changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @internalComponent
    19 */
    21 #if !defined(__RSSTD_H__)
    22 #define __RSSTD_H__
    24 #include <cflog.h>
    25 #include <cfshared.h>
    26 #include <commschan.h>
    27 #include <rscommon.h>
    28 #include <e32property.h>
    30 class CRootServerSession;
    31 class CRootServer;
    32 class CBindManager;
    34 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRSTransientModuleInfo) : public CBase
    35 /** Helper class/structure used by the RCFThread.
    36 @internalComponent
    37 */
    38 	{
    39 	public:
    40 	~CRSTransientModuleInfo();
    41 	CRSTransientModuleInfo(const CommsFW::RCFChannel::TMsgQueues& aTxQueues, const CommsFW::RCFChannel::TMsgQueues& aRxQueues,
    42 						   RootServer::TRSHeapType aThreadHeapType, TThreadFunction aLibEntry, HBufC8* aIniDataOnRSHeap,
    43                            TThreadPriority aPriority, TUint32 aControlFlags);
    45 	static TInt ModuleThreadStartup(TAny* aArg);
    47 	private:
    48 	CommsFW::TCFModuleInfo iCFModuleInfo;
    49 	RootServer::TRSHeapType iThreadHeapType;
    50 	TThreadFunction iLibEntry;
    51 	HBufC8* iIniDataOnRSHeap;
    52 	RHeap* iHeapPtr;
    53 	TThreadPriority iPriority;
    54 	TUint32 iControlFlags;
    55 	};
    57 /** MNotifySuddenDeath is used by CModuleUndertaker to notify registered
    58 sessions of Sudden Death.
    59 @internalComponent
    60 */
    61 class MNotifySuddenDeath
    62     {
    63 public:
    64     virtual void SuddenDeath(TInt aError)=0;
    65     };
    67 class CNotifySuddenDeathContainer:public CBase
    68     {
    69 public:
    70     CNotifySuddenDeathContainer(MNotifySuddenDeath* aNotifier);
    71     void Dequeue();
    72     void Notify(TInt aReason);
    73 	TBool Match(MNotifySuddenDeath* aNotifier) const;
    74 public:
    75     TDblQueLink iLink;			// DblQue link element
    76 private:
    77     MNotifySuddenDeath* iNotifier; 	// Reference to notifier
    78     };
    80 /** The CModuleUnderTaker class monitors a thread for sudden death. If it happens it will call
    81 iNotifier->SuddenDeath().
    82 @internalComponent
    83 */
    84 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CModuleUndertaker) : public CActive
    85     {
    86 public:
    87     ~CModuleUndertaker();
    88     static CModuleUndertaker* NewL(MNotifySuddenDeath& iNotifier, RThread& aThread);
    89     void Logon();
    90 protected:
    91     void DoCancel();
    92     void RunL();
    93     void LogThreadDeath();
    94 private:
    95     CModuleUndertaker(MNotifySuddenDeath& iNotifier, RThread& aThread);
    96     MNotifySuddenDeath& iNotifier;
    97     RThread& iThread;
    98     };
   100 /** This is the main module orchestrating thread creation, loading and unloading, The class
   101 is asynchronously activated from three active objects: its own derivative, the
   102 iModuleTimer * member and the iUndertaker member. The type of action taken on a particular
   103 input is decided by its internal state, defined by iState.
