// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// The bytes are all inverted as the T.30 spec indicates that all frame
// data should be transmitted from MSB -> LSB ( i.e. left to right just
// as printed). However, asynchronous data is always send LSB -> MSB
// which would be the wrong way round. Note that in the faxparms.bit
// structure the fields are declared in MSB -> LSB order, which is OK.
// ID strings are an exception : they are always transmitted completely
// backwards (LSB of last byte -> MSB of first byte.
// Where the MSB is listed as an x this should be set to 1 if we
// received KT30_DIS or left at to 0 if we received a response to our KT30_DIS
// We have a mask on incoming data to knock this bit off
#ifndef __FRAMES_H
#define __FRAMES_H
const TUint8 KT30_DISMASK (0xfe);
const TUint8 KT30_TCF (0x00);
const TUint8 KT30_FILL (0x00);
const TUint8 KT30_T1 (35); // this is the T1 35 second timeout
const TUint8 KT30_T2 (6); // this is the T2 6 second timeout
const TUint8 KT30_T4 (3); // this is the T4 3 second timeout (5.2E/T.30)
const TUint8 KT30_ADDR (0xff); // HDLC address is palindromic
const TUint8 KT30_CTLNXT (0x03); // intermediate frame control field 11000000
const TUint8 KT30_CTLLST (0x13); // final control field 11001000
const TUint8 KT30_DIS (0x80); // answering capability follows 00000001
const TUint8 KT30_CSI (0x40); // answering station identity follows 00000010
const TUint8 KT30_NSF (0x20); // answering nonstandard facilities 00000100
const TUint8 KT30_DTC (0x81); // polling capability follows 10000001
const TUint8 KT30_CIG (0x41); // polling station identity follows 10000010
const TUint8 KT30_NSC (0x21); // polling nonstandard facilities 10000100
const TUint8 KT30_DCS (0x82); // transmitter capability follows x1000001
const TUint8 KT30_TSI (0x42); // transmitter station identity follows x1000010
const TUint8 KT30_NSS (0x22); // transmitter nonstandard facilities x1000100
const TUint8 KT30_CFR (0x84); // confirmation to received x0100001
const TUint8 KT30_FTT (0x44); // failure to train x0100010
const TUint8 KT30_EOM (0x8e); // end of document x1110001
const TUint8 KT30_MPS (0x4e); // end of page x1110010
const TUint8 KT30_EOP (0x2e); // end of transmission x1110100
const TUint8 KT30_PRIEOM (0x9e); // end of document - operator pls x1111001
const TUint8 KT30_PRIMPS (0x5e); // end of page - operator pls x1111010
const TUint8 KT30_PRIEOP (0x3e); // end of transmission - operator pls x1111100
const TUint8 KT30_MCF (0x8c); // message confirmation x0110001
const TUint8 KT30_RTP (0xcc); // message confirmation with retrain x0110011
const TUint8 KT30_PIP (0xac); // message confirmation - operator pls x0110101
const TUint8 KT30_RTN (0x4c); // message not received with retrain x0110010
const TUint8 KT30_PIN (0x2c); // message not received - operator pls x0110100
const TUint8 KT30_DCN (0xfa); // disconnect x1011111
const TUint8 KT30_CRP (0x1a); // command repeat x1011000
union faxparms
TUint8 byte[5] ;
unsigned b01: 1 ; // transmitter T2
unsigned b02: 1 ; // receiver T2
unsigned b03: 1 ; // T2 IOC
unsigned b04: 1 ; // transmitter T3
unsigned b05: 1 ; // receiver T3
unsigned b06: 1 ; // reserved
unsigned b07: 1 ; // reserved
unsigned b08: 1 ; // reserved
unsigned b09: 1 ; // transmitter T4
unsigned b10: 1 ; // receiver T4
unsigned b11: 1 ; // data signalling rate b 1
unsigned b12: 1 ; // data signalling rate b 2
unsigned b13: 1 ; // data signalling rate b 3
unsigned b14: 1 ; // data signalling rate b 4
unsigned b15: 1 ; // fine vertical resolution
unsigned b16: 1 ; // two dimensional coding
unsigned b17: 1 ; // fax width b 1
unsigned b18: 1 ; // fax width b 2
unsigned b19: 1 ; // fax length b 1
unsigned b20: 1 ; // fax length b 2
unsigned b21: 1 ; // minimum scan line line b 1
unsigned b22: 1 ; // minimum scan line line b 2
unsigned b23: 1 ; // minimum scan line line b 3
unsigned b24: 1 ; // extend field
unsigned b25: 1 ; // 2400 bps handshake
unsigned b26: 1 ; // uncompressed mode
unsigned b27: 1 ; // error correction
unsigned b28: 1 ; // frame size 64 octets
unsigned b29: 1 ; // error limiting mode
unsigned b30: 1 ; // G4
unsigned b31: 1 ; // T6 coding
unsigned b32: 1 ; // extend field
unsigned b33: 1 ; // validity of width bs 17,18
unsigned b34: 1 ; // width 1216 pels/151mm
unsigned b35: 1 ; // width 864 pels/107mm
unsigned b36: 1 ; // width 1728 pels/151mm
unsigned b37: 1 ; // width 1728 pels/107mm
unsigned b38: 1 ; // reserved
unsigned b39: 1 ; // reserved
unsigned b40: 1 ; // extend
} bit ;
} ;