DTsy warnings fixed.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "Cmmpacketservicetsy.h"
#include <ctsy/tflogger.h>
#include <ctsy/serviceapi/mmtsy_defaults.h>
#include "MmTsy_timeoutdefs.h"
#include "MmTsy_numberOfSlots.h"
#include "CMmCommonStaticUtility.h"
#include "Cmmpacketcontextlist.h"
#include "cmmpacketservicegsmwcdmaext.h"
#include "cmmcalllist.h"
#include "cmmcalltsy.h"
#include "CMmCustomTsy.h"
#include "CMmPacketTsy.h"
#include <ctsy/serviceapi/mmtsy_ipcdefs.h>
#include <ctsy/pluginapi/cmmdatapackage.h>
#include "cmmmbmscontextlist.h"
#include "cmmmbmsmonitoredlist.h"
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
CMmPacketServiceTsy* CMmPacketServiceTsy::NewL(
CMmPhoneTsy* const aMmPhone,
CMmMessageManagerBase* const aMessageManager,
MLtsyFactoryBase* aFactory )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NewL" );
CMmPacketServiceTsy* const packetService =
new ( ELeave ) CMmPacketServiceTsy();
CleanupClosePushL( *packetService );
packetService->iMmPhone = aMmPhone;
packetService->iMessageManager = aMessageManager;
packetService->ConstructL( aFactory );
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NewL." );
return packetService;
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::ConstructL( MLtsyFactoryBase* aFactory )
InitModulesL( aFactory );
iMessageManager->RegisterTsyObject( CMmMessageManagerBase::EPacketDataTsy,
this );
// Current Network Mode is initialized to be EMSClassUnknown
iCurrentMode = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeGsm;
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::~CMmPacketServiceTsy" );
if ( iMmPhone )
// deregister tsy object from message manager
// Reset packet data session pointer in phone
// Delete CMmTsyReqHandleStore object
delete iTsyReqHandleStore;
// Delete CMmPacketContextList object
delete iPacketContextList;
// Delete CMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt object
delete iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt;
if(iMBMSContextList != NULL)
// Delete CMmMBMSContextList object
delete iMBMSContextList;
if(iGetMbmsMonitoredServiceLists != NULL)
// Delete CArrayPtrFlat object
delete iGetMbmsMonitoredServiceLists;
if ( NULL != iDialUpContext )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::~CMmPacketServiceTsy: Close Dial-up Object." );
if ( NULL != iSecondaryDialUpContext )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::~CMmPacketServiceTsy: Close Secondary Dial-up Object." );
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::~CMmPacketServiceTsy: Closing iMutex Object." );
//CTSY defect (memory leak) this maybe allocated, but it is never deleted.
//no need for NULL check as C++ guarantees that operator delete checks its argument for null-ness.
delete iMBMSMonitoredList;
iMBMSMonitoredList = NULL;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::InitModulesL
// Initialises extension modules for CMmPacketServiceTsy.
// if GSM flag is defined
// allocate memory for CMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt object
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::InitModulesL( MLtsyFactoryBase* aFactory )
// Create Packet Service Gsm extension
iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt =
CMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt::NewL( this, aFactory );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::InitStoresAndListsL
// Initialises needed stores and lists.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::InitStoresAndListsL()
// Create req handle store
iTsyReqHandleStore = CMmTsyReqHandleStore::NewL( this, iMmPhone,
ENumOfMultimodePacketServiceRequests, iPacketServiceReqHandles );
// Create req handle store
iTsyReqHandleStore = CMmTsyReqHandleStore::NewL(
ENumOfMultimodePacketServiceRequests, iPacketServiceReqHandles );
// Create Packet Context List
iPacketContextList = CMmPacketContextList::NewL( this );
// create mbms context list
iMBMSContextList = CMmMBMSContextList::NewL();
// create MBMS monitored service list
iGetMbmsMonitoredServiceLists = new CArrayPtrFlat<CListReadAllAttempt>(1);
// Set pointer to externally created dial-up context to be NULL
iDialUpContext = NULL;
// Set pointer to externally created dial-up context to be NULL
iSecondaryDialUpContext = NULL;
// Set phone not attached to the network
iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus = RPacketService::EStatusUnattached;
// Current Mobile Station Class is initialized to be EMSClassUnknown
iInternalSavedData.iMsClass = RPacketService::EMSClassUnknown;
// If Gpds is suspended this flag is ETrue, otherwise EFalse
iSuspended = EFalse;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::Init
// Initialisation method that is called from ETel Server.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::Init()
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CustomTsy
// Returns a pointer to Custom TSY object.
// return custom tsy owned by phone tsy
CMmCustomTsy* CMmPacketServiceTsy::CustomTsy() const
// Return custom tsy
return iMmPhone->GetCustomTsy();
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::ActivePacketServiceExtension
// Returns a pointer to the active packet service extension.
// The packet data extension implements functionality that is specific for
// selected mode. There should always be some extension active.
CMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt* CMmPacketServiceTsy::ActivePacketServiceExtension()
// Return active packet service extension
return iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::TsyReqHandleStore
// Returns a pointer to the tsy request handle store.
// return tsy request handle store
CMmTsyReqHandleStore* CMmPacketServiceTsy::TsyReqHandleStore()
// Return tsy request handle store
return iTsyReqHandleStore;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::IsContextStatusActive
// Checks if context status is active from service point of view
TBool CMmPacketServiceTsy::IsContextStatusActive(
const RPacketContext::TContextStatus aContextStatus ) const
if ( ( RPacketContext::EStatusActive == aContextStatus ) ||
( RPacketContext::EStatusDeactivating == aContextStatus ) )
// Context is active from the service point of view
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::UpdateAttachedPacketStatus
// Sets service status to active or attached and completes status changed
// notification to the client if needed.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::UpdateAttachedPacketStatus(
const TBool aIsActiveContext ) //is context active
TBool isActive( aIsActiveContext );
// If external context exist and there are no active internal context
if ( iDialUpContext != NULL && isActive == EFalse )
// If external context is active then active context found
isActive = IsContextStatusActive( iDialUpContext->ContextStatus() );
// If external context exist and there are no active internal context
if ( iSecondaryDialUpContext != NULL && isActive == EFalse )
// If external context is active then active context found
isActive = IsContextStatusActive(
iSecondaryDialUpContext->ContextStatus() );
if ( isActive && ( RPacketService::EStatusActive !=
iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus ) )
// Complete status change notification to the client and
// set service status EStatusActive
RPacketService::EStatusActive, KErrNone );
else if ( !isActive && ( RPacketService::EStatusAttached !=
iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus ) )
// Complete status change notification to the client and
// set service status EStatusAttached
RPacketService::EStatusAttached, KErrNone );
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::UpdateAttachedPacketStatus. Service Status: %d", iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompletePacketStatusChanged
// Called from active extension to notify service that transfer status
// is changed.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompletePacketStatusChanged(
CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
TInt aErrorCode )
RPacketService::TStatus packetStatus;
TBool isresumed;
TBool isActiveContext( EFalse );
//Pack data
aDataPackage->UnPackData( packetStatus, isresumed );
// Get number of created contexts
const TInt numberOfContext( iPacketContextList->NumberOfContexts() );
if ( isresumed )
// If current status is suspended
if ( iSuspended )
CMmPacketContextTsy* packetContext;
CMmMBMSContextTsy* mbmsContext;
// check pdp context's
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfContext; i++ )
// Get context by index from context list
packetContext = iPacketContextList->PacketContextByIndex( i );
if ( NULL != packetContext )
// Inform context that service resumed from suspend
// check mbms context's
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iMBMSContextList->NumberOfContexts(); i++ )
// Get context by index from context list
mbmsContext = iMBMSContextList->ContextByIndex( i );
if ( NULL != mbmsContext )
// Inform context that service resumed from suspend
if ( iDialUpContext != NULL )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompletePacketStatusChanged. DialUp Context Resumed" );
if ( iSecondaryDialUpContext != NULL )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompletePacketStatusChanged. Secondary DialUp Context Resumed" );
// Get service status before suspend
packetStatus = iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatusBeforeSuspend;
// Current status is not suspended
iSuspended = EFalse;
// Resumed without suspend, continue with current status
packetStatus = iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus;
// If current status is not suspended or
// current status is suspended and new status is unattached
if ( !iSuspended || ( RPacketService::EStatusUnattached == packetStatus ) )
switch ( packetStatus )
case RPacketService::EStatusUnattached:
if ( iSuspended )
// If previous status was suspended it is not valid
// anymore
iSuspended = EFalse;
// Complete status change notification with EStatusUnattached
RPacketService::EStatusUnattached, aErrorCode );
case RPacketService::EStatusAttached:
case RPacketService::EStatusActive:
CMmPacketContextTsy* packetContext;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfContext; i++ )
packetContext =
iPacketContextList->PacketContextByIndex( i );
// If no active context found yet
if ( NULL != packetContext )
// Get context status
RPacketContext::TContextStatus contextStatus =
// Check if context is active ( from service point
// of view )
isActiveContext =
IsContextStatusActive( contextStatus );
if ( isActiveContext )
// Active context found, break
i = numberOfContext;
// no active pdp context's, check if any mbms context is active
if( !isActiveContext )
CMmMBMSContextTsy* mbmsContext;
// check mbms context's
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iMBMSContextList->NumberOfContexts(); i++ )
// Get context by index from context list
mbmsContext = iMBMSContextList->ContextByIndex( i );
if ( NULL != mbmsContext )
// Get context status
RPacketContext::TContextStatus contextStatus =
// Check if context is active ( from service point
// of view )
isActiveContext =
IsContextStatusActive( contextStatus );
if ( isActiveContext )
// Active context found, break
i = iMBMSContextList->NumberOfContexts();
// Update service status
UpdateAttachedPacketStatus( isActiveContext );
case RPacketService::EStatusSuspended:
if ( !iSuspended && ( RPacketService::EStatusUnattached !=
iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus ) )
// Save status before suspend internally
iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatusBeforeSuspend =
// Set iSuspended to be ETrue
iSuspended = ETrue;
CMmPacketContextTsy* packetContext;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfContext; i++ )
// Get next context
packetContext =
iPacketContextList->PacketContextByIndex( i );
if ( NULL != packetContext )
// Inform context that service is suspend
CMmMBMSContextTsy* mbmsContext;
// check mbms context's
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iMBMSContextList->NumberOfContexts(); i++ )
// Get context by index from context list
mbmsContext = iMBMSContextList->ContextByIndex( i );
if ( NULL != mbmsContext )
// Inform context that service is suspend
if ( iDialUpContext != NULL )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompletePacketStatusChanged. DialUp Context Suspended" );
if ( iSecondaryDialUpContext != NULL )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompletePacketStatusChanged. DialUp Context Suspended" );
// Complete status change notification with
// EStatusSuspended
RPacketService::EStatusSuspended, aErrorCode );
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompletePacketStatusChanged. Service Status: %d", iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::ContextStatusChanged
// Context status is changed from the Service point of view.