   104 @internalTechnology
   105 */
   106 class CCommsProviderModule : public CActive, public MNotifySuddenDeath
   107     {
   108 public:
   109     IMPORT_C ~CCommsProviderModule();
   111     TInt Load(TRequestStatus& aStatus);			// Start module in new thread
   112     TInt CancelLoad();
   113     TInt Unload();								// Unload module
   114     TInt CancelUnload(RootServer::TRSUnLoadType aType);
   115 	RThread GetThread() const;
   116 	inline const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& GetName() const;		// Return name
   117 	inline const TFileName& GetDll() const;			// Return name of dll
   118 	inline RootServer::TRSModuleState GetState() const;
   119 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
   120 	const TText8* GetStateName() const;
   121 #endif
   122 #if defined _DEBUG || defined __CFLOG_ACTIVE || defined SYMBIAN_TRACE_ENABLE
   123 	static const TText8* GetUnloadTypeName(RootServer::TRSUnLoadType aType);
   124 #endif
   125 	inline RHeap* GetHeapPtr() const;
   126 	inline const CommsFW::RCFChannel& GetSendChannel() const;
   127 	inline const CommsFW::RCFChannel& GetRecvChannel() const;
   128     IMPORT_C virtual void SuddenDeath(TInt aReason);   // Called by iUndertaker upon thread death
   129 	inline TBool IsSticky() const;
   130 	inline TBool IsServer() const;
   131 #ifdef SYMBIAN_C32ROOT_API_V3
   132 	inline TUint32 ControlFlags() const;
   133 	inline void SetControlFlags(TUint32 aFlags);
   134 #endif
   136     // Functions for handling Sudden Death notification
   137     void RegisterSuddenDeathNotifierL(MNotifySuddenDeath* aNotifier);
   138 	void UnregisterSuddenDeathNotifier(MNotifySuddenDeath* aNotifier);
   140 	// Failure to respond promptly converts it into half-dead zombie
   141 	void Inhume();
   142     void CreateThreadL();
   143 public:
   144    	TDblQueLink iLink;	// DblQue link element
   146 protected:
   147     IMPORT_C CCommsProviderModule( RThread& aThread );
   148     IMPORT_C void ConstructL(CRootServer* aRootServer, const RootServer::TRSStartModuleParams& aParams, HBufC8* aIniData);
   150 private:
   151     virtual TInt CreateModuleThread(const TDesC& aName, TThreadFunction aOtherThreadFunction,
   152 						TInt aStackSize, RHeap* aHeap, TAny* aModuleArgs) = 0;
   153 private:
   154     void NotifyOfDeath( TInt aReason );
   155     TBool UidMatch(const TUid& aUid) const;
   156     IMPORT_C void RunL();
   157     void DoCancel() {};
   158     RootServer::TRSModuleState iState;					// Current state of module (running, starting, etc)
   160 protected:
   161 	/** Whether RootServer should deny client shutdown requests.
   162 	 */
   163 	TBool iIsSticky;
   165 	/** Whether module is being loaded as a server.
   166 	 */
   167 	TBool iIsServer;
   169 	/** Additional module control flags
   170 	    @see TRSStartModuleParamContainer::TControlFlags
   171 	 */
   172 	TUint32 iControlFlags;
   174     /** Saved for asynchronous stuff.
   175 	 */
   176     TRequestStatus* iReqStatus;
   178     /** Name of module, defined by privileged app.
   179 	 */
   180     CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF iName;
   182     /** Filename of DLL containing this module.
   183 	 */
   184     TFileName iDll;
   186     /** Handle on the DLL, kept open as long as the module is active.
   187 	 */
   188     RLibrary iLibrary;
   189     HBufC8* iIniData;
   191     /** Priority of thread.
   192 	 */
   193     TThreadPriority iPriority;
   195     /** Stack size of thread.
   196 	 */
   197     TInt iStackSize;
   199     /** Min heap size of thread.
   200 	 */
   201     TInt iMinHeapSize;
   203     /** Max heap size of thread.
   204 	 */
   205     TInt iMaxHeapSize;
   207     /** Ordinal for main threadfunction in dll.
   208 	 */
   209 	TInt iThreadFunctionOrdinal;
   211 	/** EDefaultHeap, EShareHeap(with another loaded module), ENewHeap.
   212 	 */
   213     RootServer::TRSHeapType iHeapType;
   215     /** If sharing a heap, then this is the module to share with.
   216 	 */
   217     CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF iShareHeapWith;
   219     /** Thread handle of running module context.
