Updating the config scripts for use with beagle ROMs and updating the PDD name for the UART connection used on target along with some .iby file updates
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Name : CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest.cpp
// Part of : Common SIM ATK TSY / commonsimatktsy
// Display text notification functionality of Sat Tsy
// Version : 1.0
#include <satcs.h> // Etel SAT IPC definitions
#include "CSatTsy.h" // Tsy class header
#include "CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest.h" // Class header
#include "CSatNotificationsTsy.h" // Tsy class header
#include "CBerTlv.h" // Ber Tlv data handling
#include "BerTlv_defs.h" // Ber Tlv specific definitions
#include "TTlv.h" // TTlv class
#include "CSatDataPackage.h" // Parameter packing
#include "TfLogger.h" // For TFLOGSTRING
#include "TSatUtility.h" // Utilities
#include "CSatTsyReqHandleStore.h" // Request handle class
#include "cmmmessagemanagerbase.h" // Message manager class for forwarding req.
#include "MSatTsy_IPCDefs.h" // Sat Tsy internal request types
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest* CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::NewL
CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::NewL");
CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest* const satNotifyMoSmControlRequest =
new ( ELeave ) CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest( aNotificationsTsy );
CleanupStack::PushL( satNotifyMoSmControlRequest );
CleanupStack::Pop( satNotifyMoSmControlRequest );
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::NewL, end of method");
return satNotifyMoSmControlRequest;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::~CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// None
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::\
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest
// Default C++ constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy
) : iNotificationsTsy ( aNotificationsTsy )
// None
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ConstructL
// None
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ConstructL");
// Checks if MO-SMS control should be activated
ESatTsyMoSmsControlActivation );
// Initialize MO-SMS Control to deactivated
iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated = EFalse;
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ConstructL, \
end of method");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::Notify
// This request allows a client to be notified of a MO-SMS Control proactive
// command
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::Notify
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
const TDataPackage& aPackage
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::Notify");
// Save data pointer to client side for completion
iMoSmControlV1Pckg = reinterpret_cast<RSat::TMoSmControlV1Pckg*>(
aPackage.Des1n() );
// Save the request handle
iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->SaveReqHandle( aTsyReqHandle,
CSatTsy::ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequestPCmdReqType );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CancelNotification
// This method cancels an outstanding asynchronous
// MoSmControl request.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CancelNotification
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CancelNotification");
// Reset the request handle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->
ResetTsyReqHandle( CSatTsy::ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequestPCmdReqType );
// Reset the data pointer
iMoSmControlV1Pckg = NULL;
// Complete the request with KErrCancel
iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL
// This method completes an outstanding asynchronous NotifyMoSmControlRequest
// request.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL
CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage,
TInt aErrorCode
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL" );
CSatNotificationsTsy::TMoSmCtrlData moSmCtrlData;
// Initialize parameters
moSmCtrlData.iResult = KMoSmCtrlResultAllowed;
moSmCtrlData.iAlphaId = NULL;
// The request is completed to the client only if Alpha ID is present,
// otherwise just handle the message just internally
if ( KErrNone == aErrorCode )
TBuf8<KAddrMaxLength> addr1;
TBuf8<KAddrMaxLength> addr2;
RSat::TAlphaId alphaId;
alphaId.iStatus = RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent;
TBool simRespDataConsistent( ETrue );
TBool isDataOk( ETrue );
// Unpack parameters
TDesC8* atkData = NULL;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( &atkData );
TFLOGSTRING2("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL\
Data length: %d", ( *atkData ).Length() );
if ( KTlvMaxSize < ( *atkData ).Length() )
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL, \
Data length exceeded" );
// Data not consistent, reject the call
moSmCtrlData.iResult = KMoSmCtrlResultNotAllowed;
isDataOk = EFalse;
else if ( ( *atkData ).Length() )
// Note: The alpha id can be provided by the NAA even if the addresses
// have not been modified.
ParseNotification( *atkData, addr1, addr2, alphaId );
if ( KMoSmCtrlResultAllowedWithModifications == ( *atkData )[0] )
TFLOGSTRING3("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL\
Addr1: %s, Addr2: %s", &addr1, &addr2 );
simRespDataConsistent = VerifyNotificationData( addr1, addr2 );
if ( simRespDataConsistent )
// atkData[0] --> result
moSmCtrlData.iResult = ( *atkData )[0];
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL, \
NAA response data not consistent" );
// Data not consistent, reject the sms
moSmCtrlData.iResult = KMoSmCtrlResultNotAllowed;
isDataOk = EFalse;
// Prepare rest of the data for response
moSmCtrlData.iAddressData.iRPDestinationAddr.Set( addr1 );
moSmCtrlData.iAddressData.iTPDestinationAddr.Set( addr2 );
moSmCtrlData.iAlphaId = &alphaId;
// Pack data and send response to NAA
CSatDataPackage dataPackage;
dataPackage.PackData( &moSmCtrlData );
ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequest, &dataPackage );
// Then start checking whether the client nees to be notified as well..
