Re-merge addition of wapstack to fid bug 1398.
// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// ETel (U)SAT header file.
// Describes the (U)SAT API - classes, methods and types.
#ifndef __ETELSAT_H__
#define __ETELSAT_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include <etel.h>
const TInt KETelExtSatV1=5000; //< The global identifier for the first version of the ETelSat API, for passing into RTelServer::IsSupportedByModule()
const TInt KETelExtSatV2=9000; //< The global identifier for the second version of the ETelSat API, for passing into RTelServer::IsSupportedByModule()
const TInt KETelExtSatV3=11000; //< The global identifier for the third version of the ETelSat API, for passing into RTelServer::IsSupportedByModule()
const TInt KEtelExtSatV4=11100; //< The global identifier for the fourth version of the ETelSat API, for passing into RTelServer::IsSupportedByModule()
const TInt KEtelExtSatV5=11200; //< The global identifier for the fifth version of the ETelSat API, for passing into RTelServer::IsSupportedByModule()
const TInt KEtelExtSatV6=11300; //< The global identifier for the sixth version of the ETelSat API, for passing into RTelServer::IsSupportedByModule()
const TInt KEtelExtSatV7=11400; //< The global identifier for the seventh version of the ETelSat API, for passing into RTelServer::IsSupportedByModule()
(U)SAT allocated error space ranges from -5250 to -5299.
Do not return KErrSatBase as an error.
const TInt KErrSatBase=-5250;
/** The (U)SIM Application Toolkit is busy. */
const TInt KErrSatBusy=KErrSatBase-1;
The error code can be received following Call Control. It is returned when the
(U)SIM (or MO SM Control by (U)SIM) either bars or modifies the original
const TInt KErrSatControl=KErrSatBase-2;
The error code can be received following Multimedia Service Notification Download.
It is returned when the (U)SIM either bars the original action,The ME shall not retry the same command.
const TInt KErrSatMmsFailure=KErrSatBase-3;
enum {KTpduMaxSize=248};
typedef TBuf8<KTpduMaxSize> TTpdu;
const TInt KPdpActivationParametersMaxLengh=512; //< Global constant defines maximum length of the buffer that can hold PDP CONTEXT ACTIVATION REQUEST
typedef TBuf8<KPdpActivationParametersMaxLengh> TPdpParameters;
// Forward declaration
class CSatPtrHolder;
class RSat: public RTelSubSessionBase
* Provides an interface to Symbian's ETelSat API. RSat inherits from
* RTelSubSessionBase defined in ETEL.H.
* On GSM/WCDMA networks, this API offers access to the (U)SIM Application
* Toolkit, or (U)SAT. On CDMA networks, it offers access to Cdma Card Application
* Toolkit, or CCAT. Both toolkits are very similar.
* Phones on both networks contain an electronic card that stores the information
* such as subscriber's identification, the phone's number, an address book, etc.
* The (U)SAT and CCAT toolkits allow the card to be more than just a storage
* device; they define a protocols that allow the card to ask the phone to perform
* tasks. For instance, a card can ask the phone to display a message on the
* screen, add new menu items to the phone's menus, ask the phone to dial a number,
* or browse to a URL.
* (U)SAT and CCAT are based around 'Proactive Commands': each is a task for the
* phone to perform. For the four tasks mentioned in the previous paragraph, the
* card sends the phone proactive commands called DISPLAY TEXT, SET UP MENU, SET
* UP CALL, and LAUNCH BROWSER. Understanding the range of proactive commands and
* their capabilities is the first step to understanding (U)SAT and CCAT.
* To use Symbian's ETelSat API you request notification when proactive commands
* arrive at the phone. For each proactive command (DISPLAY TEXT, SET UP
* MENU etc.) there is an RSat member function. This function tells Symbian OS
* when you are interested in a proactive command. It also gives
* Symbian OS a TRequestStatus that is completed when the next proactive
* command arrives.
* Some of the proactive commands are not accessible to Symbian's ETelSat API.
* Your phone's TSY deals with them for you, hiding them from RSat. The remaining
* proactive commands are handled by RSat. Request notification for each one
* using the functions listed below.
* (U)SAT and CCAT are defined in 3GPP TS 31.111 and 3GPP2 C.S0035-0 respectively.
* Both of these specifications are based on ETSI TS 102 223. We suggest you read
* ETSI TS 102 223 before reading anything else: it is much more informative and
* easier to read than the other two specifications. We also suggest you have a
* basic understanding of ETSI TS 102 223 before using Symbian's ETelSat API.
* Before starting a (U)SAT or CCAT session, start a session with a phone. A phone
* session is represented by either RPhone or RMobilePhone. Now you can create an
* RSat interface and start the RSat session with RSat::Open(). Pass this method
* the RPhone or RMobilePhone instance. This tells the (U)SAT or CCAT session
* which phone to work with.
* This documentation uses the word "UICC" to mean the card. Here are
* the phrases used to describe the card on various networks:
* On GSM networks, the physical card is called the ICC and the software it
* contains is called the SIM (Subscriber Identity Module). SAT is an interface
* to the software.
* On WCDMA networks, the physical card is called the UICC and the software it
* contains is called the USIM (Universal Subscriber Identity Module). USAT is an
* interface to the software.
* On 3G CDMA networks, the card and the software are called a R-UIM. CCAT is an
* interface to the software.
* To use the ETelSat API, follow these steps. Firstly, create an interface to the phone, if you haven't already done so:
* - Create an RPhone
* - Call RPhone::ConstructL()
* - Call RPhone::Open()
* Secondly, create and open an interface to the ETelSat client:
* - Create an RSat
* - Call RSat::ConstructL()
* - Call RSat::Open(), passing it the RPhone from the previous step.
* Now tell the UICC what SAT features the phone supports. The UICC expects this
* information in a "profile" object. The structure of this object is described in
* ETSI TS 102 223.
* - Firsly, call RSat::GetMeSideSatProfile(). The TSY returns a profile
* describing the SAT features that are supported by the phone's hardware and the
* TSY. These will be features that are not under the ETelSat client's control; you
* cannot use the RSat API to access them.
* - Now modify the profile to include the SAT features that you support. This
* will mainly involve settings flags in the profile object.
* - Finally, send the profile to the UICC by calling RSat::ClientSatProfileIndication()
* Here is a list of the proactive commands supported by RSat. Once you have
* completed all the steps above, queue some notification requests by
* calling some RSat::Notify..... command listed below:
* - DISPLAY TEXT - displays text to the user - see RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd()
* instructs phone to display text and/or an icon and to expect the user to enter a single character -
* RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd()
* instructs phone to display text and/or an icon and to expect the user to enter a string -
* RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd()
* instructs phone to play a tone -
* RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd()
* provides a set of menu items to be integrated with the phone's menu system -
* RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd()
* provides a set of menu items to be shown to the user. The user can choose one of these menu items -
* RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd()
* asks the phone to send an SMS message -
* RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd()
* - SEND SS -
* asks the phone to send a supplementary service request -
* RSat::NotifySendSsPCmd()
* asks the phone to send a Unstructured Supplementary Service Data request to the network -
* RSat::NotifySendUssdPCmd()
* asks the phone to connect a call -
* RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd()
* indicates that changes have occurred to the UICC that may affect the phone -
* RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd()
* gives the phone a list of events that may occur to the phone.
* The phone must inform the UICC when an event on the list occurs -
* RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
* provides text (and optionally an icon) to be displayed when the phone is idle -
* RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd()
* asks the phone to send a DTMF string -
* RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd()
* asks the phone to send an APDU command -
* RSat::NotifyPerformCardApduPCmd()
* closes the session with the card specified in the command -
* RSat::NotifyPowerOffCardPCmd()
* starts a session with the card specified in the command -
* RSat::NotifyPowerOnCardPCmd()
* requests the status of the card reader specified in the command -
* RSat::NotifyGetReaderStatusPCmd()
* asks the phone to perform the AT command provided -
* RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd()
* tells the phone the language in which any text strings from the UICC are written -
* RSat::NotifyLanguageNotificationPCmd()
* asks the phone to browse to the supplied URL -
* RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd()
* asks the phone to open a channel -
* RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
* asks the phone to close a channel previously opened with the OPEN CHANNEL proactive command -
* RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd()
* asks the phone for data from a channel opened with the OPEN CHANNEL proactive command -
* RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd()
* asks the phone to send data on a channel opened with the OPEN CHANNEL proactive command -
* RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd()
* asks the phone to return the status of a channel opened with the OPEN CHANNEL proactive command -
* RSat::NotifyGetChannelStatusPCmd()
* RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd()
* RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd()
* RSat::NotifyDeclareServicePCmd()
* asks the phone to start, stop and read the current value of timers -
* RSat::NotifyTimerMgmtPCmd()
* instructs the phone to send local information to the UICC -
* RSat::NotifyLocalInfoPCmd()
* tells the phone how often the UICC would like to be polled by the phone -
* RSat::NotifyPollingIntervalPCmd()
* tells the phone not to poll the UICC for proactive commands any more -
* RSat::NotifyPollingOffPCmd()
* asks the phone to store the Multimedia Message received from the Network on UICC-
* RSat::NotifyRetrieveMultimediaMsgPCmd()
* asks the phone to submit the Multimedia Message stored in the UICC to the Network-
* RSat::NotifySubmitMultimediaMsgPCmd()
* asks the phone to display the Multimedia message to the user-
* RSat::NotifyDisplayMultimediaMsgPCmd()
* This command instructs the terminal to divide the terminal screen into multiple, scrollable rectangular regions called frames inorder to present multiple information at once-
* RSat::NotifySetFramesPCmd()
* This command requests the terminal to return a Frames parameters data object-
* RSat::NotifyGetFramesStatusPCmd()
* Note: the phone continuously polls the card, waiting for proactive commands.
* However, the polling process is hidden from the ETelSat API - simply request
* notification and wait for the commands.
IMPORT_C TInt Open(RPhone& aPhone);
IMPORT_C void Close();
IMPORT_C void NotifyProactiveSimSessionEnd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const;
IMPORT_C void NotifyProactiveSimSessionStart(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const;
class TSatBase
Base class for all the (U)SAT ETel API parameters.
There may be several versions of a parameter. Parameter classes are named
'name version number', such as RSat::TGetInkeyV1 and RSat::TGetInkeyV2.
Both of these classes are used with the "GET INKEY" proactive command. They
hold similar information but are designed for use with different versions
of the (U)SAT ETel API. Version 2 contains the version 1 class plus extra
information. A third version would contain version 2 plus extra
information, etc.
In classes derived from RSat::TSatBase, the base class holds the class's
version number. The version number is a value from RSat::TSatVersion.
Each value in RSat::TSatVersion describes the versions of Symbian OS with
which they are used.
You never need to set the version number; the class's constructor does
this. Generally, RSat clients do not need to read the version number.
The TSY can use RSat::TSatBase::ExtensionId() to return the version number.
A typical situation is this: the TSY is passed a (U)SAT ETel API parameter
in a descriptor. The TSY does not know which version it has been given so
it should guess. For example, it could unpack the descriptor into the
latest version of the parameter then call RSat::TSatBase::ExtensionId() to
retrieve the actual version number. If the TSY chose the incorrect version
number then the descriptor can be unpacked into the correct parameter class.
IMPORT_C TInt ExtensionId() const;
/** The extension identifier or version number. */
TInt iExtensionId;
class TSatPCmdBase : public TSatBase
Base class for all the (U)SAT ETel API proactive command classes.
TSatPCmdBase inherits from TSatBase and is the base class for all the (U)SAT
ETel API proactive command classes, for which it holds the associated
proactive command number.
IMPORT_C TUint8 PCmdNumber() const;
IMPORT_C TInt SetPCmdNumber(TUint8 aNumber);
/** Proactive command number from 3GPP 31.111 and ETSI TS 102 223.
Valid range is 0x01 to 0xFE. */
TUint8 iPCmdNumber;
enum TSatVersion
The version number of a (U)SAT ETel API parameter,
returned by RSat::TSatBase::ExtensionId().
@see RSat::TSatBase
KSatVersionNotSet=-1, //< (U)SAT version has not been set yet
KSatV1=1, //< API version 1, (U)SAT API delivered by v6.1 and v7.0.
KSatV2=2, //< API version 2, (U)SAT API delivered by 7.0s
KSatV3=3, //< API version 3, (U)SAT API delivered by v8.0a, v8.0b, v8.1a, v8.1b.
KSatV4=4, //< API version 4, (U)SAT API delivered by v9.1
KSatV5=5, //< API version 5, (U)SAT API delivered by v9.2
KSatV6=6, //< API version 6, (U)SAT API delivered by v9.4
KSatV7=7 //< API version 7, (U)SAT API delivered by v9.5
enum THelp
The UICC may offer help to accompany a GET INKEY, GET INPUT, SET UP MENU or
SELECT ITEM proactive command. This help is normally text for the phone's
Below are links to four member functions. They request notification for
the GET INKEY, GET INPUT, SET UP MENU or SELECT ITEM proactive commands.
When they complete, an object is returned containing the proactive
command's details. This includes an RSat::THelp that states whether help
is available for the command.
It is up to you whether you tell the user that help is available, and
whether to display the help should the user ask for it. The proactive
command does not contain the help; it only indicates whether help is
available with RSat::THelp. The process of getting help depends upon the
proactive command; see the links to the member functions below for details.
@see RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd()
@see RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd()
@see RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd()
@see RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd()
EHelpNotSet, //< Initialization value used within constructor(s).
EHelpAvailable, //< Help information available to the user.
ENoHelpAvailable //< No help information is available to the user.
enum TTimeUnit
Describes the units in RSat::TDuration.
@see RSat::TDuration
ETimeUnitNotSet, //< Initialization value used within constructor(s).
ENoDurationAvailable, //< No duration has been provided. The ME should default to general beep.
EMinutes, //< The duration is expressed in minutes.
ESeconds, //< The duration is expressed in seconds.
ETenthsOfSeconds //< The duration is expressed in tenths of seconds.
struct TDuration
/** Class used in RSat whenever a measure of duration is required. */
TTimeUnit iTimeUnit; //< Unit used to encode the duration in iNumOfUnits
TUint8 iNumOfUnits; //< Valid range is 1 to 255.
enum TDeviceId
/** Some proactive commands are aimed at particular devices. The device will be on of those defined here. */
KDeviceIdNotSet =-1, //< Initialisation value
KKeypad =0x01, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the keypad.
KDisplay =0x02, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the display.
KEarPiece =0x03, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the earpiece.
KAdditionalCardReader0 =0x10, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the additional card reader 0.
KAdditionalCardReader1 =0x11, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the additional card reader 1.
KAdditionalCardReader2 =0x12, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the additional card reader 2.
KAdditionalCardReader3 =0x13, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the additional card reader 3.
KAdditionalCardReader4 =0x14, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the additional card reader 4.
KAdditionalCardReader5 =0x15, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the additional card reader 5.
KAdditionalCardReader6 =0x16, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the additional card reader 6.
KAdditionalCardReader7 =0x17, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the additional card reader 7.
KChannel1 =0x21, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the channel 1.
KChannel2 =0x22, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the channel 2.
KChannel3 =0x23, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the channel 3.
KChannel4 =0x24, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the channel 4.
KChannel5 =0x25, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the channel 5.
KChannel6 =0x26, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the channel 6.
KChannel7 =0x27, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the channel 7.
KUICC =0x81, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the UICC.
KME =0x82, //< The destination device for the proactive command is the Mobile Equipment, typically a phone.
KNetwork =0x83 //< The destination device for the proactive command is the network.
Specifies the text coding scheme for RSat buffers. It may be used in
conjunction with any RSat buffer to indicate the coding scheme used.
(See ETSI TS 102 223 V5.9.0 section 8.15.)
enum TSatTextCoding
/** 7-bit packed coding */
/** 7-bit unpacked (i.e. 8-bit) coding */
/** 16-bit Unicode (UCS-2) coding */
@see RSat::TTextString
enum {KTextStringMaxSize=250};
/** Generic Text String
This text string definition is to be used through the API where a text
string is required. Text string should be presented to the client in
unicode format. This type can be used in envelope commands, proactive
commands and terminal response.
@see RSat::KTextStringMaxSize
typedef TBuf<KTextStringMaxSize> TTextString;
// Alpha Identifier
@see RSat::TAlphaIdBuf
@see RSat::TAlphaId
@see RMobileCall::KAlphaIdMaxSize
enum {KAlphaIdMaxSize=254};
Buffer containing the alpha identifier in the proactive command sent from the ICC.
@see RSat::TAlphaId
@see RMobileCall::TAlphaIdBuf
typedef TBuf<KAlphaIdMaxSize> TAlphaIdBuf;
Indicates the status of the alpha ID to the client. It can be present or
not present. If it is present, then it can contain data (typically text)
or it can be a null object.
@see RSat::TAlphaId
enum TAlphaIdStatus
EAlphaIdNotSet, //< Value used at initialisation
EAlphaIdProvided, //< The alpha ID was provided by the ICC and contains data, typically text.
EAlphaIdNull, //< The alpha ID was provided by the ICC but was a null object.
EAlphaIdNotPresent //< No alpha ID provided by the ICC.
Proactive commands can include some text called an 'alpha identifier'.
The meaning of the text depends upon the proactive command; see each
command's description for more details.
In Symbian OS, details of each proactive command are encapsulated in a
class. Each class includes an RSat::TAlphaId. Inside this, iStatus
contains the status of the command's alpha identifier:
If iStatus is RSat::EAlphaIdProvided then RSat::TAlphaId::iAlphaId contains
the proactive command's alpha identifier text. The description of each
proactive command will tell you what to do with the text.
If iStatus is RSat::EAlphaIdNull then the proactive command's alpha
identifier is an empty string. RSat::TAlphaId::iAlphaId contains nothing.
This commonly indicates that nothing should be display to the user while
the proactive command is executed; see the proactive command's description.
If iStatus is RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent then the proactive command did not
contain an alpha identifier. This is commonly indicates that you can
display whatever you like to the user while the proactive command is
executed; see the proactive command's description.
It is intended by ETSI / 3GPP to be a short identifier of one or two words.
However the maximum buffer size is 254 in this API.
struct TAlphaId
TAlphaIdStatus iStatus; //< The status of the alpha ID.
TAlphaIdBuf iAlphaId; //< The alpha ID's text. Only valid if iStatus is RSat::EAlphaIdProvided.
Size in bytes of a text attribute as defined in spec. ETSI TS 102 223
@see RSat::TTextAttributeBuf
enum {KTextAttributeBufSize=4};
/** Contains text attribute data. A text attribute contains
formatting information such as whether the text it is applied to
is bold, underlined, aligned left, etc. The text to which the
text attribute applies to depends on the specific proactive
UICC command and is specified in ETSI TS 102 223.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
typedef TBuf8<KTextAttributeBufSize> TTextAttributeBuf;
enum TTextAttributeStatus
/** Indicates the status of the text attribute to the client.
It can be present or not present. If it is present, then it will
provide text attribute data. This data is valid only if the
text to which the text attribute data applies to is also valid.
The text to which the text attribute applies to depends on the
specific proactive UICC command and is specified in ETSI TS 102 223.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
ETextAttributeNotSet, //< Value used at initialisation
ETextAttributeProvided, //< The text attribute was provided by the ICC and contains data.
ETextAttributeNotPresent //< No text attribute provided by the ICC.
Proactive commands which contain text may also contain formatting
information, called text attributes, which apply to the text
when it is displayed by the ME. If a Terminal receives a text
attribute that it does not support then it shall use the default
text attribute it supports.
For some proactive commands, the text attribute information
is a conditional parameter. This means it is only present in the
command if the text to which it applies is present as the text
itself is an optional part of the command.
For other proactive commands that always contain some text such
as an alpha identifier, the text attribute information is optional,
and can be present or not present.
The actual text to which the text attribute applies to depends on
the specific proactive UICC command and is specified in
ETSI TS 102 223.
The TTextAttribute structure is present in RSat classes which
represent proactive commands that support text attributes. The
structure contains iStatus which represents the status of
If the iStatus is RSat::ETextAttributeNotPresent then no text
attribute data was supplied in the command. This commonly
indicates that the default formatting should be applied to
the text when it is displayed by the ME.
If the iStatis is RSat::ETextAttributeProvided then text
attribute data was supplied in the command. This means that
the supplied formatting should be applied when the text to which
it applies is displayed on the ME. If the supplied formatting
is not supported by the terminal, then default formatting should
be applied.
struct TTextAttribute
The status of the text attribute.
@see RSat::TTextAttributeStatus
TTextAttributeStatus iStatus;
The text attribute data. Only valid if the iStatus is
RSat::ETextAttributeProvided and the text to which it applies is valid.
@see RSat::TTextAttributeBuf
TTextAttributeBuf iTextAttributeData;
@see RSat::TCcp
@see RMobileCall::KCcpMaxSize
enum {KCcpMaxSize=14};
TCcp ( Capability configuration parameters ) is a 8-bit data buffer that
contains the bearer capabilities as coded in ETSI 11.11 and ETSI 04.08. It
is 14 bytes as it does not include the IEI (Information Element Identity).
It is used by the SET UP CALL proactive command. It is also used in call control.
@see RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd()
@see RSat::NotifyCallControlRequest()
@see RMobileCall::TCcp
typedef TBuf8<KCcpMaxSize> TCcp;
@see RSat::TSubAddress
@see RMobileCall::KSubAddressMaxSize
enum {KSubAddressMaxSize=21};
Sub-address of a telephone number. Maximum size is 21 digits.
It is used by the SET UP CALL and OPEN CHANNEL proactive commands. It is
also used in call control.
@see RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd()
@see RSat::NotifyCallControlRequest()
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
@see RMobileCall::TSubAddress
typedef TBuf<KSubAddressMaxSize> TSubAddress;
Type of number, part of a complete telephone number address along with the
numbering plan and the number's digits.
@see RSat::TAddress
@see RSat::TSsString
enum TTypeOfNumber
ETypeOfNumberNotSet, //< Initialization value used within constructor(s).
EUnknownNumber, //< The user or the network has no knowledge of the type of network.
EInternationalNumber, //< International number.
ENationalNumber, //< National number.
/** Administration/service number specific to the serving network, e.g.
used to access an operator.*/
/** Called dedicated access / short code in GSM/WCDMA. Corresponds to
TMobileTON::ESubscriberNumber in ETel MM API. */
EAlphanumericNumber, //< Alphanumeric number.
EAbbreviatedNumber //< Abbreviated number.
Numbering plan, part of a complete telephone number
address along with the type of number and the number's
@see RSat::TAddress
@see RSat::TSsString
enum TNumberingPlan
ENumberingPlanNotSet, //< Initialization value used within constructor(s).
EUnknownNumberingPlan, //< The user or the network has no knowledge of the numbering plan.
EIsdnNumberPlan, //< ISDN / telephony numbering plan.
EDataNumberPlan, //< Data numbering plan.
ETelexNumberPlan, //< Telex numbering plan.
/** The service centre specific plan is used to indicate a numbering
plan specific to External Short Message Entities attached to the SMS
/** The service centre specific plan is used to indicate a numbering
plan specific to External Short Message Entities attached to the SMS
centre. */
ENationalNumberPlan, //< National numbering plan.
EPrivateNumberPlan, //< Private numbering plan.
EERMESNumberPlan //< ERMES numbering plan.
@see RSat::TSatTelNumber
enum {KMaxMobileTelNumberSize=251};
The phone number’s digits and other valid dial-string characters, coded as
Unicode characters. RSat::TSatTelNumber is part of a complete telephone
number address, along with the type of number and the numbering plan.
Maximum size is 251 digits.
@see RSat::TAddress
typedef TBuf<KMaxMobileTelNumberSize> TSatTelNumber;
A complete telephone number.
struct TAddress
TTypeOfNumber iTypeOfNumber; //< Type of number
TNumberingPlan iNumberPlan; //< Numbering plan
TSatTelNumber iTelNumber; //< Telephone number
The originator of a call.
This list of enumerations matches RMobileCall::TCallParamOrigin in Etelmm.
@see RMobileCall::TCallParamOrigin
enum TCallParamOrigin
EOriginatorUnknown, //< The call originator is unknown.
EOriginatorSIM, //< The call originated/originates from the SIM.
EOriginatorEtelClient, //< The call originated/originates from an Etel Client.
EOriginatorExternal //< The call originated/originates from an external device connected to the modem.
/** Maximum size of a SS or a USSD string
@see RSat::TSsString
@see RSat::TUssdString */
enum {KStringMaxSize=242};
struct TSsString
/** A Supplementary Service string. */
TTypeOfNumber iTypeOfNumber; //< Type of number
TNumberingPlan iNumberPlan; //< Numbering plan
TBuf8<KStringMaxSize> iSsString;//< SS string. Max. length is 242 characters.
struct TUssdString
/** An Unstructured Supplementary Services Data string. */
TUint8 iDcs; //< Data Coding Scheme
TBuf<KStringMaxSize> iUssdString; //< USSD string. Max. length is 242 characters.
enum TIconQualifier
/** Included in each type of proactive command that can support icons. It
describes the icon, if there is one.
@see RSat::TIconId
@see RMobileCall::TIconQualifier
EIconQualifierNotSet, //< Icon qualifier is not set
ENoIconId, //< Icon not present in this proactive command.
ESelfExplanatory, //< Icon is included in the proactive command. It is self explanatory. Display instead of the alpha ID or text string.
ENotSelfExplanatory //< Icon is included in the proactive command. It is not self explanatory. Display both the icon and the alpha ID or text string.
struct TIconId
Some types of proactive command can include an icon identifier. Commands
that can include an icon will have an RSat::TIconId field. Icons are
intended to provide graphical information to the user, although the display
of icons is optional.
If RSat::TIconId::iQualifier is RSat::ENoIconId then the proactive command
does not provide an icon.
Otherwise, an icon is provided. The alpha identifier or text string in the
proactive command will be present and will not be a null string.
- If RSat::TIconId.iQualifier is RSat::ESelfExplanatory then the icon should
be displayed instead of the alpha identifier or text string.
- If RSat::TIconId.iQualifier is RSat::ENotSelfExplanatory then both icon
and the alpha identifier or text string should be displayed. If you are
not able to display both (such as when the screen is too small) then
display just the alpha identifier or text string.
RSat::TIconId does not contain the icon itself. Instead it contains an
icon identifier, RSat::TIconId::iIdentifier. Use RSat::GetIcon() followed
by RSat::GetImageInstance() to get the icon from the UICC.
There are two error cases related to icons:
- If the UICC provides an icon identifier with a proactive command but
you cannot display the icon for any reason, then inform the UICC by sending
the general result "Command performed successfully, but requested icon
could not be displayed"; see RSat::KSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed.
- If you receive an icon, and either an empty or no alpha identifier/text
string is given by the UICC, than reject the command with general result
"Command data not understood by terminal"; see RSat::KCmdDataNotUnderstood.
@see RSat::GetIcon()
@see RSat::GetImageInstance()
@see RMobileCall::TIconId
/** Describes the state of the icon. */
TIconQualifier iQualifier;
/** Icon identifier, addresses a record in EF IMG. */
TUint8 iIdentifier;
// Read Icon
enum {KImageInstanceDescriptorsMaxSize=255}; //< @see RSat::TIcon
/** RSat::GetIcon() stores the an icon's EF record in this buffer. The
record's structure is defined in ETSI TS 131 102; search for EFimg or
"Contents of files at the DFGRAPHICS level"
@see RSat::GetIcon()
@see RSat::TIconId
typedef TBuf8<KImageInstanceDescriptorsMaxSize> TIcon;
IMPORT_C void GetIcon(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TUint8 aRecordNumber, TIcon& aIconEf) const;
IMPORT_C void GetImageInstance(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TDesC8& aInstanceInfo, TDes8& aInstance) const;
class TInstanceInfoV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Describes the exact position of a record within a EF IMG hold instance descriptor.
RSat::TInstanceInfoV2 is packaged into a descriptor, RSat::TInstanceInfoV2Pckg.
@see RSat::GetImageInstance()
IMPORT_C TInstanceInfoV2();
TUint iInstanceNumber; //< The requested image instance EF.
TUint16 iOffset; //< The offset of the requested image instance EF.
TUint16 iLength; //< The length of the requested image instance EF in bytes.
/** A packaged RSat::TInstanceInfoV2. */
typedef TPckg<TInstanceInfoV2> TInstanceInfoV2Pckg;
enum TImageCoding
/** Coding used for icons.
@see RSat::TInstanceInfoV3. */
KBasic =0x11, //< Basic Image Coding
KColour =0x21 //< Colour Image Coding
class TInstanceInfoV3 : public TInstanceInfoV2
Describes the exact position, coding, size and File ID of a record within a
EF IMG hold instance descriptor.