// Called from CMmPacketContextTsy to notify service that context status is
// changed to inactive, activate or deleted state. These states indicate that
// context is changed to inactive or active state from the Packet Service
// point of view.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::ContextStatusChanged(
const RPacketContext::TContextStatus aContextStatus )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::ContextStatusChanged. Context Status: %d", aContextStatus );
if ( !iSuspended && ( RPacketService::EStatusUnattached !=
iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus ) )
TBool isActiveContext( EFalse );
if ( ( RPacketContext::EStatusInactive == aContextStatus ) ||
( RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted == aContextStatus ) )
const TInt numberOfContext(
iPacketContextList->NumberOfContexts() );
RPacketContext::TContextStatus contextStatus;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfContext; i++ )
TInt ret( iPacketContextList->GetContextStatusByIndex(
i, contextStatus ) );
if ( KErrNone == ret )
isActiveContext = IsContextStatusActive( contextStatus );
if ( isActiveContext )
// Active context found, break
i = numberOfContext;
else if ( RPacketContext::EStatusActive == aContextStatus )
isActiveContext = ETrue;
UpdateAttachedPacketStatus( isActiveContext );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::PreferredBearerChanged
// Preferred bearer has been changed save new
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::PreferredBearerChanged(
CMmDataPackage* aPackage )
RPacketService::TPreferredBearer preferredBearer;
aPackage->UnPackData( preferredBearer );
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::PreferredBearerChanged. PreferredBearer: %d", preferredBearer );
iInternalSavedData.iPreferredBearer = preferredBearer;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::Attach
// Starts asynchronous attach request to the network.
// This function will cause the phone to attempt an attach to the packet
// network, if it is not already attached. If it is, the error
// KErrAlreadyExists should be returned.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::AttachL()
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::AttachL." );
TInt ret( KErrAlreadyExists );
if ( RPacketService::EStatusUnattached ==
iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus )
const TTsyReqHandle attachHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceAttach ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != attachHandle )
ret = KErrServerBusy;
// Attach
ret = iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt->AttachL();
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// Set request handle
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceAttach;
// Sending to the phonet failed for some reason
ret = CMmCommonStaticUtility::EpocErrorCode(
KErrGeneral, KErrGsmMMNetworkFailure );
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteAttach
// Completes asynchronous attach request.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteAttach(
const TInt aError ) //error value
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteAttach. Error Value: %d", aError );
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceAttach ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aError );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::Detach
// Starts asynchronous detach request to the network.
// This function will cause the phone to attempt to detach from the packet
// network, if it is not already detached. If it is, the error
// KErrAlreadyExists should be returned. If at least one context is active the
// error KErrInUse should be returned.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::DetachL()
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::DetachL." );
TInt ret( KErrAlreadyExists );
if ( RPacketService::EStatusUnattached !=
iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus )
// Get number of created contexts
const TInt numberOfContext( iPacketContextList->NumberOfContexts() );
RPacketContext::TContextStatus contextStatus;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfContext; i++ )
ret = iPacketContextList->GetContextStatusByIndex(
i, contextStatus );
if ( KErrNone == ret )
if ( IsContextStatusActive( contextStatus ) )
// Atleast one of the contexts is active.
ret = KErrInUse;
i= numberOfContext;
// If not KErrInUse, no active contexts found and detach can be done
if ( KErrInUse != ret )
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->
GetTsyReqHandle( EMultimodePacketServiceDetach ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown == reqHandle )
// Detach
ret = iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt->DetachL();
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// Set request handle
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceDetach;
// Sending to the phonet failed for some reason
ret = CMmCommonStaticUtility::EpocErrorCode(
KErrGeneral, KErrGsmMMNetworkFailure );
// The request is already in processing because of previous
// request. Complete request with KErrServerBusy informing the
// client about the situation.
ret = KErrServerBusy;
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteDetachL
// Completes asynchronous detach request.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteDetachL(
const TInt aError )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteDetachL. Error Value: %d", aError );
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceDetach ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aError );
if ( RPacketService::EAttachWhenPossible == iAttachMode )
SetAttachModeL( &iAttachMode );
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateContexts
// Enumerates contexts.
// This function will retrieve both the number of opened contexts in the TSY,
// the aCount parameter containing this value on completion of the function,
// and the maximum possible number of contexts, passed back in the aMaxAllowed
// parameter. Note that this is not the maximum number of simultaneously
// active contexts, but the total number allowed.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateContexts(
TInt* const aCount,
TInt* const aMaxAllowed )
*aCount = iPacketContextList->NumberOfContexts();
*aMaxAllowed = KMmMaxNumberOfContexts;
TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateContexts. Count: %d Max Allowed: %d", *aCount, *aMaxAllowed );
// Complete the request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetAttachMode
// Retrieves the current mode of GPRS Attach operation.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetAttachModeL(
RPacketService::TAttachMode* const aMode )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetAttachModeL. Mode:%d", *aMode );
TInt ret( KErrServerBusy );
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceGetAttachMode ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown == reqHandle )
// Get attach mode
ret = iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt->GetAttachModeL();
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// Save pointer to aMode internally
iTemporarySavedData.iGetAttachMode = aMode;
// Set req handle
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceGetAttachMode;
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteGetAttachMode
// Completes asynchronous attach request.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteGetAttachMode(
const RPacketService::TAttachMode aAttachMode, TInt aResult )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteGetAttachMode. Attach Mode: %d", aAttachMode );
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceGetAttachMode ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
*iTemporarySavedData.iGetAttachMode = aAttachMode;
iTemporarySavedData.iGetAttachMode = NULL;
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetContextInfo
// Gets Context info of the context defined by aIndex.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetContextInfo(
const TInt* const aIndex,
RPacketService::TContextInfo* const aInfo )
TInt ret( KErrNone );
// Call ContextStatusByIndex() to set context status to aInfo->iStatus
ret = iPacketContextList->GetContextStatusByIndex(
*aIndex, aInfo->iStatus );
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// Call GetContextNameByIndex() to set context name to aInfo->iName
ret = iPacketContextList->GetContextNameByIndex(
*aIndex, aInfo->iName );
TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetContextInfo. Context Status: %d Context Name: %S", aInfo->iStatus, &aInfo->iName );
// Complete request with ret
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, ret );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetDynamicCaps
// Returns the dynamic capabilities of the phone.
// call active extension to get dynamic capabilities to aCaps
// complete request with KErrNone
// return KErrNone
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetDynamicCaps(
RPacketService::TDynamicCapsFlags* const aCaps )
// Call DynamicCaps() from extension
iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt->GetDynamicCaps( aCaps );
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetDynamicCaps." );
// Complete the request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMSClass
// Gets current and maximum value of the Mobile Station Class.
// This function will retrieve both the current class and the highest class of
// the mobile station. The parameters aCurrentClass and aMaxClass may take one
// of the following values which are ordered in terms of class from highest to
// lowest:
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMSClass(
RPacketService::TMSClass* const aCurrentClass,
RPacketService::TMSClass* const aMaxClass )
*aCurrentClass = iInternalSavedData.iMsClass;
*aMaxClass = KMaxMsClass;
TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMSClass. Current Class: %d Max Class: %d", *aCurrentClass, *aMaxClass );
// Complete the request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetNtwkRegStatus
// Gets network registration status.
// This function allows the client to retrieve the current registration status
// of the phone on the packet network as defined by the enum
// TRegistrationStatus.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetNtwkRegStatusL(
RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus* const aRegistrationStatus )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetNtwkRegStatusL. Tsy Req Handle: %d", iTsyReqHandle );
const TTsyReqHandle regHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceGetNtwkRegStatus ) );
TInt ret( KErrServerBusy );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown == regHandle )
// Get network registration status
ret = iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt->GetNtwkRegStatusL();
if ( KErrNone == ret )
iRegistrationStatus = aRegistrationStatus;
// Set request handle type
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceGetNtwkRegStatus;
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteGetNtwkRegStatus
// Completes get network registration status request.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteGetNtwkRegStatus(
const RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus aRegistrationStatus,
const TInt aError )
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceGetNtwkRegStatus ) );
// If request handle ok
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
if ( KErrNone == aError )
*iRegistrationStatus = aRegistrationStatus;
iRegistrationStatus = NULL;
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aError );
// Request was sent during initialisation from active extension
aRegistrationStatus );
TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteGetNtwkRegStatus. TSY Req Handle: %d Registration Status: %d", reqHandle, aRegistrationStatus );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetPreferredBearer
// Returns preferred bearer.
// This function will retrieve the currently selected preferred bearer to
// attach to when in Class C operation. The TSY should cache this value, so
// the function should return quickly meaning there is no need for an
// asynchronous version.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetPreferredBearer(
RPacketService::TPreferredBearer* const aBearer )
*aBearer = iInternalSavedData.iPreferredBearer;
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetPreferredBearer. Preferred Bearer: %d", *aBearer );
// Complete the request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetStaticCaps
// Retrieves those capabilities of the TSY that are constant.
// call active extension to set static capabilities to aCaps
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetStaticCaps(
TUint* const aCaps,
const RPacketContext::TProtocolType* const aPdpType)
TInt ret = KErrNone;
switch (*aPdpType)
case RPacketContext::EPdpTypeIPv4:
case RPacketContext::EPdpTypeIPv6:
case RPacketContext::EPdpTypeX25:
case RPacketContext::EPdpTypePPP:
case RPacketContext::EPdpTypeCDPD:
iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt->GetStaticCaps( aCaps );
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetStaticCaps." );
// Complete the request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, ret );
ret = KErrArgument;
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetStatus
// Returns current status of the packet service.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetStatus(
RPacketService::TStatus* const aPacketStatus )
*aPacketStatus = iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus;
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetStatus. Service Status: %d", *aPacketStatus );
// Complete the request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus
// Requests notification of network registration status change.
