Fixed Send Message Default Handler routines according to Dejana's request.
Removed some unnecessary funtions.
// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This file implements the CIPv6ProtocolIf class, which handles the transmission
// of IPv6 data to and from the TCP/IP stack.
#include <e32hal.h> // UserHal::MachineInfo()
#include <etelpckt.h>
#include <in_iface.h>
#include <in6_if.h>
#include "RawIPNifMain.h"
#include "IPv6ProtocolIf.h"
#include <UMTSNifControlIf.h>
#define LOG_IP_ADDRESS(desc,addr) _LOG_L2C5(_L8(" " desc " = %d:%d:%d:%d from context"), \
addr[3], addr[2], addr[1], addr[0]);
CIPv6ProtocolIf::CIPv6ProtocolIf(CRawIPNifMain& aNifMain, CBttLogger* aTheLogger)
* Constructor
: CProtocolIfBase(aNifMain,aTheLogger),
* Destructor
void CIPv6ProtocolIf::BindL(TAny* aId)
* Binds protocol to the Nif
* @param aId A point the the protocol(TCP/IP)
_LOG_L1C2(_L8("CIPv6ProtocolIf::BindL [aId=%X]"), aId);
CProtocolIfBase::BindL(aId); // Call the superclass's method.
iNotify = iNifMain.Notify();
TInt CIPv6ProtocolIf::Control(TUint aLevel, TUint aName, TDes8& aOption,
TAny* /*aSource*/)
* The main function called by the TCP/IP protocol to control the interface.
* Can perform a variety of general IP tasks (such as getting IP config)
* and "3G" specific tasks (such as deleting the context).
* @param aLevel The level of the interface to control - always KSOLInterface
* @param aName The command to perform
* @param aOption Data to be input/output as a result of the command
* @param aSource The source of the command (unused)
* @return Standard error codes
_LOG_L1C3(_L8("CIPv6ProtocolIf::Control [aLevel=%d, aName=%d]"),
aLevel, aName);
if (aLevel == KSOLInterface)
switch (aName)
// General IP configuration commands are below this point.
case KSoIfInfo6:
// Gets information about the interface, such as name and MTU.
return WriteIfInfo(aOption);
case KSoIfConfig:
// Gets interface configuration, eg. IP address and DNS servers.
return WriteIfConfig(aOption);
case KSoIfGetConnectionInfo:
// Gets IAP and network information.
return WriteConnectionInfo(aOption);
case KSoIfHardwareAddr:
// unsupported because we don't have a h/w address
case KSoIfCompareAddr:
// this never actually appears to be called
// 3G-specific configuration commands are below this point.
case KRegisterEventHandler:
// Raw IP NIF Events are not supported
case KContextSetEvents:
// Raw IP NIF Events are not supported
case KContextCreate:
// We don't support creating new secondary contexts.
case KContextDelete:
// Deletes the primary PDP context. This will shut down the Nif.
return DeleteContext(aOption);
case KContextActivate:
// If the IPv6 interface is up, then the context will already have
// been activated. So this command should fail with
// KErrAlreadyExists
TUint8* ptr = CONST_CAST(TUint8*, aOption.Ptr());
TContextParameters* contextParams =
REINTERPRET_CAST(TContextParameters*, ptr);
if (contextParams->iContextInfo.iContextId !=
STATIC_CAST(TInt8, GetNifMain().GetBcaController()->Nsapi()))
contextParams->iReasonCode = KErrNotFound;
contextParams->iContextInfo.iStatus =
contextParams->iReasonCode = KErrAlreadyExists;
return KErrNone;
case KNifSetDefaultQoS:
case KContextQoSSet:
// Setting the QoS is meaningless over GPRS, so we just return that
// we don't support these operations.
case KContextTFTModify:
// As we only have one primary context, we don't support anything
// to do with traffic flow templates, which are used by secondary
// contexts.
case KContextModifyActive:
// This command is only valid aftermodifying TFT/QoS parameters.
// As we don't support any of these operations,
// this command is never valid.
return KErrNotSupported;
TInt CIPv6ProtocolIf::WriteIfConfig(TDes8& aIfConfig)
* Writes the configuration of the interface (eg. IP address, DNS servers)
* into the supplied descriptor.
