// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Name : CSatNotifyRefresh.cpp
// Part of : Common SIM ATK TSY / commonsimatktsy
// Refresh notification functionality of Sat Tsy
// Version : 1.0
#include <satcs.h> // Etel SAT IPC definitions
#include "CSatTsy.h" // Tsy class header
#include "CSatNotifyRefresh.h" // Class header
#include "CSatNotificationsTsy.h" // Tsy class header
#include "CBerTlv.h" // Ber Tlv data handling
#include "TTlv.h" // TTlv class
#include "CSatDataPackage.h" // Parameter packing
#include "TfLogger.h" // For TFLOGSTRING
#include "TSatUtility.h" // Utilities
#include "CSatTsyReqHandleStore.h" // Request handle class
#include "cmmmessagemanagerbase.h" // Message manager class for forwarding req.
//#include "CMmCustomTsy.h" // Custom Tsy class
#include "MSatTsy_IPCDefs.h" // Sat Tsy internal request types
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSatNotifyRefresh* CSatNotifyRefresh::NewL
CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::NewL");
CSatNotifyRefresh* const satNotifyRefresh =
new ( ELeave ) CSatNotifyRefresh( aNotificationsTsy );
CleanupStack::PushL( satNotifyRefresh );
CleanupStack::Pop( satNotifyRefresh );
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::NewL, end of method");
return satNotifyRefresh;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::~CSatNotifyRefresh
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// None
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::~CSatNotifyRefresh");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::CSatNotifyRefresh
// Default C++ constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy
) : iNotificationsTsy ( aNotificationsTsy )
// None
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatNotifyRefresh::ConstructL
// None
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::ConstructL");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::Notify
// This request allows a client to be notified of a REFRESH proactive command
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyRefresh::Notify
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
const TDataPackage& aPackage
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::Notify");
// Save data pointer to client side for completion
iRefreshV2Pckg = reinterpret_cast<RSat::TRefreshV2Pckg*>(
aPackage.Des1n() );
// Save the request handle
iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->SaveReqHandle( aTsyReqHandle,
CSatTsy::ESatNotifyRefreshPCmdReqType );
if ( iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->TsyReqHandle(
CSatTsy::ESatNotifyRefreshRequiredPCmdReqType ) )
// Check the command buffer, if both notifications are received
iNotificationsTsy->NotifySatReadyForNotification( KRefresh );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::Notify
// This request allows a client to be notified of a REFRESH proactive
// command
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyRefresh::NotifyRefreshRequired
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
const TDataPackage& aPackage
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::NotifyRefreshRequired");
// Save data pointer to client side for completion
iRefreshRequiredV2Pckg = reinterpret_cast<RSat::TRefreshV2Pckg*>(
aPackage.Des1n() );
// Save the request handle
iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->SaveReqHandle( aTsyReqHandle,
CSatTsy::ESatNotifyRefreshRequiredPCmdReqType );
if ( iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->TsyReqHandle(
CSatTsy::ESatNotifyRefreshPCmdReqType ) )
// Check the command buffer, if both notifications are received
iNotificationsTsy->NotifySatReadyForNotification( KRefresh );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::CancelNotification
// This method cancels an outstanding asynchronous
// NotifyRefresh request.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyRefresh::CancelNotification
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CancelNotification" );
// Reset the request handle
CSatTsy::ESatNotifyRefreshPCmdReqType );
// Reset the data pointer
iRefreshV2Pckg = NULL;
// Complete the request with KErrCancel
iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::CancelRefreshRequiredNotification
// Cancels the current notification request set the request handle
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyRefresh::CancelRefreshRequiredNotification
const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle
TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CancelRefreshRequiredNotification" );
// Reset the request handle
CSatTsy::ESatNotifyRefreshRequiredPCmdReqType );
// Reset the data pointer
iRefreshRequiredV2Pckg = NULL;
// Complete the request with KErrCancel
iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL
// This method completes an outstanding asynchronous
// NotifyRefresh request.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL
CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage,
TInt aErrorCode
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL");
TInt ret( KErrNone );
TBuf<1> additionalInfo;
// Unpack parameters
TPtrC8* data;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( &data );
TFLOGSTRING2("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL, dataLength: %d",
// Reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->
TsyReqHandle( CSatTsy::ESatNotifyRefreshPCmdReqType );
TTsyReqHandle reqHandleRefreshRequired = iNotificationsTsy->
CSatTsy::ESatNotifyRefreshRequiredPCmdReqType );
// Get ber tlv
CBerTlv berTlv;
berTlv.SetData( *data );
// Get command details tlv
CTlv commandDetails;
berTlv.TlvByTagValue( &commandDetails, KTlvCommandDetailsTag );
// Store command details tlv
commandDetails.Data() );
// Get command qualifier
TUint8 cmdQualifier( commandDetails.GetShortInfo(
ETLV_CommandQualifier ) );
TUint8 pCmdNumber( commandDetails.GetShortInfo( ETLV_CommandNumber ) );
// In case the request was ongoing, continue..
