TEXT OF RELEASE NOTE for Wap Messaging API:Release 4:19/12/2001Pending Changelist number: 139990Releasenote.txt created and backdated using changelist information.Fixed defects: BEU-55DJG3 "4 test harnesses panic with KWapMsgPanicDescriptor " BEU-55DKCJ "Under mem leak testing: ALL the test harnesses commit an Access Violation" BEU-55HNAZ "T_WDPFullySpec has got 3 resources leaked under OOM testing" BEU-55HG9S "Bad Handle panic running T_WDPFullySpec OOM test "Release 3:10/12/2001Changelist number: 137374Changes made after code review of component.Placed error codes in Wap namespace, and made more unique.Removed non relevant comments.Replaced empty _LIT's with KNullDesC8Added a panic if non-null pointer is passed in to GetLocalAddressRelease 2:28/11/2001Change list number: 133670Second release of Wap Messaging API.All functions now implemented, and test code submitted as well.Release 1:09/11/2001Change list number: 128473Early release of new Hurricane WAP Messaging API.This is being released into the mainline now so clients can start to implement code changes against this incomplete, but frozen API, release.This is a new replacement API for part of the wapstack, but the existing APIs still remain at present, and so no clients will be effected by this components early release.The new component has been added to the gt.txt file to be build as part of the mainline.END OF RELEASE NOTE TEXT