author hgs
Mon, 24 May 2010 18:38:31 +0100
changeset 39 2473f5e227f9
parent 20 244d7c5f118e
child 24 6638e7f4bd8f
child 42 3adadc800673
permissions -rw-r--r--

// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

#include "cmmconferencecalltsy.h"
#include "cmmphonetsy.h"
#include "cmmtsyreqhandlestore.h"
#include "MmTsy_numberOfSlots.h"
#include "CMmCommonStaticUtility.h"
#include "cmmconferencecallgsmwcdmaext.h"
#include "cmmvoicecalltsy.h"
#include "cmmcallgsmwcdmaext.h"
#include "cmmcalllist.h"
#include "cmmmessagemanagerbase.h"
#include <ctsy/serviceapi/gsmerror.h>
#include <etelmmerr.h> // etel error codes

// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========

CMmConferenceCallTsy* CMmConferenceCallTsy::NewL(
    CMmPhoneTsy* aMmPhone )
    CMmConferenceCallTsy* conferenceCallTsy = NULL;
    if ( aMmPhone != NULL )
        conferenceCallTsy  = new (ELeave) CMmConferenceCallTsy();
        CleanupClosePushL( *conferenceCallTsy );
        conferenceCallTsy->iMmPhone = aMmPhone;

    return conferenceCallTsy;


void CMmConferenceCallTsy::ConstructL()

    //create req handle store
    iTsyReqHandleStore = CMmTsyReqHandleStore::NewL( this, iMmPhone,
        EMultimodeConferenceCallMaxNumOfRequests, iConferenceCallReqHandles );
    //create req handle store
    iTsyReqHandleStore = CMmTsyReqHandleStore::NewL(
        EMultimodeConferenceCallMaxNumOfRequests, iConferenceCallReqHandles );

    //Create conference call extension
    iMmConferenceCallExtInterface = 
                                CMmConferenceCallGsmWcdmaExt::NewL( this );

    //Initialise internal attributes...

    //Check if conference call creation is already possible. If possible,
    //capabilities are updated by the extension.

    //register conference call tsy in the message manager
        CMmMessageManagerBase::EConferenceCallTsy, this );



    TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::~CMmConferenceCallTsy");

    if ( iMmPhone )
        // deregister tsy object from message manager
        //set phone tsy's pointer to CC object to NULL
        iMmPhone->SetConferenceCall( NULL );

    //if conference is active, close all calls that are part of the conference 
    //call. send request using transaction id 0x00.
    if ( RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceIdle != iStatus )
        //We can't do nothing if release request fails here, because CC
        //sub-session is closing down.
		TInt trapError = KErrNone;
		TRAP( trapError, 
	        iMmConferenceCallExtInterface->HangUpL( iStatus );

    if ( iTsyReqHandleStore )
        delete iTsyReqHandleStore;

    //delete conference call extensions
    if ( iMmConferenceCallExtInterface )
        delete iMmConferenceCallExtInterface;
	iMmConferenceCallExtInterface = NULL;

	iMmPhone = NULL;
	iTsyReqHandleStore = NULL;
	iRetCaps = NULL;
	iRetStatus = NULL;
	iRetConferenceEventCallName = NULL;
	iRetConferenceEvent = NULL;
	iConnectedCall = NULL;
	iHoldCall = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL
// This method is not supported.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CTelObject* CMmConferenceCallTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL(
    const TDesC& )
    User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
	//lint -e{527} "unreachable code"
    return NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::OpenNewObjectL
// This method is not supported.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CTelObject* CMmConferenceCallTsy::OpenNewObjectL(
    TDes& )
    User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
    return NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::ExtFunc
// Dispatches extension function requests. All functions that are not 
// part of the core function set, are routed via the ExtFunc method. 
// At the beginning of this method, packaged pointers are unpacked. Then 
// the correct function is selected using the IPC number.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::ExtFunc(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
    const TInt aIpc,
    const TDataPackage& aPackage )
    TInt ret( KErrNone );
    TInt trapError( KErrNone );

    // Ensure the ReqHandleType is unset.
    // This will detect cases where this method indirectly calls itself
    // (e.g. servicing a client call that causes a self-reposting notification to complete and thus repost).
    // Such cases are not supported because iReqHandleType is in the context of this class instance,
    // not this request, and we don't want the values set by the inner request and the outer request
    // interfering with each other.
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(iReqHandleType==EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown, User::Invariant());

    //Original code continues here.
    TRAP( trapError, ret = DoExtFuncL( aTsyReqHandle, aIpc, aPackage ); );

    if ( trapError != KErrNone )
        //error handling. Object cannot be created.
        ReqCompleted( 0, trapError );
    //if return value is not KErrNone
    else if ( ret != KErrNone )
        //Complete request with this error value
        ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );

    //save request handle
    if ( EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown != iReqHandleType )
        SetTypeOfResponse ( iReqHandleType, aTsyReqHandle );
        iTsyReqHandleStore->SetTsyReqHandle( iReqHandleType, aTsyReqHandle );
        // We've finished with this value now. Clear it so it doesn't leak
        //  up to any other instances of this method down the call stack
        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown;

    return KErrNone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::DoExtFuncL
// ExtFunc is called by the server when it has a "extended", 
// i.e. non-core ETel request for the TSY. To process a request handle, 
// request type and request data are passed to the TSY.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::DoExtFuncL(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
    const TInt aIpc,
    const TDataPackage& aPackage )
	TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::DoExtFuncL.\n  \t\t\t IPC:%d\n  \t\t\t Handle:%d",
        aIpc, aTsyReqHandle);

    TInt ret( KErrNotSupported );

    TAny* dataPtr = aPackage.Ptr1();

    // The request data has to extracted from TDataPackage and the TAny* 
    // pointers have to be "cast" to the expected request data type
    switch( aIpc )
        case EMobileConferenceCallGetCaps:
            ret = GetCaps( aTsyReqHandle, 
                reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>( dataPtr ) );
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyCapsChange:
            ret = NotifyCapsChange( reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>( dataPtr ) );
        case EMobileConferenceCallCreateConference:
            ret = CreateConferenceL( aTsyReqHandle );
        case EMobileConferenceCallAddCall:
            ret = AddCallL( aTsyReqHandle, 
				reinterpret_cast<TName*>( aPackage.Des1u() ) );
        case EMobileConferenceCallSwap:
            ret = SwapL( aTsyReqHandle );
        case EMobileConferenceCallHangUp:
            ret = HangUpL( aTsyReqHandle );
        case EMobileConferenceCallEnumerateCalls:
            ret = EnumerateCalls( aTsyReqHandle, 
                reinterpret_cast<TInt*>( dataPtr ) );
        case EMobileConferenceCallGetMobileCallInfo:
            ret = GetMobileCallInfo( aTsyReqHandle, 
                reinterpret_cast<TInt*>( dataPtr ),
                aPackage.Des2n() );
        case EMobileConferenceCallGetConferenceStatus:
            ret = GetConferenceStatus( aTsyReqHandle, 
					dataPtr ) );
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceStatusChange:
            ret = NotifyConferenceStatusChange(
					dataPtr ) );
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceEvent:
            ret = NotifyConferenceEvent(
					dataPtr ), reinterpret_cast<TName*>( aPackage.Des2u() ) );
            ret = KErrNotSupported;

    return ret;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::ReqModeL
// ReqModeL is called from the server's CTelObject::ReqAnalyserL
// in order to check the type of request it has.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CTelObject::TReqMode CMmConferenceCallTsy::ReqModeL(
    const TInt aIpc )
    CTelObject::TReqMode ret( 0 ); // default return value
    switch ( aIpc )
        // No Flow Control
        // All disabled
        // TSYs wishing to implement their own buffering algorithm will place
        // all requests in this category.
        // This category will also be used by the RecoverDataPort request that
        // must be passed to the TSY to indicate that it may use the
        // communications port after a loan.

        //Get methods that do not use DOS and return immediately.
        //Flow control not required.
        case EMobileConferenceCallGetCaps:
        case EMobileConferenceCallGetMobileCallInfo:
        case EMobileConferenceCallGetConferenceStatus:
        //Other methods that do not use DOS and return immediately.
        //Flow control not required.        
        case EMobileConferenceCallEnumerateCalls:

        //Methods that can propably take a long time and cannot therefore be
        //flow controlled. Solution: All these methods must check req handle
        //table before handling the request. In case that the request table
        //indicates that same method has been called and has not been
        //completed, the method should return KErrServerBusy.
        case EMobileConferenceCallHangUp:

        // Flow Controlled Services
        // KReqModeFlowControlObeyed
        // Commands that change the state of the phone, e.g. clearing the AoC
        // counter; are commands that TSY should only deal with one at a time.
        //Voice call related methods that should be handled only
        //one at the time.
        case EMobileConferenceCallCreateConference:
        case EMobileConferenceCallSwap:
        case EMobileConferenceCallAddCall:
            ret = KReqModeFlowControlObeyed;
        // ReqModePostImmediately
        // Requests that notify a client about a change of state, where the 
        // TSY needs to distinguish between different clients.
        // (TAN) DO NOT USE THIS if not absolutely certain how to handle the 
        // corresponding method in TSY. Differs from all other situations!!! 

        // KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled
        // (a) commands that may take some time, but which the TSY can handle
        // more than one of concurrently, or 
        // (b) notifications that the TSY does not wish to be re-posted
        // immediately, so the server does no buffering.

        // KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled | KReqModeFlowControlObeyed
        // A command that may take some time and which the TSY can only deal
        // with one at a time.
        //case EEtelCallSetFaxSettings:
        //    ret = KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled |
        //        KReqModeFlowControlObeyed;
        //    break;

        //KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled | ReqModePostImmediately
        //Requests that notify a client about a change of state.
        //Since these requests do not require the issuing of any modem
        //commands, they do not have to obey flow control.
        //The TSY never gets more than one of these outstanding per CTelObject
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyCapsChange:
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceStatusChange:
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceEvent:
            ret = KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled | 
        //Cancel Requests
        //It is not necessary to include the Cancel methods in ReqModeL at all
        //The ETel server never calls ReqModeL with a Cancel IPC.

        // Other variations of return values are unusable
            // Unknown or invalid Call IPC
            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );

    return ret;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::NumberOfSlotsL
// NumberOfSlotsL is called by the server when it is registering a 
// new NOTIFICATION. It enables the TSY to tell the server 
// how many buffer slots to allocate for "repost immediately" notifications 
// that may trigger before clients collect them.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::NumberOfSlotsL(
    const TInt aIpc )
    // There is a buffer in the ETel server for each type of NOTIFICATION and
    // the size of the buffer is determined by the TSY. When the ETel server
    // discovers that a request is "repost immediately" it will ask the TSY 
    // how big a buffer it wants by calling CTelObject::NumberOfSlotsL( ).
    // It is up to the TSY developer's judgement how many buffer slots this
    // method returns for each notification. If there is a danger that a
    // particular notification could trigger frequently and in rapid 
    // succession (e.g. call group change notification) then at least 10 or 20 
    // slots may be required. For a notification that triggers rarely, perhaps 
    // 1 or 2 slots is enough.
    // So if the ETel server has stored a few occurrences of a particular
    // notification, when client subsequently calls that notification request,
    // the ETel server will complete the client's request with the saved data.

    TInt numberOfSlots = 1;

    switch ( aIpc ) 
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyCapsChange:
            numberOfSlots = KMmConferenceCallCapsChangeSlots;
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceStatusChange:
            numberOfSlots = KMmConferenceCallStatusChangeSlots;
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceEvent:
            numberOfSlots = KMmConferenceCallEventSlots;
            // Unknown or invalid Call IPC
            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );

    return numberOfSlots;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::CancelService
// CancelService is called by the server when it is 
// "cleaning-up" any still outstanding asynchronous requests before closing 
// a client's sub-session. This will happen if a client closes its R-class 
// handle without cancelling outstanding asynchronous requests. Only 
// Mobile API requests are handled here.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::CancelService(
    const TInt aIpc,
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
    //When the clients close their sub-sessions (eg. by calling RPhone::Close)
    //they may not have cancelled all their outstanding asynchronous requests
    //before closing. It is up to the ETel server to clean up in this
    //situation, so the server will find the list of outstanding requests
    //related to that sub-session object and pass these outstanding IPC req.
    //numbers, one at a time, to the CancelService function in the TSY.
    TInt ret( KErrNone );

    switch( aIpc )
        //TSY has started a request and it is not possible to then cancel
        //this request. The best thing for the TSY to do in this case is
        //to proceed as though the Cancel never happened. The server's call
        //to the TSY cancel function will return synchronously. The TSY then
        //continues to wait for the original acknowledgement and when it
        //receives it, the TSY will complete the original request.
        case EMobileConferenceCallCreateConference:
        case EMobileConferenceCallAddCall:
        case EMobileConferenceCallSwap:
        case EMobileConferenceCallHangUp:

        //Cancel methods that are not supported
        //case XXX
        //    ret = KErrNotSupported;
        //    break;

        //Notification Cancels, no special requirements.
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyCapsChange:
            ret = NotifyCapsChangeCancel( aTsyReqHandle );
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceStatusChange:
            ret = NotifyConferenceStatusChangeCancel( aTsyReqHandle );
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceEvent:
            ret = NotifyConferenceEventCancel( aTsyReqHandle );
        //Everything is taken care in the method implementation.
        //Just direct the request to the method.
        //  none

        //Default case
            ret = KErrNotFound;

    return ret;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::Init
// Initialisation method that is called from ETel Server.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::Init()

    // None


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::RegisterNotification
// RegisterNotification is called when the server recognises 
// that this notification is being posted for the first time on this 
// sub-session object. It enables the TSY to "turn on" any regular 
// notification messages that it may receive from DOS. Currently does not 
// really do anything but returns KErrNone to ETel server in case of known 
// notification request type. 
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::RegisterNotification(
    const TInt aIpc )
    TInt ret( KErrNotSupported );
    switch( aIpc )
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyCapsChange:
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceStatusChange:
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceEvent:
            ret = KErrNone;
            // Unknown or invalid IPC
            ret = KErrNotSupported;

