Implemented CTelObject::SetSessionOwnerByTsyHandleAndIpc() and CPhoneBase::FindByIpcAndSecureId()
// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This file contains the definitions of the Simulator TSY Packet Context class.
#include <et_phone.h>
#include <etelpckt.h>
#include <testconfigfileparser.h>
#include "csimtimer.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "CSimNtras.h"
#include "CSimPubSubChange.h"
#include "CSimPhone.h"
#include <ctsy/serviceapi/cmmutility.h>
const TUint KNotFound=0xfffffff;
const TInt KLimitForErrorCodeForContextGoToInactive=-700;
const TInt KContextGoToInactiveWithNormalErrorCode=-600;
const TInt KContextGoToInactiveWithExtendedErrorCode=-400;
const TInt KContextGoToInactiveWithErrorWhenTryingToGetLastErrorCode = -300;
enum TContextEvent //< Enum for the state machine
const RPacketContext::TContextStatus KContextStateTableTerminator=(RPacketContext::TContextStatus)999;
struct TContextStateChangeValidity
RPacketContext::TContextStatus iOldState;
RPacketContext::TContextStatus iNewState;
TInt iError;
//< This table is used to ensure that the TSY state changes are as accurate as possibly
//< It makes sure that there is no state irregularities and the TSY does not skip any state.
//< Returns KErrNone for a valid change state request (3rd column).
const struct TContextStateChangeValidity KContextStateChangeValidity[]= {
{ RPacketContext::EStatusInactive, RPacketContext::EStatusActivating, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusInactive, RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusActivating, RPacketContext::EStatusActive, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusActivating, RPacketContext::EStatusInactive, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusActivating, RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusActive, RPacketContext::EStatusDeactivating, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusActive, RPacketContext::EStatusSuspended, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusActive, RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusDeactivating, RPacketContext::EStatusInactive, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusDeactivating, RPacketContext::EStatusActive, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusDeactivating, RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusSuspended, RPacketContext::EStatusDeactivating, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusSuspended, RPacketContext::EStatusActive, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusSuspended, RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted, KErrNone },
{ RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted, RPacketContext::EStatusInactive, KErrNone },
{ KContextStateTableTerminator, KContextStateTableTerminator, KContextStateTableTerminator}
struct TProtocolConfigOption // used for authentication parameters
TInt iAuthProtocol;
TPtrC8 iUsername;
TPtrC8 iPassword;
TPtrC8 iChallenge;
TPtrC8 iResponse;
TPtrC8 iPrimaryDNS;
TPtrC8 iSecondaryDNS;
TUint iId;
RPacketContext::TMiscProtocolBuffer iMiscBuffer;
Used for holding valid GPRS/R99/R4/R99/R5 context configuration parameters
struct TContextConfigParam
TInt iProtocolType;
TPtrC8 iGsnAddress;
TPtrC8 iProtocolAddress;
TInt iAnonymousAccess;
TBool iUseEdge;
TProtocolConfigOption iProtocolConfigOption;
TUint iPdpHeaderCompression;
TUint iPdpDataCompression;
struct TConfigFail // Used for failing SetConfig, DeleteTFT, CreateTFT, AddPacketFilter call
TName iContextName;
TInt32 iNumberOfTimes;
TInt32 iFailErrorCode;
struct TTftConfig
TName iContextName;
TInt32 iNumberOfFailures;
TInt32 iFailErrorCode;
TInt32 iDelay;
struct TRel99ContextConfig // Used holding the Rel99 configuration parameters
TName iContextName;
TUint iActivatePause;
TInt iActivateErrorCode;
TUint iDeactivatePause;
TUint iDeactivateErrorCode;
TUint iDeletionPause;
TUint iDeletionErrorCode;
TBool iConnectToNtRas;
struct TNetworkRegStatus // Used for holding the network registration
TInt iDuration;
RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus iRegStatus;
struct TNotifyContextStatusChange // Used for notifying context status
TName iContextName;
TInt iDuration;
RPacketContext::TContextStatus iStatus;
struct TPacketFilterV3 // Used for holding packet filter configuration
TInt iId; //< Packet filter identifier. Value range: 1 - 8
TInt iEvaluationPrecedenceIndex; //< Evaluation Precedence Index. Value range: 255 (lowest) - 0 (highest)
TUint8 iSrcAddr[RPacketContext::KIPAddressSize]; //< Domain Source address
TUint8 iSrcAddrSubnetMask[RPacketContext::KIPAddressSize]; //< Domain Subnet mask
TInt iProtocolNumberOrNextHeader; //< Protocol number (IPv4) or Next Header (IPv6) field of incoming packets. Value range 0 - 255
TInt iSrcPortMin; //< Minimum source port number of incoming packets. Value range 0 - 65 535
TInt iSrcPortMax; //< Maximum source port number of incoming packets. Value range 0 - 65 535
TInt iDestPortMin; //< Lowest destination port number of incoming packets. Value range 0 - 65 535
TInt iDestPortMax; //< Maximum destination port number of incoming packets. Value range 0 - 65 535
TUint32 iIPSecSPI; //< Security Parameter Index, 32-bit field.
