Implemented CTelObject::SetSessionOwnerByTsyHandleAndIpc() and CPhoneBase::FindByIpcAndSecureId()
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// AT Command TSY Standard Header
#ifndef __MATSTD_H__
#define __MATSTD_H__
#include "ATSTD.H"
// AT commands used to interrogate the phone's phonebook support.
// CNMI Capability Flags
const TInt KDefaultCnmiModeParam=1;
const TInt KBufferedCnmiModeParam=2;
const TInt KInBandCnmiModeParam=3;
const TUint KCnmiModeFlag0=1;
const TUint KCnmiModeFlag1=2;
const TUint KCnmiModeFlag2=4;
const TUint KCnmiModeFlag3=8;
const TUint KCmtiParam=1;
const TUint KCmtParam=2;
const TUint KCmtModeOff=1;
const TUint KCmtModeIndicator=2;
const TUint KCmtModeDirect=4;
const TUint KSrNoneParam=0;
const TUint KSrOnParam=1;
const TUint KSrCapsNotSupported=1;
const TUint KSrCapsSupported=2;
const TUint KGprsCommandTimeOut = 10; // seconds
const TUint KGprsLongCommandTimeOut = 30;
_LIT8(KSetPrefMemCommandWithString,"AT+CPMS=\"%S\",\"%S\"\r"); // Changed to set the write store as well(mem1 = read,mem2 = write)
// Expected modem responses to GSM commands
const TInt KCMGSResponseStringLength=6;
const TInt KERRORResponseStringLength=5;
// GSM storage types