Re-merge addition of wapstack to fid bug 1398.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This program is designed the test the Voice functionality of the Basic MM Tsy.
#include <etelmm.h>
#include "TE_Voice.h"
#include "TE_VoiceTestStepBase.h"
_LIT(KConsoleTitle, "TE_Voice Test");
_LIT(KPleaseRingThePhone, "Please ring the phone\n");
const TInt KTenPartOfSec = 100000 ;
const TInt KOneSecond=1000000; // Used in a time out function, 1 second (in microSeconds)
const TInt KTenSeconds=10000000; // Used in a time out function, 10 seconds (in microSeconds)
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestPhoneInfo::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestPhoneInfoL()
* This function retrieves a snapshot of the phone's GSM information, gets the
* number of lines associated with the phone as well as information on the line
* and phone. Gets the phone's status and also performs some Cancel Requests.
* @test GT83-TVOICE-037.01 Retrieve phone's multimode capabilities and print them to screen.
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
_LIT(KStartText, "Phone Information test") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Phone Information Test...\n"));
// Retrieve a snapshot of the current phone information
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Phone Info..."));
console->Printf(_L("Get Phone Info...\n"));
RPhone::TPhoneInfo phoneInfo;
RPhone::TCaps phoneCaps;
TInt ret=iPhone.GetInfo(phoneInfo);
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobilePhone::GetInfo() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Phone info is NOT Supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Phone Info is successful."));
TEST_CHECKL(phoneInfo.iDetection, RPhone::EDetectedPresent, _L("GT83-TVOICE-0"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Local Modem has been detected."));
//test mobile phone caps
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneModeCaps mobileCaps ;
ret = iPhone.GetMultimodeCaps((TUint32&)mobileCaps);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobilePhone::GetMultimodeCaps() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
// Number of lines associated with the phone
TInt lineCount=0;
TEST_CHECKL(iPhone.EnumerateLines(lineCount), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobilePhone::EnumerateLines() ***"));
for (;lineCount>0; lineCount--)
ret = iPhone.GetLineInfo(lineCount-1, iLineInfo);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobilePhone::GetLineInfo() ***"));
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Line %d (%S) cap flags = 0x%x"),
lineCount-1, &iLineInfo.iName,iLineInfo.iLineCapsFlags);
if (iLineInfo.iLineCapsFlags&RLine::KCapsVoice)
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Line %d (%S) has voice capability"), lineCount-1, &iLineInfo.iName);
// Status of the Phone
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get the Phone's Status..."));
RPhone::TStatus phoneStatus;
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobilePhone::GetStatus() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Phone Status is NOT Supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Phone Status is successful."));
TEST_CHECKL(phoneStatus.iMode, RPhone::EModeIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-0"));
TESTCHECKL(phoneStatus.iMode, RPhone::EModeIdle);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The phone is currently Idle"));
// Notification Cancel Requests : Modem Detected
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Notify Modem Detected Cancel Request..."));
RPhone::TModemDetection detected;
iPhone.NotifyModemDetected(iStatus, detected);
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrCancel), _L("*** Failed RMobilePhone::NotifyModemDetectedCancel() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Notify Modem Detected Cancel status: %d")), iStatus.Int());
// Notification Cancel Requests : Caps Change
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Notify Caps Change Cancel Request..."));
iPhone.NotifyCapsChange(iStatus, phoneCaps);
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrCancel), _L("*** Failed RMobilePhone::NotifyCapsChangeCancel() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Notify Caps Change Cancel status: %d")), iStatus.Int());
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestLineStatusIncomingCall::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestLineStatusIncomingCallL()
/** Tests line status function
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-004.00 Test retrieval of a voice line's current status (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-004.02 "Test retrieval of a voice line's current status when the line's status is ""Idle"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-004.04 "Test retrieval of a voice line's current status when the line's status is ""Ringing"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-004.07 "Test retrieval of a voice line's current status when the line's status is ""Connected"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-004.08 "Test retrieval of a voice line's current status when the line's status is ""Hanging up"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-008.02 Test for a notification when there is an incoming call on a voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-015.05 Test opening an existing call from a voice line by specifying the name of the line and the name of an existing call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-026.00 Test answering a call on a voice line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-030.00 Test retrieval of a mobile voice line's current status (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-030.02 "Test retrieval of a mobile voice line's current status when there is only one call on the line and it's status is ""Dialling"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-030.03 "Test retrieval of a mobile voice line's current status when there is only one call on the line and it's status is ""Ringing"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-030.06 "Test retrieval of a mobile voice line's current status when there is only one call on the line and it's status is ""Disconnecting"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-030.07 "Test retrieval of a mobile voice line's current status when there is only one call on the line and it's status is ""on hold"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.01 Test setting a request for a notification of a change in the status of the mobile voice line
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle, TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen));
_LIT(KStartText, "Test Line Status") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Test Line Status...\n"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
RCall::TStatus lineStatus;
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
// Open a Voice Line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a Voice Line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
TInt ret = iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName);
TEST_CHECKL(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-001.01"));
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is idle*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetStatus() ***"));
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.02")) ;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileLineStatus;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetMobileLineStatus() ***"));
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.01")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone "));
TName callName;
/* @test GT83-AT-024 Test setting notification of an incoming call on a Voice Line */
iLine.NotifyIncomingCall(iStatus, callName); // wait for a call
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,60*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
ret = iStatus.Int();
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-008.02")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &callName);
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is ringing*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetStatus() ***"));
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.04")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetMobileLineStatus() ***"));
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TVOICE-030.003")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phone is ringing..."));
console->Printf(_L("Phone is ringing...\n"));
//Test for incoming Voice Call
/* @test GT83-AT-028 Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line
ret = iVoiceCall.OpenExistingCall(iLine, callName);
TEST_CHECKL(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-015.05 - *** Failed RMobileCall::OpenExistingCall() ***")) ;
TESTCHECKL(ret, KErrNone);
// Answer an incoming call initiated by t_echo.exe and obtain the call's current status
//GT83-AT-032 Test answering a call on a Voice Line (Generic) RCall::AnswerIncomingCall
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,30*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 2 seconds
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::AnswerIncomingCall() ***")) ;
TESTCHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.04")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetMobileLineStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-030.03")) ;
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is connected*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.07")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetMobileLineStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-030.07")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly"));