The EF record is described in ETSI TS 131 102; search for EFimg or "Contents
of files at the DFGRAPHICS level"
To retrieve an image's data from the UICC, create an instance of this class
and fill in fields with data retrieved with RSat::GetIcon(). Then pass the
packaged version of this class (RSat::TInstanceInfoV3Pckg) to
@see RSat::GetImageInstance()
IMPORT_C TInstanceInfoV3();
/**Image Coding Scheme*/
TImageCoding iCoding;
/**Image Width*/
TUint8 iImgWidth;
/**Image Height*/
TUint8 iImgHeight;
/**Image Instance File Identifier*/
TUint16 iFileId;
/** A packaged RSat::TInstanceInfoV3. */
typedef TPckg<TInstanceInfoV3> TInstanceInfoV3Pckg;
// API/TSY internal type
struct TInstanceNumberAndOffset
TUint iInstanceNumber; //< Image instance number
TUint iOffset; //< Image instance offset within the image record
IMPORT_C void GetClut(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TUint aInstanceNumber, TUint aOffset, TDes8& aClut) const;
// Terminal Response - Answer from the client to a proactive command
/** General Result of a proactive command.
All proactive commands require a response from you to the UICC via the
RSat::TerminalRsp() method. When you send a response, include a value from
this enumeration to indicate the level of success or failure. Some of these
values require additional information to be returned to the UICC, too. For
instance, you cannot return just RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd, you must
return a value from RSat::TMeProblem, too. The description of each
proactive command in 3GPP 31.111 and ETSI TS 102 223 will tell you what you
need to return.
The values KSuccess to KUssdTransactionTerminatedByUser indicate that the
proactive command was successful. It can be either completely or partially
The values from KMeUnableToProcessCmd to KLaunchBrowserError indicate
temporary errors. The UICC may make another attempt by resending the
proactive command.
The values from KCmdBeyondMeCapabilities onwards are permanent errors. Use
them to tell the UICC that the command cannot be executed at all.
TPCmdResult enum values are dictated by 3GPP 31.111 and ETSI TS 102 223;
see the description of the 'Result' data object.
enum TPCmdResult
KPCmdResultNotSet =-1,
// ------------------
// Successful results
// ------------------
/** Command performed successfully. There were no problems. */
KSuccess =0x00,
/** Command performed with partial comprehension; see 'Command results'
in ETSI TS 102 223. */
KPartialComprehension =0x01,
/** Command performed, with missing information. Use when you received
a minimum set of components but you believe some components to be
missing. */
KMissingInformation =0x02,
/** REFRESH performed with additional EFs read. */
KRefreshAdditionEFRead =0x03,
/** Command performed successfully but requested icon could not be displayed. */
KSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed =0x04,
/** Command performed, but modified by call control. Use this to
indicate that call control modified the type of request indicated in
the proactive command, and that the action requested by call control
was performed successfully. */
KModifiedByCallControl =0x05,
/** Command performed successfully, limited service. */
KSuccessLimitedService =0x06,
/** Command performed with modification. Use this to indicate that you
were unable to process the command using the exact parameters provided,
but the command was processed with the best possible parameters.*/
KPerformedWithModifications =0x07,
/** REFRESH performed but either the (U)SIM or R-UIM was not active. */
KRefreshUSIMNotActive =0x08,
/** PLAY TONE command performed successfully. */
KPlayTonePerformedSuccessfully =0x09,
/** (U)SAT / CCAT session terminated by the user. */
KPSessionTerminatedByUser =0x10,
/** Backward move in the (U)SAT / CCAT session requested by the user. */
KBackwardModeRequestedByUser =0x11,
/** No response from user. */
KNoResponseFromUser =0x12,
/** Help information required by the user.
The UICC may offer help to accompany a GET INKEY, GET INPUT, SET UP
MENU or SELECT ITEM proactive command. This help is normally text for
the phone's user. If you tell the user that help is available, and if
they would like the help, then respond with this value.
@see RSat::THelp */
KHelpRequestedByUser =0x13,
/** USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Services Data) session terminated
by the user. */
KUssdTransactionTerminatedByUser =0x14,
// ----------------
// Temporary faults
// ----------------
/** The phone is currently unable to process command.
Besides returning this value, you must return additional information.
Return a value from RSat::TMeProblem and set the additional information
type to RSat::KMeProblem. */
KMeUnableToProcessCmd =0x20,
/** The network is currently unable to process the command.
The network will return a cause value to indicate the problem. These
values are defined in the appendices of 3GPP TS 24.008. Set bit 8 of
the 8-bit code to 1, then include this code in the 'additional
information' field in your response to the UICC. Set the additional
information type to RSat::KSatNetworkErrorInfo.
If no cause code is available, set the 'additional information' field to zero.*/
KNetworkUnableToProcessCmd =0x21,
/** In some proactive commands, you are required to solicit and receive
the user's approval before executing the proactive command. If the user
does not give approval then you should not execute it, and you should
give this response to the UICC. */
KPCmdNotAcceptedByUser =0x22,
/** The user cleared down the call before the call
connected or before the network released the call. */
KCallClearedBeforeConnectionOrReleased =0x23,
/** Use this code when the UICC requests an action for a timer to be
taken by the terminal and the state of the timer does not allow that
action. */
KContradictionWithTimerState =0x24,
/** Use this to indicate that call control modified
the type of request indicated in the proactive command, and that the
action requested by call control encounters a temporary problem. */
KInteractionWithCCTemporaryError =0x25,
/** Error launching the browser.
Besides returning this value, you must return an additional value
from RSat::TBrowserError. Set the additional information
type to RSat::KMeProblem. */
KLaunchBrowserError =0x26,
proactive command, because it is busy processing some other MMS transaction.
@see RSat::KMeProblem
KMMSTemporaryProblem =0x27,
// ----------------
// Permanent faults
// ----------------
/** Command is beyond your capabilities. You understand what the
command is asking you to do, but you do not have the capability to do
it. E.g. your code is running on a device that only supports SMS and
the command asks you to set up a call. */
KCmdBeyondMeCapabilities =0x30,
/** Proactive command type not understood. It is unlikely this will be
needed - it is to allow future expansion of commands. */
KCmdTypeNotUnderstood =0x31,
/** Command data not understood. You understand the command type is
understood but not the accompanying data object(s). */
KCmdDataNotUnderstood =0x32,
/** Command number not known. */
KCmdNumberNotKnown =0x33,
/** The network returns a Supplementary Service (SS) error in response
to a previous SS command. Specific cause values are the same as given
by the network in the Return Error message.
The network will return an error value given in the Facility
information element to indicate the problem. Set bit 8 of
the 8-bit code to 1, then include this code in the 'additional
information' field in your response to the UICC. Set the additional
information type to RSat::KSatNetworkErrorInfo.
If no cause code is available, set the 'additional information' field to zero.*/
KSsReturnError =0x34,
/** The network returns an error in response to the phone trying to send a
short message.
To indicate the problem, the network will return a cause value in the
RP cause element from the RP-ERROR message. Set bit 8 of
the 8-bit code to 1, then include this code in the 'additional
information' field in your response to the UICC. Set the additional
information type to RSat::KSatNetworkErrorInfo.
If no cause code is available, set the 'additional information' field to zero.*/
KSmsRpError =0x35,
/** Required values are missing. You understand the command but one or
more required data objects are missing. The specifications defining
the (U)SAT and CCAT toolkits define the minimum required objects for
each command. */
KErrorRequiredValuesMissing =0x36,
/** The network returns a USSD error in response to a previous USSD
command. Specific cause values are the same as given by the network in
a Return Error message. This has additional information: the error value
given in the Facility information element returned by the network. Set bit 8 of
the 8-bit code to 1, then include this code in the 'additional
information' field in your response to the UICC. Set the additional
information type to RSat::KSatNetworkErrorInfo.
If no cause code is available, set the 'additional information' field to zero.*/
KUssdReturnError =0x37,
/** Multiple card commands error.
Besides returning this value, you must return an additional value
from RSat::TMultipleCardError. Set the additional information
type to RSat::KMeProblem. */
KMultipleCardCmdsError =0x38,
/** Interaction with call control, permanent problem.
Besides returning this value, you must return an additional value
from RSat::TCcInteractionError. Set the additional information
type to RSat::KMeProblem. */
KInteractionWithCCPermanentError =0x39,
/** Bearer Independent Protocol error.
Besides returning this value, you must return an additional value
from RSat::TBearerIndProtoError. Set the additional information
type to RSat::KMeProblem. */
KBearerIndepProtocolError =0x3A,
/** Access Technology unable to process command. */
KAccessTechUnableProcessCmd =0x3B,
/** An error occured while trying to process the SET FRAMES or GET FRAMES STATUS command. */
KFramesError =0x3C,
/** A permanent error occured while trying to process one of the RETRIEVE/SUBMIT/DISPLAY
MUTIMEDIA MESSAGE proactive commands.
@see RSat::KMeProblem
KMMSError =0x3D
enum TAdditionalInfoType
All proactive commands require a response from you to the UICC via the
RSat::TerminalRsp() method. Some require a descriptor containing 'additional
information', RSat::TAdditionalInfo. The information in this descriptor will
depend upon the type of proactive command to which you are responding; see
the description of each proactive command.
Besides returning the descriptor, you must indicate the type of
additional information by returning a value from RSat::TAdditionalInfoType.
@see RSat::TAdditionalInfo
@see RSat::TerminalRsp()
KNoAdditionalInfo = 0x0001, //< No additional result info has been provided.
KMeProblem = 0x0002, //< Possible additional information, in the event of an phone problem, is described by RSat::TMeProblem.
/** The additional information, in this case, consists of the error
code returned by the network. The error code returned by the network is
available to the client, as it is passed up to the client in the
extended GSM error code as a response to a SET UP CALL, a SEND SS, a
KSatNetworkErrorInfo = 0x0004,
KControlInteraction = 0x0008, //< Interaction with call control or MO SM control.
KSendSsInfo = 0x0010, //< Additional info on a successful result for a SEND SS proactive command.
KTextString = 0x0020, //< Text string - additional info for a successful GET INKEY, GET INPUT or SEND USSD.
KItemIdentifier = 0x0040, //< Item selected as a result to a SELECT ITEM proactive command.
KCallControlRequestedAction = 0x0080, //< Required if a call control by SIM has modified a proactive command SET UP CALL, SEND SS or SEND USSD in another type of request.
KRApdu = 0x0100, //< Required in response to PERFORM CARD APDU.
KCardATR = 0x0200, //< Required in response to POWER ON CARD.
KATResponse = 0x0400, //< Required in response to RUN AT COMMAND.
KChannelData = 0x0800, //< Required in response to RECEIVE DATA.
KChannelStatusInfo = 0x1000, //< Required in response to GET CHANNEL STATUS and OPEN CHANNEL.
KServiceAvailability = 0x2000, //< Required in response to Service Search.
KCardReaderInfo = 0x4000, //< Required in response to GET READER STATUS.
KLocalInformation = 0x8000, //< Required in response to PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION.
KTimerMgmt = 0x10000, //< Required in response to TIMER MANAGEMENT.
KPollingIntv = 0x20000, //< Required in response to POLLING INTERVAL.
KServiceRecord = 0x40000, //< Required in response to GET SERVICE INFORMATION.
KFramesInfo = 0x80000 //< Required in response to SET FRAMES and GET FRAMES STATUS.
Addition information provide to the UICC in response to proactive
commands. A value from this enumeration should be provided when the
general response to a command is RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd
Set the additional information type to RSat::KMeProblem.
Enum values are dictated by 3GPP 31.111 and ETSI TS 102 223; see the
description of the 'Result' data objects.
enum TMeProblem
KNoSpecificMeProblem = 0x00, //< No specific cause can be given.
KScreenBusy = 0x01, //< Screen is busy.
KMeBusyOnCall = 0x02, //< Busy on call.
KMeBusyOnSs = 0x03, //< Busy on supplementary service.
KNoService = 0x04, //< No service.
KAccBar = 0x05, //< Access control class bar.
KRadioRessourceNotGranted = 0x06, //< Radio resource not granted.
KNotInSpeechCall = 0x07, //< Not in speech call.
KMeBusyOnUssd = 0x08, //< Busry on USSD.
KMeBusyOnSendDtmf = 0x09, //< Busy on SEND DTMF command.
KNoUSIMActive = 0x0A //< No (U)SIM or R-UIM active.
Addition information provide to the UICC in response to proactive
commands. A value from this enumeration should be provided when the
general response to a command is RSat::KInteractionWithCCPermanentError.
Set the additional information type to RSat::KMeProblem.
Enum values are dictated by ETSI TS 102 223; see the description of the
'Result' data objects.
enum TCcInteractionError
KNoSpecificInteractionError = 0x00, //< No specific cause can be given.
KActionNotAllowed = 0x01, //< Action not allowed.
KRequestTypeChanged = 0x02 //< The type of request has changed.
Addition information provide to the UICC in response to proactive
commands. A value from this enumeration should be provided when the
general response to a command is RSat::KMultipleCardCmdsError.
Set the additional information type to RSat::KMeProblem.
Enum values are dictated by ETSI TS 102 223; see the description of the
'Result' data objects.
enum TMultipleCardError
KNoSpecificMultiCardError = 0x00, //< No specific cause can be given.
KNoCardReader = 0x01, //< Card reader removed or not present
KNoCard = 0x02, //< Card removed or not present
KCardReadyBusy = 0x03, //< Card reader busy.
KCardPoweredOff = 0x04, //< Card powered off.
KCApduFormatError = 0x05, //< C-APDU format error.
KMuteCard = 0x06, //< Mute card.
KTransmissionError = 0x07, //< Transmission error.
KProtocolNotSupported = 0x08, //< Protocol not supported.
KSpecifiedReaderNotValid = 0x09 //< Specified reader not valid.
Addition information provide to the UICC in response to proactive
commands. A value from this enumeration should be provided when the
general response to a command is RSat::KLaunchBrowserError.
Set the additional information type to RSat::KMeProblem.
enum TBrowserError
KNoSpecificBrowserError = 0x00,
KBearerUnvailable = 0x01,
KBrowserUnavailable = 0x02,
KMeUnableToReadProvisioningData = 0x04
Addition information provide to the UICC in response to proactive
commands. A value from this enumeration should be provided when the
general response to a command is RSat::KBearerIndepProtocolError
Set the additional information type to RSat::KMeProblem.
Enum values are dictated by ETSI TS 102 223; see the description of the
'Result' data objects.
enum TBearerIndProtoError
KNoSpecificBIPError = 0x00, //< No specific cause can be given.
KNoChannelAvailable = 0x01, //< No channel available.
KChannelClosed = 0x02, //< Channel closed.
KChannelIdNotValid = 0x03, //< Channel identifier not valid.
KBufferSizeNotAvailable = 0x04, //< Requested buffer size not available.
KSecurityError = 0x05, //< Security error (unsuccessful authentication).
KTranportLevelNotAvailable = 0x06, //< Requested UICC/terminal interface transport level not available.
KRemoteDeviceNotReachable = 0x07, //< Remote device is not reachable (not present, not physically connected, switched off, etc.).
KServiceError = 0x08, //< Service error (service not available on remote device).
KServiceIdUnknown = 0x09, //< Service identifier unknown.
KPortNotAvailable = 0x10 //< Port not available (applicable for OPEN CHANNEL related to UICC Server Mode).
Addition information provide to the UICC in response to proactive
commands. A value from this enumeration should be provided when the
general response to a command is RSat::KFramesError
Set the additional information type to RSat::KMeProblem.
Enum values are dictated by ETSI TS 102 223; see the description of the
'Result' data objects.
enum TFramesError
KNoSpecificCauseCanBeGiven = 0x00, //< This error is reported when a specific reason for the KFramesError is not reported.
KFrameIdentifierIsNotValid = 0x01, //< The indicator is flagged when the frame identifier is not valid.
KNumberOfFramesExceeded = 0x02, //< This indicator is flagged when the number of frames are beyond the terminal capability.
KNoFrameIdentified = 0x03, //< This indicator is flagged when no frame is identified.
KRequestSizeNotSupported = 0x04, //< This indicator is flagged when the requested size is not supported.
KDefaultActiveFrameIsNotValid = 0x05 //< This indicator is flagged when the default active frames is not valid.
@see TAdditionalInfo
enum {KAdditionalInfoMaxSize=244};
All proactive commands require a response from you to the UICC via the
RSat::TerminalRsp() method. Some require a buffer containing 'additional
information'. The information in this buffer will depend upon the type of
proactive command to which you are responding; see the description of each
proactive command.
Besides returning a RSat::TAdditionalInfo, you must indicate the type of
additional information by returning a value from RSat::TAdditionalInfoType.
@see RSat::TAdditionalInfoType
@see RSat::TerminalRsp()
typedef TBuf<KAdditionalInfoMaxSize> TAdditionalInfo;
enum TPCmd
Enumeration containing proactive commands for use with the
RSat::TerminalRsp(), RSat::NotifyTsyStateUpdated() and
RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest() methods only. Members of this
enumeration do not have the same value as the proactive command codes in
3GPP TS 31.111 and ETSI TS 102 223.
IMPORT_C void TerminalRsp(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TPCmd aPCmd, const TDesC8& aRsp) const;
// Client ready indication
IMPORT_C TInt UsatClientReadyIndication() const;
// TSatProfileByteX enum values are dictated by 3GPP 31.111
enum TSatProfileByte1
/** Flags for byte 1 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV1 */
KCapsProfileDownload =0x01, //< Profile download
KCapsSmsPpDataDownload =0x02, //< USAT only: SMS-PP data download
KCapsCbDataDownload =0x04, //< USAT only: Cell Broadcast data download
KCapsMenuSelection =0x08, //< Menu selection
KCaps9EXX =0x10, //< To be used only in v1.0 API
KCapsSmsPpDataDownload2 =0x10, //< v2.0 API only: SMS-PP data download supported.
KCapsTimerExpiration =0x20, //< Timer expiration
KCapsUssdStringInCC =0x40, //< To be used only in v1.0 API
KCapsCCByUSim2 =0x40, //< USAT only: Call Control by USIM supported.
KCapsCCByUSim3 =0x80 //< v2.0 API only: Call Control supported.
enum TSatProfileByte2
/** Flags for byte 2 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV1 */
KCapsCommandResult =0x01, //< Command result
KCapsCCBySim =0x02, //< v2.0 API only: Call Control by USIM
KCapsCellIdInCCBySim =0x04, //< To be used only in v1.0 API
KCapsCCByUSim4 =0x04, //< v2.0 API only: Call Control supported.
KCapsMOSMControl =0x08, //< USAT only: MO short message control support
KCapsAlphaIdHandling =0x10, //< To be used only in v1.0 API
KCapsCCByUSim5 =0x10, //< v2.0 API only: Call Control supported.
KCapsUcs2Entry =0x20, //< UCS2 Entry supported
KCapsUcs2Display =0x40, //< UCS2 Display supported
KCapsExtensionTextDisplay =0x80, //< To be used only in v1.0 API
KCapsDisplayText2 =0x80 //< v2.0 API only: DISPLAY TEXT supported.
enum TSatProfileByte3
/** Flags for byte 3 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV1 */
KCapsDisplayText =0x01, //< Proactive UICC: DISPLAY TEXT
KCapsGetInkey =0x02, //< Proactive UICC: GET INKEY
KCapsGetInput =0x04, //< Proactive UICC: GET INPUT
KCapsMoreTime =0x08, //< Proactive UICC: MORE TIME
KCapsPlayTone =0x10, //< Proactive UICC: PLAY TONE
KCapsPollInterval =0x20, //< Proactive UICC: POLL INTERVAL
KCapsPollingOff =0x40, //< Proactive UICC: POLLING OFF
KCapsRefresh =0x80 //< Proactive UICC: REFRESH
enum TSatProfileByte4
/** Flags for byte 4 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV1 */
KCapsSelectItem =0x01, //< Proactive UICC: SELECT ITEM
KCapsSendSM =0x02, //< Proactive UICC: SEND SHORT MESSAGE
KCapsSendSS =0x04, //< Proactive UICC: SEND SS
KCapsSendUSSD =0x08, //< Proactive UICC: SEND USSD
KCapsSetUpCall =0x10, //< Proactive UICC: SET UP CALL
KCapsSetUpMenu =0x20, //< Proactive UICC: SET UP MENU
KCapsProvideLocalInformation =0x40, //< Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (MCC, MNC, LAC, Cell ID & IMEI)
KCapsProvideLocalInformationNMR =0x80 //< Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (NMR)
enum TSatProfileByte5
/** Flags for byte 5 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV1 */
KCapsSetUpEventList =0x01, //< Proactive UICC: SET UP EVENT LIST
KCapsMtCallEvent =0x02, //< Event: MT call
KCapsCallConnectedEvent =0x04, //< Event: Call connected
KCapsCallDisconnectedEvent =0x08, //< Event: Call disconnected
KCapsLocationStatusEvent =0x10, //< Event: Location status
KCapsUserActivityEvent =0x20, //< Event: User activity
KCapsIdleScreenAvailableEvent =0x40, //< Event: Idle screen available
KCapsCardReaderStatusEvent =0x80 //< Event: Card reader status
enum TSatProfileByte6
/** Flags for byte 6 of the terminal profile. */
KCapsLanguageSelectionEvent =0x01, //< Event: Language selection
KCapsBrowserTerminationEvent =0x02, //< Event: Browser Termination
KCapsDataAvailableEvent =0x04, //< Event: Data available
KCapsChannelStatusEvent =0x08, //< Event: Channel status
KCapsAccTechnoChangedEvent =0x10, //< Event: Access Technology Change
KCapsDisplayParamsChangedEvent =0x20, //< Event: Display parameters changed
KCapsLocalConnectionEvent =0x40, //< Event: Local Connection
KCapsNetworkSearchModeChangeEvent =0x80 //< Event: Network Search Mode Change (added in V6)
enum TSatProfileByte7
/** Flags for byte 7 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV1 */
KCapsPowerOnCard =0x01, //< Proactive UICC: POWER ON CARD
KCapsPowerOffCard =0x02, //< Proactive UICC: POWER OFF CARD
KCapsPerformCardApdu =0x04, //< Proactive UICC: PERFORM CARD APDU
KCapsGetReaderStatus =0x08, //< Proactive UICC: GET READER STATUS (Card reader status)
KCapsGetReaderStatusId =0x10 //< Proactive UICC: GET READER STATUS (Card reader identifier)
//Other Values are RFU
enum TSatProfileByte8
/** Flags for byte 8 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV1 */
KCapsTimerManagementStartStop =0x01, //< Proactive UICC: TIMER MANAGEMENT (start, stop)
KCapsTimerManagementGetCurrentValue =0x02, //< Proactive UICC: TIMER MANAGEMENT (get current value)
KCapsProvideLocalInfoDateTimeTimeZone =0x04, //< Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (date, time and time zone)
KCapsBinaryChoiceGetInkey =0x08, //< To be used only in v1.0 API
KCapsGetInkey2 =0x08, //< v2.0 API only: GET INKEY supported.
KCapsSetUpIdleModeText =0x10, //< Proactive UICC: SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT
KCapsRunAtCmd =0x20, //< RUN AT COMMAND (i.e. class "b" is supported)
KCaps2ndAlphaIdSetUpCall =0x40, //< To be used only in v1.0 API
KCapsSetUpCall2 =0x40, //< v2.0 API only: SET UP CALL supported.
KCaps2ndCapabilityConfigParam =0x80, //< To be used only in v1.0 API
KCapsCCByUSim6 =0x80 //< v2.0 API only: Call Control supported.
enum TSatProfileByte9
/** Flags for byte 9 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV1 */
KCapsSustainedDisplayText =0x01, //< To be used only in v1.0 API
KCapsDisplayText3 =0x01, //< v2.0 API only: DISPLAY TEXT supported.
KCapsSendDTMFCmd =0x02, //< Proactive UICC: SEND DTMF
KCapsProvideLocalInfoBcchCoding =0x04, //< To be used only in v1.0 API
KCapsProvideLocalnfoNmr2 =0x04, //< v2.0 API only: Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (NMR) supported.
KCapsProvideLocalInfoLanguage =0x08, //< Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (language)
KCapsProvideLocalInfoTimingAdv =0x10, //< USAT only: Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (Timing Advance)
KCapsLanguageNotification =0x20, //< Proactive UICC: LANGUAGE NOTIFICATION
KCapsLaunchBrowser =0x40, //< Proactive UICC: LAUNCH BROWSER
KCapsProvideLocalInfoAccTech =0x80 //< Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (Access Technology)
enum TSatProfileByte10
/** Flags for byte 10 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV2 */
KCapsSoftKeySelectItem =0x10, //< Soft keys support for SELECT ITEM
KCapsSoftKeySetUpMenu =0x20 //< Soft Keys support for SET UP MENU
enum TSatProfileByte12
/** Flags for byte 12 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV2 */
KCapsOpenChannel =0x01, //< Proactive UICC: OPEN CHANNEL
KCapsCloseChannel =0x02, //< Proactive UICC: CLOSE CHANNEL
KCapsReceiveData =0x04, //< Proactive UICC: RECEIVE DATA
KCapsSendData =0x08, //< Proactive UICC: SEND DATA
KCapsGetChannelStatus =0x10, //< Proactive UICC: GET CHANNEL STATUS
KCapsServiceSearch =0x20, //< Proactive UICC: SERVICE SEARCH
KCapsGetServiceInfo =0x40, //< Proactive UICC: GET SERVICE INFORMATION
KCapsDeclareService =0x80 //< Proactive UICC: DECLARE SERVICE
enum TSatProfileByte13
/** Flags for byte 13 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV2 */
KCapsCsdSupportByMe =0x01, //< CSD supported by phone
KCapsGprsSupportByMe =0x02, //< GPRS supported by phone
KCapsBtSupportByMe =0x04, //< Bluetooth supported by phone
KCapsIrdaSupportByMe =0x08, //< IrDA supported by phone
KCapsRs232SupportByMe =0x10 //< RS232 supported by phone
enum TSatProfileByte14
/** Flags for byte 14 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV2 */
KCapsScreenSizingParams =0x80 //< Screen Sizing Parameters supported, as defined in bytes 14, 15 and 16.
enum TSatProfileByte15
/** Flags for byte 15 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV2 */
KCapsVariableSizeFonts =0x80 //< Variable size fonts Supported
enum TSatProfileByte16
/** Flags for byte 16 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV2 */
KCapsDisplayResize =0x01, //< Display can be resized
KCapsTextWrapping =0x02, //< Text Wrapping supported
KCapsTextScrolling =0x04, //< Text Scrolling supported
KCapsWidthReductionInMenu =0x80 //< Text Attributes supported.
enum TSatProfileByte17
/** Flags for byte 17 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV2 */
KCapsTcp =0x01, //< TCP, UICC in client mode
KCapsUdp =0x02, //< UDP, UICC in client mode
KCapsTcpServerMode =0x04 //< TCP, UICC in server mode
// Next four bits RFU, bit = 0
// Last bit, reserved by 3GPP (HSDPA)
enum TSatProfileByte18
/** Flags for byte 18 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV2 */
KCapsDisplayTextVariableTimeout =0x01, //< Proactive UICC: DISPLAY TEXT (Variable Time out)
KCapsGetInkeyHelp =0x02, //< Proactive UICC: GET INKEY (help is supported while waiting for immediate response or variable timeout)
KCapsUsbSupportByMe =0x04, //< USB supported by phone.
KCapsGetInkeyVariableTimeout =0x08, //< PROACTIVE UICC: GET INKEY (Variable Timeout)
//< Bit 5 is reserved for ETSI SCP
KCapsCallControlOnGprs =0x20, //< Call Control on GPRS
KCapsProvideLocalInfoIMEISV =0x40, //< Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (IMEISV, added in V6)
KCapsProvideLocalInfoSearchModeChange =0x80 //< Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (Search Mode Change, added in V6)
// Byte 19 reserved for TIA/EIA-136-C facilities
// Byte 20 reserved for TIA/IS-820-A facilities
enum TSatProfileByte21
/** Flags for byte 21 of the terminal profile (extended browser capability).
@see RSat::TSatProfileV6
KCapsWML =0x01, //< WML Browser is supported by phone.
KCapsXHTML =0x02, //< XHTML Browser is supported by phone.
KCapsHTML =0x04, //< HTML Browser is supported by phone.
KCapsCHTML =0x08 //< CHTML Browser is supported by phone.
