DTsy warnings fixed.
// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "WapProtSuiteStepBase.h"
#include <Gsmumsg.h>
#include <gsmubuf.h>
#include "smspver.h"
#include "WapProtSuiteDefs.h"
#include "wap_sock.h"
#include "smsstacktestconsts.h"
TVerdict CWapProtSuiteStepBase::doTestStepPreambleL()
* @return - TVerdict
* Implementation of CTestStep base class virtual
* Do all initialisation common to derived classes in here.
//base class preamble - marks the heap
return TestStepResult();
TVerdict CWapProtSuiteStepBase::doTestStepPostambleL()
//base class postamble - unmarks the heap
return TestStepResult();
Set up and open socket
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::SetupWapSocketL()
SetupWapSocketL(iSocket, iWapAddr, KWapPort);
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::SetupWapSocketL(RSocket& aSocket, TWapAddr& aWapAddr, const TDesC& aPort, TBool aNewStyleClient)
OpenSocketL(iSocketServer, aSocket);
//Read port and SC number from ini file
ReadWapPortSettingsL(aWapAddr, aPort);
if (aNewStyleClient)
// Indicating to the protocol that it's a new client
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Socket set option for indicating new client"));
TInt ret = aSocket.SetOpt(KWapSmsOptionNewStyleClient,KWapSmsOptionLevel, 0);
TESTCHECKL(ret, KErrNone, "Indicating to the protocol that it's a new client")
// Bind
TInt ret = aSocket.Bind(aWapAddr);
TESTCHECKL(ret, KErrNone, "Socket bind");
TProtocolDesc desc;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Protocol name: %S"), &desc.iName);
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 InitPause=9000000; //Required Pause to Allow SMSStack to Complete its Async Init
User::After(InitPause); //call to the TSY and finish its StartUp.
Setup a socket for receiving status repots
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::SetupStatusReportSocketL()
// Open the socket for receiving status reports
OpenSocketL(iSocketServer, iStatusReportSocket, KSMSAddrFamily, KSMSDatagramProtocol);
//Bind to the socket
TInt ret=iStatusReportSocket.Bind(iSmsAddr);
TESTCHECKL(ret, KErrNone, "Status Report Socket bind");
TProtocolDesc desc;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Protocol name: %S"), &desc.iName);
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 InitPause=9000000; //Required Pause to Allow SMSStack to Complete its Async Init
User::After(InitPause); //call to the TSY and finish its StartUp.
Get WAP Address from INI file
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::ReadWapPortSettingsL(TWapAddr& aWapAddr, const TDesC& aPort)
//Local vars
TPtrC16 telNumber;
TInt port;
//Read Port and SC number from INI file
User::LeaveIfError(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), aPort, port));
TBuf8<100> scNumber;
TPtrC8 scAddr(scNumber);
Get the coding of the message
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::SetCodingSchemeL()
TInt dataCoding;
TInt err = KErrNone;
//Get the port number from the ini file
GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("dataCoding"), dataCoding);
err = iSocket.SetOpt(KWapSmsOptionNameDCS,KWapSmsOptionLevel,EWapSms8BitDCS);
err = iSocket.SetOpt(KWapSmsOptionNameDCS,KWapSmsOptionLevel,EWapSms7BitDCS);
TESTCHECKL(err, KErrNone, "Setting Data Coding Scheme");
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::SetMessageTypeL()
TInt err = KErrNone;
TPtrC messageType;
//Get the type of message
GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("type"), messageType);
//Set the message type to WapDatagram
if(messageType.Compare(_L("Datagram")) == 0)
err = iSocket.SetOpt(KWapSmsOptionWapDatagram,KWapSmsOptionLevel);
//The creation of the message will set the type to SMART by default
// else
// User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.SetOpt(KWapSmsOptionSmartMessage,KWapSmsOptionLevel));
TESTCHECKL(err, KErrNone, "Setting Message Type");
Used to check the CSmsMessage, will also print details of values in CSmsMessage
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::CheckSmsMessageL(CSmsMessage& aSmsmessagebuf, TPtrC8& aScnumber)
TPtrC toFromAddress = aSmsmessagebuf.ToFromAddress();
TBuf<0x10> date;
TBuf<0x10> timestring;
TTime time = aSmsmessagebuf.Time();
TDateTime dateTime(time.DateTime());
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Value for toFromAddress: %S"), &toFromAddress);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Value for date: %S"), &date);
INFO_PRINTF5(_L("TimeStamp=%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d"), dateTime.Hour(), dateTime.Minute(), dateTime.Second(), dateTime.MicroSecond());
