Bug 2852 Stub only patch This fix adds a method to AT-LTSY, which would not build in S^3.0.g in which the CTSY/dispatch adds a new API
This file records all changes made to ETELMM since T-API
This includes documentation, source code, test code or build files changes
If a change requires an update to the documentation then the version number recorded here
will be the same as that of the API definition document (e.g. 5.01 will become 5.02)
If a change does not require an update to the documentation then the version number recorded
here will increment in following way 5.02 becomes 5.02.1, then 5.02.2 etc until a document
Version 5.07
(23rd October 2002)
Implemented Change Requests
JROE-5DHF7C - It is not possible to open an auxilliary line without knowing its name.
GFAN-5DEHM9 - MM Etel client doesn't detect if CCBS recall accepted/refused by another client (MM-Etel)
GFAN-5DEHKV - Conference event notification ambiguous in MM Etel API(MM-Etel)
GFAN-5DEHHS - Verification of new password must be passed to network.
GFAN-5DEHCT - Support for basic service groups not sufficient.
Version xxxx
(24th January 2002)
Code Implementation:
– Added the new API and test harness for 3G Comms
Version 5.05
(19th December 2001)
Fixed defects
Section 3.5.3
– Added values to end of TSSTServices33To40
– Corrected definitions of services in TSSTServices41To48
– Added enum for services 49 to 56.
– Added iServices49To56 to TMobilePhoneServiceTableV1
– Corrected italic highlight of non-supported SST & CSP features
– Clarified difference between SST and UST in introductory paragraph and within description of TMobilePhoneServiceTable
– Changed use of word SIM to ICC where appropriate
SHY-55HGFT - Services 41 to 48 not correct in TSSTServices41To48
Version 5.04
(19th November 2001)
Fixed defects
Section 3.10.3 - Removed constraint of what defines a valid DTMF character
Section 3.11.2 - Ensured typdef short, long network names have same size as header file.
Section 3.11.14 - Delete iSystemId in TMobilePhoneNetworkManualSelection as manual selection is GSM/WCDMA mode only.
Section 3.14.2 and 3.14.3 - Correct specification of aPrivacySetting to RMobilePhone::TMobilePhonePrivacy
Section 3.16.1 - Ensured capability flags have same name as header file
Section 3.20.1 - Clarified that CFNRy timeout is in steps of 5 for GSM
Section 5.8.3 - Correct reference to TRemotePartyInfo
Reinsert references to sub-session names (KETelSmsMessaging, KETelBroadcastMessaging etc)
Section 8.4.8 - Add description of SkipValue and RemainingReadLength
SHY-54MNV4 - Not all iExtensionId attributes of V1 types being initialised or streamed
Version 5.03
(10th November 2001)
Accepted Change Request:
New section 3.8 in document - Add support for indicator flags for charger connected,
network availability and call in progress. New API is similar to indicator functionality
in GSM API (i.e. RBasicGsmPhone::GetIndicator and RBasicGsmPhone::IndicatorNotification)
Version 5.02
(26th October 2001)
ETELMM defect fixes
1. SHY-53SMMB - ETBSCBUF needs updating
ETBSCBUF.H has been renamed to ETSLOTNUM.H and the suggested slot numbers for ETELMM added
2. SHY-53RGSW - EReceiveEither is named EReceiveAny in documentation
Section 7.1.6 of API definition document
Ensure consistency between document and code, EReceiveEither instead of EReceiveAny
Section 7.1.3 of API definition document
Ensure consistency between document and code, KCapsReceiveEither instead of KCapsReceiveAny
3. SHY-53RGQ7 - ETELMM phonebook API incorrectly handles the aIndex parameter
Section 8.4 of API definition document altered and code changed to reflect this
Read and Write methods have had parameter changes to ensure that correct information is
sent or returned to client. The Write parameters aIndex and aPBData are swapped round to
ensure correct use of underlying RTelSubSessionBase::SetAndGet.
4. SHY-53MDVY - LND phonebook missing from etelmm.h
Definition of LND phonebook name added to etelmm.h
5. SHY-53LNP9 - TMobilePhoneNetworkMode should distinguish between IS-95 and cdma2000 networks
Section 3.3.1 and 3.10.5 of API definition document and corresponding code changes
Differentiated CDMA mode between IS-95 CDMA and cdma2000.
Added values to TMobilePhoneNetworkMode and TMobilePhoneModeCaps
6. iServiceCentre attribute of TMobileGsmSmsEntryV1 was not included in InternalizeL
and ExternalizeL of this class
7. Integrated CPhoneBookBuffer library into ETELMM
Added mm_pbutil.cpp and mpbutil.f files and exported mpbutil.h
See API Definition document for more details and the API description for this library