   220 	 */
   221     RThread& iThread;
   223     /** Active object listening for sudden death.
   224 	 */
   225     CModuleUndertaker* iUndertaker;
   227     /** Access to the root server public functions.
   228 	 */
   229     CRootServer* iRootServer;
   231     /** Sending comms channel.
   232 	 */
   233 	CommsFW::RCFChannel iSend;
   235 	/** Receiving comms channel.
   236 	 */
   237 	CommsFW::RCFChannel iRecv;
   239 	/** Registered sudden death notifiers.
   240 	 */
   241 	TDblQue<CNotifySuddenDeathContainer> iNotifiers;
   243 	/** Exitreason when module has exited.
   244 	 */
   245 	TInt iExitReason;
   246     CRSTransientModuleInfo* iThreadStartupInfo;
   247     RHeap* iHeapPtr;
   248     };
   250 class CRootServer : public CPolicyServer, public MRootServerNotify
   251 /** The main class implementing the Rootserver.
   252 @internalTechnology
   253 */
   254     {
   255 public:
   256 	IMPORT_C ~CRootServer();
   258     // Create new CRootServerSession instance
   259     IMPORT_C virtual CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion &aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
   261     // Create comms provider module and put it in list
   262     CCommsProviderModule* CreateCpmL(const RootServer::TRSStartModuleParams& aParams, HBufC8* aIniData);
   264     RHeap* FindHeap( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aName );
   266     // Retrieve Server or Provider reference by name
   267     CCommsProviderModule* FindCpm(const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aName);
   269     // Sudden Death notification. Called by Undertaker's. Call all members of iNotifier.
   270     IMPORT_C void SuddenDeath(TInt aReason);
   272     // Information, module count
   273     IMPORT_C TInt CpmCount();
   275     // Information, Enumeration
   276     TInt EnumerateModules(TInt aStartAt, CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aName);
   277     TInt EnumerateSubModules(const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModuleName, TInt aStartAt, CommsFW::TCFSubModuleNameF& aName);
   279     TInt GetModuleInfo(const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aName, RootServer::TRSModuleInfo& aInfo);
   281 	IMPORT_C virtual void LazyLoadL();
   282 	IMPORT_C virtual void ReceivedMessage(const CommsFW::TCFModuleName& aModule,
   283 							              const CommsFW::TCFMessage& aNewMsg);	// Notification of messages from modules
   284 	CBindManager* BindManager() const;	// returns a pointer to the bind manager
   286 	TInt Shutdown();
   289 	TInt Forward(const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModule, const RMessage2& aMessage);
   291 	IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsCallerConfigurator(const CRootServerSession* aSession, const RMessage2& aMessage);
   292 	IMPORT_C virtual void DisconnectSession(const CRootServerSession* aSession);
   294 	TUid iDeathKey;
   295 	TUid iLeakKey;
   296 	TUid iProcessKey;
   298 protected:
   299     IMPORT_C CRootServer(TInt aPriority, const TPolicy& aPolicy); 	// Construction
   300     IMPORT_C void ConstructL(const TRootServerStartupInfo& aRootServerStartupInfo); 			// Second level construction
   302 protected:
   303     TDblQue<CCommsProviderModule> iModules;
   304 	CBindManager* iBindMgr;
   305 	RProperty iDeathProperty;
   306 	TInt iDeathCount;
   310 	static const TUint PolicyRangeCount;
   311 	static const TInt PolicyRanges[];
   312 	static const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement PolicyElements[];
   313 	static const TUint8 PolicyElementsIndex[];
   314 	static const CPolicyServer::TPolicy Policy;
   316     TCommsProviderModuleCtor iCommsProviderModuleCtorL;
   319 	CPerfMetricStore* iPerfStore;
   320 #endif
   321     };
   323 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSessionHandler) : public CActive, public MNotifySuddenDeath
   324 /** Active session response object. Used when the session makes an asynchronous request to
   325 e.g. Binding Manager. Has access to public members of it's CRootServerSession parent.