if ( ( CSatTsy::ESatReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle ) &&
( CSatTsy::ESatReqHandleUnknown != reqHandleRefreshRequired ) )
// Complete right away if error has occured, otherwise continue..
if ( KErrNone == aErrorCode )
// Fill the refresh structure
RSat::TRefreshV2& refreshV2 = ( *iRefreshV2Pckg )();
TInt returnValue( KErrNone );
// File list
iInternalCache = 0;
// Used in case of SimInit refresh + Imsi change
iImsiState = ENotSet;
CTlv fileListTlv;
returnValue = berTlv.TlvByTagValue( &fileListTlv,
KTlvFileListTag );
if ( KErrNone == returnValue )
// Filelist found
// File list length, -1 for number of files
TUint8 fileLength( (TUint8)( fileListTlv.GetLength() - 1 ) );
// Save file list with full path.
iFileList = fileListTlv.GetData( ETLV_Files );
// Going through all files
// Received as 8-bit, append to 16-bit
TInt i( 0 );
for ( i = 0; i < fileLength / 2; i++ )
TUint16 oneItem( 0 );
// Read 16-bit
TSatUtility::CopyTwo8toOne16LE( iFileList, oneItem, 2 * i );
// File header 8-bit
TUint8 header( TUint8( oneItem >> 8 ) );
// The TSY needs to strip the Refresh File List
// provided by the ICC to remove the paths to the files.
// '3FXX': Master File;
// '7FXX': 1st level Dedicated File;
// '5FXX': 2nd level Dedicated File;
if ( ( KRefreshMasterFileHeader != header )
&& ( KRefresh1StLevelDedicatedFileHeader != header )
&& ( KRefresh2StLevelDedicatedFileHeader != header ) )
// Append file to the file list, without path
refreshV2.iFileList.Append( oneItem );
// Check if the file list contains the EF-SST file which is cached
if ( KErrNotFound != refreshV2.iFileList.Locate( RSat::KSstEf ) )
iInternalCache |= CSatNotificationsTsy::ECacheEFSST;
// Check EF-CBMID
if ( KErrNotFound != refreshV2.iFileList.Locate( RSat::KCbmidEf ) )
iInternalCache |= CSatNotificationsTsy::ECacheEFCBMID;
else if ( KFileChangeNotification == iNotificationsTsy->
iTerminalRespData.iCommandDetails[KCommandQualifier] )
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL,\
File list missing");
// File list object is missing, return terminal resp immediately.
ret = KErrCorrupt;
additionalInfo.Append( RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem );
CreateTerminalRespL( pCmdNumber,
RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing, additionalInfo );
if ( KErrNone == ret )
// Set refresh mode
switch ( iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData.
