// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// CLtsySatHandler
#include <ctsy/ltsy/cctsydispatchercallback.h>
#include <mmtsy_ipcdefs.h>
#include <satcs.h>
#include "cltsysathandler.h"
#include <ctsy/ltsy/ltsylogger.h>
#include "ltsymacros.h"
CCtsyDispatcherCallback& aCtsyDispatcherCallback)
: iCtsyDispatcherCallback(aCtsyDispatcherCallback)
CLtsySatHandler* CLtsySatHandler::NewLC(
CCtsyDispatcherCallback& aCtsyDispatcherCallback)
CLtsySatHandler* self = new (ELeave) CLtsySatHandler(aCtsyDispatcherCallback);
return self;
CLtsySatHandler* CLtsySatHandler::NewL(CCtsyDispatcherCallback& aCtsyDispatcherCallback)
CLtsySatHandler* self=
return self;
void CLtsySatHandler::ConstructL()
* Second phase constructor.
} // CLtsySatHandler::ConstructL
TBool CLtsySatHandler::IsInterfaceSupported(TLtsyDispatchInterfaceApiId aDispatchApiId)
* Returns whether a Dispatch Interface APi is supported or not.
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aDispatchApiId Id of Dispatch interface being queried
* @return indication whether interface is supported or not
// Insert ApiIds when support is provided in LTSY e.g.
// case MLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifySimStatusReady::KLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifySimStatusReadyApiId: return ETrue;
return EFalse;
void CLtsySatHandler::IsCallbackIndicatorSupported(TLtsyDispatchIndIdGroup /*aIdGroup*/, TUint32& /*aIndIdBitMask*/)
* Returns the set of callback indicators that are supported.
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aIdGroup ID of group that is being queried e.g. aIdGroup=EIndIdGroup1
* @param aIndIdBitMask [out] argument that should return a bitmask indicating which indicator callbacks are supported.
//Create bitmask with bitset for each indicator ID that is supported. E.g.
if(aIdGroup == EIndIdGroup1)
aIndIdBitMask = KLtsyDispatchPhoneNotifyNetworkModeChangeIndId |
KLtsyDispatchPhoneNotifyEgprsInfoChangeIndId |
aIndIdBitMask = 0; //no indicators from other groups supported
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleSmsDeliverReportReqL(const TDesC8& /*aSmsDeliverReportTpdu*/)
* This request has no associated callback.
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aSmsDeliverReportTpdu The SMS-DELIVER-REPORT TPDU element to be contained in a
* RP-ERROR-PDU (negative acknowledgement) or RP-ACK-PDU (a positive acknowledgement) to a
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleSmsDeliverReportReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetImageInstanceReqL(TUint8 /*aEfImgRecordNumber*/, TUint8 /*aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord*/)
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetImageInstanceComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aEfImgRecordNumber The record number of the icons EF(Img) record for the
* icon image instance being retrieved.
* @param aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord The record number of the icon instance, in the icons EF(Img) record
* for the icon image instance being retrieved.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
//TSYLOGENTRYEXITARGS(_L8("aEfImgRecordNumber=%d, aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord=%d"), aEfImgRecordNumber, aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord);
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetImageInstanceReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetIconDataReqL(TUint8 /*aEfImgRecordNumber*/, const TDesC8& /*aSimFilePath*/)
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetIconDataComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aEfImgRecordNumber EF(img) record number of the icon to retrieve.
* @param aSimFilePath The full file path to the EF(Img).
* Bytes 0-1 MF (0x3F00)
* Bytes 2-3 DF(Telecom) (0x7F10)
* Bytes 4-5 DF(Graphics)(0x5F50)
* Bytes 6-7 EF(Ef(Img)) (0x4F20)
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
//TSYLOGENTRYEXITARGS(_L8("aEfImgRecordNumber=%d"), aEfImgRecordNumber);
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetIconDataReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetClutReqL(TUint8 /*aEfImgRecordNumber*/, TUint8 /*aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord*/)
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetClutComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aEfImgRecordNumber The record number of the icons EF(Img) record for the
* CLUT being retrieved.
* @param aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord The record number of the icon instance, in the icons EF(Img) record
* for the CLUT being retrieved.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
//TSYLOGENTRYEXITARGS(_L8("aEfImgRecordNumber=%d, aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord=%d"), aEfImgRecordNumber, aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord);
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetClutReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetDefaultBearerCapabilityReqL()
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetDefaultBearerCapabilityComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetDefaultBearerCapabilityReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedReqL()
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetSmsControlActivatedReqL()
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetSmsControlActivatedComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetSmsControlActivatedReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleCellBroadcastEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& /*aEnvelope*/)
* This request has no associated callback.
