Fixing up a few headers that got left behind.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Name : TSatUtility.cpp
// Part of : Common Sim Atk TSY / commonsimatktsy
// Sat Utility classes implementation.
// Version : 1.0
#include "tsatutility.h" // Class header
#include "tflogger.h" // TFLOGSTRING
#include <ctsy/serviceapi/cmmsmsutility.h> // TON and NPI constants
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::TonAndNpi
// Map TON and NPI to RSat TON and NPI values
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TSatUtility::TonAndNpi
const TInt aTonAndNpi,
RSat::TTypeOfNumber* aTon,
RSat::TNumberingPlan* aNpi
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::TonAndNpi" );
TInt ton( ( aTonAndNpi >> 4 ) & KTONMask ); // TON mask value 0x07
switch ( ton )
case KTonUnknown:
*aTon = RSat::EUnknownNumber;
case KInternationalNumber:
*aTon = RSat::EInternationalNumber;
case KNationalNumber:
*aTon = RSat::ENationalNumber;
case KNetworkSpecificNumber:
*aTon = RSat::ENetworkSpecificNumber;
case KSubscriberNumber:
*aTon = RSat::EDedicatedNumber;
case KAlphanumeric:
*aTon = RSat::EAlphanumericNumber;
case KAbbreviatedNumber:
*aTon = RSat::EAbbreviatedNumber;
*aTon = RSat::ETypeOfNumberNotSet;
// Numbering plan
TInt npi( aTonAndNpi & KNPIMask ); // NPI mask value 0x0F
switch ( npi )
case KNpiUnknown:
*aNpi = RSat::EUnknownNumberingPlan;
case KIsdnTelephoneNumPlan:
*aNpi = RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan;
case KDataNumPlan:
*aNpi = RSat::EDataNumberPlan;
case KTelexNumPlan:
*aNpi = RSat::ETelexNumberPlan;
case KNationalNumPlan:
*aNpi = RSat::ENationalNumberPlan;
case KPrivateNumPlan:
*aNpi = RSat::EPrivateNumberPlan;
case KServiceCentreSpecificPlan1:
*aNpi = RSat::EServiceCentreSpecificPlan1;
case KServiceCentreSpecificPlan2:
*aNpi = RSat::EServiceCentreSpecificPlan2;
case KErmesNumPlan:
*aNpi = RSat::EERMESNumberPlan;
*aNpi = RSat::ENumberingPlanNotSet;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::Packed7to8Unpacked
// Converts 7-bit packed string to 8-bit unpacked format.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt TSatUtility::Packed7to8Unpacked
const TPtrC8 aSource,
TDes8& aTarget
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::Packed7to8Unpacked" );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
// The string is in packed GSM default alphabet format.
// Converted to 8-bit format
TUint8 maskRightPartOfCurrentByte( 0x7F );
TUint8 shiftLeft( 0 );
TUint8 leftPartFromPreviousByte( 0 );
TInt sourceLength = aSource.Length();
// Initialize the target string before starting
// Check out which string is the shortest and use its length as a limit
TInt length ( Min( sourceLength, aTarget.MaxLength() ) );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < length; i++ )
TUint8 leftPartOfCurrentChar = static_cast<TUint8>( (
aSource[i] & maskRightPartOfCurrentByte ) << shiftLeft );
// Append the character in the output text string
aTarget.Append( leftPartOfCurrentChar | leftPartFromPreviousByte );
// Updates
if ( 6 == shiftLeft )
// After 6 shifts, the character is in bit7..bit1,
// therefore it has to be shifted one bit to the right.