TUint16 iTOSorTrafficClass; //< Type of Service (IPv4) or Traffic Class (IPv6). 1 octet TOS/Traffic class + 1 octet TOS/Traffic class Mask.
TUint32 iFlowLabel;
TBool iAdded;
RPacketContext::TPacketFilterType iFilterType;
struct TAuthorizationTokenResponse //< Used for SIMTSY responses for authorization tokens
RPacketContext::TAuthorizationToken iAuthorizationToken;
TInt iResponse;
* This class is used to hold the details of batch read requests between the first and
* second phases of a "two phase read". During the first phase, an instance of this class
* is created containing a unique identifier to the request and the resulting information.
* Once the second phase operation has identified this instance from a list and completed
* the client request, this instance will be deleted.
class CPcktListReadAllAttempt : public CBase
static CPcktListReadAllAttempt* NewL(TClientId& aId, TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle);
CPcktListReadAllAttempt(TClientId& aId, TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle);
void ConstructL();
CBufBase* iListBuf; // < The result of the read operation.
TClientId iClient; // < A unique identifier of the read request.
TTsyReqHandle iReqHandle; // < The first phase request handle.
class CSimPacketService;
class CSimPacketQoS;
class CATDialGPRSData;
class CSimPacketContext : public CSubSessionExtBase, public MTimerCallBack, public MNTRasCallBack, public MPubSubChangeCallback
static CSimPacketContext* NewL(CSimPhone* aPhone, CSimPacketService* aPacketService, const TDesC& aContextName);
CSimPacketContext(CSimPhone* aPhone, CSimPacketService* aPacketService, const TName& aContextName);
void ConstructL();
virtual TInt ExtFunc(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TInt aIpc,const TDataPackage& aPackage);
virtual TReqMode ReqModeL(const TInt aIpc);
virtual CTelObject* OpenNewObjectByNameL(const TDesC& aName);
virtual CTelObject* OpenNewObjectL(TDes& aNewName);
virtual TInt CancelService(const TInt aIpc, const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
virtual void Init();
virtual TInt RegisterNotification(const TInt aIpc);
virtual TInt DeregisterNotification(const TInt aIpc);
virtual TInt NumberOfSlotsL(const TInt aIpc);
TInt AttemptDeactivateImmediately();
TInt ChangeState(RPacketContext::TContextStatus aNewState); //< Changes the state of the packetcontext
const CTestConfigSection* CfgFile();
TInt ReActivate(CSimPacketService* aPacketService, const TName& aContextName);
void ConstructPacketFiltersL();
void PubSubCallback(TInt aId);
TInt GetProfileName(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TName* aQoSProfile);
TInt SetConfig(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TDesC8* aConfig);
TInt SetConfigCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt GetConfig(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TDes8* aConfig);
TInt GetConfigCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt NotifyConfigChanged(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aConfig);
TInt NotifyConfigChangedCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt Activate(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt ActivateCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt Deactivate(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt DeactivateCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt Delete(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt DeleteCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt LoanCommPort(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RCall::TCommPort* aDataPort);
TInt LoanCommPortCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt RecoverCommPort(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt RecoverCommPortCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt GetStatus(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RPacketContext::TContextStatus* aContextStatus);
TInt NotifyStatusChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RPacketContext::TContextStatus* aContextStatus);
TInt NotifyStatusChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt GetDataVolumeTransferred(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RPacketContext::TDataVolume* aVolume);
TInt NotifyDataTransferred(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RPacketContext::TDataVolume* aVolume, RPacketContext::TNotifyDataTransferredRequest* aData);
TInt NotifyDataTransferredCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt GetLastErrorCause(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TInt* aError);
IMPORT_C static TInt OpenNewSecondaryContext(CSimPacketService& aPacketService,
const TDesC& anExistingContextName,
TDes& aNewContextName);
TInt CreateNewTFT(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, const TInt* aSize);
TInt DoCreateNewTFT();
TInt DeleteTFT(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt EnumeratePacketFilters(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TInt& aCount);
TInt GetPacketFilterInfoL(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TInt aIndex, TDes8* aPacketFilterInfo);
TInt AddPacketFilter(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, const TDesC8* aPacketFilterInfo);
TInt RemovePacketFilter(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TInt aId);
TInt ModifyActiveContext(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt InitialiseContext(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aDataChannelV2Pckg); // This method supersedes the LoanCommPort() and RecoverCommPort() methods.