// Check if the MO-SMS is activated and the data is verified ok
if ( iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated && isDataOk )
// Get req handle. Can not be deleted yet, since completion
// depends on the presence of Alpha ID
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle =
CSatTsy::ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequestPCmdReqType );
// In case the request was ongoing, continue.. But note that
// the client is notified only if AlphaID is present, in order
// to inform that the ETel API MO-SMS Control structure
// TMoSmControlV1 has been modified.
if ( CSatTsy::ESatReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle &&
( moSmCtrlData.iAlphaId->iAlphaId.Length() ||
RSat::EAlphaIdNull == moSmCtrlData.iAlphaId->iStatus ) )
// Now its safe to reset the request handle
CSatTsy::ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequestPCmdReqType );
// Fill the call control structure
RSat::TMoSmControlV1& moSmControlV1 =
( *iMoSmControlV1Pckg )();
// Control result must be mapped to ETel API values.
switch ( ( *atkData )[0] )
case KMoSmCtrlResultAllowed:
moSmControlV1.iResult =
case KMoSmCtrlResultAllowedWithModifications:
moSmControlV1.iResult =
case KMoSmCtrlResultNotAllowed:
moSmControlV1.iResult = RSat::ENotAllowed;
moSmControlV1.iResult = RSat::EControlResultNotSet;
// Set alpha id and status
moSmControlV1.iAlphaId.iAlphaId.Append( alphaId.iAlphaId );
moSmControlV1.iAlphaId.iStatus = alphaId.iStatus;
// Complete notification to the client
iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle,
KErrNone );
} // If Alpha ID or request handle
} // If MO SM Ctrl Activated and data ok
TFLOGSTRING3("LSAT: CSatMoSmsCtrlMessHandler::CompleteNotifyL, \
iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated: %d, isDataOk: %d ",
iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated, isDataOk);
} // if KErrNone
TFLOGSTRING("LSAT: CSatMoSmsCtrlMessHandler::CompleteNotifyL, \
Error in notification ");
moSmCtrlData.iResult = KMoSmCtrlResultNotAllowed;
// Pack data and send response right away to NAA
CSatDataPackage dataPackage;
dataPackage.PackData( &moSmCtrlData );
ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequest, &dataPackage );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CreateMoSmsCtrlEnvelopeL
// Send an envelope to SIM server in order to check wheter the SMS can be sent
// or not. The response will be used to send a response to SMS server
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CreateMoSmsCtrlEnvelopeL
CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage,
TInt /*aResult*/
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::\
// Check first if the MO-SMS is activated
if ( iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated )
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::\
CreateMoSmsCtrlEnvelopeL, MO SM Ctrl Activated");
CSatNotificationsTsy::TAddressData* addressData;
// Unpack data
aDataPackage->UnPackData( &addressData );
TTlv envelope;
envelope.Begin( KBerTlvMoShortMessageControlTag );
//device identities
envelope.AddTag( KTlvDeviceIdentityTag );
envelope.AddByte( KMe );
envelope.AddByte( KSim );
// Address Data object 1
// Ton and Npi is in the first byte of address data
envelope.AddTag( KTlvAddressTag );
envelope.AddData( addressData->iRPDestinationAddr );
// Address Data object 2
// Ton and Npi is in the first byte of address data
envelope.AddTag( KTlvAddressTag );
envelope.AddData( addressData->iTPDestinationAddr );
// !!! This part assumes that location info has been received
// Mobile Country & Network Codes (MCC & MNC)
iNotificationsTsy->AddLocationInformationToTlv( envelope );
// Prepare data
TPtrC8 data = envelope.End();
// Pack data
CSatDataPackage dataPackage;
dataPackage.PackData( &data );
// Forward request to the DOS. Send envelope only if its length is less
// than the maximum allowed envelope length.
ESatTsySendEnvelope, &dataPackage );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::Activate
// Set iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated to ETrue if MO-SMS Control has to be activated
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::SetActivationStatus
CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage
// Unpack data
aDataPackage->UnPackData( iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated );
TFLOGSTRING2("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::SetActivationStatus, %d",
iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ActivationStatus
// Returns ETrue if MO-SMS Control is activated
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ActivationStatus
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ActivationStatus");
return iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CleanAddressData
// This method cleans the input address data, so that all the bytes found
// after a 0xXF or a 0xFX are removed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CleanAddressData
TDes8& aAddr
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CleanAddressData");
// Starts from index 1, since index 0 is for TON/NPI
for ( TInt i=1; i < aAddr.Length(); i++ )
if ( 0xF0 == ( aAddr[i] & 0xF0 ) )
if ( ( i + 1 ) < aAddr.Length() )
aAddr.Delete( i + 1, aAddr.Length() - i - 1 );
else if ( 0x0F == ( aAddr[i] & 0x0F ) )
aAddr.Delete( i, aAddr.Length() - i );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification
// Extracts data from proactive command data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification
const TDesC8& aAtkData,
TDes8& aAddr1,
TDes8& aAddr2,
RSat::TAlphaId& aAlphaId
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification");
// Input data:
// aAtkData[0] : result
// aAtkData[1][2] : length of BER-TLV, set n=1 if aAtkData[1]=0x81
// aAtkData[2+n] : tag of first TLV
// aAtkData[3+n][4+n] : length of first TLV, set nn=1 if aAtkData[3+n]=0x81
// etc..