// The rest of the bits in this byte are RFU
enum TSatProfileByte22
/** Flags for byte 22 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV6
KCapsProvideLocalInfoUTRAN =0x01, //< Reserved by 3GPP (UTRAN PS with extended params)
KCapsProvideLocalInfoBatteryState =0x02, //< Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (battery state)
KCapsPlayThemedAndMelodyTone =0x04, //< Proactive UICC: PLAY TONE (themed and melody tones supported (compare this with 5th bit of byte 3)
KCapsSetUpCallMultimediaCall =0x08, //< Multimedia calls in SET UP CALL
KCapsRefreshGBA =0x10, //< Reserved by 3GPP (Toolkit-Initiated GBA)
KCapsRetrieveMultimediaMessage =0x20, //< Proactive UICC: Reserved by 3GPP (RETRIEVE MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE)
KCapsSubmitMultimediaMessage =0x40, //< Proactive UICC: Reserved by 3GPP (SUBMIT MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE)
KCapsDisplayMultimediaMesage =0x80 //< Proactive UICC: Reserved by 3GPP (DISPLAY MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE)
enum TSatProfileByte23
/** Flags for byte 23 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV6
KCapsSetFrames =0x01, //< Proactive UICC: SET FRAMES
KCapsGetFramesStatus =0x02, //< Proactive UICC: GET FRAMES STATUS
KCapsMmsNotificationDownload =0x04, //< Reserved by 3GPP (MMS Notification Download)
//< Bits x and y RFU, bits = 0." where x and y are the bit numbers that are missing.
KCapsProvideLocalInfoMEID =0x20, //< Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (MEID)
KCapsProvideLocalInfoNmrUTRAN =0x40, //< Reserved by 3GPP (Proactive UICC: PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (NMR-UTRAN))
KCapsUssdDataDownload =0x80 //< Reserved by 3GPP (USSD Data download and application mode)
enum TSatProfileByte24
/** Bits for byte 24 of the terminal profile.
The first four bits contain the maximum number of frames supported, including frames created
within existing frames.
The remaining four bits are RFU
@see RSat::TSatProfileV6
KCapsMaxNumFramesBit1 =0x01,
KCapsMaxNumFramesBit2 =0x02,
KCapsMaxNumFramesBit3 =0x04,
KCapsMaxNumFramesBit4 =0x08
// The rest of the bits in this byte are RFU
enum TSatProfileByte25
/** Flags for byte 25 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV6
KCapsBrowsingStatusEvent =0x01, //< Event: Browsing Status
KCapsMmsTransferStatusEvent =0x02, //< Event: MMS Transfer Status
KCapsFrameParametersChangeEvent =0x04 //< Event: Frame Parameters Changed
// The rest of the bits in this byte are RFU
// Bytes 26 and 27 reserved for release 7 and later features.
enum TSatProfileByte28
/** Flags for byte 28 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV5 */
KCapsTextAttributeAlignmentLeft =0x01, //< Text attribute alignment left supported.
KCapsTextAttributeAlignmentCentre =0x02, //< Text attribute alignment centre supported.
KCapsTextAttributeAlignmentRight =0x04, //< Text attribute alignment right supported.
KCapsTextAttributeFontSizeNormal =0x08, //< Text attribute font size normal supported.
KCapsTextAttributeFontSizeLarge =0x10, //< Text attribute font size large supported.
KCapsTextAttributeFontSizeSmall =0x20 //< Text attribute font size small supported.
//< Bits 7 and 8 RFU, bits = 0.
enum TSatProfileByte29
/** Flags for byte 29 of the terminal profile.
@see RSat::TSatProfileV5 */
KCapsTextAttributeStyleNormal =0x01, //< Text attribute style normal supported.
KCapsTextAttributeStyleBold =0x02, //< Text attribute style bold supported.
KCapsTextAttributeStyleItalic =0x04, //< Text attribute style italic supported.
KCapsTextAttributeStyleUnderline =0x08, //< Text attribute style underline supported.
KCapsTextAttributeStyleStrikethrough=0x10, //< Text attribute style strikethrough supported.
KCapsTextAttributeStyleForeground =0x20, //< Text attribute foreground colour supported.
KCapsTextAttributeStyleBackground =0x40 //< Text attribute background colour supported.
//< Bit 8 RFU, bit = 0.
class TSatProfileV1 : public TSatBase
States the SAT facilities supported by the Client and/or the ME-side.
@see RSat::ClientSatProfileIndication()
@see RSat::GetMeSideSatProfile()
IMPORT_C TSatProfileV1();
TUint8 iSatProfileByte1; //< Byte 1 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte1
TUint8 iSatProfileByte2; //< Byte 2 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte2
TUint8 iSatProfileByte3; //< Byte 3 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte3
TUint8 iSatProfileByte4; //< Byte 4 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte4
TUint8 iSatProfileByte5; //< Byte 5 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte5
TUint8 iSatProfileByte6; //< Byte 6 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte6
TUint8 iSatProfileByte7; //< Byte 7 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte7
TUint8 iSatProfileByte8; //< Byte 8 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte8
TUint8 iSatProfileByte9; //< Byte 9 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte9
/** A packaged RSat::TSatProfileV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSatProfileV1> TSatProfileV1Pckg;
class TSatProfileV2 : public TSatProfileV1
States the (U)SAT facilities supported by the Client and/or the ME-side
@see RSat::ClientSatProfileIndication()
@see RSat::GetMeSideSatProfile()
IMPORT_C TSatProfileV2();
TUint8 iSatProfileByte10; //< Byte 10 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte10
TUint8 iSatProfileByte11; //< Maximum number of soft keys available. 'FF' value is reserved for future use; see RSat::TSatProfileByte10
TUint8 iSatProfileByte12; //< Byte 12 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte12
TUint8 iSatProfileByte13; //< Byte 13 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte13
TUint8 iNumOfChannels; //< Number of channels supported by the ME. Max value=7. Part of Byte 13.
TUint8 iSatProfileByte14; //< Byte 14 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte14
TUint8 iScreenHeight; //< Guaranteed number of characters supported down the phone's display without scrolling. Max value=31. Part of Byte 14.
TUint8 iSatProfileByte15; //< Byte 15 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte15
TUint8 iScreenWidth; //< Guaranteed number of characters supported across the phone's display without scrolling. Max value=127. Part of Byte 15.
TUint8 iSatProfileByte16; //< Byte 16 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte16
TUint8 iWidthReduction; //< Width reduction when in a menu. Max value=7. Part of byte 16.
TUint8 iSatProfileByte17; //< Byte 17 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte17
TUint8 iSatProfileByte18; //< Byte 18 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte18
TUint8 iTiaEiaProtoVersion; //< Protocol version as indicated in TIA/EIA 136-123
/** A packaged RSat::TSatProfileV2. */
typedef TPckg<TSatProfileV2> TSatProfileV2Pckg;
class TSatProfileV5 : public TSatProfileV2
States the (U)SAT facilities supported by the Client and/or the ME-side
@see RSat::ClientSatProfileIndication()
@see RSat::GetMeSideSatProfile()
IMPORT_C TSatProfileV5();
//< Byte 19 reserved for TIA/EIA-136 facilities
//< Byte 20 reserved for TIA/EIA/IS-820 facilities
//< Bytes 21 to 27 inclusive are reserved for release 6 and later features.
TUint8 iSatProfileByte28; //< Byte 28 of the (U)SAT Profile (used for text attributes); see RSat::TSatProfileByte28
TUint8 iSatProfileByte29; //< Byte 29 of the (U)SAT Profile (used for text attributes); see RSat::TSatProfileByte29
/** A packaged RSat::TSatProfileV5. */
typedef TPckg<TSatProfileV5> TSatProfileV5Pckg;
class TSatProfileV6 : public TSatProfileV5
States the (U)SAT facilities supported by the Client and/or the ME-side
@see RSat::ClientSatProfileIndication()
@see RSat::GetMeSideSatProfile()
IMPORT_C TSatProfileV6();
TUint8 iSatProfileByte21; //< Byte 21 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte21
TUint8 iSatProfileByte22; //< Byte 22 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte22
TUint8 iSatProfileByte23; //< Byte 23 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte23
TUint8 iSatProfileByte24; //< Byte 24 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte24
TUint8 iSatProfileByte25; //< Byte 25 of the (U)SAT Profile; see RSat::TSatProfileByte25
/** A packaged RSat::TSatProfileV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSatProfileV6> TSatProfileV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void GetMeSideSatProfile(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,TDes8& aMeSimSatProfile) const;
IMPORT_C TInt ClientSatProfileIndication(const TDesC8& aClientSatProfile) const;
/** Part of a MENU SELECTION envelope command in response to a
SET UP MENU proactive command. Indicates whether help is required
with the user's menu selection.
@see RSat::TMenuSelectionV1 */
enum THelpRequest
EHelpRequestNotSet, //< Initialization value used within constructor(s).
EHelpRequested, //< The user/client has requested help.
EHelpNotRequested //< The user/client has not requested help.
class TMenuSelectionV1 : public TSatBase
Part of a MENU SELECTION envelope command in response to a SET UP MENU
proactive command. When the user selects an item from the SET UP MENU
command's menu, send a RSat::TMenuSelectionV1 to the UICC with
@see RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd()
IMPORT_C TMenuSelectionV1();
/** Each menu item has ID. This field contains the ID of the item that the user selected. */
TUint8 iItemId;
/** This indicates that the user requested help with a menu item. */
THelpRequest iHelp;
/** A packaged RSat::TMenuSelectionV1. */
typedef TPckg<TMenuSelectionV1> TMenuSelectionV1Pckg;
IMPORT_C void MenuSelection(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TDesC8& aSelection) const;
/** Describes the result of call control request, and hence the action required.
Used by RSat::TCallControlV1::GetCcGeneralResult()
and RSat::TCallControlV1::SetCcGeneralResult(). */
enum TControlResult
/** Initialization value used within constructor(s). */
/** The action has been allowed by the ICC with no
modification. However, the call control params might
contain an alpha identifier to be displayed to the
user; call RSat::TCallControlV1::GetAlphaId() to get the
alpha ID (a RSat::TAlphaId) and the alpha ID's validity
(an RSat::TAlphaIdValidity). */
/** The action has not been allowed by the ICC. However, the call
control params might contain an alpha identifier to be displayed to the
user; call RSat::TCallControlV1::GetAlphaId() to get the alpha ID (a
RSat::TAlphaId) and the alpha ID's validity (an RSat::TAlphaIdValidity)
/** The action has been allowed by the ICC with
modifications. The call control params contain
new modified params.
It may also contain an alpha identifier to be displayed to the user;
call RSat::TCallControlV1::GetAlphaId() to get the alpha ID (a
RSat::TAlphaId) and the alpha ID's validity (an RSat::TAlphaIdValidity)
/** Describes the type of call control request.
Used by RSat::TCallControlV1::GetCallControlType(). */
enum TCallControlType
ECcTypeNotSet, //< Initialization value used within constructor(s).
ECcAddress, //< Call control by SIM has transformed the original request into a new call set up.
ECcSsString, //< Call control by SIM has transformed the original request into a new SEND SS
ECcUssdString, //< Call control by SIM has transformed the original request into a new SEND USSD
ECcPDPParameters //< Call control by SIM has transformed the original request into a new OPEN CHANNEL
struct TCallSetUpParams
/** Capability configuration parameters
corresponding to the bearer capability 1 information
element of a mobile originating Set Up message. */
TCcp iCcp1;
/** Called party subaddress. */
TSubAddress iSubAddress;
/** Capability configuration parameters
corresponding to the bearer capability 2 information
element of a mobile originating Set Up message. */
TCcp iCcp2;
/** Address to use to set up the call. */
TAddress iAddress;
/** Indicates the validity of the alpha ID from RSat::TCallControlV1::GetAlphaId(). */
enum TAlphaIdValidity
EAlphaIdValidityNotSet, //< Value used with constructor
EValidAlpaId, //< Alpha ID is valid. It should be displayed
ENullAlphaId, //< Alpha ID is null. Display nothing.
ENoAlphaId //< Alpha ID is not present. The client can dislay whatever it likes.
/** Bearer Capability Repeat Indicator.
@see RMobileCall::TBCRepeatIndicator
enum TBCRepeatIndicator
EBCAlternateMode, //< The alternate mode of the Bearer Capability Repeat Indicator.
EBCSequentialMode, //< Depreciated.
EBCFallbackMode, //< Support of fallback - mode 1 preferred, mode 2 selected if setup of mode 1 fails.
EBCServiceChangeAndFallbackMode //< Service change and fallback - mode 1 alternate mode 2, mode 1 preferred
class TCallControlV1 : public TSatBase
Describes details of the action that
the client has to perform as a result of Call Control by UICC.
@see RSat::NotifyCallControlRequest()
IMPORT_C TCallControlV1();
IMPORT_C void SetCcGeneralResult (TControlResult aResult);
IMPORT_C void SetCallSetUpDetails (const TCallSetUpParams& aParams);
IMPORT_C void SetSendSsDetails (const TSsString& aString);
IMPORT_C void SetSendUssdDetails (const TUssdString& aString);
IMPORT_C void SetAlphaId (TAlphaIdValidity aValidity, TAlphaId& aAlphaId);
IMPORT_C void SetBCRepeatIndicator (const TBCRepeatIndicator& aBCRepeatIndicator);
IMPORT_C void GetCallControlType (TCallControlType& aType) const;
IMPORT_C void GetCcGeneralResult (TControlResult& aResult) const;
IMPORT_C TInt GetCallSetUpDetails (TCallSetUpParams& aParams) const;
IMPORT_C TInt GetSendSsDetails (TSsString& aString) const;
IMPORT_C TInt GetSendUssdDetails (TUssdString& aString) const;
IMPORT_C void GetAlphaId (TAlphaIdValidity& aValidity,TAlphaId& aAlphaId) const;
IMPORT_C void GetBCRepeatIndicator (TBCRepeatIndicator& aBCRepeatIndicator) const;
TCallControlType iType; //< Call control type
TCcp iCcp1; //< Capability Configuration Parameters 1
TSubAddress iSubAddress; //< Remote party sub address
TCcp iCcp2; //< Capability Configuration Parameters 2
TUint8 iDcs; //< Data Coding Scheme
TTypeOfNumber iTypeOfNumber; //< TON
TNumberingPlan iNumberPlan; //< NPI
TBuf<KMaxMobileTelNumberSize> iBuf; //< Telephone number
TControlResult iResult; //< Result of the call control procedure
TAlphaIdValidity iValidity; //< Alpha identifier validity
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier that may contain text to display to the user.
TBCRepeatIndicator iBCRepeatIndicator; //< Bearer Capability Repeat Indicator
/** A packaged RSat::TCallControlV1. */
typedef TPckg<TCallControlV1> TCallControlV1Pckg;
/** Specifies to the client who should perform the
modified action: the client side or the ME Side. */
enum TActionOriginator
/** Initialization value used within constructor(s)
or if the call control does not require a new action
to be performed. */
/** The client is responsible for performing the
action described in the call control class. */
/** The ME Side is responsible for performing the
action described in the call control class. The
client side should still display any provided alpha
identifier. */
class TCallControlV2 : public TCallControlV1
Describes details of the action that
the client has to perform as a result of Call Control by UICC.
Adds originator name and type.
IMPORT_C TCallControlV2();
IMPORT_C void SetCallName (const TName& aName);
IMPORT_C void SetActionOriginator (const TActionOriginator aOriginator);
IMPORT_C void GetCallName (TName& aName) const;
IMPORT_C void GetActionOriginator (TActionOriginator& aOriginator) const;
TName iCallName; //< Name of action originator
TActionOriginator iNewActionOriginator; //< Who originated action
/** A packaged RSat::TCallControlV2. */
typedef TPckg<TCallControlV2> TCallControlV2Pckg;
class TCallControlV5 : public TCallControlV2
Adds PDP context activation parameters
IMPORT_C TCallControlV5();
IMPORT_C void SetPdpParameters (const TPdpParameters& aPdpParams);
IMPORT_C void GetPdpParameters (TPdpParameters& aPdpParams) const;
TPdpParameters iPdpParameters; //< buffer that holds PDP activation context parameters
/** A packaged RSat::TCallControlV5. */
typedef TPckg<TCallControlV5> TCallControlV5Pckg;
class TCallControlV6 : public TCallControlV5
Adds a parameter to allow the originator of the call to
be specified.
Request for notification of a call control request using
RSat::NotifyCallControlRequest passing a packaged descriptor
of this class to the request. For future versions of Symbian
OS, check for updated versions of this class
(TSat::TCallControlVx etc.)
@see RSat::TCallControlV6Pckg
IMPORT_C TCallControlV6();
IMPORT_C void SetCallParamOrigin (TCallParamOrigin aCallParamOrigin);
IMPORT_C void GetCallParamOrigin (TCallParamOrigin& aCallParamOrigin) const;
Holds the originator of the call.
RSat::TCallParamOrigin contains the same enumerations as
RMobileCall::TCallParamOrigin. The TSY should use the
information received from the incoming call parameters
to populate this member.
TCallParamOrigin iCallParamOrigin;
/** A packaged RSat::TCallControlV6. */
typedef TPckg<TCallControlV6> TCallControlV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyCallControlRequest(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aCallControlDetails ) const;
@see RSat::TChannelStatus
enum {KChannelStatusMaxSize = 2};
/** The channel status returned in the channel status event envelope when
channel status event is part of the current event list (as set up in the
SET UP EVENT LIST proactive command).
For UICC Server Mode, this event can indicate a state change in a
TCP connection, for example, TCP in LISTEN state, TCP in CLOSED state, TCP
in ESTABLISHED state (for details of specific encoding see ETSI TS 102 223
release 7 onwards).
typedef TBuf8<KChannelStatusMaxSize> TChannelStatus;
/** A packaged RSat::TChannelStatus. */
typedef TPckg<TChannelStatus> TChannelStatusPckg;
class TMoSmControlV1 : public TSatBase
Describes details of the modified (by SIM MO SM Control) SMS.
IMPORT_C TMoSmControlV1();
TAddress iRpAddress; //< Rp address
TAddress iTpAddress; //< Tp address
TControlResult iResult; //< Call control procedure result
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier that may contain text to display to the user.
/** A packaged RSat::TMoSmControlV1. */
typedef TPckg<TMoSmControlV1> TMoSmControlV1Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyMoSmControlRequest(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,TDes8& aMoSmDetails) const;
enum TTimerId
/** Identifies a timer. It is part of both the TIMER MANAGEMENT proactive
command and the Timer Expiration envelope command.
@see RSat::TTimerExpirationV3
@see RSat::TTimerMgmtV3 */
KTimer1 =0x01, //< Timer 1 identifier.
KTimer2 =0x02, //< Timer 2 identifier.
KTimer3 =0x03, //< Timer 3 identifier.
KTimer4 =0x04, //< Timer 4 identifier.
KTimer5 =0x05, //< Timer 5 identifier.
KTimer6 =0x06, //< Timer 6 identifier.
KTimer7 =0x07, //< Timer 7 identifier.
KTimer8 =0x08, //< Timer 8 identifier.
KTimerNotFound =0xFF //< Timer does not exist.
class TTimerExpirationV3 : public TSatBase
Contains details of an expired timer.
@see RSat::NotifyTimerExpiration()
@see NotifyTimerMgmtPCmd()
IMPORT_C TTimerExpirationV3();
/** The ID of the timer that has expired. */
TTimerId iTimerId;
/** Timing difference between when you start the timer and when you
send notification that the timer has expired. This should be
as close as possible to the value of the timer given in the initial
TDuration iTimerValue;
/** A packaged RSat::TTimerExpirationV3. */
typedef TPckg<TTimerExpirationV3> TTimerExpirationV3Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyTimerExpiration(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aTimerExpiration) const;
// SMS-PP Data download
class TSmsPpDownloadV3 : public TSatBase
Point to Point data download over SMS.
IMPORT_C TSmsPpDownloadV3();
TDeviceId iDeviceId; //< Device Identification
TAddress iRpAddress; //< RP Originating Address of the Service Center to which the Client is proposing to send the Short Message.
TTpdu iPdu; //< Pdu to be sent
/** A packaged RSat::TSmsPpDownloadV3. */
typedef TPckg<TSmsPpDownloadV3> TSmsPpDownloadV3Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySmsPpDownload(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aSmsPpDownload) const;
// Cell Broadcast (CB) data download
@see RSat::TCbPage
enum {KCbPageSize = 88};
Cell broadcast (CB) page.
typedef TBuf8<KCbPageSize> TCbPage;
class TCbDownloadV3 : public TSatBase
Cell Broadcast data download.
IMPORT_C TCbDownloadV3();
TDeviceId iDeviceId; //< Device Identification
TCbPage iPdu; //< Pdu of the Cell Broadcast
/** A packaged RSat::TCbDownloadV3. */
typedef TPckg<TCbDownloadV3> TCbDownloadV3Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyCbDownload(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aCbDownload) const;
class TEventDownloadBaseV2 : public TSatBase
Base class for the Event Download envelope commands. Use when no additional
information is passed for the event, eg. User Activity event.
@see RSat::EventDownload()
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
IMPORT_C TEventDownloadBaseV2();
/** Specifies whether the event has any associated data. Do not set
this yourself - it is set automatically in the constructor of this class and any
derived classes. */
TBool iDataAvailable;
/** A packaged RSat::TEventDownloadBaseV2. */
typedef TPckg<TEventDownloadBaseV2> TEventDownloadBaseV2Pckg;
enum TEventList
/** These flags form the list of events in a SET UP EVENT LIST
proactive command. They are also used in Event Download envelope commands
to identify the event that you are reporting to the UICC.
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
@see RSat::EventDownload()
KMTCall =0x00001, //< MT call
KCallConnected =0x00002, //< Call connected
KCallDisconnected =0x00004, //< Call disconnected
KLocationStatus =0x00008, //< Location status
KUserActivity =0x00010, //< User activity
KIdleScreenAvailable =0x00020, //< Idle screen available
KCardReaderStatus =0x00040, //< Card reader status
KLanguageSelection =0x00080, //< Language selection
KBrowserTermination =0x00100, //< Browser termination
KDataAvailable =0x00200, //< Data available
KChannelStatus =0x00400, //< Channel status
KAccessTechnologyChange =0x00800, //< Access Technology Change
KDisplayParamsChanges =0x01000, //< Display parameters changed
KLocalConnection =0x02000, //< Local connection
KNetworkSearchModeChange =0x04000, //< Network Search Mode Change
KBrowsingStatusChange =0x08000, //< Browsing Status Change
KFramesInformationChange =0x10000 //< Frames Information Change
class TCardReaderStatusEventV2 : public TEventDownloadBaseV2
To inform the UICC that a "Card Reader Status" occurred, call
RSat::EventDownload(), passing it the new status in a
RSat::TCardReaderStatusEventV2Pckg, a packaged
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
@see RSat::EventDownload()
IMPORT_C TCardReaderStatusEventV2();
TUint8 iCardReaderStatus; //< The "Card Reader Status" object defined in ETSI TS 102 223's object definitions.
/** A packaged RSat::TCardReaderStatusEventV2. */
typedef TPckg<TCardReaderStatusEventV2> TCardReaderStatusEventV2Pckg;
class TLanguageSelectionEventV2 : public TEventDownloadBaseV2
To inform the UICC that a "Language Selection Event" occurred, call
RSat::EventDownload(), passing it the new language in a
RSat::TLanguageSelectionEventV2Pckg, a packaged
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
@see RSat::EventDownload()
IMPORT_C TLanguageSelectionEventV2();
/** Currently used language by UICC.
Consists of 2 bytes. Each language code is a pair of
alpha numeric characters, defined in ISO 639. Each
alpha numeric character is coded on one byte using
the SMS default 7-bit coded alphabet as defined in
ISO 639 (1988): "Code for the representation of
names of languages". */
TUint16 iLanguage;
/** A packaged RSat::TLanguageSelectionEventV2. */
typedef TPckg<TLanguageSelectionEventV2> TLanguageSelectionEventV2Pckg;
enum TBrowserTerminationCause
/** Describes the reason that the browser terminated. This for use with RSat::TBrowserTerminationEventV2. */
EUnknownCause, //< The browser termination cause is unknown.
EUserTermination, //< The browser was terminated by the user.
EErrorTermination //< The browser was terminated by an error.
class TBrowserTerminationEventV2 : public TEventDownloadBaseV2
To inform the UICC that a "Browser Termination Event" occurred, call
RSat::EventDownload(), passing it the cause of termination in a
RSat::TBrowserTerminationEventV2Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TBrowserTerminationEventV2. This contains a
RSat::TBrowserTerminationCause that describes the reason that the browser
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
@see RSat::EventDownload()
IMPORT_C TBrowserTerminationEventV2();
TBrowserTerminationCause iCause; //< Cause of browser termination
/** A packaged RSat::TBrowserTerminationEventV2. */
typedef TPckg<TBrowserTerminationEventV2> TBrowserTerminationEventV2Pckg;
class TDataAvailableEventV2 : public TEventDownloadBaseV2
To inform the UICC that a "Data Available Event" occurred, call
RSat::EventDownload(), passing it the new status and data length in a
RSat::TDataAvailableEventV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TDataAvailableEventV2.
Fill in the status of the channel that received the data and the length
of data received.
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
@see RSat::EventDownload()
IMPORT_C TDataAvailableEventV2();
TChannelStatus iStatus; //< Status of the channel.
TInt8 iLength; //< Channel data length. Return 0xFF if more than 255 bytes are available.
/** A packaged RSat::TDataAvailableEventV2. */
typedef TPckg<TDataAvailableEventV2> TDataAvailableEventV2Pckg;
class TChannelStatusEventV2 : public TEventDownloadBaseV2
To inform the UICC that a "Channel Status Event" occurred, call
RSat::EventDownload(), passing it the new status in a
RSat::TChannelStatusEventV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TChannelStatusEventV2.
Fill in the new status of the channel.
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
@see RSat::EventDownload()
IMPORT_C TChannelStatusEventV2();
TChannelStatus iStatus; //< Status of the channel
/** A packaged RSat::TChannelStatusEventV2. */
typedef TPckg<TChannelStatusEventV2> TChannelStatusEventV2Pckg;
class TDisplayParamsEventV2 : public TEventDownloadBaseV2
To inform the UICC that a "Display Parameters Changed Event" occurred, call
RSat::EventDownload(), passing it the new parameters in a
RSat::TDisplayParamsEventV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TDisplayParamsEventV2.
Fill in the new display parameters.
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
@see RSat::EventDownload()
IMPORT_C TDisplayParamsEventV2();
TUint8 iSatProfileByte14; //< Byte 14 of the (U)SAT profile
TUint8 iScreenHeight; //< Screen height
TUint8 iSatProfileByte15; //< Byte 15 of the (U)SAT profile
TUint8 iScreenWidth; //< Screen width
TUint8 iSatProfileByte16; //< Byte 16 of the (U)SAT profile
TUint8 iWidthReduction; //< Width reduction
/** A packaged RSat::TDisplayParamsEventV2. */
typedef TPckg<TDisplayParamsEventV2> TDisplayParamsEventV2Pckg;
enum TLocalBearerId
/** Identifies the physical method of transferring data. */
ELocalBearerIdNotSet, //< Initialisation value.
ELocalBearerIdNotPresent, //< Bearer not present.
ETechnologyIndependent, //< Technology independent.
ELocalBearerBT, //< Currently only valid if the local bearer ID is Bluetooth.
ELocalBearerIrda, //< IrDA (infra-red).
ELocalBearerRs232, //< RS232 (serial).
ELocalBearerUsb //< USB.
@see RSat::TServiceRecord
enum {KServiceRecordMaxSize=244};
typedef TBuf8<KServiceRecordMaxSize> TServiceRecord;
/** Service record information. */
struct TServiceRecordInfo
TLocalBearerId iBearerId; //< Bearer Identifier
TUint8 iServiceId; //< Service Identifier
TServiceRecord iRecord; //< Service Record
/** The coding of the remote entity's address.
@see RSat::TRemoteEntityAddress */
enum TRemoteAddressCoding
ECodingNotSet, //< Initialisation value.
E48BitAddress //< 48 bit address.
@see RSat::TRemoteAddress
enum {KRemoteAddressMaxSize=237};
/** Descriptor containing a remote entity's address.
Maximum size is 237.
@see RSat::TRemoteEntityAddress */
typedef TBuf8<KRemoteAddressMaxSize> TRemoteAddress;
/** Remote entity address for local connections. It has two uses:
- An OPEN CHANNEL proactive command requests that you open a channel. The
command specifies the type of channel. If it requests a local connection
then the command will contain a TRemoteEntityAddress that describes the
connection's remote enitity; see RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2.
- Also, when you inform the UICC that a local connection has been created,
tell the UICC about the connections remote entity in a TRemoteEntityAddress;
see RSat::TLocalConnectionEventV2.
struct TRemoteEntityAddress
TRemoteAddressCoding iCoding; //< The coding of the remote entity's address.
TRemoteAddress iAddress; //< Descriptor containing the remote entity's address.
class TLocalConnectionEventV2 : public TEventDownloadBaseV2
To inform the UICC that a "Local Connection Event" occurred, call
RSat::EventDownload(), passing it the new connection information in a
RSat::TLocalConnectionEventV2Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TLocalConnectionEventV2. Fill in the address of the new device.
