// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "Te_SimData.h"
#include <sacls.h>
const TInt KTenPartOfSec = 100000 ;
const TInt KOneSecond=1000000; // Used in a time out function, 1 second (in microSeconds)
const TInt KTenSeconds=10000000; // Used in a time out function, 10 seconds (in microSeconds)
static TInt NTRasThreadFunction(TAny* /*aThreadData*/)
* Does 'durty' work to start NT RAS session
* @note It sets
* iRate = EBps38400;
* iDataBits = EData8;
* iStopBits = EStop1 ;
* iParity = EParityNone;
* be sure that your NT comport has the same settings.
CTrapCleanup* cleanup;
if ((cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New())==NULL)
return KErrGeneral;
RCommServ commServ;
TInt r=commServ.Connect();
if( KErrNone == r)
RComm comm;
if( KErrNone == r)
TBuf8<6> readBuf;
TRequestStatus stat0;
User::WaitForRequest(stat0) ;
User::WaitForRequest(stat0) ;
comm.Close() ;
commServ.Close() ;
delete cleanup;
return r;
LOCAL_C TInt StartNTRasSimulation()
* Starts virual, because of lookback serial driver,
* NT RAS session
const TInt KStackSize=0x8000;
const TInt KHeapSize=0x8000;
const TInt KMaxHeapSize=0x80000;
TInt res = KErrNone ;
RThread t;
return res;
void CTestSimDataStep::WaitWithTimeout(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aNumberOfMicroSeconds)
* Timeout function
TRequestStatus timerStatus;
RTimer timer ;
timer.CreateLocal() ;
User::WaitForRequest(aStatus, timerStatus);
if (timerStatus == KRequestPending)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Time is over!!!")) ;
timer.Close() ;
// CTestSimDataStep Implementation
void CTestSimDataStep::GetGoodNumber(TDes& aNum)
/**Returns string with number for outgoing call.
* For.ex Good number is 179 Vodaphone test line - recorded message.
* Function tries to read value of switch /modem, otherwise it use defualt value.
* @return phone number string
* @note have to be updated to read information from cmd line or config. file
aNum.Copy(KGoodNumber) ;
void CTestSimDataStep::TestLineCapabilitiesL()
* @test GT83-TDATA-002.01 Test retrieval of a data line's capabilities. Display the capabilities to screen
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Line Capabilities"));
// Line Capabilities
RLine::TCaps lineCaps;
TInt ret=iLine.GetCaps(lineCaps);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-002.01")) ;
if (ret!=KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Line Capabilities is NOT supported"));
if ((lineCaps.iFlags&RLine::KCapsData) !=0)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This line supports Data connections"));
if ((lineCaps.iFlags&RLine::KCapsFax) !=0)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This line supports Fax connections"));
if ((lineCaps.iFlags&RLine::KCapsVoice) !=0)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This line supports Voice connections"));
if ((lineCaps.iFlags&RLine::KCapsEventIncomingCall) !=0)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This line supports Incoming Call Notification requests"));
TInt CTestSimDataStep::CallMeDear()
* Asks for incomming call
* @return KErrNone if could make it
TInt ret = RProperty::Set(KUidPSSimTsyCategory, KPSSimTsyIncomingDataCall, iState);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Set Incoming Call Publish & Subscribe property result: %d"),ret) ;
return ret;
TInt CTestSimDataStep::HangMeUpDear()
* Asks for remote hangup
* @return KErrNone if could make it
TInt ret = RProperty::Set(KUidPSSimTsyCategory, KPSSimTsyRemoteHangup, iState);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Set Remote Hangup Publish & Subscribe property result: %d"),ret) ;
return ret;
void CTestSimDataStep::Print_RCall_TStatus(RCall::TStatus& aArg)
/** Display value of enum RCall::TStatus to screen.
* @param value to print
case RCall::EStatusUnknown:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RCall::EStatusUnknown")) ;
break ;
case RCall::EStatusIdle:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RCall::EStatusIdle")) ;
break ;
case RCall::EStatusDialling:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RCall::EStatusDialling")) ;
break ;
case RCall::EStatusRinging:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RCall::EStatusRinging")) ;
break ;
case RCall::EStatusAnswering:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RCall::EStatusAnswering")) ;
break ;
case RCall::EStatusConnecting:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RCall::EStatusConnecting")) ;
break ;
case RCall::EStatusConnected:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RCall::EStatusConnected")) ;
break ;
case RCall::EStatusHangingUp:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RCall::EStatusHangingUp")) ;
break ;
void CTestSimDataStep::Print_TCapsEnum(RCall::TCaps& aArg)
/** Display value of enum RCall::TCapsEnum to screen.