// Allows a client to be notified whenever a change in the status of the
// packet network registration is detected.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus(
RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus* const aRegistrationStatus )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus." );
// Set request handle and save pointer to aRegistrationStatus
iNotifyDataPointers.iChangeOfNtwkRegStatus = aRegistrationStatus;
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyNtwkRegStatusChange;
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus
// Completes notify change of ntwk registration status to client.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus(
const RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus aRegistrationStatus )
TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus. Current reg Status: %d New reg Status: %d", iInternalSavedData.iRegistrationStatus, aRegistrationStatus );
// If registration status changed
if ( aRegistrationStatus != iInternalSavedData.iRegistrationStatus )
// Save new status internally
iInternalSavedData.iRegistrationStatus = aRegistrationStatus;
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyNtwkRegStatusChange ) );
// If notification is requested by client
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Set aRegistrationStatus to the etel side memory
*iNotifyDataPointers.iChangeOfNtwkRegStatus = aRegistrationStatus;
iNotifyDataPointers.iChangeOfNtwkRegStatus = NULL;
// Complete request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus
// Completes notify change of ntwk registration status to client.
// Handles request coming from MessHandler
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus(
CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage, TInt aResult )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus.");
//Unpack necessary data from datapackage
RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus registrationStatus;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( registrationStatus );
// If registration status changed
if ( registrationStatus != iInternalSavedData.iRegistrationStatus )
// Save new status internally
iInternalSavedData.iRegistrationStatus = registrationStatus;
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyNtwkRegStatusChange ) );
// If notification is requested by client
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Set registrationStatus to the etel side memory
*iNotifyDataPointers.iChangeOfNtwkRegStatus = registrationStatus;
iNotifyDataPointers.iChangeOfNtwkRegStatus = NULL;
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyContextActivationRequested
// Requests notification of network requests context activation.
// This function will complete when the phone receives a request from the
// packet network to activate a PDP context. Depending on the type of
// network, this request may contain the PDP type requested, the PDP address
// for this context, and possibly the Access Point Name (APN) of the gateway
// to connect to.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyContextActivationRequested(
TPacketDataConfigBase* const aContextParameters )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyContextActivationRequested." );
TInt ret = KErrNone;
// If class of aContextParameters is TContextConfigGPRS
if ( TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigGPRS ==
aContextParameters->ExtensionId() )
// Cast aContextParameters from TPacketDataConfigBase to
// TContextConfigGPRS and save internally
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested =
( RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS* ) aContextParameters;
// Set request handle
iReqHandleType =
// Else if class of aContextParameters is TContextConfigR99_R4
else if ( TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel99Rel4 ==
aContextParameters->ExtensionId() )
// Cast aContextParameters from TPacketDataConfigBase to
// TContextConfigR99_R4 and save internally
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99 =
( RPacketContext::TContextConfigR99_R4* ) aContextParameters;
// Set request handle
iReqHandleType =
// Else if class of aContextParameters is TContextConfigR5
else if ( TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel5 ==
aContextParameters->ExtensionId() )
// Cast aContextParameters from TPacketDataConfigBase to
// TContextConfig_R5 and save internally
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5 =
( RPacketContext::TContextConfig_R5* ) aContextParameters;
// Set request handle
iReqHandleType =
// Else class of aContextParameters is not supported
ret = KErrNotSupported;
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyContextActivationRequested
// Completes context activation requested notification to client.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyContextActivationRequested(
CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage ) //contains initial data
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyContextActivationRequested.");
//Check if there is client request
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown !=
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextActivationRequested ) ||
EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown !=
GetTsyReqHandle( CMmPacketServiceTsy::
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextActivationRequested99 ) ||
EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown !=
GetTsyReqHandle( CMmPacketServiceTsy::
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextActivationRequested5 ) )
//ETel API client may call RPacketService::NotifyContextActivationRequested
//method using one of following parameter class:
//RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS, RPacketContext::TContextConfigR99_R4
//or RPacketContext::TContextConfig_R5. LTSY may complete
//NotifyContextActivationRequested request using one of these parameter
//classes. CTSY has to complete RPacketService::NotifyContextActivationRequested
//requests in all situations.
//Copy data temporary from aDataPackage to
RPacketContext::TContextConfig_R5 config_R5;
TBool config_R5Filled = ETrue;
//Before copying initialize GPRS specific fields
TUint iPdpCompression = 0;
RPacketContext::TAnonymousAccess iAnonymousAccessReqd =
//Before copying reset R99_R4 and R5 specific fields
config_R5.iPFI = RPacketContext::EBestEffort;
config_R5.iPdpHeaderCompression = RPacketContext::ENoHeaderCompression;
config_R5.iPdpDataCompression = RPacketContext::ENoDataCompression;
TPacketDataConfigBase configBase;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( configBase );
if ( configBase.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigGPRS )
RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS configGPRS;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( configGPRS );
config_R5.iPdpType =configGPRS.iPdpType;
config_R5.iAccessPointName = configGPRS.iAccessPointName;
config_R5.iPdpAddress = configGPRS.iPdpAddress;
iPdpCompression = configGPRS.iPdpCompression;
iAnonymousAccessReqd = configGPRS.iAnonymousAccessReqd;
config_R5.iUseEdge = configGPRS.iUseEdge;
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iAuthInfo =
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iChallenge =
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iResponse =
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iId =
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iDnsAddresses =
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iMiscBuffer =
config_R5.iNWIContext = configGPRS.iNWIContext;
else if ( configBase.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel99Rel4 )
RPacketContext::TContextConfigR99_R4 config_R99_R4;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( config_R99_R4 );
config_R5.iPdpType = config_R99_R4.iPdpType;
config_R5.iAccessPointName = config_R99_R4.iAccessPointName;
config_R5.iPdpAddress = config_R99_R4.iPdpAddress;
config_R5.iUseEdge = config_R99_R4.iUseEdge;
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iAuthInfo =
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iChallenge =
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iResponse =
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iId =
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iDnsAddresses =
config_R5.iProtocolConfigOption.iMiscBuffer =
config_R5.iNWIContext = config_R99_R4.iNWIContext;
config_R5.iPFI = config_R99_R4.iPFI;
else if ( configBase.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel5 )
//Just unpack to config_R5
aDataPackage->UnPackData( config_R5 );
//Unknown parameter class.
config_R5Filled = EFalse;
//Copy data to clients and complete client requests
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextActivationRequested );
if ( config_R5Filled &&
EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Deliver R97/98 parameters to the ETel Packet API client
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iPdpType =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iAccessPointName =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iPdpAddress =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iPdpCompression =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iAnonymousAccessReqd =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iUseEdge =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iProtocolConfigOption.iAuthInfo =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iProtocolConfigOption.iChallenge =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iProtocolConfigOption.iResponse =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iProtocolConfigOption.iId =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iProtocolConfigOption.iDnsAddresses =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iProtocolConfigOption.iMiscBuffer =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested->iNWIContext =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested = NULL;
// Complete request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextActivationRequested99 );
if ( config_R5Filled &&
EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Deliver R99_R4 parameters to the ETel Packet API client
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iPdpType =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iAccessPointName =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iPdpAddress =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iUseEdge =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iProtocolConfigOption.iAuthInfo =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iProtocolConfigOption.iChallenge =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iProtocolConfigOption.iResponse =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iProtocolConfigOption.iId =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iProtocolConfigOption.iDnsAddresses =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iProtocolConfigOption.iMiscBuffer =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iNWIContext =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99->iPFI =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99 = NULL;
// Complete request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextActivationRequested5 );
if ( config_R5Filled &&
EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Deliver R5 parameters to the ETel Packet API client
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iPdpType =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iAccessPointName =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iPdpAddress =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iUseEdge =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iProtocolConfigOption.iAuthInfo =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iProtocolConfigOption.iChallenge =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iProtocolConfigOption.iResponse =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iProtocolConfigOption.iId =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iProtocolConfigOption.iDnsAddresses =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iProtocolConfigOption.iMiscBuffer =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iNWIContext =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iPFI =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iPdpHeaderCompression =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5->iPdpDataCompression =
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5 = NULL;
// Complete request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyContextAdded
// Requests notification of context has been added.
// Allows a client to be notified whenever a new context has been created. It
// should be noted that once the notification completes, the client must then
// re-post the notification if they wish to continue receiving further
// notifications.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyContextAdded(
const TDataPackage& aPackage )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyContextAdded." );
TDes* const context = aPackage.Des1u();
// Save request handle type and context Name
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextAdded;
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextAdded = context;
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyContextAdded
// Completes the context added notification to client.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyContextAdded(
CMmDataPackage* aPackage )
TInfoName tempHostCID;
//Variables needed for unpacking data
TInfoName contextName;
TInt result ( 0 );
TInt trapError( KErrNone );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
aPackage->UnPackData( contextName, result );
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyContextAdded." );
if ( KErrNone != result )
//if one Dial-up context is created
if ( iDialUpContext )
// External context, service has no control to the context.
// Context name forced to External2.
contextName.Copy( KStringExternal2 );
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyContextAdded :Create Secondary Dial-up Object." );
// Create object for externally created dial-up context
TRAP( trapError, iSecondaryDialUpContext = CMmPacketContextTsy::NewL(
this, tempHostCID, contextName ); );
// External context, service has no control to the context.
// Context name forced to External.
contextName.Copy( KStringExternal );
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyContextAdded :Create Dial-up Object." );
// Create object for externally created dial-up context
TRAP( trapError, iDialUpContext = CMmPacketContextTsy::NewL(
this, tempHostCID, contextName ); );
if ( KErrNone == trapError )
if ( contextName.Compare( KStringExternal2 ) == 0 )
ret = iPacketContextList->AddObject(
iSecondaryDialUpContext, 0x00, 0x00,
contextName );
else if ( contextName.Compare( KStringExternal ) == 0 )
ret = iPacketContextList->AddObject( iDialUpContext,
0x00, 0x00, contextName );
if( KErrNone != ret )
if ( contextName.Compare( KStringExternal2 ) == 0 )
else if ( contextName.Compare( KStringExternal ) == 0 )
if ( KErrNone != ret || KErrNone != trapError )
if ( contextName.Compare( KStringExternal2 ) == 0 )
iSecondaryDialUpContext = NULL;
else if ( contextName.Compare( KStringExternal ) == 0 )
iDialUpContext = NULL;
//Check if dial-up context is created, and set default params
if ( contextName.Compare( KStringExternal2 ) == 0 )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyContextAdded :Reset Secondary Dial-up Object." );
// Reset secondary dial-up context
else if ( contextName.Compare( KStringExternal ) == 0 )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyContextAdded :Reset Dial-up Object." );
// Reset dial-up context
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextAdded ) );
// Check that request handle is valid
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Add context name to the etel side memory
*iNotifyDataPointers.iContextAdded = contextName;
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextAdded = NULL;
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyContextAdded. Context Name: %S", &contextName );
// Complete request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyDynamicCapsChange
// Requests notification of dynamic capabilities change.
