author hgs
Mon, 24 May 2010 18:38:31 +0100
changeset 39 2473f5e227f9
parent 0 3553901f7fa8
child 24 6638e7f4bd8f
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:

#ifndef CMmMBMSContextTsy_H
#define CMmMBMSContextTsy_H

#include "Cmmpacketcontexttsy.h"
#include "mbmstypes.h"

class CMmTsyReqHandleStore;
class CMmPacketServiceTsy;


*  CMmMBMSContextTsy contains MBMS context related functionality. 
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMmMBMSContextTsy ) : public CMmPacketContextTsy
    public: // Constructor and destructor    
         * NewL method is used to create a new instance of CMmMBMSContextTsy
         * class.
         * @param aMmPacketService Pointer to the Packet Service object
         * @param aName Context name
         * @param aProxyId Proxy id
        static CMmMBMSContextTsy* NewL
                ( CMmPacketServiceTsy* aMmPacketService,                
                  const TDes& aName,  
                  const TUint8 aProxyId );

         * Destructor

         * TRAP's all CMmMBMSContextTsy related MM API requests in case that
         * they fail. This method functions only as a centralized TRAP for the
         * DoExtFuncL method that does the actual mapping of IPC number to
         * TSY method call.
         * @param aTsyReqHandle TSY request handle from ETel server
         * @param aIpc IPC number of the request
         * @param aPackage Reference to the input parameters.
         * @return KErrNone/KErrNotSupported
        virtual TInt ExtFunc( TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, 
            TInt aIpc, const TDataPackage& aPackage );    

         * Returns request mode for given IPC number
         * @param aIpc IPC number of the request
         * @return CTelObject::TReqMode Request mode
        virtual CTelObject::TReqMode ReqModeL( TInt aIpc );

         * Returns number of slots to be used for a given IPC
         * @param aIpc IPC number of the request
         * @return TInt Number of slots for this request
        virtual TInt NumberOfSlotsL( TInt aIpc );

         * Cancels request that's IPC number and request handle are given as
         * parameters
         * @param aIpc: IPC number of the request
         * @param aTsyReqHandle Request handle from ETel server
         * @return KErrNone/KErrNotSupported
        virtual TInt CancelService( TInt aIpc, 
            TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle );

         * Register given notification
         * @param aIpc IPC number of the request
         * @return TInt Result of the request
        virtual TInt RegisterNotification( TInt aIpc );

         * Deregister given notification
         * @param aIpc IPC number of the request
         * @return TInt Result of the request
        virtual TInt DeregisterNotification( TInt aIpc );

         * Complete the context initialisation
         * @param aResult Result of the request
         * @param aDataChannel the data channel to return to the client
        void CompleteInitialiseContext( TInt aResult ,RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2* aDataChannel );

         * Complete the context activation.
         * @param aResult Result of the request
        void CompleteActivate(TInt aResult );
         * Complete activate phase2
         * @param aTsyReqHandle The ETEL request handle
         * @param aClient The client id
         * @param aBuffer A descriptor to put the active services into
         * @return error code
        TInt GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase2L(
        	TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
        	RMobilePhone::TClientId* aClient,
	        TDes8* aBuffer );
	     * Cancel get service list request
        TInt CancelGetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1();

         * Complete the context deactivation
         * @param aResult Result of the request
         * @param aDataPackage NULL or a list of failed entries in case there are failed entries 
        void CompleteDeactivate( CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage, TInt aResult );
         * Complete the context delete
         * @param aResult Result of the request
        void CompleteDelete( TInt aResult );

         * Complete the config changed notification
         * @param aDataPackage The data that was send from the LTSY
         * @param aResult The result of the status change 
        void CompleteNotifyConfigChanged( 
        		const CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage = NULL,
                TInt aResult= 0);
         * Complete the status change notification
         * @param aDataPackage The data that was send from the LTSY
         * @param aResult The result of the status change 
        void CompleteNotifyStatusChange(
            const CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
            TInt aResult  );      
         * Complete the status change notification
         * @param aContextStatus Contains status of the context
        void CompleteNotifyStatusChange(
            RPacketContext::TContextStatus aContextStatus  );                 
         * Complete the context configuration
         * @param aResult Result of the request
        void CompleteSetConfig( TInt aResult );