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded data containing an (CELL BROADCAST DOWNLOAD) ENVELOPE command.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleCellBroadcastEnvelopeReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetAccessTechnologyReqL()
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetAccessTechnologyComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetAccessTechnologyReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleTimingAdvanceReqL()
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatTimingAdvanceComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleTimingAdvanceReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleSmControlResponseDataReqL(TUint8 /*aResult*/, const TDesC8& /*aRpDestinationAddress*/, const TDesC8& /*aTpDestinationAddress*/)
* This request has no associated callback.
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aResult MO short message control result the SIM gives to the ME concerning whether to
* allow, bar or modify the proposed short message, encoded as defined in "3GPP TS 11.10-4, 27.22.8 MO SHORT MESSAGE CONTROL BY SIM"
* @param aRpDestinationAddress RP Destination Address of the Service Centre to which the ME is proposing to send the short message.
* If the address data is not present (zero length), then assume the RP Destination Address of the Service Centre is not to be modified.
* @param aTpDestinationAddress TP Destination Address to which the ME is proposing to send the short message.
* If the address data is not present (zero length), then assume the TP Destination Address is not to be modified.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleSmControlResponseDataReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleProvideLocationInfoReqL()
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatProvideLocationInfoComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleProvideLocationInfoReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleSetPollingIntervalReqL(TUint8 /*aPollingInterval*/)
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatSetPollingIntervalComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aPollingInterval The polling interval in seconds indicating how often the
* terminal sends STATUS commands related to Proactive Polling
* (zero indicates Polling should be turned off)
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleSetPollingIntervalReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleSmsPpDownloadEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& /*aEnvelope*/)
* This request has no associated callback.
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded data containing an (SMS-PP DOWNLOAD) ENVELOPE command.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleSmsPpDownloadEnvelopeReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleLocalInformationNmrReqL()
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatLocalInformationNmrComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleLocalInformationNmrReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetUssdControlSupportedReqL()
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetUssdControlSupportedComp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleGetUssdControlSupportedReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleCallAndSmsControlEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& /*aEnvelope*/)
* This request has no associated callback.
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded data containing a Call Control or MO SMS control by SIM ENVELOPE command
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleCallAndSmsControlEnvelopeReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleRefreshAllowedReqL(const TDesC8& /*aRefreshFileList*/, const TDesC8& /*aAid*/, TUint16 /*aTsyCache*/)
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatRefreshAllowed
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aRefreshFileList The list of files (full path) that have been changed by the UICC (see ETSI 102 221 or ETSI 151 011)
* @param aAid Indicates the application on the UICC to be refreshed (as defined ETSI TS 101 220) .
* @param aTsyCache Bit field of files that are cached in SIM ATK TSY (examine using CSatNotificationsTsy::TCachedSimAtkFiles)
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleRefreshAllowedReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleReadyReqL()
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatReady
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* A call to this function indicates that the CTSY is ready to receive proactive commands from the LTSY.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleReadyReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandlePCmdNotificationReqL(TUint8 /*aPCmdType*/)
* This request has no associated callback.
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aPCmdType The number of the proactive command for which notification is being requested (e.g. KSetUpMenu),
* as defined in ETSI 102 223 etc.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandlePCmdNotificationReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleUssdControlEnvelopeErrorReqL()
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatUssdControlEnvelopeError
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleUssdControlEnvelopeErrorReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleTimerExpirationEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& /*aEnvelope*/)
* This request has no associated callback.
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded Timer expiration ENVELOPE command
* see "ETSI TS 102 223" under "ENVELOPE commands" "Timer expiration"
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleTimerExpirationEnvelopeReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleTerminalRspReqL(const TDesC8& /*aTerminalRsp*/)
* This request is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatTerminalRsp
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aTerminalRsp The terminal response TLV as formatted in "ETSI TS 102 223" Under "Structure of TERMINAL RESPONSE"
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleTerminalRspReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleMenuSelectionEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& /*aEnvelope*/)
* This request has no associated callback.
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded Envelope comprising a notification from
* the ME that the user has either requested help about, or has selected a menu item
* that was previously provided by the SIM application via the SETUP MENU proactive
* command.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleMenuSelectionEnvelopeReqL
TInt CLtsySatHandler::HandleEventDownloadEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& /*aEnvelope*/)
* This request has no associated callback.
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded Event Download ENVELOPE command
* see "ETSI TS 102 223" under "ENVELOPE commands" "Event Download"
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
* or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
// TODO: Add implementation here.......
} // CLtsySatHandler::HandleEventDownloadSyncL