console->Printf(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly\n"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging Up"));
console->Printf(_L("Hanging Up\n"));
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is hang up*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.08")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetMobileLineStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.09")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::Hangup() ***")) ; //??? line 825
TESTCHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is idle*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.02")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetMobileLineStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-030.02")) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestLineStatusOutgoingCall::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestLineStatusOutgoingCallL()
/** Tests line status function
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-004.00 Test retrieval of a voice line's current status (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-004.01 "Test retrieval of a voice line's current status when the line's status is ""Unknown"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-004.02 "Test retrieval of a voice line's current status when the line's status is ""Idle"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-004.03 "Test retrieval of a voice line's current status when the line's status is ""Dialling"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-004.07 "Test retrieval of a voice line's current status when the line's status is ""Connected"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-004.08 "Test retrieval of a voice line's current status when the line's status is ""Hanging up"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-014.05 "Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line, and displaying the name of the new call"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-030.00 Test retrieval of a mobile voice line's current status (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-030.07 "Test retrieval of a mobile voice line's current status when there is only one call on the line and it's status is ""on hold"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.01 Test setting a request for a notification of a change in the status of the mobile voice line
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle, TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen));
_LIT(KStartText, "Test Line Status") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Test Line Status\n"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
RCall::TStatus lineStatus;
TName CallName ;
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
// Open a Voice Line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a Voice Line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-001.01"));
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is idle*/
TInt ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.02")) ;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileLineStatus;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetMobileLineStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.01")) ;
/* @test GT83-AT-028 Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
TEST_CHECKL(iVoiceCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-014.05"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &CallName);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."),&GoodNumber);
iVoiceCall.Dial(iStatus, GoodNumber);
//doesn't work for MM.TSY
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.00")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
//TEST_CHECKL(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusDialling, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.03")) ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,60*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::Dial() ***")) ;
TESTCHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
//Test for outgoing Voice Call
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is connected*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.07")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetMobileLineStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-030.07")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly"));
console->Printf(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly\n"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call connected - listen for 20 seconds..."));
console->Printf(_L("Call connected - listen for 20 seconds...\n"));
User::After(20*KOneSecond); // hold call active for 20 seconds
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up"));
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.08")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::Hangup() ***")) ;
TESTCHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
//Test for outgoing Voice Call after hang up
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is connected*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.02")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetMobileLineStatus() ***")) ;
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-004.01")) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
//iTestStepName = _L("TestLineInfo"); //MODIFIIED -Was Incorrect ("TestLineInfoL")
enum TVerdict CTestLineInfo::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestLineInfoL()
* This function gets the Line capabilities, line information, Number of calls
* on the line and call information,
* @test NONE Test the ability to get the current line information of the Voice Line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-005.01 "Test retrieval of the current hook status, when the line is currently ""off hook"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-005.02 "Test retrieval of the current hook status, when the line is currently ""on hook"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-012.01 Test the ability to get the current line information of the voice line. Display the line information to screen.
* @test GT83-TVOICE-014.05 "Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line, and displaying the name of the new call"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-026.00 Test answering a call on a voice line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-027.02 Test the ability to place an asynchronous request to hang up a voice call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-006.01 "Test enumeration of the number of calls on a voice line, when there is 0 active call."
* @test GT83-TVOICE-006.02 "Test enumeration of the number of calls on a voice line, when there is 1 active call."
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
_LIT(KStartText, "Test Line Information") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
TInt lineCount=0;
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
// Open a Voice Line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a Voice Line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::Open() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Retrieving no. of calls opened from the line.."));
console->Printf(_L("Retrieving no. of calls opened from the line..\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.EnumerateCall(lineCount), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::EnumerateCall() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("No of calls opened = %d")), lineCount);
TName CallName ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening New Voice Call\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iVoiceCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-014.05 - *** Failed RMobileCall::OpenNewCall() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &CallName);
// Line Information
RLine::TLineInfo lineInfo;
TRAPD(ret, ret=iLine.GetInfo(lineInfo));
TESTCHECK(ret, KErrNone);
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetInfo() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Line Info. is NOT supported"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Line Info is successful"));
TESTL(lineInfo.iHookStatus == RCall::EHookStatusOn) ;
TESTCHECKL(lineInfo.iHookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOn);
TESTL(lineInfo.iStatus == RCall::EStatusIdle) ;
TESTCHECKL(lineInfo.iStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOn);
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Name of last call added: %S")), &lineInfo.iNameOfLastCallAdded);
// Hook status information
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Retrieving Hook Status..."));
console->Printf(_L("Retrieving Hook Status...\n"));
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetHookStatus() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Hook status is NOT supported"));
TEST_CHECKL(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOn, _L("GT83-TVOICE-005.02")) ;
TESTCHECKL(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOn);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The line is currently ON Hook"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone "));
// Answer an incoming call initiated and obtain the call's current status
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,6*KTenSeconds); // but timeout after 60 seconds
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::AnswerIncomingCall() ***")) ;
TESTCHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone)
// Count the no. of calls on the line & Get call info.
