Updating the config scripts for use with beagle ROMs and updating the PDD name for the UART connection used on target along with some .iby file updates
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "CFAX32.H"
#include "faxsettings.h"
#include <commsdattypesv1_1.h>
using namespace CommsDat;
// amended August 1998 as follows :
// 1. TFaxSettings is defined, with its internalize and externalize functions,
// in this module solely for use by the apps that use faxtrans. They should
// decide where the setting are stored and get or set them using the
// functions here. A reference to the settings to use are passed to
// faxtrans as parameters on instantiation of the CFaxTransfer object - eg
// CFaxTransfer * session = CFaxTransfer::NewL (aFaxSettings);
// 2. A number of items previous part of TFaxSettings are now kept as part of
// the modem definitions by Dialstor - these include both ModemInitString
// and FaxInitString, together with the CSY module name and the comm port
// name and number. Most importantly, the fax modem class is now part of the
// Dialstor data. A TDialstorModemPreferences object with this information in it is now
// part of the TFaxSettings, but this need NOT be initialized in the
// reference passed to CFaxTransfer on instantiation. If the modem class
// does happen to be unknown, then a special CFaxModemDriver is used which
// does autodetection and nothing else.
// 3. As a conseqence, CFaxSettings no longer has Get or Set functions
// for TFaxSettings. Instead, we have a ValidateAndGetClass function to
// validate the passed values in TFaxSettings (in case they are
// nonsense) and get the values from DialStore.
EXPORT_C TFaxSettings& TFaxSettings::operator=(const TFaxSettings& aFaxSettings)
/** Assignment operator.
Copies the content of one TFaxSettings into another, replacing the existing
@param aFaxSettings A reference to the TFaxSettings to be copied.
@return A reference to this TFaxSettings.
@capability None
iFaxId = aFaxSettings.iFaxId;
iMaxSpeed = aFaxSettings.iMaxSpeed;
iMinSpeed = aFaxSettings.iMinSpeed;
iPreferredResolution = aFaxSettings.iPreferredResolution;
iPreferredCompression = aFaxSettings.iPreferredCompression;
iPreferredECM = aFaxSettings.iPreferredECM;
iVerbose = aFaxSettings.iVerbose;
iFaxOnDemandDelay = aFaxSettings.iFaxOnDemandDelay;
iFaxClass = aFaxSettings.iFaxClass;
return (*this);
EXPORT_C void TFaxSettings::ExternalizeL (RWriteStream & inifile) const
/** Externalises the TFaxSettings object to a write stream. The presence of this
function means that the standard templated operator<<() (defined in s32strm.h) is available
to externalise objects of this class.
@param inifile The stream to which the object should be externalised.
@capability None
inifile << iFaxId;
inifile.WriteInt32L (iMaxSpeed);
inifile.WriteInt32L (iMinSpeed);
inifile.WriteInt32L (iPreferredResolution);
inifile.WriteInt32L (iPreferredCompression);
inifile.WriteInt32L (iPreferredECM);
inifile.WriteInt32L (iVerbose);
inifile.WriteInt32L (iFaxOnDemandDelay);
inifile.WriteInt32L (iFaxClass);
EXPORT_C void TFaxSettings::InternalizeL (RReadStream & inifile)
/** Internalises the TFaxSettings object from a read stream. The presence of this
function means that the standard templated operator>>() (defined in s32strm.h) is
available to internalise objects of this class. This function may leave if there
is a problem reading from the stream, or if internalisation causes an out of memory
@param inifile The stream from which the object should be internalised.