* @param value to print
if(aArg.iFlags & RCall::KCapsData)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Has a flag TCapsEnum::KCapsData")) ;
if(aArg.iFlags & RCall::KCapsFax)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Has a flag TCapsEnum::KCapsFax")) ;
if(aArg.iFlags & RCall::KCapsVoice)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Has a flag TCapsEnum::KCapsVoice")) ;
if(aArg.iFlags & RCall::KCapsDial)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Has a flag TCapsEnum::KCapsDial")) ;
if(aArg.iFlags & RCall::KCapsConnect)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Has a flag TCapsEnum::KCapsConnect")) ;
if(aArg.iFlags & RCall::KCapsHangUp)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Has a flag TCapsEnum::KCapsHangUp")) ;
if(aArg.iFlags & RCall::KCapsAnswer)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Has a flag TCapsEnum::KCapsAnswer")) ;
if(aArg.iFlags & RCall::KCapsLoanDataPort)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Has a flag TCapsEnum::KCapsLoanDataPort")) ;
if(aArg.iFlags & RCall::KCapsRecoverDataPort)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Has a flag TCapsEnum::KCapsRecoverDataPort")) ;
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestLineStatusIncommingCall::doTestStepL()
/** Tests line status function
* @test GT83-TDATA-001.01 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
* @test GT83-TDATA-004.00 Test retrieval of a data line's current status (Generic)
* @test GT83-TDATA-004.02 "Test retrieval of a data line's current status when the line's status is ""Idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-004.04 "Test retrieval of a data line's current status when the line's status is ""Ringing"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-004.07 "Test retrieval of a data line's current status when the line's status is ""Connected"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-004.08 "Test retrieval of a data line's current status when the line's status is ""Hanging up"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-014.05 Test opening an existing call from a data line by specifying the name of the line and the name of an existing call
* @test GT83-TDATA-025.00 Test answering a call on a data line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TDATA-031.00 Test retrieval of a mobile data line's current status (Generic)
* @test GT83-TDATA-031.01 "Test retrieval of a mobile data line's current status when there is only one call on the line and it's status is ""Idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-031.04 "Test retrieval of a mobile data line's current status when there is only one call on the line and it's status is ""Answering"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-031.07 "Test retrieval of a mobile data line's current status when there is only one call on the line and it's status is ""Waiting CCBS Recall"""
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Line Status"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
RCall::TStatus lineStatus;
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
// Open a Data line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-001.01"));
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is idle*/
TInt ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.00")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.02")) ;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileLineStatus;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-031.00")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-031.01")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone"));
TName callName;
/* @test GT83-AT-024 Test setting notification of an incoming call on a data line */
iLine.NotifyIncomingCall(iStatus, callName); // wait for a call
CallMeDear() ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,20*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is ringing*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TDATA-008.001")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phone is ringing..."));
//Test for incomming data call
/* @test GT83-AT-028 Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line
ret = iDataCall.OpenExistingCall(iLine, callName);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-014.05")) ;
callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
//callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolIsdnMultimedia;
callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
// Answer an incoming call initiated by t_echo.exe and obtain the call's current status
//GT83-AT-032 Test answering a call on a data line (Generic) RCall::AnswerIncomingCall
iDataCall.AnswerIncomingCall(iStatus, callDataParamsPckg);
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,30*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 2 seconds
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-025.00")) ;
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.04")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.04")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-031.04")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-031.04")) ;
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is connected*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.07")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.07")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-031.07")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-031.07")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging Up"));
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is hang up*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.08")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.09")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.09")) ;
//CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ; //??? line 825
//This test has some trobles with Erikson phones
//R520m could return KErrGeneral
//SH888 could return KErrTimedOut
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("iDataCall.HangUp() returned status %d"), iStatus.Int()) ;
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is idle*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.02")) ;
ret = iLine.GetMobileLineStatus(mobileLineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.02")) ;
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is idle*/
ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.02")) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestLineStatusOutgoingCall::doTestStepL()
/** Tests line status function
* @test GT83-TDATA-001.01 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
* @test GT83-TDATA-004.00 Test retrieval of a data line's current status (Generic)
* @test GT83-TDATA-004.02 "Test retrieval of a data line's current status when the line's status is ""Idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-004.03 "Test retrieval of a data line's current status when the line's status is ""Dialling"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-004.07 "Test retrieval of a data line's current status when the line's status is ""Connected"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-004.08 "Test retrieval of a data line's current status when the line's status is ""Hanging up"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-014.05 Test opening an existing call from a data line by specifying the name of the line and the name of an existing call
* @test GT83-TDATA-031.00 Test retrieval of a mobile data line's current status (Generic)
* @test GT83-TDATA-031.01 "Test retrieval of a mobile data line's current status when there is only one call on the line and it's status is ""Idle"""
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Line Status"));
TInt ret = RProperty::Set(KUidSystemCategory, KUidPhonePwrValue, ESAPhoneOff);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to set property KUidSystemCategory/KUidPhonePwr to ESAPhoneOff. The error was %d. Continuing..."),ret);
User::After(5 * 1000000); // sleep 5 secs; make sure phone is off
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
TName callName;
RCall::TStatus lineStatus;
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
// Open a Data line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-001.01"));
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is idle*/
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.00")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.02")) ;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileLineStatus;
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-031.00")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-031.01")) ;
/* @test GT83-AT-028 Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line
iDataCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, callName);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-014.05")) ;
callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
//callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolIsdnMultimedia;
callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
iDataCall.Dial(iStatus, callDataParamsPckg, GoodNumber);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.03")) ;
//CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusDialling, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.03")) ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,20*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
//Test for outgoing data call
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is connected*/
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.07")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.07")) ;