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Retrieving no. of calls opened from the line.."));
console->Printf(_L("Retrieving no. of calls opened from the line..\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.EnumerateCall(lineCount), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-006.02 - *** Failed RMobileLine::EnumerateCall() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("No of calls opened = %d")), lineCount);
//doesn't work for MM.TSY
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Getting Call info.."));
console->Printf(_L("Getting Call info..\n"));
RLine::TCallInfo callInfo;
//doesn't work for MM.TSY
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret == KErrNotSupported || ret == KErrNone), _L("GT83-TVOICE-007.01 - *** Failed RMobileLine::GetCallInfo() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call information is NOT supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call information is successful"));
// Get the line's current hook status
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetHookStatus() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Hook status is NOT supported"));
CHECKPOINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOff, _L("GT83-TVOICE-005.01")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The line is currently OFF Hook"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly"));
console->Printf(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly\n"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up"));
console->Printf(_L("Hanging up\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-027.02 - *** Failed RMobileCall::Hangup() ***")) ;
// Close the line and call
//GT83-AT-022 Test closing a Voice Line (Generic) RLine::Close
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestLineNotificationsIncomingCall::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestLineNotificationsIncomingCallL()
/** Tests line notifications
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-008.02 Test for a notification when there is an incoming call on a voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-009.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-009.02 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a voice line from ""off"" to ""on"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-009.03 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a voice line from ""on"" to off"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-010.01 "Test notification of a change in the status of the voice line from ""idle"" to ""ringing"" to ""answering"" to ""connected"" to ""hanging up"" to ""idle""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-011.02 Test notification of a call being added to a voice line that currently has no calls
* @test GT83-TVOICE-015.05 Test opening an existing call from a voice line by specifying the name of the line and the name of an existing call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-026.00 Test answering a call on a voice line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.01 Test setting a request for a notification of a change in the status of the mobile voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.07 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice line from ""connected"" to ""disconnecting"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.08 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice line from ""disconnecting"" to ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.09 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice line from ""idle"" to ""ringing"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.10 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice line from ""ringing"" to ""answering"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.11 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice line from ""answering"" to ""connected"""
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
_LIT(KStartText, "Test Line Notifications") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Test Line Notifications\n"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
// NotifyIncomingCall and NotifyStatusChange
TName callName1;
TName callName2;
TInt ret = KErrNone;
RCall::TStatus lineStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileLineStatus;
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a Voice Line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine.Open() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone "));
iLine.NotifyIncomingCall(iStatus, callName1); // wait for a call
//GT83-AT-026 Test setting notification of a change in the status of the Voice Line
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
//GT83-AT-037 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a Voice Line void RLine::NotifyHookChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus, THookStatus& aHookStatus) Function does not produce any unexpected errors. aStatus = KErrPending
iLine.NotifyHookChange(iStatus4, hookStatus);
/* GT83-AT-025 Test notification of a call being added to a Voice Line */
iLine.NotifyCallAdded(iStatus5, callName2);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-008.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.01")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.01")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus4.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.01")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus5.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-0011.01")) ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,60*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-008.02")) ;
// @test GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the Voice Line
// from "idle" to "ringing"
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.09")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.09")) ;
/* GT83-AT-025 Test notification of a call being added to a Voice Line
that currently has no calls*/
CHECKPOINT(iStatus5.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-011.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(callName2 == callName1, 1, _L("GT83-TVOICE-011.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phone is ringing... Now answering..."));
console->Printf(_L("Phone is ringing... Now answering...\n"));
/* @test GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the Voice Line from
"idle" to "ringing" to "answering" to "connected" to "hanging up" to "idle"
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
ret = iVoiceCall.OpenExistingCall(iLine, callName1);
TEST_CHECKL(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-015.05")) ;
// Answer an incoming call initiated by t_echo.exe and obtain the call's current status
//GT83-AT-032 Test answering a call on a Voice Line (Generic) RCall::AnswerIncomingCall
// GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the Voice Line
// from "ringing" to "answering"
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.01")) ;
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.01")) ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,2*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 2 seconds
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::AnswerIncomingCall() ***")) ; //wrong code -2147483647
// @test GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the Voice Line
// from "answering" to "connecting"
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.01")) ;
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.01")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.10")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.10")) ;
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.11")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.11")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOff, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.02")) ;
// now hangup call
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
iLine.NotifyHookChange(iStatus4, hookStatus);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call connected - now hanging up..."));
console->Printf(_L("Call connected - now hanging up...\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::Hangup() ***")) ;
//GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the Voice Line
// from "connecting" to "hanging up"
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.07")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.07")) ;
// @test GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the data
// line from "hanging up" to "idle"
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.02")) ;
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.08")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.08")) ;
//!< @test GT83-AT-037 Test notification of a change in hook status of a Voice Line
//!< from "off" to "on" aHookStatus = EHookStatusOff before the hook status changes,
//!< and EHookStatusOn after the hook status changes
CHECKPOINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.03")) ;
CHECKPOINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOn, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.03")) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestLineNotificationsOutgoingCall::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestLineNotificationsOutgoingCallL()
/** Tests line notifications
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-009.02 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a voice line from ""off"" to ""on"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-009.03 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a voice line from ""on"" to off"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-010.03 "Test notification of a change in the status of the voice line from ""idle"" to ""dialling"" to ""connecting"" to ""connected"" to ""hanging up"" to ""idle""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-014.05 "Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line, and displaying the name of the new call"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.02 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice line from ""idle"" to ""dialling"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.04 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice line from ""connecting"" to ""connected"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.07 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice line from ""connected"" to ""disconnecting"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-031.08 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice line from ""disconnecting"" to ""idle"""
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
_LIT(KStartText, "Test Line Notifications") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Test Line Notifications\n"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
// NotifyIncomingCall and NotifyStatusChange
TName callName1;
RCall::TStatus lineStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileLineStatus;
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a Voice Line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine.Open() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening New Voice Call\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iVoiceCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, callName1), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-014.05"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &callName1);
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
iLine.NotifyHookChange(iStatus4, hookStatus);
// Now test call status during an outgoing call
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
console->Printf(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &GoodNumber);
iVoiceCall.Dial(iStatus, GoodNumber);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.03")) ;
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusDialling, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.03")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDialling, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.03")) ;
CHECKPOINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOff, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.03")) ;
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
iLine.NotifyHookChange(iStatus4, hookStatus);
User::WaitForRequest(iStatus); //end of dial
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.03")) ;
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.03")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.04")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.04")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call connected - hanging up..."));
console->Printf(_L("Call connected - hanging up...\n"));
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::Hangup() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.03")) ;
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.03")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.07")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.07")) ;
/* @test GT83-AT-037 Test notification of a change in hook status of a data
line from "on" to off" aHookStatus = EHookStatusOn before the hook status changes,
CHECKPOINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOn, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.02")) ;
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.03")) ;
CHECKPOINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.03")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.08")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-031.08")) ;
TESTCHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus5.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus6.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus7.Int(), KErrNone);
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestLineCancels::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestLineCancelsL()
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-008.01 Test setting notification of an incoming call on a voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-008.03 Test the ability to cancel the notification of an incoming call on a voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-009.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-009.04 Test the ability to cancel a notification of a change in hook status of a voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-010.04 Test the ability to cancel the notification of a change in the status of the voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-011.01 Test setting notification of a call being added to a voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-011.05 Test the ability to cancel a notification of a call being added to a voice line
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
_LIT(KStartText, "Test Line Cancels") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Test Line Cancels\n"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
// Notify Incoming Call
TName callName;
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a Voice Line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine.Open() ***"));
iLine.NotifyIncomingCall(iStatus, callName);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-008.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TVOICE-008.03")) ;
// Notify Status Change
RCall::TStatus lineStatus;
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus, lineStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.02")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TVOICE-010.04")) ;
#if 0 //cancel functions don't work yet (?)