    return ret;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::DeregisterNotification
// DeregisterNotification is called when the server recognises 
// that this notification will not be posted again because the last client 
// to have a handle on this sub-session object has just closed the handle. 
// It enables the TSY to "turn off" any regular notification messages that 
// it may receive from DOS. Currently does not really do anything but returns 
// KErrNone to ETel server in case of known notification request type.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::DeregisterNotification(
    const TInt aIpc )
    TInt ret( KErrNotSupported );
    switch( aIpc )
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyCapsChange:
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceStatusChange:
        case EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceEvent:
            ret = KErrNone;
            // Unknown or invalid IPC
            ret = KErrNotSupported;

    return ret;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::GetCaps
// This method returns the current capabilities of the conference call.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::GetCaps(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
    TUint32* aCaps )
    //Conference caps
    *aCaps = iConferenceCaps;
    //Complete the request 
    ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );

    return KErrNone;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyCapsChange
// This method allows clients to be notified when the conference 
// call capabilities change.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyCapsChange(
    TUint32* aCaps )
    //save pointer where to copy the changed value
    iRetCaps = aCaps;
    //save req handle type
    iReqHandleType = EMultimodeConferenceCallCapsChangeNotification;

    return KErrNone;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyCapsChangeCancel
// Cancels an outstanding asynchronous NotifyCapsChange request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyCapsChangeCancel(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
    //set pointer to NULL
    iRetCaps = NULL;
    //reset req handle
        EMultimodeConferenceCallCapsChangeNotification );

    //Complete request
    ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );

    return KErrNone;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteNotifyCapsChange
// Completes NotifyCapsChange request when capabilities change.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteNotifyCapsChange(
    TUint32 aCaps )
    //update internal capabilities
    iConferenceCaps = aCaps;

    //reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
        EMultimodeConferenceCallCapsChangeNotification );

    //if req handle was found
    if ( EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
        //copy conference caps to requested location
        *iRetCaps = iConferenceCaps;
        //complete request
        ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::CreateConferenceL
// Allows clients to create the initial conference call.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::CreateConferenceL(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::CreateConferenceL");
    //Store call object with status connected
	iConnectedCall = 
		iMmPhone->CallList()->GetMmCallByStatus( RMobileCall::EStatusConnected );
    //Store call object with status hold        
  	iHoldCall = 
  		iMmPhone->CallList()->GetMmCallByStatus( RMobileCall::EStatusHold );
    //Let extension try to create conference call
    TInt ret = iMmConferenceCallExtInterface->CreateConferenceL( iStatus );

    if ( ret != KErrNone )
        //request failed.
        ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
        //save req handle type
        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeConferenceCallCreateConference;

    return KErrNone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteCreateConference
// Complete creation of conference call.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteCreateConference(
    TInt aResult )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteCreateConference");
    //reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
        EMultimodeConferenceCallCreateConference );

    //if req handle was available
    if ( EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
        //complete caps after successfully creating conference
		if ( KErrNone == aResult )
            //hangup and swap are now possible
            iConferenceCaps = RMobileConferenceCall::KCapsSwap |

            //set flag telling that caps have changed
            iCapsChanged = ETrue;
            if( iConnectedCall && iHoldCall )
            	TName connectedCall = iConnectedCall->CallName();
            	TName holdCall = iHoldCall->CallName();
            	if( connectedCall.Length() != 0 && holdCall.Length() != 0 )
            		// Create object including call names
            		// wich were first ones in conference 
            		TName callsInConference;
            		callsInConference.Append( connectedCall );
            		callsInConference.Append( KDelimiter );
            		callsInConference.Append( holdCall );
            		//Complete event
            		CompleteNotifyConferenceEvent( callsInConference,
            					RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceBuilt );            		


        //complete request
        ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::AddCallL
// Adds the single voice call specified by the aCallName parameter 
// to an existing conference call
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::AddCallL(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
    const TName* aCallName )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::AddCallL");    
    //set return value to KErrNotFound
    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
    //copy the name of the call to be added, will be used when request is
    //later completed
    iAddCallName = *aCallName;

    //start adding a call to conference call
    ret = iMmConferenceCallExtInterface->AddCallL( 
        &iAddCallName, iStatus, iMmPhone->CallList() );

    if ( ret != KErrNone )
        //request failed, complete with error value
        ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
        // Store the request handle
        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeConferenceCallAddCall;

    return KErrNone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteAddCall
// Complete addition of a new call to the conference call
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteAddCall(
    TInt aResult )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteAddCall, Result: %d", aResult );

    //reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
        EMultimodeConferenceCallAddCall );

    //successful case, call added to the conference call.
    if ( EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
        if ( (KErrNone == aResult) && (iAddCallName.Length() > 0) )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: AddCall succeeded. AddCall request completed");
            //notify call added using the call name received with AddCall
            CompleteNotifyConferenceEvent( iAddCallName,
                RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceCallAdded );

            //Name of the call to be added to Conference call

			//something special is needed here to handle a case where 
			//CompleteAddCall fails
			TFLOGSTRING("TSY: AddCall failed");
			TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: # of CC participants: %d", iNumOfCallsInConferenceCall );
			if ( 2 == iNumOfCallsInConferenceCall )
				CMmCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
				CMmCallList* callList = iMmPhone->CallList();
				CMmCallGsmWcdmaExt* mmCallGsmWcdmaExt = NULL;
				RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus status( RMobileCall::EStatusIdle );

				//now check all calls
				for ( TInt i = 0; i < callList->GetNumberOfObjects(); i++ )
					mmCall = callList->GetMmCallByIndex(i);
					status = mmCall->MobileCallStatus();

					TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: Handling call, Call ID: %d", mmCall->CallId() );

					if ( status == RMobileCall::EStatusHold ||
						status == RMobileCall::EStatusConnected )
						TFLOGSTRING("TSY: Status was Held or Connected, reconstructing capabilities");

						// Fetch the active call extension
						mmCallGsmWcdmaExt = static_cast<CMmCallGsmWcdmaExt*>(
							mmCall->ActiveCallExtension() )
						//set caps to be added;
						TUint32 caps = RMobileCall::KCapsHangUp
							| RMobileCall::KCapsJoin 
							| RMobileCall::KCapsTransfer
							| RMobileCall::KCapsSwap;
						//add Join caps
						mmCallGsmWcdmaExt->AddGSMCallCaps( caps );
						//complete caps change notification
						mmCall->CompleteNotifyMobileCallCapsChange( KErrNone );
				//Clear conference call
				//Check if conference call is possible to build
				//rebuild capabilities of individual calls
				TFLOGSTRING("TSY: normal AddCall failure");
        ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::RemoveNonParticipatingCall()
// Removes call wich is not participant in conference 
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CMmConferenceCallTsy::RemoveNonParticipatingCall()

	TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::RemoveNonParticipatingCall");

	RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus statusOfCallsInConference(
	CMmCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
	CMmCallList* callList = iMmPhone->CallList();
	RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus status (RMobileCall::EStatusIdle);
	TInt numberOfCallInConference(0);
	TBool callReleased = EFalse;

	TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: Conference status: %d", iStatus);

	if ( iStatus == RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceHold )
		statusOfCallsInConference = RMobileCall::EStatusHold;

	//now check all calls
	for ( TInt c = 0; c < callList->GetNumberOfObjects(); c++ )
		mmCall = callList->GetMmCallByIndex(c);
		status = mmCall->MobileCallStatus();

		if ( mmCall->IsPartOfConference() &&
			status != statusOfCallsInConference )
			//send removed event
				RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceCallRemoved );
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: Call removed from conference." );
		else if ( status == statusOfCallsInConference )
		if ( mmCall->IsRemoteReleasedCall() )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: One call is remote released");
			callReleased = ETrue;
		if ( numberOfCallInConference == 2 &&
			iNumOfCallsInConferenceCall == 3 && callReleased )
			TFLOGSTRING("TSY: number of calls in conference decremented");


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::SwapL
// Allows a client to switch a conference call between "Active" and
// "Hold" states.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::SwapL(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::SwapL");      
    //direct request to extension
    TInt ret = iMmConferenceCallExtInterface->SwapL(
        iStatus, iMmPhone->CallList() );

    if ( ret != KErrNone )
        //complete request with error value
        ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
        // Store the request handle
        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeConferenceCallSwap;

    return KErrNone;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteSwap
// Complete the ongoing swap request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteSwap(
    TInt aResult )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteSwap");      
    //reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
        EMultimodeConferenceCallSwap );

    if ( EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
        if (aResult == KErrNone) // Conference event should only be completed if swap was successful
        TName emptyBuf;
        CompleteNotifyConferenceEvent( emptyBuf,
            				RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceSwapped );
#endif // USING_CTSY_DISPATCHER         
        //complete request
        ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::HangUpL
// Terminates the whole conference call (all calls participating in the 
// conference call)
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::HangUpL(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
	TInt ret( KErrServerBusy );

	// Check if request handle already exists
    TTsyReqHandle conferenceCallHangUpHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->
        GetTsyReqHandle( EMultimodeConferenceCallHangUp );

    if ( conferenceCallHangUpHandle != EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown )
        ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
        //Close all calls that are part of the conference call. Held call 
        //is not released if there is one...
        ret = iMmConferenceCallExtInterface->HangUpL( iStatus );

        //if request failed
        if ( ret != KErrNone )
            //complete request with error value
            ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
            //save last request type
            iReqHandleType = EMultimodeConferenceCallHangUp;
	//Reset pointer
    iHoldCall = NULL;
	//Reset pointer
	iConnectedCall = NULL;

    return KErrNone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteHangUp
// Completes call hangup.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteHangUp(
    TInt aResult )
    //reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
        EMultimodeConferenceCallHangUp );

    if ( EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
        // ignore KErrGsmReleaseByUser, which means that the call ended
        // because the local user released the call, and must be treated
        // as a normal return code from the LTSY
        TInt ret = ( (aResult == KErrGsmReleaseByUser) ? KErrNone : aResult );
        //complete request
        ReqCompleted( reqHandle, ret );


