Fixing up a few headers that got left behind.
// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Implementation for a CActive based class that monitors for low disk space
// and is informed when a PDU is being received. Should memory be too low,
// an error code is returned causing a NAck. The class will then monitor
// for the point at which PDUs can be received again, and a Resume Reception
// will be sent to the network.
// The are two limits - a high limit for general SMSs and a low limit for
// class 0 SMSs. However there is only one way to resume reception of SMSs. So
// once a resume reception is sent, it resumes hoth types of SMSs. The algorithm
// is a bit simiplier because of this:
// IF sending non-Class 0 AND we are below the high limit THEN
// N'Ack SMS
// IF not waiting for free diskspace THEN
// Wait for free diskspace to rise above the high limit
// Resume SMS Reception.
// Continue waiting for either high limit or low limit
// Resume SMS Reception as previously intended
// ELSE IF sending Class 0 AND we are below the low limit THEN
// Wait for free diskspace to rise above the low limit
// Resume SMS Reception.
// Note that in the second and last case, SMS reception may be resumed before
// we are above the high limit, but in that case montioring will repeat when
// the next non-class 0 SMS is attempted to be delivered. This is necessary as
// there is no way to resume just class 0 SMSs.
#include <barsc.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include "smspcomm.h"
#include "smspmondsk.h"
#include "smsstacklog.h"
#include "smspmain.h"
#include "smspver.h"
#include <smsu.rsg>
_LIT(KSmsResourceFile, "sms\\smsu.rsc");
* 2 phase constructor.
* @leave Leaves if not enough memory is available.
* @return a newly created CSmsMonitorDiskSpace object.
CSmsMonitorDiskSpace* CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::NewL(MSmsComm& aSmsComm, RMobileSmsMessaging& aSmsMessaging,RFs& aFs)
CSmsMonitorDiskSpace* self = new(ELeave) CSmsMonitorDiskSpace(aSmsComm, aSmsMessaging, aFs);
return self;
} // CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::NewL
* Private constructor used in the first phase of construction.
CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::CSmsMonitorDiskSpace(MSmsComm& aSmsComm, RMobileSmsMessaging& aSmsMessaging,RFs& aFs)
: CActive(KSmsSessionPriority),
} // CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::CSmsMonitorDiskSpace
* Destructor. Ensures any outstanding operation is cancelled.
#ifdef _DEBUG
} // CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::~CSmsMonitorDiskSpace
* Initialize values for LowLimitDiskSpace and HighLimitDiskSpace
* from resource file
void CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::ConstructL()
RResourceFile resourceFile;
TFileName fileName;
TParse parse;
TFileName resourceFileName;
// Create the path to the resource file...
parse.Set(resourceFileName, &fileName, 0);
fileName = parse.FullName();
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(iFs, fileName);
// To enable adequate CSmsMonitorDiskSpace testing we allow the SMSU.RSC
// file to be loaded from the C: drive if it exists. This is only for a
// DEBUG version of course! Later WINSCW is also added to allow the testing
// on WINSCW UREL version.
#if (defined __WINSCW__) || (defined _DEBUG)
TUint attValue;
TChar oldDriveLetter = fileName[0];
// Change the filename to look on C: and then see if it exists...
fileName[0] = 'C';
if (iFs.Att(fileName, attValue) != KErrNone)
// The file does not exist on C: so revert the change...
fileName[0] = oldDriveLetter;
// Log the filename in use and whether it is ROM based...
TBuf8<KMaxFileName> buf8;
LOGSMSPROT2("CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::ConstructL(): fileName=\"%S\"", &buf8);
if (iFs.IsFileInRom(fileName) == NULL)
LOGSMSPROT1("CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::ConstructL(): Smsu.rsc not in ROM");
// Read the low and high limits...