TInt DoInitialiseContext();
TInt GetDnsInfo(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, const TDesC8* aDnsInfo); // retrieves primary and secondary DNS server names
TInt GetAddMediaAuthorization(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aBuffer);
TInt GetRemoveMediaAuthorization(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RPacketContext::TAuthorizationToken* aAuthorizationToken);
TInt GetAddMediaAuthorizationCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt GetRemoveMediaAuthorizationCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt CreateNewTFTCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt DeleteTFTCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt EnumeratePacketFiltersCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt GetPacketFilterInfoCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt AddPacketFilterCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt RemovePacketFilterCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt ModifyActiveContextCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
TInt InitialiseContextCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle); // This method supersedes the LoanCommPort() and RecoverCommPort() methods.
TInt GetDnsInfoCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
void TimerCallBackNotifyContextStatusChange();
void CompleteContextStatusChange(RPacketContext::TContextStatus& aStatus);
CSimPubSubChange *iContextStatusChange;
CSimPhone* iPhone;
TBool iDeleted; //< Used to indicate whether this context is deleted or not
TBool iIsActive; //< Used to indicate whether this context is active as only one
//< context can be active at any one time.
CSimPacketService* iPacketService; //< Pointer to the parent class
CSimPacketQoS* iPacketqos; //< Pointer to the qos associated with this context
CSimNtRas* iNtRas; //< pointer to the NtRas class that uses ntras to connect to network
TName iContextName; //< Current Packet context name
TName iQoSName;
CSimTimer* iTimer; //< pointer to the timer object
CSimTimer* iNotifyContextStatusChangeTimer;
CSimTimer* iNotifyContextConfigChangeTimer;
CSimTimer* iSetConfigTimer;
CSimTimer* iInitContextTimer;
CSimTimer* iCreateTftTimer;
TNotifyData iNotifyStatusChange; //< Holds the notification data (a flag, TsyReqHandle and any raw data)
CArrayFixFlat<TContextConfigParam>* iContextConfigParams; //< Pointer to a list of valid Context (GPRS/R99/R5) config parameters
CArrayFixFlat<TRel99ContextConfig>* iContextConfigsRel99;
TBool iTFTCreated;
TInt iNumTFTsCreated;
TInt iNumFiltersAdded;
CArrayFixFlat<TPacketFilterV3>* iPacketFilterInfoArray;
TInt GetContextStatusChangeCount();
TNotifyContextStatusChange& GetContextStatusChangeAt(TInt aIndex);
CArrayFixFlat<TNotifyContextStatusChange>* iNotifyContextStatusChangeArray;
CArrayFixFlat<TAuthorizationTokenResponse>* iAuthorizationTokenResponse; //< Holds tokens and desired responses for SIMTSY to report
CArrayFixFlat<RPacketContext::CTFTMediaAuthorizationV3>* iMediaAuthorization; //< Contains authorization token and flow Ids for verification
TInt iContextConfigParamsIndex; //< index in iContextConfigParams
TNotifyData iNotifyConfigGPRS; //< Holds the GPRS context config change notification data (a flag, TsyReqHandle and any raw data)
TNotifyData iNotifyConfigR99; //< Holds the R99 context config changenotification data (a flag, TsyReqHandle and any raw data)
TNotifyData iNotifyConfigR5; //< Holds the R5 context config changenotification data (a flag, TsyReqHandle and any raw data)
TTsyReqHandle iActivateRequestHandle; //< Request handle used for activating a context
TTsyReqHandle iDeactivateRequestHandle; //< Request handle used for deactivating a context
TTsyReqHandle iDeleteRequestHandle; //< Request handle used to complete a delete request
TBool iCommPortLoaned; //< A flag indicating whether the CommPort is loaned.
