Implemented CTelObject::SetSessionOwnerByTsyHandleAndIpc() and CPhoneBase::FindByIpcAndSecureId()
/** Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description:* Name : CSatNotifySimSessionEnd.h* Part of : Common SIM ATK TSY / commonsimatktsy* Specific notifications class* Version : 1.0**/#ifndef CSATNOTIFYSIMSESSIONEND_H#define CSATNOTIFYSIMSESSIONEND_H// INCLUDES#include <e32base.h>#include "MSatNotificationsBase.h"// FORWARD DECLARATIONSclass CSatDataPackage;class CSatNotificationsTsy;/*** DESCRIPTION* SAT SIM Session End notification class.* SIM Session end tells the client when the last command in SIM application has* been processed, i.e. the SIM application has ended.* @lib Commonsimatktsy* @since 3.1*/NONSHARABLE_CLASS ( CSatNotifySimSessionEnd ) : public CBase, public MSatNotificationsBase { public: // Constructors and destructor /** * Two-phased constructor. * @param aNotificationsTsy: Pointer to NotificationsTsy * return CSatNotifySimSessionEnd*: created object */ static CSatNotifySimSessionEnd* NewL( CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy ); /** * C++ Destructor. */ ~CSatNotifySimSessionEnd(); private: /** * By default C++ constructor is private. * @param aNotificationsTsy: Pointer to NotificationsTsy * @return None */ CSatNotifySimSessionEnd( CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy ); /** * Class attributes are created in ConstructL. * @param None * @return None */ void ConstructL(); public: // Functions from base classes /** * Notification request received from client * @param aTsyReqHandle: request handle from ETel * @param aPackage: Packed data * @return KErrNone */ TInt Notify( const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, const TDataPackage& aPackage ); /** * Cancels notification request about session ending. * @param aReqHandle notify request handle * @return KErrNone */ TInt CancelNotification( const TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle ); public: // New functions /** * From CSatNotificationsBase handles a Sim Session end from phonet. * @param aDataPackage: Packaged return data * @param aErrorCode: Possible error code * @return KErrNone/ KErrCorrupt */ TInt CompleteNotifyL( CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage, TInt aErrorCode ); private: // Data // Pointer to the notifications tsy class CSatNotificationsTsy* iNotificationsTsy; };#endif // CSATNOTIFYSIMSESSIONEND_H