Changes to the phonetsy name from commdb and the make voice dialing not require AT+WIND indications
// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Dial Up State Machine
@file Nd_dlup.cpp
#include "ND_DLUP.H"
#include "ND_ETEL.H"
#include "ND_SCR.H"
#include <comms-infras/dialogprocessor.h>
#include <comms-infras/eventlogger.h>
#include "ND_DBACC.H"
#include "ND_STD.H"
#include "SLOGGER.H"
#include "Nd_dlupStates.h"
#include <comms-infras/nifprvar.h>
CDlUpAgXSM* CDlUpAgXSM::NewL(MAgentNotify& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess)
Dial Up state machine
2 phased constructor, first phase.
@param aObserver a reference to state machine observer.
@param aDlgPrc a pointer to dialog processor.
@param aDbAccess a referecen to CommDB accessor
@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
@return a new CDlUpAgXSM object.
CDlUpAgXSM* r=new(ELeave) CDlUpAgXSM(aObserver,aDlgPrc,aDbAccess);
return r;
CDlUpAgXSM::CDlUpAgXSM(MAgentNotify& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess)
: CNetdialSM(aObserver,aDlgPrc,aDbAccess)
Private constructor used in the first phase of construction.
@param aObserver a reference to state machine observer.
@param aDlgPrc a pointer to the dialog processor.
@param aDbAccess a reference to the database accessor.
Destructor. Cancels active requests.
void CDlUpAgXSM::ConstructL()
Private constructor used in the first phase of construction.
Calls base call constructor CNetdialSM::ConstructL() and calls CDlUpInit::NewL().
@exception Leaves if CNetdialSM::ConstructL() or dial up init state creation leaves.
//Start off the state machine by instantiating an Initial state
//which contains little functionality
void CDlUpAgXSM::SetUpScriptL()
Setups scripts for dialup connection
Loans dataport from ETel server.
Gets script details from CommDB accessor by calling GetScriptDetailsL().
If script is not used, sets iUseScript to EFalse.
Creates CNetDialScript.
@exception Leaves if GetCommPortL(), GetScriptDetailsL() or NewL() leaves.
RCall::TCommPort commPort;
TCommRole role;
TInt len;
if (!iUseScript || len==0)
{ // set them consistently
iNdScript=CNetDialScript::NewL(iDbAccess,iDlgPrc,commPort,role,len); // create it whatever because we need other stuff
TInt CDlUpAgXSM::Notification(TNifToAgentEventType aEvent, TAny* /*aInfo*/)
Act on / reply to NifMan's notification requests
switch (aEvent)
case ENifToAgentEventTypePPPCallbackGranted:
__FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"NetDial:\tCallback Request Granted");)
return KErrNone;
case ENifToAgentEventTypeQueryIsDialIn:
return ENDDialTypeCallBackDialIn;
return ENDDialTypeDialOut;
case ENifToAgentEventTypeLinkLayerDown:
// stop the logging, the connection has been dropped
Logger()->LogDataUpdateEvent(R_LOG_CON_DISCONNECTED, KLogDataEventTypeUid);
// does nothing if logging not started
return KErrNone;
return KErrNone;
TInt CDlUpAgXSM::IncomingConnectionReceived()
Incoming connection is not supported in dial up.
return KErrNotSupported;