argument. 
+The call's dynamic capabilities must allow the Resume operation for this 
+call to have successful completion of this request; see CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps().
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of Resume, line and 
+call status might be affected by this operation. 
+Resume is only available for the voice line.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes.  Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EResumeCancel to cancel.
+@param aCallId Call ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
+@see AnswerIncomingCall()
+@see DialNewCall()
+@see Hold()
+@see Swap()
+@see Hangup()
+@see GetCallStatus()
+@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
+@capability NetworkServices
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->ResumeL(aRequestStatus, aCallId));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EResume, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EResume, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::Swap(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId1, const 
+					  CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId2) const
+Swaps calls. This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony. 
+Swap is possible only if both calls are owned by this ISV application. 
+The client specifies the call ids via the aCallId1 and aCallId2 arguments. 
+This is an asynchronous method.
+The calls' dynamic capabilities must allow the Swap operation for this call to 
+have successful completion of this request; see CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps().
+Swap is only available for the voice line.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::ESwapCancel to cancel.
+@param aCallId1 ID of a call, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
+@param aCallId2 ID of another call, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
+@see AnswerIncomingCall()
+@see DialNewCall()
+@see Hold()
+@see Resume()
+@see Hangup()
+@see GetCallStatus()
+@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
+@capability NetworkServices
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->SwapL(aRequestStatus, aCallId1, aCallId2));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::ESwap, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::ESwap, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::Hangup(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId) const
+Hangs up a call.  This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony. 
+The client specifies the call ID via the aCallId argument. 
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of Hangup, the line 
+and call status might be affected.
+Hangup is available only for the voice line.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EHangupCancel to cancel.
+@param aCallId Call ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
+@see AnswerIncomingCall()
+@see DialNewCall()
+@see Hold()
+@see Resume()
+@see Swap()
+@see GetCallStatus()
+@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
+@capability NetworkServices
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->HangupL(aRequestStatus, aCallId));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EHangup, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EHangup, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, CTelephony::TCallId& aCallId, 
+		const CTelephony::TPhoneLine aLine) const 
+Answers an incoming new voice call.  Fax and data calls cannot be answered.
+Answering an incoming call is possible only when the voice line status 
+is ringing (CTelephony::EStatusRinging) and RLine::NotifyIncomingCall
+has completed.
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of 
+AnswerIncomingCall() a call ID is returned to the client via the aCallId 
+argument. The call identifier is needed to hold, resume, swap, and terminate 
+the call.  It is also needed to monitor the status of the call.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EAnswerIncomingCallCancel to cancel 
+@param aCallId On completion, contains the call ID.
+@param aLine Line from which the answer request will attempted.  Currently, only the voice line is supported.
+@see DialNewCall()
+@see Hold()
+@see Resume()
+@see Swap()
+@see Hangup()
+@see GetCallStatus()
+@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
+@capability NetworkServices
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->AnswerIncomingCallL(aRequestStatus,aCallId,aLine));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EAnswerIncomingCall, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EAnswerIncomingCall, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::GetCallStatus(const TCallId& aCallId, TDes8& aStatus) const
+Retrieves the status of the selected call specified by the aCallId argument. 
+The current status of the selected call is returned to the client via the 
+aStatus argument. 
+GetCallStatus is available only for the voice line.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aCallId Call ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
+@param aStatus On completion contains a CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg, 
+a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 containing the call status.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+@see AnswerIncomingCall()
+@see DialNewCall()
+@see Hold()
+@see Resume()
+@see Swap()
+@see Hangup()
+@see GetCallDynamicCaps()
+@capability None
+	{
+	TInt rc=KErrAccessDenied;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCallStatusL(aCallId, aStatus));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		return leaveCode;
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		return rc;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}	
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallCapsV1::TCallCapsV1()
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps(const TCallId& aCallId, TDes8& aCaps) const
+Retrieves the dynamic call capabilities for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony. 
