Re-merge addition of wapstack to fid bug 1398.
// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __ACTIVESOCKET_H__
#define __ACTIVESOCKET_H__
#include <e32std.h>
#include <wapmessage.h>
#include "WapSwsTimeOut.h"
class CActiveSocketSMS;
class CActiveSocketUDP;
class MProgressNotify;
enum TWapMessageState
The state that is no outstanding request.
The state that the messaging API client is requesting data length
The state the the messaging API client is requesting data
The state that the data size is ready to be read
The state that the messaging API client got the data length
The state that the received data is ready to be read
The state the data is being reading, but not finished
The state that there are more data to be received from ESock (PRT 1.5)
enum TWapMessageType
Wsp message
Wdp message
enum TWapActiveSocketState
No outstanding request state
Waiting for the PDU length state
Waiting for the PDU data state
enum TWapNotificationEvent
The event that PDU length is ready.
The event thst PDU us ready
class TWapNotificationInfo
inline TWapNotificationInfo(Wap::TBearer aBearer, TInt aError);
Wap::TBearer iBearer;
TInt iError;
inline TWapNotificationInfo::TWapNotificationInfo(Wap::TBearer aBearer, TInt aError):
iBearer(aBearer), iError(aError)
typedef TPckgBuf<TWapNotificationInfo> TWapNotificationInfoBuf;
const TUint KMaxUdpBearerDataBufferLength=1024;
class CWapMessageRecord: public CBase
The Base class to represent the received WSP and WDP PDU
@since v8.0
static CWapMessageRecord* NewL(TWapMessageType aType);
virtual ~CWapMessageRecord();
TWapMessageState GetDataState();
void SetDataState(TWapMessageState aStatus);
void CreatePduBufferL(TBool aFixLengthFlag);
TPckgBuf<TUint32>* GetPduSizeRef();
void SetPduSize(TUint32 aLength);
TUint32 GetPduSize();
HBufC8*& GetPduPtr();
To read the received Wdp pdu
@since v8.0
@param aBuffer(out) the buffer to contain the received wdp pdu
@param aTruncated(out) the flag to represent if the data is truncated or not
@returns KErrNone on successful completion, or one of the system error codes on failure.
virtual TInt GetPduData(TDes8& aBuffer, TBool& aTruncated)=0;
To unpack the received wdp pdu to wsp message.
@since v8.0
virtual void UnpackPduToWspDataL()=0;
To read the wsp message from the buffer
@since v8.0
@param aWspHeader(out) the buffer to contain the wsp header
@param aWspBody(out) the buffer to contain the wsp body
@param iTransactionId(out) the received transaction ID
@param aWspStatus(out) the received wsp status
@returns KErrNone on successful completion, or one of the system error codes on failure.
virtual TInt GetWspData(TDes8& aWspHeader, TDes8& aWspBody, TUint8& aTransactionId, TWSPStatus& aWspStatus)=0;
virtual void CleanUpData();
/**The received WDP PDU Data buffer
HBufC8* iPdu;
/**The received WDP PDU length buffer
TPckgBuf<TUint32> iDataLength;
/**The state of the received the WSP or WDP data
TWapMessageState iState;
class CWspMessageRecord: public CWapMessageRecord
The class to represent the received WSP PDU
@since v8.0
void UnpackPduToWspDataL();
TInt GetWspData(TDes8& aWspHeader, TDes8& aWspBody, TUint8& aTransactionId, TWSPStatus& aWspStatus);
TInt GetPduData(TDes8& aBuffer, TBool& aTruncated);
void CleanUpData();
The buffer for received Wsp header.
HBufC8* iWspHeader;
The buffer for received Wsp body.
HBufC8* iWspBody;
The received the transaction Id.
TUint8 iTransactionId;
The received WSP layer status
TWSPStatus iWspStatus;
The offset of the header for next reading
TInt iHeaderOffset;
The offset of the body for next reading
TInt iBodyOffset;
class CWdpMessageRecord: public CWapMessageRecord
The class to represent the received WDP PDU
@since v8.0
void UnpackPduToWspDataL();
TInt GetWspData(TDes8& aWspHeader, TDes8& aWspBody, TUint8& aTransactionId, TWSPStatus& aWspStatus);
TInt GetPduData(TDes8& aBuffer, TBool& aTruncated);
void CleanUpData();
The offset of the pdu for next reading
TUint32 iPduOffset;
class CActiveSocket: public CActive
The base class for the different bearer classes.
