author hgs
Mon, 24 May 2010 18:38:31 +0100
changeset 39 2473f5e227f9
parent 0 3553901f7fa8
child 24 6638e7f4bd8f
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:


#if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1000)
#pragma once

#include <ctsy/rmmcustomapi.h>
#include <ctsy/pluginapi/cmmdatapackage.h>
#include "cmmpacketqosgsmwcdmaext.h"
#include "CMmPrivateUtility.h"


class CMmPacketServiceTsy;
class CMmPacketContextTsy;
class RMmCustomAPI;


*  CMmPacketContextGsmWcdmaExt contains mode specific packet context
*  functionality for GSM/WCDMA Packet Data.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMmPacketContextGsmWcdmaExt ) : public CBase
  	public: // Constructor and destructor

         * Two-phased constructor.
         * @param aMmPacketContextTsy Pointer to the created object
         * @param aMmPacketServiceTsy Pointer to Servicetsy
         * @return CMmCallGsmWcdmaExt* Pointer to the created object
         static CMmPacketContextGsmWcdmaExt* NewL(
                CMmPacketContextTsy* const aMmPacketContextTsy,
                CMmPacketServiceTsy* const aMmPacketServiceTsy );

         * Destructor.
        virtual ~CMmPacketContextGsmWcdmaExt();

         * Initialise a context
         * @param aDataChannel Pointer to packet context channelId information
         * @return error code
        TInt InitialiseContextL(RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2* aDataChannel);

         * Complete initialise of a context
         * @param aChannelId ChannelId from the L-TSY 
 		 * @param error code
        void CompleteInitialiseContext(const TDesC& aChannelId,  
                				       const TInt aResult );  
         * Complete initialise of a context
         * @param error code
        void CompleteInitialiseContext( const TInt aResult);
#endif // #ifdef USING_CTSY_DISPATCHER       

         * Activate a context
         * @return error code
        TInt ActivateL();

         * Complete the activate request
         * @param aDataPackage Packaged parameters
         * @param error code
        void CompleteActivate( CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
                const TInt aResult );

         * Complete activate phase2
         * @param aDataPackage Packaged parameters
         * @param error code
        void CompleteActivatePhase2( CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
            const TInt aResult );

         * Deactivate a context
         * @return error code
        TInt DeactivateL();

         * Complete deactivation of the context.
         * @param error code
        void CompleteDeactivate( const TInt aResult );

         * Delete a context.
         * @return error code
        TInt DeleteL();

         * Complete deletion of the context.
         * @param error code
        void CompleteDelete( const TInt aResult );

         * Get the context configuration info.
         * @return aConfig Current context configuration
         * @return error code
        TInt GetConfig( TPacketDataConfigBase* const aConfig );

         * Notify when context configuration info has been changed
         * @param aConfig Current configuration mode
         * @return KErrNotSupported
        TInt NotifyConfigChanged( TPacketDataConfigBase& aConfig );

         * Configure a context
         * @param aConfig Current context configuration data
         * @return error code
        TInt SetConfigL( TPacketDataConfigBase* const aConfig );

         * Complete SetConfig
         * @param error code
        void CompleteSetConfig( const TInt aResult );

         * Get the data volume transferred
         * @return error code
        TInt GetDataVolumeTransferredL();

         * Complete the GetDataVolumeTransferred request.
         * @param aDataPackage Packaged parameters
         * @param error code
        void CompleteGetDataVolumeTransferred( 
            const CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage, const TInt aResult );

         * Prepare to set or modify packet filter(s) to context
         * @param aPacketFilter Current context TFT filter data
         * @return error code
        TInt AddPacketFilterL( TDes8* aPacketFilter );

         * Prepare to remove packet filter(s) from context.
         * @param aId ID of the TFT filter to be removed
         * @return error code
        TInt RemovePacketFilter( const TInt aId );

         * Add, remove or modify packetfilter(s) and qos to active context.
         * @return error code
        TInt ModifyActiveContextL();

         * Complete active context modify operation
         * @param error code
         * @param aDataPackage Packaged parameters
        void CompleteModifyActiveContext( 
        	CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage, const TInt aResult );

         * Count packet filters from context.
         * @return aCount Count of the Packet Filters
         * @return error code
        TInt EnumeratePacketFilters( TInt *aCount );

         * Gets packet filter info by index
         * @param aIndex Index of the wanted packet filter
         * @return aPacketFilterInfo Inforamtion of the TFT filter specified by
         * index.
         * @return error code
        TInt GetPacketFilterInfo( const TInt aIndex,
                TPacketBase* aPacketFilterInfo );

