// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@file base class for SAT component tests
#include <test/tefunit.h>
#include <etelmm.h>
#include <etelmmcs.h>
#include <etelpckt.h>
#include <etelsat.h>
#include <ctsy/mmtsy_names.h>
#include <test/rmockltsy.h>
#include <ctsy/serviceapi/cmmutility.h>
#include <ctsy/ltsy/sat_defs.h>
#include <cstktsy/ttlv.h>
// Delay constants for MockLtsy completion delay
const TInt KDefaultNoDelay = 1;
const TInt KDefaultDelay = 10;
class CCSatComponentTestBase : public CTestFixture
enum TExtendedErrorClient
void OpenEtelServerL(TExtendedErrorClient aSetExtendedErrorClient = EUseBasicError);
void OpenPhoneL();
void DialL(RMobileCall& aCall, TInt aCallId, RMobilePhone::TMobileService aService);
void OpenPacketServiceL(RPacketService& aRPacketService, RPacketService::TStatus aStartAttachStatus = RPacketService::EStatusUnattached, RPacketService::TAttachMode aStartAttachMode = RPacketService::EAttachWhenNeeded);
TInt InitContextL(RPacketContext& aPacketContext, TInfoName& aContextName, TInfoName aHostCidName = _L(""));
TInt SetContextActiveL(TInfoName& aContextName);
TInt SetContextStatusL(TInfoName& aContextName, RPacketContext::TContextStatus aStatus);
TInt CreateQoSAndSetProfileParamLC(RPacketQoS& aPacketQoS,
RPacketContext& aPacketContext,
TInfoName& aContextName,
TPacketDataConfigBase& aRequested,
TInfoName aPrimaryContextName = _L(""));
TInt SetPacketServiceStatusL(RPacketService::TStatus& aStatus, TBool aIsResumed);
TInt AddContextPacketFilterL(RPacketContext& aContext, TInfoName& aContextName,
RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2& aFilter, TBool aIsFailInCSAT = 0);
TInt OpenNewCall(RLine& aLine,
RCall& aCall,
const TDesC& aLineName);
TInt OpenNewCall(RLine& aLine, RCall& aCall, const TDesC& aLineName, TName& aNewName);
TInt CreateIncomingCall(RLine& aLine,
const TInt aCallId,
const TDesC& aLineName,
TName& aIncomingCallName,
RMobilePhone::TMobileService aMobileService);
void CloseIncomingCall(RCall& aCall, const TInt aCallId,
RMobilePhone::TMobileService aMobileService);
void CloseLineL(RLine& aLine, TInt aCallId = 0, RMobilePhone::TMobileService aMobileService = RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified);
void AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
// to push a CleanupItem ont the cleanupstack to close the phone
static void Cleanup(TAny* self);
virtual void DoCleanup();
void PrepInternalGettersMockLtsy();
void DriverPrepInternalGettersMockLtsyL();
void WaitForMockLTSYTerminated();
CActiveScheduler* InstallSchedulerLC();
// Fake type used for bad parameter testing.
// These will have the correct extension ID but the wrong descriptor
// size compared to the T-class which the API expects.
class TTestMultimodeType
TTestMultimodeType(TInt aExtensionId) { iExtensionId = aExtensionId; }
TInt ExtensionId() const { return iExtensionId; }
TInt iExtensionId;
typedef TPckg<TTestMultimodeType> TTestMultimodeTypePckg;
void CallGetMobileCallInfoL(TInt aCallId,
RMobilePhone::TMobileService aService,
const TDesC &aTelNumber);
void OpenSatL(TUint8 aEnabled = 0x00);
void PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL( TUint8 aPCmdNumber );
void PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL( TPtrC8 aCompleteTlv, TInt aError = RSat::KSuccess, TInt aDelay = KDefaultNoDelay);
void GenerateTermRspTlv(
RBuf8& aBuf,
TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
TUint8 aTypeOfCommand,
TUint8 aCommandQualifier,
RSat::TPCmdResult aGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess,
const TDesC& aGeneralResultAddInfo = KNullDesC,
const TDesC8& aAdditionalInfoTlv = KNullDesC8);
void PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(
TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
TUint8 aTypeOfCommand,
TUint8 aCommandQualifier,
const TDesC& aGeneralResultAddInfo = KNullDesC,
RSat::TPCmdResult aGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess,
const TDesC8& aAdditionalInfoTlv = KNullDesC8,
const TInt aResultForExpect = KErrNone);
void TerminalResponseL(
RSat::TPCmd aRSatTypeOfCommand,
const TDesC8& aRspPckg,
const TInt aExpResult = KErrNone);
void GenerateTerminalResponseL(
TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
TUint8 aTypeOfCommand,
TUint8 aCommandQualifier,
RSat::TPCmd aRSatTypeOfCommand,
const TDesC8& aRspPckg,
const TDesC& aGeneralResultAddInfo = KNullDesC,
RSat::TPCmdResult aGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess,
const TDesC8& aAdditionalInfoTlv = KNullDesC8,
const TInt aExpResult = KErrNone);
void EndPSimSessionL();
TBool CommandPerformedSuccessfully( TUint8 aGeneralResult );
TInt UnicodeToPacked7L(const TDesC16& aInput, TDes8& aOutput);
RTelServer iTelServer;
RMobilePhone iPhone;
RMockLtsy iMockLTSY;
RSat iSat;
RMobileSmsMessaging iSms;
}; // class CCSatComponentTestBase
void ProactiveCmdTlvBegin(
TTlv& aTlv,
TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
TUint8 aTypeOfCommand,
TUint8 aCommandQualifier,
TUint8 aDestDeviceId);
TInt Compare16bitDesWith8bitDesL(const TDesC8& aStringToCompareWith, const TDesC16& aStringToCompare);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Defintions of various Network Information type data for use in test-steps
// Data values for RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode KCountryCode= _L("011");
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkIdentity KCdmaSID = _L("666");
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkIdentity KAnalogSID = _L("777");