//any way they are not declared 27.09.2001
// Notify Mobile Status Change
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus lineStatus2;
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus, lineStatus2);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-0")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TVOICE-0")) ;
// Notify Hook Change
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
iLine.NotifyHookChange(iStatus, hookStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.04")) ;
// Notify Call Added
iLine.NotifyCallAdded(iStatus, callName);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-011.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TVOICE-011.05")) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestCallInfo::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestCallInfoL()
* This function gets information pertaining to a call:
* Bearer Service Information, Call duration
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-009.02 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a voice line from ""off"" to ""on"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-014.05 "Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line, and displaying the name of the new call"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-019.01 "Test retrieval of the bearer service info of a call. Display to screen, all the bearer service information associated with the call."
* @test GT83-TVOICE-023.01 Test retrieval of the duration of a voice call. Display the call duration to screen
* @test GT83-TVOICE-024.01 Test the ability to get the current call information of the voice call. Display the call information to screen.
* @test GT83-TVOICE-026.00 Test answering a call on a voice line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-036.01 Test retreival of the call information and print the call information to screen.
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
_LIT(KStartText, "Test Call Information") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Test Call Information"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 mobileCallInfo;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1Pckg mobileCallInfoPckg(mobileCallInfo) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine.Open() ***"));
TName CallName ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening New Voice Call\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iVoiceCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-014.05 - *** Failed RMobileCall::OpenNewCall() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &CallName);
//get status
RCall::TStatus callStatus;
TInt ret = iVoiceCall.GetStatus(callStatus);
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TD-016.02 - *** Failed RMobileCall::iVoiceCall.GetStatus() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TD-016.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Call Status = %d"), callStatus);
Print_RCall_TStatus(callStatus) ;
// Wait for an incoming call, then get the Call BearerServiceInfo. The
// Bearer Service Info is only available if the call is currently active
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone "));
// Answer an incoming call initiated by t_echo.exe and obtain the call's current status
//GT83-AT-032 Test answering a call on a Voice Line (Generic) RCall::AnswerIncomingCall
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,60*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::AnswerIncomingCall() ***")) ;
// User Information
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is now connected."));
console->Printf(_L("The call is now connected.\n"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Retrieving Call Information."));
console->Printf(_L("Retrieving Call Information.\n"));
// Bearer Service Information
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Bearer Service Info..."));
console->Printf(_L("Get Bearer Service Info...\n"));
RCall::TBearerService bearerServiceInfo;
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret == KErrNone || ret == KErrNotSupported), _L("GT83-TVOICE-019.01")) ;
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get BearerService Information is NOT Supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get BearerService Information is successful"));
// Get Call Information
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Current Call Info..."));
console->Printf(_L("Get Current Call Info...\n"));
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetInfo() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Current Call info is NOT Supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Displaying Information about the Current Call"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call name: %S")), &iCallInfo.iCallName);
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Line name: %S")), &iCallInfo.iLineName);
if (iCallInfo.iHookStatus==RCall::EHookStatusOff)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Current Hook Status: Off"));
if (iCallInfo.iStatus==RCall::EStatusConnected)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Current Call Status: Connected"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call Duration: %d seconds")), iCallInfo.iDuration.Int());
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Current Mobile Call Info..."));
console->Printf(_L("Get Current Mobile Call Info...\n"));
//doesn't work for MM.TSY
//TEST_CHECKL(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-036.01")) ;
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetMobileCallInfo() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Current Call info is NOT Supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Displaying Information about the Current Call"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call name: %S")), &iCallInfo.iCallName);
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Line name: %S")), &iCallInfo.iLineName);
if (iCallInfo.iHookStatus==RCall::EHookStatusOff)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Current Hook Status: Off"));
if (iCallInfo.iStatus==RCall::EStatusConnected)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Current Call Status: Connected"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call Duration: %d seconds")), iCallInfo.iDuration.Int());
// Hang up the Call
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly"));
console->Printf(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly\n"));
// Call Duration
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Duration..."));
console->Printf(_L("Get Call Duration...\n"));
TTimeIntervalSeconds callDuration2;
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** RMobileCall::GetCallDuration() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Current Call Duration is NOT Supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call duration = %d")), callDuration2.Int());
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.02 - *** Failed RMobileCall::Hangup() ***")) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestCallNotificationsIncomingCall::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestCallNotificationsIncomingCallL()
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-002.00 Test retrieval of a voice line's capabilities (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-008.01 Test setting notification of an incoming call on a voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-015.05 Test opening an existing call from a voice line by specifying the name of the line and the name of an existing call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.04 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""ringing"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.05 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""answering"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-018.01 Test setting notification of a change in the call's capabilities
* @test GT83-TVOICE-018.02 Test notification of a change in the call's capabilities as the call's state changes (eg. From idle to connected). Print the call's capabilities to screen
* @test GT83-TVOICE-020.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a voice call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-020.02 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a voice call from ""off"" to ""on"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-020.03 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a voice call from ""on"" to off"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-021.01 Test setting notification of a change in the status of the voice call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-021.02 "Test notification of a change in the status of the voice call from ""idle"" to ""ringing"" to ""answering"" to ""connected"" to ""hanging up"" to ""idle""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-022.01 Test setting notification of a change in the voice call's duration
* @test GT83-TVOICE-026.00 Test answering a call on a voice line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-033.01 Test setting notification of a change in the call's dynamic call control and call event capabilities
* @test GT83-TVOICE-033.02 Test notification of a change in the call's dynamic call control and call event capabilities. Print the call's capabilities to screen
* @test GT83-TVOICE-034.04 "Test retrieval of the current status of the voice call when the call's status is ""ringing"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-035.01 Test setting a request for a notification of a change in the status of the mobile voice call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-035.07 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice call from ""connected"" to ""disconnecting"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-035.08 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice call from ""disconnecting"" to ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-035.10 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice call from ""ringing"" to ""answering"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-035.11 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice call from ""answering"" to ""connected"""
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
// Post call status change notifications
TName callName1;
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
RCall::TStatus callStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileCallStatus;
RCall::TCaps caps;
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