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call connected - listen for 20 seconds..."));
User::After(20*KOneSecond); // hold call active for 20 seconds
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up"));
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.08")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.08")) ;
//CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
//This test has some trobles with Erikson phones
//R520m could return KErrGeneral
//SH888 could return KErrTimedOut
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("iDataCall.HangUp() returned status %d"), iStatus.Int()) ;
//Test for outgoing data call after hang up
/* @test GT83-AT-36 Test retrieval of the current call status when it is connected*/
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.09")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.09")) ;
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.09")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-004.09")) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestLineInfo::doTestStepL()
* This function gets the Line capabilities, line information, Number of calls
* on the line and call information,
* @test NONE Test the ability to get the current line information of the data line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TDATA-001.01 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
* @test GT83-TDATA-005.01 "Test retrieval of the current hook status, when the line is currently ""off hook"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-005.02 "Test retrieval of the current hook status, when the line is currently ""on hook"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-013.06 Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line
* @test GT83-TDATA-025.00 Test answering a call on a data line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TDATA-026.02 Test the ability to place an asynchronous request to hang up a data call
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Line Information"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
// Open a Data line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-001.01"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call"));
CHECK_POINT(iDataCall.OpenNewCall(iLine), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-013.06"));
// Line Information
RLine::TLineInfo lineInfo;
TRAPD(ret, ret=iLine.GetInfo(lineInfo));
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-013.06"));
if (ret!=KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Line Info. is NOT supported"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Line Info is successful"));
CHECK_POINT(lineInfo.iHookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOn, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
TESTL(lineInfo.iStatus == RCall::EStatusIdle) ;
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Name of last call added: %S")), &lineInfo.iNameOfLastCallAdded);
// Hook status information
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Retrieving Hook Status..."));
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
if (ret!=KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Hook status is NOT supported"));
CHECK_POINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOn, _L("GT83-TDATA-005.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The line is currently ON Hook"));
// Post 'Answer a Call' Notifications
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
//callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolIsdnMultimedia;
callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone "));
CallMeDear() ;
// Answer an incoming call initiated by t_echo.exe and obtain the call's current status
//GT83-AT-032 Test answering a call on a data line (Generic) RCall::AnswerIncomingCall
iDataCall.AnswerIncomingCall(iStatus, callDataParamsPckg);
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,2*KTenSeconds); // but timeout after 60 seconds
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-025.00")) ;
// Count the no. of calls on the line & Get call info.
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Retrieving no. of calls opened from the line.."));
TInt lineCount=0;
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("No of calls opened = %d")), lineCount);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Getting Call info.."));
RLine::TCallInfo callInfo;
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call information is NOT supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call information is successful"));
// Get the line's current hook status
if (ret!=KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Hook status is NOT supported"));
CHECK_POINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOff, _L("GT83-TDATA-005.01")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The line is currently OFF Hook"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up"));
//CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-026.02")) ;
//This test has some trobles with Erikson phones
//R520m could return KErrGeneral
//SH888 could return KErrTimedOut
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("iDataCall.HangUp() returned status %d"), iStatus.Int()) ;
// Close the line and call
//GT83-AT-022 Test closing a data line (Generic) RLine::Close
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestLineNotificationsIncommingCall::doTestStepL()
/** Tests line notifications
* @test GT83-TDATA-001.01 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
* @test GT83-TDATA-008.01 Test setting notification of an incoming call on a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-008.02 Test for a notification when there is an incoming call on a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.02 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a data line from ""off"" to ""on"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.03 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a data line from ""on"" to off"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-010.01 Test setting notification of a change in the status of the data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-010.02 "Test notification of a change in the status of the data line from ""idle"" to ""ringing"" to ""answering"" to ""connected"" to ""hanging up"" to ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-011.01 Test setting notification of a call being added to a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-014.05 Test opening an existing call from a data line by specifying the name of the line and the name of an existing call
* @test GT83-TDATA-025.00 Test answering a call on a data line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TDATA-032.01 Test setting a request for a notification of a change in the status of the mobile data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-032.07 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data line from ""connected"" to ""disconnecting"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-032.08 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data line from ""disconnecting"" to ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-032.09 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data line from ""idle"" to ""ringing"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-032.10 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data line from ""ringing"" to ""answering"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-032.11 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data line from ""answering"" to ""connected"""
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Line Notifications"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
// NotifyIncomingCall and NotifyStatusChange
TName callName1;
TName callName2;
RCall::TStatus lineStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileLineStatus;
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-001.01"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone"));
iLine.NotifyIncomingCall(iStatus, callName1); // wait for a call
// @test GT83-AT-026 Test setting notification of a change in the status of the data line
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
// @test GT83-AT-037 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a data line void RLine::NotifyHookChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus, THookStatus& aHookStatus) Function does not produce any unexpected errors. aStatus = KErrPending
iLine.NotifyHookChange(iStatus4, hookStatus);
/* @test GT83-AT-025 Test notification of a call being added to a data line */
iLine.NotifyCallAdded(iStatus5, callName2);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-008.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus4.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-011.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus5.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.01")) ;
CallMeDear() ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,20*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-008.02")) ;
// @test GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the data line
// from "idle" to "ringing"
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.09")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.09")) ;
/* @test GT83-AT-025 Test notification of a call being added to a data line
that currently has no calls*/
CHECK_POINT(iStatus5.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.011.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(callName2 == callName1, 1, _L("GT83-TDATA-011")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phone is ringing... Now answering..."));