* @param aIfConfig Will contain the interface configuration
* @return KErrNotSupported if an incorrect structure is passed,
* otherwise KErrNone
__ASSERT_DEBUG((TUint)aIfConfig.MaxLength() >= sizeof (TSoInet6IfConfig), User::Panic(KIPv6ProtocolIfName, 0));
if ((TUint)aIfConfig.MaxLength() < sizeof(TSoInet6IfConfig))
return KErrArgument;
TUint8* ptr = CONST_CAST(TUint8*, aIfConfig.Ptr());
TSoInet6IfConfig* config = REINTERPRET_CAST(TSoInet6IfConfig*, ptr);
TEui64Addr& localId = TEui64Addr::Cast(config->iLocalId);
localId = iSettings.iLocalIfId;
// If required, configure static DNS addresses
if (!iSettings.iPrimaryDns.IsUnspecified())
if (!iSettings.iSecondaryDns.IsUnspecified())
config->idPaddingBits = 0;
return KErrNone;
TInt CIPv6ProtocolIf::WriteIfInfo(TDes8& aIfInfo)
* Writes information about the interface into the supplied descriptor.
* @param aIfInfo Will contain the interface information
* @return KErrArgument if an incorrect structure is passed, otherwise KErrNone
__ASSERT_DEBUG((TUint)aIfInfo.MaxLength() >= sizeof (TSoIfInfo6), User::Panic(KIPv6ProtocolIfName, 0));
if ((TUint)aIfInfo.MaxLength() < sizeof(TSoIfInfo6))
return KErrArgument;
TSoIfInfo6* info = (TSoIfInfo6*) aIfInfo.Ptr();
info->iFeatures = KIfCanBroadcast | KIfCanMulticast;
info->iSpeedMetric = iSpeedMetric;
info->iMtu = KDefaultMtu;
info->iRMtu = KDefaultMtu;
return KErrNone;
TInt CIPv6ProtocolIf::WriteConnectionInfo(TDes8& aConnectionInfo)
* Writes information about the IAP and network we're associated with. This
* is used to route data in a multi-homing environment.
* @param aConnectionInfo Will contain the connection information
* @return Standard CommDB error codes
TSoIfConnectionInfo* connectionInfo =
(TSoIfConnectionInfo*) aConnectionInfo.Ptr();
TInt err;
// Append the 2 commdb filed into this descriptor
TBuf<2*KCommsDbSvrMaxColumnNameLength+1> fieldName;
err = GetNifMain().GetAgent()->ReadInt(fieldName, connectionInfo->iIAPId);
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
err = GetNifMain().GetAgent()->ReadInt(fieldName, connectionInfo->iNetworkId);
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
return KErrNone;
TInt CIPv6ProtocolIf::DeleteContext(TDes8& aContextParameters)
* Deletes a context. As the NIF is responsible for one primary context,
* this is equivalent to closing down the NIF.
* @param aContextParameters Parameters of the context to delete
* @return KErrArgument if an incorrect structure is passed, otherwise KErrNone
if (aContextParameters.Length() != sizeof(TContextParameters))
return KErrArgument;
TUint8* ptr = CONST_CAST(TUint8*, aContextParameters.Ptr());
TContextParameters* params = REINTERPRET_CAST(TContextParameters*, ptr);
if (params->iContextInfo.iContextId !=
STATIC_CAST(TInt8, GetNifMain().GetBcaController()->Nsapi()))
params->iReasonCode = KErrBadName;
params->iReasonCode = KErrNone;
GetNifMain().Stop(KErrNone, MNifIfNotify::EDisconnect);
return KErrNone;
void CIPv6ProtocolIf::ReadCommDbGprsSettingsL()
* Reads GPRS IP settings from CommDB via the agent.
// Read he DNS addresses..
ReadIPv6SettingL(TPtrC(GPRS_IP6_NAME_SERVER1), iSettings.iPrimaryDns);
ReadIPv6SettingL(TPtrC(GPRS_IP6_NAME_SERVER2), iSettings.iSecondaryDns);
// Read whether to get the DNS addresses from the server.
// Read whether to get IPv4 address from the server
// This is only needed for the integration tests. If it's true then
// the IPv4 address will be used to build up the IPv6 address.
if (iSettings.iGetIpFromServer == EFalse)
// Sets the IPv6 Link-local address from IpAddr.
// LocalId is derived from IpAddr and it's further used to set the Link-local
// address elsewhere by adding a prefix (FE80::) in front.
// For IpAddr:, link-local address will be FE80::C0A8:101.