// This function will complete when the dynamic packet data capabilities
// change; that is, either some action has become possible and/or some action
// is no longer possible. A common usage of the dynamic capabilities functions
// would be for GetDynamicCaps() to be called first to retrieve the current
// set of capabilities, and then the NotifyDynamicCapsChange() request to be
// posted to be kept informed of any changes.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyDynamicCapsChange(
RPacketService::TDynamicCapsFlags* const aCaps )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyDynamicCapsChange." );
// Save pointer to aCaps
iNotifyDataPointers.iDynamicCapsChange = aCaps;
// Set request handle type
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyDynamicCapsChange;
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyDynamicCapsChange
// Completes dynamic capabilities notification to client.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyDynamicCapsChange(
const RPacketService::TDynamicCapsFlags aCaps )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyDynamicCapsChange." );
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyDynamicCapsChange ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
*iNotifyDataPointers.iDynamicCapsChange = aCaps;
iNotifyDataPointers.iDynamicCapsChange = NULL;
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyMSClassChange
// Requests notification of mobile station class change.
// This function will complete when there is a change in the current GPRS
// class of the mobile station. The new class is passed back in the aNewClass
// parameter.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyMSClassChange(
RPacketService::TMSClass* const aNewClass )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyMSClassChange." );
// Save aNewClass internally
iNotifyDataPointers.iMSClassChange = aNewClass;
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMSClassChange;
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyMSClassChange
// Completes mobile station class notification to client.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyMSClassChange(
CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyMSClassChange." );
RPacketService::TMSClass newClass;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( newClass );
if ( newClass != iInternalSavedData.iMsClass )
// Save new ms class internally
iInternalSavedData.iMsClass = newClass;
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMSClassChange ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Save changed MS Class to ETel side memory
*iNotifyDataPointers.iMSClassChange = newClass;
iNotifyDataPointers.iMSClassChange = NULL;
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyMSClassChange. New Ms Class: %d", newClass );
// Complete request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyStatusChange
// informs client that service status change.
// Allows a client to be notified of a change in the status
// of the connection to the packet service. The new status is
// passed back to the client via aPacketStatus parameter.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyStatusChange(
RPacketService::TStatus* const aPacketStatus )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyStatusChange." );
// Save aPacketStatus to internal memory
iNotifyDataPointers.iStatusChange = aPacketStatus;
// Set request handle type
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyStatusChange;
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange
// Completes service status notification to client.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange(
const RPacketService::TStatus& aPacketStatus,
TInt aErrorCode )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange." );
if ( aPacketStatus != iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus )
iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus = aPacketStatus;
// Reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyStatusChange ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
*iNotifyDataPointers.iStatusChange = aPacketStatus;
iNotifyDataPointers.iStatusChange = NULL;
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange. Service Status:%d", aPacketStatus );
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aErrorCode );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::RejectActivationRequest
// Reject activation request from the network.
// This function will cause the phone to reject the network's request for a
// PDP context activation. Note, there is no corresponding "accept" message
// for the phone to send. To accept, the phone should simply begin to activate
// a PDP context with the appropriate IP address before the network's timer
// expires. On GPRS, this timer is between 5 and 8 seconds, but may
// effectively be between around 25 and 40 seconds as the specifications state
// that the activation request should be re-sent up to five times.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::RejectActivationRequestL()
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::RejectActivationRequestL." );
const TTsyReqHandle tsyRegHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceRejectActivationRequest ) );
TInt ret( KErrServerBusy );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown == tsyRegHandle )
// Reject network activation
ret = iMessageManager->HandleRequestL(
EPacketRejectActivationRequest );
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// Set request handle
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceRejectActivationRequest;
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteRejectActivationRequest
// Completes asynchronous reject activation request.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteRejectActivationRequest()
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteRejectActivationRequest." );
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceRejectActivationRequest ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetAttachMode
// Sets attach mode given in parameter to the server.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetAttachModeL(
const RPacketService::TAttachMode* aMode )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetAttachModeL." );
iAttachMode = *aMode;
TInt ret( KErrServerBusy );
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceSetAttachMode ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown == reqHandle )
//Set attach mode
ret = iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt->SetAttachModeL( *aMode );
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// Set req handle
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceSetAttachMode;
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetAttachMode
// Completes the Set Attach Mode request.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetAttachMode(
const TInt aError ) //error value
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetAttachMode. Error Value: %d", aError );
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceSetAttachMode ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aError );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetPreferredBearer
// Sets preferred bearer given in parameter to the GPDS server.
// This function will set the preferred bearer for the MT to default to when
// dropping from Class B operation to Class C, for instance when the MT moves
// into a Routing Area of cells or new GPRS network which operates in Network
// Mode III. Class C operation requires that the MT is attached to either GSM
// or GPRS, not both.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetPreferredBearerL(
const TDataPackage& aPackage )
TAny* const dataPtr = aPackage.Ptr1();
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetPreferredBearerL. Preferred Bearer: %d", &dataPtr );
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceSetPreferredBearer ) );
TInt ret( KErrServerBusy );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown == reqHandle )
RPacketService::TPreferredBearer* abearer = REINTERPRET_CAST(
RPacketService::TPreferredBearer*, dataPtr );
// Set preferred beareraPackage
ret = iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt->SetPreferredBearerL( aPackage );
if ( KErrNone == ret )
iTemporarySavedData.iPreferredBearer = *abearer;
// Set request handle type
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceSetPreferredBearer;
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetPreferredBearer
// Completes the Set Preferred Bearer request.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetPreferredBearer(
const TInt aError ) //epoc error code
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetPreferredBearer. Error: %d", aError );
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceSetPreferredBearer ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
if ( KErrNone == aError )
iInternalSavedData.iPreferredBearer =
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetPreferredBearer. Preferred Bearer: %d", iInternalSavedData.iPreferredBearer );
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aError );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::ExtFunc
// ExtFunc is called by the ETel when it has request for the TSY.
// For TSY to process request a request handle, request type and request data
// are passed to the TSY.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::ExtFunc(
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
const TInt aIpc,
const TDataPackage& aPackage )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::ExtFunc. IPC: %d", aIpc );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
TInt trapError( KErrNone );
// Ensure the ReqHandleType is unset.
// This will detect cases where this method indirectly calls itself
// (e.g. servicing a client call that causes a self-reposting notification to complete and thus repost).
// Such cases are not supported because iReqHandleType is in the context of this class instance,
// not this request, and we don't want the values set by the inner request and the outer request
// interfering with each other.
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReqHandleType==EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown, User::Invariant());
// Set tsy request handle
iTsyReqHandle = aTsyReqHandle;
// Call DoExtFuncL()
TRAP( trapError, ret = DoExtFuncL( aIpc, aPackage ); );
if ( KErrNone != trapError )
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, trapError );
else if ( KErrNone != ret )
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, ret );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != iReqHandleType )
// Save request handle type
SetTypeOfResponse( iReqHandleType );
iTsyReqHandleStore->SetTsyReqHandle( iReqHandleType, iTsyReqHandle );
// We've finished with this value now. Clear it so it doesn't leak
// up to any other instances of this method down the call stack
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown;
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::DoExtFuncL
// Calls correct method to handle ETel server request.
// unpack packaged parameters
// call correct method implemention using the IPC number and return the
// return value back to the caller.
// in case IPC number is not understood by switch, KErrNotSupported will
// be returned.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::DoExtFuncL(
const TInt aIpc,
const TDataPackage& aPackage )
TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::DoExtFuncL. IPC: %d TSY Req Handle:%d", aIpc, iTsyReqHandle);
TInt ret( KErrNotSupported );
TAny* const dataPtr = aPackage.Ptr1();
TAny* const dataPtr2 = aPackage.Ptr2();
switch ( aIpc )
case EPacketNotifyContextAdded:
ret = NotifyContextAdded( aPackage );
case EPacketAttach:
ret = AttachL();
case EPacketDetach:
ret = DetachL();
case EPacketGetStatus:
ret = GetStatus(
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TStatus*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketNotifyStatusChange:
ret = NotifyStatusChange(
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TStatus*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketNotifyContextActivationRequested:
ret = NotifyContextActivationRequested(
REINTERPRET_CAST( TPacketDataConfigBase*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketRejectActivationRequest:
ret = RejectActivationRequestL();
case EPacketEnumerateContexts:
ret = EnumerateContexts(
REINTERPRET_CAST( TInt*, dataPtr2 ) );
case EPacketGetContextInfo:
ret = GetContextInfo(
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TContextInfo*, dataPtr2 ) );
case EPacketGetNtwkRegStatus:
ret = GetNtwkRegStatusL(
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus*,
dataPtr ) );
case EPacketNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus:
ret = NotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus(
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus*,
dataPtr ) );
case EPacketGetMSClass:
ret = GetMSClass(
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TMSClass*, dataPtr ),
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TMSClass*, dataPtr2 ) );
case EPacketNotifyMSClassChange:
ret = NotifyMSClassChange(
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TMSClass*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketSetPrefBearer:
ret = SetPreferredBearerL( aPackage );
case EPacketGetPrefBearer:
ret = GetPreferredBearer( REINTERPRET_CAST(
RPacketService::TPreferredBearer*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketGetStaticCaps:
ret = GetStaticCaps(
REINTERPRET_CAST( TUint*, dataPtr ),
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketContext::TProtocolType*, dataPtr2 ) );
case EPacketGetDynamicCaps:
ret = GetDynamicCaps( REINTERPRET_CAST(
RPacketService::TDynamicCapsFlags*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketNotifyDynamicCapsChange:
ret = NotifyDynamicCapsChange( REINTERPRET_CAST(
RPacketService::TDynamicCapsFlags*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketSetAttachMode:
ret = SetAttachModeL(
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TAttachMode*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketGetAttachMode:
ret = GetAttachModeL(
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TAttachMode*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketPrepareOpenSecondary:
ret = PrepareOpenSecondary( aPackage.Des1u() );
case EPacketEnumerateNifs:
ret = EnumerateNifs( REINTERPRET_CAST ( TInt*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketGetNifInfo:
// Check that dataPtr2 is not null
if (dataPtr2)
// Get the TDes8 version of the parameter and find its MaxLength()
TInt parameterLength = aPackage.Des2n()->MaxLength();
// Create a temporary object of the expected type and find the expected MaxLength()
RPacketService::TNifInfoV2 temp;
RPacketService::TNifInfoV2Pckg tempPckg(temp);
TInt expectedLength = tempPckg.MaxLength();
// Compare the expected length with the actual length of the sent parameter
if ( parameterLength == expectedLength )
ret = GetNifInfo( REINTERPRET_CAST( TInt*, dataPtr ),
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TNifInfoV2*, dataPtr2 ) );
ret = KErrArgument;
ret = KErrArgument;
case EPacketEnumerateContextsInNif:
ret = EnumerateContextsInNif( aPackage.Des2u(),
REINTERPRET_CAST( TInt*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketGetContextNameInNif:
ret = GetContextNameInNif(
REINTERPRET_CAST( RPacketService::TContextNameInNif*,
dataPtr ), aPackage.Des2u() );
case EPacketSetDefaultContextParams:
ret = SetDefaultContextParamsL( aPackage );
case EPacketGetDefaultContextParams:
ret = GetDefaultContextParams(
REINTERPRET_CAST( TPacketDataConfigBase*, dataPtr ) );
case EPacketNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange:
ret = NotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange(
reinterpret_cast<TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus*> (dataPtr ) );
case EPacketNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange:
ret = NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange();
case EPacketGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus:
ret = GetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus(
*reinterpret_cast<TBool*> (dataPtr ),
reinterpret_cast<TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus*> (dataPtr2 ) );
case EPacketEnumerateMbmsMonitorServiceList:
ret = EnumerateMonitorServiceList(
*reinterpret_cast<TInt*> ( dataPtr ),
*reinterpret_cast<TInt*> ( dataPtr2 ) );
case EPacketEnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList:
ret = EnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList(
*reinterpret_cast<TInt*> ( dataPtr),
*reinterpret_cast<TInt*>(dataPtr2) );
case EPacketUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceList:
TMbmsAction action;
action = *reinterpret_cast< TMbmsAction*> (dataPtr );
ret = UpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListL(
aPackage.Des2n() );
ret = UpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListL(
action, NULL );
case EPacketGetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase1:
ret = GetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase1L(
reinterpret_cast<RMobilePhone::TClientId*> (dataPtr),
*reinterpret_cast<TUint*>(dataPtr2 ) );
case EPacketGetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase2:
ret = GetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase2(
reinterpret_cast<RMobilePhone::TClientId*>( dataPtr ),
//case EPacketSetMSClass:
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqModeL
// Returns request mode for given IPC.