         * Return pointer to context configuration GPRS
         * @return aConfig Current context configuration
        RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS* ContextConfig() const;

         * This method get the DNS info
         * @param aDnsInfo Contains DNS information in return
         * @return KErrNone.
        TInt GetDnsInfoEtel( TDes8* const aDnsInfo );

         * Complete the config changed notification
         * @return None
        void CompleteNotifyConfigChanged();

         * Complete the config changed notification
         * @param aDataPackage Packaged parameters
         * @param error code
        void CompleteNotifyStatusChange( const CMmDataPackage*
            aDataPackage, const TInt aResult );

         * Sets iContextStatusBeforeActivation parameter
         * @param aContextStatusBeforeDeactivation Contains status of the 
         * current context
        void SetContextStatusBeforeDeactivation( 
        	const RPacketContext::TContextStatus
            aContextStatusBeforeDeactivation );

         * Tells if context activation is allowed
         * @return TBool ETrue/EFalse
        TBool IsContextActivationAllowed() const;

         * Get the context configuration data. This function is called from QoS
         * when the client has called the SetProfileParameters
         * @return aContextName Name of the this context
         * @return aPdpType Pdp type of the context
         * @return aContextType Type of the Context
         * @return aPrimaryContextName Name of the primary context of this 
         * context
         * @return error code
        TInt GetConfigurationData( TInfoName& aContextName,
            RPacketContext::TProtocolType& aPdpType, TBool& aContextType,
            TInfoName& aPrimaryContextName );

		* Adds media authorization params
		* @param aMediaAuthorization pointer to media authorization class
		* to be added
		* @return error code
		TInt AddMediaAuthorizationL( RPacketContext::CTFTMediaAuthorizationV3* 
							const aMediaAuthorization, TBool &aHasMediaAuthorizationBeenCached);
		* Removes media authorization params
		* @param aAuthorizationToken token to be removed
		* @return error code
		TInt RemoveMediaAuthorization( RPacketContext::TAuthorizationToken* 
						const aAuthorizationToken );

         * Return context type
         * @return TBool Context Type
        TBool ContextType() const;


         * C++ default constructor.

         * Second phase constructor of CMmPacketContextGsmWcdmaExt.
        void ConstructL();

         * Initialise miscellaneous internal attributes.
        void InitInternalAttributesL();

         * This is the second phase of context activation.
        void ActivatePhase2L();

    public: // Data
         * packet context packet fílter operation states
	    enum TAddPacketFilterStatusStates

    private: // Data

         * Context configuration data GPRS
         * Own.         
        RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS* iConfig;

         * Pointer to the packet context tsy
         * Not own.         
        CMmPacketContextTsy* iMmPacketContextTsy;

         * Pointer to the Packet Service TSY
         * Not own.         
        CMmPacketServiceTsy* iMmPacketServiceTsy;      
         * Temporary context configuration data to GPRS
        RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS* iTempConfig;

         * Configuration data for NotifyConfigChanged to GPRS
        RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS iNotifyConfig;

         * Configuration data for NotifyConfigChanged to R99_R4
        RPacketContext::TContextConfigR99_R4 iNotifyConfigR99_R4;

         * Connection speed
        TUint iConnectionSpeed;

         * Context activation allowed
        TBool iIsActivateAllowed;

         * Context initialization allowed
        TBool iIsInitialiseAllowed;
         * Context status before deactivation
        RPacketContext::TContextStatus iContextStatusBeforeDeactivation;

         * Container to context packet filters
         * Own.         
        CArrayFixFlat<RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2>* iFilterArray;

         * Temporary container to context packet filter(s)
         * Own.         
        CArrayFixFlat<RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2>* iFilterTemporaryArray;

         * Temporary container to remove packet filter Id's
        TInt iFilterIdTemporaryArray[ KMaxNumberOfTftFilters ];

         * Filter operation
        TAddPacketFilterStatusStates iFilterStatus;

         * Previous filter operation
        TAddPacketFilterStatusStates iPrevFilterStatus;

         * Includes context configuration information
        TInt iContextConfigurationType;

         * Includes Qos, configuration and packet filter data
        TContextConfiguration iContextConfiguration;

         * Temporary container for authorization class Rel5
         * Own.         
         * Indicator
        TBool isAddMediaAuthorizationCalledFirstTime;
         *  DataChannel for a packet context

        RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2* iDataChannel; 


// End of File