DTsy warnings fixed.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This file contains the methods necessary for interacting with the Communications Server
// and ports. The MComm mixin class's methods (open, close, read, and write) are implemented
// here. The RunL functions for read and write are implemented here as well as the Cancel
// functions.
#include "Te_LoopBackATSTD.H"
#include "Te_LoopBackSCOMM.H"
* This is a single phase constructor that simply initializes private member data. An instance
* of the MComm class is created.
* @return None
iCommReader = NULL;
iCommWriter = NULL;
* The MComm class destructor which deletes the iCommReader and iCommWriter of this mixin
* class. Additionally, port and server cleanup (close) is handled here.
* @return None
delete iCommReader;
delete iCommWriter;
TInt MComm::CommOpen(const TDesC& aDll, const TDesC& aName, TCommAccess aMode)
* This method implements a connection to the comm server, the loading of the specified
* DLL (typically a CSY) and the open of a specified port. This method is called from the
* ConstructL of the derived class.
* First, the method connects to the communications server. Then, the specified DLL is
* loaded. If successful, then the actual port is opened. First the port is opened in
* an exclusive mode. If that fails (regardless of the mode requested by the calling
* application), an error is returned. If this open is successful, and the requested mode
* is shared, the exclusive open is released and the port is re-opened in shared mode.
* @param aDll, the Dynamic Library name to be loaded via LoadCommModule. This is typically
* a CSY.
* @param aName, the port name to be opened.
* @param aMode, the access mode for this port. See note below.
* @return KErrNone or errors associated with connecting to the Comm Server, errors loading
* the DLL, or errors opening the port.
* @note If the specified DLL has been previously loaded, this method will return an
* error.
* @note Even if the caller specifies a shared access mode, it first must be able to open
* the port exclusively for this method to succeed. Thus a second open on a shared
* port will fail.
* @note This is an overloaded function (in this case requiring a DLL name).
// Todo: add reasoning, when call loaned, the port must be reopened by others, but gsm tsy
// does not want this, it wants control.
TInt err;
if (err = iCommServer.Connect(), err!=KErrNone)
return err;
if (aDll.Length()>0)
if (err = iCommServer.LoadCommModule(aDll), err!=KErrNone)
return err;
if (err = iCommPort.Open(iCommServer, aName, ECommExclusive, ECommRoleDCE), err!=KErrNone)
// if any other TSY (or other app) is using comm port, we want to return gracefully
// with error
return err;
if (aMode==ECommShared)
if (err = iCommPort.Open(iCommServer, aName, aMode, ECommRoleDCE), err!=KErrNone)
return err;
return KErrNone;
TInt MComm::CommOpen(const TDesC& aName, TCommAccess aMode)
* This method implements a connection to the comm server and the open of the specified port.
* This method assumes that the needed DLL has already been loaded into the system.
* This method is called from the ConstructL of the derived class.
* First, the method connects to the communications server. If successful, then the actual
* port is opened. First the port is opened in an exclusive mode. If that fails (regardless
* of the mode requested by the calling application), an error is returned. If this open
* is successful, and the requested mode is shared, the exclusive open is released and the
* port is re-opened in shared mode.
* @param aName, the port name to be opened.
* @param aMode, the access mode for this port. See note below.
* @return KErrNone or errors associated with connecting to the Comm Server, errors loading
* the DLL, or errors opening the port.
* @note Even if the caller specifies a shared access mode, it first must be able to open
* the port exclusively for this method to succeed. Thus a second open on a shared
* port will fail.
* @note This is an overloaded function (in this case not requiring a DLL name).
*/ {
TInt err;
if (err = iCommServer.Connect(), err!=KErrNone)
return err;
if (err = iCommPort.Open(iCommServer, aName, ECommExclusive, ECommRoleDCE), err!=KErrNone)
// if any other TSY (or other app) is using comm port, we want to return gracefully
// with error
return err;
if (aMode==ECommShared)
if (err = iCommPort.Open(iCommServer, aName, aMode, ECommRoleDCE), err!=KErrNone)
return err;
return KErrNone;
void MComm::CommClose()
* The method handles cleanup of the MComm objects. It cancels an outstanding reads or writes
* and closes the port and comm server sessions.
* @return None
void MComm::CommConstructL(TInt aReadPriority, TInt aWritePriority)
* This method is a constructor for the CCommReader and CCommWriter classes. This method is
* typically called from the ConstructL of the derived class. It instansiates a new CCommReader
* and CCommWriter.
* @param aReadPriority is the priority to be associated to the CCommReader active object.
* @param aWritePriority is the priority to be associated to the CCommWriter active object.
* @leave This function can leave if memory is not available to create the active objects.
iCommReader = new (ELeave) CCommReader(this, aReadPriority);
iCommWriter = new (ELeave) CCommWriter(this, aWritePriority);
void MComm::CommWrite(const TDesC8& aDes)
* This method implements the write to the Comm Server. It uses the TRequestStatus member of
* the iCommWriter class and activates the object, indicating a request had been made.