// leave if given IPC is not supported
// return request mode for IPC number given in parameter
CTelObject::TReqMode CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqModeL(
const TInt aIpc )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqModeL. IPC: %d", aIpc );
CTelObject::TReqMode reqMode( 0 );
switch ( aIpc )
// All disabled TSYs wishing to implement their own buffering
// algorithm will place all requests in this category.
// Get methods that do not use DOS and return immediately.
// Other methods that return immediately.
// Methods that can propably take a long time flow control not
// required.
case EPacketGetNtwkRegStatus:
case EPacketGetDynamicCaps:
case EPacketGetStatus:
case EPacketEnumerateContexts:
case EPacketGetContextInfo:
case EPacketGetAttachMode:
case EPacketGetStaticCaps:
case EPacketRejectActivationRequest:
case EPacketSetAttachMode:
case EPacketAttach:
case EPacketDetach:
case EPacketSetPrefBearer:
case EPacketGetPrefBearer:
case EPacketPrepareOpenSecondary:
case EPacketEnumerateNifs:
case EPacketGetNifInfo:
case EPacketEnumerateContextsInNif:
case EPacketGetContextNameInNif:
case EPacketSetDefaultContextParams:
case EPacketGetDefaultContextParams:
case EPacketUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceList:
case EPacketEnumerateMbmsMonitorServiceList:
case EPacketGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus:
case EPacketEnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList:
case EPacketGetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase1:
case EPacketGetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase2:
// Commands that change the state of the phone.
case EPacketGetMSClass:
reqMode = KReqModeFlowControlObeyed;
// Requests that notify a client about a change of state.
case EPacketNotifyContextAdded:
case EPacketNotifyStatusChange:
case EPacketNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus:
case EPacketNotifyContextActivationRequested:
case EPacketNotifyDynamicCapsChange:
case EPacketNotifyMSClassChange:
case EPacketNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange:
reqMode = KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled |
case EPacketNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange:
// Following requests are not supported
//case EPacketSetMSClass:
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
return reqMode;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::NumberOfSlotsL
// Returns number of slots to be used for given IPC.
// return number of slots to be used for IPC number given in parameter
// leave with KErrNotSupported if invalid IPC
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::NumberOfSlotsL(
const TInt aIpc )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NumberOfSlotsL. IPC: %d", aIpc );
TInt numberOfSlots( 0 );
switch ( aIpc )
case EPacketNotifyStatusChange:
numberOfSlots = KMmPacketServiceNotifyStatusChangeSlots;
case EPacketNotifyDynamicCapsChange:
numberOfSlots = KMmPacketServiceNotifyDynamicCapsChangeSlots;
case EPacketNotifyContextAdded:
numberOfSlots = KMmPacketServiceNotifyContextAddedSlots;
case EPacketNotifyContextActivationRequested:
numberOfSlots =
case EPacketNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus:
numberOfSlots = KMmPacketServiceNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatusSlots;
case EPacketNotifyMSClassChange:
numberOfSlots = KMmPacketServiceNotifyMSClassChangeSlots;
case EPacketNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange:
numberOfSlots = KMmPacketServiceNotifyMBMSServiceStatusSlots;
// Unknown or invalid IPC
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
return numberOfSlots;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CancelService
// When the clients close their sub-sessions (eg. by calling RPhone::Close),
// they may not have cancelled all their outstanding asynchronous requests
// before closing. It is up to the ETel server to clean up in this situation,
// so the server will find the list of outstanding requests related to that
// sub-session object and pass these outstanding IPC request numbers, one at a
// time, to the CancelService function in the TSY.
// This method is also called when client initiates normal cancel to the
// request.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::CancelService(
const TInt aIpc,
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CancelService. IPC: %d Tsy Req Handle:%d", aIpc, aTsyReqHandle);
TInt ret( KErrNone );
// Ensure the ReqHandleType is unset.
// This will detect cases where this method indirectly calls itself
// (e.g. servicing a client call that causes a self-reposting notification to complete and thus repost).
// Such cases are not supported because iReqHandleType is in the context of this class instance,
// not this request, and we don't want the values set by the inner request and the outer request
// interfering with each other.
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReqHandleType==EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown, User::Invariant());
// When the clients close their sub-sessions (eg. by calling
// RPacketService::Close), they may not have cancelled all their
// outstanding asynchronous requests before closing. It is up to the ETel
// server to clean up in this situation, so the server will find the list
// of outstanding requests related to that sub-session object and pass
// these outstanding IPC request numbers, one at a time, to the
// CancelService method in the TSY.
switch ( aIpc )
case EPacketNotifyContextAdded:
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextAdded = NULL;
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextAdded;
case EPacketNotifyStatusChange:
iNotifyDataPointers.iStatusChange = NULL;
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyStatusChange;
case EPacketNotifyContextActivationRequested:
if ( aTsyReqHandle == iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextActivationRequested ) )
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested = NULL;
iReqHandleType =
else if ( aTsyReqHandle == iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextActivationRequested99 ) )
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested99 = NULL;
iReqHandleType =
else if ( aTsyReqHandle == iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextActivationRequested5 ) )
iNotifyDataPointers.iContextActivationRequested5 = NULL;
iReqHandleType =
case EPacketNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus:
iNotifyDataPointers.iChangeOfNtwkRegStatus = NULL;
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyNtwkRegStatusChange;
case EPacketNotifyMSClassChange:
iNotifyDataPointers.iMSClassChange = NULL;
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMSClassChange;
case EPacketNotifyDynamicCapsChange:
iNotifyDataPointers.iDynamicCapsChange = NULL;
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyDynamicCapsChange;
case EPacketNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange:
iNotifyDataPointers.iMBMSStatusChange = NULL;
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMBMSStatusChange;
case EPacketNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange:
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange;
case EPacketGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus:
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceGetMBMSStatus;
case EPacketGetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase1:
case EPacketGetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase2:
GetMbmsMonitoredServicesCancel( aTsyReqHandle );
case EPacketUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceList:
// TSY has started a request and it is not possible to then
// cancel this request. The best thing for the TSY to do in this case
// is to proceed as though the Cancel never happened. The server's
// call to the TSY cancel function will return synchronously.
case EPacketAttach:
case EPacketDetach:
case EPacketGetStatus:
case EPacketRejectActivationRequest:
case EPacketEnumerateContexts:
case EPacketGetContextInfo:
case EPacketGetNtwkRegStatus:
case EPacketGetMSClass:
case EPacketSetPrefBearer:
case EPacketGetPrefBearer:
case EPacketGetStaticCaps:
case EPacketGetDynamicCaps:
case EPacketSetAttachMode:
case EPacketGetAttachMode:
case EPacketEnumerateNifs:
case EPacketGetNifInfo:
case EPacketEnumerateContextsInNif:
case EPacketGetContextNameInNif:
case EPacketSetDefaultContextParams:
case EPacketGetDefaultContextParams:
case EPacketEnumerateMbmsMonitorServiceList:
case EPacketEnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList:
// Cancel methods that are not supported.
//case EPacketSetMSClass:
ret = KErrNotSupported;
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != iReqHandleType )
// Reset tsy request handle
iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( iReqHandleType );
// We've finished with this value now. Clear it so it doesn't leak
// up to any other instances of this method down the call stack
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown;
// Complete request with KErrCancel
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
return ret;
// TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::RegisterNotification
// Register notification.
// Returns KErrNone to ETel server in case of known notification request type.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::RegisterNotification(
const TInt aIpc )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::RegisterNotification. IPC: %d", aIpc );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
switch ( aIpc )
case EPacketNotifyContextAdded:
case EPacketNotifyStatusChange:
case EPacketNotifyContextActivationRequested:
case EPacketNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus:
case EPacketNotifyMSClassChange:
case EPacketNotifyDynamicCapsChange:
case EPacketNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange:
case EPacketNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange:
// Not supported
ret = KErrNotSupported;
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::DeregisterNotification
// Deregister notification.
