Changes to the phonetsy name from commdb and the make voice dialing not require AT+WIND indications
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Name : CSatTimer.cpp
// Part of : Common Sim Atk TSY / commonsimatktsy
// Implementation of the sat timer functions.
// Version : 1.0
#include "CSatTimer.h" // Class header
#include "TfLogger.h" // For TFLOGSTRING
#include "CSatNotificationsTsy.h" // Sat Tsy class
#include "CSatDataPackage.h" // For data packages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotificationsTsy::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSatTimer* CSatTimer::NewL(CSatNotificationsTsy* aSatNotificationsTsy)
CSatTimer* const self = new ( ELeave ) CSatTimer();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::ConstructL
// Creates CSatTimer object.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatTimer::ConstructL
CSatNotificationsTsy* aSatNotificationsTsy
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::ConstructL" );
iSatNotificationsTsy = aSatNotificationsTsy;
iTimerTable = new ( ELeave ) RArray<TTimer>( KMaxNumberOfParallelTimers );
// Neutral priority, 0
iTimer = CHeartbeat::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::CSatTimer
// C++ constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// None
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::~CSatTimer
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::~CSatTimer" );
if ( iTimer )
// Stop calling Beat...
delete iTimer;
if ( iTimerTable )
delete iTimerTable;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::Start
// Starts timer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatTimer::Start
TInt aTimerId, // Timer Id
TUint32 aTimerValue // Timer value
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::Start" );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
// Check if the entry is already in the table
if ( CheckTimerTable( aTimerId ) )
// Delete the old entry
DeleteTimerById( aTimerId );
// Calculate the trigger time (actual beat amount + timeout)
TUint32 timeStamp = iBeatCounter + aTimerValue;
// Create timer
TTimer timer( aTimerId, iBeatCounter, timeStamp );
// Insert the entry in the table
ret = iTimerTable->InsertInOrderAllowRepeats( timer,
TTimer::OrderEntries );
// Check if active
if ( ( KErrNone == ret ) && ( !iTimer->IsActive() ) )
// Timer tick is on the second
iTimer->Start( ETwelveOClock, this );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::Stop
// Stops timer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatTimer::Stop
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::Stop" );
// Check if active
if ( iTimer->IsActive () )
// Cancel beat method calling
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::Beat
// Beat is called once every second.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatTimer::Beat
TInt ret( KErrNone );
TBool timeStampGreater( ETrue );
for( TInt numberOfTimers = iTimerTable->Count();
timeStampGreater && 0 < numberOfTimers; numberOfTimers-- )
// Get the pointer to the TimerTable
TTimer& timerTable = ( *iTimerTable )[ numberOfTimers - 1 ];
if ( timerTable.TimeStamp() <= iBeatCounter )
// Proactive command ongoing
if( !( iIsProactiveCommandOnGoing ) )
// Call completion of the request due expired timer
TRAPD( trapError, ret = iSatNotificationsTsy->TimerExpirationL(
iBeatCounter - timerTable.TimerStartTime() )
if ( trapError )
ret = trapError;
TFLOGSTRING2("CSAT: CSatTimer::Beat, Trap error: %d",
// Remove timer from the table
if ( KErrNone == ret )
DeleteTimerById( timerTable.TimerId() );
else // TimerTable->iTimeStamp > iBeatCounter
// Table is ordered -> Break
timeStampGreater = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::Synchronize
// Called when synchronization is lost. The iBeatCounter is increased.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatTimer::Synchronize
// None
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::Synchronize" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::CheckTimerTable
// Check if an entry is in iEntryTable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSatTimer::CheckTimerTable
TInt aTimerId
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::CheckTimerTable" );
TBool ret( EFalse );
// Create the entry with meaningful values only
TTimer timer( aTimerId, 0, 0 );
// Find the entry for this Handle in the list
TInt position = iTimerTable->Find ( timer, TTimer::CompareEntries );
if ( KErrNotFound != position )
ret = ETrue;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::DeleteTimerById
// Deletes an entry from the entry table using the handle type
// and the handle store as identificators.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatTimer::DeleteTimerById
