Updating the config scripts for use with beagle ROMs and updating the PDD name for the UART connection used on target along with some .iby file updates
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This file contains all the interfaces classes that can be implemented by
// the Licensee LTSY relating to Sat related features.
#include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchinterface.h>
namespace DispatcherSat
* This namespace contains all types relating to the SAT dispatcher.
* Enum containing the SS status
enum TSsStatus
class MLtsyDispatchSatSmsDeliverReport : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatSmsDeliverReportApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 1;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsySmsDeliverReport
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that does not have an associated complete callback.
* Implementation of this interface should handle the requested SMS DELIVER REPORT Tpdu as
* a result of the CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatCreateSmsDeliverReportInd()
* An SMS DELIVER REPORT TPDU is carried as a RP User Data element within an RP ERROR PDU
* and is part of the negative acknowledgement to an SMS DELIVER or SMS STATUS REPORT.
* An SMS DELIVER REPORT TPDU is also carried as a RP User Data element within an RP ACK PDU
* and is part of a positive acknowledgement to a SMS DELIVER or SMS STATUS REPORT.
* @param aSmsDeliverReportTpdu The SMS-DELIVER-REPORT TPDU element to be contained in a
* RP-ERROR-PDU (negative acknowledgement) or RP-ACK-PDU (a positive acknowledgement) to a
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleSmsDeliverReportReqL(const TDesC8& aSmsDeliverReportTpdu) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatSmsDeliverReport
class MLtsyDispatchSatGetImageInstance : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatGetImageInstanceApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 2;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyGetImageInstance
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetImageInstanceComp()
* Implementation of this interface should retrieve an icon's image data from the UICC
* designated by aEfImgRecordNumber & aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord
* @param aEfImgRecordNumber The record number of the icons EF(img) record for the
* icon image instance being retrieved.
* @param aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord The record number of the icon instance, in the icons EF(img) record
* for the icon image instance being retrieved.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleGetImageInstanceReqL(TUint8 aEfImgRecordNumber, TUint8 aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatGetImageInstance
class MLtsyDispatchSatGetIconData : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatGetIconDataApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 3;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyGetIconData
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetIconDataComp()
* Implementation of this interface should retrieve an icon's EF record from the UICC based
* on the record number (see ETSI TS 131 102 Under EFIMG (Image) & Files of USIM)
* @param aEfImgRecordNumber EF(img) record number of the icon to retrieve
* @param aSimFilePath The full file path to the EF(Img)
* Bytes 0-1 MF (0x3F00)
* Bytes 2-3 DF(Telecom) (0x7F10)
* Bytes 4-5 DF(Graphics)(0x5F50)
* Bytes 6-7 EF(Ef(Img)) (0x4F20)
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleGetIconDataReqL(TUint8 aEfImgRecordNumber, const TDesC8& aSimFilePath) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatGetIconData
class MLtsyDispatchSatGetClut : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatGetClutApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 4;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyGetClut
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetClutComp()
* Implementation of this interface should retrieve the CLUT (Colour Lookup Table) for an image instance
* designated by aEfImgRecordNumber & aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord
* @param aEfImgRecordNumber The record number of the icons EF(Img) record for the
* CLUT being retrieved.
* @param aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord The record number of the icon instance, in the icons EF(Img) record
* for the CLUT being retrieved.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleGetClutReqL(TUint8 aEfImgRecordNumber, TUint8 aInstanceNumberInEfImgRecord) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatGetClut
class MLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapability : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapabilityApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 5;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyGetBearerCapability
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetDefaultBearerCapabilityComp()
* Implementation of this interface should retrieve the current default bearer capability configuration.
* The default bearer capability configuration (coding as defined by the access technologies) will be used
* by the CTSY when creating a Call Control ENVELOPE (the capability configuration parameters) if a zero length
* capability parameters is passed when creating the Envelope.
* See "ETSI TS 102 223" "Structure of ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL)"
* @see MLtsyDispatchSatCallAndSmsControlEnvelope::HandleCallAndSmsControlEnvelopeReqL()
* @see CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatCallControlEnvelopeResponseInd()
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleGetDefaultBearerCapabilityReqL() = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapability
class MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupported : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 6;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsySmsPpDdlStatus
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedComp()
* Implementation of this interface should retrieve if the service
* "data download via SMS Point-to-point" is allocated and activated in the SIM Service Table
* and return the result via CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedComp()
* @see 3GPP TS 11.14 section 7.1
* @see 3GPP TS 11.11 section 11.6.12
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedReqL() = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupported
class MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivated : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivatedApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 7;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyMoSmsControlActivation
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetSmsControlActivatedComp()
* Implementation of this interface should retrieve the current activation state of
* MO-SMS Control by USIM (Service n°31 in EFust).