// Returns KErrNone to ETel server in case of known notification request type.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::DeregisterNotification(
const TInt aIpc )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::DeregisterNotification. IPC: %d", aIpc );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
switch ( aIpc )
case EPacketNotifyContextAdded:
case EPacketNotifyStatusChange:
case EPacketNotifyContextActivationRequested:
case EPacketNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus:
case EPacketNotifyMSClassChange:
case EPacketNotifyDynamicCapsChange:
case EPacketNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange:
case EPacketNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange:
// Not supported
ret = KErrNotSupported;
return ret;
// TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus
// Requests Get MBMS network service status
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus(
TBool aAttemptAttach,
TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus* aMBMSServiceStatus )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy:: TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus = %d", aMBMSServiceStatus );
const TTsyReqHandle regHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceGetMBMSStatus ) );
TInt ret( KErrServerBusy );
if ( !iMbmsStatusCached )
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown == regHandle )
// Save pointer to aMBMSServiceStatus
iTemporarySavedData.iMbmsStatus = aMBMSServiceStatus;
// Get MBMS network service status
CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
dataPackage.PackData( &aAttemptAttach );
TRAPD(err, ret = iMessageManager->HandleRequestL( EPacketGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus, &dataPackage));
if(err != KErrNone)
ret = err;
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// Set request handle type
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceGetMBMSStatus;
else // iMbmsStatusCached == ETrue
*aMBMSServiceStatus = iInternalSavedData.iMbmsStatus;
// Complete the request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
ret = KErrNone;
return ret;
// void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus
// Completes Get MBMS network service status request
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus(
CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage, TInt aError )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus.");
//Update the cache
TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus mbmsNetworkServiceStatus = EMbmsSupportUnknown;
if ( KErrNone == aError )
//Unpack necessary data from datapackage
if ( aDataPackage )
aDataPackage->UnPackData( mbmsNetworkServiceStatus );
// Change MBMS cache indicator value
iMbmsStatusCached = ETrue;
iInternalSavedData.iMbmsStatus = mbmsNetworkServiceStatus;
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceGetMBMSStatus ) );
// If request handle ok
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
*iTemporarySavedData.iMbmsStatus = mbmsNetworkServiceStatus;
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aError );
// TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange
// Requests notification of MBMS network service status change.
// Allows a client to be notified whenever a change in the status of the
// MBMS network service is detected.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange(
TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus* aMBMSServiceStatus )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus = %d", aMBMSServiceStatus );
// Set request handle and save pointer to aMBMSServiceStatus
iNotifyDataPointers.iMBMSStatusChange = aMBMSServiceStatus;
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMBMSStatusChange;
return KErrNone;
// Void CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange
// Completes notification of MBMS network service status request
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange(
CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage, TInt aResult )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange.");
TInt result = aResult;
if (aResult == KErrNone)
//Unpack necessary data from datapackage
TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus newMbmsNetworkServiceStatus;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( newMbmsNetworkServiceStatus );
// If Mbms network service status changed
if ( newMbmsNetworkServiceStatus != iInternalSavedData.iMbmsStatus )
// Save new status internally
iInternalSavedData.iMbmsStatus = newMbmsNetworkServiceStatus;
iMbmsStatusCached = ETrue;
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMBMSStatusChange ) );
// If request handle ok
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Set MbmsNetworkServiceStatus to the etel side memory
*iNotifyDataPointers.iMBMSStatusChange = newMbmsNetworkServiceStatus;
iNotifyDataPointers.iMBMSStatusChange = NULL;
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, result );
else // result is != KErrNone
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMBMSStatusChange ) );
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, result );
// TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange
// Requests notification of MBMS service availability status change.
// Allows a client to be notified whenever a change in the status of the
// MBMS network service is detected.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange()
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange.");
// Set request handle
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange;
return KErrNone;
// Void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange
// Completes notification of MBMS service availability status request
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChangeL(CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage, TInt aResult)
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange ) );
// If request handle ok
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
//three defects,
//1) no need to allocate a list all we need is a pointer and we unpack over this
//2) PopAndDestroy at the end could cause issues, in the iMBMSMonitoredList null case
//3) if completed with an Error,this will cause subsequent notifys to have no effect as
//the request handle has been removed from the store. Here as before the request is completed
//with aResult on aDataPackage or iMBMSMonitoredList being null.
if((aResult == KErrNone) && aDataPackage && iMBMSMonitoredList)
CPcktMbmsMonitoredServiceList* updatedMonitorList = NULL;
//Unpack necessary data from datapackage
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
if (aResult == KErrNone)
if (aDataPackage)
if(iMBMSMonitoredList != NULL)
// Create new list for changes
CPcktMbmsMonitoredServiceList* updatedMonitorList = CPcktMbmsMonitoredServiceList::NewL();
//Unpack necessary data from datapackage
aDataPackage->UnPackData( &updatedMonitorList );
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateMonitorServiceList
// Enumrates monitored service list
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateMonitorServiceList( TInt& aCount, TInt& aMaxAllowed )
if (iMBMSMonitoredList != NULL)
aCount = iMBMSMonitoredList->NumberOfMonitoredList( );
aCount = 0;
aMaxAllowed = iMaxMonitoredServices;
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateMonitorServiceList." );
// Complete the request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteMaxMonitoredServicesChange
// Enumrates monitored service list
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteMaxMonitoredServicesChange( TInt aMaxMonitorValue )
iMaxMonitoredServices = aMaxMonitorValue;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::UpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListL
// Request to update monitored service list
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::UpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListL( TMbmsAction aAction,
TDes8* aList )
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceUpdateMBMSMonitorServiceList ) );
TInt ret( KErrServerBusy );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown == reqHandle )
if (iMBMSMonitoredList == NULL)
// create MBMS monitored service list
iMBMSMonitoredList = CMmMBMSMonitoredList::NewL( this, iMaxMonitoredServices );
iActionType = aAction;
// Save changes of Monitored service list and action
ret = iMBMSMonitoredList->SaveUpdateValuesToTempL(aList, aAction);
// temp list was ok
if( KErrNone == ret )
// Get correct data packet and send it to LTSY
ret = iMBMSMonitoredList->PackDataL();
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// Set request handle type
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceUpdateMBMSMonitorServiceList;
else if( KErrAlreadyExists == ret )
// there were no new entries client tried to supply. Complete with KErrNone
// to client to think updating was ok
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
ret = KErrNone;
else if( KErrNotFound == ret )
// there were no new entries client tried to supply. Complete with KErrNotfound
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, ret );
ret = KErrNone;
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceList
// Completes update monitored service list request
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceList(
CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
const TInt aResult)
TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListL." );
TInt result= aResult;
TInt err(KErrNone);
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceUpdateMBMSMonitorServiceList ) );
if( aResult == KErrNone )
TRAP( err, result = iMBMSMonitoredList->ProcessEntriesL( NULL, iActionType ) );
if ( !err )
TRAP( err, CompleteNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChangeL( NULL, aResult ) );
//there were problem managing entries
else if( (aResult == KErrMbmsImpreciseServiceEntries) && (aDataPackage != NULL) )
CPcktMbmsMonitoredServiceList* failedMonitorEntries = NULL;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( &failedMonitorEntries );
// there were a problems with some entries,
// Check failed entries exists and add succesful entries to main list
if( failedMonitorEntries != NULL )
TRAP( err, iMBMSMonitoredList->ProcessEntriesL( failedMonitorEntries, iActionType ) );
else // There was a general error, don't add anything to main list
TRAP( err, iMBMSMonitoredList->ResetTempListL() );
if( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// If there was an error due to a function leaving, complete to the client with that error.
if (err)
result = err;
//complete with error to client
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, result );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::UpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListCancel
// Completes update monitored service list request
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::UpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListCancel( TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::UpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListCancel ReqHandle %d", aTsyReqHandle );
if ( aTsyReqHandle != EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown )
// Reset tsy request handle
iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( EMultimodePacketServiceUpdateMBMSMonitorServiceList );
// Complete request to client with KErrCancel
ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase1L
// Returns size of the monitored service list.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase1L(RMobilePhone::TClientId* aClient, TUint& aBufSize)
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase1L called.");
// Initialize ret value
TInt ret( KErrNone );
TInt leaveCode( KErrNone );
if( !iMBMSMonitoredList )
// No current monitor servece list exist. Complete error.
ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNotFound );
// Get current size of monitor service list
TRAP( leaveCode, ret = GetSizeOfMonitoredServiceListL( aClient, aBufSize ) );
if (leaveCode == KErrNone)
leaveCode = ret;
if ( leaveCode != KErrNone )
ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, leaveCode );
return leaveCode;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmMBMSMonitoredList::GetSizeOfMonitoredServiceList
// This function returns size of monitored servicelist.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetSizeOfMonitoredServiceListL(RMobilePhone::TClientId* aClient, TUint& aBufSize)
// read the list, store its content and then return size of this buffer to client
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetSizeOfMonitoredServiceList called.");
// create new list
CPcktMbmsMonitoredServiceList* currentList=CPcktMbmsMonitoredServiceList::NewL();
RPacketService::TMbmsServiceAvailabilityV1 entry;
if (!iMBMSMonitoredList)
// create MBMS monitored service list
iMBMSMonitoredList = CMmMBMSMonitoredList::NewL( this, iMaxMonitoredServices );
// fill TMbmsServiceAvailabilityV1 information
for (TInt i=0; i < iMBMSMonitoredList->ServiceList()->Enumerate(); i++)
entry = iMBMSMonitoredList->ServiceList()->GetEntryL(i);
// Add the entry into the list, at the next empty location
// Store the streamed list and the client ID
CListReadAllAttempt* read = CListReadAllAttempt::NewL( aClient );
read->iListBuf = currentList->StoreLC();
CleanupStack::Pop(); // pop the CBufFlat allocated by StoreLC; iListBuf will be destroy by read destructor
CleanupStack::Pop(); // pop the CListReadAllAttempt; the read will be destroy in phase 2
// return the CBufFlat's size to client
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetSizeOfMonitoredServiceList: size=%d",aBufSize);
// Complete first phase of list retrieval
ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( currentList ); // Pop & destroy list
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase2
// Returns monitored service list.