@since v8.0
static void NewL(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, RPointerArray<CActiveSocket>& aActiveSockets, Wap::TBearer aBearer, TWapMessageType aType, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TPort aLocalPort, RConnection* aConnection=NULL);
static void NewL(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, RPointerArray<CActiveSocket>& aActiveSockets, Wap::TBearer aBearer, TWapMessageType aType, MProgressNotify* aNotify, const TSockAddr& aRemoteAddr, RConnection* aConnection=NULL);
virtual ~CActiveSocket();
virtual void ConstructL(TWapMessageType aType);
Read the received Wdp pdu length.
@since v8.0
@returns KErrNone on successful completion, or one of the system error codes on failure.
virtual TInt AwaitRecvDataSize() = 0;
Read the received Wdp pdu.
@since v8.0
@returns KErrNone on successful completion, or one of the system error codes on failure.
virtual TInt Receive() = 0;
TSockAddr& GetLocalAddress();
TInt GetLocalPort(Wap::TPort& aLocalPort);
TInt GetRemoteAddress(HBufC8*& aAddr);
TSockAddr& GetRemoteAddress();
TWapMessageState GetDataState();
void SetDataState(TWapMessageState aState);
TUint32 GetPduSize();
TInt GetPduData(TDes8& aBuffer, TBool& aTruncated);
TInt GetWspData(TDes8& aWspHeader, TDes8& aWspBody, TUint8& aTransactionId, TWSPStatus& aStatus);
void UnpackPduToWspDataL();
Wap::TBearer GetBearerType();
RSocket& Socket();
void CleanUpData();
/**The RSocket instance to send and receive WDP PDU.
RSocket iSocket;
/**The remote address for the last received message
TSockAddr iRemoteAddr;
/**The local address for the last received message
TSockAddr iLocalAddr;
CActiveSocket(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, Wap::TBearer aBearerType, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TPort aLocalPort);
CActiveSocket(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, Wap::TBearer aBearerType, MProgressNotify* aNotify, const TSockAddr& aRemoteAddr, Wap::TPort aLocalPort);
/**The data buffer to receive WDP or WSP message
CWapMessageRecord* iMessageRecord;
/**The RSocketServ reference from WAP message API
RSocketServ& iSocketServ;
/**The Bearer type
Wap::TBearer iBearerType;
/**The port number for the last received message
Wap::TPort iLocalPort;
/**The state of the bearer
TWapActiveSocketState iSocketState;
The instance that to be notified when data is received
MProgressNotify* iNotify;
Buffer for the first read from ESock
TPtr8 iBuf;
Reported remaining length for PRT 1.5
TSockXfrLength iRxlength;
Buffer for continious read from ESock
TPtr8 iBufCon;
class CActiveSocketSMS : public CActiveSocket
The class represent the SMS bearer. It will open a RSocket over WapSMS protocol, send and
receive WDP PDU.
@since v8.0
CActiveSocketSMS(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TBearer aBearer, Wap::TPort aLocalPort);
CActiveSocketSMS(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TBearer aBearer, const TSockAddr& aRemoteAddr);
virtual ~CActiveSocketSMS();
TInt AwaitRecvDataSize();
TInt Receive();
void ConstructL(TWapMessageType aType);
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
class CActiveSocketUDP : public CActiveSocket
The class represent the UDP bearer. It will open a RSocket over UDP protocol, send and
receive WDP PDU. It is not supported in released v8.0.
@since v8.0
CActiveSocketUDP(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TBearer aBearer, Wap::TPort aLocalPort, RConnection* aConnection);
CActiveSocketUDP(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, MProgressNotify* aNotify, Wap::TBearer aBearer, const TSockAddr& aRemoteAddr, RConnection* aConnection);
virtual ~CActiveSocketUDP();
TInt AwaitRecvDataSize();
TInt Receive();
void ConstructL(TWapMessageType aType);
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
The RConnection shared with the WAP message API client.
RConnection* iConnection;
#endif // __ACTIVESOCKET_H__