/* @test GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the data line from
"idle" to "ringing" to "answering" to "connected" to "hanging up" to "idle"
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
iDataCall.OpenExistingCall(iLine, callName1);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-014.05")) ;
callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
//callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolIsdnMultimedia;
callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
// Answer an incoming call initiated by t_echo.exe and obtain the call's current status
//GT83-AT-032 Test answering a call on a data line (Generic) RCall::AnswerIncomingCall
iDataCall.AnswerIncomingCall(iStatus, callDataParamsPckg);
// @test GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the data line
// from "ringing" to "answering"
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.10")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.10")) ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,30*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 2 seconds
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-025.00")) ; //wrong code -2147483647
// @test GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the data line
// from "answering" to "connecting"
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.01")) ;
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.11")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.11")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOff, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.02")) ;
// now hangup call
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
iLine.NotifyHookChange(iStatus4, hookStatus);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call connected - now hanging up..."));
//This test has some trobles with Erikson phones
//R520m could return KErrGeneral
//SH888 could return KErrTimedOut
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("iDataCall.HangUp() returned status %d"), iStatus.Int()) ;
// @test GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the data line
// from "connecting" to "hanging up"
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.07")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.07")) ;
// @test GT83-AT-026 Test notification of a change in the status of the data
// line from "hanging up" to "idle"
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.02")) ;
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.08")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.08")) ;
//!< @test GT83-AT-037 Test notification of a change in hook status of a data line
//!< from "off" to "on" aHookStatus = EHookStatusOff before the hook status changes,
//!< and EHookStatusOn after the hook status changes
CHECK_POINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOn, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.03")) ;
//check that all request has been finished
TESTL(iStatus.Int()!= KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus2.Int() != KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus3.Int() != KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus4.Int() != KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus5.Int() != KRequestPending) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestLineNotificationsOutgoingCall::doTestStepL()
/** Tests line notifications
* @test GT83-TDATA-001.01 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.02 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a data line from ""off"" to ""on"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.03 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a data line from ""on"" to off"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-010.03 "Test notification of a change in the status of the data line from ""idle"" to ""dialling"" to ""connecting"" to ""connected"" to ""hanging up"" to ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-014.05 Test opening an existing call from a data line by specifying the name of the line and the name of an existing call
* @test GT83-TDATA-032.02 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data line from ""idle"" to ""dialling"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-032.04 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data line from ""connecting"" to ""connected"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-032.07 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data line from ""connected"" to ""disconnecting"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-032.08 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data line from ""disconnecting"" to ""idle"""
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Line Notifications"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
// NotifyIncomingCall and NotifyStatusChange
//TName callName1;
//TName callName2;
RCall::TStatus lineStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileLineStatus;
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-001.01"));
CHECK_POINT(iDataCall.OpenNewCall(iLine), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-014.05")) ;
// Now test call status during an outgoing call
callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
iLine.NotifyHookChange(iStatus4, hookStatus);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
iDataCall.Dial(iStatus, callDataParamsPckg, GoodNumber);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusDialling, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDialling, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.02")) ;
User::WaitForRequest(iStatus); //waiting for dial
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOff, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.03")) ;
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
#ifdef SIM_TSY
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusConnecting, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.04")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnecting, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.04")) ;
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.04")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.04")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call connected - hanging up..."));
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
iLine.NotifyHookChange(iStatus4, hookStatus);
//CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
//This test has some trobles with Erikson phones
//R520m could return KErrGeneral
//SH888 could return KErrTimedOut
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("iDataCall.HangUp() returned status %d"), iStatus.Int()) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.07")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.07")) ;
/* @test GT83-AT-037 Test notification of a change in hook status of a data
line from "on" to off" aHookStatus = EHookStatusOn before the hook status changes,
CHECK_POINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOn, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.02")) ;
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, lineStatus);
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileLineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.08")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileLineStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-032.08")) ;
TESTL(iStatus != KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus2 != KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus3 != KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus4 != KRequestPending) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestLineCancels::doTestStepL()
* @test GT83-TDATA-001.01 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
* @test GT83-TDATA-008.02 Test for a notification when there is an incoming call on a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-008.03 Test the ability to cancel the notification of an incoming call on a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.04 Test the ability to cancel a notification of a change in hook status of a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-010.02 "Test notification of a change in the status of the data line from ""idle"" to ""ringing"" to ""answering"" to ""connected"" to ""hanging up"" to ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-010.04 Test the ability to cancel the notification of a change in the status of the data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-011.01 Test setting notification of a call being added to a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-011.03 Test the ability to cancel a notification of a call being added to a data line
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Line Cancels"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
// Notify Incoming Call
TName callName;
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-001.01"));
iLine.NotifyIncomingCall(iStatus, callName);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-008.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TDATA-008.03")) ;
// Notify Status Change
RCall::TStatus lineStatus;
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus, lineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.02")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
/** @test GT83-AT-026 Test the ability to cancel the notification of a change in the
status of the data line aStatus = KErrCancel provided that the function
being cancelled has not already completed */
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TDATA-010.04")) ;
#if 0 //cancel functions don't work yet (?)