aTarget.Append( aSource[i] >> 1 );
// Restart
leftPartFromPreviousByte = 0;
shiftLeft = 0;
maskRightPartOfCurrentByte = 0x7F;
leftPartFromPreviousByte = static_cast<TUint8>( (
aSource[i] ) >> ( 7-shiftLeft ) );
maskRightPartOfCurrentByte = static_cast<TUint8>(
maskRightPartOfCurrentByte >> 1 );
// Whe should still notify the requesting method about exceeding the length
if ( length < sourceLength )
ret = KErrOverflow;
TFLOGSTRING2( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::Packed7to8Unpacked,\
Input data too long. %d bytes could not be converted",
( sourceLength - length ) );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::UCSToPacked7
// Converts UCS2 string to 7-bit packed format
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TSatUtility::UCSToPacked7
const TPtrC aInput,
TDes8& aOutput
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::UCSToPacked7" );
TBuf8<KMaxUssdStringLengthInBytes> string;
// This method interrupts converting if the target buffer is full, so
// the length can not be exceeded
ConvertUnicode16To7Bit( aInput, string );
TUint8 move( 0 );
TInt i( 0 );
TInt length( string.Length() );
// If the input data was too long, some data will miss from the end here
for ( i = 0; i < length; i += 1 )
// Get first character
TUint8 char1 = static_cast<TUint8>( string[i] >> move );
TUint8 char2;
if ( ( i + 1 ) < length )
// Get next character
char2 = static_cast<TUint8>( string[i + 1] << ( 7 - move ) );
// No more characters
char2 = 0;
// Append packed character
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint8>( char1 | char2 ) );
if ( ( 6 == move ) && char2 )
move = 0;
if ( !( ( length + 1 ) % 8 ) )
// If the total number of characters in the text string equals (8n-1)
// where n=1,2,3 etc. then there are 7 spare bits at the end of the
// message. To avoid the situation where the receiving entity confuses
// 7 binary zero pad bits as the @ character, the carriage return
// (i.e. <CR>) character shall be used for padding in this situation,
// as defined in TS 23.038 [5].
aOutput[ aOutput.Length() - 1 ] = static_cast<TUint8>(
aOutput[ aOutput.Length() - 1 ] | KCrShiftedOneBitToLeft );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::BCDToAscii
// Converts BCD string to ASCII format
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt TSatUtility::BCDToAscii
const TPtrC8 aInput,
TDes8& aOutput
TInt ret( KErrNone );
// Convert Abbreviated dialling numbers format back to ASCII format.
// See 3GPP TS 11.11, EFadn
// Check out which string is the shortest and use its length as a limit
TInt length ( Min( aInput.Length(), aOutput.MaxLength() ) );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < length; i++ )
// Two bcd string chars are coded in one byte,
// 1st char is in low nibble and 2nd is in high nibble
// if the high nibble doesn't contain a char it's value is 0xf
TUint8 byte = aInput[i];
aOutput.Append( KAscii[byte & 0x0F] );
if ( KMaskF0 != ( byte & KMaskF0 ) )
aOutput.Append( KAscii[byte >> 4] );
// Whe should still notify the requesting method about exceeding the length
if ( length < aInput.Length() )
ret = KErrOverflow;
TFLOGSTRING2( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::BCDToAscii,Input data too long.\
%d bytes could not be converted", ( aInput.Length() - length ) );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::AsciiToBCD
// Convert ASCII string to binary coded decimal, invalid characters are dropped
// and will not be part of bcd string.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt TSatUtility::AsciiToBCD
const TDesC8& aInput,
TDes8& aOutput
TInt ret( KErrNone );
TInt i;
TInt j;
TInt outLen( 0 );
TInt length( aInput.Length() );
// Go through the whole string
for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
TUint8 bcd = 0x0F; // Should never be part of number
TBool found( EFalse );
// Search for the ASCII character
for ( j = 0; ( j < KAsciiBcdTableLength ) && !found; j++ )
// If the character matches, set the corresponding value
if ( KAsciiToBCD[j][0] == aInput[i] )
bcd = KAsciiToBCD[j][1];
found = ETrue;
// Add only valid bcd characters...
