// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).// All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".//// Initial Contributors:// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.//// Contributors://// Description:// Contains definitions for classes that implement network orientated functionality.// ///** @file @internalAll*/#ifndef CSIMNETWORKSTATUS_H__#define CSIMNETWORKSTATUS_H__#include <etelmm.h>#include <et_phone.h>#include "csimtimer.h"#include "CSimPubSubChange.h"class CSimPhone;class CTestConfigSection;/** * Implements the RMobilePhone based functions that constitute the network orientated * functionality provided by the SIM TSY. */class CSimNetworkStatus : public CBase, MTimerCallBack, MPubSubChangeCallback {public: static CSimNetworkStatus* NewL(CSimPhone* aPhone); CSimNetworkStatus(CSimPhone* aPhone); ~CSimNetworkStatus(); TInt GetNetworkCaps(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg1); TInt GetHomeNetwork(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg1); TInt GetCurrentNetwork(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg1, TDes8* aPckg2); TInt GetCurrentNetworkNoLocation(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg1); TInt GetNetworkRegistrationStatus(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg); TInt NotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChange(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg); void NotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChangeCancel(); TInt NotifyCurrentNetworkChange(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg1,TDes8* aPckg2); void NotifyCurrentNetworkChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle); TInt NotifyCurrentNetworkNoLocationChange(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg1); void NotifyCurrentNetworkNoLocationChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle); TInt GetNITZInfo(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg1); TInt NotifyNITZInfoChange(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg); void NotifyNITZInfoChangeCancel(); TInt GetCurrentServiceProvider(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg); TInt GetCurrentNetworkName(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aNetworkName, TDes8* aLocInfo); TInt GetCellInfo(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg); TInt NotifyCellInfoChange(TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,TDes8* aPckg); void NotifyCellInfoChangeCancel(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle); const CTestConfigSection* CfgFile(); RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkStatus NetWorkStatus(); inline RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus RegistrationStatus() { return static_cast<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus>(iCurrentRegStatus);};private: void ConstructL(); void TimerCallBack(TInt aId); void TimerCallBackRegStat(); void PubSubCallback(TInt aRegStat); void TimerCallBackNitz(); void TimerCallBackCellInfo(); void TimerCallBackRadioModeL(); void PopulateNetworkInfoV1(TInt aIndex,RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1& aNetInfo); void PopulateEtel3rdPartyNetworkInfoV1(TInt aIndex,RMobilePhone::TEtel3rdPartyMobileNetworkInfoV1& aNetInfo); void PopulateNitzNetworkNames(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ& aNitz);private: CSimPhone* iPhone; // < Pointer to the parent phone class. CSimTimer* iRegStatTimer; // < Pointer to the owned Registration Status timer class. CSimPubSubChange* iRegStatChange; // < Object for checking registration status change variable CSimPubSubChange* iPSRegStatChange; // < Object for checking registration status change variable using new P&S uids CSimTimer* iNitzTimer; // < Pointer to the owned NITZ timer class. CSimTimer* iRadioModeTimer; // < Pointer to the owned RadioMode timer class. CSimTimer* iCellInfoTimer; // < Pointer to the owned cell info timer class. struct TRegStatus { TInt iDuration; // < Duration of Registration Status RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus iRegStatus; // < Registration Status that will be maintained through period iDuration TInt iNetworkInfoIndex; // < Network index (into iNetworkInfo) that will be maintained through period iDuration (optional) }; CArrayFixFlat<TRegStatus>* iRegStatusInfo; // < List of network registration changes. TInt iRegStatIndex; // < Current index from the iRegStatInfo array TInt iCurrentRegStatus; // < Current Registration Status. CArrayFixFlat<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV2>* iNetworkInfo; // < List of network information. CArrayFixFlat<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV8>* iNetworkInfoV8; // < List of network information for V8 class. CArrayFixFlat<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1>* iLocationArea; // < List of location area. TInt iCurrentNetworkIndex; // < Current index from the iNetworkInfo array struct TNitzInfoAndDuration { TInt iDuration; // < Duration when this NITZ information is valid. RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ iNitz; // < NITZ information valid for above period. }; CArrayFixFlat<TNitzInfoAndDuration>* iNitzInfo; // < List of NITZ information. TInt iNitzIndex; // < Current index from the iNitzInfo array RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ iCurrentNitzInfo; TBool iRegStatChangeNotificationPending; // < Registration Status notification request outstanding TTsyReqHandle iRegStatChangeNotificationReqHandle; // < Registration Status notification outstanding request handle RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus* iRegStatChangeNotificationRegStatus; // < Registration Status notification pointer TBool iCurrNetChangeV1NotificationPending; // < Current network notification request outstanding for V1 paramater