* @see 3GPP TS 11.11 section 11.6.16
* @see 3GPP TS 31.102 section 4.2.8
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleGetSmsControlActivatedReqL() = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivated
class MLtsyDispatchSatGetAccessTechnology : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatGetAccessTechnologyApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 8;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyAccTech
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetAccessTechnologyComp()
* Implementation of this interface should cause the current access technology to be
* sent up to the CTSY via the CallbackSatGetAccessTechnologyComp() callback.
* This request is generated when a LOCAL INFORMATION (access technology)
* proactive command is received from UICC.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleGetAccessTechnologyReqL() = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatGetAccessTechnology
class MLtsyDispatchSatCellBroadcastEnvelope : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatCellBroadcastEnvelopeApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 9;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyCellBroadcast
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that does not have an associated complete callback.
* Implementation of this interface should hanldle Cell Broadcast Envelope commands.
* This ENVELOPE is created as a result of a CallbackSatCreateCellBroadcastEnvelopeInd() call.
* Once the ME receives a new Cell Broadcast message and the service, if "data download via SMS-CB" is
* allocated and activated in the SIM Service Table and if the message identifier of the Cell Broadcast
* is contained within the message identifiers of the EF(CBMID), the the cell broadcast page is passed
* to the SIM using the ENVELOPE (CELL BROADCAST DOWNLOAD) command.
* See "3GPP TS 11.14" Under "Cell Broadcast data download"
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded data containing an (CELL BROADCAST DOWNLOAD) ENVELOPE command.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleCellBroadcastEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& aEnvelope) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatCellBroadcastEnvelope
class MLtsyDispatchSatTimingAdvance : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatTimingAdvanceApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 10;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyTimingAdvance
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatTimingAdvanceComp()
* Implementation of this interface should ascertain the Timing Advance measurement from the GSM/3G
* protocol. It can then be provided to the SIM application in response to a PROVIDE LOCAL INFO
* proactive command.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleTimingAdvanceReqL() = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatTimingAdvance
class MLtsyDispatchSatSmControlResponseData : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatSmControlResponseDataApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 11;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequest
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that does not have an associated complete callback.
* Implementation of this interface should handle the parsed Mo Short Message Control response TLV data.
* As a result of the ENVELOPE (MO SHORT MESSAGE CONTROL) command sent to the SIM, the SIM will respond
* with a response TLV, this is can be passed to the LTSY via the
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatSmControlEnvelopeResponseInd().
* The CTSY parses this TLV, completes the RSat::NotifySmControlRequest() on the client side and passes
* down the parsed data to the LTSY via this handler.
* See "3GPP 11.14 - MO Short Message Control by SIM"
* @param aResult MO short message control result the SIM gives to the ME concerning whether to
* allow, bar or modify the proposed short message, encoded as defined in "3GPP TS 11.10-4, 27.22.8 MO SHORT MESSAGE CONTROL BY SIM"
* @param aRpDestinationAddress RP Destination Address of the Service Center to which the ME is proposing to send the short message.
* If the address data is not present (zero length), then assume the RP Destination Address of the Service Center is not to be modified.
* @param aTpDestinationAddress TP Destination Address to which the ME is proposing to send the short message.
* If the address data is not present (zero length), then assume the TP Destination Address is not to be modified.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleSmControlResponseDataReqL(
TUint8 aResult, const TDesC8& aRpDestinationAddress, const TDesC8& aTpDestinationAddress) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatSmControlResponseData
class MLtsyDispatchSatProvideLocationInfo : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatProvideLocationInfoApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 12;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyProvideLocalInfo
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatProvideLocationInfoComp()
* Implementation of this interface should cause location information data to be provided, which can then be used
* for Call/SS/USSD Control.
* See "3GPP TS 11.14" section 9.1.1
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleProvideLocationInfoReqL() = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatProvideLocationInfo
class MLtsyDispatchSatSetPollingInterval : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatSetPollingIntervalApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 13;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsySetPolling
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatSetPollingIntervalComp()
* Implementation of this interface should attempt to update the polling interval in the LTSY.
* A Proactive command from the UICC indicates the poll interval it requests from then onwards.