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
@see RSat::EventDownload()
IMPORT_C TLocalConnectionEventV2();
TServiceRecordInfo iRecord; //< Service record
TRemoteEntityAddress iAddress; //< Remote entity address
/** A packaged RSat::TLocalConnectionEventV2. */
typedef TPckg<TLocalConnectionEventV2> TLocalConnectionEventV2Pckg;
enum TNetworkSearchMode
EUnknown, //< Unknown Network type
EManual, //< Manual Network mode
EAutomatic //< Automatic Network Mode
class TNetworkSearchModeChangeEventV6 : public TEventDownloadBaseV2
To inform the UICC that a "Network Search Mode ChangeEvent" occurred, call
RSat::EventDownload(), passing it the new NetworkSearchMode Change information in a
RSat::TNetworkSearchModeChangeEventV6Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TNetworkSearchModeChangeEventV6. Fill in the details of type of Network.
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
@see RSat::EventDownload()
IMPORT_C TNetworkSearchModeChangeEventV6();
TNetworkSearchMode iNetworkSearchMode; //< Network type selection
/** A packaged RSat::TNetworkSearchModeChangeEventV6. */
typedef TPckg<TNetworkSearchModeChangeEventV6> TNetworkSearchModeChangeEventV6Pckg;
class TBrowsingStatusEventV6 : public TEventDownloadBaseV2
To inform the UICC that a "Browsing Status Event" occurred, call
RSat::EventDownload(), passing it the Browsing Status information in a
RSat::TBrowsingStatusEventV6Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TBrowsingStatusEventV6. Fill in the Browsing status.
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
@see RSat::EventDownload()
IMPORT_C TBrowsingStatusEventV6();
TUint8 iBrowserStatus; //< Browsing status information coded as per 3GPP 31.111
/** A packaged RSat::TBrowsingStatusEventV6. */
typedef TPckg<TBrowsingStatusEventV6> TBrowsingStatusEventV6Pckg;
@see RSat::TFrameList
enum {KMaxFrameNumber = 254};
@see RSat::TFramesInformation
typedef TBuf8<KMaxFrameNumber> TFrameList;
This structure contains the "Frames information".
refer to ETSI TS 102 223 for more details.
@see RSat::TFrameList
struct TFramesInformation
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
TFrameList iFrameList; //< It holds the frame information.
class TFramesInformationChangedEventV6 : public TEventDownloadBaseV2
To inform the UICC that a "Frames Information Change" occurred, call
RSat::EventDownload(), passing it the Frames information in a
RSat::TFramesInformationChangedEventV6Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TFramesInformationChangedEventV6. Fill in the frames information.
@see RSat::TFramesInformation
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
@see RSat::EventDownload()
IMPORT_C TFramesInformationChangedEventV6();
TFramesInformation iFramesInformation;
/** A packaged RSat::TBrowsingStatusEventV6. */
typedef TPckg<TFramesInformationChangedEventV6> TFramesInformationChangedEventV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void EventDownload(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TEventList aSingleEvent, const TDesC8& aEventInfo) const;
enum TClearScreenTrigger
/** Part of a DISPLAY TEXT proactive command. After the text has been
displayed, this determines the events that clear the text or icon.
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV1
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd()
@see RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageV6
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayMultimediaMsgPCmd()*/
EClearScreenTriggerNotSet, //< Clear screen trigger not set
/** Clear screen after a specified delay. The UICC may specify the
delay in RSat::TDisplayTextV2::iDuration. Otherwise the delay is at
your discretion. */
EUserClear //< Clear screen on user action.
enum TDisplayPriority
/** Part of a DISPLAY TEXT proactive command. This determines the text's priority.
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV1
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd()
@see RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageV6
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayMultimediaMsgPCmd()*/
EDisplayPriorityNotSet, //< Display priority not set
ENormalPriority, //< Normal display priority
EHighPriority //< High display priority
enum TImmediateRsp
/** Part of a DISPLAY TEXT proactive command. This determines your response to the UICC.
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV1
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd()
@see RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageV6
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayMultimediaMsgPCmd()*/
EImmediateRspNotSet, //< Immediate response param not set
EImmediateRsp, //< Immediate response requested
ENoImmediateRsp //< Immediate response not requested
@see RSat::TTextToDisplay
enum {KTextToDisplayMaxSize=242};
/** Part of a DISPLAY TEXT proactive command. This contains the text to display.
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV1
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd()
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayMultimediaMsgPCmd()*/
typedef TBuf<KTextToDisplayMaxSize> TTextToDisplay;
class TDisplayTextV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a DISPLAY TEXT proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for DISPLAY TEXT with RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass
RSat::TDisplayTextV1Pckg (a packaged RSat::TDisplayTextV1) when using v6.1
and v7.0 of Symbian OS. For later versions of Symbian OS, use
RSat::TDisplayTextV2, RSat::TDisplayV3 etc.
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV2
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd()
IMPORT_C TDisplayTextV1();
TDisplayPriority iPriority; //< Priority of icon/text
/** Determines whether the text should be removed from the screen
after a delay or after user action. */
TClearScreenTrigger iClearScreenTrigger;
TTextToDisplay iText; //< Text to display
TIconId iIconId; //< Icon to display
/** Determines whether you should respond to the UICC straight away or
when the text/icon is removed from the screen. */
TImmediateRsp iImmediateRsp;
/** A packaged RSat::TDisplayTextV1. */
typedef TPckg<TDisplayTextV1> TDisplayTextV1Pckg;
class TDisplayTextV2 : public TDisplayTextV1
Contains a DISPLAY TEXT proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for DISPLAY TEXT with RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TDisplayText" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TDisplayTextV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TDisplayTextV2.
Use RSat::TDisplayTextV1 with older versions of Symbian OS. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TDisplayTextV3
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV1
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd()
IMPORT_C TDisplayTextV2();
/** Required duration to display the text. Only applicable if
RSat::TDisplayTextV1::iClearScreenTrigger is set to
RSat::EClearAfterDelay. */
TDuration iDuration;
/** A packaged RSat::TDisplayTextV2. */
typedef TPckg<TDisplayTextV2> TDisplayTextV2Pckg;
class TDisplayTextV5 : public TDisplayTextV2
Contains a DISPLAY TEXT proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for DISPLAY TEXT with RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TDisplayText" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TDisplayTextV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TDisplayTextV2.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TDisplayTextV5Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TDisplayTextV5. For later versions of
Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TDisplayTextV6 etc).
Use RSat::TDisplayTextV1 with older versions of Symbian OS.
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV1
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV2
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd()
IMPORT_C TDisplayTextV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TDisplayTextV1::iText is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TDisplayTextV5. */
typedef TPckg<TDisplayTextV5> TDisplayTextV5Pckg;
class TDisplayTextV6 : public TDisplayTextV5
Contains a DISPLAY TEXT proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for DISPLAY TEXT with RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TDisplayText" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TDisplayTextV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TDisplayTextV2.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TDisplayTextV5Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TDisplayTextV5.For Symbian OS 9.4, use RSat::TDisplayTextV6Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TDisplayTextV6. For later versions of
Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TDisplayTextV7 etc).
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV1
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV2
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV5
@see RSat::TDisplayTextV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd()
IMPORT_C TDisplayTextV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TDisplayTextV6. */
typedef TPckg<TDisplayTextV6> TDisplayTextV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyDisplayTextPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TDisplayTextRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a DISPLAY TEXT proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TDisplayTextRspV1Pckg (a packaged
TDisplayTextRspV1). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TDisplayTextRspV2 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayTextPCmd()
IMPORT_C TDisplayTextRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TDisplayTextRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TDisplayTextRspV1> TDisplayTextRspV1Pckg;
/** Part of the GET INKEY proactive command.
This tells you what response to get from the user.
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV1
@see RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd()*/
enum TGetInkeyRspFormat
EGetInkeyRspFormatNotSet, //< GET INKEY response format not set.
EDigitOnly, //< Get a digit (0-9, *, #, and +) from the user.
ECharSmsDefaultAlphabet, //< Get a character from the SMS default alphabet from the user.
ECharUcs2Alphabet, //< Get a character from the UCS2 alphabet from the user.
EYesNo //< Get a Yes or No decision from the user.
enum {KGetInkeyTextMaxSize=242}; //< @see RSat::TGetInkeyText
/** Part of the GET INKEY proactive command. Contains the text to display
to the user before getting a response. Maximum length is 242 characters.
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV1
@see RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd()*/
typedef TBuf<KGetInkeyTextMaxSize> TGetInkeyText;
class TGetInkeyV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a GET INKEY proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET INKEY with RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TGetInkey" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TGetInkeyV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TGetInkeyV2.
Use RSat::TGetInkeyV1 with older versions of Symbian OS. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TGetInkeyV3
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV2
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetInkeyV1();
/** Response required. */
TGetInkeyRspFormat iRspFormat;
/** Text to display. */
TGetInkeyText iText;
/** Icon to display. */
TIconId iIconId;
/** Determines whether help is available. */
THelp iHelp;
/** A packaged RSat::TGetInkeyV1. */
typedef TPckg<TGetInkeyV1> TGetInkeyV1Pckg;
enum TGetInkeyRspMode
/** Part of the GET INKEY proactive command. Determines how you get the
response from the user.
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV1
@see RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd()*/
EGetInkeyRspModeNotSet, //< Initialisation value.
/** Display character that the user chooses. You may allow the user to
alter and/or confirm their choice before passing the character back to
the UICC. */
/** An immediate response is requested. The response must be a digit (0-
9, *, #, and +). Do not display the digit, and do not allow the user to
alter or confirm their choice before returning the digit to the UICC. */
class TGetInkeyV2 : public TGetInkeyV1
Contains a GET INKEY proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET INKEY with RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TGetInkey" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TGetInkeyV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TGetInkeyV2.
Use RSat::TGetInkeyV1 with older versions of Symbian OS. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TGetInkeyV3
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV2
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetInkeyV2();
/** Wait for this length of time for a response from the user.
ETSI TS 102 223 describes what to do when the time expires. */
TDuration iDuration;
/** Determines whether you let the user alter/confirm their choice of character. */
TGetInkeyRspMode iMode;
/** A packaged RSat::TGetInkeyV2. */
typedef TPckg<TGetInkeyV2> TGetInkeyV2Pckg;
class TGetInkeyV5 : public TGetInkeyV2
Contains a GET INKEY proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET INKEY with RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TGetInkey" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TGetInkeyV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TGetInkeyV2.
Use RSat::TGetInkeyV1 with older versions of Symbian OS.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TGetInkeyV5Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TGetInkeyV6 etc).
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV1
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV2
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetInkeyV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TGetInkeyV1::iText is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TGetInkeyV5. */
typedef TPckg<TGetInkeyV5> TGetInkeyV5Pckg;
class TGetInkeyV6 : public TGetInkeyV5
Contains a GET INKEY proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET INKEY with RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TGetInkey" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TGetInkeyV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TGetInkeyV2.
Use RSat::TGetInkeyV1 with older versions of Symbian OS.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TGetInkeyV5Pckg.
For Symbian OS 9.4 and later, use RSat::TGetInkeyV6Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TGetInkeyV7 etc).
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV1
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV2
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV5
@see RSat::TGetInkeyV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetInkeyV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TGetInkeyV5. */
typedef TPckg<TGetInkeyV6> TGetInkeyV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyGetInkeyPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TGetInkeyRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a GET INKEY proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Return the key press in iAdditionalInfo, plus the other information as
For Symbian OS v6.1 or v7.0 pass RSat::TerminalRsp() a
RSat::TGetInkeyRspV1Pckg (a packaged TGetInkeyRspV1). For versions up to
and including v8.1a and v8.1b use RSat::TGetInkeyRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TGetInkeyRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TGetInkeyRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::TGetInkeyRspV2
@see RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetInkeyRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** Set to RSat::KTextString to return a key press. Some error values
of iGeneralResult require additional information, in which case set
this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** The format of the key press, as given in
RSat::TGetInkeyV1::iRspFormat. */
TGetInkeyRspFormat iRspFormat;
/** The key press. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TGetInkeyRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TGetInkeyRspV1> TGetInkeyRspV1Pckg;
class TGetInkeyRspV2 : public TGetInkeyRspV1
Contains your response to a GET INKEY proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Return the values as described in RSat::TGetInkeyRspV1, plus the total
display duration.
For Symbian OS v6.1 or v7.0 pass RSat::TerminalRsp() a
RSat::TGetInkeyRspV1Pckg (a packaged TGetInkeyRspV1). For versions up to
and including v8.1a and v8.1b use RSat::TGetInkeyRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TGetInkeyRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TGetInkeyRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::TGetInkeyRspV1
@see RSat::NotifyGetInkeyPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetInkeyRspV2();
TDuration iDuration; //< Total display duration.
/** A packaged RSat::TGetInkeyRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TGetInkeyRspV2> TGetInkeyRspV2Pckg;
struct TRspLength
/** Part of the GET INPUT proactive command.
Determines the maximum and minimum length of string you return to the UICC.
@see RSat::TGetInputV1
@see RSat::TGetInputV5
@see RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd()*/
TUint8 iMinRspLength; //< Minimum length of string you return to the UICC.
TUint8 iMaxRspLength; //< Maximum length of string you return to the UICC.
enum TInputDisplayOption
/** Part of the GET INPUT proactive command.
Deetermine whether you display the user's string while they are entering it.
@see RSat::TGetInputV1
@see RSat::TGetInputV5
@see RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd()*/
EInputDisplayOptionNotSet, //< Value used in constructor.
EDisplayUserInput, //< Display user's input while they type.
EHideUserInput //< Hide user's input while they type.
enum TGetInputRspFormat
/** Part of the GET INPUT proactive command.
Determines the format of the string returned to the UICC.
@see RSat::TGetInputV1
@see RSat::TGetInputV5
@see RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd()*/
EGetInputRspFormatNotSet, //< Value used in constructor.
EDigitOnlyUnpacked, //< Digits only, unpacked.
EDigitOnlyPacked, //< Digits only, packed.
ESmsDefaultAlphabetUnpacked, //< String in SMS default alphabet, unpacked.
ESmsDefaultAlphabetPacked, //< String in SMS default alphabet, packed.
EUcs2Alphabet //< String in UCS2 alphabet
@see RSat::TGetInputText
enum {KGetInputTextMaxSize=238};
/** Part of the GET INPUT proactive command. Contains the text to display
to the user before getting a response. Maximum length is 238 characters.
@see RSat::TGetInputV1
@see RSat::TGetInputV5
@see RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd()*/
typedef TBuf<KGetInputTextMaxSize> TGetInputText;
@see RSat::TGetInputDefaultText
enum {KGetInputDefaultTextMaxSize=235};
/** Part of the GET INPUT proactive command. A default string: allow the
user to edit this, or to delete it and replace it with their own text.
@see RSat::TGetInputV1
@see RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd()*/
typedef TBuf<KGetInputDefaultTextMaxSize> TGetInputDefaultText;
class TGetInputV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a GET INPUT proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET INPUT with RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TGetInput" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TGetInputV1. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TGetInputV2 etc).
@see RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetInputV1();
/** Determines whether the user can see the characters they enter. */
TInputDisplayOption iInputDisplayOption;
/** Determines whether digits or characters should be entered,
and whether they should be in a packed or unpacked format. */
TGetInputRspFormat iRspFormat;
/** Text to display. */
TGetInputText iText;
/** The maximum and minimum length of string. */
TRspLength iRspLength;
/** A default string can be provided. This field determines whether the
user is allowed to edit it, or whether they can only delete it and
replace it with their own text. */
TGetInputDefaultText iDefaultText;
/** Icon to display. */
TIconId iIconId;
/** Determine whether help is available. */
THelp iHelp;
/** A packaged RSat::TGetInputV1. */
typedef TPckg<TGetInputV1> TGetInputV1Pckg;
class TGetInputV5 : public TGetInputV1
Contains a GET INPUT proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET INPUT with RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TGetInput" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TGetInputV1. For Symbian OS v9.2, use RSat::TGetInputV5.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TGetInputV6 etc).
@see RSat::TGetInputV1
@see RSat::TGetInputV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetInputV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TGetInputV1::iText is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TGetInputV5. */
typedef TPckg<TGetInputV5> TGetInputV5Pckg;
class TGetInputV6 : public TGetInputV5
Contains a GET INPUT proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET INPUT with RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TGetInput" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TGetInputV1. For Symbian OS v9.2, use RSat::TGetInputV5.
For Symbian OS v9.4, use RSat::TGetInputV6.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TGetInputV7 etc).
@see RSat::TGetInputV1
@see RSat::TGetInputV5
@see RSat::TGetInputV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetInputV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TGetInputV6. */
typedef TPckg<TGetInputV6> TGetInputV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyGetInputPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TGetInputRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a GET INPUT proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Return the string in iAdditionalInfo, plus the other information as
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TGetInputRspV1Pckg (a packaged TGetInputRspV1).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TGetInputRspV2 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetInputRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** Set to RSat::KTextString to return a string. Some error values
of iGeneralResult require additional information, in which case set
this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** The format of the key press, as given in
RSat::TGetInputV1::iRspFormat. */
TGetInputRspFormat iRspFormat;
/** Additional information, such as the string. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TGetInputRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TGetInputRspV1> TGetInputRspV1Pckg;
enum TTone
// TTone enum values are dictated by 3GPP 31.111
/** Part of the PLAY TONE proactive command.
This determines the type of tone to play.
@see RSat::TPlayToneV1
@see RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd() */
KToneNotSet =-1, //< Initialization value used within constructor(s).
KDialTone =0x01, //< Dial tone.
KCalledSubscriberBusy =0x02, //< Called subscriber busy.
KCongestion =0x03, //< Congestion.
KRadioPathAcknowledge =0x04, //< Radio path acknowledge.
KRadioPathNotAvailableCallDropped =0x05, //< Radio path not available/Call dropped.
KErrorSpecialInfo =0x06, //< Error/Special information.
KCallWaitingTone =0x07, //< Call waiting tone.
KRingingTone =0x08, //< Ringing tone.
KGeneralBeep =0x10, //< General beep.
KPositiveTone =0x11, //< Positive acknowledgement tone.
KNegativeTone =0x12, //< Negative acknowledgement or error tone.
KUserSelectedToneIncomingSpeech =0x13, //< Ringing tone as selected by the user for incoming speech call.
KUserSelectedToneIncomingSms =0x14, //< Alert tone as selected by the user for incoming SMS.
KCriticalAlert =0x15, //< Independent of volume setting in the terminal.
KVibrateOnly =0x20, //< Vibrate only, if available
KHappyTone =0x30, //< Themed tone
KSadTone =0x31, //< Themed tone
KUrgentActionTone =0x32, //< Themed tone
KQuestionTone =0x33, //< Themed tone
KMessageReceivedTone =0x34, //< Themed tone
KMelody1 =0x40, //< The Melody tones are intended to allow the UICC to cause the terminal to play tunes.
KMelody2 =0x41, //< The Melody tones are intended to allow the UICC to cause the terminal to play tunes.
KMelody3 =0x42, //< The Melody tones are intended to allow the UICC to cause the terminal to play tunes.
KMelody4 =0x43, //< The Melody tones are intended to allow the UICC to cause the terminal to play tunes.
KMelody5 =0x44, //< The Melody tones are intended to allow the UICC to cause the terminal to play tunes.
KMelody6 =0x45, //< The Melody tones are intended to allow the UICC to cause the terminal to play tunes.
KMelody7 =0x46, //< The Melody tones are intended to allow the UICC to cause the terminal to play tunes.
KMelody8 =0x47 //< The Melody tones are intended to allow the UICC to cause the terminal to play tunes.
class TPlayToneV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a PLAY TONE proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for PLAY TONE with RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TPlayTone" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TPlayToneV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TPlayToneV2.
Use RSat::TPlayToneV1 with older versions of Symbian OS. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TPlayToneV3
@see RSat::TPlayToneV2
@see RSat::TPlayToneV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd()
IMPORT_C TPlayToneV1();
/** An alpha identifier containing text to display. */
TAlphaId iAlphaId;
/** The tone to play. */
TTone iTone;
/** The duration of the tone. */
TDuration iDuration;
/** A packaged RSat::TPlayToneV1. */
typedef TPckg<TPlayToneV1> TPlayToneV1Pckg;
class TPlayToneV2 : public TPlayToneV1
Contains a PLAY TONE proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for PLAY TONE with RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TPlayTone" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TPlayToneV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TPlayToneV2.
Use RSat::TPlayToneV1 with older versions of Symbian OS. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TPlayToneV3
@see RSat::TPlayToneV1
@see RSat::TPlayToneV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd()
IMPORT_C TPlayToneV2();
/** An icon to display. */
TIconId iIconId;
/** A packaged RSat::TPlayToneV2. */
typedef TPckg<TPlayToneV2> TPlayToneV2Pckg;
class TPlayToneV5 : public TPlayToneV2
Contains a PLAY TONE proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for PLAY TONE with RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TPlayTone" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TPlayToneV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TPlayToneV2.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TPlayToneV5Pckg.
Use RSat::TPlayToneV1 with older versions of Symbian OS.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TPlayToneV6 etc).
@see RSat::TPlayToneV1
@see RSat::TPlayToneV2
@see RSat::TPlayToneV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd()
IMPORT_C TPlayToneV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TPlayToneV1::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TPlayToneV5. */
typedef TPckg<TPlayToneV5> TPlayToneV5Pckg;
class TPlayToneV6 : public TPlayToneV5
Contains a PLAY TONE proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for PLAY TONE with RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TPlayTone" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TPlayToneV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TPlayToneV2.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TPlayToneV5Pckg.
Use RSat::TPlayToneV1 with older versions of Symbian OS.
For Symbian OS 9.4, use RSat::TPlayToneV6Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TPlayToneV7 etc).
@see RSat::TPlayToneV1
@see RSat::TPlayToneV2
@see RSat::TPlayToneV5
@see RSat::TPlayToneV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd()
IMPORT_C TPlayToneV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TPlayToneV6. */
typedef TPckg<TPlayToneV6> TPlayToneV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyPlayTonePCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TPlayToneRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a PLAY TONE proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TPlayToneRspV1Pckg (a packaged TPlayTonetRspV1).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TPlayToneRspV2 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyPlayTonePCmd()
IMPORT_C TPlayToneRspV1();
/** Proactive command general result. The description of the PLAY TONE
proactive command in ETSI TS 102 223 suggests results to return. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TPlayToneRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TPlayToneRspV1> TPlayToneRspV1Pckg;
//Menu Items Base Class
/** Part of the SELECT ITEM and SET UP MENU proactive commands.
Flags describing a menu's content. RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1::MenuContent()
returns a combination of these flags. */
enum TMenuContent
KItems = 0x01, //< Menu is made of items.
KItemNextActions = 0x02, //< Menu is made of items and item next actions.
KItemIconIds = 0x04, //< Menu is made of items and item icon IDs.
KItemTextAttributes = 0x08 //< Menu items contain text attribute data as well as ID and item string.
@see RSat::TItem
enum {KMenuItemMaxSize=240};
Each item in a SET UP MENU or SELECT ITEM command's menu has these two
properties. RSat::TItem::iItemString is the string to display in the menu.
If the user selects an item, return the item's RSat::TItem::iItemId to the
UICC so that the UICC knows which item has been selected.
Use RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1::GetItem() to retrieve an item's RSat::TItem.
Menu items may also have an icon and/or a "next action identifier"
associated with them. These are also retrieved with
struct TItem
TUint8 iItemId; //< (U)SAT menu item indentifier
TBuf16<KMenuItemMaxSize> iItemString; //< (U)SAT menu item string
@see RSat::TItemList
enum {KItemListMaxSize=486};
/** Contains the menu in a SET UP MENU and SELECT ITEM proactive commands.
Do not access the menu directly; use RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1::GetItem() and
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1::AddItem() instead. */
typedef TBuf16<KItemListMaxSize> TItemList;
class TMenuItemBaseV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Base class for menu item based classes.
The SET UP MENU and SELECT ITEM proactive commands both provide menus
that are displayed to the user. When the user chooses one of the menu's options,
you should tell the UICC which option was chosen.
In Symbian OS versions before 9.2, the proactive command contains menus in
classes derived from RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1.
For SET UP MENU they are RSat::TSetUpMenuV1, RSat::TSetUpMenuV2 etc.
For SELECT ITEM these classes are RSat::TSelectItemV1, RSat::TSelectItemV2 etc.
In Symbian OS version 9.2, the proactive command contains menus in
classes derived from RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5 which itself derives from
The description of the SET UP MENU and SELECT ITEM commands describes
how to display the menu and what to do when the user makes a selection; see
RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd() and RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd().
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1 provides methods to add and get the menu items, to
return the number of items, and to get a description of the menu's content.
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5 extends the functionality provided by RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1
by providing methods that allow items with text attributes to be added and
To read menu items:
- Firstly, if you have received a SET UP MENU proactive command, call
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1::IsRemoveMenu(). If it returns ETrue then the SET UP
MENU command does not contain a menu. Instead, the command indicates you
should remove the menu provided by the previous command. (Note that the
SELECT ITEM proactive command always contains a menu; there is no need to
call RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1::IsRemoveMenu().
- If RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1::IsRemoveMenu() returns EFalse then the
command contains a menu that replaces the previous menu. Find out
how many items are in the menu by calling
- Now call RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1::MenuContent() to find out about
the menu items. All the items in each menu will have some text and an
identifier. In some menus, items may have "text attributes",
"next item indicators" and/or an icons.
- Finally call RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1::GetItem() and
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1::GetItemIcon() for each item. These methods require
an index number from 1 to X, where X is the number of items. Choose the
appropriate version of GetItem() or GetItemIcon() to get the information
you require. For Symbian OS version 9.2, it is also possible to call
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5::GetItem() and RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5::GetItemIcon()
to get menu item information if the items contain text attributes.
@see RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5
IMPORT_C TMenuItemBaseV1();
IMPORT_C TBool IsRemoveMenu() const;
IMPORT_C TInt MenuContent() const;
IMPORT_C TUint NumberOfItems() const;
IMPORT_C TInt GetItem (TUint aIndex, TItem& aItem) const;
IMPORT_C TInt GetItem (TUint aIndex, TItem& aItem, TInt& aAction) const;
IMPORT_C TInt GetItem (TUint aIndex, TItem& aItem, TInt& aAction, TInt& aIconId) const;
IMPORT_C TInt GetItemIcon(TUint aIndex, TItem& aItem, TInt& aIconId) const;
IMPORT_C TInt AddItem (const TItem& aItem);
IMPORT_C TInt AddItem (const TItem& aItem, TUint aAction);
IMPORT_C TInt AddItem (const TItem& aItem, TUint aAction, TUint aIconId);
IMPORT_C TInt AddItemIcon(const TItem& aItem, TUint aIconId);
IMPORT_C void Reset();
//TMenuItemHeader enum values are chosen arbitrary
enum TMenuItemHeader
KItemHeader =0xAA00,
KActionHeader =0xBB00,
KIconIdHeader =0xCC00,
KItemWithTextAttributeHeader =0xDD00
enum TBitMask
KLowerByte =0x00FF,
KUpperByte =0xFF00
// Length = 1 word = 2 bytes
enum {KHeaderLength=0x01};
enum {KItemIdLength=0x01};
enum {KActionLength=0x01};
enum {KIconIdLength=0x01};
TInt FindItemInBuffer(TUint aIndex, TInt& aOffset) const;
TUint iNumberOfItems; //< Number of items in the menu
TUint8 iMenuContent; //< Content of the menu: items + item text attributes + next actions + icon IDs
TItemList iBuf; //< List of the items in the menu
class TMenuItemBaseV5 : public TMenuItemBaseV1
Base class for menu item based classes.
The SET UP MENU and SELECT ITEM proactive commands both provide menus
that are displayed to the user. When the user chooses one of the menu's options,
you should tell the UICC which option was chosen.
In Symbian OS versions < 9.2, the proactive command contains menus in
classes derived from RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1.
For SET UP MENU they are RSat::TSetUpMenuV1, RSat::TSetUpMenuV2 etc.
For SELECT ITEM these classes are RSat::TSelectItemV1, RSat::TSelectItemV2 etc.
In Symbian OS version 9.2, the proactive command contains menus in
classes derived from RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5 which itself derives from
For SET UP MENU they are RSat::TSetUpMenuV5.
For SELECT ITEM these classes are RSat::TSelectItemV5.
The description of the SET UP MENU and SELECT ITEM commands describes
how to display the menu and what to do when the user makes a selection; see
RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd() and RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd().
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1 provides methods to add and get the menu items, to
return the number of items, and to get a description of the menu's content.
This class extends that functionality by providing support for text attributes
for the menu item text.