class TTsyReqHandle iCurrNetChangeV1NotificationReqHandle; // < Current network notification outstanding request handle for V1 paramater class RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1* iCurrNetChangeV1NotificationNetInfo; // < Current network notification data pointer for V1 paramater class TBool iCurrNetChangeV2NotificationPending; // < Current network notification request outstanding for V2 paramater class TTsyReqHandle iCurrNetChangeV2NotificationReqHandle; // < Current network notification outstanding request handle for V2 paramater class RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV2* iCurrNetChangeV2NotificationNetInfo; // < Current network notification data pointer for V2 paramater class TBool iCurrNetChangeV5NotificationPending; // < Current network notification request outstanding for V5 paramater class TTsyReqHandle iCurrNetChangeV5NotificationReqHandle; // < Current network notification outstanding request handle for V5 paramater class RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5* iCurrNetChangeV5NotificationNetInfo; // < Current network notification data pointer for V5 paramater class TBool iCurrNetChangeV8NotificationPending; // < Current network notification request outstanding for V8 paramater class TTsyReqHandle iCurrNetChangeV8NotificationReqHandle; // < Current network notification outstanding request handle for V8 paramater class RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV8* iCurrNetChangeV8NotificationNetInfo; // < Current network notification data pointer for V8 paramater class TBool iCurrNetChangeNoLocV1NotificationPending; // < Current network notification request outstanding for V1 paramater class TTsyReqHandle iCurrNetChangeNoLocV1NotificationReqHandle; // < Current network notification outstanding request handle for V1 paramater class RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1* iCurrNetChangeNoLocV1NotificationNetInfo; // < Current network notification data pointer for V1 paramater class TBool iCurrNetChangeNoLocV2NotificationPending; // < Current network notification request outstanding for V2 paramater class TTsyReqHandle iCurrNetChangeNoLocV2NotificationReqHandle; // < Current network notification outstanding request handle for V2 paramater class RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV2* iCurrNetChangeNoLocV2NotificationNetInfo; // < Current network notification data pointer for V2 paramater class TBool iCurrNetChangeNoLocV5NotificationPending; // < Current network notification request outstanding for V5 paramater class TTsyReqHandle iCurrNetChangeNoLocV5NotificationReqHandle; // < Current network notification outstanding request handle for V5 paramater class RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5* iCurrNetChangeNoLocV5NotificationNetInfo; // < Current network notification data pointer for V5 paramater class TBool iCurrNetChangeNoLocV8NotificationPending; // < Current network notification request outstanding for V8 paramater class TTsyReqHandle iCurrNetChangeNoLocV8NotificationReqHandle; // < Current network notification outstanding request handle for V8 paramater class RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV8* iCurrNetChangeNoLocV8NotificationNetInfo; // < Current network notification data pointer for V8 paramater class TBool iCurrNetChangeEtelIsvNotificationPending; // < Current network notification request outstanding for V2 paramater class TTsyReqHandle iCurrNetChangeEtelIsvNotificationReqHandle; // < Current network notification outstanding request handle for V2 paramater class RMobilePhone::TEtel3rdPartyMobileNetworkInfoV1* iCurrNetChangeEtelIsvNotificationNetInfo; // < Current network notification data pointer for V2 paramater class TBool iCurrentNetworkChangeLocationAreaNotificationPending; // < Current network notification request outstanding for location area class RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1* iCurrentNetworkChangeLocationArea; // < Current network notification data pointer for location area class TBool iNitzChangeNotificationPending; // < NITZ notification request outstanding TTsyReqHandle iNitzChangeNotificationReqHandle; // < NITZ notification outstanding request handle RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ* iNitzChangeNotificationInfo; // < NITZ notification data pointer RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceProviderNameV2 iServiceProvider; // < Service provider details struct TRadioMode { TInt iDuration; // < Duration of Registration Status TBool iRadioOn; // < Radio (RF) On or Off }; TRadioMode iRadioMode; CArrayFixFlat<TRadioMode>* iRadioModeInfo; TInt iRadioModeIndex; // < Current index from the radioMode array struct TCellInfoAndDuration { TInt iDuration; // < Duration when this cell information is valid. RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 iInfo; // < cell information valid for above period. }; CArrayFixFlat<TCellInfoAndDuration>* iCellInfo; // < List of Cell information. TInt iCellInfoIndex; // < Current index from the iNitzInfo array RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 iCurrentCellInfo; TBool iCellInfoChangeNotificationPending; // < Cell info notification request outstanding TTsyReqHandle iCellInfoChangeNotificationReqHandle; // < Cell info notification outstanding request handle RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9* iCellInfoChangeNotificationInfo; // < cell Info notification data pointerprivate: void SetNetworkMode(); CSimTimer* iRoamStatTimer; // < Pointer to the owned Roaming Status timer class. void FindRoamStatSettings(); class TRoamStatClient { public: TTsyReqHandle iReqHandle; TUint8* iRoamingStatus; }; TInt iRoamStatGetTimeout; CArrayFixFlat<TRoamStatClient>* iRoamStatGetClients; CArrayFixFlat<TRoamStatClient>* iRoamStatNotifyClients; };#endif