DTsy warnings fixed.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "CMmWimTsy.h"
#include <ctsy/rmmcustomapi.h>
#include <ctsy/tflogger.h>
#include <ctsy/pluginapi/cmmdatapackage.h>
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
void CMmWimTsy::ConstructL(
CMmCustomTsy* aMmCustomTsy )
iMmCustomTsy = aMmCustomTsy;
// Create req handle store
// Create req handle store
iTsyReqHandleStore = CMmTsyReqHandleStore::NewL( iMmCustomTsy,
iMmCustomTsy->iMmPhoneTsy, EWIMRequestTypeMaxNumOfRequests,
iWIMReqHandles );
iTsyReqHandleStore = CMmTsyReqHandleStore::NewL(
EWIMRequestTypeMaxNumOfRequests, iWIMReqHandles );
CMmWimTsy* CMmWimTsy::NewL(
CMmCustomTsy* aMmCustomTsy )
CMmWimTsy* mmWIM = new ( ELeave ) CMmWimTsy();
CleanupStack::PushL( mmWIM );
mmWIM->ConstructL( aMmCustomTsy );
CleanupStack::Pop( mmWIM );
return mmWIM;
if ( iTsyReqHandleStore )
delete iTsyReqHandleStore;
iMmCustomTsy = NULL;
iRetApduInfo = NULL;
iRetApduData = NULL;
iAnswerToReset = NULL;
iApduParameters = NULL;
iSimCardReaderStatus = NULL;
iNotifiedSimCardStatus = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::Init
// Initialisation method that is called from ETel Server.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmWimTsy::Init()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::RegisterNotification
// Called when the server recognises that this notification is being posted
// for the first time on this sub-session object. It enables the TSY to "turn
// on" any regular notification messages that it may receive from DOS.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::RegisterNotification(
const TInt aIpc )
TInt ret ( KErrNotSupported );
switch ( aIpc )
case ECustomNotifySimCardStatusIPC:
ret = KErrNone;
ret = KErrNotSupported;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::SupportingIPC
// Tells whether the object supports given IPC.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMmWimTsy::SupportingIPC(
const TInt aIpc )
TInt ret( EFalse );
switch ( aIpc )
case ECustomSimWarmResetIPC:
case ECustomGetATRIPC:
case ECustomSendAPDUReqIPC:
case ECustomGetSimCardReaderStatusIPC:
case ECustomNotifySimCardStatusIPC:
case ECustomSendAPDUReqV2IPC:
case ECustomPowerSimOnIPC:
case ECustomPowerSimOffIPC:
ret = ETrue;
ret = EFalse;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::DeregisterNotification
// Called when the server recognises that this notification will not be posted
// again because the last client to have a handle on this sub-session object
// has just closed the handle. It enables the TSY to "turn off" any regular
// notification messages that it may receive from DOS.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::DeregisterNotification(
const TInt aIpc )
TInt ret ( KErrNotSupported );
switch ( aIpc )
case ECustomNotifySimCardStatusIPC:
ret = KErrNone;
ret = KErrNotSupported;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::DoExtFuncL
// Dispatches extension function requests. At the beginning of this method,
// packaged pointers are unpacked. Then the correct function is selected
// using the IPC number.
// If the IPC is supported, returns the return value of corresponding function
// else returns KErrNotSupported.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::DoExtFuncL(
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
const TInt aIpc,
const TDataPackage& aPackage )
TInt ret( KErrNotSupported );
switch ( aIpc )
case ECustomSendAPDUReqIPC:
ret = SendAPDUReqL( aTsyReqHandle, aPackage.Des1n(),
aPackage.Des2n() );
case ECustomGetATRIPC:
ret = GetATRL( aTsyReqHandle, aPackage.Des1n() );
case ECustomSimWarmResetIPC:
ret = SimWarmResetL( aTsyReqHandle );
case ECustomGetSimCardReaderStatusIPC:
ret = GetSimCardReaderStatusL( aTsyReqHandle, REINTERPRET_CAST(
RMmCustomAPI::TSimCardReaderStatus*, aPackage.Ptr1() ) );
case ECustomNotifySimCardStatusIPC:
ret = NotifySimCardStatus( aTsyReqHandle, REINTERPRET_CAST(
RMmCustomAPI::TSIMCardStatus*, aPackage.Ptr1() ) );
case ECustomSendAPDUReqV2IPC:
ret = SendAPDUReqV2L( aTsyReqHandle, REINTERPRET_CAST(
RMmCustomAPI::TApduParameters*, aPackage.Ptr1() ) );
case ECustomPowerSimOnIPC:
ret = PowerSimOnL( aTsyReqHandle );
case ECustomPowerSimOffIPC:
ret = PowerSimOffL( aTsyReqHandle );
ret = KErrNotSupported;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::ReqModeL
// Returns request mode for given IPC. Leaves with error code KErrNotSupported
// if the IPC number does not belong to some of the WIM-related API functions.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CTelObject::TReqMode CMmWimTsy::ReqModeL(
const TInt aIpc )
CTelObject::TReqMode ret=0;
switch ( aIpc )
case ECustomSendAPDUReqIPC:
// Custom TSY has its own flow control and allows several
// simultaneous requests.