+The client specifies the call ID via the aCallId argument. 
+Upon successful retrieval the call control capabilities (Hold, Resume 
+and Swap) are returned via the aCaps argument.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aCallId Call ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
+@param aCaps On completion contains a CTelephony::TCallCapsV1Pckg, 
+a packaged CTelephony::TCallCapsV1 containing the call's dynamic capabilities.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+@capability None
+	{
+	TInt rc=KErrAccessDenied;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCallDynamicCaps(aCallId, aCaps));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		return leaveCode;
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		return KErrAccessDenied;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+//Phone related exports
+EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::TEtelISVType::VersionId() const
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	return iVersionId;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1::TPhoneIdV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetPhoneId(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
+Retrieves the model information and unique identification of the mobile device.
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the request the 
+manufacturer name, model and serial number (IMEI or ESN) are returned back to 
+the client via the aDes argument. 
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetPhoneIdCancel to cancel.
+@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
+CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1 class which is filled on completion.
+@capability None
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrAccessDenied;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetPhoneIdL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetPhoneId, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetPhoneId, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1::TSubscriberIdV1()
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetSubscriberId(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
+Retrieves information about the mobile device's current subscriber. 
+This will normally identify the SIM card on GSM and WCDMA networks or 
+the R-UIM card on CDMA networks.  It is independent of the phone.
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the request
+the serial number of the SIM or R-UIM card is returned back to the client
+via the aDes argument. 
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes.  Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetSubscriberIdCancel to cancel.
+@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
+CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1 class which is filled on completion.	
+@capability ReadDeviceData
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetSubscriberIdL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetSubscriberId, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetSubscriberId, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TIndicatorV1::TIndicatorV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetIndicator(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
+Retrieves the battery charging indicator, the network availability 
+indicator and call-in-progress indicator. 
+This is an asynchronous method. The method returns two flags for each
+indicator: the first is a capability flag; it says whether the indicator
+is valid.  The second flag is the indicator itself.
+For instance, two flags are returned for the battery charging 
+indicator.  The capability flag is only set if the phone can detect 
+when a charger is connected.  The indicator flag is only set when a 
+charger is actually connected.  The indicator flag is only valid when 
+the capability flag is set.
+Six flags, two for each indicator, are returned by this method in the 
+packaged aIndicator parameter.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetBatteryInfoCancel to cancel.
+@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TIndicatorV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
+CTelephony::TIndicatorV1 class which is filled on completion.	
+@see TPhoneIndicators
+@capability None
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetIndicatorL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetIndicator, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetIndicator, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetBatteryInfo(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
+Retrieves the status and charge level of the phone battery. 
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the request
+the battery information is returned via the packaged aDes argument. 
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetBatteryInfoCancel to cancel.
+@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
+CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1 class which is filled on completion.	
+@capability None
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetBatteryInfoL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetBatteryInfo, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetBatteryInfo, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1::TSignalStrengthV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetSignalStrength(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
+Retrieves the phone's current signal strength via the aDes argument. 
+This is an asynchronous method.
+If signal strength information is not supported by the phone the method will 
+return KErrNotSupported. If no signal strength information is currently 
+available the method will return KErrNotFound.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetSignalStrengthCancel to cancel. 
+@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1Pckg, a packaged version of 
+the CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1 class which is filled on completion.
+@capability None
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetSignalStrengthL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetSignalStrength, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetSignalStrength, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1::TIccLockInfoV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetLockInfo(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const TIccLock& aLock, TDes8& aDes) const
+Some phones allow users to lock them to prevent unauthorised use. 
+Typically, a code must be entered to unlock the phone. 
+This method retrieves the state and status of ICC locks PIN1/2. 
+The client selects the lock that it wishes to retrieve the status and 
+state of. 
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the
+request the PIN1/2 information is returned via the aDes argument. 
+Note that this member function does not concern the keypad locks.  