//any way they are not declared 27.09.2001
// Notify Mobile Status Change
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus lineStatus2;
iLine.NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(iStatus, lineStatus2);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
// Notify Hook Change
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
iLine.NotifyHookChange(iStatus, hookStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
// @test GT83-AT-037 Test the ability to cancel a notification of a
// change in hook status of a data line
// aStatus = KErrCancel provided that the function being cancelled has not already completed
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.04")) ;
// Notify Call Added
iLine.NotifyCallAdded(iStatus, callName);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-011.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
/** GT83-AT-025 Test the ability to cancel a notification of a call being added
to a data line*/
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TDATA-011.03")) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestCallInfo::doTestStepL()
* This function gets information pertaining to a call:
* Bearer Service Information, Call duration, Remote Party Information (if available)
* @test GT83-TDATA-001.01 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.02 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a data line from ""off"" to ""on"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-013.06 Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line
* @test GT83-TDATA-018.01 "Test retrieval of the bearer service info of a call. Display to screen, all the bearer service information associated with the call."
* @test GT83-TDATA-022.01 Test retrieval of the duration of a data call. Display the call duration to screen
* @test GT83-TDATA-023.01 Test the ability to get the current call information of the data call. Display the call information to screen.
* @test GT83-TDATA-025.00 Test answering a call on a data line (Generic)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Call Information"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
// Open a Data line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-001.01"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call"));
CHECK_POINT(iDataCall.OpenNewCall(iLine), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-013.06"));
//get status
//GT83-AT-026 Test retrieval of a data line's current status.
RCall::TStatus callStatus;
CHECK_POINT(iDataCall.GetStatus(callStatus), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TD-015.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TD-015.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Call Status = %d"), callStatus);
Print_RCall_TStatus(callStatus) ;
callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
// Wait for an incoming call, then get the Call BearerServiceInfo. The
// Bearer Service Info is only available if the call is currently active
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone"));
CallMeDear() ;
// Answer an incoming call initiated by t_echo.exe and obtain the call's current status
//GT83-AT-032 Test answering a call on a data line (Generic) RCall::AnswerIncomingCall
iDataCall.AnswerIncomingCall(iStatus, callDataParamsPckg);
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,20*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-025.00")) ;
// User Information
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is now connected. Retrieving Call Information."));
// Bearer Service Information
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Bearer Service Info..."));
RCall::TBearerService bearerServiceInfo;
TInt ret=iDataCall.GetBearerServiceInfo(bearerServiceInfo);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-018.01")) ;
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get BearerService Information is NOT Supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get BearerService Information is successful"));
// Get Call Information
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Current Call Info..."));
#ifndef SIM_TSY
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Current Call info is NOT Supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Displaying Information about the Current Call"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call name: %S")), &iCallInfo.iCallName);
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Line name: %S")), &iCallInfo.iLineName);
if (iCallInfo.iHookStatus==RCall::EHookStatusOff)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Current Hook Status: Off"));
if (iCallInfo.iStatus==RCall::EStatusConnected)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Current Call Status: Connected"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call Duration: %d seconds")), iCallInfo.iDuration.Int());
//Get Remote Party Info (PDEF108459)
RMobileCall::TMobileCallRemotePartyInfoV1 remoteParty;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg remotePartyPckg(remoteParty);
TRequestStatus reqStatus;
iDataCall.NotifyRemotePartyInfoChange(reqStatus, remotePartyPckg);
TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
if (remoteParty.iRemoteIdStatus == RMobileCall::ERemoteIdentityAvailable)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Displaying Remote Party Information about the Current Call"));
_LIT(KCallingName, "Calling Name : %S");
INFO_PRINTF2(KCallingName, &remoteParty.iCallingName);
_LIT(KRemoteNumber, "Remote Number : %S");
INFO_PRINTF2(KRemoteNumber, &remoteParty.iRemoteNumber.iTelNumber);
_LIT(KRemoteIdentityNotAvilable,"Remote Identity is not available.");
// Hang up the Call
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please stay connected... the test will hang up shortly"));
// Call Duration
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Duration..."));
TTimeIntervalSeconds callDuration2;
#ifndef SIM_TSY
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-022.01")) ;
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Current Call Duration is NOT Supported"));
if (ret==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call duration = %d")), callDuration2.Int());
//CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.02")) ;
//This test has some trobles with Erikson phones
//R520m could return KErrGeneral
//SH888 could return KErrTimedOut
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("iDataCall.HangUp() returned status %d"), iStatus.Int()) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestCallNotifications::doTestStepL()
* @test GT83-TDATA-001.01 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
* @test GT83-TDATA-002.01 Test retrieval of a data line's capabilities. Display the capabilities to screen
* @test GT83-TDATA-008.01 Test setting notification of an incoming call on a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.02 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a data line from ""off"" to ""on"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.03 "Test notification of a change in hook status of a data line from ""on"" to off"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-013.06 Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line
* @test GT83-TDATA-014.05 Test opening an existing call from a data line by specifying the name of the line and the name of an existing call
* @test GT83-TDATA-015.04 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""ringing"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-015.05 "Test retrieval of the current call status when the call's status is ""answering"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-017.02 Test notification of a change in the call's capabilities. Print the call's capabilities to screen
* @test GT83-TDATA-020.02 "Test notification of a change in the status of the data call from ""idle"" to ""ringing"" to ""answering"" to ""connected"" to ""hanging up"" to ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-021.01 Test setting notification of a change in the data call's duration
* @test GT83-TDATA-025.00 Test answering a call on a data line (Generic)