TUint32 ipAddr;
ReadIPv4SettingL(TPtrC(GPRS_IP_ADDR), ipAddr);
const TUint8 constantId[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0,
ipAddr >> 24, (ipAddr >> 16) & 0xFF,
(ipAddr >> 8) & 0xFF, ipAddr & 0xFF };
iSettings.iLocalIfId.SetAddr(constantId, sizeof (constantId));
// Use the 64 bit id of MARM machines as our interface id
TMachineInfoV1Buf machineInfo;
// In WINS environment the id is zero which is no-no
if (iSettings.iLocalIfId.IsZero())
void CIPv6ProtocolIf::UpdateContextConfigL(const
* Called when the context has been activated to set our IP address and get
* any other required settings from CommDB.
* @param aConfig The new context config
// Get the settings which are stored in CommDB.
// Get our IP address from the GPRS context config.
TInetAddr address;
TBuf<RPacketContext::KMaxPDPAddressLength> tempAddr;
TInt ret = address.Input(tempAddr);
// We've got our IP address! Let's save it.
if (ret == KErrNone)
iSettings.iLocalAddr = address.Ip6Address();
LOG_IP_ADDRESS("Got local IP address", iSettings.iLocalAddr);
_LOG_L2C2(_L8("Couldn't get IP address from GPRS config (err: %d)"),
// Don't leave on this error: we may still be OK if we read some
// settings from CommDB.
// @todo - is this correct. We can only get the DNS addresses
// from the TSY using the iProtocolConfigOption data. Yet a client could
// access those DNS config details without knowing about the state of the
// iSettings.iGetDnsFromServer flag.
if ((iSettings.iGetDnsFromServer) ||
((iSettings.iPrimaryDns.IsUnspecified()) &&
(iSettings.iSecondaryDns.IsUnspecified())) )
TBuf<RPacketContext::KMaxPDPAddressLength> tempAddr;
ret = address.Input(tempAddr);
if (ret == KErrNone)
iSettings.iPrimaryDns = address.Ip6Address();
LOG_IP_ADDRESS("Got primary DNS", iSettings.iPrimaryDns);
_LOG_L2C2(_L8("Couldn't get primary DNS address from GPRS config (err: %d)"),
// Don't leave on this error: we may still be OK if we read some
// settings from CommDB.
ret = address.Input(tempAddr);
if (ret == KErrNone)
iSettings.iSecondaryDns = address.Ip6Address();
LOG_IP_ADDRESS("Got secondary DNS", iSettings.iPrimaryDns);
_LOG_L2C2(_L8("Couldn't get secondary DNS address from GPRS config (err: %d)"),
// Don't leave on this error: we may still be OK if we read some
// settings from CommDB.
LOG_IP_ADDRESS("Using CommDB DNS address - Primary ", iSettings.iPrimaryDns);
LOG_IP_ADDRESS(" - Secondary ", iSettings.iSecondaryDns);
void CIPv6ProtocolIf::UpdateConnectionSpeed(TUint aConnectionSpeed)
* Sets the speed metric to return to TCP/IP, based on what the TSY tells us.
* @param aConnectionSpeed Our connection speed
iSpeedMetric = aConnectionSpeed;
void CIPv6ProtocolIf::ReadIPv4SettingL(const TDesC& aFieldName,
TUint32& aIpAddr)
* Reads an IPv4 address from CommDB, via the TRP agent. It leaves if an error
* other than KErrNotFound occurs.
* @param aFieldName The name of the field to read
* @param aIpAddr Will contain the IP address
#ifdef __BTT_LOGGING__
TBuf8<256> debugBuffer;
_LOG_L1C2(_L8("CIPv6ProtocolIf::ReadIp4Setting [aFieldName=%S]"),
TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> name;
TInetAddr ip4Addr;
TInt ret = GetNifMain().GetAgent()->ReadDes(aFieldName, name);
if (ret == KErrNone)
// We've successfully read an IP address, so convert it into a number.
aIpAddr = ip4Addr.Address();
// We couldn't get the IP address, so set it to Note that we
// only leave here if we got a more serious error than "not found".
aIpAddr = 0;
if (ret != KErrNotFound)
void CIPv6ProtocolIf::ReadIPv6SettingL(const TDesC& aFieldName,
TIp6Addr& aIpAddr)
* Reads an IPv6 address from CommDB, via the TRP agent. It leaves if an error
* other than KErrNotFound occurs.