iCommandDetails[KCommandQualifier] )
case KSimInitFullFileChangeNotification:
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::\
CompleteNotifyL, Refresh mode: Sim init \
and full file change notification");
refreshV2.iType =
iInternalCache = CSatNotificationsTsy::ECacheEFSST +
case KFileChangeNotification:
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL\
Refresh mode: File Change Notification");
TFLOGSTRING2("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL\
Number of files: %d",
refreshV2.iFileList.Length() );
refreshV2.iType = RSat::EFileChangeNotification;
if ( ( KErrNotFound != refreshV2.iFileList.Locate(
RSat::KImsiEf ) ) &&
( !fileListTlv.GetComprehensionRequired() ) )
// IMSI was part of file list, CR bit was cleared
// This is done here because client does not have
// the CR bit information available,
// Other error values comes from Client
ret = KErrCorrupt;
RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem );
CreateTerminalRespL( pCmdNumber,
additionalInfo );
case KSimInitFileChangeNotification:
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL,\
Refresh mode: Sim init and file \
change notification");
TFLOGSTRING2("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL\
Number of files: %d",
refreshV2.iFileList.Length() );
refreshV2.iType = RSat::ESimInitFileChangeNotification;
case KSimInit:
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL\
Refresh mode: Sim init ");
refreshV2.iType = RSat::ESimInit;
iInternalCache = CSatNotificationsTsy::ECacheEFSST
+ CSatNotificationsTsy::ECacheEFCBMID;
// Used in case of SimInit refresh + Imsi change
iImsiState = ERefreshSimInitReceived;
case KSimReset:
refreshV2.iType = RSat::ESimReset;
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL\
Refresh mode: Reset");
iInternalCache = CSatNotificationsTsy::ECacheEFSST +
case KUSIMApplicationReset:
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL\
Refresh mode: USIM Application Reset");
refreshV2.iType = RSat::EUsimApplicationReset;
iInternalCache = CSatNotificationsTsy::ECacheEFSST +
case K3GSessionReset:
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL\
Refresh mode: 3G Session Reset");
refreshV2.iType = RSat::E3GSessionReset;
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL\
Refresh type not set!");
// This migth be an error case
refreshV2.iType = RSat::ERefreshTypeNotSet;
// Application identifies(optional)
// If an AID TLV is present, it indicates the USIM application which
// needs to be refreshed. If it is not present, the ME shall assume
// the current USIM application needs to be refreshed.
CTlv applicationId;
returnValue = berTlv.TlvByTagValue( &applicationId, KTlvAIDTag );
if ( KErrNone == returnValue )
// Set application identifies
refreshV2.iAid = applicationId.GetData( ETLV_AID );
// Store aplication Id to member variable.
iAid = refreshV2.iAid;
// Copy parameters
(*iRefreshRequiredV2Pckg)() = (*iRefreshV2Pckg)();
ret = aErrorCode;
iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandleRefreshRequired, ret );
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteNotifyL,\
One or more of the requests not ongoing");
// Some of the request were not on, returning response immediately
additionalInfo.Append( RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem );
CreateTerminalRespL( pCmdNumber, RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd,
additionalInfo );
ret = KErrCorrupt;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::TerminalResponseL
// Response for Refresh query
// Called by ETel server, passes terminal response to DOS
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyRefresh::TerminalResponseL
TDes8* aRsp
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::TerminalResponseL");
RSat::TRefreshRspV1Pckg* aRspPckg =
reinterpret_cast<RSat::TRefreshRspV1Pckg*>( aRsp );
RSat::TRefreshRspV1& rspV1 = ( *aRspPckg ) ();
TBuf<1> additionalInfo;
additionalInfo.Append( RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem );
// Get Proactive command number
TUint8 pCmdNumber( rspV1.PCmdNumber() );
if ( RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo != rspV1.iInfoType )
additionalInfo.Append( rspV1.iAdditionalInfo[0] );
// At this point the result should be always Success
if ( ( ( KSimReset != iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData.
iCommandDetails[KCommandQualifier] ) ||
( RSat::KSuccess != rspV1.iGeneralResult ) ) &&
( EImsiNotEqual != iImsiState ) )
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::TerminalResponseL, \
S60 has done the Refresh" );
// Send terminal response
CreateTerminalRespL( pCmdNumber, (TUint8) rspV1.iGeneralResult,
additionalInfo );
// Case was not SimInit refresh + Imsi change, set back to default
iImsiState = ENotSet;
// Set flag off indicating that proactive command is not ongoing
// Normaly this is cleared after a terminal response.