* @test GT83-TDATA-034.01 Test setting notification of a change in the call's dynamic call control and call event capabilities
* @test GT83-TDATA-034.02 Test notification of a change in the call's dynamic call control and call event capabilities. Print the call's capabilities to screen
* @test GT83-TDATA-035.04 "Test retrieval of the current status of the data call when the call's status is ""ringing"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-036.07 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data call from ""connected"" to ""disconnecting"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-036.08 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data call from ""disconnecting"" to ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-036.10 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data call from ""ringing"" to ""answering"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-036.11 "Test for a notification of a change in status of the mobile data call from ""answering"" to ""connected"""
// Post call status change notifications
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Call Notifications"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
TName callName1;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
RCall::TStatus callStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileCallStatus;
RCall::TCaps caps;
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
TTimeIntervalSeconds time;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1 mobileCallCaps;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1Pckg mobileCallCapsPckg(mobileCallCaps);
// Open a Data line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-001.01"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone"));
iLine.NotifyIncomingCall(iStatus, callName1); // wait for a call
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-008.01")) ;
CallMeDear() ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,20*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-008.01")) ;
TInt ret = iDataCall.OpenExistingCall(iLine, callName1);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-014.05")) ;
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TDATA-015.04")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.04")) ;
Print_TCapsEnum(caps) ;
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-002.01")) ;
TESTL(caps.iFlags & (RCall::KCapsData | RCall::KCapsAnswer));
// INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call"));
// CHECK_POINT(iiDataCall.OpenExistingCall(iLine, callName2), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-013.06")) ;
iDataCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, callStatus);
iDataCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileCallStatus);
iDataCall.NotifyCapsChange(iStatus4, caps);
iDataCall.NotifyHookChange(iStatus5, hookStatus);
iDataCall.NotifyCallDurationChange(iStatus6, time) ;
iDataCall.NotifyMobileCallCapsChange(iStatus7, mobileCallCapsPckg);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phone is ringing... Now answering..."));
callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
//callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolIsdnMultimedia;
callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
//GT83-AT-032 Test answering a call on a data line (Generic) RCall::AnswerIncomingCall
iDataCall.AnswerIncomingCall(iStatus, callDataParamsPckg);
#ifndef SIM_TSY
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TDATA-015.05")) ;
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TDATA-015.05")) ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,20*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 2 seconds
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-025.00")) ;
//iDataCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, callStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-020.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TDATA-020.10")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-036.10")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TDATA-036.10")) ;
iDataCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, callStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-020.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-020.02")) ;
iDataCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileCallStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-036.11")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-036.11")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-017.02")) ;
Print_TCapsEnum(caps) ;
TEST_CHECKL(((caps.iFlags & RCall::KCapsData) !=0 ), ETrue, _L("GT83-TDATA-017.02")) ;
#ifndef SIM_TSY
iDataCall.NotifyCapsChange(iStatus4, caps);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus4.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-017.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT((caps.iFlags & (RCall::KCapsData | RCall::KCapsHangUp)!=0), ETrue, _L("GT83-TDATA-017.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus5.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.03")) ;
CHECK_POINT(hookStatus, RCall::EHookStatusOff, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.03")) ;
#ifndef SIM_TSY
CHECK_POINT(iStatus6.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-021.01")) ;
if (iStatus6==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Notify Call Duration Change is NOT Supported"));
if (iStatus6==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call duration = %d")), time.Int());
CHECK_POINT(iStatus7.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-034.01")) ;
TEST_CHECKL(((mobileCallCaps.iCallControlCaps & RCall::KCapsData) !=0), ETrue, _L("GT83-TDATA-034.01")) ;
#ifndef SIM_TSY
iDataCall.NotifyMobileCallCapsChange(iStatus7, mobileCallCapsPckg);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus7.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-034.02")) ;
//CHECK_POINT(mobileCallCaps.iCallControlCaps, (RCall::KCapsData | RCall::KCapsHangUp), _L("GT83-TDATA-034.02")) ;
//MKV error
// now hangup call
iDataCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, callStatus);
iDataCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileCallStatus);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call connected - now hanging up..."));
//CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.02")) ; //sometimes timed out -33
//This test has some trobles with Erikson phones
//R520m could return KErrGeneral
//SH888 could return KErrTimedOut
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("iDataCall.HangUp() returned status %d"), iStatus.Int()) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-020.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TDATA-020.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-036.07")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting, _L("GT83-TDATA-036.07")) ;
iDataCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus2, callStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus2.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-020.02")) ;
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-020.02")) ;
iDataCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus3, mobileCallStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus3.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-036.08")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-036.08")) ;
TESTL(iStatus != KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus2 != KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus3 != KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus4 != KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus5 != KRequestPending) ;
TESTL(iStatus6 != KRequestPending) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestCallStatusIncommingCall::doTestStepL()
* This function tests call status at various times during calls
* @test GT83-TDATA-001.01 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-013.06 Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line
* @test GT83-TDATA-023.01 Test the ability to get the current call information of the data call. Display the call information to screen.