TTimeIntervalSeconds time;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1 mobileCallCaps;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1Pckg mobileCallCapsPckg(mobileCallCaps);
_LIT(KStartText, "Test Call Notifications") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Test Call Notifications\n"));
// Open a Voice Line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a Voice Line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::Open() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone "));
iLine.NotifyIncomingCall(iStatus, callName1); // wait for a call
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-008.01")) ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,60*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-008.01")) ;
TInt ret = iVoiceCall.OpenExistingCall(iLine, callName1);
TEST_CHECKL(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-015.05 - *** Failed RMobileCall::OpenExistingCall()")) ;
CHECKPOINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.04")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.04")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-002.00")) ;
Print_TCapsEnum(caps) ;
TEST(caps.iFlags & RCall::KCapsVoice ) ;
TEST(caps.iFlags & RCall::KCapsAnswer);
// INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
// TEST_CHECKL(iiVoiceCall.OpenExistingCall(iLine, callName2), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-013.06")) ;
iVoiceCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, callStatus);
iVoiceCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileCallStatus);
iVoiceCall.NotifyCapsChange(iStatus4, caps);
iVoiceCall.NotifyHookChange(iStatus5, hookStatus);
iVoiceCall.NotifyCallDurationChange(iStatus6, time) ;
iVoiceCall.NotifyMobileCallCapsChange(iStatus7, mobileCallCapsPckg);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phone is ringing... Now answering..."));
console->Printf(_L("Phone is ringing... Now answering...\n"));
//GT83-AT-032 Test answering a call on a Voice Line (Generic) RCall::AnswerIncomingCall
//doesn't work for MM.TSY iVoiceCall.GetStatus(callStatus);
//TEST_CHECKL(callStatus, RCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.05")) ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,60*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 2 seconds
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-026.00 - *** Failed RMobileCall::AnswerIncomingCall() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.01")) ;
CHECKPOINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-035.01")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TVOICE-035.10")) ;
iVoiceCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileCallStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-035.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::Notify")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-035.11")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-018.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyCapsChange() ***")) ;
Print_TCapsEnum(caps) ;
TEST_CHECKL(((caps.iFlags & RCall::KCapsVoice) != 0), ETrue , _L("GT83-TVOICE-018.02")) ;
iVoiceCall.NotifyCapsChange(iStatus4, caps);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-018.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyCapsChange() ***")) ;
TEST_CHECKL( (caps.iFlags & RCall::KCapsVoice) !=0 , ETrue, _L("GT83-TVOICE-018.01")) ;
TEST_CHECKL( (caps.iFlags & RCall::KCapsHangUp) !=0 , ETrue, _L("GT83-TVOICE-018.01")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus5.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-020.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyHookChange() ***")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOff, _L("GT83-TVOICE-020.03")) ;
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((iStatus6==KErrNone || iStatus6==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyCallDurationChange() ***"));
if (iStatus6==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Notify Call Duration Change is NOT Supported"));
if (iStatus6==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call duration = %d")), time.Int());
CHECKPOINT(iStatus7.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-033.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyMobileCallCapsChange() ***")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(((mobileCallCaps.iCallControlCaps & RCall::KCapsVoice)!=0), ETrue, _L("GT83-TVOICE-033.02")) ;
iVoiceCall.NotifyMobileCallCapsChange(iStatus7, mobileCallCapsPckg);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus7.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-033.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyMobileCallCapsChange() ***")) ;
TEST_CHECKL( (mobileCallCaps.iCallControlCaps & RCall::KCapsHangUp)!=0, ETrue, _L("GT83-TVOICE-033.02")) ;
TEST_CHECKL( (mobileCallCaps.iCallControlCaps & RCall::KCapsVoice)!=0, ETrue, _L("GT83-TVOICE-033.02")) ;
// now hangup call
iVoiceCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, callStatus);
iVoiceCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileCallStatus);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call connected - now hanging up..."));
console->Printf(_L("Call connected - now hanging up...\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::Hangup() ***")) ; //sometimes timed out -33
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyStatusChange() ***")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(callStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-035.07 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyMobileCallStatusChange() ***")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting, _L("GT83-TVOICE-035.07")) ;
iVoiceCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, callStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyStatusChange() ***")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(callStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.02")) ;
iVoiceCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileCallStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-035.07 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyMobileCallStatusChange() ***")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-035.08")) ;
TESTCHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus5.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus6.Int(), KErrNone);
TESTCHECKL(iStatus7.Int(), KErrNone);
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestCallNotificationsOutgoingCall::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestCallNotificationsOutgoingCallL()
* Post call status change notifications
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-014.05 "Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line, and displaying the name of the new call"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.03 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""dialling"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.08 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""hanging up"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-020.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a voice call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-021.01 Test setting notification of a change in the status of the voice call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-021.03 "Test notification of a change in the status of the voice call from ""idle"" to ""dialling"" to ""connected"" to ""hanging up"" to ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-034.03 "Test retrieval of the current status of the voice call when the call's status is ""dialling"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-035.01 Test setting a request for a notification of a change in the status of the mobile voice call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-035.02 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile voice call from ""idle"" to ""dialling"""
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
TName CallName ;
RCall::TStatus callStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileCallStatus;
//TTimeIntervalSeconds time;
//RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1 mobileCallCaps;
//RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1Pckg mobileCallCapsPckg(mobileCallCaps);
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
_LIT(KStartText, "Test Call Notifications") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Test Call Notifications\n"));
// Open a Voice Line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a Voice Line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::Open() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening New Voice Call\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iVoiceCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-014.05 - *** RMobileCall::OpenNewCall() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &CallName);
iVoiceCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, callStatus);
iVoiceCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileCallStatus);
// Now test call status during an outgoing call
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
console->Printf(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &GoodNumber);
iVoiceCall.Dial(iStatus, GoodNumber);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyStatusChange() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusDialling, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.03")) ;
iVoiceCall.GetStatus(callStatus) ;
CHECKPOINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusDialling, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.03 - *** Failed RMobileCall::GetStatus() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-035.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyMobileCallStatusChange() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDialling, _L("GT83-TVOICE-035.02")) ;
iVoiceCall.GetMobileCallStatus(mobileCallStatus) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDialling, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.03 - *** Failed RMobileCall::GetMobileCallStatus() ***")) ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,60*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
// now hangup call
iVoiceCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, callStatus);
iVoiceCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileCallStatus);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call connected - now hanging up..."));
console->Printf(_L("Call connected - now hanging up...\n"));