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkIdentity KNetworkId = _L("88888");
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkDisplayTag KDisplayTag = _L("MyNet");
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkShortName KShortName = _L("MyNetwork");
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkLongName KLongName = _L("MyNetworkLongName");
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkAccess KAccess = RMobilePhone::ENetworkAccessGsm;
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode KMode = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeCdma95;
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkStatus KStatus = RMobilePhone::ENetworkStatusAvailable;
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkBandInfo KBandInfo = RMobilePhone::E1900BandF;
const TBool KEgprsAvailable = ETrue;
const TBool KHsdpaAvailable = EFalse;
// Data values for RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1
const TBool KAreaKnown = ETrue;
const TUint KLocationAreaCode = 9999;
const TUint KCellId = 111;
// Data values for RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode KNetworkMode = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeWcdma;
// Data values for RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ
const TInt32 KNitzFieldsUsed = RMobilePhone::KCapsTimeAvailable |
RMobilePhone::KCapsTimezoneAvailable |
RMobilePhone::KCapsDSTAvailable |
RMobilePhone::KCapsShortNameAvailable |
const TInt KTimeZone = 10;
const TInt KDst = 5;
// Data values for Signal Strength
const TInt32 KSignalStrength = 99;
const TInt8 KBar = 5;
// Data values for RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryStatus KBatteryStatus = RMobilePhone::EPoweredByBattery;
const TUint KBatteryChargeLevel = 77;
const TUint8 KSmsMoControlEnabled = 0x01;
const TUint8 KSmsPpDownloadEnabled = 0x02;
const TUint8 KUssdEnabled = 0x04;
// Flags for Text Formatting Mode coding in Text Attribute Tlv tag data.
// See ETSI TS 123 040 in subclause
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeAlignmentLeft = 0x00;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeAlignmentCentre = 0x01;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeAlignmentRight = 0x02;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeAlignmentDefault = 0x03;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeFontSizeNormal = 0x00;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeFontSizeLarge = 0x04;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeFontSizeSmall = 0x08;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeStyleNormal = 0x00;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeStyleBold = 0x10;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeStyleItalic = 0x20;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeStyleUnderline = 0x40;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeStyleStrikethrough = 0x80;
// Flags for Text Foreground Colour coding in Text Attribute Tlv tag data.
// See ETSI TS 123 040 in subclause
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourBlack = 0x00;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourDarkGrey = 0x01;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourDarkRed = 0x02;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourDarkYellow = 0x03;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourDarkGreen = 0x04;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourDarkCyan = 0x05;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourDarkBlue = 0x06;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourDarkMagenta = 0x07;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourGrey = 0x08;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourWhite = 0x09;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourBrightRed = 0x0A;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourBrightYellow = 0x0B;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourBrightGreen = 0x0C;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourBrightCyan = 0x0D;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourBrightBlue = 0x0E;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeForegroundColourBrightMagenta = 0x0F;
// Flags for Text Background Colour coding in Text Attribute Tlv tag data.
// See ETSI TS 123 040 in subclause
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourBlack = 0x00;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourDarkGrey = 0x10;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourDarkRed = 0x20;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourDarkYellow = 0x30;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourDarkGreen = 0x40;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourDarkCyan = 0x50;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourDarkBlue = 0x60;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourDarkMagenta = 0x70;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourGrey = 0x80;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourWhite = 0x90;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourBrightRed = 0xA0;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourBrightYellow = 0xB0;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourBrightGreen = 0xC0;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourBrightCyan = 0xD0;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourBrightBlue = 0xE0;
const TUint8 KTlvTextAttributeBackgroundColourBrightMagenta = 0xF0;
// Proactive command destination device Ids
const TUint8 KDeviceIdNotSet = 0x00;