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase2(RMobilePhone::TClientId* aClient, TDes8* aBuf)
// Initialize ret value
TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase2 called");
CListReadAllAttempt* read=NULL;
// Find the get Mbms monitored services from this client
for (TInt i=0; i<iGetMbmsMonitoredServiceLists->Count(); ++i)
// Check that session and client are rigth ones
read = iGetMbmsMonitoredServiceLists->At(i);
if ((read->iClient.iSessionHandle == aClient->iSessionHandle) &&
(read->iClient.iSubSessionHandle == aClient->iSubSessionHandle))
TPtr8 bufPtr((read->iListBuf)->Ptr(0));
if ( bufPtr.Length() <= aBuf->Length() )
// Copy the streamed list to the client
// Set pointer to list buffer
aBuf->Copy( bufPtr );
ret = KErrNone;
ret = KErrArgument;
// Delete read and item from internal array
delete read;
// Complete request
ReqCompleted(iTsyReqHandle, ret);
return ret;
// Doesn't found the matching client for read all phase 1
return ret;
// TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase1LCancel
// Cancels Set Always On request
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMbmsMonitoredServicesCancel( TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetMbmsMonitoredServicesPhase1LCancel called");
// Remove the read all attempt
CListReadAllAttempt* read = NULL;
// Check that read all array does not contain any data.
// If it does, delete it.
// NOTE: functions request mode "Flow control obeyed" currently blocks
// request so that only one client can request data at the time.
// Therefore, loop-functionality is not needed.
if ( iGetMbmsMonitoredServiceLists->Count() > 0 )
read = iGetMbmsMonitoredServiceLists->At( 0 );
delete read;
iGetMbmsMonitoredServiceLists->Delete( 0 );
ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::MBMSContextList
// Returns pointer to MBMS context list.
CMmMBMSContextList* CMmPacketServiceTsy::MBMSContextList()
return iMBMSContextList;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectL
// Creates new Context object and returns a pointer to it.
CTelObject* CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectL(
TDes& aNewName )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectL. %S", &aNewName );
CTelObject* newContext = NULL;
TUint8 proxyId( 0 );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
if(0 == aNewName.Compare(KMBMSContextName))
ret = iMBMSContextList->GenerateNewContextName( aNewName, proxyId, iMaxActiveServices );
if( KErrNone != ret )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectL. Mbms Leaves with: %d", ret );
User::Leave( ret );
CMmMBMSContextTsy* context = CMmMBMSContextTsy::NewL( this, aNewName, proxyId );
ret = iMBMSContextList->AddObject( context );
if( KErrNone != ret )
// Created context couldn't save.
// Call Close() to context to remove it completely
context = NULL;
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectL. Mbms Leaves with: %d", ret );
User::Leave( ret );
TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectL. New MBMS Context Name: %S Proxy Id: %d",&aNewName, proxyId );
newContext = context;
ret = iPacketContextList->GenerateNewContextName( aNewName, proxyId );
if ( KErrNone != ret )
// Reason to leave is that maximum number of Contexts already exists.
// Leaving from here requires that TSY is configurated with max number
// of context supported by this phone ( value KMmMaxNumberOfContexts )
ret = CMmCommonStaticUtility::EpocErrorCode(
KErrOverflow, KErrUmtsMaxNumOfContextExceededByPhone );
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectL. Leaves with: %d", ret );
User::Leave( ret );
CMmPacketContextTsy* context = CMmPacketContextTsy::NewL( this, iHostCID, aNewName, proxyId );
// reset cotext name
ret = iPacketContextList->AddObject( context, proxyId, 0x00, aNewName );
if( KErrNone != ret )
// Created context couldn't save.
// Call Close() to context to remove it completely
context = NULL;
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectL. Leaves with: %d", ret );
User::Leave( ret );
TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectL. New Context Name: %S Proxy Id: %d",&aNewName, proxyId );
newContext = context;
return newContext;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL
// Returns context object defined in parameter aName.
CTelObject* CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL(
const TDesC& aName )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL. Context Name: %S", &aName );
// length of object's name cannot be over 16 chars
if ( 16 < aName.Length() )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL. Leaves with: %d", KErrOverflow );
User::Leave( KErrOverflow );
const TInfoName mmPacketContextName( aName );
CMmPacketContextTsy* mmPacketContext = NULL;
if ( mmPacketContextName.Compare( KStringExternal ) == 0 )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL :Open Existing Dial-up Object." );
mmPacketContext = iDialUpContext;
else if ( mmPacketContextName.Compare( KStringExternal2 ) == 0 )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL :Open Existing Secondary Dial-up Object." );
mmPacketContext = iSecondaryDialUpContext;
mmPacketContext =
iPacketContextList->PacketContextByName( &mmPacketContextName );
// If not found, Leaves
if ( NULL == mmPacketContext )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL. Leaves with: %d", KErrNotFound );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
return mmPacketContext;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::PacketContextList
// Returns pointer to the context list object.
CMmPacketContextList* CMmPacketServiceTsy::PacketContextList()
return iPacketContextList;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::ServiceStatus
// Returns current status of Packet Service.
RPacketService::TStatus CMmPacketServiceTsy::ServiceStatus() const
return iInternalSavedData.iServiceStatus;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::DialUpContext
// Returns externally created dial-up context.
CMmPacketContextTsy* CMmPacketServiceTsy::DialUpContext(
const TInfoName aContextName )
CMmPacketContextTsy* mmpacketContext = NULL;
if ( aContextName.Compare( KStringExternal ) == 0 )
mmpacketContext = iDialUpContext;
else if ( aContextName.Compare( KStringExternal2 ) == 0 )
mmpacketContext = iSecondaryDialUpContext;
return mmpacketContext;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::ResetPointerToDialUpContex
// Resets pointer to dial-up context.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::ResetPointerToDialUpContext(
const TInfoName aContextName )
if ( aContextName.Compare( KStringExternal ) == 0 )
iDialUpContext = NULL;
else if ( aContextName.Compare( KStringExternal2 ) == 0 )
iSecondaryDialUpContext = NULL;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::PhoneTsy
// Returns pointer to the phone tsy object.
CMmPhoneTsy* CMmPacketServiceTsy::PhoneTsy()
return iMmPhone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetTypeOfResponse
// Sets the type of response for a given Handle.
// Automatic mode includes an automatic response in case of non response from
// the DOS in a specified time.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetTypeOfResponse(
const TInt aReqHandleType )
TInt timeOut( 0 );
switch ( aReqHandleType )
case EMultimodePacketServiceAttach:
timeOut = KMmPacketServiceAttachTimeOut;
case EMultimodePacketServiceDetach:
timeOut = KMmPacketServiceDetachTimeOut;
case EMultimodePacketServiceGetNtwkRegStatus:
timeOut = KMmPacketServiceGetNtwkRegStatusTimeOut;
case EMultimodePacketServiceSetPreferredBearer:
timeOut = KMmPacketServiceSetPreferredBearerTimeOut;
case EMultimodePacketServiceRejectActivationRequest:
timeOut = KMmPacketServiceRejectActivationRequest;
case EMultimodePacketServiceSetAttachMode:
timeOut = KMmPacketServiceSetAttachModeTimeOut;
case EMultimodePacketServiceGetAttachMode:
timeOut = KMmPacketServiceGetAttachModeTimeOut;
case EMultimodePacketServiceSetDefaultContextParams:
timeOut = KMmPacketSetDefaultContextParamsTimeOut;
case EMultimodePacketServiceGetMBMSStatus:
timeOut = KMmPacketServiceGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatusTimeOut;
case EMultimodePacketServiceUpdateMBMSMonitorServiceList:
timeOut = KMmPacketServiceUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListTimeOut;
// Can't use timer:
// - all notifications
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyNtwkRegStatusChange:
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextActivationRequested:
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextAdded:
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyDynamicCapsChange:
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMSClassChange:
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyStatusChange:
// Does not use timer
aReqHandleType, iTsyReqHandle );
if ( 0 < timeOut )
// The timeout parameter is given in seconds.
aReqHandleType, iTsyReqHandle, timeOut );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::Complete
// Completes the request due timer expiration
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::Complete(
const CTelObject* const aObject,
const TInt aReqHandleType,
const TInt aError )
if ( this == aObject )
// Call service's Complete()
Complete( aReqHandleType, aError );
else if ( aObject == iDialUpContext && NULL != iDialUpContext )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL :Complete Dial-up Object Request." );
iDialUpContext->Complete( aReqHandleType, aError );
else if ( aObject == iSecondaryDialUpContext
&& NULL != iSecondaryDialUpContext )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL :Complete Dial-up Object Request." );
iSecondaryDialUpContext->Complete( aReqHandleType, aError );
CMmPacketContextTsy* context;
const TInt numberOfContexts( iPacketContextList->NumberOfContexts() );
// Check if the object is a Context object
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfContexts; i++ )
// Get context object
context = iPacketContextList->PacketContextByIndex( i );
if (context == NULL)
// Check if the current context is the object that we are
// trying to find
if ( context == aObject )
// Call context's Complete() method
context->Complete( aReqHandleType, aError );
// Object found, break
return ;
else if ( context->PacketQoSTsy() == aObject )
// Call qos's Complete() method
context->PacketQoSTsy()->Complete( aReqHandleType, aError );
// Object found, break
return ;
CMmMBMSContextTsy* mbms;
const TInt numberOfMbms( iMBMSContextList->GetNumberOfObjects() );
for( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfMbms; i++ )
mbms = MBMSContextList( )->ContextByIndex( i );
// Check if the current context is the object that we are
// trying to find
if ( mbms == aObject )
// Call context's Complete() method
mbms->Complete( aReqHandleType, aError );
// Object found, break
return ;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::Complete
// Completes the request due timer expiration.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::Complete(
const TInt aReqHandleType,
const TInt aError )
// All possible TSY req handle types are listed in the
// switch case below.
switch ( aReqHandleType )
case EMultimodePacketServiceAttach:
CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteAttach( aError );
case EMultimodePacketServiceDetach:
TRAP_IGNORE( CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteDetachL( aError ));
case EMultimodePacketServiceGetNtwkRegStatus:
RPacketService::EUnknown, aError );
case EMultimodePacketServiceSetPreferredBearer:
CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetPreferredBearer( aError );
case EMultimodePacketServiceSetAttachMode:
CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetAttachMode( aError );
case EMultimodePacketServiceSetDefaultContextParams:
CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetDefaultContextParams( aError );
case EMultimodePacketServiceGetMBMSStatus:
CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus( NULL, aError );
case EMultimodePacketServiceEnumerateMbmsActiveServices:
CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteEnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList( NULL, aError );
case EMultimodePacketServiceUpdateMBMSMonitorServiceList:
CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceList( NULL, aError );
// Can't use timer:
// - all notifications
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyNtwkRegStatusChange:
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextActivationRequested:
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyContextAdded:
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyDynamicCapsChange:
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyMSClassChange:
//case EMultimodePacketServiceNotifyStatusChange:
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandleStore->
ResetTsyReqHandle( aReqHandleType ), aError );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted
// Overloads CTelObject::ReqCompleted for logging purposes.