//doesn't work for MM.TSY
CHECKPOINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::NotifyStatusChange() ***")) ;
//TEST_CHECKL(callStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.03")) ;
iVoiceCall.GetMobileCallStatus(mobileCallStatus) ;
TEST_CHECKL(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.08 - *** Failed RMobileCall::GetMobileCallStatus() ***")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::Hangup() ***")) ; //sometimes timed out -33
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestCallStatusIncomingCall::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestCallStatusIncomingCallL()
* This function tests call status at various times during calls
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-009.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-014.05 "Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line, and displaying the name of the new call"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.00 Test retrieval of the current call status (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.02 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.04 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""ringing"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.05 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""answering"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.07 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""connected"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-034.00 Test retrieval of the current status of the voice call (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-034.02 "Test retrieval of the current status of the voice call when the call's status is ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-034.04 "Test retrieval of the current status of the voice call when the call's status is ""ringing"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-034.05 "Test retrieval of the current status of the voice call when the call's status is ""answering"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-034.07 "Test retrieval of the current status of the voice call when the call's status is ""connected"""
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
// Get the Call Status
_LIT(KStartText, "Get Call Status...") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Get Call Status...\n"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileCallStatus;
// Open a Voice Line and Call
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
RCall::TStatus callStatus;
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::Open() ***"));
TName CallName ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening New Voice Call\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iVoiceCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-014.05 - *** RMobileCall::OpenNewCall() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &CallName);
TInt ret=iVoiceCall.GetStatus(callStatus);
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetStatus() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Status is NOT Supported"));
TInt ret2=iVoiceCall.GetMobileCallStatus(mobileCallStatus);
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret2==KErrNone || ret2==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetMobileCallStatus() ***"));
if (ret2==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Mobile Call Status is NOT Supported"));
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
CHECKPOINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Idle"));
// Now test call status during an incoming call
// Wait for an incoming call, then get the Call BearerServiceInfo. The
// Bearer Service Info is only available if the call is currently active
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone "));
/* GT83-AT-024 Test setting notification of an incoming call on a Voice Line */
//I had to comment these lines, because
// NotifyIncommigCall + AnswerIncommigCall doesn't work
//in such situation. Any way we can't get any good
//status without notifycation
//iLine.NotifyIncomingCall(iStatus, callName); // wait for a call
//WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,60*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
//TEST_CHECKL(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.00")) ;
//doesn't work for MM.TSY
//TEST_CHECKL(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.01")) ;
//TEST_CHECKL(ret2, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.00")) ;
//doesn't work for MM.TSY
//TEST_CHECKL(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.01")) ;
// Answer an incoming call initiated by t_echo.exe and obtain the call's current status
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.00 - *** Failed RMobileCall::GetStatus() ***")) ;
//doesn't work for MM.TSY
//TEST_CHECKL(callStatus, RCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.05")) ;
CHECKPOINT(ret2, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.00 - *** Failed RMobileCall::GetMobileCallStatus() ***")) ;
//doesn't work for MM.TSY
//TEST_CHECKL(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.05")) ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,60*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetStatus() ***")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(ret2, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetMobileCallStatus() ***")) ;
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
Print_RCall_TStatus(callStatus) ;
CHECKPOINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.07")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.07")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Connected"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up..."));
console->Printf(_L("Hanging up...\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-009.01 - *** Failed RMobileCall::Hangup() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetStatus() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(ret2, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetMobileCallStatus() ***")) ;
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
CHECKPOINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Idle again"));
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
CTestCallStatusOutgoingCall::CTestCallStatusOutgoingCall( )
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestCallStatusOutgoingCall::doTestStepL()
// void CTestVoice::TestCallStatusOutgoingCallL()
* This function tests call status at various times during calls
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-009.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a voice line
* @test GT83-TVOICE-014.05 "Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line, and displaying the name of the new call"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.00 Test retrieval of the current call status (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.02 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-016.07 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""connected"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-025.00 Test dialling a voice call (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-034.00 Test retrieval of the current status of the voice call (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-034.02 "Test retrieval of the current status of the voice call when the call's status is ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TVOICE-034.07 "Test retrieval of the current status of the voice call when the call's status is ""connected"""
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
// Get the Call Status
_LIT(KStartText, "Get Call Status...") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Get Call Status...\n"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
// Open a Voice Line and Call
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
RCall::TStatus callStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileCallStatus;
TName CallName ;
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::Open() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening New Voice Call\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iVoiceCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName), KErrNone, _L("*** RMobileCall::OpenNewCall() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &CallName);
TInt ret=iVoiceCall.GetStatus(callStatus);
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetStatus() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Status is NOT Supported"));
TInt ret2=iVoiceCall.GetMobileCallStatus(mobileCallStatus);
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret2==KErrNone || ret2==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetMobileCallStatus() ***"));
if (ret2==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Mobile Call Status is NOT Supported"));
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
CHECKPOINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Idle"));
// Now test call status during an outgoing call
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
console->Printf(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &GoodNumber);
iVoiceCall.Dial(iStatus, GoodNumber);
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::Dial() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetStatus() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(ret2, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetMobileCallStatus() ***")) ;
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
Print_RCall_TStatus(callStatus) ;
CHECKPOINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.07")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.07")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Connected"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up..."));
console->Printf(_L("Hanging up...\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::Hangup() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetStatus() ***")) ;
CHECKPOINT(ret2, KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetMobileCallStatus() ***")) ;
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
CHECKPOINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-016.02")) ;
CHECKPOINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TVOICE-034.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Idle again"));
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestCallCancels::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestCallCancelsL()
* This function posts and then cancels Call Notifications.