   326 @internalComponent
   327 */
   328     {
   329 public:
   330     CSessionHandler( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
   331     ~CSessionHandler();
   332     CCommsProviderModule* GetModulePtr( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aName ) const;
   333 	virtual TInt Start() = 0;
   335 	virtual TBool CancelHandler( TBool aCompleteRequest, TBool aWaitForCompletionIfUncancelable = EFalse ) = 0;
   336 	TDblQueLink iLink;	// DblQue link element
   338 	enum TSHType
   339 		{
   340 		ESHTypeLoadCPM = 0,
   341 		ESHTypeUnLoadCPM = 1,
   342 		ESHTypeBinding = 2,
   343 		ESHTypeUnBinding = 3
   344 		};
   345 	virtual TSHType HandlerType() = 0;
   347 protected:
   348 	virtual void CompleteClientRequest( TInt aRequest );
   349 	virtual void RunL()=0;
   350 	virtual void DoCancel()=0;
   351 	void SuddenDeath(TInt aError);
   352     enum TSHState
   353 		{
   354 		ESHIdle = 0,
   355 		ESHStarting = 1,
   356 		ESHLoading = 2,
   357 		ESHUnLoading = 3,
   358 		ESHBinding = 4,
   359 		ESHUnBinding = 5,
   360 		ESHKilling = 6,
   361 		ESHCompleting = 7
   362 		};
   364 	TBool iRequestCompleted;
   365     CRootServerSession* iSession;
   366 	CBindManager* iBindMgr;
   367 	TSHState iState;
   368 	RMessage2 iMessage;
   369     };
   371 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSessionHandlerLoadCPM) : public CSessionHandler
   372 /** Small class to handle a pending operation for loading a module.
   373 @internalComponent
   374 */
   375 	{
   376 public:
   377 	static CSessionHandlerLoadCPM* NewL( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
   378 	~CSessionHandlerLoadCPM();
   379 	TInt Start();
   380 	void SetHandler( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModule );
   381 	TBool CancelHandler( TBool aCompleteRequest, TBool aWaitForCompletionIfUncancelable = EFalse );
   383 	CSessionHandler* MatchPending( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModule );
   384 	virtual TSHType HandlerType();
   386 private:
   387 	CSessionHandlerLoadCPM( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
   388 	void ConstructL();
   389 	void CompleteClientRequest( TInt aRequest );
   390 	void RunL();
   391 	void DoCancel();
   392 	void CompleteModalWaiter();
   393 	void SuddenDeath(TInt aError);
   394 private:
   395 	CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF iName;
   396 	CActiveSchedulerWait* iLoadCompletionNotificationWaiter;
   397 	};
   399 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSessionHandlerUnLoadCPM) : public CSessionHandler
   400 /** Small class to handle a pending operation for unloading a module.
   401 @internalComponent
   402 */
   403 	{
   404 public:
   405 	static CSessionHandlerUnLoadCPM* NewL( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
   406 	~CSessionHandlerUnLoadCPM();
   407 	TInt Start();
   408 	void SetHandler( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModule, RootServer::TRSUnLoadType aType );
   409 	TBool CancelHandler( TBool aCompleteRequest, TBool aWaitForCompletionIfUncancelable = EFalse );
   410 	CSessionHandler* MatchPending( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModule );
   411 	virtual TSHType HandlerType();
   413 private:
   414 	CSessionHandlerUnLoadCPM( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
   415 	void ConstructL();
   416 	void CompleteClientRequest( TInt aRequest );
   417 	void RunL();
   418 	void DoCancel();
   419 	void SuddenDeath(TInt aError);
   420 private:
   421 	CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF iName;
   422 	RootServer::TRSUnLoadType iType;
   423 	CActiveSchedulerWait* iLoadCompletionNotificationWaiter;
   424 	};
   426 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSessionHandlerBinding) : public CSessionHandler
   427 /** Small class to handle a pending operation for forbinding a module.