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::EnumerateCalls
// This method returns the number of calls that are currently 
// part of the conference call.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::EnumerateCalls(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
    TInt* aCount )
    *aCount = iNumOfCallsInConferenceCall;

    ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
    return KErrNone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::GetMobileCallInfo
// This method returns a current snapshot of the call 
// information associated with the call specified by the aIndex parameter.
// NOTE! Conference call has to be in active state (Held or Active) before
// this method can return anything. Idle conference call is not considered 
// to contain any calls.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::GetMobileCallInfo(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
    TInt* aIndex,
    TDes8* aCallInfo )
    TInt ret( KErrNotReady );

    if ( RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceIdle != iStatus )
        //Let extension get the information
        ret = iMmConferenceCallExtInterface->GetMobileCallInfo( 
            aIndex, aCallInfo, iMmPhone->CallList(), iStatus );

    ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
    return KErrNone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::GetConferenceStatus
// Allows clients to retrieve the current status of the conference call.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::GetConferenceStatus(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
    RMobileConferenceCall::TMobileConferenceStatus* aStatus )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::GetConferenceStatus. iStatus:%d", iStatus );     
    *aStatus = iStatus;

    ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
    return KErrNone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::Status
// This function returns conference call status. For internal use.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
RMobileConferenceCall::TMobileConferenceStatus CMmConferenceCallTsy::Status() const

    //return conference call status
    return iStatus;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyConferenceStatusChange
// Allows clients to be notified of a change in the status of a 
// conference call.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyConferenceStatusChange(
    RMobileConferenceCall::TMobileConferenceStatus* aStatus )
    iRetStatus = aStatus;
    iReqHandleType = EMultimodeConferenceCallStatusChangeNotification;

    return KErrNone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyConferenceStatusChangeCancel
// Cancels an outstanding asynchronous NotifyConferenceStatusChange request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyConferenceStatusChangeCancel(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
    iRetStatus = NULL;

        EMultimodeConferenceCallStatusChangeNotification );

    ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
    return KErrNone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteNotifyConferenceStatusChange
// Completes conference status change notification. Extension
// should already have updated status so this method retrieves the new 
// status from the extension and does the actions required by new and old 
// statuses.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteNotifyConferenceStatusChange()
    TBool conferenceStatusChanged( EFalse );

    RMobileConferenceCall::TMobileConferenceStatus oldStatus = iStatus;
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteNotifyConferenceStatusChange. oldStatus:%d", oldStatus );    
    iMmConferenceCallExtInterface->GetNewStatus( &iStatus );

    switch( iStatus )
        //new status is EConferenceIdle
        case RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceIdle:
            //This might be caused by HangUp
            CompleteHangUp( KErrNone );
            //caps have changed
            iCapsChanged = ETrue;
            //status has changed
            conferenceStatusChanged = ETrue;
            //reset internal attributes
        //new status is EConferenceActive
        case RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceActive:
            // if previous status was EConferenceIdle
            if ( oldStatus == RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceIdle )
                //is CreateConference request pending
                if ( iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle( 
                            EMultimodeConferenceCallCreateConference ) > 0 )
                    //CreateConference handling
                    CompleteCreateConference( KErrNone );
                //status has changed
                conferenceStatusChanged = ETrue;
            //if previous state was EConferenceHold
            else if ( oldStatus == RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceHold )
                //is AddCall request pending
                if ( iTsyReqHandleStore->
                    GetTsyReqHandle( EMultimodeConferenceCallAddCall ) > 0 )
                    //AddCall handling
                    CompleteAddCall ( KErrNone );
                //is Swap request pending.
                else if ( iTsyReqHandleStore->
                    GetTsyReqHandle( EMultimodeConferenceCallSwap ) > 0 )
                    //resuming held conference call.
                    CompleteSwap ( KErrNone );
                //status has changed
                conferenceStatusChanged = ETrue;
        //new status is EConferenceHold
        case RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceHold:
            //Complete Swap
            CompleteSwap ( KErrNone );
            //status has changed
            conferenceStatusChanged = ETrue;
            //nothing to do