For more details on how to read menu items, see RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1
@see TMenuItemBaseV1
IMPORT_C TMenuItemBaseV5();
using TMenuItemBaseV1::GetItem;
using TMenuItemBaseV1::GetItemIcon;
IMPORT_C TInt GetItem (TUint aIndex, TItem& aItem, TTextAttribute& aTextAttribute) const;
IMPORT_C TInt GetItem (TUint aIndex, TItem& aItem, TTextAttribute& aTextAttribute, TInt& aAction) const;
IMPORT_C TInt GetItemIcon (TUint aIndex, TItem& aItem, TTextAttribute& aTextAttribute, TInt& aIconId) const;
IMPORT_C TInt GetItem (TUint aIndex, TItem& aItem, TTextAttribute& aTextAttribute, TInt& aAction, TInt& aIconId) const;
using TMenuItemBaseV1::AddItem;
using TMenuItemBaseV1::AddItemIcon;
IMPORT_C TInt AddItem (const TItem& aItem, const TTextAttribute& aTextAttribute);
IMPORT_C TInt AddItem (const TItem& aItem, const TTextAttribute& aTextAttribute, TUint aAction);
IMPORT_C TInt AddItemIcon (const TItem& aItem, const TTextAttribute& aTextAttribute, TUint aIconId);
IMPORT_C TInt AddItem (const TItem& aItem, const TTextAttribute& aTextAttribute, TUint aAction, TUint aIconId);
class TSetUpMenuV1 : public TMenuItemBaseV1
Contains a SET UP MENU proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd() for more information about
the command.
RSat::TSetUpMenuV1 derives from RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1, which provides the basic
mechanism to handle the menu items, item next actions and item icon IDs.
Request notification for SET UP MENU with RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSetUpMenu" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TSetUpMenuV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TSetUpMenuV2.
Use RSat::TSetUpMenuV1 with older versions of Symbian OS. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TSetUpMenuV3
@see RSat::TSetUpMenuV2
@see RSat::TSetUpMenuV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpMenuV1();
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier that may contain text. If so, this text is the title of the menu.
THelp iHelp; //< Determines whether help is available.
TIconId iIconId; //< Identifies the icon to display in the title of the menu.
TIconQualifier iIconListQualifier; //< Icon list qualifier.
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpMenuV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpMenuV1> TSetUpMenuV1Pckg;
enum TSelectionPreference
A menu from SET UP MENU or SELECT ITEM can be marked as
RSat::ESoftKeyPreferred. Then, if this feature is supported and the number
of icon items does not exceed the number of soft keys available then
display those icons as soft keys.
ESelectionPreferenceNotSet, //< Initialization value.
ENoSelectionPreference, //< Use of soft keys is not required.
ESoftKeyPreferred //< Use soft keys where appropriate.
class TSetUpMenuV2 : public TSetUpMenuV1
Contains a SET UP MENU proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd() for more information about
the command.
RSat::TSetUpMenuV2 derives from RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1 and
RSat::TSetUpMenuV1. RSat::TSetUpMenuV1 provides the basic mechanism to
handle the menu items, item next actions and item icon IDs.
Request notification for SET UP MENU with RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSetUpMenu" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TSetUpMenuV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TSetUpMenuV2.
Use RSat::TSetUpMenuV1 with older versions of Symbian OS. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TSetUpMenuV3
@see RSat::TSetUpMenuV1
@see RSat::TSetUpMenuV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpMenuV2();
TSelectionPreference iPreference; //< Determines whether soft key is used with the menu, if available.
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpMenuV2. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpMenuV2> TSetUpMenuV2Pckg;
class TSetUpMenuV5 : public TMenuItemBaseV5
Contains a SET UP MENU proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd() for more information about
the command.
RSat::TSetUpMenuV5 derives from RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5 and
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1. RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1 and RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5
provide the basic mechanism to handle the menu items, menu item text attributes,
item next actions and item icon IDs.
Note that RSat::TSetUpMenuV5 does not derive from RSat::TSetUpMenuV2 and
RSat::TSetUpMenuV1 but contains all of the attributes present in these
two classes.
Request notification for SET UP MENU with RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSetUpMenu" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TSetUpMenuV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TSetUpMenuV2.
Use RSat::TSetUpMenuV1 with older versions of Symbian OS.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TSetUpMenuV5.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TSetUpMenuV6
@see RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1
@see RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5
@see RSat::TSetUpMenuV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpMenuV5();
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier that may contain text. If so, this text is the title of the menu.
THelp iHelp; //< Determines whether help is available.
TIconId iIconId; //< Identifies the icon to display in the title of the menu.
TIconQualifier iIconListQualifier; //< Icon list qualifier.
TSelectionPreference iPreference; //< Determines whether soft key is used with the menu, if available.
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute; //< Text attribute data for the alpha identifier.
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpMenuV5. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpMenuV5> TSetUpMenuV5Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySetUpMenuPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
/** Cancels notification for a SET UP MENU proactive command. */
IMPORT_C void NotifySetUpMenuPCmdCancel() const;
class TSetUpMenuRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SET UP MENU proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd() for
more information about the command.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TSetUpMenuRspV1Pckg (a packaged
TSetUpMenuRspV1). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSetUpMenuRspV2 etc).
@see RSat::NotifySetUpMenuPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpMenuRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpMenuRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpMenuRspV1> TSetUpMenuRspV1Pckg;
/** Part of the SELECT ITEM proactive command. This describes the content
of the menu items. This is information is provided to help you display the
menu. */
enum TPresentationType
EPresentationTypeNotSet, //< Value used in constructor.
ENotSpecified, //<Menu content type not specified
EDataValues, //< The menu contains a choice of data values
ENavigationOptions //< The menu contains a choice of navigation options
class TSelectItemV1 : public TMenuItemBaseV1
Contains a SELECT ITEMS proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd() for more information about
the command.
RSat::TSelectItemV1 derives from RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1 which provides the
basic mechanism to handle the menu items, item next actions and item icon
Request notification for SELECT ITEM with RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSelectItem" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TSelectItemV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TSelectItemV2.
Use RSat::TSelectItemV1 with older versions of Symbian OS. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TSelectItemV3
@see RSat::TSelectItemV2
@see RSat::TSelectItemV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSelectItemV1();
TPresentationType iPresentationType;//< Describes the menu's content type, which may aid presentation.
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier that may contain text. If so, this text is the title of the menu.
THelp iHelp; //< Determines whether help is available.
TUint8 iDefaultItemId; //< ID of the default menu item.
TIconId iIconId; //< Identifies the icon to display in the title of the menu.
TIconQualifier iIconListQualifier; //< Icon list qualifier.
/** A packaged RSat::TSelectItemV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSelectItemV1> TSelectItemV1Pckg;
class TSelectItemV2 : public TSelectItemV1
Contains a SELECT ITEM proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd() for more information about
the command.
RSat::TSelectItemV2 derives from RSat::TSelectItemV1 and
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1. RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1 provides the basic mechanism
to handle the menu items, item next actions and item icon IDs.
Request notification for SELECT ITEM with RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSelectItem" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TSelectItemV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TSelectItemV2.
Use RSat::TSelectItemV1 with older versions of Symbian OS. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TSelectItemV3
@see RSat::TSelectItemV1
@see RSat::TSelectItemV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSelectItemV2();
TSelectionPreference iPreference; //< Determines whether soft key is used with the menu, if available.
/** A packaged RSat::TSelectItemV2. */
typedef TPckg<TSelectItemV2> TSelectItemV2Pckg;
class TSelectItemV5 : public TMenuItemBaseV5
Contains a SELECT ITEM proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd() for more information about
the command.
RSat::TSelectItemV5 derives from RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5 and
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1. RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1 and
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5 provide the basic mechanism to handle
the menu items, text attributes, item next actions and item icon
Note that although RSat::TSelectItemV5 does not derive from
RSat::TSelectItemV2 and RSat::TSelectItemV1, it contains all of
the parameters present in those two classes and is hence
backwards compatible with both.
Request notification for SELECT ITEM with RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives.
Pass a packaged version of the latest "TSelectItem" class.
For Symbian OS 7.0s, 8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TSelectItemV2Pckg,
a packaged RSat::TSelectItemV2. Use RSat::TSelectItemV1 with
older versions of Symbian OS. For Symbian OS version 9.2,
use RSat::TSelectItemV5Pckg. For later versions of Symbian OS,
check for an updated API (RSat::TSelectItemV6 etc.).
@see RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1
@see RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5
@see RSat::TSelectItemV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSelectItemV5();
TPresentationType iPresentationType;//< Describes the menu's content type, which may aid presentation.
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier that may contain text. If so, this text is the title of the menu.
THelp iHelp; //< Determines whether help is available.
TUint8 iDefaultItemId; //< ID of the default menu item.
TIconId iIconId; //< Identifies the icon to display in the title of the menu.
TIconQualifier iIconListQualifier; //< Icon list qualifier.
TSelectionPreference iPreference; //< Determines whether soft key is used with the menu, if available.
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute; //< Text attribute data for the alpha identifier.
/** A packaged RSat::TSelectItemV5. */
typedef TPckg<TSelectItemV5> TSelectItemV5Pckg;
class TSelectItemV6 : public TSelectItemV5
Contains a SELECT ITEM proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd() for more information about
the command.
RSat::TSelectItemV6 derives from RSat::TSelectItemV5.
RSat::TSelectItemV5 derives from RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5 and
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1. RSat::TMenuItemBaseV1 and
RSat::TMenuItemBaseV5 provide the basic mechanism to handle
the menu items, text attributes, item next actions and item icon
Request notification for SELECT ITEM with RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives.
Pass a packaged version of the latest "TSelectItem" class.
For Symbian OS 7.0s, 8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TSelectItemV2Pckg,
a packaged RSat::TSelectItemV2. Use RSat::TSelectItemV1 with
older versions of Symbian OS. For Symbian OS version 9.2,
use RSat::TSelectItemV5Pckg.For Symbian OS version 9.4,
use RSat::TSelectItemV6Pckg. For later versions of Symbian OS,
check for an updated API (RSat::TSelectItemV7 etc.).
@see RSat::TSelectItemV5
@see RSat::TSelectItemV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSelectItemV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TSelectItemV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSelectItemV6> TSelectItemV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySelectItemPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TSelectItemRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SELECT ITEM proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TSelectItemRspV1Pckg (a packaged
TSelectItemRspV1). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSelectItemRspV2 etc).
@see RSat::NotifySelectItemPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSelectItemRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** Set to RSat::KItemIdentifier when returning the user's choice.
Some error values of iGeneralResult require additional information, in
which case set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains the user's chosen menu item. Alternatively, some error
values for iGeneralResult require additional information, which goes
here. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TSelectItemRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSelectItemRspV1> TSelectItemRspV1Pckg;
class TSendSmV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a SEND SHORT MESSAGE proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SEND SHORT MESSAGE with RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSendSm" class. For Symbian OS versions up
to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSendSmV1Pckg, a packged
RSat::TSendSmV1. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendSmV2 etc).
@see RSat::TSendSmV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd()
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< An alpha identifier containing text to display.
TAddress iAddress; //< The address of the message recipient.
TTpdu iSmsTpdu; //< The SMS message itself.
TIconId iIconId; //< An icon to display.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendSmV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSendSmV1> TSendSmV1Pckg;
class TSendSmV5 : public TSendSmV1
Contains a SEND SHORT MESSAGE proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SEND SHORT MESSAGE with RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSendSm" class. For Symbian OS versions up
to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSendSmV1Pckg, a packged
RSat::TSendSmV1. For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TSendSmV5Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendSmV6 etc).
@see RSat::TSendSmV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd()
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TSendSmV1::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TSendSmV5. */
typedef TPckg<TSendSmV5> TSendSmV5Pckg;
class TSendSmV6 : public TSendSmV5
Contains a SEND SHORT MESSAGE proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SEND SHORT MESSAGE with RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSendSm" class. For Symbian OS versions up
to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSendSmV1Pckg, a packged
RSat::TSendSmV1. For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TSendSmV5Pckg.
For Symbian OS 9.4, use RSat::TSendSmV6Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendSmV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSendSmV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd()
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendSmV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSendSmV6> TSendSmV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySendSmPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TSendSmRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SEND SHORT MESSAGE proactive command. Pass
this to the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TSendSmRspV1Pckg (a packaged TSendSmRspV1).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TSendSmRspV2 etc).
@see RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendSmRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. To return a network error,
set this KSatNetworkErrorInfo. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If you get an error from the network, you can
return it in here, setting iInfoType to KSatNetworkErrorInfo. If the
value in iGeneralResult does not require any information then leave
this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TSendSmRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSendSmRspV1> TSendSmRspV1Pckg;
// Send SMS no logging permitted
class TSatSmsV1: public TSatPCmdBase
Parameters for a RSat::SendMessageNoLogging() message.
TTpdu iBuf; //< SMS TPDU
TAddress iServiceCenter;//< If iServiceCenter is a null buffer then use the default sc address
/** A packaged RSat::TSendSmRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSatSmsV1> TSatSmsV1Pckg;
IMPORT_C void SendMessageNoLogging(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TDesC8& aMsg, TUint16& aMsgRef) const;
// SEND SS (Supplementary Service pro-active command).
class TSendSsV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a SEND SS (Supplementary Service) proactive command issued by the
UICC. See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySendSsPCmd() for more
information about the command.
Request notification for SEND SS with RSat::NotifySendSsPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSendSs" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSendSsV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat:TSendSsV1. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendSsV2 etc).
@see RSat::TSendSsV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendSsPCmd()
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< An alpha identifier containing text to display.
TSsString iSsString; //< The supplementary services string.
TIconId iIconId; //< An icon to display.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendSsV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSendSsV1> TSendSsV1Pckg;
class TSendSsV6 : public TSendSsV1
Contains a SEND SS (Supplementary Service) proactive command issued by the
UICC. See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySendSsPCmd() for more
information about the command.
Request notification for SEND SS with RSat::NotifySendSsPCmd(), For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSendSsV1Pckg, a packaged RSat:TSendSsV1.
For Symbian OS v9.4, use RSat::TSendSsV6. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for
an updated API (RSat::TSendSsV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSendSsV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendSsPCmd()
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TSendSsV1::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TSendSsV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSendSsV6> TSendSsV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySendSsPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TSendSsRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SEND SS proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySendSsPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS v6.1 or v7.0 pass RSat::TerminalRsp() a
RSat::TSendSsRspV1Pckg (a packaged TSendSsRspV1). For versions up to and
including v8.1a and v8.1b use RSat::TSendSsRspV2. For later versions of
Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TSendSsRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifySendSsPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendSsRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
TUint iInfoType; //< Additional info type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo; //< Additional info
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult2;
TUint iInfoType2; //< Second additional info type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo2; //< Second additional info
TCallControlV1 iCcRequestedAction; //< Action requested by the call control procedure.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendSsRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSendSsRspV1> TSendSsRspV1Pckg;
class TSendSsRspV2 : public TSendSsRspV1
Contains your response to a SEND SS proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySendSsPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS v6.1 or v7.0 pass RSat::TerminalRsp() a
RSat::TSendSsRspV1Pckg (a packaged TSendSsRspV1). For versions up to and
including v8.1a and v8.1b use RSat::TSendSsRspV2. For later versions of
Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TSendSsRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifySendSsPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendSsRspV2();
TUssdString iUssdString; //< Text returned within the Return Result message from the network.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendSsRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TSendSsRspV2> TSendSsRspV2Pckg;
// SEND USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data)
class TSendUssdV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a SEND USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) proactive
command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifySendUssdPCmd() for more information about the command.
Request notification for SEND USSD with RSat::NotifySendUssdPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSendUssd" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSendUssdV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TSendUssdV1. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendUssdV2 etc).
@see RSat::TSendUssdV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendUssdPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendUssdV1();
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< An alpha identifier containing text to display.
TUssdString iUssdString; //< The Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) string.
TIconId iIconId; //< An icon to display.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendUssdV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSendUssdV1> TSendUssdV1Pckg;
class TSendUssdV6 : public TSendUssdV1
Contains a SEND USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) proactive
command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifySendUssdPCmd() for more information about the command.
Request notification for SEND USSD with RSat::NotifySendUssdPCmd(), For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSendUssdV1Pckg, a packaged RSat:TSendUssdV1.
For Symbian OS v9.4, use RSat::TSendUssdV6Pckg, a packaged RSat:TSendUssdV6. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for
an updated API (RSat::TSendUssdV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSendUssdV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendUssdPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendUssdV6();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TSendUssdV1::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TSendUssdV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSendUssdV6> TSendUssdV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySendUssdPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TSendUssdRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SEND USSD proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySendUssdPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TSendUssdRspV1Pckg (a packaged TSendUssdRspV1).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TSendUssdRspV2 etc).
@see RSat::NotifySendUssdPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendUssdRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
TUint iInfoType; //< Additional info type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo; //< Additional info
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult2;
TUint iInfoType2; //< Second additional info type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo2; //< Second additional info
TUssdString iUssdString; //< USSD string
TCallControlV1 iCcRequestedAction; //< Action requested by the call control procedure.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendUssdRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSendUssdRspV1> TSendUssdRspV1Pckg;
enum TSetUpCallType
/** Part of a SET UP CALL proactive command. Determines the conditions
under which a call should be set up.
@see RSat::TSetUpCallV1
ESetUpCallTypeNotSet, //< Value used in constructor.
EOnlyIfNotBusy, //< Only make the call if line is not busy.
EOnlyIfNotBusyWithRedial, //< Only make the call if line is not busy. Redial if call cannot be made the first time.
EHoldOtherCalls, //< Put other calls on hold then make the call.
EHoldOtherCallsWithRedial, //< Put other calls on hold then make the call. Redial if call cannot be made the first time.
EDisconnectOtherCalls, //< Disconnect other calls then make the call.
EDisconnectOtherCallsWithRedial //< Disconnect other calls then make the call. Redial if call cannot be made the first time.
class TSetUpCallV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a SET UP CALL proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SET UP CALL with RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSetUpCall" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSetUpCallV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TSetUpCallV1. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSetUpCallV2 etc).
@see RSat::TSetUpCallV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpCallV1();
/** Determines whether you re-dial if initial attempts to make the call fail.
Plus, determines what to do if there is already a call in progress. */
TSetUpCallType iType;
TAlphaId iAlphaIdConfirmationPhase; //< Some text for the confirmation phase.
TIconId iIconIdConfirmationPhase; //< An icon for the confirmation phase.
TAddress iAddress; //< The number to call.
TCcp iCapabilityConfigParams; //< Capability configuration parameters.
TSubAddress iSubAddress; //< The sub-address of the remote party.
TDuration iDuration; //< Determines how long you should you try to re-dial.
TAlphaId iAlphaIdCallSetUpPhase; //< Some text for the call set up phase.
TIconId iIconIdCallSetUpPhase; //< An icon for the call set up phase.
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpCallV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpCallV1> TSetUpCallV1Pckg;
class TSetUpCallV5 : public TSetUpCallV1
Contains a SET UP CALL proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SET UP CALL with RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSetUpCall" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSetUpCallV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TSetUpCallV1. For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TSetUpCallV5Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSetUpCallV6 etc).
@see RSat::TSetUpCallV1
@see RSat::TSetUpCallV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpCallV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TSetUpCallV1::iAlphaIdConfirmationPhase is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttributeConfirmationPhase;
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TSetUpCallV1::iAlphaIdCallSetUpPhase is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttributeCallSetUpPhase;
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpCallV5. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpCallV5> TSetUpCallV5Pckg;
class TSetUpCallV6 : public TSetUpCallV5
Contains a SET UP CALL proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SET UP CALL with RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSetUpCall" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSetUpCallV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TSetUpCallV1. For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TSetUpCallV5Pckg.
For Symbian OS 9.4, use RSat::TSetUpCallV6Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSetUpCallV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSetUpCallV5
@see RSat::TSetUpCallV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpCallV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpCallV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpCallV6> TSetUpCallV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySetUpCallPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
IMPORT_C void NotifySetUpCallPCmdCancel() const;
class TSetUpCallRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SET UP CALL proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS v6.1 or v7.0 pass RSat::TerminalRsp() a
RSat::TSetUpCallRspV1Pckg (a packaged TSetUpCallRspV1). For versions up to
and included v8.1a and v8.1b use RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TSetUpCallRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSetUpCallRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2
@see RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpCallRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
TUint iInfoType; //< Additional information type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo; //< Additional info
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult2;
TUint iInfoType2; //< Second additional info type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo2; //< Second additional info
TCallControlV1 iCcRequestedAction; //< Action requested by the call control procedure
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpCallRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpCallRspV1> TSetUpCallRspV1Pckg;
class TSetUpCallRspV2 : public TSetUpCallRspV1
Contains your response to a SET UP CALL proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS v6.1 or v7.0 pass RSat::TerminalRsp() a
RSat::TSetUpCallRspV1Pckg (a packaged TSetUpCallRspV1). For versions up to
and included v8.1a and v8.1b use RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TSetUpCallRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSetUpCallRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::TSetUpCallRspV1
@see RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpCallRspV2();
TUssdString iUssdString; //< Text returned within the Return Result message from the network.
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpCallRspV2> TSetUpCallRspV2Pckg;
enum TRefreshType
/** Part of a REFRESH proactive command.
Indicates the type of REFRESH command sent by the UICC
@see RSat::TRefreshV1
ERefreshTypeNotSet, //< Initialization value used within constructor(s).
ESimInitFullFileChangeNotification, //< SIM or USIM Initialization and Full File Change Notification.
EFileChangeNotification, //< SIM or USIM File Change Notification.
ESimInitFileChangeNotification, //< SIM or USIM Initialization and File Change Notification.
ESimInit, //< SIM or USIM Initialization.
ESimReset, //< GSM SIM or UICC Reset.
EUsimApplicationReset, //< USIM Application Reset.
E3GSessionReset //< 3G Session Reset.
@see RSat::TRefreshFileList
enum {KRefreshedFileListMaxSize=242};
/** Part of a REFRESH proactive command.
Contains the list of files that have been changed by the UICC.
@see RSat::TRefreshV1
typedef TBuf16<KRefreshedFileListMaxSize> TRefreshFileList;
class TRefreshV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a REFERSH proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for REFRESH with RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TRefresh" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TRefreshV2Pckg, a packged RSat::TRefreshV2.
Use RSat::TRefreshV1 with older versions of Symbian OS. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TRefreshV3
@see RSat::TRefreshV2
@see RSat::TRefreshV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd()
IMPORT_C TRefreshV1();
TRefreshType iType; //< Type of refresh command
TRefreshFileList iFileList; //< Optional list of files that need to be refreshed.
/** A packaged RSat::TRefreshV1. */
typedef TPckg<TRefreshV1> TRefreshV1Pckg;
@see RSat::TAid
enum {KAidMaxSize=16};
/** Part of a REFRESH proactive command.
Indicates the application on the UICC to be refreshed as defined in ETSI TS 101 220.
@see RSat::TRefreshV1 */
typedef TBuf8<KAidMaxSize> TAid;
class TRefreshV2 : public TRefreshV1
Contains a REFERSH proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for REFRESH with RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd(),
passing it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TRefresh" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s,
8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TRefreshV2Pckg, a packged RSat::TRefreshV2.
Use RSat::TRefreshV1 with older versions of Symbian OS. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TRefreshV3
@see RSat::TRefreshV2
@see RSat::TRefreshV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd()
IMPORT_C TRefreshV2();
TAid iAid; //< ID of an application that needs to be refreshed.
/** A packaged RSat::TRefreshV2. */
typedef TPckg<TRefreshV2> TRefreshV2Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyRefreshPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TRefreshRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a REFRESH proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TRefreshRspV1Pckg (a packaged TRefreshRspV1).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TRefreshRspV2 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd()
IMPORT_C TRefreshRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
TUint iInfoType; //< Additional info type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;//< Additional info
/** A packaged RSat::TRefreshRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TRefreshRspV1> TRefreshRspV1Pckg;
enum TSetUpEventListType
/** Part of the SET UP EVENT LIST proactive command. It determines the
command type: does the command contain a new event list or does it cancel
the previous event list. */
ESetUpEventListTypeNotSet, //< Value used in constructor.
EUpdateEventList, //< Command contains a new event list that replaces any previous list.
ERemoveExistingEventList //< Command contains no event list. Instead, remove any existing events from the list.
class TSetUpEventListV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a SET UP EVENT LIST proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SET UP EVENT LIST with RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSetUpEventList" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSetUpEventListV1Pckg, a packged
RSat::TSetUpEventListV1. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSetUpEventListV2 etc).
@see RSat::TSetUpEventListV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpEventListV1();
TSetUpEventListType iType; //< The command type.
TUint iEvents; //< The list of events in the form of flags from RSat::TEventList.
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpEventListV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpEventListV1> TSetUpEventListV1Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySetUpEventListPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TSetUpEventListRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SET UP EVENT LIST proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TSetUpEventListRspV1Pckg (a packaged TSetUpEventListRspV1).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TSetUpEventListRspV2 etc).
@see RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpEventListRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpEventListRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpEventListRspV1> TSetUpEventListRspV1Pckg;
enum TSetUpIdleModeTextType
/** Part of the SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT proactive command.
This determines the type of the command.
@see RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV1 */
ESetUpIdleModeTextTypeNotSet, //< Initialization value
/** The SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT command contains idle mode text and
perhaps an icon to accompany it. */
/** The existing idle mode text and icon should no longer be used.
The SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT contains no new text. */
The buffer needs to be able to contain 276 16-bit characters.
Expected Sequence 1.7 in section of 3GPP TS 11.10-4
v8.14.0 states that large text length to be tested should be of length
274. We are providing enough storage for 276 characters in any coding
scheme as specified by TSatTextCoding.
@see RSat::TSatTextCoding
@see RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV1
enum {KIdleModeTextMaxSize=276};
Part of the SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT proactive command.
This contains the idle mode text.
This buffer assumes that 16-bit descriptors are being used by default.
@see RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV1
@see RSat::KIdleModeTextMaxSize
typedef TBuf16<KIdleModeTextMaxSize> TIdleModeText;
class TSetUpIdleModeTextV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 v5.9.0 section 6.6.22 and RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd()
for more information about the command.
Request notification for SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT with
RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store
the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TSetUpIdleModeText" class. For Symbian OS versions up to and including
v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV1. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV2 etc).
@see RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd()
@see RSat::TSatTextCoding
IMPORT_C TSetUpIdleModeTextV1();
/** Describes the type of command: does it contain new idle mode text
or should the existing idle mode text be removed? */
TSetUpIdleModeTextType iType;
/** Idle mode text.
Only valid if iType is RSat::EUpdateIdleModeText. */
TIdleModeText iText;
/** Identifies the icon to display.
Only valid if iType is RSat::EUpdateIdleModeText. */
TIconId iIconId;
Specifies whether the text is 7-bit packed, 7-bit unpacked (i.e.
8-bit) or UCS-2 16-bit.
TSatTextCoding iCodingScheme;
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpIdleModeTextV1> TSetUpIdleModeTextV1Pckg;
class TSetUpIdleModeTextV5 : public TSetUpIdleModeTextV1
Contains a SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 v5.9.0 section 6.6.22 and RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd()
for more information about the command.
Request notification for SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT with
RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store
the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TSetUpIdleModeText" class. For Symbian OS versions up to and including
v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV1Pckg, a packaged
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV5Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV6 etc).
@see RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV1
@see RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpIdleModeTextV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV1::iText is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV5. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpIdleModeTextV5> TSetUpIdleModeTextV5Pckg;
class TSetUpIdleModeTextV6 : public TSetUpIdleModeTextV5
Contains a SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 v5.9.0 section 6.6.22 and RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd()
for more information about the command.
Request notification for SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT with
RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store
the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TSetUpIdleModeText" class. For Symbian OS versions up to and including
v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV1Pckg, a packaged
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV5Pckg.
For Symbian OS 9.4, use RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV6Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV5
@see RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpIdleModeTextV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpIdleModeTextV6> TSetUpIdleModeTextV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TSetUpIdleModeTextRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SET UP IDLE TEXT proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextRspV1Pckg (a packaged TSetUpIdleModeTextRspV1).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextRspV2 etc).
@see RSat::NotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetUpIdleModeTextRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TSetUpIdleModeTextRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSetUpIdleModeTextRspV1> TSetUpIdleModeTextRspV1Pckg;
@see RSat::TDtmfString
/** Part of the SEND DTMF proactive command.
This contains the DTMF string. Maximum size is 243.
@see RSat::TSendDtmfV1 */
typedef TBuf8<KDtmfStringMaxSize> TDtmfString;
class TSendDtmfV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a SEND DTMF proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SEND DTMF with RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSendDtmf" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSendDtmfV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TSendDtmfV1. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendDtmfV2 etc).
@see RSat::TSendDtmfV1Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendDtmfV1();
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< An alpha identifier containing text to display.
TDtmfString iDtmfString; //< The DTMF string.