+Nor does it concern the lock that the networks use to prevent a phone from 
+being used on other networks.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetLockInfoCancel to cancel.
+@param aLock Lock to interrogate. Either Pin1 or Pin2.
+@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
+CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1 class which is filled on completion.
+@capability ReadDeviceData
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetLockInfoL(aRequestStatus, aLock, aDes));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetIccLockInfo, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetIccLockInfo, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::SendDTMFTones(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus,  const TDesC& aTones) const
+Transmits DTMF tones across all the current active voice calls. 
+This is an asynchronous method. The request completes when the tones
+have been sent.
+The string of DTMF characters is passed via the aTones parameter. 
+The string of DTMF characters can contain one or more DTMF tone(s).
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. use CTelephony::ESendDTMFTonesCancel to cancel.
+@param aTones String containing tones to transmit. It can contain one or more
+ occurance of the numbers 0 to 9, * and #.
+@capability NetworkServices
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->SendDTMFTonesL(aRequestStatus, aTones));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::ESendDTMFTones, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::ESendDTMFTones, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TFlightModeV1::TFlightModeV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetFlightMode(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
+Retrieves the current flight mode status. The flight mode is returned 
+via the aMode argument. 
+This is an asynchronous method.
+If the flight mode status is set to "off" then all network-related 
+requests are disabled.
+If the phone’s software does not support this feature then this method 
+returns KErrNotSupported.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes.  Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetFlightModeCancel to cancel.
+@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TFlightModeV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
+CTelephony::TFlightModeV1 class which is filled on completion.
+@capability None
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetFlightMode(aRequestStatus, aDes));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetFlightMode, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetFlightMode, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1::TBatteryInfoV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallStatusV1::TCallStatusV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+//Line related exports
+EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::GetLineStatus(const CTelephony::TPhoneLine& aLine, TDes8& aStatus) const
+Retrieves the status of the line selected by the aLine argument. The current 
+status of the selected line is returned to the client via the aStatus argument. 
+When only one call is in progress, the line status is identical to the 
+status of the call.
+When two calls are in progress (one active and one on hold) then the 
+status of the most "active" (connected and active or in progress) call 
+is returned.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aLine Identifier to line from which status is to be retrieved.
+@param aStatus On completion contains the current line status in a 
+CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg, a packaged version of CTelephony::TCallStatusV1.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+@capability None
+	TInt rc=KErrAccessDenied;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetLineStatus(aLine, aStatus));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		return leaveCode;
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		return rc;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallInfoV1::TCallInfoV1()
+Default constructor.
+	: iCallId(-1)
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TTelAddress::TTelAddress()
+Default constructor.
+	:	iTypeOfNumber(EUnknownNumber),
+		iNumberPlan(EUnknownNumberingPlan),
+		iTelNumber(0)
+	{
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1::TRemotePartyInfoV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallSelectionV1::TCallSelectionV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CTelephony::GetCallInfo(TDes8& aCallSelect, TDes8& aCallInfo, TDes8& aRemoteInfo) const
+Retrieves information about the call selected by the aCallSelect argument. 
+If a call with the appropriate status is not available, then 
+KErrNotFound is returned. Upon successful completion the call 
+information will be returned via the aCallInfo and aRemoteCallInfo 
+This functionality should be used after a notification of an incoming 
+call, notification of line status change to dialling, or notification 
+of remote party info change. Notification is requested with 
+CTelephony::NotifyChange(). After completion of the notification the 
+client should immediately request information about the call.
+@param aCallSelect Identifies the call for which information is retrieved.
+@param aCallInfo Contains CTelephony::TCallInfoV1Pckg, the packaged CTelephony::TCallInfoV1 
+parameter class which is filled on completion.
+@param aRemoteInfo Contains CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg, the packaged 
+CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1 parameter class which is filled on completion.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+@capability ReadUserData
+	{
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCallInfoL(aCallSelect, aCallInfo, aRemoteInfo));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		return leaveCode;
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		return rc;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+//Network related exports
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1::TNetworkRegistrationV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetNetworkRegistrationStatus(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
+Retrieves the current network registration status. 