TResourceReader reader;
HBufC8* buf;
resourceFile.OpenL(iFs, fileName);
buf = resourceFile.AllocReadLC(R_LOWLIMIT_DISKSPACE_HOLDER);
iLowLimit = reader.ReadInt32();
buf = resourceFile.AllocReadLC(R_HIGHLIMIT_DISKSPACE_HOLDER);
#ifdef _DEBUG
TInt freeSpace;
TInt err = RProperty::Get(KUidPSSMSStackCategory, KUidPSSMSStackFreeDiskSpaceKey, freeSpace);
if (err == KErrNone)
iInOODTesting = ETrue;
TInt ret = iFreeDiskSpaceProperty.Attach(KUidPSSMSStackCategory, KUidPSSMSStackFreeDiskSpaceKey);
if (ret != KErrNone)
LOGSMSPROT2("iFreeDiskSpaceProperty.Attach(): error=%d", ret);
LOGSMSPROT3("CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::ConstructL(): iLowLimit=%d, iHighLimit=%d",
iLowLimit, iHighLimit);
} // CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::ConstructL
* Handles a completed disk monitor or resume request.
void CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::RunL()
LOGSMSPROT3("CSmsMonitorDiskSpace:RunL(): iStatus=%d, iState=%d",
iStatus.Int(), iState );
switch (iState)
case ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceMonitorLowLimit:
iState = ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceIdle;
// If the disk space has gone above the low limit, then
// resume reception. Otherwise (assuming the notify was
// successful) then start monitoring the low limit again...
TInt freeDiskSpace = GetFreeDiskSpace();
if (freeDiskSpace >= iLowLimit)
else if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone)
NotifyDiskSpace(iLowLimit, ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceMonitorLowLimit);
case ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceMonitorHighLimit:
iState = ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceIdle;
// If the disk space has gone above the high limit, then
// resume reception. Otherwise (assuming the notify was
// successful) then start monitoring the high limit again...
TInt freeDiskSpace = GetFreeDiskSpace();
if (freeDiskSpace >= iHighLimit)
else if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone)
NotifyDiskSpace(iHighLimit, ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceMonitorHighLimit);
case ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceResumeReception:
// We are finished. However, check if any N'Acks were sent between
// the time we began the resume and now incase we need to restart
// the monitoring.
if (iNAckdClassZero)
NotifyDiskSpace(iLowLimit, ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceMonitorLowLimit);
else if (iNAckdClassOther)
NotifyDiskSpace(iHighLimit, ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceMonitorHighLimit);
iState = ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceIdle;
} // CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::RunL
* Handles a request to cancel the current state machine operation.
void CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::DoCancel()
LOGSMSPROT2("CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::DoCancel(): iState=%d", iState);
switch (iState)
case ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceIdle:
// NOP
case ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceMonitorLowLimit:
case ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceMonitorHighLimit:
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (iInOODTesting)
case ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceResumeReception:
iState = ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceIdle;
} // CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::DoCancel
* Checks for enough disk space, and starts monitoring disk space if needed.
void CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::CheckDiskSpaceForPDUL(TBool aPDUIsClass0)
LOGSMSPROT2("CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::CheckDiskSpaceForPDUL(): aPDUIsClass0=%d",
// First check the actual disk space before working out what to do.
// If enough space exists, then we don't need to do anything else (even if
// we where previously monitoring, because that will be handled later as
// it would without this function call).
TInt freeDiskSpace = GetFreeDiskSpace();
if (freeDiskSpace >= iHighLimit ||
(freeDiskSpace >= iLowLimit && aPDUIsClass0))
// There is enough space for the PDU, so nothing more to do.
// There is not enough diskspace so record that a PDU will be N'Ack'd.
if (aPDUIsClass0)
iNAckdClassZero = ETrue;
iNAckdClassOther = ETrue;
// Ensure we are monitoring the disk space. This will then cause a
// ResumeReception() to be sent when the disk space increases above the
// appropriate limit.
if (freeDiskSpace < iLowLimit)
// Start montioring the low limit, if not already monitoring or if
// we are currently monitoring the high limit.
if (iState == ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceIdle ||
iState == ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceMonitorHighLimit)
NotifyDiskSpace(iLowLimit, ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceMonitorLowLimit);
else // (freeDiskSpace < iHighLimit)
// Start monitoring the high limit if not already monitoring...
if (iState == ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceIdle)
NotifyDiskSpace(iHighLimit, ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceMonitorHighLimit);
// Imform the caller that the SMS should be N'Ack'd...
} // CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::CheckDiskSpaceForPDUL
* Starts monitoring the free disk space to spot when it rises above the
* requested limit.
* Unfortunately the File System API does not distiguish between going below
* or above a limit, so some checking is needed to ensure that the correct
* behaviour is requested, since it is possible in theory for the disk space
* to change between the calls.
* In theory this is unlikely since the priority of the SMS Stack is higher
* but not impossible to happen. We guard against it anyway since the mere
* fact it could happen poses questions when the defects come in from handsets.
* @note The current disk space is assumed to be below the limit requested.
* If it is found to be above, this will cause an imediate completion.
* @param aLimit Limit to monitor.
* @param aState State to transition to when this request is made.
void CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::NotifyDiskSpace(TInt aLimit,
TSmsMonitorDiskSpaceState aState)
LOGSMSPROT3("CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::NotifyDiskSpace(): aLimit=%d, aState=%d",
aLimit, aState);
// Cancel any previously outstanding requests...
if (iState != ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceIdle)
// Start the notification...
iState = aState;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (iInOODTesting)
iFs.NotifyDiskSpace(aLimit, EDriveC, iStatus);
// Now, as a sanity check, check the diskspace again. If the disk space
// has advanced above the limit in the time between the request and now,
// or since the last call to GetFreeDiskSpace() then the request will
// either be invalid, or have completed. If either of these are the case
// we need to control the situation and ensure a completion occurs...
TInt freeDiskSpace = GetFreeDiskSpace();
if (freeDiskSpace > aLimit)
// Cancel the request...
// Force a fake completion for this state...
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
iState = aState;
iStatus = KRequestPending;
User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
} // CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::NotifyDiskSpace
* Performs the required actions for the case when leaving either the low
* limit or the high limit. It doesn't really matter which limit you are
* leaving since the resume applies for all SMSs. This gives three scenarios:
* 1) You leave the high limit. This is not a problem as all SMSs can
* now be received.
* 2) You leave the low limit and go above the high limit. This is also
* not a problem as all SMSs can be received.
* 3) You leave the low limit but stay below the high limit. In this case
* the N'Ack'd SMS was class 0 and you can now receive it. A non-class 0
* SMS may attempt to be delivered, but monitoring will restart as
* before. So again no problem.
void CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::ResumeSmsReception()
// Cancel any previously outstanding requests...
if (iState != ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceIdle)
// Clear the N'Ackd flags...
iNAckdClassZero = EFalse;
iNAckdClassOther = EFalse;
// Start the resume request...
iState = ESmsMonitorDiskSpaceResumeReception;
} // CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::ResumeSmsReception
* Utilility function to determine amount of free disk space. The actual
* free space is limited at 2GB.
TInt CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::GetFreeDiskSpace()
TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
TInt ret;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if( iInOODTesting )
TInt value = 0;
ret = iFreeDiskSpaceProperty.Get(value);
// update volumeInfo with value regardless of error as error handled later
volumeInfo.iFree = value;
ret = iFs.Volume(volumeInfo, EDriveC);
// Get the volume info for drive C:...
if (ret != KErrNone)
LOGSMSPROT2("CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::GetFreeDiskSpace(): error=%d", ret);
return KErrGeneral;
// Convert the disk space value to a TInt (allowing 2GB limits)...
TInt freeSpace;
if (volumeInfo.iFree >= 0x7fffffff)
freeSpace = 0x7fffffff;
freeSpace = (TInt) volumeInfo.iFree;
LOGSMSPROT2("CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::GetFreeDiskSpace(): freeSpace=%d", freeSpace);
return freeSpace;
} // CSmsMonitorDiskSpace::GetFreeDiskSpace