ret = KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled;
case ECustomNotifySimCardStatusIPC:
ret = KReqModeRePostImmediately |
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::NumberOfSlotsL
// Returns number of slots to be used for given IPC. Leaves with error code
// KErrNotSupported if the IPC number does not belong to some of the
// WIM-related API functions.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::NumberOfSlotsL(
const TInt aIpc )
TInt numberOfSlots = KMmCustomDefaultSlots;
switch ( aIpc )
case ECustomSendAPDUReqIPC:
case ECustomNotifySimCardStatusIPC:
// Unknown or invalid IPC
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
return numberOfSlots;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::CancelService
// When the clients close their sub-sessions (eg. by calling RPhone::Close),
// they may not have cancelled all their outstanding asynchronous requests
// before closing. It is up to the ETel server to clean up in this situation,
// so the server will find the list of outstanding requests related to that
// sub-session object and pass these outstanding IPC request numbers, one at
// a time, to the CancelService function in the TSY.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::CancelService(
const TInt aIpc,
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
TInt ret( KErrGeneral );
switch ( aIpc )
case ECustomSendAPDUReqIPC:
ret = SendAPDUReqCancel( aTsyReqHandle );
case ECustomGetATRIPC:
ret = GetATRCancel();
case ECustomSimWarmResetIPC:
ret = SimWarmResetCancel();
case ECustomGetSimCardReaderStatusIPC:
ret = GetSimCardReaderStatusCancel();
case ECustomNotifySimCardStatusIPC:
ret = NotifySimCardStatusCancel();
case ECustomSendAPDUReqV2IPC:
ret = SendAPDUReqV2Cancel();
case ECustomPowerSimOnIPC:
ret = PowerSimOnCancel();
case ECustomPowerSimOffIPC:
ret = PowerSimOffCancel();
ret = KErrGeneral;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::SendAPDUReqL
// Send APDU request to DOS.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::SendAPDUReqL(
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
TDes8* aInfo,
TDes8* aData )
TInt ret ( KErrNone );
// This is originally a TApdu in the API
RMmCustomAPI::TApdu apduReq;
apduReq.iInfo = aInfo;
apduReq.iData = aData;
// call DOS, packed parameter: a RMmCustomAPI::TApdu
CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
dataPackage.PackData( &apduReq );
ret = iMmCustomTsy->Phone()->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
ECustomSendAPDUReqIPC, &dataPackage );
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// save pointer to client for response data
iRetApduInfo = aInfo;
iRetApduData = aData;
SetTypeOfResponse( EWIMRequestTypeSendAPDUReq, aTsyReqHandle );
EWIMRequestTypeSendAPDUReq, aTsyReqHandle );
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::CompleteSendAPDUReq
// Completes a Send APDU request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmWimTsy::CompleteSendAPDUReq(
CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
TInt aError )
// Complete request
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EWIMRequestTypeSendAPDUReq );
if( reqHandle )
if ( KErrNone == aError )
//unpack the data
TPtrC8* info = NULL;
TPtrC8* data = NULL;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( &info, &data );
// request was successful, copy data to client side
if ( iRetApduInfo && info )
iRetApduInfo->Copy( info->Ptr(), info->Length() );
if ( iRetApduData && data )
iRetApduData->Copy( data->Ptr(), data->Length() );
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::SendAPDUReqCancel
// Cancel outstanding Send APDU request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::SendAPDUReqCancel(
TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
// reset the reqhandle
EWIMRequestTypeSendAPDUReq );
// reset return pointers
iRetApduInfo = NULL;
iRetApduData = NULL;
// complete
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::SetTypeOfResponse
// Sets the type of response for a given handle. Automatic mode includes an
// automatic response in case of non response from the DOS in a specified time.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmWimTsy::SetTypeOfResponse(
const TInt aReqHandleType,
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
TInt timeOut( 0 );
TInt ipc( 0 );
switch ( aReqHandleType )
case EWIMRequestTypeSendAPDUReq:
timeOut = KMmSendAPDUTimeOut;
ipc = ECustomSendAPDUReqIPC;
case EWIMRequestTypeSimWarmReset:
timeOut = KMmSimWarmResetTimeOut;
ipc = ECustomSimWarmResetIPC;
case EWIMRequestTypeGetATR:
timeOut = KMmGetATRTimeOut;
ipc = ECustomGetATRIPC;
case EWIMRequestTypeGetSimCardReaderStatus:
timeOut = KMmGetSimCardReaderStatusTimeOut;
ipc = ECustomGetSimCardReaderStatusIPC;
case EWIMRequestTypeSendAPDUReqV2:
timeOut = KMmSendAPDUV2TimeOut;
ipc = ECustomSendAPDUReqV2IPC;
case EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOn:
timeOut = KMmPowerSimOnTimeOut;
ipc = ECustomPowerSimOnIPC;
case EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOff:
timeOut = KMmPowerSimOffTimeOut;
ipc = ECustomPowerSimOffIPC;
// Does not use timer
if ( 0 < timeOut )
// The timeout parameter is given in seconds.
iTsyReqHandleStore->SetTsyReqHandle( aReqHandleType, aTsyReqHandle,
timeOut, ipc );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::Complete
// Completes the request due the timer expiration.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmWimTsy::Complete(
TInt aReqHandleType,
TInt aError )
TFLOGSTRING3( "CustomTSY: CMmWimTsy::Complete.\n\t ReqHandleType:%d \n\t Error:%d\n", aReqHandleType, aError );
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
aReqHandleType ), aError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::GetATRL
// Send GetATR request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::GetATRL(
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
TDes8 *aATR )
TTsyReqHandle getAtrHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->
GetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypeGetATR );
if ( 0 < getAtrHandle )
// The request is already in processing because of previous request
// Complete request with status value informing the client about
// the situation.
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::GetATRL - KErrServerBusy" );
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrServerBusy );
// save pointer to client for response data
iAnswerToReset = aATR;
// Call DOS, packed parameter: aATR
CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
dataPackage.PackData( &aATR );
TInt ret = iMmCustomTsy->Phone()->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
ECustomGetATRIPC, &dataPackage );
// check the return value of the call to DOS
if ( KErrNone != ret )
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
SetTypeOfResponse( EWIMRequestTypeGetATR, aTsyReqHandle );
EWIMRequestTypeGetATR, aTsyReqHandle );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::CompleteGetATR
// Completes a GetATR request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmWimTsy::CompleteGetATR(
TPtrC8& aData,
TInt aError )
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::CompleteGetATR ");
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle tsyReqHandle =
iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypeGetATR );
// Check the reqHandle
if ( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != tsyReqHandle )
// request was successful, copy data to client side
if ( KErrNone == aError )
//check the size....
if ( (*iAnswerToReset).MaxLength() >= aData.Length() )
(*iAnswerToReset).Copy( aData );
else // data is too big for client's buffer
aError = KErrOverflow;
iAnswerToReset = NULL;
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( tsyReqHandle, aError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::GetATRCancel
// Cancels an outstanding GetATR request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::GetATRCancel()
TFLOGSTRING( "CMmWimTsy::GetATRCancel" );
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EWIMRequestTypeGetATR );
// reset pointer to client data
iAnswerToReset = NULL;
if( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// complete
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::SimWarmResetL
// Send SimWarmReset request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::SimWarmResetL(
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
TFLOGSTRING( "CMmWimTsy::SimWarmResetL");
TTsyReqHandle simWarmResetHandle =
iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypeSimWarmReset );
if ( 0 < simWarmResetHandle )
// The request is already in processing because of previous request
// Complete request with status value informing the client about
// the situation.