* @param aFieldName The name of the field to read
* @param aIpAddr Will contain the IP address
#ifdef __BTT_LOGGING__
TBuf8<256> debugBuffer;
_LOG_L1C2(_L8("CIPv6ProtocolIf::ReadIp6Setting [aFieldName=%S]"),
TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> name;
TInetAddr ip6Addr;
TInt ret = GetNifMain().GetAgent()->ReadDes(aFieldName, name);
if (ret == KErrNone)
// We've successfully read an IP address, so convert it into a number.
aIpAddr = ip6Addr.Ip6Address();
// We couldn't get the IP address, so set it to Note that we
// only leave here if we got a more serious error than "not found".
aIpAddr = KInet6AddrNone;
if (ret != KErrNotFound)
TInt CIPv6ProtocolIf::Send(RMBufChain& aPdu, TAny* aSource)
* Called by the protocol to send an outgoing IP packet to the network.
* @param aPdu The outgoing packet
* @param aSource The source of the packet
* @return Standard error codes
#ifdef __BTT_LOGGING__
// Return <0: an error occurred
// Return 0: no error, but don't send any more packets
return GetNifMain().SendPacket(aPdu, aSource, KIp6FrameType);
void CIPv6ProtocolIf::Info(TNifIfInfo& aInfo) const
* Called by the protocol to get information about the NIF.
* @param aInfo Will contain NIF information
// The parent class sets everything except the name...
// ...which we set here.
TInt CIPv6ProtocolIf::Notification(TAgentToNifEventType /*aEvent*/,
void* /*aInfo*/)
* The Nif will ignore any notification sent
* @param aEvent Not used
* @param aInfo Not used
return KErrNone;
void CIPv6ProtocolIf::StartSending(CProtocolBase* aProtocol)
* Indicates to the protocol layer that the NIF is ready to send packets.
* @param aProtocol A pointer to a protocol
_LOG_L1C2(_L8("CIPv6ProtocolIf::StartSending [aProtocol=%X]"), aProtocol);
TBool CIPv6ProtocolIf::WantsProtocol(TUint16 aProtocolCode)
* Indicates the type of protocol implemented by this class.
* @param aProtocolCode The protocol type
_LOG_L1C2(_L8("CIPv6ProtocolIf::WantsProtocol [aProtocolCode=%X]"),
return ((aProtocolCode & 0x00FF) == KIp6FrameType);
(void) aProtocolCode; // disable compiler warning
return ETrue;
void CIPv6ProtocolIf::Process(RMBufChain& aPdu)
* Called when an incoming IP packet has arrived. Send packets up to the
* TCP/IP stack.
* @param aPdu The incoming packet
#ifdef __BTT_LOGGING__
// Pass incoming packets up to the protocol, unless it hasn't
// been bound yet.
if (iProtocol)
_LOG_L1C1(_L8("CIPv6ProtocolIf: Packet Sent to TCP/IP Protocol!!!"));
iProtocol->Process(aPdu, reinterpret_cast<CProtocolBase*>(this));
_LOG_L2C1(_L8("WARNING: dumping incoming packet, no protocol bound"));
#ifdef __BTT_LOGGING__
void CIPv6ProtocolIf::LogPacket(const RMBufChain& aPacket)
* Logs packet information into log file.
* @param aPacket The packet
TInt mBufLength = aPacket.Length() - aPacket.First()->Length();
_LOG_L3C2(_L8("Analysis of %d byte packet:"), mBufLength);
//Note: All the constants used on this method are a pragmatic guess of the
//IP header fields. The only porpose of this method is logging.
if (mBufLength < 40)
_LOG_L3C2(_L8(" -doesn't appear to be a valid IPv6 packet (length=%d)")
, mBufLength);
// Get a pointer to the packet's payload.
const TUint8* payloadPtr = aPacket.First()->Next()->Ptr();
if ((payloadPtr[0] & 0xF0) != 0x60)
_LOG_L3C2(_L8(" - doesn't appear to be an IPv6 packet (version=0x%X)"),
(payloadPtr[0] & 0xF0) >> 4);
_LOG_L3C2(_L8(" - traffic class: 0x%X"),
((payloadPtr[0] & 0xF) << 4) | ((payloadPtr[1] & 0xF0) >> 4));
_LOG_L3C2(_L8(" - flow label: 0x%X"),
((payloadPtr[1] & 0x0F) << 16) | (payloadPtr[2] << 8) | payloadPtr[3]);
_LOG_L3C2(_L8(" - payload length: 0x%X"),
(payloadPtr[4] << 16) | payloadPtr[5]);
_LOG_L3C2(_L8(" - next header: 0x%08X"), payloadPtr[6]);
_LOG_L3C2(_L8(" - hop limit: 0x%08X"), payloadPtr[7]);
#endif // __BTT_LOGGING__