TIconId iIconId; //< An icon to display.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendDtmfV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSendDtmfV1> TSendDtmfV1Pckg;
class TSendDtmfV5 : public TSendDtmfV1
Contains a SEND DTMF proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SEND DTMF with RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSendDtmf" class.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use
RSat::TSendDtmfV1Pckg, a packaged RSat::TSendDtmfV1.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TSendDtmfV5Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendDtmfV6 etc).
@see RSat::TSendDtmfV1
@see RSat::TSendDtmfV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendDtmfV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TSendDtmfV5::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TSendDtmfV5. */
typedef TPckg<TSendDtmfV5> TSendDtmfV5Pckg;
class TSendDtmfV6 : public TSendDtmfV5
Contains a SEND DTMF proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SEND DTMF with RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSendDtmf" class.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use
RSat::TSendDtmfV1Pckg, a packaged RSat::TSendDtmfV1.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TSendDtmfV5Pckg.
For Symbian OS 9.4, use RSat::TSendDtmfV6Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendDtmfV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSendDtmfV1
@see RSat::TSendDtmfV5
@see RSat::TSendDtmfV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendDtmfV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendDtmfV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSendDtmfV6> TSendDtmfV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySendDtmfPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TSendDtmfRspV1 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SEND DTMF proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions up to and including v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TSendDtmfRspV1Pckg (a packaged TSendDtmfRspV1).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TSendDtmfRspV2 etc).
@see RSat::NotifySendDtmfPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendDtmfRspV1();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TSendDtmfRspV1. */
typedef TPckg<TSendDtmfRspV1> TSendDtmfRspV1Pckg;
@see RSat::TApduData
typedef TBuf8<KApduDataMaxSize> TApduData;
struct TCApdu
/** Part of the PERFORM CARD APDU proactive command.
This contains the APDU command for the card. */
TUint8 iCla; //< Command class
TUint8 iIns; //< Command instruction code
TUint8 iP1; //< P1 parameter
TUint8 iP2; //< P2 parameter
TUint8 iLc; //< Length of command data sent by the application layer in a case 3 or 4 Command.
TApduData iData;//< Data
TUint8 iLe; //< Maximum length of data expected by the application layer in response to a case 2 or 4 Command.
class TPerformCardApduV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a PERFORM CARD APDU proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyPerformCardApduPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for PERFORM CARD APDU with
RSat::NotifyPerformCardApduPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store
the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TPerformCardApdu" class. For Symbian OS version from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat::TPerformCardApduV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TPerformCardApduV2.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TPerformCardApduV3 etc).
@see RSat::TPerformCardApduV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyPerformCardApduPCmd()
IMPORT_C TPerformCardApduV2();
TDeviceId iDestination; //< The destination for the command.
TCApdu iCApdu; //< The APDU command.
/** A packaged RSat::TPerformCardApduV2. */
typedef TPckg<TPerformCardApduV2> TPerformCardApduV2Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyPerformCardApduPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TPerformCardApduRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a PERFORM CARD APDU proactive command. Pass
this to the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifyPerformCardApduPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TPerformCardApduV2Pckg (a packaged
TPerformCardApduRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TPerformCardApduRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyPerformCardApduPCmd()
IMPORT_C TPerformCardApduRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If there a response to the APDU then set this to
RSat::KRApdu. If something goes wrong, then some error values of
iGeneralResult require additional information, in which case set this
to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** This should be the card's response to the APDU, is there is one.
Otherwise, some error values of iGeneralResult require additional
information, which goes here. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TPerformCardApduRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TPerformCardApduRspV2> TPerformCardApduRspV2Pckg;
class TPowerOffCardV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a POWER OFF CARD proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyPowerOffCardPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for POWER OFF CARD with RSat::NotifyPerformCardApduPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TPowerOffCard" class. For Symbian OS versions
from 7.0s to v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TPowerOffCardV2Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TPowerOffCardV2. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TPowerOffCardV3 etc).
@see RSat::TPowerOffCardV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyPowerOffCardPCmd()
IMPORT_C TPowerOffCardV2();
TDeviceId iDestination; //< The card whose session should be closed.
/** A packaged RSat::TPowerOffCardV2. */
typedef TPckg<TPowerOffCardV2> TPowerOffCardV2Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyPowerOffCardPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TPowerOffCardRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a POWER OFF CARD proactive command. Pass
this to the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifyPowerOffCardPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TPowerOffCardRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TPowerOffCardRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TPowerOffCardRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyPowerOffCardPCmd()
IMPORT_C TPowerOffCardRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TPowerOffCardRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TPowerOffCardRspV2> TPowerOffCardRspV2Pckg;
class TPowerOnCardV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains aPOWER ON CARD proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyPowerOnCardPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for POWER ON CARD with RSat::NotifyPerformCardApduPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TPowerOnCard" class. For Symbian OS versions
from 7.0s to v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TPowerOnCardV2Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TPowerOnCardV2. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TPowerOnCardV3 etc).
@see RSat::TPowerOnCardV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyPowerOnCardPCmd()
IMPORT_C TPowerOnCardV2();
TDeviceId iDestination; //< The card to turn on.
/** A packaged RSat::TPowerOnCardV2. */
typedef TPckg<TPowerOnCardV2> TPowerOnCardV2Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyPowerOnCardPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TPowerOnCardRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a POWER ON CARD proactive command. Pass
this to the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifyPowerOnCardPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TPowerOnCardRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TPowerOnCardRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TPowerOnCardRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyPowerOnCardPCmd()
IMPORT_C TPowerOnCardRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If there a Answer To Reset (ATR) from the card, set this to
RSat::KCardATR. If something goes wrong, then some error values of
iGeneralResult require additional information, in which case set this
to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** This should be the card's Answer To Reset (ATR), is there is one.
Otherwise, some error values of iGeneralResult require additional
information, which goes here. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TPowerOnCardRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TPowerOnCardRspV2> TPowerOnCardRspV2Pckg;
enum TGetReaderStatusMode
/** Part of a GET READER STATUS proactive command.
Describes the information that the UICC is requesting.
@see RSat::TGetReaderStatusV2 */
ECardReaderModeNotSet, //< Initialisation value.
ECardReaderStatus, //< Return the card reader's status, as described in the "Card Reader Status" object in ETSI TS 102 223.
ECardReaderIdentifier //< Return the card reader's identifier, as described in the "Card Reader Identifier" object in ETSI TS 102 223.
class TGetReaderStatusV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a GET READER STATUS proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetReaderStatusPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET READER STATUS with RSat::NotifyGetReaderStatusPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TGetReaderStatus" class. For Symbian OS versions
from 7.0s to v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TGetReaderStatusV2Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TGetReaderStatusV2. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TGetReaderStatusV2 etc).
@see RSat::TGetReaderStatusV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetReaderStatusPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetReaderStatusV2();
/** The card reader whose information is wanted by the UICC. */
TDeviceId iDestination;
/** Describes the information that the UICC is requesting: the card
reader's identification or the card reader's status.*/
TGetReaderStatusMode iMode;
/** A packaged RSat::TGetReaderStatusV2. */
typedef TPckg<TGetReaderStatusV2> TGetReaderStatusV2Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyGetReaderStatusPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TGetReaderStatusRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a DISPLAY TEXT proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetReaderStatusPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TGetReaderStatusRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TGetReaderStatusRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TGetReaderStatusRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyGetReaderStatusPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetReaderStatusRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If returning card reader information to the UICC, set this to
RSat::KCardReaderInfo. If something goes wrong, then some error values of
iGeneralResult require additional information, in which case set this
to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** This should the card reader information, if it could read.
Otherwise, some error values of iGeneralResult require additional
information, which goes here. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** Requested mode. This should be the same as the
RSat::TGetReaderStatusV2::iMode in the initial GET READER STATUS. */
TGetReaderStatusMode iMode;
/** A packaged RSat::TGetReaderStatusRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TGetReaderStatusRspV2> TGetReaderStatusRspV2Pckg;
@see RSat::TAtCommand
enum {KAtCommandMaxSize=245};
/** Part of the RUN AT COMMAND proactive command.
This contains the AT command string. Maximum size is 245 bytes.
@see RSat::TRunAtCommandV2 */
typedef TBuf8<KAtCommandMaxSize> TAtCommand;
class TRunAtCommandV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a RUN AT COMMAND proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI
TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd() for more information about
the command. Symbian OS support for this command is available from v7.0s
Request notification for RUN AT COMMAND with
RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TRunAtCommand" class. For Symbian OS versions from v7.0s to v8.1a
and 8.1b, use RSat::TRunAtCommandV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TRunAtCommandV2.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TRunAtCommandV3 etc).
@see RSat::TRunAtCommandV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd()
IMPORT_C TRunAtCommandV2();
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< An optional alpha identifier.
TAtCommand iAtCommand; //< The AT command string.
TIconId iIconId; //< An optional icon.
/** A packaged RSat::TRunAtCommandV2. */
typedef TPckg<TRunAtCommandV2> TRunAtCommandV2Pckg;
class TRunAtCommandV5 : public TRunAtCommandV2
Contains a RUN AT COMMAND proactive command issued by the UICC.
See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd() for more
information about the command. Symbian OS support for this command
is available from v7.0s onwards.
Request notification for RUN AT COMMAND with
RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd(), passing it an object in which to
store the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the
latest "TRunAtCommand" class. For Symbian OS versions from v7.0s
to v8.1a and 8.1b, use RSat::TRunAtCommandV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TRunAtCommandV2.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TRunAtCommandV5.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TRunAtCommandV6 etc).
@see RSat::TSatPCmdBase
@see RSat::TRunAtCommandV2
@see RSat::TRunAtCommandV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd()
IMPORT_C TRunAtCommandV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TRunAtCommandV2::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TRunAtCommandV5. */
typedef TPckg<TRunAtCommandV5> TRunAtCommandV5Pckg;
class TRunAtCommandV6 : public TRunAtCommandV5
Contains a RUN AT COMMAND proactive command issued by the UICC.
See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd() for more
information about the command. Symbian OS support for this command
is available from v7.0s onwards.
Request notification for RUN AT COMMAND with
RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd(), passing it an object in which to
store the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the
latest "TRunAtCommand" class. For Symbian OS versions from v7.0s
to v8.1a and 8.1b, use RSat::TRunAtCommandV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TRunAtCommandV2.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TRunAtCommandV5.
For Symbian OS 9.4, use RSat::TRunAtCommandV6.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TRunAtCommandV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSatPCmdBase
@see RSat::TRunAtCommandV2
@see RSat::TRunAtCommandV5
@see RSat::TRunAtCommandV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd()
IMPORT_C TRunAtCommandV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TRunAtCommandV6. */
typedef TPckg<TRunAtCommandV6> TRunAtCommandV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TRunAtCommandRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a RUN AT COMMAND proactive command. This should
include the AT response string, if there is one. Pass this to the UICC
with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS versions from v7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b, pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TRunAtCommandRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TRunAtCommandRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TRunAtCommandRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyRunAtCommandPCmd()
IMPORT_C TRunAtCommandRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If there is a AT response string then set this to
RSat::KATResponse. If something goes wrong, then some error values of
iGeneralResult require additional information, in which case set this
to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** This should be the AT response string, if there is one.
Otherwise, some error values of iGeneralResult require additional information,
which goes here. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TRunAtCommandRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TRunAtCommandRspV2> TRunAtCommandRspV2Pckg;
enum TLanguageNotificationType
/** Part of the LANGUAGE NOTIFICATION proactive command. Determines whether
the UICC is specifying its current language in iLanguage, or is saying that
it is not using a specific language.
@see RSat::TLanguageNotificationV2 */
ENotificationTypeNotSet, //< Initialisation value
/** No specific language is in use by the UICC. This has the effect of
cancelling previous specific LANGUAGE NOTIFICATION commands. */
/** The language currently in use by the UICC is given in
RSat::TLanguageNotificationV2::iLanguage. */
class TLanguageNotificationV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a LANGUAGE NOTIFICATION proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyLanguageNotificationPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for LANGUAGE NOTIFICATION with
RSat::NotifyLanguageNotificationPCmd(), passing it an object in which to
store the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TLanguageNotification" class. For Symbian OS versions up to and including
v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TLanguageNotificationV2Pckg, a packaged
RSat:TLanguageNotificationV2. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for
an updated API (RSat::TLanguageNotificationV3 etc).
@see RSat::TLanguageNotificationV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyLanguageNotificationPCmd()
IMPORT_C TLanguageNotificationV2();
/** Describes the LANGUAGE NOTIFICATION command. Determines whether
the UICC is specifying its current language in iLanguage, or is saying
that it is not using a specific language. */
TLanguageNotificationType iNotificationType;
/** Currently used language by (U)ICC. This is pair of alpha-numeric
characters, defined in ISO 639. Each alpha-numeric character shall be
coded on one byte using the SMS default 7-bit coded alphabet as defined
in TS 123 038 with bit 8 set to 0.
This is only valid if iNotificationType is set to RSat::ESpecificLangNotification. */
TUint16 iLanguage;
/** A packaged RSat::TLanguageNotificationV2. */
typedef TPckg<TLanguageNotificationV2> TLanguageNotificationV2Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyLanguageNotificationPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TLanguageNotificationRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a LANGUAGE NITIFICATION proactive command. Pass
this to the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifyLanguageNotificationPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS versions from v7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b, pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TLanguageNotificationRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TLanguageNotificationRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TLanguageNotificationRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyLanguageNotificationPCmd()
IMPORT_C TLanguageNotificationRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TLanguageNotificationRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TLanguageNotificationRspV2> TLanguageNotificationRspV2Pckg;
enum TBrowserSelection
/** Part of the LAUNCH BROWSER proactive command.
It describes the browser to use.
@see RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2 */
EBrowserSelectionNotSet, //< Command details do not specify the browser selection mode.
ELaunchBrowserIfNotAlreadyLaunched, //< Launch browser if not already launched.
EUseExistingBrowser, //< Use the existing browser (the browser shall not use the active existing secured session).
ECloseExistingLaunchNewBrowserSession //< Close the existing browser session and launch new browser session.
enum TBrowserIdentity
/** Part of the LAUNCH BROWSER proactive command.
@see RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2 */
EBrowserIdNotSet, //< Initialisation value.
EBrowserIdNotPresent, //< Object not present in the proactive command.
EDefaultBrowser, //< Default browser shall be used.
EBrowserIdNotSpecified, //< Object present but does not identified a known browser ID.
EWMLBrowser, //< WML Browser shall be used.
EHTMLBrowser, //< HTML Browser shall be used.
EXHTMLBrowser, //< XHTML Browser shall be used.
ECHTMLBrowser //< CHTML Browser shall be used.
enum TBrowserBearer
/** @see RSat::TBearerList */
KSmsBearer =0x00, //< Use SMS.
KCsdBearer =0x01, //< Use a circuit switched connection.
KUssdBearer =0x02, //< Use USSD on GSM/WCDMA networks.
KGprsBearer =0x03 //< Use a packet switched connection.
@see RSat::TUrl
enum {KUrlMaxSize=243};
/** Part of the LAUNCH BROWSER proactive command.
Contains the URL to display. Maximum size is 243 bytes.
@see RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2 */
typedef TBuf8<KUrlMaxSize> TUrl;
@see RSat::TBearerList
enum {KBearerListMaxSize=4};
/** A list containing bearers in order of priority. Each byte in this
descriptor will be a value from RSat::TBrowserBearer that describes the
bearer for the LAUNCH BROWSER command. Use the bearer in byte 1 if
possible, followed by byte 2 etc. The maximum number is 4.
@see RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2 */
typedef TBuf8<KBearerListMaxSize> TBearerList;
@see RSat::TProvisioningFileRef
enum {KFileRefMaxSize=251};
/** A provisioning file, used with the LAUNCH BROWESER proactive command. */
typedef TBuf8<KFileRefMaxSize> TProvisioningFileRef;
/** A packaged RSat::TProvisioningFileRef. */
typedef TPckg<TProvisioningFileRef> TProvisioningFileRefPckg;
class TLaunchBrowserV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a LAUNCH BROWSER proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI
TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd() for more information about
the command. Symbian OS support for this command is available from v7.0s
Request notification for LAUNCH BROWSER with
RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TLaunchBrowser" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s, 8.0 and 8.1 use
RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TLaunchBrowserV5Pckg. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TLaunchBrowserV6 etc).
@see RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd()
IMPORT_C TLaunchBrowserV2();
IMPORT_C TUint NumberOfFileRef() const;
IMPORT_C TInt GetFileRef (TUint aIndex, TProvisioningFileRef& aFileRef) const;
IMPORT_C TInt AddFileRef (const TProvisioningFileRef& aFileRef);
IMPORT_C void ResetFileRef();
TBrowserSelection iBrowserSel; //< Describes the browser to use.
TBrowserIdentity iBrowserId; //< Browser identity.
TUrl iUrl; //< URL to display. Maximum size is 243 bytes.
TBearerList iBearerList; //< List of bearers that can be used to access the URL. They are in order of priority.
TTextString iText; //< Name/identity of the Gateway/Proxy
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier for user confirmation phase; see RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd()
TIconId iIconId; //< Icon identifier for user confirmation phase; see RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd()
TProvisioningFileRef iFileRef; //< Stored file refs as passed by TSY
TUint8 iOffset[KFileRefMaxSize]; //< Offsets of file ref entries in iFileRef
TUint8 iLength[KFileRefMaxSize]; //< Lengths of file ref entries in iFileRef
TInt iNumOfFiles; //< Number of file refs in iFileRef
/** A packaged RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2. */
typedef TPckg<TLaunchBrowserV2> TLaunchBrowserV2Pckg;
class TLaunchBrowserV5 : public TLaunchBrowserV2
Contains a LAUNCH BROWSER proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI
TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd() for more information about
the command. Symbian OS support for this command is available from v7.0s
Request notification for LAUNCH BROWSER with
RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TLaunchBrowser" class. For Symbian OS 7.0s, 8.0 and 8.1 use
RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TLaunchBrowserV6 etc).
@see RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2
@see RSat::TLaunchBrowserV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd()
IMPORT_C TLaunchBrowserV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TLaunchBrowserV5::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TLaunchBrowserV5. */
typedef TPckg<TLaunchBrowserV5> TLaunchBrowserV5Pckg;
class TLaunchBrowserV6 : public TLaunchBrowserV5
Contains a LAUNCH BROWSER proactive command issued by the UICC. See ETSI
TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd() for more information about
the command. Symbian OS support for this command is available from v7.0s
Request notification for LAUNCH BROWSER with
RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest "TLaunchBrowser" class.
For Symbian OS 7.0s, 8.0 and 8.1 use RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2.
For Symbian OS 9.4 use RSat::TLaunchBrowserV6Pckg.For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API(RSat::TLaunchBrowserV7 etc).
@see RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2
@see RSat::TLaunchBrowserV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd()
IMPORT_C TLaunchBrowserV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TLaunchBrowserV6. */
typedef TPckg<TLaunchBrowserV6> TLaunchBrowserV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void GetProvisioningRefFile(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,const TProvisioningFileRef& aFileRef, TDes8& aFile) const;
IMPORT_C void NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TLaunchBrowserRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a LAUNCH BROWSER proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions from v7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b, pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TLaunchBrowserRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TLaunchBrowserRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TLaunchBrowserRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyLaunchBrowserPCmd()
IMPORT_C TLaunchBrowserRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::KLaunchBrowserError. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** Some error values for iGeneralResult (such as
RSat::KLaunchBrowserError) require additional information, in which
case set iInfoType to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Some error values of iGeneralResult require additional information,
which goes here. If iGeneralResult is RSat::KLaunchBrowserError then
place a value from RSat::TBrowserError in here. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TLaunchBrowserRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TLaunchBrowserRspV2> TLaunchBrowserRspV2Pckg;
enum TOpenChannelType
/** Part of an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command. There are three types of OPEN
CHANNEL command described in ETSI TS 102 223, 3GPP TS 31.111 and 3GPP2
C.S0035-0. RSat::TOpenChannelType is set to the type of command.
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
EPCmdTypeNotSet, //< OPEN CHANNEL type not set
ECsBearer, //< OPEN CHANNEL proactive command related to Circuit Switched (CS) bearer.
EGprsBearer, //< OPEN CHANNEL proactive command related to Packet Switched bearer. On GSM/WCDMA networks, this means GPRS.
ELocalLinksBearer, //< OPEN CHANNEL proactive command for local links such as bluetooth and IrDA.
EAnyBearer, //< OPEN CHANNEL proactive comment related to any bearer.
EUiccServerMode //< OPEN CHANNEL proactive command related to UICC in server mode.
enum TLinkEstablishment
/** Part of an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command. Should the channel be
opened now, or should you wait until you are given some data to send?
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
ELinkEstablishmentNotSet, //< Link establishment not set
EOnDemand, //< On demand link establishment
EImmediate //< Immediate link establishment
enum TReconnectionMode
/** Part of an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command. If an attempt to make a
connection fails, should you try again automatically?
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
EReconnectionModeNotSet, //< Reconnection mode not set
/** Reconnection should not be automatic. Do not attempt to reconnect. */
/** Reconnection should be automatic. Attempt to reconnect if the
first attempt fails. The OPEN CONNECTION command may include a time
limit for reconnection attempts. */
enum TBearerType
/** Part of an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command. Used by RSat::TBearer.
Defines the bearer type that you should use to open the channel.
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
EBearerTypeNotSet, //< Bearer type not set
ECSDBearer, //< Circuit Switched Data bearer
EGPRSBearer, //< GPRS bearer
EDefaultBearer, //< Default bearer
EBTBearer, //< Bluetooth bearer
EIrDaBearer, //< Infra red bearer
ERS232Bearer, //< RS232 bearer
EUSBBearer, //< USB bearer
EUtranBearer //<Utran bearer
@see RSat::TBearerParams
enum {KBearerParamsMaxSize=241};
/** Part of an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command. Used by RSat::TBearer.
Contains any parameters necessary to open the channel.
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
typedef TBuf8<KBearerParamsMaxSize> TBearerParams;
struct TBearer
/** Part of an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command. Defines the bearer that you
should use to open a channel, plus any parameters necessary.
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
TBearerType iType; //< Indicates the type of bearer
TBearerParams iParams; //< Params specific to the bearer
enum TOtherAddressType
/** Part of an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command. Used by RSat::TOtherAddress.
Defines the type of the IP addresses used when opening a channel.
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
EAddressNotSet, //< Initialisation value.
EAddressNotPresent, //< This optional element is not present in this proactive command.
EIPv4Address, //< IP address is a IPv4 address
EIPv6Address //< IP address is a IPv6 address
@see RSat::TOtherAddress
enum {KPcktAddressMaxSize=19};
struct TOtherAddress
/** Part of an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command.
Used to define each the addresses needed when opening a channel.
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
TOtherAddressType iType; //< Other address type.
TBuf8<KPcktAddressMaxSize> iAddress; //< Other address. Maximum size is 19 bytes.
enum TTransportProtocol
/** Part of an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command. Used by RSat::TSimMeInterface.
Describes the transport protocol to use for the channel.
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
EProtocolNotSet, //< Transport protocol not set
EProtocolNotPresent, //< Transport protocol details not present in proactive comment
EUdp, //< UDP transport protocol
ETcp, //< TCP transport protocol
ETcpUiccInServerMode //< TCP, UICC in server mode
struct TSimMeInterface
/** Part of an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command.
Describes the transport protocol and port number to use for the channel.
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
TTransportProtocol iTransportProto; //< Transport protocol
TUint16 iPrtNumber; //< Port Number
class TOpenChannelBaseV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Part of an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command which asks the phone to open a
channel to a particular bearer. More description of this command can be
found in RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd().
OPEN CHANNEL commands can be of one of a number of types, depending upon
the type of bearer required. RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2 contains fields
common to specific OPEN CHANNEL commands. Other
classes inherit from this class to provide an OPEN CHANNEL command for
circuit switched (RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2), packet switched
(RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2, local (RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2) channels
and a channel for UICC server mode (RSat::TOpenUiccServerModeChannelV7).
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
IMPORT_C TOpenChannelBaseV2();
/** Determines the type of OPEN CHANNEL command. Indicates that a local,
circuit-switched or packet-switched channel should be opened. */
TOpenChannelType iPCmdType;
TLinkEstablishment iLinkEst; //< Link establishment. Should the the channel be opened now, or should you wait until you are given some data to send?
TReconnectionMode iReconnectionMode;//< Reconnection mode. If an attempt to make a connection fails, should you try again automatically?
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier to display to the user.
TIconId iIconId; //< Identifies the icon to display.
TBearer iBearer; //< Bearer for the channel.
TUint16 iBufferSize; //< Buffer size
TSimMeInterface iSimMeInterface; //< SIM / ME interface.
TOtherAddress iDestinationAddress; //< Destination address.
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenChannelBaseV2> TOpenChannelBaseV2Pckg;
class TOpenCsChannelV2 : public TOpenChannelBaseV2
This contains a packet switched OPEN CHANNEL proactive command which asks
the phone to open a channel to a circuit switched bearer. All the
parameters for the channel are supplied in RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2's
fields and its base class, RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2.
Note: Alternative OPEN CHANNEL commands request a packet switched or local
channel; see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2 and RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2
More description of the OPEN CHANNEL command can be found in
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2Pckg
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2
@see RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2
IMPORT_C TOpenCsChannelV2();
TAddress iAddress; //< Address to connect to
TSubAddress iSubAddress; //< Sub-address
TDuration iDuration1; //< Duration of reconnection tries
TDuration iDuration2; //< Timeout value before the phone releases the link
TOtherAddress iLocalAddress;//< Local device IP address. This identifers the phone opening the channel
TTextString iUserLogin; //< User login
TTextString iUserPassword; //< User password
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenCsChannelV2> TOpenCsChannelV2Pckg;
class TOpenCsChannelV5 : public TOpenCsChannelV2
This contains a packet switched OPEN CHANNEL proactive command
which asks the phone to open a channel to a circuit switched
bearer. All the parameters for the channel are supplied in
RSat::TOpenCsChannelV5's fields and its base classes,
RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2 and RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2.
Note: Alternative OPEN CHANNEL commands request a packet
switched or local channel; see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV5
and RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5 respectively.
More description of the OPEN CHANNEL command can be found in
RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd() and ETSI TS 102 223.
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV5Pckg
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2
@see RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2
IMPORT_C TOpenCsChannelV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenCsChannelV5. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenCsChannelV5> TOpenCsChannelV5Pckg;
class TOpenCsChannelV6 : public TOpenCsChannelV5
This contains a packet switched OPEN CHANNEL proactive command
which asks the phone to open a channel to a circuit switched
bearer. All the parameters for the channel are supplied in
RSat::TOpenCsChannelV6's fields and its base classes,
RSat::TOpenCsChannelV5,RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2 and RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2.
Note: Alternative OPEN CHANNEL commands request a packet
switched or local channel; see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV6
and RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6 respectively.
More description of the OPEN CHANNEL command can be found in
RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd() and ETSI TS 102 223.
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV5
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV6Pckg
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV6
@see RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6
IMPORT_C TOpenCsChannelV6();
TUint iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenCsChannelV6. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenCsChannelV6> TOpenCsChannelV6Pckg;
/** @see RSat::TAccessName */
enum {KAccessNameMaxSize=236};
typedef TBuf8<KAccessNameMaxSize> TAccessName;
class TOpenGprsChannelV2 : public TOpenChannelBaseV2
This contains a packet switched OPEN CHANNEL proactive command which asks
the phone to open a channel to a packet switched bearer. All the
parameters for the channel are supplied in RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2's
fields and its base class, RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2.
Note: Alternative OPEN CHANNEL commands request a circuit switched or local
channel; see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2 and RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2
More description of the OPEN CHANNEL command can be found in
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2Pckg
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2
@see RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2
IMPORT_C TOpenGprsChannelV2();
TAccessName iAccessName; //< Access Point Name indentifying the Gateway GSN
TOtherAddress iLocalAddress; //< Local device IP address
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenGprsChannelV2> TOpenGprsChannelV2Pckg;
class TOpenGprsChannelV4 : public TOpenGprsChannelV2
This class is derived from TOpenGprsChannelV2 and extends the class's functionality
by adding username and password support.
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV4Pckg
IMPORT_C TOpenGprsChannelV4();
/** The user login to use to open the channel */
TTextString iUserLogin;
/** The password to use to open the channel */
TTextString iUserPassword;
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV4. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenGprsChannelV4> TOpenGprsChannelV4Pckg;
class TOpenGprsChannelV5 : public TOpenGprsChannelV4
This contains a packet switched OPEN CHANNEL proactive command
which asks the phone to open a channel to a packet switched
bearer. All the parameters for the channel are supplied in
RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV5's fields and its base classes,
RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV4, RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2 and
This class is derived from TOpenGprsChannelV4 and extends the
class's functionality by adding text attribute support for
the alpha identifier.
Note: Alternative OPEN CHANNEL commands request a circuit
switched or local channel; see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV5 and
RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5 respectively.
More description of the OPEN CHANNEL command can be found
in RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd().
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV4
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV5Pckg
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV5
@see RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5
IMPORT_C TOpenGprsChannelV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV5. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenGprsChannelV5> TOpenGprsChannelV5Pckg;
class TOpenGprsChannelV6 : public TOpenGprsChannelV5
This contains a packet switched OPEN CHANNEL proactive command
which asks the phone to open a channel to a packet switched
bearer. All the parameters for the channel are supplied in
RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV6's fields and its base classes,
RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV5, RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV4, RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2 and
This class is derived from TOpenGprsChannelV5 and extends the
class's functionality by adding Frame identifier support.
Note: Alternative OPEN CHANNEL commands request a circuit
switched or local channel; see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV6 and
RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6 respectively.
More description of the OPEN CHANNEL command can be found
in RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd().
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV4
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV5
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV6Pckg
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV6
@see RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6
IMPORT_C TOpenGprsChannelV6();
TUint iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV6. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenGprsChannelV6> TOpenGprsChannelV6Pckg;
This contains a packet switched OPEN CHANNEL proactive command which asks
the phone to open a channel to a local bearer such as Bluetooth or Irda. All the
parameters for the channel are supplied in RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2's
fields and its base class, RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2.
Note: Alternative OPEN CHANNEL commands request a circuit switched or packet
switched channel; see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2 and RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2
More description of the OPEN CHANNEL command can be found in
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
@see RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2Pckg
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV2
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV2
class TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2 : public TOpenChannelBaseV2
IMPORT_C TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2();
TDuration iDuration1; //< Duration of reconnection tries
TDuration iDuration2; //< Timeout value before the ME releases the link
TTextString iUserPassword; //< User password
TRemoteEntityAddress iRemoteAddress;//< Remote entity address
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2> TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2Pckg;
class TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5 : public TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2
This contains a packet switched OPEN CHANNEL proactive command which asks
the phone to open a channel to a local bearer such as Bluetooth or Irda.
All the parameters for the channel are supplied in
RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5's fields and its base classes,
RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2 and RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2.
Note: Alternative OPEN CHANNEL commands request a circuit switched or packet
switched channel; see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV5 and RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV5
More description of the OPEN CHANNEL command can be found in
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
@see RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5Pckg
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV5
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV5
IMPORT_C TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5> TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5Pckg;
class TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6 : public TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5
This contains a packet switched OPEN CHANNEL proactive command which asks
the phone to open a channel to a local bearer such as Bluetooth or Irda.
All the parameters for the channel are supplied in
RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6's fields and its base classes,
RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV5,RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV2 and RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2.
Note: Alternative OPEN CHANNEL commands request a circuit switched or packet
switched channel; see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV6 and RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV6
More description of the OPEN CHANNEL command can be found in
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
@see RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6Pckg
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV6
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV6
IMPORT_C TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6> TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6Pckg;
class TOpenUiccServerModeChannelV7 : public TOpenChannelBaseV2
This contains an OPEN CHANNEL proactive command which asks
the phone to open a channel when the UICC is in server mode.
All the parameters for the channel are supplied in the fields of
RSat::TOpenUiccServerModeChannelV7 and its base class
RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2. A number of fields inherited by this class
from RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2 are not relevant to this proactive command
and should be set to the following values:
- RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2::iLinkEst should be set to
- RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2::iReconnectionMode should be set to
- RSat::TBearer::iType in RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2::iBearer should
be set to RSat::EBearerTypeNotSet.
- RSat::TOtherAddress::iType in RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2::iDestinationAddress
should be set to RSat::EAddressNotSet.
- RSat::TSimMeInterface::iTransportProto in RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2::iSimMeInterface
should be set to RSat::EProtocolNotSet.
More details of the OPEN CHANNEL command can be found in
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
@see RSat::TOpenUiccServerModeChannelV7Pckg
@see RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2
@see RSat::TOpenLocalLinksChannelV6
@see RSat::TOpenGprsChannelV6
@see RSat::TOpenCsChannelV6
IMPORT_C TOpenUiccServerModeChannelV7();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TOpenChannelBaseV2::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame. */
TUint8 iFrameId;
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenUiccServerModeChannelV7. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenUiccServerModeChannelV7> TOpenUiccServerModeChannelV7Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyOpenChannelPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
IMPORT_C void GetOpenChannelPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
* TElementaryFile specifies the EFs that can be modified over the air by the
* network or by the (U)SIM application toolkit on the (U)ICC. This is provided
* in this API for ease of use.
* Files that can not be modified are not mentioned in the following constants.
* Other files that do not have a specified file number are not mentioned either
* (mostly the file starting with 0x4F).
* It is assumed that unless stated otherwise the following file ids are valid
* for both GSM /WCDMA ICCs and CDMA RUIM. It has not been possible to define
* which of the CDMA EFs can be refreshed.
* The enum values of TElementaryFiles are derived directly from ETSI 11.14,
* 3GPP TS 31.102 (Annex A) & 3GPP TS 31.103 (Annex A).
enum TElementaryFiles
// Commented out EFs cannot be modified over the air and are only included
// to prevent people added them by mistake.
// There are already a number of EFs listed that cannot be modified over the
// air: KCsp1Ef, KAdnEf, KCcpEf, KLndEf, KExt1Ef, KNiaEf, KLociGprsEf,
// KRplmnActEf, KCsp2Ef, KPhaseEf, KGmsi, KHiddenKeyEf & KPnnEf.
KUnknownEf =0x2000, //< Unknown EF type
KDirEf =0x2F00, //< Application directory EF
KElpEf =0x2F05, //< Extended Language Preference EF
KArrEf =0x2F06, //< Access Rule Reference EF at the MF level.
//KIccId =0x2FE2, //< ICC identification EF (operator dependant)
KImgEf =0x4F20, //< Image EF
KPscEf =0x4F22, //< Phonebook synchronisation counter EF
KCcEf =0x4F23, //< Change counter EF
KPuidEf =0x4F24, //< Previous unique identifier EF
KPbr =0x4F30, //< Phonebook reference file EF
//KSaiEf =0x4F30, //< SoLSA Access Indicator EF (clashes with KPbr)
KSllEf =0x4F31, //< SoLSA LSA List EF
//KMexestEf =0x4F40, //< MExE Service table EF
//KOrpkEf =0x4F41, //< Operator Root Public Key EF
//KArpkEf =0x4F42, //< Administrator Root Public Key EF
//KTprpkEf =0x4F43, //< Third Party Root Public Key EF
KMmlEf =0x4F47, //< Multimedia Messages List EF
KMmdfEf =0x4F48, //< Multimedia Messages Data File EF
//KKcgprsEf =0x4F52, //< GPRS Ciphering key KcGPRS EF
//KCpbcchEf =0x4F63, //< CPBCCH Information EF
KInvScan =0x4F64, //< Investigation File EF
KImpiEf =0x6F02, //< IMS private user identity EF
KImpuEf =0x6F03, //< IMS public user identity EF (Note: TS 31.103 defines this as 6F04)
KDomainEf =0x6F04, //< Home Network Domain Name EF (Note: TS 31.103 defines this as 6F03)
KLpEf =0x6F05, //< Language Preference EF
KArradEf =0x6F06, //< Access rule reference (under ADFUSIM and DFTELECOM) EF
KImsiEf =0x6F07, //< IMSI EF
//KKeysEf =0x6F08, //< Ciphering and Integrity Keys EF
//KKeysPsEf =0x6F09, //< Ciphering and Integrity Keys for Packet Switched domain EF
KCsp1Ef =0x6F15, //< CSP 1 EF (7F20/21 6F15)
KDckEf =0x6F2C, //< De-personalization Control Keys EF
KPlmnSelEf =0x6F30, //< PLMN Selection EF
KHplmnEf =0x6F31, //< Higher Priority PLMN search period EF
KCnlEf =0x6F32, //< Co-operative Network List EF
KAcmMaxEf =0x6F37, //< ACM max value EF
KSstEf =0x6F38, //< SIM Service Table EF
KAcmEf =0x6F39, //< Accumulated Call Meter EF
KAdnEf =0x6F3A, //< Abbreviated Dialling Numbers EF
KFdnEf =0x6F3B, //< Fixed Diallind Numbers EF
KSmsEf =0x6F3C, //< Short Messages EF
KCcpEf =0x6F3D, //< Capability Configuration Parameters EF
KGid1Ef =0x6F3E, //< Group Identifier Level 1 EF
KGid2Ef =0x6F3F, //< Group Identifier Level 2 EF
KMsisdnEf =0x6F40, //< MS ISDN EF
KPuctEf =0x6F41, //< Price per Unit and Currency Table EF
KSmspEf =0x6F42, //< SMS Parameters EF
KSmssEf =0x6F43, //< SMS Status EF
KLndEf =0x6F44, //< Last Number Dialled EF
KCbmiEf =0x6F45, //< Cell Broadcast Message Identifier
KSpnEf =0x6F46, //< Service Provider Name EF
KSmsrEf =0x6F47, //< SMS reports EF
KCbmidEf =0x6F48, //< CBMI for Data Download EF
KSdnEf =0x6F49, //< Service Dialling Numbers EF
KExt1Ef =0x6F4A, //< Extension 1 EF
KExt2Ef =0x6F4B, //< Extension 2 EF
KExt3Ef =0x6F4C, //< Extension 3 EF
KBdnEf =0x6F4D, //< Barred Dialling Numbers EF
KExt5Ef =0x6F4E, //< Extension 5 EF
KCcp2Ef =0x6F4F, //< Capability configuration parameters 2 EF
KCbmirEf =0x6F50, //< CBMI Range Selection EF
KNiaEf =0x6F51, //< Network's Indication of Alerting EF (upto Rel 99)
KLociGprsEf =0x6F53, //< GPRS Location Information EF
KSumeEf =0x6F54, //< SetUpMenu Elements EF
KExt4Ef =0x6F55, //< Extension 4 EF
KEstEf =0x6F56, //< Enabled services table EF
KAclEf =0x6F57, //< Access point name control list EF
KCmiEf =0x6F58, //< Comparison method information EF
KStartHfnEf =0x6F5B, //< Initialisation value for Hyperframe number EF
KThresholdEf =0x6F5C, //< Maximum value of START EF
//KUPlmnwAcTEf =0x6F60, //< User controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology EF
KOPlmnwAcTEf =0x6F61, //< Operator controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology EF
KHPlmnwAcTEf =0x6F62, //< HPLMN selector with Access Technology EF
KRplmnActEf =0x6F65, //< RPLMN Last used Access Technology EF
KPsLociEf =0x6F73, //< Packet switched location information EF
KAccEf =0x6F78, //< Access Control Class EF
KFPlmnEf =0x6F7B, //< Forbidden PLMN EF
//KLociEf =0x6F7E, //< Location Information EF
KIciEf =0x6F80, //< Incoming call information EF
KOciEf =0x6F81, //< Outgoing call information EF
KIctEf =0x6F82, //< Incoming call timer EF
KOctEf =0x6F83, //< Outgoing call timer EF
KCsp2Ef =0x6F98, //< CSP 2 EF (7F40 6F98)
KAdEf =0x6FAD, //< Administrative Data EF
KPhaseEf =0x6FAE, //< Phase Identification EF
KVcgsEf =0x6FB1, //< Voice Group Call Service EF
KVgcssEf =0x6FB2, //< Voice Group Call Service Status EF
KVbsEf =0x6FB3, //< Voice Broadcast Service EF
KVbssEf =0x6FB4, //< Voice Broadcast Service Status EF
KeMlppEf =0x6FB5, //< enhanced Multi Level Pre-emption and Priority EF
KAaemef =0x6FB6, //< Automatic Answer for eMLLP Service EF
KEccEf =0x6FB7, //< Emergency Call Codes EF
KGmsi =0x6FC2, //< Group Identity EF
KHiddenKeyEf =0x6FC3, //< Key for hidden phone book entries EF
//KNetpEf =0x6FC4, //< Network Parameters EF
KPnnEf =0x6FC5, //< PLMN Network Name EF
KOplEf =0x6FC6, //< Operator Network List EF
KMbdnEf =0x6FC7, //< Mailbox Dialling Numbers EF
KExt6Ef =0x6FC8, //< Extension 6 EF
KMbiEf =0x6FC9, //< Mailbox Identifier EF
KMwisEf =0x6FCA, //< Message Waiting Indication Status EF
KCfisEf =0x6FCB, //< Call Forwarding Indication Status EF
KExt7Ef =0x6FCC, //< Extension 7 EF
KSpdiEf =0x6FCD, //< Service provider display information EF
KMmsnEF =0x6FCE, //< MMS notification EF
KExt8Ef =0x6FCF, //< Extension 8 EF
KMmsicpEf =0x6FD0, //< MMS issuer connectivity parameters EF
KMmsupEf =0x6FD1, //< MMS user preferences EF
KMmsucpEf =0x6FD2, //< MMS user connectivity parameters EF
KNiaRel5Ef =0x6FD3, //< Network's Indication of Alerting EF (from Rel 5 onwards)
KVgcscaEf =0x6FD4, //< Voice Group Call Service Ciphering Algorithm EF
KVbscaEf =0x6FD5, //< Voice Broadcast Service Ciphering Algorithm EF
KGbabpEf =0x6FD6, //< GBA Bootstrapping parameters EF
KMsklEf =0x6FD7, //< MBMS Service Keys List EF
KMukEf =0x6FD8, //< MBMS User Key EF
KGbanlEf =0x6FDA, //< GBA NAF List EF
IMPORT_C void NotifyRefreshRequired(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const;
IMPORT_C void NotifyRefreshRequired(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
IMPORT_C void RefreshAllowed(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TDesC8& aRefreshAllowedRsp) const;
class TOpenChannelRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a OPEN CHANNEL proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TOpenChannelRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TOpenChannelRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TOpenChannelRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd()
IMPORT_C TOpenChannelRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If you successfully opened a channel, then return the channel's number and
status in iAdditionalInfo and set iInfoType to
RSat::KChannelStatusInfo. Alternatively, some error values of
iGeneralResult require additional information, in which case set this
to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** If you successfully opened a channel, you need to give the channel
a number from 1 to 7. Return this number plus the channel's status in
iAdditionalInfo. The format is described in ETSI TS 102 223 section
8.56. See RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd() for more information about
channel numbers.
Alternatively, some error values of iGeneralResult require additional
information, which goes here. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** The RSat::TBearer from the OPEN CHANNEL command to which you are responding. */
TBearer iBearer;
/** The buffer size from the OPEN CHANNEL command to which you are responding.*/
TUint16 iBufferSize;
/** A packaged RSat::TOpenChannelRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TOpenChannelRspV2> TOpenChannelRspV2Pckg;
class TCloseChannelV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
This contains a CLOSE CHANNEL proactive command which asks the phone to
close a channel previously open with an OPEN CHANNEL command. See ETSI
TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd() for more information about the
Request notification for CLOSE CHANNEL with
RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TCloseChannel" class. For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat::TCloseChannelV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TCloseChannelV2. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TCloseChannelV3 etc).
@see RSat::TCloseChannelV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd()
IMPORT_C TCloseChannelV2();
TDeviceId iDestination; //< Specify which channel to close.
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier containg text to display to the user.
TIconId iIconId; //< Identifies the icon to display.
/** A packaged RSat::TCloseChannelV2. */
typedef TPckg<TCloseChannelV2> TCloseChannelV2Pckg;
class TCloseChannelV5 : public TCloseChannelV2
This contains a CLOSE CHANNEL proactive command which asks the phone to
close a channel previously open with an OPEN CHANNEL command. See ETSI
TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd() for more information about the
Request notification for CLOSE CHANNEL with
RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TCloseChannel" class. For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat::TCloseChannelV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TCloseChannelV2.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TCloseChannelV5Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TCloseChannelV6 etc).
@see RSat::TCloseChannelV2
@see RSat::TCloseChannelV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd()
IMPORT_C TCloseChannelV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TCloseChannelV2::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TCloseChannelV5. */
typedef TPckg<TCloseChannelV5> TCloseChannelV5Pckg;
class TCloseChannelV6 : public TCloseChannelV5
This contains a CLOSE CHANNEL proactive command which asks the phone to
close a channel previously open with an OPEN CHANNEL command. See ETSI
TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd() for more information about the
Request notification for CLOSE CHANNEL with
RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TCloseChannel" class. For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat::TCloseChannelV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TCloseChannelV2.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TCloseChannelV5Pckg.
For Symbian OS 9.4, use RSat::TCloseChannelV6Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TCloseChannelV7 etc).
@see RSat::TCloseChannelV5
@see RSat::TCloseChannelV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd()
IMPORT_C TCloseChannelV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TCloseChannelV6. */
typedef TPckg<TCloseChannelV6> TCloseChannelV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyCloseChannelPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TCloseChannelRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a CLOSE CHANNEL proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TCloseChannelRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TCloseChannelRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TCloseChannelRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyCloseChannelPCmd()
IMPORT_C TCloseChannelRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TCloseChannelRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TCloseChannelRspV2> TCloseChannelRspV2Pckg;
class TReceiveDataV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a RECEIVE DATA proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for RECEIVE DATA with RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TReceiveData" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TReceiveDataV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TReceiveDataV1. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TReceiveDataV2 etc).
@see RSat::TReceiveDataV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd()
IMPORT_C TReceiveDataV2();
TDeviceId iDestination; //< Specify which channel on which to receive data.
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier containing text to display to the user.
TIconId iIconId; //< Identifies the icon to display.
TUint8 iChannelDataLength; //< Number of bytes that are requested.
/** A packaged RSat::TReceiveDataV2. */
typedef TPckg<TReceiveDataV2> TReceiveDataV2Pckg;
class TReceiveDataV5 : public TReceiveDataV2
Contains a RECEIVE DATA proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for RECEIVE DATA with RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TReceiveData" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TReceiveDataV1Pckg, a packaged
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TReceiveDataV5Pckg. For later versions of
Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TReceiveDataV5 etc).
@see RSat::TReceiveDataV2
@see RSat::TReceiveDataV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd()
IMPORT_C TReceiveDataV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TReceiveDataV2::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TReceiveDataV5. */
typedef TPckg<TReceiveDataV5> TReceiveDataV5Pckg;
class TReceiveDataV6 : public TReceiveDataV5
Contains a RECEIVE DATA proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for RECEIVE DATA with RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TReceiveData" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TReceiveDataV1Pckg, a packaged
For Symbian OS 9.2, use RSat::TReceiveDataV5Pckg.
For Symbian OS 9.4, use RSat::TReceiveDataV6Pckg.For later versions of
Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TReceiveDataV7 etc).
@see RSat::TReceiveDataV5
@see RSat::TReceiveDataV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd()
IMPORT_C TReceiveDataV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TReceiveDataV6. */
typedef TPckg<TReceiveDataV6> TReceiveDataV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TReceiveDataRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a RECEIVE DATA proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TReceiveDataRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TReceiveDataRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TReceiveDataRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd()
IMPORT_C TReceiveDataRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If you are returning data to the UICC then set this to
RSat::KChannelData. Some error values of iGeneralResult require
additional information, in which case set this to RSat::KMeProblem.
Otherwise set to RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains the data that you are returning to the UICC.
Alternatively, some error values of iGeneralResult require additional
information, which goes here. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
TUint8 iChannelDataLength;
/** A packaged RSat::TReceiveDataRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TReceiveDataRspV2> TReceiveDataRspV2Pckg;
enum TSendDataMode
/** Part of a SEND DATA proactive command. Describes the way in which data
is send: should the SEND DATA command's data be sent immediately, or should
the data from a series of SEND DATA command be buffered by the phone and
sent at whatever rate the phone considers to be the best.
@see RSat::TSendDataV2
@see RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd() */
/** @see RSat::TChannelData */
enum {KChannelDataMaxSize=245};
/** Part of a SEND DATA proactive command. Contains the data to be sent.
@see RSat::TSendDataV2
@see RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd() */
typedef TBuf8<KChannelDataMaxSize> TChannelData;
class TSendDataV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a SEND DATA proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SEND DATA with RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSendData" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSendDataV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TSendDataV1. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendDataV2 etc).
@see RSat::TSendDataV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendDataV2();
TDeviceId iDestination;
/** Should the SEND DATA command's data be sent immediately, or should
the data from a series of SEND DATA command be buffered by the phone
and sent at whatever rate the phone considers to be the best. */
TSendDataMode iMode;
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier containing text to display to the user.
TIconId iIconId; //< Identifies the icon to display.
TChannelData iChannelData; //< Channel data to send.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendDataV2. */
typedef TPckg<TSendDataV2> TSendDataV2Pckg;
class TSendDataV5 : public TSendDataV2
Contains a SEND DATA proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SEND DATA with RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSendData" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSendDataV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TSendDataV1. For Symbian OS 9.2, use TSendDataV5Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendDataV6 etc).
@see RSat::TSendDataV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendDataV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TSendDataV2::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TSendDataV5. */
typedef TPckg<TSendDataV5> TSendDataV5Pckg;
class TSendDataV6 : public TSendDataV5
Contains a SEND DATA proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SEND DATA with RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TSendData" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TSendDataV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TSendDataV1. For Symbian OS 9.2, use TSendDataV5Pckg.
For Symbian OS 9.4, use TSendDataV6Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendDataV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSendDataV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendDataV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendDataV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSendDataV6> TSendDataV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySendDataPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TSendDataRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SEND DATA proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TSendDataRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TSendDataRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TSendDataRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSendDataRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
TUint iInfoType; //< Additional Info type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;//< Additional information
TUint8 iChannelDataLength; //< Channel data length.
/** A packaged RSat::TSendDataRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TSendDataRspV2> TSendDataRspV2Pckg;
class TGetChannelStatusV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a GET CHANNEL STATUS proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetChannelStatusPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET CHANNEL STATUS with RSat::NotifyGetChannelStatusPCmd(), passing
it an object in which to store the command when it arrives. Pass a
packaged version of the latest "TGetChannelStatus" class. For Symbian OS versions
up to and including v8.1a and 8.1b use RSat::TGetChannelStatusV1Pckg, a packaged
RSat::TGetChannelStatusV1. For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TGetChannelStatusV2 etc).
@see RSat::TGetChannelStatusV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetChannelStatusPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetChannelStatusV2();
/** A packaged RSat::TGetChannelStatusV2. */
typedef TPckg<TGetChannelStatusV2> TGetChannelStatusV2Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyGetChannelStatusPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TGetChannelStatusRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a GET CHANNEL STATUS proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetChannelStatusPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TGetChannelStatusRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TGetChannelStatusRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated
API (RSat::TGetChannelStatusRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyGetChannelStatusPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetChannelStatusRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
TUint iInfoType; //< Additional Info type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;//< Additional information
/** A packaged RSat::TGetChannelStatusRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TGetChannelStatusRspV2> TGetChannelStatusRspV2Pckg;
/** RSat::TServiceSearchParam */
enum {KServiceSearchMaxSize=242};
/** Part of a SERVICE SEARCH proactive command.
@see RSat::TServiceSearchV2 */
typedef TBuf8<KServiceSearchMaxSize> TServiceSearchParam;
struct TServiceSearchInfo
/** Part of a SERVICE SEARCH proactive command.
@see RSat::TServiceSearchV2 */
TLocalBearerId iBearerId; //< Local bearer identifier
TServiceSearchParam iSearchParam; //< Service search parameters
/** @see RSat::TDeviceFilter */
enum {KDeviceFilterMaxSize=239};
/** Part of a SERVICE SEARCH proactive command.
@see RSat::TServiceSearchV2 */
typedef TBuf8<KDeviceFilterMaxSize> TDeviceFilter;
struct TDeviceFilterInfo
/** Part of a SERVICE SEARCH proactive command.
@see RSat::TServiceSearchV2 */
TLocalBearerId iBearerId; //< Bearer identifier
TDeviceFilter iDeviceFilter; //< Device filter
class TServiceSearchV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a SERVICE SEARCH proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SERVICE SEARCH with
RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store
the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TServiceSearch" class. For Symbian OS version from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat:TServiceSearchV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TServiceSearchV2.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TServiceSearchV3 etc).
@see RSat::TServiceSearchV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd()
IMPORT_C TServiceSearchV2();
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier that may contain text to display to the user.
TIconId iIconId; //< Identifies the icon to display.
TServiceSearchInfo iSearch; //< Service search information
TDeviceFilterInfo iFilter; //< Device filter information
/** A packaged RSat::TServiceSearchV2. */
typedef TPckg<TServiceSearchV2> TServiceSearchV2Pckg;
class TServiceSearchV5 : public TServiceSearchV2
Contains a SERVICE SEARCH proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SERVICE SEARCH with
RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store
the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TServiceSearch" class. For Symbian OS version from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat:TServiceSearchV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TServiceSearchV2.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use TServiceSearchV5Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TServiceSearchV6 etc).
@see RSat::TServiceSearchV2
@see RSat::TServiceSearchV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd()
IMPORT_C TServiceSearchV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TServiceSearchV2::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TServiceSearchV5. */
typedef TPckg<TServiceSearchV5> TServiceSearchV5Pckg;
class TServiceSearchV6 : public TServiceSearchV5
Contains a SERVICE SEARCH proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for SERVICE SEARCH with
RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store
the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TServiceSearch" class. For Symbian OS version from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat:TServiceSearchV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TServiceSearchV2.
For Symbian OS 9.2, use TServiceSearchV5Pckg.
For Symbian OS 9.4, use TServiceSearchV6Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TServiceSearchV7 etc).
@see RSat::TServiceSearchV5
@see RSat::TServiceSearchV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd()
IMPORT_C TServiceSearchV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TServiceSearchV6. */
typedef TPckg<TServiceSearchV6> TServiceSearchV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyServiceSearchPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TServiceSearchRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SERVICE SEARCH proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and 8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TServiceSearchRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TServiceSearchRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TServiceSearchRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyServiceSearchPCmd()
IMPORT_C TServiceSearchRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
TUint iInfoType; //< Additional Info type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;//< Additional information
/** A packaged RSat::TServiceSearchRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TServiceSearchRspV2> TServiceSearchRspV2Pckg;
@see RSat::TAttributeInfo
enum {KAttributeInfoMaxSize=242};
/** Part of a GET SERVICE INFO proactive command.
@see RSat::TGetServiceInfoV2 */
typedef TBuf8<KAttributeInfoMaxSize> TAttributeInfo;
struct TAttributeInfoDetails
/** Part of a GET SERVICE INFO proactive command.
@see RSat::TGetServiceInfoV2 */
TLocalBearerId iBearerId; //< Local bearer identifier
TAttributeInfo iAttributeInfo; //< Attribute information
class TGetServiceInfoV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a GET SERVICE INFO proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET SERVICE INFO with
RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store
the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TGetServiceInfo" class. For Symbian OS version from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat:TGetServiceInfoV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TGetServiceInfoV2.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TGetServiceInfoV3 etc).
@see RSat::TGetServiceInfoV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetServiceInfoV2();
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha identifier that may contain text to display to the user.
TIconId iIconId; //< Identifies the icon to display.
TAttributeInfoDetails iAttributeInfo; //< Attribute information details
/** A packaged RSat::TGetServiceInfoV2. */
typedef TPckg<TGetServiceInfoV2> TGetServiceInfoV2Pckg;
class TGetServiceInfoV5: public TGetServiceInfoV2
Contains a GET SERVICE INFO proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET SERVICE INFO with
RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store
the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TGetServiceInfo" class. For Symbian OS version from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat:TGetServiceInfoV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TGetServiceInfoV2.
For Symbian OS version 9.2, use TGetServiceInfoV5Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TGetServiceInfoV6 etc).
@see RSat::TGetServiceInfoV2
@see RSat::TGetServiceInfoV5Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetServiceInfoV5();
/** Contains formatting information to be applied when
RSat::TGetServiceInfoV2::iAlphaId is displayed.
@see RSat::TTextAttribute
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute;
/** A packaged RSat::TGetServiceInfoV5. */
typedef TPckg<TGetServiceInfoV5> TGetServiceInfoV5Pckg;
class TGetServiceInfoV6: public TGetServiceInfoV5
Contains a GET SERVICE INFO proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for GET SERVICE INFO with
RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store
the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TGetServiceInfo" class. For Symbian OS version from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat:TGetServiceInfoV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TGetServiceInfoV2.
For Symbian OS version 9.2, use TGetServiceInfoV5Pckg.
For Symbian OS version 9.4, use TGetServiceInfoV6Pckg.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TGetServiceInfoV7 etc).
@see RSat::TGetServiceInfoV5
@see RSat::TGetServiceInfoV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetServiceInfoV6();
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Each frame has an ID. This field contains the ID of the frame.