         * Set the last error cause.
         * @param aErrorCause Contains the last error cause
        void SetLastErrorCause( TInt aErrorCause );

         * Get the context status.
         * return RPacketContext::TContextStatus
        RPacketContext::TContextStatus ContextStatus() const;

         * Tells if context activation is allowed
         * @return TBool ETrue/EFalse
        TBool IsContextActivationAllowed() const;

         * Return the contextName
         * @return The context name
        const TInfoName &ContextName() const;
         * Completets sessions list change request back to client
         * @param aResult Actual result of complete
        void CompleteUpdateMbmsSessionList( 
            const TInt aResult );          

         * Return the context index
         * @return The context index
        TInt ContextIndex() const;        
         * First phase to retrieve active services
         * @param aTsyReqHandle the ETEL request handle
         * @param aClient Etel's client ID
         * @param aBufSize Buffer size to client
         * @return error code
        TInt GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1L(
	        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
	        RMobilePhone::TClientId* aClient,
	        TInt* aBufSize );
         * Sets dynamic capability flags to this context
         * @param aFlag Flags to set
         * @param aIsActionPossible Is action possible
        void SetDynamicCapsFlag(
            const RPacketService::TDynamicCapsFlags aFlag,  
            const TBool aIsActionPossible );   
         * Returns number of session in this context
         * @return TInt Number of session in this context
        TInt SessionCount();

         * Returns type of context based on context name
         * @param aInfoName Name of the context
         * @return TInt Type of context
        virtual TPacketContextType ContextType() const;

         * Call the needed complete method due the timer expiration.
         * @param aReqHandleType  
         * @param aError                      
        void Complete
                const TInt aReqHandleType,
                const TInt aError 

    private: // functions
         * C++ default constructor.

         * Class attributes are created in ConstructL.
         * @param aMmPacketService Pointer to the Packet Service object
         * @param aMessageManager Pointer to the Message Manager object
         * @param aName Context name
         * @param aProxyId Proxy id
        void ConstructL(CMmPacketServiceTsy* const aMmPacketService,                
                const TDes& aName,  
                TUint8 aProxyId);

         * Initialise miscellaneous internal attributes.
        void InitInternalAttributes();
         * TRAP's all CMmMBMSContextTsy related MM Packet API requests in 
         * case that they fail. This method functions only as a centralized
         * TRAP for the DoExtFuncL method that does the actual mapping of IPC 
         * number to TSY method call.
         * @param aTsyReqHandle TSY request handle from ETel server
         * @param aIpc IPC number of the request
         * @param aPackage Reference to the input parameters.
         * @return KErrNone/KErrNotSupported
        TInt DoExtFuncL( TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
            TInt aIpc, const TDataPackage& aPackage );

         * Initialise a context
         * @param aDataChannel A pointer to a client object to return the data channel
         * @return TInt Success/failure value
        TInt InitialiseContextL(RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2* aDataChannel );
         * Activate a context
         * @return TInt Success/failure value
        TInt ActivateL();

         * Deactivate a context
         * @return TInt Success/failure value
        TInt DeactivateL();

         * Deletes a context
         * @return TInt Success/failure value
        TInt DeleteL();
         * Updates session list of this context. Possible actions are;
         * add, remove or remove all items
         * @param aAction Update action; add, remove or remove all
         * @param aSession The id of the session  
         * @return TInt Possible error value
        TInt UpdateMbmsSessionList( TMbmsAction* aAction,
            TMbmsSessionId* aSession );
         * Get the context configuration info
         * @param aTsyReqHandle TSY request handle
         * @return aConfig Contains Context configuration info on return
         * @return TInt Success/failure value
        TInt GetConfig(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
            TPacketDataConfigBase* aConfig );

         * Get the last error cause occurred
         * @param aTsyReqHandle TSY request handle
         * @return aError Contains last error value on return
         * @return TInt Success/failure value
        TInt GetLastErrorCause( TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
            TInt* aError );