if ( found )
if( aOutput.MaxLength() > aOutput.Length() )
// Store to string
if ( ( outLen % 2 ) == 0 )
aOutput.Append( bcd );
aOutput[outLen / 2] |= ( bcd << 4 );
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::AsciiToBCD, Overflow!" );
ret = KErrOverflow;
TFLOGSTRING3("UTILITY: TSatUtility::AsciiToBCD -- dropped \
character %d at i=%d", TInt( aInput[i] ), i );
} // For
// If odd number of digits add endmark
if ( ( outLen % 2 ) != 0 )
aOutput[outLen / 2] |= KMaskF0;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::RemoveWildAndExpansionDigit
// Remove Wild 'w' and Expansion digit '.' from EFadn string. Used in SetUpCall
// proactive command.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TSatUtility::RemoveWildAndExpansionDigit
const TPtrC8 aString,
TDes8& aOutput
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::RemoveWildAndExpansionDigit" );
TUint8 i( 0 );
TInt maxLength = aOutput.MaxLength();
TInt length( aString.Length() );
// Append as many characters as there is room for in the target string
for ( i = 0; ( i < length ) && ( aOutput.Length() < maxLength ); i++ )
if ( ( 'w' != aString[i] ) && ( '.' != aString[i] ) )
aOutput.Append( aString[i] );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::SetAlphaId
// Set Alpha identifier as a Unicode text string and according to the alphabet
// used
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TSatUtility::SetAlphaId
const TPtrC8 aRawData,
TDes& aAlphaId
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::SetAlphaId" );
if ( ( KUCS2ArabicCoding == aRawData[0] )
|| ( KUCS2GreekCoding == aRawData[0] )
|| ( KUCS2TurkishCoding == aRawData[0] ) )
ConvertAlphaFieldsToUnicode( aRawData, aAlphaId );
// 8-bit
TBuf8<RSat::KAlphaIdMaxSize> rawData8;
rawData8.Copy( aRawData );
Convert7BitToUnicode16( rawData8, aAlphaId );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::ConvertToSemiOctet
// Convert integer to BCD format. Only two last digits is used.
// Example TInt 2004 -> 0x40.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TUint8 TSatUtility::ConvertToSemiOctet
const TInt aTime
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::ConvertToSemiOctet" );
// Converting given time to meet the TP-Service-Centre-Time-Stamp format in
// 3GPP TS 23.040.
TInt msd( ( aTime / 10 ) % 10 ); // Most significant decimal
TInt lsd( ( aTime % 10 ) ); // Least significant decimal
TUint8 ret( TUint8( ( lsd << 4 ) | ( msd ) ) );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::Convert7BitToUnicode16
// Convert a text from GSM 7 bit default alphabet to Unicode format.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TSatUtility::Convert7BitToUnicode16
const TDesC8& aInput,
TDes16& aOutput
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::Convert7BitToUnicode16" );
TInt i( 0 );
// Check out which string is the shortest and use its length as a limit
TInt length ( Min( aInput.Length(), aOutput.MaxLength() ) );
for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
TUint8 character( aInput[i] );
// This code is an escape to an extension of the 7 bit default alphabet
// table.
if ( 0x1B == character )
// Extension table
switch ( aInput[i+1] )
case 0x28: //{
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint16>( 0x7B ) );
case 0x29: //}
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint16>( 0x7D ) );
case 0x3C: //[
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint16>( 0x5B ) );
case 0x3E: //]
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint16>( 0x5D ) );
case 0x3D: //~
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint16>( 0x7E ) );
case 0x2F:
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint16>( 0x5C ) );
case 0x14: // ^
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint16>( 0x5E ) );
case 0x65: // Euro 0x20AC
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint16>( 0x20AC ) );
case 0x40: // |
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint16>( 0x7C ) );
// A space if not found in the table
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint16>( 0x20 ) );
// Characters in extension table takes two bytes
// Check that bit 8 is set to '0'
else if ( 0x7F >= character )
// Character is in normal 7-bit table.
aOutput.Append( KUnicode[ character ] );
// Do nothing
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::ConvertUnicode16To7Bit
// Converts unicode16 string to GSM 7 bit default alphabet character mode
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt TSatUtility::ConvertUnicode16To7Bit
const TDesC16& aInput,
TDes8& aOutput
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::ConvertUnicode16To7Bit" );
TInt i( 0 );
TInt j( 0 );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
TBool found( EFalse );
TInt outputMaxLength = aOutput.MaxLength();
// Check out which string is the shortest and use its length as a limit
TInt length ( Min( aInput.Length(), aOutput.MaxLength() ) );
for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < KSizeOfConversionArray; j++ )
if ( KUnicode16ToSms7[j][0] == aInput[i] )
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint8>(
KUnicode16ToSms7[j][1] ) );
found = ETrue;
if ( !found )
aOutput.Append( static_cast<TUint8>( aInput[i] & 0x00FF ) );
found = EFalse;
// Whe should still notify the requesting method about exceeding the length
if ( length < aInput.Length() )
ret = KErrOverflow;
TFLOGSTRING2( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::ConvertUnicode16To7Bit,\
Input data too long. %d bytes could not be converted",
( aInput.Length() - length ) );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::FillDurationStructure
// Fill in a TDuration structure
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TSatUtility::FillDurationStructure
CBerTlv& aBerTlv,
RSat::TDuration& aTDuration
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::FillDurationStructure" );
CTlv duration;
aTDuration.iTimeUnit = RSat::ENoDurationAvailable;
TInt returnValue( aBerTlv.TlvByTagValue(
&duration, KTlvDurationTag ) );
if ( KErrNotFound != returnValue )
TUint8 durationTimeUnit = duration.GetShortInfo( ETLV_TimeUnit );
switch ( durationTimeUnit )
case KMinutes:
// Minutes
aTDuration.iTimeUnit = RSat::EMinutes;
case KSeconds:
// Seconds
aTDuration.iTimeUnit = RSat::ESeconds;
case KTenthsOfSeconds:
// Tenths of seconds
aTDuration.iTimeUnit = RSat::ETenthsOfSeconds;
aTDuration.iTimeUnit = RSat::ETimeUnitNotSet;
// Time interval
aTDuration.iNumOfUnits = duration.GetShortInfo( ETLV_TimeInterval );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::FillIconStructure
// Fill in a TIconId structure
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TSatUtility::FillIconStructure
CBerTlv& aBerTlv,
RSat::TIconId& aTIconId,
const TInt aItemNmb
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::FillIconStructure" );
CTlv iconId;
aTIconId.iQualifier = RSat::ENoIconId;
TInt returnValue( aBerTlv.TlvByTagValue( &iconId, KTlvIconIdentifierTag,
aItemNmb ) );
if ( KErrNotFound != returnValue )
TUint8 iconQualifier = iconId.GetShortInfo( ETLV_IconQualifier );
aTIconId.iIdentifier = iconId.GetShortInfo( ETLV_IconIdentifier );
// The icon qualifier indicates to the ME how the icon is to be used.
if ( iconQualifier )
aTIconId.iQualifier = RSat::ENotSelfExplanatory;
aTIconId.iQualifier = RSat::ESelfExplanatory;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::SetText
// Set Text string as a Unicode text string and according to the alphabet used
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TSatUtility::SetText
CTlv& aTextTlv,
TDes& aUnicodeOutput
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::SetText" );
if ( aTextTlv.GetLength() )
TPtrC8 sourceString;
sourceString.Set( aTextTlv.GetData( ETLV_TextString ) );
TBuf8<KTextBufferMaxSize> string( sourceString );
// SMS default alphabet DCS
if ( !( aTextTlv.GetShortInfo( ETLV_DataCodingScheme )
& KPacked7BitTextMask ) )
// Unpack
Packed7to8Unpacked( sourceString, string );
if ( aUnicodeOutput.MaxLength() < string.Length() )
string.SetLength( aUnicodeOutput.MaxLength() );
// Convert to unicode format
Convert7BitToUnicode16( string, aUnicodeOutput );
else if ( aTextTlv.GetShortInfo( ETLV_DataCodingScheme )
Copy8to16LE( sourceString, aUnicodeOutput );
// 8-bit DCS
else if ( aTextTlv.GetShortInfo( ETLV_DataCodingScheme )
& K8BitDCS )
// 8-bit string to 16-bit string
Convert7BitToUnicode16( string, aUnicodeOutput );
else // Reserved cases: SMS default alphabet
// Unpack
Packed7to8Unpacked( sourceString, string );
if ( aUnicodeOutput.MaxLength() < string.Length() )
string.SetLength( aUnicodeOutput.MaxLength() );
// Convert to unicode format
Convert7BitToUnicode16( string, aUnicodeOutput );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::ConvertAlphaFieldsToUnicode
// Convert Alpha fields format to Unicode format.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TSatUtility::ConvertAlphaFieldsToUnicode
const TDesC8& aSource,
TDes& aTarget
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::ConvertAlphaFieldsToUnicode" );
// ArabicCoding, GreekCoding and TurkishCoding have different coding
// methods. There is a tag for each type of alphabet (resp. 80, 81 or 82)
// before the text, and there are base pointers used for expanding 1 byte
// to 2 bytes as required by UCS2
// Ref: 3GPP TS 11.11, Annex B
// Base pointer is a "half-page" in the UCS2 code space
TUint16 basePointer( 0 );
TInt offset( 0 );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
switch ( aSource[0] )
case KUCS2ArabicCoding:
// Copy everything after tag byte
Copy8to16LE( aSource.Mid( 1, aSource.Length() - 1 ), aTarget );
//Check if any text present
if ( aTarget.Length() )
// Remove padding bytes if any
if ( 0xFFFF == aTarget[ aTarget.Length() - 1 ] )
aTarget.SetLength( aTarget.Length() - 1 );
// No expanding needed, already in unicode format.
ret = KErrNotFound;
case KUCS2GreekCoding:
// Characters starts at position 3
offset = 3;
// Base pointer is given in one byte
// and needs to be sifted 7-bit to left to get correct base pointer
basePointer = TUint16( aSource[2] << 7 ) ;
case KUCS2TurkishCoding:
// Characters starts at position 4
offset = 4;
// Base pointer is two bytes, 16-bit
TSatUtility::CopyTwo8toOne16LE( aSource, basePointer, 2 );
// Do nothing
if ( ( KErrNone == ret ) && ( 2 < aSource.Length() ) )
// The second octet contains a value indicating the number of
// characters in the string. (Not in the case of Arabic string)
TInt length( aSource[1] );
// Expanding 1 byte format to 2 bytes
while ( length )
// If bit 8 of the octet is set to zero, the remaining 7 bits of
// the octet contain a GSM Default Alphabet character, whereas if
// bit 8 of the octet is set to one, the remaining seven bits are
// an offset value added to the base pointer defined in octets
// three and four, and the resultant 16 bit value is a UCS2 code
// point, and defines a UCS2 character.
if ( 0x7F <= aSource[offset] )
// Append base pointer and offset
aTarget.Append( basePointer + ( aSource[offset] & 0x7F ) );
// GSM default alphabet.
TBuf<1> dest16bit;
TBuf8<1> src7bit;
// Get character
src7bit.Append( aSource[offset] );
// Convert GSM default alphabet character to unicode
Convert7BitToUnicode16( src7bit, dest16bit );
// Append converted character to output string
aTarget.Append( dest16bit );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::Copy16to8LE
// Converts 16-bit data to 8-bit data with little endian.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt TSatUtility::Copy16to8LE
const TDesC16& aSource,
TDes8& aTarget
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::Copy16to8LE" );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
TInt length( 0 );
// Checks that data length are acceblable
if ( aSource.Size() > aTarget.MaxSize() )
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::Copy16to8LE, Length exceeded!" );
ret = KErrOverflow;
length = ( aTarget.MaxSize() / 2 );
length = aSource.Length();
// Append source to target using rigth endian
for ( TInt i = 0; i < length; i++ )
aTarget.Append( TUint8( aSource[i] >> 8) );
aTarget.Append( TUint8( aSource[i] & 0xff ) );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::Copy8to16LE
// Converts 8-bit data to 16-bit data with little endian
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt TSatUtility::Copy8to16LE
const TDesC8& aSource,
TDes16& aTarget
TFLOGSTRING( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::Copy8to16LE" );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
// Check out which string is the shortest and use its length as a limit
TInt length ( Min( ( ( aSource.Length() / 2 ) * 2 ), aTarget.MaxSize() ) );
// Append source to target using right endian
for ( TInt i = 0; i < length; i += 2 )
aTarget.Append( TUint16( aSource[i + 1] | ( aSource[i] << 8) ) );
// Whe should still notify the requesting method about exceeding the length
if ( length < aSource.Length() )
ret = KErrOverflow;
TFLOGSTRING2( "UTILITY: TSatUtility::ConvertUnicode16To7Bit,\
Input data too long. %d bytes could not be converted",
( aSource.Length() - length ) );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::DecodeCbsDcs
// Finds whether the data coding scheme, coded in CBS format, is 7-bit, 8-bit
// or 16-bit. Converts the input DCS from CBS format to SMS format.
