changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Defines the reference Comms Configurator
    15 //
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20  @internalTechnology
    21 */
    23 #if !defined(__C32START_H__)
    24 #define __C32START_H__
    25 #include <c32root.h>
    26 #include "c32cmi.h"
    27 #include "c32startshared.h"
    28 #include <e32property.h>
    29 #include <domainmember.h>
    30 #include <comms-infras/commsdebugutility.h>
    31 /** Subsystem name, used for logging.
    32 */
    33 __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KSubsys,"C32Start");)
    35 /** Component name, used for logging.
    36 */
    37 __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KComponent,"Events");)
    39 /** Name of the application.
    40 */
    41 _LIT(KC32StartName, "C32Start");
    43 /** Name of the Rootserver executable.
    44 */
    45 _LIT(KRootServerExe, "c32exe.exe");
    47 /** Default priority of the Rootserver executeable and
    48 thus the priority Comms Process.
    49 */
    50 const TProcessPriority KRootServerDefaultPriority=EPriorityHigh;
    52 class CCommsProcessStarter;
    53 class CBindingRef;
    55 /** Type of module.
    56 */
    57 enum TModuleType {
    58      /** A module which can only be at the top end of a hierarchical binding.
    59      */
    60      EServerModule,
    61      /** Standard Comms Provider Module.
    62      */
    63      EProviderModule
    64      };
    66 /** State of module.
    67 */
    68 enum TModuleState {
    69      /** The module is not currently loaded.
    70      */
    71      ENotLoaded,
    72      /** The module is currently being loaded by the Rootserver.
    73      */
    74      ELoading,
    75      /** The module has been loaded and is running.
    76      */
    77      ELoaded,
    78      /** The module could not be loaded by the Rootserver.
    79      */
    80      ELoadFailed
    81      /** The module is being currently Unloaded by the root server
    82      */
    83      ,EUnLoading
    84      };
    86 /** State of a binding
    87 */
    88 enum TBindingState {
    89      /** The binding is not currently active.
    90      */
    91      ENotBound,
    92      /** The binding is being set up by the Rootserver.
    93      */
    94      EBinding,
    95      /** The binding has been created and is active.
    96      */
    97      EBound,
    98      /** The Rootserver was unable to set up the binding.
    99      */
   100      EBindFailed
   101      /** Either 'end' module of the binding has failed to load, result being binding won't start
   102      */
   103      ,EBindInComplete
   104      };
   106 class CModuleRef : public CActive
   107 /** An instance of this object represents one module to be-, being- or which is
   108 loaded by the RootServer. The public inheritance of CActive
   109 */
   110 	{
   111 public:
   112 	static CModuleRef* NewLC(RRootServ& aRootServer, CCommsProcessStarter& aCommsProcess, C32CmiData& aCModuleCMIData);
   113 	~CModuleRef();
   114 	const inline TCFGroupNameF& GroupName() const;
   115 	TModuleState State() const		{ return iState; }
   116 	const TCFModuleNameF& Name() const		{ return static_cast<const TCFModuleNameF&>(iParams.iParams.iName); }
   117 	TUint32 ScaledStartupState() const	{ return iScaledStartupState; }
   118 	TBool SystemCritical() const	{ return iSystemCritical; }
   119 	TBool SystemCriticalAfterInit() const {return iSystemCriticalAfterInit;}
   121 	void Load();
   122 	TBool Resurrect();
   123 	TBool operator==(const TCFModuleNameF& aModuleName) const;
   124 	static TInt CompareScaledStartupState(const CModuleRef& aModule1, const CModuleRef& aModule2);
   126 	inline HBufC8* GetIniData() const;
   127 	inline TBool IsOnDemand() const;
   128 	inline void SetRMessage(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   129 	const RMessage2& Message() const { return iRMessage; }
   130 	void MaybeCompleteMessage(TInt aReturnValue);
   131 	void UnLoadCpm(const TCFModuleNameF& aModuleName,TRSUnLoadType aType);
   132 	void CancelUnLoadCpm(const TCFModuleNameF& aModuleName);
   133 	void CancelLoadCpm(const TCFModuleNameF& aModuleName);
   134 	void UnBindCpm();
   135 	inline void IncrementBindings() { ++iNumBindings; }
   136 	inline void IncrementCompletedBindings() { ++iCompletedBindings; }
   137 	void UpdateCompletedBinding(TInt aReturnvalue);
   138 	inline void SetHasBindings() { iHasBinding = ETrue; }
   140 protected:
   141 	void DoCancel();
   142 	void RunL();
   144 private:
   145 	CModuleRef(RRootServ& aRootServer, CCommsProcessStarter& aCommsProcess);
   146 	void ConstructL(C32CmiData& aCModuleCMIData);
   148 private:
   149 	RPointerArray<CBindingRef> iBindings;
   150 	TUint32 iScaledStartupState;
   151 	TUint iNumBindings;
   152 	RRootServ& iRootServer;
   153 	CCommsProcessStarter& iCommsProcess;
   154 	TModuleState iState;
   155 	TModuleType iType;
   156 	HBufC8* iIniData;
   157 	TRSStartModuleParams iParams;
   158 	TBool iSystemCritical;
   159 	TBool iSystemCriticalAfterInit;
   160 	TConfiguratorModuleParams iConfigParams;
   161 	RMessage2 iRMessage;
   162 	TUint iCompletedBindings; 	// when iNumBindings == iCompletedBindings, Message is completed
   163 	TBool iHasBinding;
   164 	};
   166 class CBindingRef : public CActive
   167 /** An instance of this object represents one binding to be-, being- or which is
   168 bound by the RootServer.
