author Tom Pritchard <>
Tue, 27 Jul 2010 16:01:31 +0100
changeset 55 2a8729f72b74
parent 0 3553901f7fa8
child 24 6638e7f4bd8f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adding pre-configured C-drive image for 9600 baud modem and other changes

* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:


#include "Cmmpacketservicetsy.h"

*  CMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt contains mode specific packet service
*  functionality for GSM/WCDMA Packet Data.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt ) : public CBase

    public: // Constructors and destructor

         * Two-phased constructor.
		 * @param aMmPacketServiceTsy pointer to ServiceTsy
		 * @param aFactory pointer to Ltsy factory base
        static CMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt* NewL( 
			   CMmPacketServiceTsy* const aMmPacketServiceTsy,
			   MLtsyFactoryBase* aFactory );

         * Default destructor.
        virtual ~CMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt();

    public: // New functions

         * Attaches phone to the network.
		* @return error value
        virtual TInt AttachL();

         * Completes attach phone to the network request.
		* @param aErrorValue error value for completion
        virtual void CompleteAttach( TInt aErrorValue ) const;

         * Detaches phone to the network.
		* @return error value
        virtual TInt DetachL();

         * Completes detach phone to the network request.
		* @param aErrorValue error value for completion
		* @return error value for completion
        virtual void CompleteDetachL( TInt aErrorValue ) const;

         * Network registration status request to the network.
		* @return error value for client 
        virtual TInt GetNtwkRegStatusL();

         * Completes network registration status request.
        * @param aDataPackage
		* @param aResult result value for completion
        void CompleteGetNtwkRegStatus( CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage, TInt aResult );

         * Sets Attach Mode to the DOS.
		* @param aMode includes request related data
		* @return error value for client
        virtual TInt SetAttachModeL( RPacketService::TAttachMode aMode );

         * Completes Set Attach Mode request.
		* @param aErrorValue for completion
        void CompleteSetAttachMode( const TInt aErrorValue ) const;

         * Gets Attach Mode from the DOS.
		* @return error value for client
        virtual TInt GetAttachModeL();

         * Completes Get Attach Mode request.
		* @param aDataPackage contains request related data
        void CompleteGetAttachMode( CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
        		                    TInt aResult) const;

         * Sets default parameters for a dial-up context.
		* @param aPackage request related data
		* @return error value for client
        TInt SetDefaultContextParamsL( const TDataPackage& aPackage );

         * Completes call SetDefaultContextParameters.
		* @param aErrorCause error value
        void CompleteSetDefaultContextParams( TInt aErrorCause );

         * Gets default parameters of dial-up context.
		* @param aContextConfig pointer to context configuration data
		* @return error value for completion
        TInt GetDefaultContextParams( TPacketDataConfigBase* aContextConfig );

         * Returns EGprs support in cell
		* @return TBool value for GPRS support in current cell
        virtual TBool EGprsSupportInCell();


         * Completes Set Attach Mode To Nvd memory request.
         * @param aStatus not used
        void CompleteSetAttachModeToNvd( const TUint8 aStatus ) const;


         * Sets Preferred Bearer to the DOS.
		* @param aPackage includes request related data
         * @return error value for client 
        virtual TInt SetPreferredBearerL( const TDataPackage& aPackage );

         * Completes Set Preferred Bearer
		* @param aErrorValue error value for completion
        void CompleteSetPreferredBearer( TInt aErrorValue ) const;

         * Gets gsm/wcdma specific dynamic capabilities of the phone.
		* @param aCaps pointer to dynamic capabilities
        virtual void GetDynamicCaps( 
			RPacketService::TDynamicCapsFlags* const aCaps ) const;

         * Sets dynamic capabilities to the service tsy.
		* @param aFlag flag to be changed
		* @param aIsActionPossible default value ETrue defines if
         *        Set is possible to do
        virtual void SetDynamicCapsFlag(
            const RPacketService::TDynamicCapsFlags aFlag,
            const TBool aIsActionPossible );

         * Gets gsm/wcdma specific static capabilities of the phone.
		* @param aCaps in which static caps is included
        virtual void GetStaticCaps( TUint* const aCaps ) const;

         * Completes dynamic capabilities change to the service tsy.
         * @param aPackage contains required data
        void CompleteDynamicCapsChange( CMmDataPackage* aPackage );

		* Sets iLastEdgeSupport 
		* @param aLastEdgeSupport indicates if Edge is supported
		void SetEdgeGprsSupport( TBool aLastEdgeGprsSupport );

         * Completes transfer capabilities change to the service tsy.
	     * @param aPackage contains required data
        void CompleteTransferCapsChange( CMmDataPackage* aPackage );
         * Completes get capabilities during to the service tsy startup.
	     * @param aPackage contains required data
        void CompleteGetStaticCaps( CMmDataPackage* aPackage, TInt aError  );

    private: // New functions

         * C++ default constructor.

         * Second phase constructor of CMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt.
         * @param aFactory pointer to Ltsy factory base
        void ConstructL( MLtsyFactoryBase* aFactory );

         * Initialise internal attributes.
         * @param aFactory pointer to Ltsy factory base
        void InitInternalAttributesL( MLtsyFactoryBase* aFactory );

    private: // Data

         * Pointer to the packet service tsy
         * Not own.         
        CMmPacketServiceTsy* iMmPacketServiceTsy;

         * Dynamic capabilities of gsm/wcdma extension
        RPacketService::TDynamicCapsFlags iDynamicCaps;

         * Last status received from DOS
        RPacketService::TStatus iLastTransferStatus;

         * Last info of circuit switch services availability from DOS
		TBool iCsServicesIsSupportedOnCell;

         * Last info of gprs support in current cell from DOS
		TBool iGprsIsSupportedOnCell;

         * Static capabilities of gsm/wcdma extension
        TUint iStaticCaps;

         * SetContextDefaultParameter access point name
        RPacketContext::TGSNAddress iAccessPointName;

         * SetContextDefaultParameter temporary access point name 
        RPacketContext::TGSNAddress iTempAccessPointName;

         * Client side Pdp Type 
        RPacketContext::TProtocolType iPdpType;

         * Client side temporary Pdp Type
        RPacketContext::TProtocolType iTempPdpType;

         * SetContextDefaultParameter pdp compressions
        TUint iPdpCompression;

         * SetContextDefaultParameter temporary pdp compressions
        TUint iTempPdpCompression;

         * Is set default context params method called
        TBool iIsSetDefaultContextParamsCalled;

         * Is edge gprs supported
        TBool iLastEdgeGprsSupport;


// End of File