Bug 2852 Stub only patch This fix adds a method to AT-LTSY, which would not build in S^3.0.g in which the CTSY/dispatch adds a new API
* Copyright (c) 2009 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB - initial contribution.
* Nokia Corporation - additional changes.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Implements the Enhanced SMS Format Information Element.
* @file
* Implements CEmsFormatIE class
#include <emsformatie.h>
* Creates a default ems format object.
* @return CEmsFormatIE* newly created object
EXPORT_C CEmsFormatIE* CEmsFormatIE::NewL()
* @capability None
CEmsFormatIE* self = new (ELeave) CEmsFormatIE();
return self;
* Creates an exact copy of the object.
* @return CEmsFormatIE* Newly created object.
EXPORT_C CEmsInformationElement* CEmsFormatIE::DuplicateL() const
* @capability None
CEmsFormatIE* copy = new (ELeave) CEmsFormatIE();
return copy;
EXPORT_C void CEmsFormatIE::SetBold(TBool aBold)
* @capability None
iFormat=(TUint8)(aBold? iFormat|EBold: iFormat&(~EBold));
EXPORT_C TBool CEmsFormatIE::Bold() const
* @capability None
return (EBold&iFormat)?ETrue:EFalse;
EXPORT_C void CEmsFormatIE::SetItalic(TBool aItalic)
* @capability None
iFormat=(TUint8)(aItalic? iFormat|EItalic: iFormat&(~EItalic));
EXPORT_C TBool CEmsFormatIE::Italic() const
* @capability None
return (EItalic&iFormat)?ETrue:EFalse;
EXPORT_C void CEmsFormatIE::SetUnderline(TBool aUnderline)
* @capability None
iFormat=(TUint8)(aUnderline? iFormat|EUnderline: iFormat&(~EUnderline));
EXPORT_C TBool CEmsFormatIE::Underline() const
* @capability None
return (EUnderline&iFormat)?ETrue:EFalse;
EXPORT_C void CEmsFormatIE::SetStrikethrough(TBool aStrikethrough)
* @capability None
iFormat=(TUint8)(aStrikethrough? iFormat|EStrikethrough: iFormat&(~EStrikethrough));
EXPORT_C TBool CEmsFormatIE::Strikethrough() const
* @capability None
return (EStrikethrough&iFormat)?ETrue:EFalse;
EXPORT_C void CEmsFormatIE::SetAlignment(TAlignment aAlignment)
* @capability None
EXPORT_C CEmsFormatIE::TAlignment CEmsFormatIE::Alignment() const
* @capability None
return (TAlignment)(EAlignmentMask&iFormat);
EXPORT_C void CEmsFormatIE::SetFontSize(TFontSize aSize)
* @capability None
EXPORT_C CEmsFormatIE::TFontSize CEmsFormatIE::FontSize() const
* @capability None
return (TFontSize)((EFontSizeMask&iFormat)>>2);
EXPORT_C void CEmsFormatIE::SetFormatLength(TUint aLength)
* @capability None
iFormatLength = aLength;
EXPORT_C TUint CEmsFormatIE::FormatLength() const
* @capability None
return iFormatLength;
CEmsFormatIE::CEmsFormatIE() :CEmsInformationElement(CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedTextFormatting),iFormat(0){iEncodedBodyLength=EEnhancedFormatSizeV4;}
* Encodes the format object into its raw format. (no IE id)
* @param aPtr the buffer to be used which is to contain the data
* @param aIsForSerialisation boolean to indicate if it is for serialisation or encoding
void CEmsFormatIE::EncodeBodyL(TPtr8 aPtr, TBool aIsForSerialisation) const
// This is the only information element which needs to check the
// aIsForSerialisation flag. If it is for PDU encoding, the
// length field is only 8 bits. Otherwise it is 16. (This is
// because format objects when inserted can extend over a PDU
// boundary, but are split on encoding)
if (aIsForSerialisation)
* Decodes the raw data out of an information element into this class.
* @param aPtr The raw predefined animation data
* @param aIsFromSerialisation boolean to indicate if it is from serialisation
* @leave KErrargument If the size of the data does not match what is expected.
void CEmsFormatIE::DecodeBodyL(const TPtrC8 aPtr, TBool aIsFromSerialisation)
__ASSERT_ALWAYS((aPtr.Length() >= EEnhancedFormatSizeV4), User::Leave(KErrArgument));
// index into byte array we are currently looking at
TInt pos = 0;
iFormatLength = 0;
if (aIsFromSerialisation)
iFormatLength = static_cast<TUint>(aPtr[pos] * 256);
iFormatLength += static_cast<TUint>(aPtr[pos]);
TInt CEmsFormatIE::SerialisedBodyLength() const
// extra byte required for 16-bit length field when serialised
return iEncodedBodyLength + 1;
EXPORT_C void CEmsFormatIE::CopyL(const CEmsFormatIE& aSrc)
* @capability None
iFormatLength = aSrc.iFormatLength;