* @test GT83-TDATA-035.02 "Test retrieval of the current status of the data call when the call's status is ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-035.04 "Test retrieval of the current status of the data call when the call's status is ""ringing"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-035.05 "Test retrieval of the current status of the data call when the call's status is ""answering"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-035.07 "Test retrieval of the current status of the data call when the call's status is ""connected"""
// Get the Call Status
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Status..."));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
// Open a Data line and Call
RCall::TStatus callStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileCallStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-001.01"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call"));
CHECK_POINT(iDataCall.OpenNewCall(iLine), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-013.06"));
TInt ret=iDataCall.GetStatus(callStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
TInt ret2=iDataCall.GetMobileCallStatus(mobileCallStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret2, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.02")) ;
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Status is NOT Supported"));
if (ret2==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Mobile Call Status is NOT Supported"));
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Idle"));
// Now test call status during an incomming call
// Wait for an incoming call, then get the Call BearerServiceInfo. The
// Bearer Service Info is only available if the call is currently active
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone"));
CallMeDear() ;
/* @test GT83-AT-024 Test setting notification of an incoming call on a data line */
//commented out because connecting process too long and modem breaks connection
// by temeout
// iLine.NotifyIncomingCall(iStatus, callName); // wait for a call
// WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,60*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
// CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(ret2, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.07")) ;
// CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusRinging, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.04")) ;
// INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Phone is ringing..."));
callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
// Answer an incoming call initiated by t_echo.exe and obtain the call's current status
//GT83-AT-032 Test answering a call on a data line (Generic) RCall::AnswerIncomingCall
iDataCall.AnswerIncomingCall(iStatus, callDataParamsPckg);
//CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
//CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.05")) ;
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,20*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(ret2, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.07")) ;
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
Print_RCall_TStatus(callStatus) ;
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.07")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Connected"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up..."));
//CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.01")) ;
//This test has some trobles with Erikson phones
//R520m could return KErrGeneral
//SH888 could return KErrTimedOut
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("iDataCall.HangUp() returned status %d"), iStatus.Int()) ;
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(ret2, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.02")) ;
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Idle again"));
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestCallStatusOutgoingCall::doTestStepL()
* This function tests call status at various times during calls
* @test GT83-TDATA-001.01 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
* @test GT83-TDATA-009.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a data line
* @test GT83-TDATA-013.06 Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line
* @test GT83-TDATA-023.01 Test the ability to get the current call information of the data call. Display the call information to screen.
* @test GT83-TDATA-024.00 Test dialling a data call (Generic)
* @test GT83-TDATA-035.02 "Test retrieval of the current status of the data call when the call's status is ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-035.07 "Test retrieval of the current status of the data call when the call's status is ""connected"""
// Get the Call Status
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Status..."));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
// Open a Data line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
RCall::TStatus callStatus;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileCallStatus;
//TName callName;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
TBuf<16> GoodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(GoodNumber) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-001.01"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call"));
CHECK_POINT(iDataCall.OpenNewCall(iLine), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-013.06"));
TInt ret=iDataCall.GetStatus(callStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
TInt ret2=iDataCall.GetMobileCallStatus(mobileCallStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret2, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.02")) ;
if (ret==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Call Status is NOT Supported"));
if (ret2==KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Mobile Call Status is NOT Supported"));
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Idle"));
// Now test call status during an outgoing call
callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &GoodNumber);
iDataCall.Dial(iStatus, callDataParamsPckg, GoodNumber);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-024.00")) ;
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(ret2, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.07")) ;
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
Print_RCall_TStatus(callStatus) ;
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.07")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Connected"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up..."));
//CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-009.01")) ;
//This test has some trobles with Erikson phones
//R520m could return KErrGeneral
//SH888 could return KErrTimedOut
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("iDataCall.HangUp() returned status %d"), iStatus.Int()) ;
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(ret2, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.02")) ;
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (ret2==KErrNone))
CHECK_POINT(callStatus, RCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-023.01")) ;
CHECK_POINT(mobileCallStatus, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle, _L("GT83-TDATA-035.02")) ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The call is Idle again"));
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestCallCancels::doTestStepL()
* This function posts and then cancels Call Notifications.
* @test GT83-TDATA-001.01 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
* @test GT83-TDATA-013.06 Test opening a new call by specifying the name of a line
* @test GT83-TDATA-017.01 Test setting notification of a change in the call's capabilities
* @test GT83-TDATA-017.03 Test the ability to cancel a notification of a change in the call's capabilities
* @test GT83-TDATA-019.01 Test setting notification of a change in hook status of a data call
* @test GT83-TDATA-019.04 Test the ability to cancel a notification of a change in hook status of a data call
* @test GT83-TDATA-020.02 "Test notification of a change in the status of the data call from ""idle"" to ""ringing"" to ""answering"" to ""connected"" to ""hanging up"" to ""idle"""
* @test GT83-TDATA-021.01 Test setting notification of a change in the data call's duration
* @test GT83-TDATA-021.03 Test cancelling notification of a change in the data call's duration
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Call Cancels"));
//to make sure that line and call will be closed in leave case
// Open a Data line and Call
//GT83-AT-021 Test opening a data line from a phone that supports data functionality
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-001.01"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call"));
CHECK_POINT(iDataCall.OpenNewCall(iLine), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-013.06"));
// Call Status Change Cancel Request
RCall::TStatus callStatus;
iDataCall.NotifyStatusChange(iStatus, callStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-020.02")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TDATA-020.4")) ;
#if 0 //cancel functions don't work yet (?)
//any way they are not declared 27.09.2001
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus mobileCallStatus;
iiDataCall.NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(iStatus, mobileCallStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
// Hook Change Cancel Request
RCall::THookStatus hookStatus;
iDataCall.NotifyHookChange(iStatus, hookStatus);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-019.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TDATA-019.04")) ;
// Test Cancelling Notifications
RCall::TCaps callCaps;
iDataCall.NotifyCapsChange(iStatus, callCaps);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-017.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TDATA-017.03")) ;
#if 0 //cancel functions don't work yet (?)