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::SimWarmResetL - KErrServerBusy" );
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrServerBusy );
TInt ret = iMmCustomTsy->Phone()->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
ECustomSimWarmResetIPC );
// check the return value of the call to DOS
if ( KErrNone != ret )
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
SetTypeOfResponse( EWIMRequestTypeSimWarmReset, aTsyReqHandle );
EWIMRequestTypeSimWarmReset, aTsyReqHandle );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::CompleteSimWarmReset
// Completes a SimWarmReset request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmWimTsy::CompleteSimWarmReset(
TInt aError )
TFLOGSTRING( "CMmWimTsy::CompleteSimWarmReset" );
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle tsyReqHandle =
iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypeSimWarmReset );
if ( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != tsyReqHandle )
// Complete request
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( tsyReqHandle, aError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::SimWarmResetCancel
// Cancels an outstanding SimWarmReset request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::SimWarmResetCancel()
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::SimWarmResetCancel" );
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle =
iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypeSimWarmReset );
if( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// complete
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::GetSimCardReaderStatusL
// Send GetSimCardReaderStatus request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::GetSimCardReaderStatusL(
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
RMmCustomAPI::TSimCardReaderStatus* aSimCardReaderStatus )
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::GetSimCardReaderStatusL" );
TTsyReqHandle getSimCardReaderStatusHandle =
EWIMRequestTypeGetSimCardReaderStatus );
if ( 0 < getSimCardReaderStatusHandle )
// The request is already in processing because of previous request
// Complete request with status value informing the client about
// the situation.
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::GetSimCardReaderStatusL - KErrServerBusy" );
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrServerBusy );
// call DOS, packed parameter: aSimCardReaderStatus
CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
dataPackage.PackData( &aSimCardReaderStatus );
TInt ret = iMmCustomTsy->Phone()->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
ECustomGetSimCardReaderStatusIPC, &dataPackage );
// check the return value of the call to DOS
if ( KErrNone != ret )
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
// save pointer to client for response data
iSimCardReaderStatus = aSimCardReaderStatus;
SetTypeOfResponse( EWIMRequestTypeGetSimCardReaderStatus,
aTsyReqHandle );
EWIMRequestTypeGetSimCardReaderStatus, aTsyReqHandle );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::CompleteGetSimCardReaderStatus
// Completes a GetSimCardReaderStatus request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmWimTsy::CompleteGetSimCardReaderStatus(
TPtrC8& aData,
TInt aError )
TFLOGSTRING( "CMmWimTsy::CompleteGetSimCardReaderStatus" );
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle tsyReqHandle =
EWIMRequestTypeGetSimCardReaderStatus );
// check the handle and complete
if ( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != tsyReqHandle )
if(KErrNone == aError)
// Copy the data
if ( 0 < aData.Length() )
iSimCardReaderStatus->SetStatus( aData[0] );
// There was no data, set status to zero
iSimCardReaderStatus->SetStatus( 0 );
iSimCardReaderStatus = NULL;
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( tsyReqHandle, aError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::GetSimCardReaderStatusCancel
// Cancels an outstanding GetSimCardReaderStatus request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::GetSimCardReaderStatusCancel()
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::GetSimCardReaderStatusCancel" );
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EWIMRequestTypeGetSimCardReaderStatus );
// reset pointer to client data
iSimCardReaderStatus = NULL;
if( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// complete
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::NotifySimCardStatus
// Notifies a client of physical status change of SIM.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::NotifySimCardStatus(
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
RMmCustomAPI::TSIMCardStatus* aCardStatus )
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::NotifySimCardStatus" );
if ( NULL != aCardStatus )
// save pointer to client for response data
iNotifiedSimCardStatus = aCardStatus;
EWIMRequestTypeNotifySimCardStatus, aTsyReqHandle );
return KErrNone;
return KErrArgument;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::CompleteNotifySimCardStatus
// Completes a NotifySimCardStatus method.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmWimTsy::CompleteNotifySimCardStatus(
RMmCustomAPI::TSIMCardStatus aCardStatus )
TFLOGSTRING( "CMmWimTsy::CompleteNotifySimCardStatus" );
// reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EWIMRequestTypeNotifySimCardStatus );
// check the handle and complete
if ( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Copy the data
if ( NULL != iNotifiedSimCardStatus )
*iNotifiedSimCardStatus = aCardStatus;
iNotifiedSimCardStatus = NULL;
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::NotifySimCardStatusCancel
// Cancels an outstanding NotifySimCardStatus request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::NotifySimCardStatusCancel()
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::NotifySimCardStatusCancel" );
// reset pointer to client data
iNotifiedSimCardStatus = NULL;
// reset reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EWIMRequestTypeNotifySimCardStatus );
if( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// complete with KErrCancel
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::SendAPDUReqV2L
// Send APDU request to APDU server.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::SendAPDUReqV2L(
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
RMmCustomAPI::TApduParameters* aApduParameters )
TTsyReqHandle sendApduReqV2Handle =
iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypeSendAPDUReqV2 );
TInt ret = KErrNone;
if ( 0 < sendApduReqV2Handle )
// The request is already in processing because of previous request
// Complete request with status value informing the client about
// the situation.