TInt aTimerId // Timer identifier
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::DeleteTimerById" );
TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
// Create the entry with meaningful values only
TTimer timer( aTimerId, 0, 0 );
// Find the entry for this Handle in the list
TInt position = iTimerTable->Find ( timer,
TTimer::CompareEntries );
// Check if element is found
if ( KErrNotFound != position )
iTimerTable->Remove( position );
// Check if empty
if ( 0 == iTimerTable->Count() )
// Restart the beatCounter
iBeatCounter = 0;
// Stop timer till new entry is done
ret = KErrNone;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::CurrentValueOfTimerById
// Finds an entry from the entry table using the timer identification
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CSatTimer::CurrentValueOfTimerById
TInt aTimerId // Timer identifier
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::CurrentValueOfTimerById" );
TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
// Create the entry with meaningful values only
TTimer timer( aTimerId, 0, 0 );
// Find the entry for this Handle in the list
TInt position = iTimerTable->Find( timer,
TTimer::CompareEntries );
// Check if element is found
if ( KErrNotFound != position )
// Get the pointer to the TimerTable
TTimer& timerTable = ( *iTimerTable )[ position ];
// Get timeStamp
TUint32 timerStamp = timerTable.TimeStamp();
// Current timer value = timer timeout value - current time
ret = timerStamp - iBeatCounter;
// If current timer value is smaller than zero set value to 0
// this can happen if there is some kind of delay before
// timer is expired and iBeatCounter is still counting...
if( 0 > ret )
ret = 0;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::SetProactiveCommandOnGoingStatus
// Sets ProactiveCommandOngoing status
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatTimer::SetProactiveCommandOnGoingStatus
TBool aStatus
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::SetProactiveCommandOnGoingStatus" );
iIsProactiveCommandOnGoing = aStatus;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::TTimer
// Default constructor Sets timer information to the TimerTable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt aTimerId, // Timer id
TUint32 aStartTime, // Timer start time
TUint32 aTimeStamp // Time stamp
): iTimerId( aTimerId ), iStartTime( aStartTime ),
iTimeStamp( aTimeStamp )
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: TTimer::TTimer" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::TimeStamp
// Gets the value of iTimeStamp
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CSatTimer::TTimer::TimeStamp
// None
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: TTimer::TimeStamp" );
return iTimeStamp;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::TimerId
// Gets the value of iTimerId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatTimer::TTimer::TimerId
// None
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: TTimer::TimerId" );
return iTimerId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::TimerStartTime
// Gets the value of iStartTime
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CSatTimer::TTimer::TimerStartTime
// None
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: TTimer::TimerStartTime" );
return iStartTime;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::CompareEntries
// Compares two entries are return if the are same of not.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSatTimer::TTimer::CompareEntries
const CSatTimer::TTimer& aArg1,
const CSatTimer::TTimer& aArg2
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::TTimer::CompareEntries" );
TBool ret( EFalse );
// We are interested only in the timer id
if ( aArg1.iTimerId == aArg2.iTimerId )
ret = ETrue;
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::TTimer::CompareEntries, Not equal" );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatTimer::OrderEntries
// Compares two entries and returns which is the order between them.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatTimer::TTimer::OrderEntries
const CSatTimer::TTimer& aArg1,
const CSatTimer::TTimer& aArg2
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::TTimer::OrderEntries" );
TInt ret( KFirstTimeStampSmaller );
// We are interested only in the time stamp
if ( aArg1.iTimeStamp == aArg2.iTimeStamp )
ret = KTimeStampsEqual;
else if ( aArg1.iTimeStamp > aArg2.iTimeStamp )
ret = KFirstTimeStampBigger;
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatTimer::TTimer::OrderEntries, \
KFirstTimeStampSmaller" );
return ret;
// End of File