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-014.05 "Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line, and displaying the name of the new call"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-018.01 Test setting notification of a change in the call's capabilities
* @test GT83-TVOICE-018.03 Test the ability to cancel a notification of a change in the call's capabilities
* @test GT83-TVOICE-020.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a voice call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-020.04 Test the ability to cancel a notification of a change in hook status of a voice call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-021.01 Test setting notification of a change in the status of the voice call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-022.01 Test setting notification of a change in the voice call's duration
* @test GT83-TVOICE-022.03 Test cancelling notification of a change in the voice call's duration
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
_LIT(KStartText, "Test Call Cancels") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Test Call Cancels...\n"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
// Open a Voice Line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a Voice Line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::Open() ***"));
TName CallName ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening New Voice Call\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iVoiceCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::OpenNewCall() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &CallName);
// Call Status Change Cancel Request
RCall::TStatus callStatus;
iVoiceCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus, callStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TVOICE-021.04")) ;
#if 0 //cancel functions don't work yet (?)
//any way they are not declared 27.09.2001
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileCallStatus;
iVoiceCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus, mobileCallStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-0")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TVOICE-0")) ;
// Hook Change Cancel Request
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
iVoiceCall.NotifyHookChange(iStatus, hookStatus);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-020.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TVOICE-020.04")) ;
// Test Cancelling Notifications
RCall::TCaps callCaps;
iVoiceCall.NotifyCapsChange(iStatus, callCaps);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-018.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TVOICE-018.03")) ;
#if 0 //cancel functions don't work yet (?)
//any way they are not declared 27.09.2001
RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1 mobileCallCaps;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1Pckg mobileCallCapsPckg(mobileCallCaps);
iVoiceCall.NotifyMobileCallCapsChange(iStatus, mobileCallCapsPckg);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-0")) ;
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TVOICE-0")) ;
TTimeIntervalSeconds callDuration;
iVoiceCall.NotifyCallDurationChange(iStatus, callDuration);
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TVOICE-022.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
CHECKPOINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TVOICE-022.03")) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestMoreCallInfo::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestMoreCallInfoL()
* This function gets more information pertaining to a Voice Call: Call ownership,
* Call parameters, Loan data port requests and Transfer ownership requests.
* @test GT83-TVOICE-001.01 "Test opening a voice line, specifying the phone that should be used"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-014.05 "Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line, and displaying the name of the new call"
* @test GT83-TVOICE-026.00 Test answering a call on a voice line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TVOICE-028.01 Test the ability to make a request to acquire the ownership of a call
* @test GT83-TVOICE-029.01 Test transferring the call ownership when another client has requested to acquire call ownership
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
_LIT(KStartText, "More Call Information Tests") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("More Call Information Tests\n"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
TInt ret ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::Open() ***"));
TName CallName ;
// TName CallName2 ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening New Voice Call\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iVoiceCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::OpenNewCall() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &CallName);
// Wait for an incoming Call
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone "));
iVoiceCall.AnswerIncomingCall(iStatus); // wait for a call
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,60*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::AnswerIncomingCall() ***"));
// Retrieve Call Ownership information
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Ownership.."));
RCall::TOwnershipStatus callOwner;
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetOwnershipStatus() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call OwnerShip is NOT Supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call OwnerShip is Supported"));
case RCall::EOwnershipUnowned:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is unowned"));
case RCall::EOwnershipOwnedByAnotherClient:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is owned by another Client"));
case RCall::EOwnershipOwnedByThisClient:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is owned by this client"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Error in Call Ownership details"));
// Call Parameters
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Parameters..."));
console->Printf(_L("Get Call Parameters...\n"));
RCall::TCallParams callParams;
RCall::TCallParamsPckg callParamsPckg(callParams);
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::GetCallParams() ***"));
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Parameters is NOT Supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Parameters is successful"));
// Post a 'New call added' notification
TName callName;
iLine.NotifyCallAdded(iStatus, callName);
// Open a 2nd Voice Call, see BeginTest() function for explanatory comments
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening another Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening another Voice Call\n"));
TName callName2(iLineInfo.iName);
RMobileCall VoiceCall2;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening 2nd Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening 2nd Voice Call\n"));
ret = VoiceCall2.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName);
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::OpenNewCall() ***"));
if(ret == KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("2nd Voice Call opened successfully"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &CallName);
if(ret == KErrNotSupported) //we don't have anything to do, bye...