* The CTSY then notifies the LTSY the maximum poll interval it should use in seconds
* (via a HandleSetPollingIntervalReqL()), the LTSY completes the request (via a CallbackSatSetPollingIntervalComp())
* indicating the interval that will be used. If successful the CTSY then sends a terminal response, in response
* to the original proactive command. If unsuccessful and polling is currently off a terminal response is sent
* with a result of Unable To Process Command, in the case where polling is currently on the request to the LTSY is
* re-attempted with a legacy polling interval of 25 seconds.
* The polling interval ranges from a minimum of 5 and maximum of 255 seconds,
* a polling interval of zero (0) indiates that polling should be turned off.
* See "ETSI TS 102 223" "POLL INTERVAL"
* @param aPollingInterval The polling interval in seconds indicating how often the
* terminal sends STATUS commands related to Proactive Polling
* (zero indicates Polling should be turned off)
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleSetPollingIntervalReqL(TUint8 aPollingInterval) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatSetPollingInterval
class MLtsyDispatchSatSmsPpDownloadEnvelope : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatSmsPpDownloadEnvelopeApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 14;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsySmsPpDdl
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that does not have an associated complete callback.
* Implementation of this interface should hanlde a SMS-PP DOWNLOAD, ENVELOPE command
* to be passed to the SIM.
* See "3GPP 11.14" Under "SMS-PP data download"
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded data containing an (SMS-PP DOWNLOAD) ENVELOPE command
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleSmsPpDownloadEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& aEnvelope) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatSmsPpDownloadEnvelope
class MLtsyDispatchSatLocalInformationNmr : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatLocalInformationNmrApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 15;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyLocalInformationNmr
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatLocalInformationNmrComp()
* Implementation of this interface should request Network Measurement Results (NMR).
* They can be requested by a "LOCAL INFO" proactive command and this API is called
* during the construction of the command's Terminal Response.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleLocalInformationNmrReqL() = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatLocalInformationNmr
class MLtsyDispatchSatCallAndSmsControlEnvelope : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatCallAndSmsControlEnvelopeApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 16;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsySendEnvelope
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that does not have an associated complete callback.
* Implementation of this interface should cause the TLV data to be sent in an ENVELOPE
* to the UICC. This interface is used for ENVELOPE commands related to call control events.
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded data containing a Call Control or MO SMS control by SIM ENVELOPE command.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleCallAndSmsControlEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& aEnvelope) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatCallAndSmsControlEnvelope
class MLtsyDispatchSatRefreshAllowed : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatRefreshAllowedApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 17;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyServiceRequest
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatRefreshAllowedComp()
* Implementation of this interface allows the main RSat clients report (RSat::RefreshAllowed())
* if the refresh can be carried out to be passed to the LTSY.
* The completion CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatRefreshAllowedComp()
* completes any outstanding RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd() requests.
* @param aRefreshFileList The list of files (full path) that have been changed by the UICC (see ETSI 102 221 or ETSI 151 011)
* @param aAid Indicates the application on the UICC to be refreshed (as defined ETSI TS 101 220) .
* @param aTsyCache Bit field of files that are cached in SIM ATK TSY (examin using CSatNotificationsTsy::TCachedSimAtkFiles)
* @see RSat::NotifyRefreshRequired()
* @see RSat::RefreshAllowed()
* @see RMmCustomAPI::SatRefreshCompleteNotification()
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleRefreshAllowedReqL(const TDesC8& aRefreshFileList, const TDesC8& aAid, TUint16 aTsyCache) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatRefreshAllowed
class MLtsyDispatchSatReady : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatReadyApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 18;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyReady
* request from the CTSY.
* Implementation of this interface allows the CTSY to signal that it is ready to receive proactive commands.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleReadyReqL() = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatReady
class MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotificationApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 19;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyGetIfPendingNotification
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that does not have an associated complete callback.
* This function uses this API to register an interest in a particular proactive command. Once this notification
* has been set up, the LTSY should call CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatPcmdInd() to notify the CTSY the next
* time this proactive command is generated by the UICC (or provide notification immediately if the command is pending).
* Proactive commands which are received via CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatPcmdInd() while a notification has not
* been requested for this proactive command then a Terminal Response containing the return code "KMeUnableProcessCmd"
* will be sent back to the UICC. Therfore it is perfectly acceptable for the LTSY to pass all proactive commands directly
* to the CTSY if it is preferred to have CTSY process proactive commands. If the latter implementation is chosen, LTSY does
* not have to implement the MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification interface at all.
