Updating the config scripts for use with beagle ROMs and updating the PDD name for the UART connection used on target along with some .iby file updates
// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "gprs.h"
#include "Gprscontext.h"
#include "mSLOGGER.H"
#include <pcktcs.h>
#include "ATGprsAttach.H"
#include "ATIO.H"
#include <etelpckt.h>
#include "TSYCONFG.H"
#include "NOTIFY.H"
#include "Matstd.h"
* @file
* This file implements the CATGprsAttach class which is one of the state machine used by the
* GPRS AT TSY library.
* This state machine uses the "AT+CGATT" command to connect to the GPRS network.
_LIT8(KAttachCommand, "AT+CGATT=1\r");
CATGprsAttach* CATGprsAttach::NewL(CATIO* aIo, CTelObject* aTelObject, CATInit* aInit, CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals )
* Standard 2 phase constructor.
* @param aIo pointer to communication object.
* @param aTelObject pointer to parent.
* @param aPhoneGlobals pointer to phone global wide states.
CATGprsAttach* p =new(ELeave) CATGprsAttach(aIo, aTelObject, aInit, aPhoneGlobals);
return p;
void CATGprsAttach::ConstructL()
* Construct all objects that can leave.
CATGprsAttach::CATGprsAttach(CATIO* aIo, CTelObject* aTelObject, CATInit* aInit, CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals)
:CATCommands(aIo, aTelObject, aInit, aPhoneGlobals)
* Constructor.
* @param aIo pointer to communication object.
* @param aTelObject pointer to parent.
* @param aInit pointer to AT phone init object.
* @param aPhoneGlobals pointer to phone global wide states.
LOGTEXT(_L8("CATGprsAttach::CATGprsAttach called"));
* Destructor.
LOGTEXT(_L8("CATGprsAttach::~CATGprsAttach called"));
void CATGprsAttach::Start(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TAny* /*aParams*/)
* This is the standard entry point for sending attach command.
* @param aTsyReqHandle handle to the client.
LOGTEXT(_L8("CATGprsAttach::Start called"));
iReqHandle = aTsyReqHandle;
Write(KAttachCommand, KGprsCommandTimeOut);
void CATGprsAttach::Stop(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
* This funciton stops this AT state machine
LOGTEXT(_L8("CATGprsAttach::Stop called"));
if(iState!=EATNotInProgress && aTsyReqHandle==iReqHandle)
LOGTEXT(_L8("CATGprsAttach::Stop Completing client request with KErrCancel"));
Complete(KErrCancel,ETimeOutCompletion); // Pretend we have had a timeout
void CATGprsAttach::CompleteWithIOError(TEventSource aSource,TInt aStatus)
* This Function completes the command from the client with an error.
* @param aSource source of event from communication class.
* @param aStatus status of event.
LOGTEXT(_L8("CATGprsAttach::CompleteWithIOError called"));
Complete(aStatus, aSource);
void CATGprsAttach::Complete(TInt aError,TEventSource aSource)
* This Function completes the command from the client.
* @param aError an error code to relay to client.
LOGTEXT2(_L8("CATGprsAttach::Complete called error: %d"), aError);
if (aError==KErrNone)
iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(iTelObject, EPacketStatusChanged);
// Allow our base class to do its thing and then complete the client request
iTelObject->ReqCompleted(iReqHandle, aError);
iState = EATNotInProgress;
void CATGprsAttach::EventSignal(TEventSource aSource)
* This function contains the state machine for the command. The states flow consecutively and are
* described below.
* @par ESendAttachCommand
* Reads the Modem's response to the AT+CGATT=1 command and completes the request.
LOGTEXT2(_L8("CATGprsAttach::EventSignal called with iState=%d"),iState);
if ((aSource==ETimeOutCompletion))
LOGTEXT(_L8("CATGprsAttach::EventSignal, Timeout"));
case ESendAttachCommand:
LOGTEXT(_L8("CATGprsAttach::EventSignal, ESendConnectCommand"));
StandardWriteCompletionHandler(aSource, KGprsLongCommandTimeOut);
iState = EAttachReadComplete;
case EAttachReadComplete:
LOGTEXT(_L8("CATGprsAttach::EventSignal, EConnectReadComplete"));
TInt ret = ValidateExpectString();
Complete(ret, aSource);
case EATNotInProgress:
LOGTEXT(_L8("CATGprsAttach::EventSignal, Default, panic"));