Implemented CTelObject::SetSessionOwnerByTsyHandleAndIpc() and CPhoneBase::FindByIpcAndSecureId()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<relnotes name="ETel SIM Toolkit">
ETel extensions, SAT API offers access to the (U)SIM Application Toolkit feature
<defect number="PDEF124616" title="MMS Notification Download & USSD Data Download APIs in ETelSAT to be modified" revision="009">
<deliverystep number="1035" name="PREQ2064: Submission of UICC Server Mode" osproject="Argus" revision="008">
<preq number="2064" title="UICC Server Mode">
Added ETel support for UICC Server mode as introduced by ETSI TS 102 223 Release 7.
<milestone project="GT0365" number="3.5.3"/>
<preq number="1404" title="ETel support for 3GPP R6 USAT" revision="007">
Added ETel support for 3GPP R6 USAT
<defect number="PDEF107609" title="3G/USIM specific elementary files are missing from Etelsat.h" revision="006">
Updated list of files that can be refreshed via REFRESH proactive command with 3GPP R5 files.
<cr number="1040" title="Preventing of FDN check if request has proactive origin" revision="005">
No FDN check if request has proactive origin
<cr number="BAA-6QAHEF" title="Implement missing R5 functionality in EtelSat" revision="004">
Mising R5 Text attribute functionality has been added to EtelSat API
<defect number="PDEF080324" title="Problem with the RSat::NotifyOpenChannelPCmd() API" revision="003">
Added new API RSat::GetOpenChannelPCmd for use when a client wishes to be notifed of any open channel
<cr number="0818" title="Add PREQ1234 to the scope of Bravo" revision="002">
Removed the need to have the SYMBIAN_TELEPHONY_USAT5 system-wide #define in order to enable (U)SAT R5 support
<defect number="PDEF084337" title="TIdleModeText needs to support 8-bit and 16-bit encoding" revision="001">
TIdleModeText now supports 8-bit and 16-bit encoding