Implemented CTelObject::SetSessionOwnerByTsyHandleAndIpc() and CPhoneBase::FindByIpcAndSecureId()
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __SMSPREAD_H__
#define __SMSPREAD_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include "smspcomm.h"
#include <etelmm.h>
#include "smsuact.h"
#include <logwrap.h>
#include "smspproc.h"
#include "smspenum.h" // for TGsmSmsSlot definition
class CFacadeSmsReassemblyStore;
class CSmsSegmentationStore;
class RFs;
class CSmsEventLogger;
class CSmspReceiveMode;
class CSmsEventLogger;
class TLogSmsPduData;
class TSmsSettings;
class CSmsPduReadTimer;
* Logs a CSmsMessage
* @internalComponent
class CSmsPDUReadLogger : public CSmsuActiveBase
static CSmsPDUReadLogger* NewL(RFs& aFs, TInt aPriority);
void ChangeOrAddLogEvent(CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage, const TLogSmsPduData& aSmsPDUData, const TTime* aTime, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
CSmsPDUReadLogger(TInt aPriority);
void ConstructL(RFs& aFs);
void AddLogEvent();
void GetLogEvent();
void ChangeLogEvent();
void DoRunL();
void DoCancel();
void Complete(TInt aStatus);
enum TSmsPDUReadLoggerState
ESmsPDUReadLoggerIdle, //< Idle
ESmsPDUReadLoggerGet, //< Getting Log Event
ESmsPDUReadLoggerChange,//< Changing Log Event
ESmsPDUReadLoggerAdd //< Adding Log Event
} iState;
CSmsEventLogger* iLogger; //< Used for Logging the CSmsMessage
CSmsMessage* iSmsMessage; //< The Message to Log. Pointer not "owned" by this class
TTime iTime;
const TTime* iTimePtr;
const TLogSmsPduData* iSmsPDUData; //< Data to add to the Log Event. Pointer not "owned" by this class
* Class CSmsStoreRead for setting TSY receive mode and receiving new incoming
* message from the phone side
* @internalComponent
class CSmsPDURead : public CSmsuActiveBase
friend class CSmsPduReadTimer;
static CSmsPDURead* NewL(MSmsComm& aSmsComm,
const TSmsSettings& aSmsSettings,
RMobileSmsMessaging& aSmsMessaging,
CFacadeSmsReassemblyStore& aReassemblyStore,
CSmsSegmentationStore& aSegmentationStore,
const RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsCapsV1& aMobileSmsCaps,
TInt aPriority,
CSmspReceiveMode& aSmspReceiveMode,
CSmsMonitorDiskSpace& aSmsMonitorDiskSpace);
void Start();
void ResumeSmsReception();
const CSmsMessage* CurrentMessage() {return (iPduProcessor ? iPduProcessor->SmsMessage() : NULL);}
void DoRunL();
void DoCancel();
enum TRpErrorCodeIndex
// Only error conditions which can be configured to be negatively acknowledged
// are enumerated.
// MemoryCapacityExceeded is not enumerated, as this condition will always be
// negatively acknowledged.
EInvalidShortMsgTransferReferenceValue = 0,
ESemanticallyIncorrectMessage = 1,
EInvalidMandatoryInformaton = 2,
EMessageTypeNonExistent = 3,
EMessageNotCompatibleWithShortMessageProtocolState = 4,
EInformationElementNonExistentOrNotImplemented = 5,
EProtocolErrorUnspecified = 6,
EUndefinedIndex = 7
CSmsPDURead(MSmsComm& aSmsComm,
const TSmsSettings& aSmsSettings,
RMobileSmsMessaging& aSmsMessaging,
CFacadeSmsReassemblyStore& aReassemblyStore,
CSmsSegmentationStore& aSegmentationStore,
const RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsCapsV1& aMobileSmsCaps,
TInt aPriority,
CSmspReceiveMode& aSmspReceiveMode,
CSmsMonitorDiskSpace& aSmsMonitorDiskSpace);
void ConstructL();
void Receive();
void ProcessPDUL();
void AddLogEvent();
void DoEncodeDeliverReportL();
void SendDeliverReport();
TBool IsSupported() const;
void Complete(TInt aError);
void SetErrorCodeStatus(enum TRpErrorCodeIndex aIndex, TBool aValue);
TBool GetErrorCodeStatus(enum TRpErrorCodeIndex aIndex);
void ReadConfigurableSmsSettingsL();
TBool MapRpErrorToIndex(TInt aRpErrorCode, TRpErrorCodeIndex& aIndex);
void MakeStateTransitionBasedOnErrorCode();
enum TSmsPDUReadState
ESmsPDUReadIdle, //< Idle
ESmsPDUReadSetReceiveMode, //< Setting receive mode
ESmsPDUReadResumeReception, //< Resuming reception of SMSs
ESmsPDUReadWaitingForPDU, //< Waiting new incoming message
ESmsPDUReadProcessingPDU, //< Performing various async procesing
TSmsPDUReadState iState; //< The current state of the state machine
RMobileSmsMessaging& iSmsMessaging;
RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsGsmTpdu iMsgData; //< Pdu buffer
RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1 iMsgReceiveAttributes; //< Class for received message attributes
RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveAttributesV1Pckg iMsgReceiveAttributesPckg; //< Package for iMsgReceiveAttributes
TGsmSmsSlot iSlot; // Current iSlot entry
CSmsPDUProcessor* iPduProcessor;
MSmsComm& iSmsComm;
const TSmsSettings& iSmsSettings;
CFacadeSmsReassemblyStore& iReassemblyStore;
CSmsSegmentationStore& iSegmentationStore;
const RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsCapsV1& iMobileSmsCaps;
TGsmSms iDeliverReport;
CSmsPDUReadLogger* iLogger;
CSmspReceiveMode& iReceiveMode; // a reference to owner class's instance
RTimer iOOMTimer;
CSmsMonitorDiskSpace& iSmsMonitorDiskSpace; // a reference to the iSmsMonitorDiskSpace object
TUint8 iRpErrorCodesSupported;
TBool iConfigAutomaticDeletionForClass2;
TBool iConfigDiscardingType0Class2;
TBool iConfigDiscardingType0Class0;
TBool iSmsReceptionSupended;
TBool iDelayedResumeSmsReceptionRequired;
#endif // !defined __SMSPREAD_H__