//any way they are not declared 27.09.2001
RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1 mobileCallCaps;
RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1Pckg mobileCallCapsPckg(mobileCallCaps);
iDataCall.NotifyMobileCallCapsChange(iStatus, mobileCallCapsPckg);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KRequestPending, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TDATA-0")) ;
TTimeIntervalSeconds callDuration;
iDataCall.NotifyCallDurationChange(iStatus, callDuration);
CHECK_POINT((iStatus==KRequestPending || iStatus==KErrNotSupported), 1, _L("GT83-TDATA-021.01")) ;
User::After(KTenPartOfSec); //snack some sleep
#ifndef SIM_TSY
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrCancel, _L("GT83-TDATA-021.03")) ;
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
TVerdict CTestCallDuration::doTestStepL()
TVerdict Ret,Ret1;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call Duration Test"));
/* Log(_L("Change simtsy config number"));
User::LeaveIfError(iPhone->Open(*iTelServer,KPhoneName)) ;
// Initialize the Phone
TInt ret=iPhone->Initialise();
if (ret!=KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to initialise the phone (%d)"), ret);
iTelServer->Close(); // disconnect from etel
return EFail;
Ret = RunTestL(TRUE);
Ret1 = RunTestL(FALSE);
if(Ret1 == EPass && Ret == EPass)
Ret = EPass;
Ret = EFail;
return Ret;
TVerdict CTestCallDuration::RunTestL(TBool aBRingOut)
//RPhone::TLineInfo lineInfo;
TRequestStatus statDuration;
TTimeIntervalSeconds CallLengthDuration,CallLength;
TName CallName ;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("Call Duration Test 1"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New data Call"));
CHECK_POINT(iDataCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, CallName), KErrNone, _L("Call Duration Test 2"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("data Call name is %S"), &CallName);
// start notification of call duration.
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing Call Duration"));
CHECK_POINT(CallLengthDuration.Int() == 1,TRUE,_L(""));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call duration = %d")), CallLengthDuration.Int());
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call duration = %d")), CallLength.Int());
CHECK_POINT(CallLength.Int() >= 5 ,TRUE,_L("Call Duration Test 3"));
// Hang up the Call
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up the call"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("HangUp successful"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call duration = %d")), CallLength.Int());
TInt numberOfNotifs=0 ;
for (; statDuration==KErrNone ;numberOfNotifs++)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing Call Duration Notification"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call duration = %d")), CallLength.Int());
CHECK_POINT(CallLength.Int() == 2,TRUE,_L("Call Duration Test 4"));
INFO_PRINTF2(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Call duration = %d")), CallLengthDuration.Int());
CHECK_POINT(CallLengthDuration.Int() >= 2,TRUE,_L("Call Duration Test 5"));
CHECK_POINT((statDuration.Int()==KErrNone)||(statDuration.Int()==KErrCancel), TRUE, _L("Call Duration Test 6"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up the call"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("HangUp successful"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing Call Duration Notification Cancel"));
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("Call Duration Test 7"));
// Hang up the Call
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Hanging up the call"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("HangUp successful"));
// Close the line and call
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iDataCall) ;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iLine) ;
return TestStepResult();
TBool CTestCallDuration::RingOrDialL(TBool aBRingOut)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Please ring the phone"));
TESTL(CallMeDear() == KErrNone) ; //init sim incoming call
iDataCall.AnswerIncomingCall(iStatus); // wait for a call
WaitWithTimeout(iStatus,15*KOneSecond); // but timeout after 60 seconds
CHECK_POINT(iStatus.Int(), KErrNone, _L("Call Duration Test 8"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S"),&KGoodNumber);
// Wait for the Call Status Change notification
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("...Call is Connected"));
return TRUE;
/** Each test step initialises it's own name
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
TVerdict CTestRemoteHangup::doTestStepL()
* This function tests call status at various times during calls
* @test GT83-TDATA-XXX.XX Test hanging up a data call from the remote end
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Remote Hangup"));
RCall::TStatus lineStatus;
TName callName;
TBuf<16> goodNumber ;
GetGoodNumber(goodNumber) ;
// Open a Data Line and Call
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line"));
CHECK_POINT(iLine.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-XXX.XX"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call"));
CHECK_POINT(iDataCall.OpenNewCall(iLine, callName), KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-XXX.XX"));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Data Call name is %S"), &callName);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S...."), &goodNumber);
iDataCall.Dial(iStatus, goodNumber);
CHECK_POINT(iStatus, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-XXX.XX"));
// Trigger remote hangup
RCall::TStatus notifyLineStatus;
TRequestStatus notifyStatus;
iLine.NotifyStatusChange(notifyStatus, notifyLineStatus);
TESTL(HangMeUpDear() == KErrNone);
TESTL(notifyStatus.Int() == KErrNone);
CHECK_POINT(notifyLineStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TVOICE-XXX.XX")) ;
TInt ret = iLine.GetStatus(lineStatus);
CHECK_POINT(ret, KErrNone, _L("GT83-TDATA-XXX.XX")) ;
CHECK_POINT(lineStatus, RCall::EStatusHangingUp, _L("GT83-TDATA-XXX.XX")) ;
// Close the line and call
return TestStepResult();