Implemented CTelObject::SetSessionOwnerByTsyHandleAndIpc() and CPhoneBase::FindByIpcAndSecureId()
* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Name : CSatTimer.cpp
* Part of : Common SIM ATK TSY / commonsimatktsy
* Implementation of the sat timer functions.
* Version : 1.0
#include <e32base.h> // Symbian base types
const TUint8 KMaxNumberOfParallelTimers = 8;
const TInt KTimeStampsEqual = 0;
const TInt KFirstTimeStampBigger = 1;
const TInt KFirstTimeStampSmaller = -1;
class CSatMessHandler;
class CSatNotificationsTsy;
* Implementation of the sat timer functions.
* @lib Commonsimatktsy
* @since 3.1
NONSHARABLE_CLASS ( CSatTimer ) : public CBase, public MBeating
// CSatTimer::TTimer class.
class TTimer
* Non default Constructor
* @param aTimerId: Timer id
* @param aStartTime: Timer start time
* @param aTimeStamp: Time stamp
TTimer( TInt aTimerId, TUint32 aStartTime,
TUint32 aTimeStamp );
* Returns iTimeStamp from a TTimer
* @params None
* @returns value of the iTimeStamp attribute
TUint32 TimeStamp();
* Returns iTimerId from a TTimer
* @params: None
* @returns value of the iTimerId attribute
TInt TimerId();
* Returns iStartTime from a TTimer
* @params: None
* @returns value of the iStartTime attribute
TUint32 TimerStartTime();
* Returns if two entries are equal
* @param aArg1: first argument
* @param aArg2: second argument
* @returns ETrue if two entries are equal
static TBool CompareEntries( const TTimer& aArg1,
const TTimer& aArg2 );
* Returns order between two entries
* @param aArg1: first argument
* @param aArg2: second argument
* @returns 0 if arg1 = arg2
* 1 if arg1 > arg2
* -1 else
static TInt OrderEntries( const TTimer& aArg1,
const TTimer& aArg2 );
// Timer identifier
TInt iTimerId;
// Timer start time
TUint32 iStartTime;
// Time stamp
TUint32 iTimeStamp;
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aNotificationsTsy: Pointer to notifications tsy
* @return created object
static CSatTimer* NewL( CSatNotificationsTsy* aSatNotificationsTsy );
* Constructor.
* @param aNotificationsTsy: Pointer to notifications tsy
void ConstructL( CSatNotificationsTsy* aSatNotificationsTsy );
* Destructor
* Starts the timer counting
* @param aTimerId: Timer id
* @param aTimerValue: Timeout value
* @return KErrNone or error code
TInt Start( TInt aTimerId, TUint32 aTimerValue );
* Stops the timer counting
* @params: None
* @return None
void Stop();
* Deletes timer from the table
* @param aTimerId: timer identifier
* @returns KErrNone or KErrNotFound
TInt DeleteTimerById( TInt aTimerId );
* Gets current value of timer by timer id
* @param aTimerId: timer identifier
* @returns Current timer value
TUint32 CurrentValueOfTimerById( TInt aTimerId );
* Sets status for ProactiveCommandOnGoing flag
* @param aStatus: Status for proactive command
* @return None
void SetProactiveCommandOnGoingStatus( TBool aStatus );
* Constructor
* @params: None
* @returns None
* Called when beat works ok, once every second
* @param None
* @returns None
void Beat();
* Called when we need to synchronize
* @params: None
* @returns None
void Synchronize();
* Checks if an entry is in iEntryTable
* @param aTimerId: timer identifier
* @return ETrue if the timer has an entry in the table
* EFalse otherwise.
TBool CheckTimerTable( TInt aTimerId );
// Sat notifications tsy pointer
CSatNotificationsTsy* iSatNotificationsTsy;
// Count of beats of the timer
TUint32 iBeatCounter;
// Pointer to the CHeartbeat type timer.
CHeartbeat* iTimer;
// Pointer to the entry array
RArray<TTimer>* iTimerTable;
// Flag for proactiveCommandOnGoing status
TBool iIsProactiveCommandOnGoing;
#endif // CSATTIMER_H
// End of File