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::SendAPDUReqV2L - KErrServerBusy" );
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrServerBusy );
return ret;
// call DOS, packed parameter: aData
CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
dataPackage.PackData( &aApduParameters );
ret = iMmCustomTsy->Phone()->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
ECustomSendAPDUReqV2IPC, &dataPackage );
// check result
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// save pointer to client for response data
iApduParameters = aApduParameters;
SetTypeOfResponse( EWIMRequestTypeSendAPDUReqV2, aTsyReqHandle );
EWIMRequestTypeSendAPDUReqV2, aTsyReqHandle );
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::CompleteSendAPDUReqV2
// Completes a Send APDU request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmWimTsy::CompleteSendAPDUReqV2(
TPtrC8 &aData,
TInt aError )
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::CompleteSendAPDUReqV2" );
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle tsyReqHandle =
iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypeSendAPDUReqV2 );
// check the handle and complete
if ( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != tsyReqHandle )
// request was successful, copy data to client side
if ( KErrNone == aError )
// check the size....
if ( iApduParameters->iRspData.MaxLength() >= aData.Length())
iApduParameters->iRspData.Copy( aData);
else // data is too big for client's buffer
aError = KErrOverflow;
iApduParameters = NULL;
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( tsyReqHandle, aError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::SendAPDUReqV2Cancel
// Cancels an outstanding Send APDU request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::SendAPDUReqV2Cancel()
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::SendAPDUReqV2Cancel" );
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EWIMRequestTypeSendAPDUReqV2 );
// reset return pointer
iApduParameters = NULL;
if( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// complete
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOnL
// Send PowerSimOn request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOnL(
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOnL" );
TTsyReqHandle powerSimOnHandle =
iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOn );
if ( 0 < powerSimOnHandle )
// The request is already in processing because of previous request
// Complete request with status value informing the client about
// the situation.
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOnL - KErrServerBusy" );
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrServerBusy );
TInt ret = iMmCustomTsy->Phone()->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
ECustomPowerSimOnIPC );
// check the return value of the call to DOS
if ( KErrNone != ret )
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
SetTypeOfResponse( EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOn, aTsyReqHandle );
EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOn, aTsyReqHandle );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::CompletePowerSimOn
// Completes a PowerSimOn request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmWimTsy::CompletePowerSimOn(
TInt aError )
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::CompletePowerSimOn" );
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle tsyReqHandle =
iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOn );
if ( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != tsyReqHandle )
// Complete request
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( tsyReqHandle, aError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOnCancel
// Cancels an outstanding PowerSimOn request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOnCancel()
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOnCancel" );
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOn );
if( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// complete
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOffL
// Send PowerSimOff request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOffL(
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOffL" );
TTsyReqHandle powerSimOffHandle =
iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOff );
if ( 0 < powerSimOffHandle )
// The request is already in processing because of previous request
// Complete request with status value informing the client about
// the situation.
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOffL - KErrServerBusy" );
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrServerBusy );
TInt ret = iMmCustomTsy->Phone()->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
ECustomPowerSimOffIPC );
// check the return value of the call to DOS
if ( KErrNone != ret )
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
SetTypeOfResponse( EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOff, aTsyReqHandle );
EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOff, aTsyReqHandle );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::CompletePowerSimOff
// Completes a PowerSimOff request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmWimTsy::CompletePowerSimOff(
TInt aError )
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::CompletePowerSimOff" );
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle tsyReqHandle =
iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOff );
if ( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != tsyReqHandle )
// Complete request
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( tsyReqHandle, aError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOffCancel
// Cancels an outstanding PowerSimOff request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOffCancel()
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmWimTsy::PowerSimOffCancel" );
// reset the reqhandle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle =
iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( EWIMRequestTypePowerSimOff );
if( EWIMTsyReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// complete
iMmCustomTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// End of File