--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wapstack/wapmessageapi/sws/ActiveSocket.h Fri May 28 15:11:19 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __ACTIVESOCKET_H__
+#define __ACTIVESOCKET_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <wapmessage.h>
+#include "WapSwsTimeOut.h"
+class CActiveSocketSMS;
+class CActiveSocketUDP;
+class MProgressNotify;
+enum TWapMessageState
+ {
+ /**
+ The state that is no outstanding request.
+ */
+ EIdle,
+ /**
+ The state that the messaging API client is requesting data length
+ */
+ ERequestingLength,
+ /**
+ The state the the messaging API client is requesting data
+ */
+ ERequestingData,
+ /**
+ The state that the data size is ready to be read
+ */
+ EPendingLength,
+ /**
+ The state that the messaging API client got the data length
+ */
+ EGotLength,
+ /**
+ The state that the received data is ready to be read
+ */
+ EPendingData,
+ /**
+ The state the data is being reading, but not finished
+ */
+ EReading,
+ /**
+ The state that there are more data to be received from ESock (PRT 1.5)
+ */
+ EContinuous
+ };
+enum TWapMessageType
+ {
+ /**
+ Wsp message
+ */
+ EWapWsp,
+ /**
+ Wdp message
+ */
+ EWapWdp
+ };
+enum TWapActiveSocketState
+ {
+ /**
+ No outstanding request state
+ */
+ ESocketIdle,
+ /**
+ Waiting for the PDU length state
+ */
+ ESocketWaitingForLength,
+ /**
+ Waiting for the PDU data state
+ */
+ ESocketWaitingForData
+ };
+enum TWapNotificationEvent
+ {
+ /**
+ The event that PDU length is ready.
+ */
+ EPduLengthReceived,
+ /**
+ The event thst PDU us ready
+ */
+ EPduReceived
+ };
+class TWapNotificationInfo
+ {
+ inline TWapNotificationInfo(Wap::TBearer aBearer, TInt aError);
+ Wap::TBearer iBearer;
+ TInt iError;
+ };
+inline TWapNotificationInfo::TWapNotificationInfo(Wap::TBearer aBearer, TInt aError):
+iBearer(aBearer), iError(aError)
+ {
+ }
+typedef TPckgBuf<TWapNotificationInfo> TWapNotificationInfoBuf;
+const TUint KMaxUdpBearerDataBufferLength=1024;
+class CWapMessageRecord: public CBase
+The Base class to represent the received WSP and WDP PDU
+@since v8.0
+ {
+ static CWapMessageRecord* NewL(TWapMessageType aType);
+ virtual ~CWapMessageRecord();
+ TWapMessageState GetDataState();
+ void SetDataState(TWapMessageState aStatus);
+ void CreatePduBufferL(TBool aFixLengthFlag);
+ TPckgBuf<TUint32>* GetPduSizeRef();
+ void SetPduSize(TUint32 aLength);
+ TUint32 GetPduSize();
+ HBufC8*& GetPduPtr();
+ /**
+ To read the received Wdp pdu
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+ @since v8.0
+ @param aBuffer(out) the buffer to contain the received wdp pdu
+ @param aTruncated(out) the flag to represent if the data is truncated or not
+ @returns KErrNone on successful completion, or one of the system error codes on failure.
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetPduData(TDes8& aBuffer, TBool& aTruncated)=0;
+ /**
+ To unpack the received wdp pdu to wsp message.
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+ @since v8.0
+ */
+ virtual void UnpackPduToWspDataL()=0;
+ /**
+ To read the wsp message from the buffer
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+ @since v8.0
+ @param aWspHeader(out) the buffer to contain the wsp header
+ @param aWspBody(out) the buffer to contain the wsp body
+ @param iTransactionId(out) the received transaction ID
+ @param aWspStatus(out) the received wsp status
+ @returns KErrNone on successful completion, or one of the system error codes on failure.
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetWspData(TDes8& aWspHeader, TDes8& aWspBody, TUint8& aTransactionId, TWSPStatus& aWspStatus)=0;
+ virtual void CleanUpData();
+ /**The received WDP PDU Data buffer
+ */
+ HBufC8* iPdu;
+ /**The received WDP PDU length buffer
+ */
+ TPckgBuf<TUint32> iDataLength;
+ CWapMessageRecord();
+ /**The state of the received the WSP or WDP data
+ */
+ TWapMessageState iState;
+ };
+class CWspMessageRecord: public CWapMessageRecord
+The class to represent the received WSP PDU
+@since v8.0
+ {
+ CWspMessageRecord();
+ ~CWspMessageRecord();
+ void UnpackPduToWspDataL();
+ TInt GetWspData(TDes8& aWspHeader, TDes8& aWspBody, TUint8& aTransactionId, TWSPStatus& aWspStatus);
+ TInt GetPduData(TDes8& aBuffer, TBool& aTruncated);
+ void CleanUpData();
+ /**
+ The buffer for received Wsp header.
+ */
+ HBufC8* iWspHeader;
+ /**
+ The buffer for received Wsp body.
+ */
+ HBufC8* iWspBody;
+ /**
+ The received the transaction Id.
