// * Copyright 2004 Neusoft America Inc.
// * All rights reserved.
// * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// *
// * Contributors:
// * Keith Collins (Neusoft America Inc.) original software development and additional code and modifications.
// * Thomas Gahagen (Neusoft America Inc.) additional code and modifications.
// * Zhen Yuan (Neusoft America Inc.) additional code and modifications.
// *
// * Description: This file has the implementation for the class MsgToBPCmdQueue
// * for adding and removing the BasePort Command messages from the queue.
// CommReadWriteBaseAo.cpp
/** @file CommReadWriteBaseAo.cpp
#include "CommReadWriteBaseAo.h"
#include "Portfactory.h"
#include "CsyDebugLogger.h"
#include "CsyGlobals.h"
CCommReadWriteBaseAo::CCommReadWriteBaseAo(CPortFactory* aParent,
CMux0710Protocol* aMux0710Protocol,
TInt aPriority)
* Constructor.
* @param aParent - Pointer to the parent
* @param aMux0710Protocol - Pointer to the mux protocol
* @param aPriority - Priority to set for active object
: CActive(aPriority),
iCommPort = aParent->DTEPort();
* Destructor. Delete the memory allocated by this object.
delete iBuffer;
delete iBuf;
TInt CCommReadWriteBaseAo::SetServerConfig(TCommServerConfig& aConfig)
* Set the port to use partial reads/writes or the bungee buffer.
* @param aConfig Reference to the new Comm server configuration
* @return TInt error code. KErrNone for sucess
TCommServerConfigV01& c = aConfig();
TInt res = KErrNone;
if (c.iBufFlags & KCommBufferPartial)
TInt bufSave = iBufSize;
iBufSize = c.iBufSize;
TRAP(res, SetBuffersL();)
if (res==KErrNone)
iBufFlags = c.iBufFlags;
iBufSize = bufSave;
_LOG_L4C2("<<CCommReadWriteBaseAo::SetServerConfig [res=%d]",res);
return res;
void CCommReadWriteBaseAo::GetServerConfig(TCommServerConfig& aConfig) const
* This method reads the comm server buffer configuration.
* @param aConfig Reference to location to write the Comm server configuration
aConfig().iBufFlags = iBufFlags;
aConfig().iBufSize = iBufSize;
void CCommReadWriteBaseAo::FreeMemory()
* Reduce memory allocation levels by order of the comm server.
// MAF the result is ignored?
void CCommReadWriteBaseAo::SetBuffersL()
* This method frees the buffer memory and then tries to allocate
* a smaller piece of memory. Note that this function will leave if
* the memory allocation fails.
if (!IsActive())
_LOG_L3C1("Not active - allow alloc to happen");
TInt allocLen = Align4(iBufSize);
delete iBuffer;
delete iBuf;
iBuf = NULL; // set to NULL, in case new leaves
iBuffer = NULL;
iBuffer = HBufC8::NewMaxL(allocLen);
iBuf = new (ELeave) TPtr8((TText8*)iBuffer->Des().Ptr(), allocLen, allocLen);