HBufC16* scnumber16 = HBufC16::NewLC(aScnumber.Length());
TPtr16 scnumber16mod = scnumber16->Des();
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Value for Service Centre number: %S"), &scnumber16mod);
Used to make call to get message parameters length via Ioctl
TInt CWapProtSuiteStepBase::GetMessageParameterLengthL(RSocket& aSock)
TRequestStatus getParamStatus;
TPckgBuf<TInt> paramLength;
// Get the length of the message parameter value
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Issue of IOCTL for KSOGetMessageParametersLength"));
aSock.Ioctl(KSOGetMessageParametersLength, getParamStatus, ¶mLength, KSolWapProv);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("KSOGetMessageParametersLength on Ioctl completed"));
// Return the message parameter length
return paramLength();
Used to make call to get message parameters via Ioctl
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::GetMessageParameterL(RSocket& aSock, TPtr8& aParameterStorePtr)
TRequestStatus getParamStatus;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Getting message parameter..."));
aSock.Ioctl(KSOGetMessageParameters, getParamStatus, &aParameterStorePtr, KSolWapProv);
TESTCHECK(getParamStatus.Int(), KErrNone, "Getting message parameter");
Used to internalise the TDes8 and check the resultant CSmsMessage
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::InternaliseSmsDataAndCheckL(TDes8& aBuffer, TPtrC8& aScnumber)
CSmsMessage* smsMessageBuf = NULL;
RDesReadStream reader(aBuffer);
RFs rFs;
smsMessageBuf = CSmsMessage::NewL(rFs, CSmsPDU::ESmsStatusReport, CSmsBuffer::NewL());
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Check the contents of the internalized sms message"));
CheckSmsMessageL(*smsMessageBuf, aScnumber);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &reader); // reader, rFs, smsMessageBuf
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::OpenSocketL(RSocketServ& aSocketServer, RSocket& aSocket, TUint aAddrFamily,TUint aProtocol)
OpenSocketLC(aSocketServer, aSocket, aAddrFamily, aProtocol);
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::OpenSocketLC(RSocketServ& aSocketServer, RSocket& aSocket, TUint aAddrFamily, TUint aProtocol)
TInt error = aSocket.Open(aSocketServer,aAddrFamily,KSockDatagram,aProtocol);
if(error != KErrNone)
//If error == KErrNone, do nothing.
//If error == KErrServerBusy, change the leave code to "84" to imply the failure otherwise the failed step will be started again.
//Any other errors will leave with the error code.
if(error == KErrServerBusy)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Open socket failed - error is KErrServerBusy, changing to TEST_ERROR_CODE (=%d)"), error);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Open socket failed - error=%d"), error);
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::ReceiveWapMessageFromSocket(TInt aLength, TPtrC& aData)
// Receiving a message, length of which should be requested prior to calling
// this method from the socket and supplied thought aLength parameter
TRequestStatus status;
TWapAddr recvWapAddr;
HBufC8* recvBuf = HBufC8::NewLC(aLength);
TPtr8 recvPtr = recvBuf->Des();
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Receiving a message from the socket..."));
iSocket.RecvFrom(recvPtr, recvWapAddr, 0, status);
TESTCHECKL(status.Int(), KErrNone, "Receiving a message");
TBuf8<300> data;
TESTCHECK(recvPtr.Compare(data), 0, "Checking the received message matched expected");
// Confirm the receipt of the message to the client
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Setting Socket option for indicating receipt of the message..."));
TInt ret = iSocket.SetOpt(KWapSmsOptionOKToDeleteMessage,KWapSmsOptionLevel, 0);
TESTCHECKL(ret, KErrNone, "Setting Socket option for indicating receipt of the message");
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::ReceiveWapMessage(TPtrC& aData)
TRequestStatus ioctlStatus;
TPckgBuf<TInt> length;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Issuing IOCTL for getting the length of the message..."));
iSocket.Ioctl(KSOGetLength, ioctlStatus, &length, KSolWapProv);
TESTCHECKL(ioctlStatus.Int(), KErrNone, "Getting the length of the incoming message");
// Check if reported length is correct
TESTCHECK(length(), aData.Length(), "Check if reported length is correct");
ReceiveWapMessageFromSocket(length(), aData);
void CWapProtSuiteStepBase::SendWapMessage(TPtrC& aData)
TRequestStatus status;
TBuf8<300> data;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Sending a message..."));
iSocket.SendTo(data, iWapAddr, 0, status);
TESTCHECKL(status.Int(), KErrNone, "Sending a message");