* @param aDes, a descriptor reference containing the data to be written to the port.
* @return None
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iCommWriter!=NULL, HayesPanic(EATCommand_NotConstructed));
iCommPort.Write(iCommWriter->StatusRef(), aDes);
void MComm::CommWriteReady()
* This method is used during initialization for synchronization purposes. It issues a write
* of a NULL descriptor to the communications server port. It then waits for the request to be
* completed. This request will be completed when the associated serial port is ready for write
* data.
* @return None
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iCommWriter!=NULL, HayesPanic(EATCommand_NotConstructed));
TRequestStatus status;
iCommPort.Write(status, TPtrC8(NULL, 0));
void MComm::CommRead(TDes8& aDes)
* This method implements the read from the Comm Server. The number of bytes read is specified
* by the length member of the descriptor. It uses the TRequestStatus member of
* the iCommReader class and activates the object, indicating a request had been made.
* @param aDes, a descriptor reference containing the buffer into which data will be placed.
* @return None
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iCommReader!=NULL, HayesPanic(EATCommand_NotConstructed));
iCommPort.Read(iCommReader->StatusRef(), aDes, aDes.Length());
void MComm::CommReadOneOrMore(TDes8& aDes)
* This method pends a read for one or more characters to the comm server port. The comm
* server will return as much data as is ready up to the maximum length
* specified in the descriptor, aDes. As soon as the available data is exhausted (after the
* first byte) this read will be completed. This differs from a Read which is posted with a
* specific length in that the normal Read would pend until the number of characters specified
* has been read (or the read timed out). The object is activated, indicating that a request
* has been made.
* @param aDes When the read completes, the contents of aDes will have been modified.
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iCommReader!=NULL, HayesPanic(EATCommand_NotConstructed));
iCommPort.ReadOneOrMore(iCommReader->StatusRef(), aDes);
void MComm::CommReadReady()
* This method is used during initialization for synchronization purposes. It issues a read
* of with a zero length to the communications server port. It then waits for the request to be
* completed. A side effect of issuing the read to the serial port is that the serial port will
* be powered up.
*/ {
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iCommReader!=NULL, HayesPanic(EATCommand_NotConstructed));
TRequestStatus status;
void MComm::CommCancel()
* The mixin class cancel routine which cancels any outstanding requests for the iCommWriter and
* iCommReader. The routine first validates the iCommWriter and iCommReader member pointers.
* @return None.
if (iCommWriter)
if (iCommReader)
void MComm::CommWriteCancel()
* The mixin class cancel routine which only cancels outstanding write requests. The
* routine first validates the iCommWriter pointer.
* @return None.
if (iCommWriter)
void MComm::CommReadCancel()
* The mixin class cancel routine which only cancels outstanding read requests. The
* routine first validates the iCommReader pointer.
* @return None.
if (iCommReader)
// CCommWriter
CCommWriter::CCommWriter(MComm* aComm, TInt aPriority)
: CActive(aPriority), iComm(aComm)
* This constructor adds the CCommWriter active object to the active scheduler of the thread in
* which it is called. The constructor initializes the iComm member data and calls the CActive
* method of this CBase derived class to set the priority. A new instance of the CCommWriter is
* created by this constructor.
* @param aComm A pointer to the MComm class object to be stored in member data iComm.
* @param aPriority The priority at which this active object should be handled by the
* active scheduler.
* @return None
* This destructor simply requests cancellation any outstanding requests for the iCommWriter object.
* @return None.
void CCommWriter::RunL()
* This is the RunL function invoked by the active scheduler for the CCommWriter active object.
* It in turn calls the write complete method accessible via the mixin class stored in the
* iComm member, passing the status. The mixin class write complete method is a pure virtual
* method which must be implemented by the derived class.
* @return None
void CCommWriter::DoCancel()
* This method implments the cancel function necessary for a CActive derived object. It simply
* invokes the port specific method to cancel outstanding writes.
* @return None
// CCommReader
CCommReader::CCommReader(MComm* aComm, TInt aPriority)
: CActive(aPriority), iComm(aComm)
* This constructor adds the CCommReader active object to the active scheduler of the thread in
* which it is called. The constructor initializes the iComm member data and calls the CActive
* method of this CBase derived class to set the priority. A new instance of the CCommReader is
* created by this constructor.
* @param aComm A pointer to the MComm class object to be stored in member data iComm.
* @param aPriority The priority at which this active object should be handled by the
* active scheduler.
* @return None
* This destructor simply requests cancellation any outstanding requests for the iCommReader object.
* @return None.
void CCommReader::RunL()
* This is the RunL function invoked by the active scheduler for the CCommReader active object.
* It in turn calls the read complete method accessible via the mixin class stored in the
* iComm member, passing the status. The mixin class read complete method is a pure virtual
* method which must be implemented by the derived class.
* @return None
void CCommReader::DoCancel()
* This method implments the cancel function necessary for a CActive derived object. It simply
* invokes the port specific method to cancel outstanding writes.
* @return None