EFalse );
// Case was not SimInit refresh + Imsi change, set back to default
iImsiState = ENotSet;
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteImsiChange
// Compeletes refresh request
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteImsiChange
// None
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteImsiChange");
if ( ERefreshSimInitReceived == iImsiState )
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteImsiChange, \
IMSI not equal");
iImsiState = EImsiNotEqual;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::CreateTerminalRespL
// Constructs Refresh specific part of terminal response and calls
// DOS to send the actual message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyRefresh::CreateTerminalRespL
TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
TUint8 aGeneralResult,
TDesC16& aAdditionalInfo
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CreateTerminalRespL");
// Create and append response data
TTlv tlvSpecificData;
// append result tag
tlvSpecificData.AddTag( KTlvResultTag );
// General result
tlvSpecificData.AddByte( aGeneralResult );
if ( RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd == aGeneralResult )
if ( aAdditionalInfo.Length() )
tlvSpecificData.AddByte( ( TUint8 ) aAdditionalInfo[0] );
// Prepare data
iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData.iPCmdNumber = aPCmdNumber;
TPtrC8 data = tlvSpecificData.GetDataWithoutTopLevelTag();
// Pack data
CSatDataPackage dataPackage;
dataPackage.PackData( &iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData, &data );
// Forward request to the DOS
return iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
ESatTerminalRsp, &dataPackage );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::RefreshAllowedL
// Response to RefreshRequired notify. Tells if the refresh is
// allowed by the Client.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyRefresh::RefreshAllowedL
const TDataPackage& aPackage
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::RefreshAllowed ");
RSat::TRefreshRspV1Pckg* aRspPckg =
reinterpret_cast<RSat::TRefreshRspV1Pckg*>( aPackage.Des1n() );
RSat::TRefreshRspV1& rspV1 = ( *aRspPckg ) ();
TUint8 pCmdNumber( rspV1.PCmdNumber() );
CSatNotificationsTsy::TRefreshInfo refreshInfo;
if ( ( RSat::KSuccess == rspV1.iGeneralResult ) ||
( RSat::KRefreshAdditionEFRead == rspV1.iGeneralResult ) )
// Refresh allowed
refreshInfo.iAid.Copy( iAid );
refreshInfo.iFileList.Copy( iFileList );
refreshInfo.iInternalCache = iInternalCache;
// Pack data
CSatDataPackage dataPackage;
dataPackage.PackData( &iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData, &refreshInfo );
// Send refresh request
ESatTsyServiceRequest, &dataPackage );
// Refresh not allowed by the client
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::RefreshAllowed, refresh was not \
allowed by the client");
TBuf<RSat::KAdditionalInfoMaxSize> additionalInfo;
if ( RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo != rspV1.iInfoType )
additionalInfo.Append( rspV1.iAdditionalInfo[0] );
// Send terminal response
CreateTerminalRespL( pCmdNumber, (TUint8) rspV1.iGeneralResult,
additionalInfo );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteTerminalRespDataL
// Unpacks Refresh specific part of terminal response and calls
// CreateTerminalRespL to send the actual message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteTerminalRespDataL
CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage,
TInt /*aErrorCode*/
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteTerminalRespDataL");
TInt ret( KErrNone );
CSatNotificationsTsy::TTerminalRespData* terminalRespData;
// Send terminal response
aDataPackage->UnPackData( &terminalRespData );
CreateTerminalRespL( iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData.iPCmdNumber,
terminalRespData->iAdditionalInfo );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteRequest
// Compeletes refresh request
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteRequest
CSatDataPackage* /*aDataPackage*/,
TInt aErrorCode
// Reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->
ResetTsyReqHandle( CSatTsy::ESatNotifyRefreshPCmdReqType );
TFLOGSTRING3("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteRequest.\
\n\t\t\t Handle:%d\n\t\t\t Error:%d", reqHandle, aErrorCode);
iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aErrorCode);
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteRequest. Request is \
now completed");
void CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteRequest
CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage,
TInt /*aErrorCode*/
TInt retValue;
aDataPackage->UnPackData( retValue );
// Reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->
ResetTsyReqHandle( CSatTsy::ESatNotifyRefreshPCmdReqType );
TFLOGSTRING3("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteRequest.\
\n\t\t\t Handle:%d\n\t\t\t Error:%d", reqHandle, retValue);
if(CSatTsy::ESatReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle)
iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, retValue );
TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyRefresh::CompleteRequest. Request is \
now completed");
// End of file