TContextEvent iCurrentEvent; //< holds the current event taking place.
TInt iActivatePause; //< duration spent in activating the context
TInt iActivateFail; //< Fail the activate request with this error
TInt iDeactivatePause; //< duration spent in deactivating the context
TInt iDeactivateFail; //< Fail the deactivate request with this error
TInt iDeletePause; //< duration spent in deleting the context
TInt iDeleteFail; //< Fail the delete request with this error
TInt iQoSObjectCount; //< used to append a number to the QoS object created
TConfigFail iSetConfigFail;
TConfigFail iDeleteTftFail;
TTftConfig iCreateTftConfig;
TConfigFail iAddPacketFilter;
TInt iSetConfigDelay;
class TNotifyContextConfigChangeData
TInt iDelay;
TInt iNewContextConfigIndex;
CArrayFixFlat<TNotifyContextConfigChangeData> *iNotifyContextConfigChangeArray;
class TSetConfigData
static TInt Find(CArrayFixFlat<TSetConfigData>* aSetConfigArray, TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TInt& aIndex);
TTsyReqHandle iTsyReqHandle;
TDesC8* iData;
CArrayFixFlat<TSetConfigData> *iSetConfigData;
class TCreateTftData
TTsyReqHandle iTsyReqHandle;
TInt iSize;
TCreateTftData iCreateTftData;
TInt iSetConfigCallCount;
TInt iContextType;
TBool iTFTChangeBool;
TBool iCommReset;
TInt iNotifyContextStatusChangeIndex;
RPacketContext::TContextStatus iCurrentNotifyContextStatusChange;
TNotificationType iNotifyContextStatusChangeType;
virtual void NTRasCallBack(TInt aStatus);
TInt ActionEvent(TContextEvent aEvent,TInt aStatus);
RPacketService::TStatus ConvertToPacketServiceStatus(RPacketContext::TContextStatus aNewState);
TInt DoActivate(); //< this is where we try to connect to a network using ntras
TInt DoDeactivate(); //< deactivates the context by clossing the comm port
TInt DoDelete(); //< deletes the context
void GetCommSetupSettingsL();
void GetContextConfigParamSettingsL(TPtrC8 aTag);
void GetActivateSettings();
void GetSetConfigSettings();
void GetPacketFilterSettings();
void GetContextConfigRel99SettingsL();
void GetContextStatusChangeSettingsL();
void GetContextConfigChangeSettingsL();
TName ContextName() const;
inline TInt ContextType() const {return iContextType; }
inline RPacketContext::TContextStatus ContextStatus() const {return iState; }
RPacketContext::TContextStatus iState; //< Holds the current state of the packet context
class TCommSetupItem
TFileName iCsyName; //< The CSY name used for comm communication
TCommConfigV01 iConfig; //< The configuration to be used with the NTRas port.
TName iPortName; //< The port to be used for read / write data read from the config file.
TName iContextName;
TBool iCommReset;
TInt iNumInitializeFailures;
TInt iErrorCode;
TInt iDelay;
class TInitContextData
TTsyReqHandle iTsyReqHandle;
TDesC8* iChannel;
TInitContextData iInitContextData;
CArrayFixFlat<TCommSetupItem>* iCommSetupArray;
virtual void TimerCallBack(TInt aId);
TCommSetupItem FindCommSettings();
TInt iLastError;
TInt iErrorCodeForGetLastErrorCause;