    //get TSY req handle. 
    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
        EMultimodeConferenceCallStatusChangeNotification );

    if ( ( EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle ) &&
        conferenceStatusChanged )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteNotifyConferenceStatusChange. Cur. iStatus:%d", iStatus );         
        //reset req handle.
            EMultimodeConferenceCallStatusChangeNotification );
        *iRetStatus = iStatus;            
        ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );

    if ( iCapsChanged )
        //if conference caps are not 0, notify it
        if ( 0 != iConferenceCaps )
            CompleteNotifyCapsChange( iConferenceCaps );
            //Otherwise we still have to check that is Conference creation
            //now possible
            //If CreateConference is now possible, iConferenceCaps is not 0.
            //Completion has already been done.
            if ( 0 == iConferenceCaps )
                //Otherwise we have to complete the caps change with 0 value.
                CompleteNotifyCapsChange( iConferenceCaps );

        iCapsChanged = EFalse;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyConferenceEvent
// Allows a client to be notified when a conference call event occurs.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyConferenceEvent(
    RMobileConferenceCall::TMobileConferenceEvent* aEvent,
    TName* aCallName )
    iRetConferenceEventCallName = aCallName; 
    iRetConferenceEvent = aEvent;

    iReqHandleType = EMultimodeConferenceCallConferenceEventNotification;

    return KErrNone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyConferenceEventCancel
// Cancels an outstanding asynchronous NotifyConferenceEvent request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::NotifyConferenceEventCancel(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
    iRetConferenceEventCallName = NULL; 
    iRetConferenceEvent = NULL;

        EMultimodeConferenceCallConferenceEventNotification );

    ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
    return KErrNone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteNotifyConferenceEvent
// Completes conference event notification.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteNotifyConferenceEvent(
    const TName& aName,
    RMobileConferenceCall::TMobileConferenceEvent aEvent )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::CompleteNotifyConferenceEvent.aEvent:%d", aEvent );
    //reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( 
        EMultimodeConferenceCallConferenceEventNotification );

    //if req handle was set
    if ( EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
        //copy name of the call to which the event happened to the requested
        iRetConferenceEventCallName->Copy( aName );
        //copy event to the requested address
        *iRetConferenceEvent = aEvent;
        ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );

    //if event was add
    if ( aEvent == RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceCallAdded )

		// inform the call object that it is now part of the conference
		CMmCallTsy* addedCall = iMmPhone->CallList()-> GetMmCallByName(
            &aName );
		if ( addedCall )
			addedCall->SetPartOfConference( ETrue );

        //increment iNumOfCallsInConferenceCall

    //if event was removed
    else if ( aEvent == RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceCallRemoved )

		// inform the call object that it is not part of the conference anymore
		CMmCallTsy* removedCall = iMmPhone->CallList()->GetMmCallByName(
            &aName );
		if ( removedCall )
			removedCall->SetPartOfConference( EFalse );

        //decrement iNumOfCallsInConferenceCall


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::IsGoOneToOneSupported
// Checks if given call can be splitted from the conference call.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMmConferenceCallTsy::IsGoOneToOneSupported(
    TInt aCallId )
    TBool supported( EFalse );

    //The action is only valid if the MS is in GSM mode, the selected call 
    //is a voice call and it is a member of an ongoing conference call.
    TInt ret = iMmConferenceCallExtInterface->IsGoOneToOneSupported( 
        aCallId, iStatus, iMmPhone->CallList() );

    if ( KErrNone == ret )
        //GoOneToOne is supported to this call
        supported = ETrue;

    return supported;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::GetActiveConferenceCallExtension
// Returns a pointer to the active conference call extension.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMmConferenceCallExtInterface* CMmConferenceCallTsy::GetActiveConferenceCallExtension()

    return iMmConferenceCallExtInterface;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::SetActiveConferenceCallExtension
// Sets active Conference call extension.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::SetActiveConferenceCallExtension(
    CMmConferenceCallExtInterface* aMmConferenceCallExt )
    // Used if active conference call extension pointer is NULL
    TInt ret( KErrGeneral );

    //if not null
    if ( aMmConferenceCallExt )
        //set pointer
        iMmConferenceCallExtInterface = aMmConferenceCallExt;
        ret = KErrNone;

    return ret;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::CheckConferenceCapability
// Checks if conference call creation is possible. The request 
// is directed to the active extension which can make the decision.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::CheckConferenceCapability()

    //Let extension decide if conference call creation is possible. 
        iStatus, iMmPhone->CallList() );


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::NumberOfCallsInConference
// This method returns the number of calls that are currently part of 
// the conference call. For internal use.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmConferenceCallTsy::NumberOfCallsInConference() const

    return iNumOfCallsInConferenceCall;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::ServiceRequested
// Returns ETrue if this service is pending on conference call object
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMmConferenceCallTsy::ServiceRequested(
    CMmConferenceCallTsy::TConferenceCallRequestTypes aReqType )
    TBool ret( EFalse );

    //if req handle is found from req handle store
    if ( CMmConferenceCallTsy::EMultimodeConferenceCallReqHandleUnknown != 
        iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle( aReqType ) )
        //set value to ETrue -> request is pending
        ret = ETrue;

    return ret;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::CallStatusChanged
// After the status of a single call has changed, extension decides if
// the status of the conference call should be changed as well.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::CallStatusChanged(
    RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aNewStatus,
    TInt aCallId )
	// only releasing, holding and connecting a call can cause a change
	// of conference status
	if ( ( RMobileCall::EStatusIdle == aNewStatus ) ||
		 ( RMobileCall::EStatusHold == aNewStatus ) ||
		 ( RMobileCall::EStatusConnected == aNewStatus ) )
		TBool conferenceStatusChanged = iMmConferenceCallExtInterface->
			CallStatusChanged( aNewStatus, aCallId );

		if ( conferenceStatusChanged )

	//conference call creation might be possible, check it.