// Comments drawn from SAT TS lab test cases:
// - The NAA may insert a wild '0xD' character in addresses and therefore
// the phone sw should prevent the sending of the SMS. At the time this
// comment is being written, it is not clear which part prevents it, if
// prevents ? And this is not yet handled in SIM ATK TSY.
// - The NAA may insert a 0xF in addresses, and the phone sw should discard
// all characters placed after the 0xF. At the time when this
// comment is being written, it is not clear which part should do that,
// and this is not yet handled in SIM ATK TSY.
// Check if the BER-TLV length is coded with 2 bytes.
TInt indexInBerTlv( 1 );
TUint8 tag( aAtkData[indexInBerTlv] );
TUint8 lengthBerTlv( 0 );
TInt n( ( KTwoByteLengthCoding == tag ) ? 1:0 );
lengthBerTlv = aAtkData[1 + n];
indexInBerTlv = 2 + n;
// Initialize Alpha ID
// Extract TLVs and fill in output variables
TBool address1_got( EFalse );
while( lengthBerTlv )
// Get tag value without 'comprehension required' bit
tag = aAtkData[indexInBerTlv] & 0x7F;
// Length of TLV with 2 bytes ?
TInt nn( ( KTwoByteLengthCoding == aAtkData[indexInBerTlv +1 ] )?1:0 );
// Length of TLV
TInt lengthTlv( aAtkData[indexInBerTlv + nn + 1] );
// Check which TLV is received
if ( ( KTlvAddressTag == tag ) && ( !address1_got ) )
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification\
Address 1");
// RP address first
address1_got = ETrue;
// Copy data to output variable
aAddr1.Copy( aAtkData.Mid( indexInBerTlv + nn + 2, lengthTlv ) );
if ( KReservedTonNpi1 != aAddr1[0] &&
KReservedTonNpi2 != aAddr1[0] && ( 1 < lengthTlv ) )
CleanAddressData( aAddr1 );
else if ( KTlvAddressTag == tag )
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification\
Address 2");
// TP address. Copy data to output variable
aAddr2.Copy( aAtkData.Mid( indexInBerTlv + nn + 2, lengthTlv ) );
if ( KReservedTonNpi1 != aAddr2[0] &&
KReservedTonNpi2 != aAddr2[0] && ( 1 < lengthTlv ) )
CleanAddressData( aAddr2 );
else if ( KTlvAlphaIdentifierTag == tag )
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification\
Alpha ID");
// Alpha id must be converted to TBuf16/unicode
if ( lengthTlv )
// Set Alpha id status
aAlphaId.iStatus = RSat::EAlphaIdProvided;
TSatUtility::SetAlphaId( aAtkData.Mid( indexInBerTlv + nn + 2,
lengthTlv ), aAlphaId.iAlphaId );
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest:: \
ParseNotification. Alpha ID is NULL");
aAlphaId.iStatus = RSat::EAlphaIdNull;
// Update length for the while loop
lengthBerTlv -= ( lengthTlv + 2 + nn );
// Updata index for the while loop
indexInBerTlv += ( lengthTlv + 2 + nn );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::VerifyNotificationData
// This method checks the consistency of the data sent by the NAA to the ME,
// when the call is allowed and modified.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::VerifyNotificationData
TDes8& aRPAddr,
TDes8& aTPAddr
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::VerifyNotificationData");
TBool ret( ETrue );
if ( ( 0 == aRPAddr.Length() && 0 == aTPAddr.Length() ) ||
( KMoSmCtrlMaxLengthAddr1Addr2 <= (
aRPAddr.Length() + aTPAddr.Length() ) ) )
ret = EFalse;
// Detect the presence of 'wild' values in the digits of the addresses
for ( TInt i = 0; i < aRPAddr.Length(); i++)
if ( ( 0x0A < ( 0x0F & aRPAddr[i] ) &&
0x0F > ( 0x0F & aRPAddr[i] ) ) ||
( 0xA0 < ( 0xF0 & aRPAddr[i] ) &&
0xF0 > ( 0xF0 & aRPAddr[i] ) ) )
ret = EFalse;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < aTPAddr.Length(); i++)
if ( ( 0x09 < ( 0x0F & aTPAddr[i] ) &&
0x0F > ( 0x0F & aTPAddr[i] ) ) ||
( 0x90 < ( 0xF0 & aTPAddr[i] ) &&
0xF0 > ( 0xF0 & aTPAddr[i] ) ) )
ret = EFalse;
return ret;
// End of File