Updating the config scripts for use with beagle ROMs and updating the PDD name for the UART connection used on target along with some .iby file updates
* Copyright (c) 2009 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB - initial contribution.
* Nokia Corporation - additional changes.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Implements the Enhanced SMS Animation Information Element.
* @file
* @internalComponent
* Defines CEmsPreDefAnimation and CEmsAnimationIE classes
#ifndef __EMSAnimationIE_H__
#define __EMSAnimationIE_H__
#include <emspictureie.h>
* @internalComponent
#define KSmallAnimSize TSize(8,8)
* @internalComponent
#define KLargeAnimSize TSize(16,16)
class CEmsPreDefAnimationIE : public CEmsInformationElement
* CEmsPreDefAnimationIE wraps the creation & modification of an EMS predefined animation
* information element into a single class.
* Format of PreDef animation Information Element.
* -----------------------------------------------
* Position (Octet) Bit Description
* 1 Start Position
* 2 PreDefined Animation Number
* The start position of the information element is relative to the PDU that contains the object.
* However when within this class it will be an converted to an absolute position within the message.
* @see 3gpp Spec V5 section
* @internalComponent
// EIESize is 1 because start position is not included
enum {EIESize=1};
enum TAnimType{
EFlirty =0x0,
EGlad =0x1,
ESceptic =0x2,
ESad =0x3,
EWow =0x4,
ECrying =0x5,
EWinking =0x6,
ELaughing =0x7,
EKissing =0x9,
EConfused =0xA,
ETongueOut =0xB,
EAngry =0xC,
EGlasses =0xD,
EDevil =0xE};
IMPORT_C static CEmsPreDefAnimationIE* NewL(TAnimType aAnimValue=EFlirty);
IMPORT_C CEmsInformationElement* DuplicateL() const;
IMPORT_C void CopyL(const CEmsPreDefAnimationIE& aSrc);
IMPORT_C TAnimType Animation() const ;
IMPORT_C void SetAnimationL(TAnimType aValue);
CEmsPreDefAnimationIE(TAnimType aAnimValue);
virtual void EncodeBodyL(TPtr8 aPtr, TBool aIsForSerialisation) const;
virtual void DecodeBodyL(const TPtrC8 aPtr, TBool aIsFromSerialisation);
TAnimType iAnimNumber;
class CEmsAnimationIE : public CEmsInformationElement
* CEmsAnimationIE wraps the creation & modification of both an EMS large animation & small animation
* information element into a single class.
* Format of Large/User Animation Information Element.
* -----------------------------------------------
* Position (Octet) Bit Description
* 1 Start Position
* 2..n Animation Data
* The start position of the information element is relative to the PDU that contains the object.
* However when within this class it will be an converted to an absolute position within the message.
* @see 3gpp Spec V5 section
* @internalComponent
enum {EFramesPerMsg=4};
enum {EIESmallSize=32, EIELargeSize=128};
static CEmsAnimationIE* NewL();
IMPORT_C static CEmsAnimationIE* NewL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap);
IMPORT_C ~CEmsAnimationIE();
IMPORT_C CEmsInformationElement* DuplicateL() const;
IMPORT_C void CopyL(const CEmsAnimationIE& aSrc);
IMPORT_C CFbsBitmap* GetBitmapL() const;
void ConstructL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap);
virtual void EncodeBodyL(TPtr8 aPtr, TBool aIsForSerialisation) const;
virtual void DecodeBodyL(const TPtrC8 aPtr, TBool aIsFromSerialisation);
CFbsBitmap* GetBitmapL(const TSize& aSize, const TDesC8& aDataBuf)const;
HBufC8* iData;
#endif // __EMSAnimationIE_H__