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::Phone
// Returns pointer to the Multimode Phone object. For internal use.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMmPhoneTsy* CMmConferenceCallTsy::Phone()

    return iMmPhone;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::ResetAttributes
// Resets internal attributes of Conference call object. Calls also protocol 
// extension to do the same.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::ResetAttributes()
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::ResetAttributes." );    
    //Name of the call to be added to Conference call
    //Conference call capabilities
    iConferenceCaps = 0;
    //Number of calls in conference call
    iNumOfCallsInConferenceCall = 0;
    //Conference call status
    iStatus = RMobileConferenceCall::EConferenceIdle;
    //Reset pointer
    iHoldCall = NULL;
	//Reset pointer
	iConnectedCall = NULL;

    if ( 0 != iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle( 
        EMultimodeConferenceCallAddCall ) )
		TInt error = CMmCommonStaticUtility::EpocErrorCode(
            KErrEtelCallNotActive, KErrMMEtelCallTerminated );
        CompleteAddCall( error );
    if ( 0 != iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle( 
        EMultimodeConferenceCallCreateConference ) )
		TInt error = CMmCommonStaticUtility::EpocErrorCode(
            KErrEtelCallNotActive, KErrMMEtelCallTerminated );
        CompleteCreateConference( error );
    if ( 0 != iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle( 
        EMultimodeConferenceCallSwap ) )
		TInt error = CMmCommonStaticUtility::EpocErrorCode(
            KErrEtelCallNotActive, KErrMMEtelCallTerminated );
        CompleteSwap( error );

    //Direct reset also to the extension


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::Caps
// This function returns conference call capabilities. For internal use.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMmConferenceCallTsy::Caps() const

    //return conference call caps
    return iConferenceCaps;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::SetTypeOfResponse
// Sets the type of response for a given Handle. Automatic
// mode includes an automatic response in case of no response
// from the DOS in a specified time
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::SetTypeOfResponse(
    const TInt aReqHandleType,
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
    TInt timeOut( 0 );

    switch ( aReqHandleType )
        case EMultimodeConferenceCallCreateConference:
            timeOut = KMmConferenceCallCreateConferenceTimeOut;
        case EMultimodeConferenceCallAddCall:
            timeOut = KMmConferenceCallAddCallTimeOut;
        case EMultimodeConferenceCallSwap:
            timeOut = KMmConferenceCallSwapTimeOut;
        case EMultimodeConferenceCallHangUp:
            timeOut = KMmConferenceCallHangUpTimeOut;
        //Can't use timer:
        // - all notifications
            //case EMultimodeConferenceCallStatusChangeNotification: 
            //case EMultimodeConferenceCallCapsChangeNotification:
            //case EMultimodeConferenceCallConferenceEventNotification:
                aReqHandleType, aTsyReqHandle );

    //if timeout is requested
    if ( timeOut > 0 )
        //set time out
            aReqHandleType, aTsyReqHandle, timeOut );


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::Complete
// Completes the request due timer expiration.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::Complete(
    TInt aReqHandleType,
    TInt aError )
    //All possible TSY req handle types of Conference call are listed in the
    //switch case below. 

    switch( aReqHandleType )
        case EMultimodeConferenceCallCreateConference:
			CompleteCreateConference( aError );
        case EMultimodeConferenceCallAddCall:
			CompleteAddCall( aError );
        case EMultimodeConferenceCallSwap:
			CompleteSwap( aError );
        case EMultimodeConferenceCallHangUp:
			CompleteHangUp( aError );
        //Can't use timer:
        // - all notifications
            //case EMultimodeConferenceCallStatusChangeNotification: 
            //case EMultimodeConferenceCallCapsChangeNotification:
            //case EMultimodeConferenceCallConferenceEventNotification:
            ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( 
                aReqHandleType ), aError );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmConferenceCallTsy::ReqCompleted
// Overrides CTelObject::ReqCompleted for test logging purposes. 
// It prints the aTsyReqHandle and aError variable in the log file and then 
// calls CTelObject::ReqCompleted.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmConferenceCallTsy::ReqCompleted(
    const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
    const TInt aError )
	TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmConferenceCallTsy::Request Completed. \n\t\t\tHandle:%d\n\t\t\t Error:%d",
        aTsyReqHandle, aError);

    //call original ReqCompleted from CTelObject
    CTelObject::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, aError );


//  End of File