/** A packaged RSat::TGetServiceInfoV6. */
typedef TPckg<TGetServiceInfoV6> TGetServiceInfoV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TGetServiceInfoRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a GET SERVICE INFO proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and 8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TGetServiceInfoRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TGetServiceInfoRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TGetServiceInfoRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyGetServiceInfoPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetServiceInfoRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
TUint iInfoType; //< Additional Info type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;//< Additional information
TServiceRecordInfo iRecordInfo; //< Service record information
/** A packaged RSat::TGetServiceInfoRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TGetServiceInfoRspV2> TGetServiceInfoRspV2Pckg;
enum TServiceDeclarationType
/** Part of a DECLARE SERVICE proactive command.
@see RSat::TDeclareServiceV2 */
EDeclarationTypeNotSet, //< Initialization value.
EAddService, //< Add a new service to the ME service database.
EDeleteService //< Delete a service from the ME service database.
class TDeclareServiceV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a DECLARE SERVICE proactive command issued by the UICC. See
ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyDeclareServicePCmd() for more information about
the command.
Request notification for DECLARE SERVICE with
RSat::NotifyDeclareServicePCmd(), passing it an object in which to store
the command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TDeclareService" class. For Symbian OS version from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat:TDeclareServiceV2Pckg, a packaged RSat::TDeclareServiceV2.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TDeclareServiceV3 etc).
@see RSat::TDeclareServiceV2Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyDeclareServicePCmd()
IMPORT_C TDeclareServiceV2();
TServiceDeclarationType iType; //< Service declaration type
TServiceRecordInfo iServiceRecord; //< Service record information
TSimMeInterface iInterface; //< SIM / ME interface
/** A packaged RSat::TDeclareServiceV2. */
typedef TPckg<TDeclareServiceV2> TDeclareServiceV2Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyDeclareServicePCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TDeclareServiceRspV2 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a DECLARE SERVICE proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyDeclareServicePCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and 8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TDeclareServiceRspV2Pckg (a packaged
TDeclareServiceRspV2). For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an
updated API (RSat::TDeclareServiceRspV3 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyDeclareServicePCmd()
IMPORT_C TDeclareServiceRspV2();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
TUint iInfoType; //< Additional Info type
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;//< Additional information
/** A packaged RSat::TDeclareServiceRspV2. */
typedef TPckg<TDeclareServiceRspV2> TDeclareServiceRspV2Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyTsyStateUpdated(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TPCmd& aPCmd) const;
enum TTimerMgmtType
/** Part of the TIMER MANAGEMENT proactive command. It describes the type
of command: start a timer, stop a timer, or read a timer's value.
@see RSat::TTimerMgmtV3 */
EStartTimer, //< Start a timer running physically on the phone.
EDeactivateTimer, //< Deactivate a timer.
EGetTimerValue //< Get the current value of a timer.
class TTimerMgmtV3 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a TIMER MANAGEMENT proactive command issued by the UICC.
See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyTimerMgmtPCmd() for more information
about the command.
Request notification for TIMER MANAGEMENT with
RSat::NotifyTimerMgmtPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TTimerMgmt" class. For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat::TTimerMgmtV3Pckg, a packaged RSat::TTimerMgmtV3. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TTimerMgmtV4 etc).
@see RSat::TTimerMgmtV3Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyTimerMgmtPCmd()
IMPORT_C TTimerMgmtV3();
/** This identifies the timer. There can be up to 8 timer. */
TTimerId iTimerId;
/** The initial value of the timer when setting a new timer. */
TDuration iTimerValue;
/** Should you start, stop, or read the current value of the timer identifier in iTimerId? */
TTimerMgmtType iOperation;
/** A packaged RSat::TTimerMgmtV3. */
typedef TPckg<TTimerMgmtV3> TTimerMgmtV3Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyTimerMgmtPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TTimerMgmtRspV3 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a TIMER MANAGEMENT proactive command.
Pass this to the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See
RSat::NotifyTimerMgmtPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TTimerMgmtRspV3Pckg (a packaged TTimerMgmtRspV3).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TTimerMgmtRspV4 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyTimerMgmtPCmd()
IMPORT_C TTimerMgmtRspV3();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** Set to RSat::KTimerMgmt if you are returning a timer's value to the
UICC. This occurs when RSat::TTimerMgmtV3::iMode in the original command
was is RSat::EGetTimerValue or RSat::EDeactivateTimer. Otherwise set to
RSat::KMeProblem or RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Return the timer's value in here when RSat::TTimerMgmtV3::iMode in
the original command was is RSat::EGetTimerValue or
RSat::EDeactivateTimer. Alternatively, some error values of
iGeneralResult require additional information, which goes here. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TTimerMgmtRspV3. */
typedef TPckg<TTimerMgmtRspV3> TTimerMgmtRspV3Pckg;
/** Part of a PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION proactive command
This describes the information that you should provide to the UICC.
The format of the information depends upon the network on which the phone is
running. For GSM/WCDMA networks, read 3GPP TS 31.111; for CDMA networks
read 3GPP2 C.S0035-0. ETSI TS 102 223 provides generic information
@see RSat::TLocalInfoV3. */
enum TLocaInfomationType
Location information & phone identity
KProvideLocalInfo =0x00,
KProvideLocalInfoImei =0x01, //< IMEI of the phone.
KProvideLocalInformationNmr =0x02, //< Network Measurement Results.
KProvideLocalInfoDateTimeTimeZone =0x03, //< Current date, time and time zone.
KProvideLocalInfoLanguage =0x04, //< Language preference.
KProvideLocalInfoTimingAdv =0x05, //< Timing advance (access network dependent).
KProvideLocalInfoAccTech =0x06, //< Current access technology.
KProvideLocalInfoESN =0x07, //< ESN of the phone.
KProvideLocalInfoIMEISV =0x08, //< IMEISV of the terminal;
KProvideLocalInfoSearchMode =0x09, //< Search Mode;
KProvideLocalInfoChargeStateOfBattery =0x0A, //< Charge State of the Battery;
KProvideLocalInfoMEID =0x0B //< MEID of the terminal;
class TLocalInfoV3 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION proactive command issued by the UICC.
See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyLocalInfoPCmd() for more information
about the command.
Request notification for PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION with
RSat::NotifyLocalInfoPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TLocalInfo" class. For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat::TLocalInfoV3Pckg, a packaged RSat::TLocalInfoV3. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TLocalInfoV4 etc).
@see RSat::TLocalInfoV3Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyLocalInfoPCmd()
IMPORT_C TLocalInfoV3();
TDeviceId iDevideId; //< The device for which the information is required.
TLocaInfomationType iInfoType; //< The type of information required.
/** A packaged RSat::TLocalInfoV3. */
typedef TPckg<TLocalInfoV3> TLocalInfoV3Pckg;
UTRAN Measurement Qualifier:It shall be included to indicate to the ME that
"Network Measurement Results for a UTRAN" is required,read 3GPP TS 31.111.
@see RSat::TLocalInfoV6.
enum TUtranMeasurementQualifier
EUtranMeasurementQualifierNotSet, //<This value implies that a GERAN network measurement is required.
EUtranMeasurementQualifierIntraFrequency, //<Intra-Frequency Measurement.
EUtranMeasurementQualifierInterFrequency, //<Inter-Frequency Measurement.
EUtranMeasurementQualifierInterRATGsm //<Inter-RAT (GSM) measurement.
class TLocalInfoV6 : public TLocalInfoV3
Contains a PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION proactive command issued by the UICC.
See 3GPP TS 31.111 Release 6, v 6.8.0, 2006-03 and RSat::NotifyLocalInfoPCmd()
for more information about the command.
Request notification for PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION with
RSat::NotifyLocalInfoPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TLocalInfo" class.
@see RSat::TLocalInfoV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyLocalInfoPCmd()
IMPORT_C TLocalInfoV6();
TUtranMeasurementQualifier iUtranMeasurementQualifier; //<This information is only available when ME is connected to UTRAN
/** A packaged RSat::TLocalInfoV6. */
typedef TPckg<TLocalInfoV6> TLocalInfoV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyLocalInfoPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TLocalInfoRspV3 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION proactive command.
Pass this to the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See
RSat::NotifyLocalInfoPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TLocalInfoRspV3Pckg (a packaged TLocalInfoRspV3).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TLocalInfoRspV4 etc).
Set iGeneralResultSet as defined in the specifications. Set iInfoType to
RSat::KLocalInformation. The local information goes into iAdditionalInfo.
The format of the information depends upon the network on which the phone
is running. For GSM/WCDMA networks, read 3GPP TS 31.111; for CDMA networks
read 3GPP2 C.S0035-0. ETSI TS 102 223 provides generic information about
@see RSat::NotifyLocalInfoPCmd()
IMPORT_C TLocalInfoRspV3();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** Set to RSat::KLocalInformation to return local information, or
possibly RSat::KMeProblem is there is a problem. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains the local information requested by the UICC.
Alternatively, some error values of iGeneralResult require additional
information, which goes here. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TLocalInfoRspV3. */
typedef TPckg<TLocalInfoRspV3> TLocalInfoRspV3Pckg;
class TPollingIntervalV3 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a POLL INTERVAL proactive command issued by the UICC.
See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyPollingIntervalPCmd() for more information
about the command.
Request notification for POLL INTERVAL with
RSat::NotifyPollingIntervalPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TPollingInterval" class. For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat::TPollingIntervalV3Pckg, a packaged RSat::TPollingIntervalV3. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TPollingIntervalV4 etc).
@see RSat::TPollingIntervalV3Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyPollingIntervalPCmd()
IMPORT_C TPollingIntervalV3();
TDuration iIntv; //< The requested polling interval.
TDeviceId iDestination; //< The device for which the polling is required.
/** A packaged RSat::TPollingIntervalV3. */
typedef TPckg<TPollingIntervalV3> TPollingIntervalV3Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyPollingIntervalPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TPollingIntervalRspV3 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a POLL INTERVAL proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS
102 223 and RSat::NotifyPollingIntervalPCmd() for more information about
the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TPollingIntervalRspV3Pckg (a packaged TPollingIntervalRspV3).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TPollingIntervalRspV4 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyPollingIntervalPCmd()
IMPORT_C TPollingIntervalRspV3();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If you are returning a polling interval, set this to RSat::KPollingIntv.
If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Return the polling interval in here. Alternatively, some error
values of iGeneralResult require additional information, which goes
here. */
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TPollingIntervalRspV3. */
typedef TPckg<TPollingIntervalRspV3> TPollingIntervalRspV3Pckg;
//Polling Off Card
class TPollingOffV3 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a POLLING OFF proactive command issued by the UICC.
See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyPollingOffPCmd() for more information
about the command.
Request notification for POLLING OFF with
RSat::NotifyPollingIntervalPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TPollingOff" class. For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and
8.1b use RSat::TPollingOffV3Pckg, a packaged RSat::TPollingOffV3. For later
versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TPollingOffV4 etc).
@see RSat::TPollingOffV3Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyPollingOffPCmd()
IMPORT_C TPollingOffV3();
TDuration iIntv; //< The requested polling interval.
TDeviceId iDestination; //< The device for which the polling is required.
/** A packaged RSat::TPollingOffV3. */
typedef TPckg<TPollingOffV3> TPollingOffV3Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyPollingOffPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TPollingOffRspV3 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a POLLING OFF proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifyPollingOffPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS versions from 7.0s to v8.1a and v8.1b pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TPollingOffRspV3Pckg (a packaged TPollingOffRspV3).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TPollingOffRspV4 etc).
@see RSat::NotifyPollingOffPCmd()
IMPORT_C TPollingOffRspV3();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TPollingOffRspV3. */
typedef TPckg<TPollingOffRspV3> TPollingOffRspV3Pckg;
@see RSat::TMultimediaMessageRef
enum {KMaxMultimediaMessageRefSize = 255};
@see RSat::TFileList
enum {KMaxFileListSize = 242};
@see RSat::TMultimediaContentId
enum {KMaxMultimediaContentIdSize = 255};
@see RSat::TMultimediaMessageId
enum {KMaxMultimediaMessageIdSize = 255};
This buffer contains the URI identifying the multimedia message in the network.
@see RSat::KMaxMultimediaMessageRefSize
typedef TBuf<KMaxMultimediaMessageRefSize> TMultimediaMessageRef;
This buffer contains the information of the received file.
@see RSat::KMMSFileNameSize
typedef TBuf<KMaxFileListSize> TFileList;
This buffer ontains the Data Object tag to be used when the MM Content is stored in the referenced BER-TLV file.
@see RSat::KMaxMultimediaContentIdSize
typedef TBuf<KMaxMultimediaContentIdSize> TMultimediaContentId;
This may be present only if the iReceptionFile is present. It is mandatory in case the MMS Reception or Submission file can store several MMs.
@see RSat::KMaxMultimediaMessageIdSize
typedef TBuf<KMaxMultimediaMessageIdSize> TMultimediaMessageId;
class TRetrieveMultimediaMessageV6 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a RETRIEVE MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE proactive command issued by the UICC.
See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyRetrieveMultimediaMsgPCmd() for more information
about the command.
Request notification for RETRIEVE MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE with
RSat::NotifyRetrieveMultimediaMsgPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TRetrieveMultimediaMessage" class. For Symbian OS version 9.4
use RSat::TRetrieveMultimediaMessageV6Pckg, a packaged RSat::TRetrieveMultimediaMessageV6.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TRetrieveMultimediaMessageV7 etc).
@see RSat::TRetrieveMultimediaMessageV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyRetrieveMultimediaMsgPCmd()
IMPORT_C TRetrieveMultimediaMessageV6();
TDeviceId iDestination; //< The destination device for the proactive command is the network.
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha Identifier
TIconId iIconId; //< Icon identifer
TMultimediaMessageRef iMultimediaMessageRef; //< Contains the URI identifying the multimedia message in the network.
TFileList iReceptionFile; //< MMS Reception File is a path of a file on the UICC.
TMultimediaContentId iMultimediaContentId; //< Contains the Data Object tag to be used when the MM Content is stored in the referenced BER-TLV file.
TMultimediaMessageId iMultimediaMessageId; //< This may be present only if the iReceptionFile is present. It is mandatory in case the MMS Reception or Submission file can store several MMs.
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute; //< Contains formatting information to be applied when RSat::TRetrieveMultimediaMessageV6::iAlphaId is displayed.
/** A packaged RSat::TRetrieveMultimediaMessageV6. */
typedef TPckg<TRetrieveMultimediaMessageV6> TRetrieveMultimediaMessageV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyRetrieveMultimediaMsgPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TRetrieveMultimediaMessageRspV6 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a RETRIEVE MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifyRetrieveMultimediaMsgPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS version 9.4 pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TRetrieveMultimediaMessageRspV6Pckg (a packaged TRetrieveMultimediaMessageRspV6).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TRetrieveMultimediaMessageRspV7 etc).
@see RSat::TRetrieveMultimediaMessageRspV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyRetrieveMultimediaMsgPCmd()
IMPORT_C TRetrieveMultimediaMessageRspV6();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TRetrieveMultimediaMessageRspV6. */
typedef TPckg<TRetrieveMultimediaMessageRspV6> TRetrieveMultimediaMessageRspV6Pckg;
class TSubmitMultimediaMessageV6 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a SUBMIT MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE proactive command issued by the UICC.
See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySubmitMultimediaMsgPCmd() for more information
about the command.
Request notification for SUBMIT MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE with
RSat::NotifySubmitMultimediaMsgPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TSubmitMultimediaMessage" class. For Symbian OS version 9.4
use RSat::TSubmitMultimediaMessageV6Pckg, a packaged RSat::TSubmitMultimediaMessageV6.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TSubmitMultimediaMessageV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSubmitMultimediaMessageV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySubmitMultimediaMsgPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSubmitMultimediaMessageV6();
TDeviceId iDestination; //< The destination device for the proactive command is the network.
TAlphaId iAlphaId; //< Alpha Identifier
TIconId iIconId; //< Icon identifer
TFileList iSubmissionFile; //< MMS Submission File is a path of a file on the UICC.
TMultimediaMessageId iMultimediaMessageId; //< This may be present only if the iSubmissionFile is present. It is mandatory in case the MMS Reception or Submission file can store several MMs. Coded in hexadecimal.
TTextAttribute iTextAttribute; //< Contains formatting information to be applied when RSat::TSubmitMultimediaMessageV6::iAlphaId is displayed.
/** A packaged RSat::TSubmitMultimediaMessageV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSubmitMultimediaMessageV6> TSubmitMultimediaMessageV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySubmitMultimediaMsgPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TSubmitMultimediaMessageRspV6 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SUBMIT MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifySubmitMultimediaMsgPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS version 9.4 pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TSubmitMultimediaMessageRspV6Pckg (a packaged TSubmitMultimediaMessageRspV6).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TSubmitMultimediaMessageRspV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSubmitMultimediaMessageRspV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySubmitMultimediaMsgPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSubmitMultimediaMessageRspV6();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TSubmitMultimediaMessageRspV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSubmitMultimediaMessageRspV6> TSubmitMultimediaMessageRspV6Pckg;
class TDisplayMultimediaMessageV6 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a DISPLAY MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE proactive command issued by the UICC.
See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyDisplayMultimediaMsgPCmd() for more information
about the command.
Request notification for DISPLAY MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE with
RSat::NotifyDisplayMultimediaMsgPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TDisplayMultimediaMessage" class. For Symbian OS version 9.4
use RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageV6Pckg, a packaged RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageV6.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageV7 etc).
@see RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayMultimediaMsgPCmd()
IMPORT_C TDisplayMultimediaMessageV6();
TDeviceId iDestination; //< The destination device for the proactive command is the Mobile Equipment, typically a phone.
TDisplayPriority iDisplayPriority; //< This determines the text's priority.
/** Determines whether the text should be removed from the screen
after a delay or after user action. */
TClearScreenTrigger iClearScreenTrigger;
TFileList iSubmissionFile; //< Contains the information of the submitted file.
TMultimediaMessageId iMultimediaMessageId; //< This may be present only if the iSubmissionFile is present. It is mandatory in case the MMS Reception or Submission file can store several MMs. Coded in hexadecimal.This parameter identifies the Multimedia message.
TImmediateRsp iImmediateRsp; //< TImmediateRsp indicates if the (U)SAT UI client should sustain the display beyond sending the Terminal Response.
/** A packaged RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageV6. */
typedef TPckg<TDisplayMultimediaMessageV6> TDisplayMultimediaMessageV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyDisplayMultimediaMsgPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TDisplayMultimediaMessageRspV6 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a DISPLAY MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifyDisplayMultimediaMsgPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS version 9.4 pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageRspV6Pckg (a packaged TDisplayMultimediaMessageRspV6).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageRspV7 etc).
@see RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageRspV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyDisplayMultimediaMsgPCmd()
IMPORT_C TDisplayMultimediaMessageRspV6();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** A packaged RSat::TDisplayMultimediaMessageRspV6. */
typedef TPckg<TDisplayMultimediaMessageRspV6> TDisplayMultimediaMessageRspV6Pckg;
This enum structure gives us the format of the Frame layout.
@see RSat::TFrameLayout
@see RSat::TSetFramesV6
enum TFramesLayout
EFrameHorizontal = 0x01, //< This indicator is flagged when the frame layout is horizontal.
EFrameVertical = 0x02 //< This indicator is flagged when the frame layout is vertical.
This enum structure gives us the format of the Frame Layout information
@see RSat::TFrameLayout
enum {KMaxFrameLayoutSize = 243};
@see RSat::KMaxFrameLayoutSize
typedef TBuf<KMaxFrameLayoutSize> TFrameLayoutBuf;
This structure gives us the Frame Layout details.
@see RSat::TSetFramesV6
struct TFrameLayout
TFramesLayout iFramesLayout; //< It gives us the format of the Frame layout
TFrameLayoutBuf iFrameLayoutBuf; //< It gives us the information about the number of sub frames in it.
@see RSat::TSetFramesV6
enum TFramesSeparator
EFrameSeparatorNotSet, //< Indicates that the frame separator has not been set. This is the default value.
EFrameSeparatorDrawn, //< This value tells the terminal to draw a separator between every adjoining frame;
EFrameSeparatorNotDrawn, //< This value tells the terminal not to draw a separator between every adjoining frame;
class TSetFramesV6 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a SET FRAMES proactive command issued by the UICC.
See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifySetFramesPCmd() for more information
about the command.
Request notification for SET FRAMES with
RSat::NotifySetFramesPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TSetFramesV6" class. For Symbian OS version 9.4
use RSat::TSetFramesV6Pckg, a packaged RSat::TSetFramesV6.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TSetFramesV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSetFramesV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetFramesPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetFramesV6();
TDeviceId iDestination; //< The destination device for the proactive command is the Mobile Equipment, typically a phone.
TUint8 iFrameId; //< Identifies the frame relevant to this SET FRAMES command. Refer to TS 102 223 for further details of what values this attribute can contain.
TFrameLayout iFrameLayout; //< It contains the information on layout and also the design details of the frame
TUint8 iDefaultFrameId; //< This is optional. It contains an indication of the frame to be used to display information in case a Frame Identifier is not included.
TFramesSeparator iFramesSeparator;//< This value tells the terminal to draw a separator between every adjoining frame;
/** A packaged RSat::TSetFramesV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSetFramesV6> TSetFramesV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifySetFramesPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TSetFramesRspV6 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains your response to a SET FRAMES proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifySetFramesPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS version 9.4 pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TSetFramesRspV6Pckg (a packaged TSetFramesRspV6).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TSetFramesRspV7 etc).
@see RSat::TSetFramesRspV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifySetFramesPCmd()
IMPORT_C TSetFramesRspV6();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KFramesInfo or RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** Contains the Frames information in the ME, if iGeneralResult is KSuccess
and the frames information is available. If not, this is left blank
TFramesInformation iFramesInformation;
/** A packaged RSat::TSetFramesRspV6. */
typedef TPckg<TSetFramesRspV6> TSetFramesRspV6Pckg;
class TGetFramesStatusV6 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains a GET FRAMES STATUS proactive command issued by the UICC.
See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::NotifyGetFramesStatusPCmd() for more information
about the command.
Request notification for GET FRAMES STATUS with
RSat::NotifyGetFramesStatusPCmd(), passing it an object in which to store the
command when it arrives. Pass a packaged version of the latest
"TGetFramesStatusV6" class. For Symbian OS version 9.4
use RSat::TGetFramesStatusV6Pckg, a packaged RSat::TGetFramesStatusV6.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TGetFramesStatusV7 etc).
@see RSat::TGetFramesStatusV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetFramesStatusPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetFramesStatusV6();
TDeviceId iDestination; //< The destination device for the proactive command is the Mobile Equipment, typically a phone.
/** A packaged RSat::TGetFramesStatusV6. */
typedef TPckg<TGetFramesStatusV6> TGetFramesStatusV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void NotifyGetFramesStatusPCmd(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aPCmd) const;
class TGetFramesStatusRspV6 : public TSatPCmdBase
Contains the response to a GET FRAMES STATUS proactive command. Pass this to
the UICC with RSat::TerminalRsp(). See ETSI TS 102 223 and
RSat::NotifyGetFramesStatusPCmd() for more information about the command.
For Symbian OS version 9.4 pass
RSat::TerminalRsp() a RSat::TGetFramesStatusRspV6Pckg (a packaged TGetFramesStatusRspV6).
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API
(RSat::TGetFramesStatusRspV7 etc).
@see RSat::TGetFramesStatusRspV6Pckg
@see RSat::NotifyGetFramesStatusPCmd()
IMPORT_C TGetFramesStatusRspV6();
/** General result of the proactive command. Set this as described in
the proactive commands versus terminal response table in ETSI TS 102 223. */
TPCmdResult iGeneralResult;
/** If the value of iGeneralResult requires additional information,
set this to RSat::KFramesInfo or RSat::KMeProblem. Otherwise set to
RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo. */
TUint iInfoType;
/** Contains additional information associated with certain error codes
set in iGeneralResult. If the value in iGeneralResult does not require
any information then leave this field empty.*/
TAdditionalInfo iAdditionalInfo;
/** Contains the Frames information in the ME, if iGeneralResult is KSuccess
and the frames information is available. If not, this is left blank
TFramesInformation iFramesInformation;
/** A packaged RSat::TGetFramesStatusRspV6. */
typedef TPckg<TGetFramesStatusRspV6> TGetFramesStatusRspV6Pckg;
@see RSat::TMMSNotification
enum {KMaxMMSNotificationSize = 243};
@see RSat::KMaxFrameLayoutSize
@see RSat::TMmsNotificationDownloadV6
typedef TBuf<KMaxFrameLayoutSize> TMMSNotification;
class TMmsNotificationDownloadV6 : public TSatBase
This data structure contains the details of the MMS NOTIFICATION DOWNLOAD envelope command
issued to the UICC. See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::MmsNotificationDownload() for
more information about the command.
Pass a packaged version of the latest "TMMSNotificationDownloadV6" class.
For Symbian OS version 9.4 use RSat::TMMSNotificationDownloadV6Pckg, a
packaged version of RSat::TMMSNotificationDownloadV6.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TMMSNotificationDownloadV7 etc).
@see RSat::TMMSNotificationDownloadV6Pckg
@see RSat::MmsNotificationDownload()
IMPORT_C TMmsNotificationDownloadV6();
TDeviceId iDeviceId; //< The device identification is set to Network or ME
TMMSNotification iMMSNotification; //<It contains the additional information requested by the network to retrieve a Multimedia Message(i.e MM1_notification.REQ).
TBool iLastEnvelope; //< Indicates the last envelope sent to transmit the MMS notification into the card.
/** A packaged RSat::TMMSNotificationDownloadV6. */
typedef TPckg<TMmsNotificationDownloadV6> TMmsNotificationDownloadV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void MmsNotificationDownload(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TDesC8& aMmsNotificationDownload) const;
// Multimedia Service Transfer Status
Multimedia Service Transfer Status is the status information of a Submission/Reception File
It contains the details of MM1_Submit.RES/MM1_Retrieve.RES.
The UICC is able to identify if the envelope corresponds to a previous submit or retrieve MMS by using the MMS Tranfer File
and the Multimedia Message Identifier that shall be the same between both commands.
Refer to section 7.7 of 3GPP TS 31.111 Release 6 for more information.
@see RSat::TMultimediaMessageStatus
enum {KMaxMultimediaMessageStatusSize=255};
Contains the Multimedia Transfer status information.
@see RSat::TMmsTransferStatusV6
typedef TBuf<KMaxMultimediaMessageStatusSize> TMultimediaMessageStatus;
class TMmsTransferStatusV6 : public TSatBase
This asynchronous request is used to send the transfer status information of the Multimedia Message submitted/received
from ME to the UICC. The ME receives this information from the network.
@see RSat::TMmsTransferStatusV6Pckg
@see RSat::MmsTransferStatus()
IMPORT_C TMmsTransferStatusV6();
TDeviceId iDeviceId; //< The device identification is set to Network or ME
TFileList iMMSTransferFile; //<MMS Transfer File is the path of the MMS Reception File or the MMS Submission File
TMultimediaMessageStatus iMultimediaMessageStatus; //< MM Transfer status information
TMultimediaMessageId iMultimediaMessageId; //<This information is used in identifying a Multimedia Message when MMS Reception or Submission file are capable of storing several MMs.
/** A packaged RSat::TMmsTransferStatusV6. */
typedef TPckg<TMmsTransferStatusV6> TMmsTransferStatusV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void MmsTransferStatus(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TDesC8& aMmsTransferStatus) const;
//USSD Data Download in Application mode
class TUssdDataDownloadV6:TSatBase
This data structure contains the details of the USSD Data Download ENVELOPE command
issued to the UICC. See ETSI TS 102 223 and RSat::UssdDataDownload() for
more information about the command.
Pass a packaged version of the latest "TUssdDataDownloadV6" class.
For Symbian OS version 9.4 use RSat::TUssdDataDownloadV6Pckg, a
packaged version of RSat::TUssdDataDownloadV6.
For later versions of Symbian OS, check for an updated API (RSat::TUssdDataDownloadV7 etc).
@see RSat::TUssdDataDownloadV6Pckg
@see RSat::UssdDataDownload()
IMPORT_C TUssdDataDownloadV6();
TDeviceId iDeviceId; //< The device identification is set to Network
TUssdString iUssdString; //< An Unstructured Supplementary Services Data string.
/** A packaged RSat::TUssdDataDownloadV6. */
typedef TPckg<TUssdDataDownloadV6> TUssdDataDownloadV6Pckg;
IMPORT_C void UssdDataDownload(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TDesC8& aDes) const;
IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructL();
IMPORT_C virtual void Destruct();
RSat(const RSat& aSat); //< Default copy constructor
CSatPtrHolder* iEtelSatPtrHolder;
#endif // __ETELSAT_H__