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("2nd Voice Call not supported "));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up"));
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-0"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("HangUp successful"));
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return EInconclusive;
User::WaitForRequest(iStatus); // Notify Call added completion
if (iStatus==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Notify Call added status = %d")), iStatus.Int());
// Acquire Ownership Cancel Request
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("AcquireOwnership Cancel Request..."));
console->Printf(_L("AcquireOwnership Cancel Request...\n"));
//doesn't work for MM.TSY
//TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-028.01"));
if (iStatus==KErrEtelCallNotActive)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Voice Call 2 is not currently active"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("AcquireOwnership Cancel status: %d")), iStatus.Int());
// Transfer Ownership Request
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Voice Call 1 is trying to Transfer Ownership of the Call.."));
CHECKPOINT(ret, KErrEtelNoClientInterestedInThisCall, _L("GT83-TVOICE-029.01"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("There is no Client currently interested in Ownership"));
// Close the 2nd Voice Call
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing the 2nd Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Closing the 2nd Voice Call\n"));
// Hang up the Call
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up"));
console->Printf(_L("Hanging up\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileCall::Hangup() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("HangUp successful"));
console->Printf(_L("HangUp successful\n"));
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
CTestCloseCallWhenActive::CTestCloseCallWhenActive( )
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestCloseCallWhenActive::doTestStepL()
//void CTestVoice::TestCloseCallWhenActiveL()
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
console->Printf(_L("Test Call Close When Active..."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-Test15-LineOpened - *** Failed RMobileLine::Open() ***"));
TName CallName ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening New Voice Call\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iVoiceCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName), KErrNone, _L("*** RMobileCall::OpenNewCall() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &CallName);
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
//Activate a call by dialing a number
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
console->Printf(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &GoodNumber);
iVoiceCall.Dial(iStatus, GoodNumber);
TEST_CHECKL(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-Test15-CallDialled - *** Failed RMobileCall::Dial() ***"));
// Close call while it is active - without calling HangUp
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Close successful - check call not active on phone"));
console->Printf(_L("Close successful - check call not active on phone\n"));
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestLineCapabilities::doTestStepL()
* @test GT83-TVOICE-002.01 Test retrieval of a voice line's capabilities. Display the capabilities to screen
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
_LIT(KStartText, "Test Line Capabilities") ; TEST_START(&KStartText) ;
console->Printf(_L("Test Line Capabilities\n"));
CleanupClosePushL(iVoiceCall) ;
CleanupClosePushL(iLine) ;
// Line Capabilities
RLine::TCaps lineCaps;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::Open() ***"));
TInt ret=iLine.GetCaps(lineCaps);
CHECKPOINT_EXPR((ret==KErrNone || ret==KErrNotSupported), _L("*** Failed RMobileLine::GetCaps() ***")) ;
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Line Capabilities is NOT supported"));
if ((lineCaps.iFlags&RLine::KCapsData) !=0)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This line supports Data connections"));
if ((lineCaps.iFlags&RLine::KCapsFax) !=0)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This line supports Fax connections"));
if ((lineCaps.iFlags&RLine::KCapsVoice) !=0)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This line supports Voice connections"));
if ((lineCaps.iFlags&RLine::KCapsEventIncomingCall) !=0)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This line supports Incoming Call Notification requests"));
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iVoiceCall) ;
return TestStepResult();
/* Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
enum TVerdict CTestCancelDialRequest::doTestStepL()
// void CTestVoice::TestCancelDialRequestL()
// {
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KConsoleTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
console->Printf(_L("Test Cancel Dial Request...\n"));
User::After(2000000); //settling pause to allow previous test to complete hang up first.
//Tests cancelling dial requests for various periods after they are made.
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Voice Line"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening Voice Line\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iLine.Open(iPhone,KVoiceLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TVOICE-Test15-LineOpened - *** Failed RMobileLine::Open() ***"));
TName CallName ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Voice Call"));
console->Printf(_L("Opening New Voice Call\n"));
TEST_CHECKL(iVoiceCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName), KErrNone, _L("*** RMobileCall::OpenNewCall() ***"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Voice Call name is %S"), &CallName);
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
//Cancel Tests
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
console->Printf(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &GoodNumber);
iVoiceCall.Dial(iStatus, GoodNumber);
User::After(500000); //cancel after 0.5 second
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Cancelling Dial After 0.5s..."));
console->Printf(_L("Cancelling Dial After 0.5s...\n"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Dial Cancelled ok!..."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Dial Cancel Request after 0.5sec of dialling, Failed..."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call Hang Up Requested..."));
// Removed SetTestStepResult(EFail); here because original TS_Voice test always returns EPass anyway
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait For Next Dial..."));
console->Printf(_L("Wait For Next Dial...\n"));
User::After(5000000); //wait 5 seconds
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
console->Printf(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &GoodNumber);
iVoiceCall.Dial(iStatus, GoodNumber);
User::After(1000000); //cancel after 1.0 seconds
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Cancelling Dial After 1.0s..."));
console->Printf(_L("Cancelling Dial After 1.0s...\n"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Dial Cancelled ok!..."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Dial Cancel Request after 1sec of dialling, Failed..."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call Hang Up Requested..."));
// Removed SetTestStepResult(EFail); here because original TS_Voice test always returns EPass anyway
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait For Next Dial..."));
console->Printf(_L("Wait For Next Dial...\n"));
User::After(3000000); //wait 3 seconds
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
console->Printf(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &GoodNumber);
iVoiceCall.Dial(iStatus, GoodNumber);
User::After(1500000); //cancel after 1.5 seconds
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Cancelling Dial After 1.5s..."));
console->Printf(_L("Cancelling Dial After 1.5s...\n"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Dial Cancelled ok!..."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Dial Cancel Request after 1.5sec of dialling, Failed..."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call Hang Up Requested..."));
// Removed SetTestStepResult(EFail); here because original TS_Voice test always returns EPass anyway
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait For Next Dial..."));
console->Printf(_L("Wait For Next Dial...\n"));
User::After(3000000); //wait 3 seconds
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
console->Printf(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &GoodNumber);
iVoiceCall.Dial(iStatus, GoodNumber);
User::After(2000000); //cancel after 2.0 seconds
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Cancelling Dial After 2.0s..."));
console->Printf(_L("Cancelling Dial After 2.0s...\n"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Dial Cancelled ok!..."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Dial Cancel Request after 2sec of dialling, Failed..."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call Hang Up Requested..."));
// Removed SetTestStepResult(EFail); here because original TS_Voice test always returns EPass anyway
User::After(3000000); //wait 3 seconds
//Connect without cancelling
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Now Dialling without Cancelling..."));
console->Printf(_L("Now Dialling without Cancelling...\n"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
console->Printf(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &GoodNumber);
iVoiceCall.Dial(iStatus, GoodNumber);
TEST(iStatus.Int() == KErrNone);
if(iStatus == KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Connected Ok. Please wait, will hang up shortly..."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed subsequant dial without cancelling!"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Closing call..."));
console->Printf(_L("Closing call...\n"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Close successful - check call not active on phone"));
console->Printf(_L("Close successful - check call not active on phone\n"));
// Returns EPass as it is debatable if this is a valid test as the functionality
// being tested is very network dependant but test has been left none the less
return EPass;