DTsy warnings fixed.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <featmgr/featurecontrol.h>
#include <featureuids.h>
#include "cmmphonefactorytsy.h"
#include "cmmphonetsy.h"
#include <ctsy/mmtsy_names.h>
#include "MmTsy_conf.h"
#include "cmmmessagemanagerbase.h"
#include <ctsy/serviceapi/ctsysatmessagingbase.h>
_LIT(KLicenseeTsyDllName, "licenseetsy.dll");
_LIT(KCtsyDispatcherDllName, "ctsydispatcher.dll");
const TInt KLicenseeTsyUID3 = 0x2000BEE4;
const TInt KCtsyDispatcherUID3 = 0x10285C38;
typedef MLtsyFactoryBase*(*TFactoryBaseNewL)();
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// Version numbers defined in ETEL.h
iVersion = TVersion( KEtelMajorVersionNumber,
KEtelBuildVersionNumber );
CMmPhoneFactoryTsy* CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewL()
CMmPhoneFactoryTsy* phoneFactoryTsy = NULL;
phoneFactoryTsy = new ( ELeave ) CMmPhoneFactoryTsy();
CleanupStack::PushL( phoneFactoryTsy );
return phoneFactoryTsy;
void CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::ConstructL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewPhoneL
// Creates a new phone object instance
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPhoneBase* CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewPhoneL( const TDesC& aName )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewL - NEW LOG");
iPhoneTsy = NULL;
// In case of debug build, print flag info.
RFeatureControl featureControl;
TInt err = featureControl.Open();
if (err != KErrNone)
TFLOGSTRING("CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewPhoneL - failed to connect to FeatMgr");
else if (featureControl.FeatureSupported(NFeature::KCsVideoTelephony) == KFeatureSupported)
else if (featureControl.FeatureSupported(NFeature::KEmergencyCallsEnabledInOfflineMode) == KFeatureSupported)
// Check if the Phone Name is OK
if ( KErrNone == aName.CompareF( KMmTsyPhoneName ) )
iMessageRouter = NULL;
// Create Message Manager (the 'core' of the LTSY Plug-in API)
CMmMessageManagerBase* messageManager = CMmMessageManagerBase::NewL();
if ( messageManager )
CleanupStack::PushL( messageManager );
// LTSY Plug-in API successfully created
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewL - Starting to open LicenceeTSY");
// get TSY message manager callback object
MmMessageManagerCallback* callBack =
iLtsyFactory = LoadLibraryL();
// library entry for LTSY, get base factory object
iLtsyFactory = LTsyFactoryL();
if( iLtsyFactory )
// Get message router from LTSY. All current interface versions
// have the same GetMessageRouter defined in version 1.
MLtsyFactoryV1* ptr_v1 =
static_cast<MLtsyFactoryV1*>( iLtsyFactory );
iMessageRouter = ptr_v1->GetMessageRouter( *callBack );
User::LeaveIfNull( iMessageRouter );
// Licencee Tsy successfully created
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewL - LicenceeTSY successfully opened");
// set the pointer to the message router object
messageManager->SetMessageRouter( iMessageRouter );
// Ownership of messageManager passed to iPhoneTsy.
CleanupStack::Pop( messageManager );
// Create Phone Tsy (which creates the whole Common TSY)
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewL - Starting to open CommonTSY");
iPhoneTsy = CMmPhoneTsy::NewL(
messageManager, this, iLtsyFactory );
if ( iPhoneTsy )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewL - CommonTSY successfully opened");
messageManager->SetPhoneTsy( iPhoneTsy );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( messageManager );
return iPhoneTsy;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::EnumeratePhones
// Returns the maximum number of supported phone instances
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::EnumeratePhones()
return KMmTsyNumOfSupportedPhones;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::GetPhoneInfo
// Index of the requested phone is passed to the client
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::GetPhoneInfo(
const TInt aIndex,
RTelServer::TPhoneInfo& aInfo )
TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
if( aIndex == 0 )
aInfo.iName.Copy( TPtrC( KMmTsyPhoneName ) );
aInfo.iNetworkType = KMmTsyNetworkType;
aInfo.iNumberOfLines = KMmTsyNumOfSupportedLines;
//(TAN) Symbian's comment to iExtension parameter:
//The best solution is not to worry about this iExtensions field too
//much and to just return one API extension value, and that being the
//main API supported by the TSY. If the TSY also supports e.g. GPRS
//and/or SAT then the client can find this out using the
//RTelServer::IsSupportedByModule method.
aInfo.iExtensions = KETelExtMultimodeV1;
// Phone found. Change ret value.
ret = KErrNone;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::IsSupported
// Provides information about the supported functional units of
// the TSY. This method directs the request to all supported protocol
// extensions. If functional unit is supported by any of those protocol
// extension the result will be ETrue. Otherwise the method will
// return KErrNone
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::IsSupported( const TInt aFunctionalUnit )
TBool ret = EFalse;
switch ( aFunctionalUnit )
//Supported functional units of mmtsy
case KETelFuncMobileIccAccess:
case KETelFuncMobileNetwork:
case KETelFuncMobileIdentity:
case KETelFuncMobilePower:
case KETelFuncMobileSignal:
case KETelFuncMobileDTMF:
case KETelFuncMobileUserNetworkAccess:
case KETelFuncMobileIdentityService:
case KETelFuncMobileCallForwarding:
case KETelFuncMobileCallBarring:
case KETelFuncMobileCallWaiting:
case KETelFuncMobileCallCompletion:
case KETelFuncMobileSecurity:
case KETelFuncMobileAlternateLineService:
case KETelFuncMobileFixedDiallingNumbers:
case KETelFuncMobileDataCall:
case KETelFuncMobileEmergencyCall:
case KETelFuncMobileSmsMessaging:
case KETelFuncMobileBroadcastMessaging:
case KETelFuncMobileUssdMessaging:
case KETelFuncMobileConferenceCall:
case KETelFuncMobilePhonebook:
case KETelFuncMobileSmsStore:
case KETelFuncMobileOwnNumberStore:
case KETelFuncMobileEmergencyNumberStore:
case KETelFuncMobilePrivacy:
case KETelExtMultimodeV1:
case KETelExtMultimodeV2:
case KETelExtMultimodeV3:
case KEtelFuncMobileAPNControlList:
case KEtelExtMultimodeV9:
case KEtelFuncCellInfo:
ret = ETrue;
//Unsupported functional units
//case KETelFuncMobileAlternatingCall:
//case KETelFuncMobileMessageWaiting:
//case KETelFuncMobileNamStore:
//case KETelFuncMobileMultimediaCall:
//case KEtelFuncMobileMultimediaCallSettings:
//case KETelFuncMobileCost:
ret = EFalse;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewSimAtk
// Creates CTsySatMessaging object and returns it
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CTsySatMessagingBase* CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewSimAtk( const TDesC& aName )
CTsySatMessagingBase* satMessaging = NULL;
if ( KErrNone == aName.CompareF( KSatToolkit ) )
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewSimAtk - Starting to open SimAtkTSY");
if( iLtsyFactory )
// Get SIM ATK TSY messaging service from LicenseeTsy
MLtsyFactoryV1* ptr_v1 =
static_cast<MLtsyFactoryV1*>( iLtsyFactory );
satMessaging = ptr_v1->GetSatMessagingService(
iPhoneTsy->SmsService() );
satMessaging = ptr_v1->GetSatMessagingService( );
return satMessaging;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// extern "C"
// The LibEntry function is implemented in another programming
// language (ASM?). extern "C" is required to port from other language
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern "C"
IMPORT_C CPhoneFactoryBase* LibEntry(); // Force "Proper Name" export
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LibEntry
// A Windows Entry Procedure. The LibEntry() procedure in the
// DLL C run-time libraries performs all the necessary initialization
// required by the WEPs (Windows Entry Point) they contain. This code is
// copied from Symbian's example
// Returns: CPhoneFactoryBase*: Pointer to CMmPhoneFactoryTsy class
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CPhoneFactoryBase* LibEntry()
TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CPhoneFactoryBase::LibEntry()...");
// return NULL if instantiation fails
CMmPhoneFactoryTsy* factory(NULL);
TRAP_IGNORE(factory = CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::NewL());
return factory;
TBool CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::UsingCtsyDispatcher()
//function to determine whether the setup is using the CTSY Dispatcher layer.
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
MLtsyFactoryBase* CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::LoadLibraryL()
//load library. This can either be LicenseeTsy or CtsyDispatcher dlls
TPtrC dllname;
TInt uid3_int;
uid3_int = KCtsyDispatcherUID3;
uid3_int = KLicenseeTsyUID3;
TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmPhoneFactoryTsy::LoadLibraryL - Loading Dll=%S, UID3=0x%x", &dllname, uid3_int);
TUidType uid(KNullUid, KNullUid, TUid::Uid(uid3_int));
// Check the Uid3 is as expected
TFactoryBaseNewL libEntry=(TFactoryBaseNewL)iLoadedLib.Lookup(1);
MLtsyFactoryBase* factory=(*libEntry)(); // libEntry may leave.
return factory;
// End of File