// Prints the aTsyReqHandle and aError variable in the log file and then
// calls CTelObject::ReqCompleted.
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted(
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
const TInt aError )
TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::Request Completed. TSY Req Handle: %d Error:%d", aTsyReqHandle, aError );
CTelObject::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, aError );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::PrepareOpenSecondary
// Prepares to open secondary from given primary context
// Next Context that client wants to open is secondary context. Secondary
// context copies configuration from context given by client
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::PrepareOpenSecondary(
TDes16* aPrimaryContextName )
if ( aPrimaryContextName->Length() <= iHostCID.MaxLength() )
// Check if primary context exists; return KErrArgument if it doesn't
TInfoName primaryContextName = *aPrimaryContextName;
CMmPacketContextTsy* mmPacketContextTsy = iPacketContextList->PacketContextByName(&primaryContextName );
if( NULL == mmPacketContextTsy )
return KErrArgument;
iHostCID = *aPrimaryContextName;
// Complete request with ret
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
return KErrNone;
return KErrArgument;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateNifs
// Method returns number of network interfaces
// call method EnumerateNifs from CMmPacketContextList
// complete request to client
// return KErrNone
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateNifs(
TInt* aCount )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateNifs." );
iPacketContextList->EnumerateNifs( aCount );
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetNifInfo
// Return information about network interface
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetNifInfo(
TInt* aIndex,
RPacketService::TNifInfoV2* aNifInfoV2 )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetNifInfo." );
TInt ret = iPacketContextList->GetNifInfo( aIndex, aNifInfoV2 );
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, ret );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateContextsInNif
// Returns number of contexts in Nif
// get existingContextName from parameter aExistingContextName
// call method EnumerateContextsInNif from CMmPacketContextList
// complete request to client
// return KErrNone
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateContextsInNif(
TDesC* aExistingContextName,
TInt* aCount )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateContextsInNif." );
TInt ret = KErrNone;
if (aExistingContextName->Length() > KMaxInfoName)
ret = KErrArgument;
TInfoName existingContextName = *aExistingContextName;
iPacketContextList->EnumerateContextsInNif( existingContextName, aCount );
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetContextNameInNif
// Returns name of context in network interface
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetContextNameInNif(
RPacketService::TContextNameInNif* aContextNameInNif,
TDes* aContextName )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetContextNameInNif." );
TInt ret = iPacketContextList->GetContextNameInNif( aContextNameInNif,
aContextName );
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, ret );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetDefaultContextParams
// Sets default context parameters
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetDefaultContextParamsL(
const TDataPackage& aPackage )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetDefaultContextParamsL." );
TInt ret(KErrServerBusy);
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceSetDefaultContextParams ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown == reqHandle )
ret = iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt->
SetDefaultContextParamsL( aPackage );
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// Set req handle
iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketServiceSetDefaultContextParams;
return ret;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetDefaultContextParams
// Completes call SetDefaultContextParameters
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetDefaultContextParams(
TInt aCause )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetDefaultContextParams. aCause: %d", aCause );
// Reset request handle. Returns the deleted request handle
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketServiceSetDefaultContextParams ) );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
// Complete the client request
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aCause );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetDefaultContextParams
// Gets default context parameters
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetDefaultContextParams(
TPacketDataConfigBase* aContextConfig )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GetDefaultContextParams." );
TInt ret = iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt->GetDefaultContextParams(
aContextConfig );
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, ret );
return KErrNone;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::IsActivationAllowed
// Returns true if Packet Data is currently allowed
TBool CMmPacketServiceTsy::IsActivationAllowed()
TBool isAllowed = ETrue;
if ( RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeGsm == iCurrentMode &&
RPacketService::EMSClassDualMode != iInternalSavedData.iMsClass )
//Check if the object is a Call object
for( TInt i = 0; i < iMmPhone->CallList()->GetNumberOfObjects() ; i++ )
//Get call object
CMmCallTsy* call = iMmPhone->CallList()->GetMmCallByIndex( i );
//check if the current call object exist
if( call != NULL )
//call the complete method
RCall::TStatus status = call->Status();
if ( RCall::EStatusUnknown != status &&
RCall::EStatusIdle != status )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::IsActivationAllowed. CS call active, Context Activation not allowed" );
isAllowed = EFalse;
i = iMmPhone->CallList()->GetNumberOfObjects();
return isAllowed;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::MessageManagerBase
// returns pointer to CMmMessageManager
CMmMessageManagerBase* CMmPacketServiceTsy::MessageManager()
return iMessageManager;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyEGprsInfoChange
// Completes notification t
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyEGprsInfoChange(
CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNotifyEGprsInfoChange." );
//Unpack data
TBool lastEdgeGprsSupport;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( lastEdgeGprsSupport );
iMmPacketServiceGsmWcdmaExt->SetEdgeGprsSupport( lastEdgeGprsSupport );
CMmCustomTsy* customTsy = CMmPacketServiceTsy::CustomTsy();
if ( NULL != customTsy )
CMmPacketTsy* packetTsy = customTsy->PacketTsy();
if ( NULL != packetTsy )
CompleteNotifyEGprsInfoChange( lastEdgeGprsSupport );
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::QosTsy
// Gets pointer to right qos by context name given as parameter.
CMmPacketQoSTsy* CMmPacketServiceTsy::QosTsy(
TInfoName aMmPacketContextName )
CMmPacketQoSTsy* packetQoSTsy = NULL;
CMmPacketContextTsy* mmPacketContextTsy = iPacketContextList->
PacketContextByName( &aMmPacketContextName );
if ( NULL != mmPacketContextTsy )
packetQoSTsy = mmPacketContextTsy->PacketQoSTsy();
if ( NULL != packetQoSTsy )
return packetQoSTsy;
return NULL;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNetworkModeChange
// Completes Network Mode Change
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNetworkModeChange(
CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode ntwkMode(
RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeUnknown );
//Unpack data
aDataPackage->UnPackData( ntwkMode );
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteNetworkModeChange. ntwkMode: %d", ntwkMode );
iCurrentMode = ntwkMode;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::Context
// Accessory method to get right context.
CMmPacketContextTsy* CMmPacketServiceTsy::ContextTsy(
TInfoName& contextName )
CMmPacketContextTsy* mmPacketContextTsy = iPacketContextList->
PacketContextByName( &contextName );
if( NULL == mmPacketContextTsy )
mmPacketContextTsy = iMBMSContextList->ContextByName( contextName );
return mmPacketContextTsy;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::GlobalKernelObjectHandle
// Returns unnamed mutex handle owned by TSY
RHandleBase* CMmPacketServiceTsy::GlobalKernelObjectHandle()
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GlobalKernelObjectHandle" );
if ( KNullHandle == iMutex.Handle() )
TInt ret = iMutex.CreateLocal( EOwnerProcess );
if ( KErrNone == ret )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GlobalKernelObjectHandle - Mutex created" );
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GlobalKernelObjectHandle - Mutex creation failed" );
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::GlobalKernelObjectHandle - Mutex creation skipped" );
return &iMutex;
// CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetAlwaysOnL
// Requests Set Always On with mode given as parameter aMode
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetAlwaysOnL(
TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
RMmCustomAPI::TSetAlwaysOnMode aMode )
TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::SetAlwaysOn Mode = %d", aMode );
TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetAlwaysOn ReqHandle %d", aTsyReqHandle );
TInt ret( KErrServerBusy );
//Check if request is allready pending
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->GetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketSetAlwaysOn );
if( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown == reqHandle )
CMmDataPackage data;
data.PackData( &aMode );
EMultimodePacketSetAlwaysOn, aTsyReqHandle );
ret = iMessageManager->HandleRequestL( ECustomSetAlwaysOnMode, &data );
if ( KErrNone != ret)
iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( EMultimodePacketSetAlwaysOn );
return ret;
// TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetAlwaysOn
// Completes Set Always On request
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetAlwaysOn(
TInt aError )
TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetAlwaysOn Error %d", aError );
const TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
EMultimodePacketSetAlwaysOn ) );
TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteSetAlwaysOn ReqHandle %d", reqHandle );
if ( EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
CMmCustomTsy* customTsy = CMmPacketServiceTsy::CustomTsy();
if ( NULL != customTsy )
CMmPacketTsy* packetTsy = customTsy->PacketTsy();
if ( NULL != packetTsy )
packetTsy->CompleteSetAlwaysOn( reqHandle, aError );
// TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::CancelSetAlwaysOn
// Cancels Set Always On request
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CancelSetAlwaysOn(
TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )
TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CancelSetAlwaysOn ReqHandle %d", aTsyReqHandle );
if ( aTsyReqHandle != EMultimodePacketServiceReqHandleUnknown )
// Reset tsy request handle
iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( EMultimodePacketSetAlwaysOn );
// Complete request to client with KErrCancel
ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
// TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateActiveServiceList
// Enumerates all active services
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList( TInt &aCount, TInt &aMaxAllowed )
TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList. max: %d", aMaxAllowed );
aCount = EnumerateMbmsActiveServices();
aMaxAllowed = iMaxActiveServices;
TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateActiveServiceList Count: %d, Max allowed %d", aCount, aMaxAllowed );
// Complete the request with KErrNone
CMmPacketServiceTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
return KErrNone;
// TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateMbmsActiveServices
// Enumerates all active services
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateMbmsActiveServices()
TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::EnumerateMbmsActiveService. max: %d", iMaxActiveServices );
TInt ret( 0 );
for( TInt i = 0; i< iMBMSContextList->NumberOfContexts(); i++ )
CMmMBMSContextTsy* context = iMBMSContextList->ContextByIndex( i );
if( RPacketContext::EStatusActive == context->ContextStatus() ||
RPacketContext::EStatusReceiving == context->ContextStatus() ||
RPacketContext::EStatusSuspended == context->ContextStatus() ||
RPacketContext::EStatusDeactivating == context->ContextStatus() )
TInt count = context->SessionCount();
if( 0 == count)
ret +=1;
ret += count;
return ret;
// TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteEnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList
// Saves the maximum value for active services
void CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteEnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList(
CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
const TInt aResult)
TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmPacketServiceTsy::CompleteEnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList. Error: %d", aResult );
if( KErrNone == aResult && NULL != aDataPackage )
aDataPackage->UnPackData( iMaxActiveServices );
// TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::MaximumActiveServices
// Maximum number of active services
TInt CMmPacketServiceTsy::MaximumActiveServices()
return iMaxActiveServices;
// End of File