* @param aPCmdType The number of the proactive command for which notification is being requested (e.g. KSetUpMenu),
* as defined in ETSI 102 223 etc. these are defined in bertlv_defs.h
* @see bertlv_defs.h
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandlePCmdNotificationReqL(TUint8 aPCmdType) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification
class MLtsyDispatchSatUssdControlEnvelopeError : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatUssdControlEnvelopeErrorApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 20;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyEnvelopeError
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetUssdControlSupportedComp()
* This interface is invoked if it has not been possible to construct an envelope for
* USSD control. This would occur if USSD strings are not supported for call control,
* and the USSD control request cannot be submitted as an SS control request because it
* contains characters other than *, #, 0-9.
* Implementation of this interface should handle this error appropriately (such as by
* continuing the USSD setup process).
* @see MLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupported::HandleGetUssdControlSupportedReqL()
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleUssdControlEnvelopeErrorReqL() = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatUssdControlEnvelopeError
class MLtsyDispatchSatTimerExpirationEnvelope : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatTimerExpirationEnvelopeApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 21;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyTimerExpiredIPC
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that does not have an associated complete callback.
* The Timer managment proactive command requests the terminal to manage timers
* running physically in the terminal.
* When a timer expires (i.e. reaches zero), the terminal shall use the Timer Expiration
* mechanism to transfer the identifier of the timer that has expired and the difference
* between the time when this transfer occurs and the time when the timer was initially started.
* The terminal then deactivates the timer.
* This handler passes to the LTSY the Timer expiration ENVELOPE command, when a timer
* previously started by a TIMER MANAGEMENT proactive command has expired.
* Note that the command will not be sent until any proactive command is no longer ongoing.
* (i.e. the Terminal responses completion (CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatTerminalRspComp() )
* to the proactive command has been completed by the LTSY)
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded Timer expiration ENVELOPE command
* see "ETSI TS 102 223" under "ENVELOPE commands" "Timer expiration"
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleTimerExpirationEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& aEnvelope) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatTimerExpirationEnvelope
class MLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRspApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 22;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTerminalRsp
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatTerminalRspComp()
* Implementation of this interface should allow responses to Proactive Commands to be provided to the LTSY.
* @param aTerminalRsp The terminal response TLV as formatted in "ETSI TS 102 223" Under "Structure of TERMINAL RESPONSE"
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleTerminalRspReqL(const TDesC8& aTerminalRsp) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp
class MLtsyDispatchSatMenuSelectionEnvelope : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatMenuSelectionEnvelopeApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 23;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatMenuSelection
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that does not have an associated complete callback.
* When the SIM application has previously specified a menu to the ME via the SETUP MENU proactive
* command, this API is used by the ME to communicate to the SIM application either that the user has
* selected one of the menu items, or that the user has requested help information for one of the
* menu items.
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded Envelope containing the identifier of a menu item and whether the
* user of the ME has selected the menu item or requested help about it.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleMenuSelectionEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& aEnvelope) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatMenuSelectionEnvelope
class MLtsyDispatchSatEventDownloadEnvelope : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatEventDownloadEnvelopeApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 24;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatEventDownload
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that does not have an associated complete callback.
* The SET UP EVENT LIST proactive command gives the phone a list of events that may occur
* to the phone. The event list may include a change of access technology, user
* action, browser termination and more. The UICC must be informed when an event
* on the list occurs - this is via
* MLtsyDispatchSatEventDownloadEnvelope::HandleEventDownloadEnvelopeReqL()
* @param aEnvelope BER-TLV encoded Event Download ENVELOPE command
* see "ETSI TS 102 223" under "ENVELOPE commands" "Event Download"
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
* @see RSat::EventDownload()
virtual TInt HandleEventDownloadEnvelopeReqL(const TDesC8& aEnvelope) = 0;
}; // class MLtsyDispatchSatEventDownloadEnvelope
class MLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupported : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupportedApiId = KDispatchSatFuncUnitId + 25;
* This API is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the
* Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.
* The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ESatTsyUssdControlSupported
* request from the CTSY.
* It is a request call that is completed by invoking
* CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetUssdControlSupportedComp()
* Asks whether USSD string data objects are supported in call control. This setting is
* stored in EF-SST - see ETSI 151 011 etc. If USSD control is not supported, USSD control
* requests that can be coded as an SS string (i.e. *,#,0-9) will be submitted in this format.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
* failure.
virtual TInt HandleGetUssdControlSupportedReqL() = 0;
}; //class MLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupported