DTsy warnings fixed.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// \file MPHBOOK.CPP
// Mulimode TSY Phone book access Implementation file.
// This file contains the implementation of the CMobilePhonebookStore
// class which is used for GSM phone book access.
#include "mSLOGGER.H"
#include "mPHBOOK.H"
#include "Mphbkcom.h"
#include "ATINIT.H"
#include "NOTIFY.H"
#include <etelmm.h>
// CPhoneBook definitions
CMobilePhonebookStore* CMobilePhonebookStore::NewL(CATIO* aATIO,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals,const TDesC8& aStorageType)
* Standard 2 phase constructor.
CMobilePhonebookStore* subsession=new(ELeave) CMobilePhonebookStore(aATIO,aInit,aPhoneGlobals,aStorageType);
return subsession;
CMobilePhonebookStore::CMobilePhonebookStore(CATIO* aATIO,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aMmGlobals,const TDesC8& aStorageType)
: iIo(aATIO), iInit(aInit), iPhoneGlobals(aMmGlobals), iStorageType(aStorageType)
void CMobilePhonebookStore::ConstructL()
* ConstructL() function. Creates CATPhoneBookInit, CATPhoneBookWrite, CATPhoneBookDelete
* objects.
// Assume that all phone books have at least read access
// Check if phone book should have write access
if (CPhoneGlobals::IsWriteAccess(iStorageType))
iReadWriteAccess |= RMobilePhoneStore::KCapsWriteAccess | RMobilePhoneStore::KCapsReadAccess;
* Destructor.
if (iPhoneGlobals != NULL)
iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RemoveClientFromLastEvents(this); //Joe
delete iRead;
delete iWrite;
delete iDelete;
delete iInfo;
CTelObject::TReqMode CMobilePhonebookStore::ReqModeL(const TInt aIpc)
* This function is basically a switch statement which describes the flow control
* capabilities for each request dealt with by the CPhoneBook sub-session extension.
CTelObject::TReqMode ret(0);
switch (aIpc)
case EMobilePhoneStoreGetInfo:
case EMobilePhoneBookStoreWrite:
case EMobilePhoneBookStoreRead:
case EMobilePhoneStoreDelete:
// Check if the data port is currently loaned. If it is and the requested IPC
// is flow controlled then block Etel calling the IPC by leaving with KErrInUse
if((ret&KReqModeFlowControlObeyed) && iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataPortLoaned)
LOGTEXT2(_L8("ReqModeL Leaving with KErrInUse as data port is loaned (aIpc=%d)"),aIpc);
return ret;
TInt CMobilePhonebookStore::NumberOfSlotsL(const TInt /*aIpc*/)
* This function returns the number of slots (buffered in server) for any
* KReqRepostImmediately Ipc calls in the ReqModeL() function.
return 1;
TInt CMobilePhonebookStore::RegisterNotification(const TInt /*aIpc*/)
* This function is not supported.
return KErrNone;
TInt CMobilePhonebookStore::DeregisterNotification(const TInt /*aIpc*/)
* This function is not supported.
return KErrNone;
void CMobilePhonebookStore::Init()
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::Init() called"));
TInt CMobilePhonebookStore::CancelService(const TInt aIpcToCancel,const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
* This function is called when an asynchronous request has passed to the TSY module
* but is yet to be completed. It's used to cancel a client's service request.
switch (aIpcToCancel)
case EMobilePhoneBookStoreWrite:
case EMobilePhoneBookStoreRead:
case EMobilePhoneStoreDelete:
case EMobilePhoneStoreGetInfo:
default: // & synchronous functions, nothing to cancel
return KErrNone;
CTelObject* CMobilePhonebookStore::OpenNewObjectByNameL(const TDesC& /*aName*/)
* This function is not supported.
return NULL;
CTelObject* CMobilePhonebookStore::OpenNewObjectL(TDes& /*aName*/)
* This function is not supported.
return NULL;
TInt CMobilePhonebookStore::ExtFunc(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, const TInt aIpc,const TDataPackage& aPackage)
* This function is responsible for dealing with IPC requests the server doesn't support.
// Can't initialise if the port is tied up...
if((iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iPortAccess==EPortAccessDenied) || (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iMode == RPhone::EModeOnlineData))
LOGTEXT2(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::ExtFunc (aIpc=%d)"),aIpc);
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::ExtFunc\tPort Access Denied/Mode Online flag detected, returning KErrAccessDenied error"));
return KErrAccessDenied;
// we can handle the request now
return HandleExtFunc(aTsyReqHandle,aIpc,aPackage);
TInt CMobilePhonebookStore::HandleExtFunc(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TInt aIpc,const TDataPackage& aPackage)
* Handle the requested function. The phone book data is now fully live.
// We're in a state to execute commands...
TAny* dataPtr1=aPackage.Ptr1();
TAny* dataPtr2=aPackage.Ptr2();
switch (aIpc)
case EMobilePhoneStoreGetInfo:
return GetInfo(aTsyReqHandle, aPackage.Des1n());
case EMobilePhoneBookStoreRead:
return Read(aTsyReqHandle, reinterpret_cast<RMobilePhoneBookStore::TPBIndexAndNumEntries*>(dataPtr1), aPackage.Des2n());
case EMobilePhoneBookStoreWrite:
return Write(aTsyReqHandle, aPackage.Des1n(), reinterpret_cast<TInt*>(dataPtr2));
case EMobilePhoneStoreDelete:
return Delete(aTsyReqHandle,reinterpret_cast<TInt*>(dataPtr1));
return KErrNotSupported;
TInt CMobilePhonebookStore::GetInfo(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aInfoPckg)
/** Get Phone Book Storage Information
* This function queries the phone for storage information on the current phone book
* store.
* It returns the related storage information only if supported by the phone.
* @param aTsyReqHandle Handle to the request ID .
* @param aInfoPckg Pointer to the struct that contains information about the phone book.
* @return error code.
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::GetInfo called"));
// Have to send AT+CPBR=? to get the phonebook information
// This command is sent every time to ensure we have up-to-date knowledge
// of used number of entries
iInfo->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle, aInfoPckg);
return KErrNone;
TInt CMobilePhonebookStore::Read(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RMobilePhoneBookStore::TPBIndexAndNumEntries* aIndexAndEntries, TDes8* aPBData)
/** Read one or a number of Phone Book Enties
* This function reads the phone book entries from the current
* phone book store.
* @param aTsyReqHandle Handle to the request ID.
* @param aIndexAndEntries is a pointer to an index and a number of entries.
* @param aPBData is a pointer to a packet.
* @return error code.
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::Read called"));
if (!(iReadWriteAccess&RMobilePhoneStore::KCapsReadAccess))
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::Read Completing with KErrAccessDenied as read access is not allowed"));
return KErrNone;
// Store index & number of entries so we can modify/truncate it if required
// If we already have information about this phonebook
// Check client has supplied valid locations - otherwise send command anyway
if (iInfo->Completed())
// Allow CATPhoneBookInfo to map our clients index value (1..x)
// the this specific phone store index values (1+y..x+y)
// For the Motorola T260 SM phone book store y will be 100
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::Read Mapping clients index to phone index"));
if (iInfo->IsValidPhoneIndex(iIndexAndEntries.iIndex))
if (!iInfo->IsValidPhoneIndex(iIndexAndEntries.iIndex+iIndexAndEntries.iNumSlots-1))
// Invalid finishing index - truncate to last valid one
iIndexAndEntries.iNumSlots = iInfo->TotalEntries()-iIndexAndEntries.iIndex+1 ;
// Invalid starting index - complete request with error
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::Read\t Index out of range"));
ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrArgument); // The Index is out of range.
return KErrNone;
// We either have valid index or entries - or are trying anyway
iRead->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle, &iIndexAndEntries);
return KErrNone;
TInt CMobilePhonebookStore::Write(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aPBData, TInt* aIndex)
/** Write a Phone Book Entry
* This function checks to see if the current phone book has Write Access; if it
* does, an entry is written to the phone book store.
* The function first creates the entry, then ensures there is space in the data
* object, before writing the entry.
* @param aTsyReqHandle Handle to the request ID.
* @param aPBData is a pointer to a packet.
* @param aIndex is a pointer to an entry in the phone book.
* @return error code.
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::Write called"));
return KErrNone;
// Take copy of clients data, as we do not want changes that we make here
// to be reflected in the clients space.
// If we already have information about this phonebook
// Check client has supplied valid location - otherwise send command anyway
if (iInfo->Completed())
// Allow CATPhoneBookInfo to map our clients index value (1..x)
// the this specific phone store index values (1+y..x+y)
// For the Motorola T260 SM phone book store y will be 100
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::Write Mapping clients index to phone index"));
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::Write\t Index out of range"));
ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrArgument); // The Index is out of range.
return KErrNone;
iWrite->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle, &iIndex);
return KErrNone;
TInt CMobilePhonebookStore::Delete(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TInt* aIndex)
/** Delete a Phonebook Entry
* This function deletes a phonebook entry.
* The data object is only updated when the AT command completes successfully.
* @param aTsyReqHandle Handle to the request ID.
* @param aIndex is a pointer to an entry in the phone book.
* @return error code.
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::Delete called"));
if(!(iReadWriteAccess & RMobilePhoneStore::KCapsWriteAccess))
return KErrNone;
// Take copy of clients data, as we do not want changes that we make here
// to be relected in the clients space.
// If we already have information about this phonebook
// Check client has supplied valid location - otherwise send command anyway
if (iInfo->Completed())
// Allow CATPhoneBookInfo to map our clients index value (1..x)
// the this specific phone store index values (1+y..x+y)
// For the Motorola T260 SM phone book store y will be 100
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::Delete Mapping clients index to phone index"));
LOGTEXT(_L8("CMobilePhonebookStore::Delete\t Index out of range"));
ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrArgument); // The Index is out of range.
return KErrNone;
return KErrNone;