   169 */
   170 	{
   171 public:
   172 	CBindingRef(RRootServ& aRootServer, CCommsProcessStarter& aStartConfigProcess,
   173 				const TRSBindingInfo& aBinding);
   174 	~CBindingRef();
   175 	inline void SetState(TBindingState aState);
   176 	void UpdateCompletedBinding(TInt aReturnValue);
   177 	const TCFSubModuleAddress& FromModule() const;
   178 	const TCFSubModuleAddress& ToModule() const;
   179 	TInt BindIfReady();
   180 protected:
   181 	void DoCancel();
   182 	void RunL();
   184 private:
   185 	CBindingRef();
   186 	void ConstructL(RRootServ& aRootServer, CCommsProcessStarter& aStartConfigProcess,
   187 					TRSBindingInfo& aBinding);
   188 private:
   189 	RRootServ& iRootServer;
   190 	CCommsProcessStarter& iStartProcess;
   191 	TBindingState iState;
   192 	TRSBindingInfo iBindInfo;
   193 	};
   195 class CDeathWatcher : public CActive
   196 /** Observes the death publication and notifies the CommsProcessStarter
   197 */
   198 	{
   199 public:
   200 	static CDeathWatcher* NewL(CCommsProcessStarter& aStartConfigProcess);
   201 	~CDeathWatcher();
   202 protected:
   203 	void DoCancel();
   204 	void RunL();
   205 private:
   206 	CDeathWatcher(CCommsProcessStarter& aStartConfigProcess);
   207 	void Construct();
   208 private:
   209 	CCommsProcessStarter& iStartProcess;
   210 	RProperty iDeathProperty;
   211 	};
   213 class CStartupStateObserver : public CDmDomain
   214 /** Observes the Generic Start-up Architecture state transitions, if the GSA is available. The
   215 need to cope with its absence prevents the more obvious approach of simply deriving
   216 CCommsProcessStarter from CDmDomain.
   217 */
   218 	{
   219 public:
   220 	static CStartupStateObserver* NewL(CCommsProcessStarter& aStarter);
   221 	~CStartupStateObserver();
   222 protected:
   223 	void RunL();
   224 private:
   225 	CStartupStateObserver(CCommsProcessStarter& aStarter);
   226 private:
   227 	CCommsProcessStarter& iStarter;
   228 	};
   230 	class CRsConfiguratorServer;
   231 class CCommsProcessStarter : public CBase
   232 /** The main class orchestrating loading and binding of the Comms Provider
   233 Modules as specified by the .CMI files.
   234 */
   235 	{
   236 public:
   237 	enum TModuleState { ELoadingModule, EListeningforDeath };
   239 	static CCommsProcessStarter* NewLC(RRootServ& aRootServer, RProperty& aProperty);
   240 	~CCommsProcessStarter();
   241 	void ReadConfigAndStartAllL(const TDesC& aCMISuppressions);
   242 	CModuleRef* GetModule(const TCFModuleNameF& aModule ) const;
   243 	void NotifyLoadCompletion(CModuleRef& aModule);
   244 	void NotifyBindCompletion(CBindingRef& aBinding);
   245 	void NotifySuddenDeath(TInt aDeathCount, TInt aDeathStatus);
   246 	void NotifyStartupStateChange();
   247 	TBool ConfigurationComplete() const;
   248 	TBool InTestMode() const
   249 		{
   250 		return iTestMode;
   251 		}
   252     void PrintSummary();
   253 	void LoadOnDemandModule(CModuleRef& aModule);
   254     RPointerArray<CModuleRef>& GetModulesList()
   255 		{
   256 		return iModules;
   257 		}
   258 	RPointerArray<CBindingRef>& GetBindingList()
   259 		{
   260 		return iBindings;
   261 		}
   262 protected:
   263 	TInt UnloadedModuleIdx() const
   264 		{
   265 		return iUnloadedModuleIdx;
   266 		}
   267 private:
   268 	CCommsProcessStarter(RRootServ& aRootServer, RProperty& aProperty);
   269 	TBool SplitInt(TPtrC8 &aDes, TInt& aValue) const;
   270     TBool SplitUint(TPtrC8 &aDes, TUint& aValue) const;
   271 	void ContinueLoading();
   272     void Shutdown();
   274 private:
   275 	TInt iUnloadedModuleIdx;
   276 	TInt iModulesLoading;
   277 	TInt iModulesLoaded;
   278 	RRootServ& iRootServer;
   279 	RPointerArray<CModuleRef> iModules;
   280 	RPointerArray<CBindingRef> iBindings;
   281 	CDeathWatcher* iDeathWatcher;
   282 	TInt iDeathCount;
   283 	RProperty& iConfigurationProperty;
   284 	enum TPublicationLevel { EUnpublished = 0, EPublishedCore, EPublishedComplete };
   285 	TPublicationLevel iPublicationLevel;
   286 	// Because of monitoring startup state changes we can come through twice in the "final" state,
   287 	// but only want one summary dump (avoid deluging the user with apparent ambiguity)
   288 	__FLOG_STMT(TBool iSummaryAlreadyPrinted; )
   289 	TUint iBindCount;
   291  	TInt iInitMBufPoolSize;
   292   	TInt iMaxMBufPoolSize;
   293 #endif
   294 	TBool iTestMode;
   295 	CStartupStateObserver* iStartupStateObserver;
   296 	TBool iNeedToAckLastState;
   297 	TUint32 iScaledStartupState;
   298 	TBool iFinishedloading;
   299 	CRsConfiguratorServer* iConfiguratorServer;
   300 	};
   301 #include "c32start.inl"
   302 #endif