@capability None
inifile >> iFaxId;
iMaxSpeed = inifile.ReadInt32L ();
iMinSpeed = inifile.ReadInt32L ();
iPreferredResolution = (TFaxResolution) inifile.ReadInt32L ();
iPreferredCompression = (TFaxCompression) inifile.ReadInt32L ();
iPreferredECM = inifile.ReadInt32L ();
iVerbose = inifile.ReadInt32L ();
iFaxOnDemandDelay = inifile.ReadInt32L ();
iFaxClass = (TFaxClass) inifile.ReadInt32L ();
CFaxSettings *CFaxSettings::NewLC ()
CFaxSettings *self = new (ELeave) CFaxSettings;
CleanupStack::PushL (self);
self->ConstructL ();
return self;
CFaxSettings *CFaxSettings::NewL ()
CFaxSettings *self = NewLC ();
CleanupStack::Pop ();
return self;
void CFaxSettings::ConstructL()
CFaxSettings::~CFaxSettings ()
void CFaxSettings::ValidateAndSetClassL (TFaxSettings * aFaxSettings)
TInt badspeed;
TFaxClass passedFaxClass = aFaxSettings->iFaxClass;
// first we check that the settings we are making are within range
badspeed = aFaxSettings->iMaxSpeed % 2400;
if (badspeed)
aFaxSettings->iMaxSpeed -= badspeed;
if ((aFaxSettings->iMaxSpeed > 14400) || (aFaxSettings->iMaxSpeed < 2400))
aFaxSettings->iMaxSpeed = 9600;
badspeed = aFaxSettings->iMinSpeed % 2400;
if (badspeed)
aFaxSettings->iMinSpeed -= badspeed;
if ((aFaxSettings->iMinSpeed > 14400) || (aFaxSettings->iMinSpeed < 2400))
aFaxSettings->iMinSpeed = 2400;
if (aFaxSettings->iMinSpeed > aFaxSettings->iMaxSpeed)
aFaxSettings->iMinSpeed = aFaxSettings->iMaxSpeed;
if (aFaxSettings->iPreferredResolution != EFaxNormal)
aFaxSettings->iPreferredResolution = (TFaxResolution)EFaxFine;
if (aFaxSettings->iPreferredCompression != (TFaxCompression)EModifiedHuffman)
aFaxSettings->iPreferredCompression = (TFaxCompression)EModifiedRead;
// second we read the current modem class
// AnnW, 9/8/99 - This all assumes that we are taking the modem settings from the
// dial out IAP, which is fince for now, but may not be in the future? This may also
// need modifying for Linda?
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_1);
// Read the currently selected connection preference and find preferred IAP
TInt prefRank = 1;
CCDConnectionPrefsRecord *connectionPrefs =
connectionPrefs->iRanking = prefRank;
connectionPrefs->iDirection = ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing;
// The following code is a temporary solution until an issue has been resolved in CommsDat
// start
CCDIAPRecord* tempPIapRecord =
connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP.iLinkedRecord = tempPIapRecord;
CCDIAPRecord* pIapRecord = (CCDIAPRecord*)connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP.iLinkedRecord;
CCDBearerRecordBase* tempBearerRecord =
pIapRecord->iBearer.iLinkedRecord = tempBearerRecord;
CCDBearerRecordBase* pBearerRecord = (CCDBearerRecordBase*) pIapRecord->iBearer.iLinkedRecord;
// end
TUint32 iapId = pBearerRecord->iRecordTag;
CMDBField<TUint32>* bearerField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdIAPBearer);
TUint32 modemId = *bearerField;
CMDBField<TUint32>* faxField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdFaxClassPref);
TUint32 faxClass;
faxClass = *faxField;
aFaxSettings->iFaxClass = static_cast<TFaxClass>(faxClass);
// finally we validate the modem class - if not class 1 or 2 or 2.0 we
// write back the class we came in with, which is assumed to be correct
// - this is how we update the Comms database - other settings are ignored
if ((aFaxSettings->iFaxClass != EClass1)
&& (aFaxSettings->iFaxClass != EClass2)
&& (aFaxSettings->iFaxClass != EClass2point0))
aFaxSettings->iFaxClass = passedFaxClass;
*faxField = aFaxSettings->iFaxClass;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // db, connectionPrefs