// Reference: 3gpp ts 23.038
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TSmsDcs TSatUtility::DecodeCbsDcs
const TUint8 aDcs
TFLOGSTRING("UTILITY: TSatUtility::DecodeCbsDcs");
// Constant values are not defined in order to
// avoid confusion with too many constants names.
// Coding group: 4 left most significant bits
TUint8 codingGroup = ( aDcs & 0xF0 )>>4;
// Lower quartet: 4 right most significant bits
TUint8 lowQuartet = ( aDcs & 0x0F );
// Character set: bit 2 and 3, in [bit7...bit0]
TUint8 characterSet = ( aDcs & 0x0C )>>2;
// Initialize output to Unknown or Reserved
TSmsDcs decodedDcs( ESmsUnknownOrReservedDcs );
// Switch according to the coding group
switch ( codingGroup )
// Language specified, usually in 7-bit
// b0000 or b0010 or b0011
case 0x00:
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
// 7-bit alphabet
decodedDcs = ESms7BitDcs;
// b0001
// Message preceded by language indication
case 0x01:
if ( 0x00==lowQuartet )
decodedDcs = ESms7BitDcs;
else if ( 0x01==lowQuartet )
decodedDcs = ESms16BitDcs;
// General data coding indication
// b01xx or b1001
case 0x04:
case 0x05:
case 0x06:
case 0x07:
case 0x09:
// The character set determines the alphabet/compression
if ( 0x00 == characterSet )
decodedDcs = ESms7BitDcs;
else if ( 0x01 == characterSet )
decodedDcs = ESms8BitDcs;
else if ( 0x02 == characterSet )
decodedDcs = ESms16BitDcs;
// Data coding / Message handling
// either 8-bit or 7-bit
case 0x0F:
// only bit 2 informs about the
// character set.
if ( aDcs & 0x04 )
decodedDcs = ESms8BitDcs;
decodedDcs = ESms7BitDcs;
// the DCS value is reserved.
TFLOGSTRING("UTILITY: TSatUtility::DecodeCbsDcs, reserved value");
return decodedDcs;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSatUtility::CopyTwo8toOne16LE
// Gets two 8-bit bytes and copies them to the one 16-bit byte with little
// endianes. Used when reading data from response or indication.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt TSatUtility::CopyTwo8toOne16LE
const TDesC8& aSource,
TUint16& aTarget,
const TInt aIndex
TFLOGSTRING("UTILITY: TSatUtility::CopyTwo8toOne16LE");
TInt ret( KErrNone );
// Check first that we dont try to read data that is not there..
if ( aSource.Length() > aIndex + 1 )
aTarget = static_cast<TUint16>( aSource[aIndex] << 8 );
aTarget = static_cast<TUint16>( aTarget | aSource[aIndex + 1] );
ret = KErrOverflow;
TFLOGSTRING3("UTILITY: TSatUtility::CopyTwo8toOne16LE, Index too high\
Index: %d, Source data length: %d", aIndex, aSource.Length() );
return ret;
// End of file