         * Get the current status of the context
         * @param aTsyReqHandle TSY request handle
         * @return aContextStatus Contains current status of the context
         * @return TInt KErrNone
        TInt GetStatus( TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
            RPacketContext::TContextStatus* aContextStatus );

         * Allows clients to be notified of any change in context 
         * configuration. Allows a client to be notified whenever a change in 
         * the configuration of the current context is detected and passes 
         * back the updated  configuration. Note that once the notification 
         * completes, the clients must then re-post the notification if they 
         * wish to continue receiving the notification.
         * @return aConfig Contains context configuration info on return
         * @return TInt Success/failure value
        TInt NotifyConfigChanged( TPacketDataConfigBase* aConfig );

         * Allows clients to be notified of any change in the context status
         * @return aContextStatus Contains the status of the context on return
         * @return TInt Success/failure value
        TInt NotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::TContextStatus* aContextStatus );

         * Set context configuration
         * @param aConfig Contains context configuration
         * @return TInt Success/failure value.
        TInt SetConfigL( TPacketDataConfigBase* aConfig );

         * Overloads original ReqCompleted for logging purposes
         * @param aTsyReqHandle TSY request handle
         * @param aError error value
        virtual void ReqCompleted( TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
            TInt aError );

         * Method invokes MS-initiated modification of an active context in the 
         * network
         * @return TInt Success/failure value.
        TInt ModifyActiveContextL();


         * Choose the type of response, automatic or common.
         * @param aReqHandleType
         * @param aTsyReqHandle                         
        void SetTypeOfResponse( TInt aReqHandleType, 
                TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle );


    public: //Data
        // TPacketContextRequestTypes enumerates indexes to Packet's request
        // handle table. Request handles are stored there while waiting for 
        // completion of the request.
        enum TPacketContextRequestTypes

            // Max number of requests


    private: // Data

         * Context configuration data GPRS
         * Own.         
        RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* iConfig;

         * Req handle type
        TPacketContextRequestTypes iReqHandleType;
         *  TSY request handle
        TTsyReqHandle iTsyReqHandle;           

         *  Pointer to the Req handle store
         *  Own.        
        CMmTsyReqHandleStore* iTsyReqHandleStore;
         *  Table for packet context request handles
        TTsyReqHandle iPacketContextReqHandles[EMaxNumOfMBMSContextRequests];
         *  Pointer to the Packet Service TSY
         *  Not own.        
        CMmPacketServiceTsy* iMmPacketService;                                                
         *  Notify Config Changed
         *  Not own.        
        TPacketDataConfigBase* iRetNotifyConfig;
         *  Notify Config Changed
         *  Not own.        
        TPacketDataConfigBase* iRetNotifyConfig2;

         *  Notify Context Status Change
         *  Not own.        
        RPacketContext::TContextStatus* iRetNotifyStatus;                                               

         * Context status   
        RPacketContext::TContextStatus iContextStatus;
         *  Context name      
        TInfoName iContextName;    

         *  Initialisation state flag    
        TBool iIsInitialiseAllowed;                                            
         *  Activation state flag    
        TBool iIsActivateAllowed; 
         * Context status before deactivation
        RPacketContext::TContextStatus iContextStatusBeforeDeactivation;
         * Unique object Id       
        TUint8 iObjectId;                                                                

         * Context status before suspending       
        RPacketContext::TContextStatus iContextStatusBeforeSuspending;        

         *  Last error cause      
        TInt iLastErrorCause;       
         *  Array containing all services
        RPacketMbmsContext::CMbmsSession* iServicesArray; 
         * Temporary configuration structure
        RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* iTempConfig;
         * Session list action to complete
        TMbmsAction iAction;
         * Item to add or remove to/from session list
        TMbmsSessionId iSession;
         * Buffer to store active session info
        HBufC8* iActiveSessionInfoBuffer;
         * The client id for GetMbmsActiveServices 
        RMobilePhone::TClientId iClientId;
         * A pointer to the client object, to return the data channel after init
        RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2 *iDataChannelV2;


#endif // CMmMBMSContextTsy_H
// End of File