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of this request
+the registration status is returned via the aDes argument. 
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetNetworkRegistrationStatusCancel 
+to cancel.
+@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1Pckg, a packaged version 
+of the CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1 class which is filled on completion.
+@capability None
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetNetworkRegistrationStatusL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetNetworkRegistrationStatus, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetNetworkRegistrationStatus, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1::TNetworkInfoV1()
+Default constructor. 
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+Default constructor. 
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV2::TNetworkInfoV2()
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV2;
+	}
+Retrieves over-the-air network information about the currently 
+registered mobile network. 
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion the network 
+information is returned via the aDes argument.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous 
+call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetCurrentNetworkInfoCancel to 
+cancel.  KErrAccessDenied is given to this request status if the device
+is in flight mode.
+@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1Pckg, a packaged version of the 
+CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1 class which is filled on completion.	
+@capability ReadDeviceData because Cell ID is retrieved from the platform.
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetCurrentNetworkInfo(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCurrentNetworkInfoL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCurrentNetworkInfo, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCurrentNetworkInfo, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TNetworkNameV1::TNetworkNameV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+Default constructor.
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TNetworkNameV2::TNetworkNameV2()
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV2;
+	}
+Retrieves ICC-stored information about the (preferred) name of the
+currently registered mobile network.
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion the retrieved
+network name(s) is returned via the aDes argument.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+Cancellation of the request can be achieved by passing
+CTelephony::EGetCurrentNetworkNameCancel to the function CTelephony::CancelAsync().
+Note: This information is only available on GSM/WCDMA networks.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous call completes.
+                      KErrAccessDenied will be returned if the phone is in flight mode.
+@param aDes Contains a CTelephony::TNetworkNameV1Pckg, a packaged version of the
+            CTelephony::TNetworkNameV1 class which is filled on completion.
+@capability None
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetCurrentNetworkName(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, TDes8& aDes) const
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCurrentNetworkNameL(aRequestStatus, aDes));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCurrentNetworkName, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCurrentNetworkName, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}
+//Supplementary Services related exports
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallBarringSupplServicesV1::TCallBarringSupplServicesV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTelephony::TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1::TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1()
+Default constructor.
+	{
+	iVersionId=KEtelISVV1;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CTelephony::GetCallForwardingStatus(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const TCallForwardingCondition aCondition, TDes8& aDes, const TServiceGroup aServiceGroup) const
+Interrogates the current status of the call forwarding services. 
+Specify the condition for enquiry via the aCondition argument. 
+This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion the status
+information is returned via the aSSInfo argument. Support is available
+only for the voice line.
+This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.
+Note: This information is only available on GSM/WCDMA networks.
+@param aRequestStatus Returns the result code after the asynchronous call completes.  
+Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetCallForwardingStatusCancel to 
+@param aCondition Call forwarding condition to be interrogated.
+@param aDes  Contains a CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1Pckg, a packaged 
+version of the CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1 class which is filled on 
+@param aServiceGroup Service group to be interrogated.
+@capability ReadDeviceData
+@capability NetworkServices
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* reqStatusPtr = &aRequestStatus;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRequestStatus != KRequestPending,
+		User::Panic(KTelephonyCategory, KTelephonyPanicIllegalReuse) );
+	aRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TInt rc=KErrInUse;	
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, rc=iTelephonyFunctions->GetCFSupplementaryServiceStatusL(aRequestStatus, aCondition, aDes, aServiceGroup));
+	if(leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{	
+		iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCFSupplServicesStatus, EFalse);
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, leaveCode);
+		}
+	else if (rc != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(rc != KErrInUse)	//this means request already pending, so do not reset
+			{
+			iTelephonyFunctions->SetRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCFSupplServicesStatus, EFalse);
+			}
+		User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, rc);
+		}
+	}