+ */
+ TUint8 iTransactionId;
+ /**
+ The received WSP layer status
+ */
+ TWSPStatus iWspStatus;
+ /**
+ The offset of the header for next reading
+ */
+ TInt iHeaderOffset;
+ /**
+ The offset of the body for next reading
+ */
+ TInt iBodyOffset;
+ };
+class CWdpMessageRecord: public CWapMessageRecord
+The class to represent the received WDP PDU
+@since v8.0
+ {
+ CWdpMessageRecord();
+ ~CWdpMessageRecord();
+ void UnpackPduToWspDataL();
+ TInt GetWspData(TDes8& aWspHeader, TDes8& aWspBody, TUint8& aTransactionId, TWSPStatus& aWspStatus);
+ TInt GetPduData(TDes8& aBuffer, TBool& aTruncated);
+ void CleanUpData();
+ /**
+ The offset of the pdu for next reading
+ */
+ TUint32 iPduOffset;
+ };
+class CActiveSocket: public CActive
+The base class for the different bearer classes.
+@since v8.0
+ {
+ static void NewL(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, RPointerArray<CActiveSocket>& aActiveSockets, Wap::TBearer aBearer, TWapMessageType aType, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TPort aLocalPort, RConnection* aConnection=NULL);
+ static void NewL(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, RPointerArray<CActiveSocket>& aActiveSockets, Wap::TBearer aBearer, TWapMessageType aType, MProgressNotify* aNotify, const TSockAddr& aRemoteAddr, RConnection* aConnection=NULL);
+ virtual ~CActiveSocket();
+ virtual void ConstructL(TWapMessageType aType);
+ /**
+ Read the received Wdp pdu length.
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+ @since v8.0
+ @returns KErrNone on successful completion, or one of the system error codes on failure.
+ */
+ virtual TInt AwaitRecvDataSize() = 0;
+ /**
+ Read the received Wdp pdu.
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+ @since v8.0
+ @returns KErrNone on successful completion, or one of the system error codes on failure.
+ */
+ virtual TInt Receive() = 0;
+ TSockAddr& GetLocalAddress();
+ TInt GetLocalPort(Wap::TPort& aLocalPort);
+ TInt GetRemoteAddress(HBufC8*& aAddr);
+ TSockAddr& GetRemoteAddress();
+ TWapMessageState GetDataState();
+ void SetDataState(TWapMessageState aState);
+ TUint32 GetPduSize();
+ TInt GetPduData(TDes8& aBuffer, TBool& aTruncated);
+ TInt GetWspData(TDes8& aWspHeader, TDes8& aWspBody, TUint8& aTransactionId, TWSPStatus& aStatus);
+ void UnpackPduToWspDataL();
+ Wap::TBearer GetBearerType();
+ RSocket& Socket();
+ void CleanUpData();
+ /**The RSocket instance to send and receive WDP PDU.
+ */
+ RSocket iSocket;
+ /**The remote address for the last received message
+ */
+ TSockAddr iRemoteAddr;
+ /**The local address for the last received message
+ */
+ TSockAddr iLocalAddr;
+ CActiveSocket(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, Wap::TBearer aBearerType, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TPort aLocalPort);
+ CActiveSocket(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, Wap::TBearer aBearerType, MProgressNotify* aNotify, const TSockAddr& aRemoteAddr, Wap::TPort aLocalPort);
+ /**The data buffer to receive WDP or WSP message
+ */
+ CWapMessageRecord* iMessageRecord;
+ /**The RSocketServ reference from WAP message API
+ */
+ RSocketServ& iSocketServ;
+ /**The Bearer type
+ */
+ Wap::TBearer iBearerType;
+ /**The port number for the last received message
+ */
+ Wap::TPort iLocalPort;
+ /**The state of the bearer
+ */
+ TWapActiveSocketState iSocketState;
+ /**
+ The instance that to be notified when data is received
+ */
+ MProgressNotify* iNotify;
+ /**
+ Buffer for the first read from ESock
+ */
+ TPtr8 iBuf;
+ /**
+ Reported remaining length for PRT 1.5
+ */
+ TSockXfrLength iRxlength;
+ /**
+ Buffer for continious read from ESock
+ */
+ TPtr8 iBufCon;
+ };
+class CActiveSocketSMS : public CActiveSocket
+The class represent the SMS bearer. It will open a RSocket over WapSMS protocol, send and
+receive WDP PDU.
+@since v8.0
+ CActiveSocketSMS(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TBearer aBearer, Wap::TPort aLocalPort);
+ CActiveSocketSMS(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TBearer aBearer, const TSockAddr& aRemoteAddr);
+ virtual ~CActiveSocketSMS();
+ TInt AwaitRecvDataSize();
+ TInt Receive();
+ void ConstructL(TWapMessageType aType);
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+class CActiveSocketUDP : public CActiveSocket
+The class represent the UDP bearer. It will open a RSocket over UDP protocol, send and
+receive WDP PDU. It is not supported in released v8.0.
+@since v8.0
+ CActiveSocketUDP(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TBearer aBearer, Wap::TPort aLocalPort, RConnection* aConnection);
+ CActiveSocketUDP(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TBearer aBearer, const TSockAddr& aRemoteAddr, RConnection* aConnection);
+ virtual ~CActiveSocketUDP();
+ TInt AwaitRecvDataSize();
+ TInt Receive();
+ void ConstructL(TWapMessageType aType);
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ The RConnection shared with the WAP message API client.
+ */
+ RConnection* iConnection;
+#endif // __ACTIVESOCKET_H__