   428 @internalComponent
   429 */
   430 	{
   431 public:
   432 	static CSessionHandlerBinding* NewL( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
   433 	TInt Start();
   434 	void SetHandler(const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aFrom,
   435 					const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aTo, RootServer::TRSBindType& aBindType,
   436 					TInt aForwardQLength, TInt aReverseQLength);
   437 	TBool CancelHandler( TBool aCompleteRequest, TBool aWaitForCompletionIfUncancelable = EFalse );
   438 	CSessionHandler* MatchPending( const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aFrom, const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aTo );
   439 	virtual TSHType HandlerType();
   441 private:
   442 	CSessionHandlerBinding( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
   443 	void RunL();
   444 	void DoCancel();
   445 private:
   446 	RootServer::TRSBindType iBindType;
   447 	CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress iNameFrom;
   448 	CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress iNameTo;
   449 	TInt iForwardQLength;
   450 	TInt iReverseQLength;
   451 	};
   453 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSessionHandlerUnBinding) : public CSessionHandler
   454 /** Small class to handle a pending operation for unloading a module
   455 @internalComponent */
   456 	{
   457 public:
   458 	static CSessionHandlerUnBinding* NewL( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
   459 	TInt Start();
   460 	void SetHandler( const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aFrom, const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aTo );
   461 	TBool CancelHandler( TBool aCompleteRequest, TBool aWaitForCompletionIfUncancelable = EFalse );
   462 	CSessionHandler* MatchPending( const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aFrom, const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aTo );
   464 private:
   465 	CSessionHandlerUnBinding( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
   466 	void RunL();
   467 	void DoCancel();
   468 	virtual TSHType HandlerType();
   470 private:
   471 	CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress iNameFrom;
   472 	CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress iNameTo;
   473 	};
   475 class CRootServerSession : public CSession2, public MNotifySuddenDeath
   476 /** Required session object as required by the client/server framework.
   477 Implements the "Secure IPC" API.
   478 @internalComponent
   479 */
   480     {
   481 public:
   482 	IMPORT_C CRootServerSession(const CRootServer* aRootServer);
   483 	IMPORT_C virtual void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   484     IMPORT_C void SuddenDeath(TInt aError); // As required by MNotifySuddenDeath
   486 	void RegisterHandler( CSessionHandler& aHandler );
   488  	void CloseSession();
   489  	CRootServer* RootServer();
   491     RMessage2& GetMessage();
   492     IMPORT_C virtual ~CRootServerSession();
   494 protected:
   495 	IMPORT_C void Disconnect(const RMessage2& aMessage);    
   496     virtual TInt IsCallerConfigurator(const RMessage2& aMessage);    
   498     TInt LoadCPML(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   499     TInt UnloadCPML(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   501 	TInt GetModuleInfo(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   502     TInt EnumerateModules(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   503     TInt EnumerateSubModules(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   504 	TInt CancelLoadCPM(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   505 	TInt CancelUnloadCPM(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   507 	TInt Forward(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   509     TInt EnumerateBindings(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   510     TInt BindL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   511     TInt UnbindL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   512 	TInt CancelBind(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   513 	TInt CancelUnbind(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   515 	TInt Shutdown();
   517 protected:
   518     CRootServer* iRootServer;
   519 private:
   520     RMessage2 iMessage;
   521     TBool iSuddenDeathListener;
   522     RMessage2 iSuddenDeathMessage;
   523     TBool iRequestActive;
   524     TDblQue<CSessionHandler> iActiveHandlers;
   526 	//Enumeration
   527     TInt iEnumerateModulesIndex;
   528     TInt iEnumerateSubModulesIndex;
   529     TInt iEnumerateBindingsIndex;
   531 	CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress iEnumBindings;
   532 	CommsFW::TCFSubModuleNameF iEnumSubs;
   533     };
   535 #include "rsstd.inl"
   537 #endif // __RSSTD_H__