changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dfb7c4ff071f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <es_sock.h>
    17 #include "CS_STD.H"
    18 #include <comms-infras/sockmes.h>
    19 #include "es_flog.h"
    21 EXPORT_C TInt RHostResolver::Open(RSocketServ &aSocketServer,TUint anAddrFamily,TUint aProtocol)
    22 //
    23 // set up the sub session
    24 //
    25 /** Initialises a name resolution service provided by a particular protocol.
    27 This must be called before other object functions are used.
    29 @param aSocketServer The socket server session 
    30 @param anAddrFamily A constant identifying the protocol family 
    31 @param aProtocol A constant that identifies the protocol that provides the 
    32 name resolution service 
    33 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes. */
    34 	{
    35 	RSessionBase &s=aSocketServer;
    36 	LOG( ESockLog::Printf(_L8("RHostResolver %08x:\tOpen() tid %d"), this, (TUint)RThread().Id()));
    37 	return CreateSubSession(s,EHRCreate,TIpcArgs(anAddrFamily,aProtocol));
    38 	}
    40 EXPORT_C TInt RHostResolver::Open(RSocketServ &aSocketServer,TUint anAddrFamily,TUint aProtocol,RConnection& aConnection)
    41 /** Initialises a name resolution service provided by a particular protocol, and associates the service with the same 
    42 interface as an existing RConnection instance.
    44 This must be called before other object functions are used.
    46 Note that the association is instantaneous, in that the Host Resolver is associated with the
    47 interface that the RConnection is associated with at the present time.  This association
    48 terminates when the underlying interface goes down.
    50 @param aServer The socket server session.
    51 @param anAddrFamily A constant identifying the protocol family.
    52 @param aProtocol A constant that identifies the protocol that provides the name resolution service.
    53 @param aConnection Existing RConnection whose interface this Host Resolver will be associated with.
    54 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
    55  */
    56 	{
    57 	// passing an RConnection which doesn't belong to the same session is a serious programming error, hence panic.
    58 	if (!aConnection.SameSession(aSocketServer.Handle()))
    59 		Panic(EBadRConnection);
    61 	RSessionBase &s=aSocketServer;
    62 	LOG( ESockLog::Printf(_L8("RHostResolver %08x:\tOpen(RConnection %08x) tid %d"), this, &aConnection, (TUint)RThread().Id()));
    63 	return CreateSubSession(s,EHRCreateWithConnection,TIpcArgs(anAddrFamily, aProtocol, aConnection.SubSessionHandle()));
    64 	}
    66 EXPORT_C void RHostResolver::GetByName(const TDesC &aName,TNameEntry &aResult,TRequestStatus &aStatus)
    67 //
    68 // Get a host by name
    69 //
    70 /** Resolves a machine name to a TSockAddress asynchronously. 
    72 The server will fill in the supplied TNameEntry.
    74 @param aName The name to resolve. The format of the name and any wild-cards 
    75 supported, along with any separators in hierarchical name systems, are protocol 
    76 specific 
    77 @param aResult On return, the result of the name resolution. If more than one 
    78 result is allowed by the protocol, the client can call Next() to find any 
    79 further results. 
    80 @param aStatus Indicates asynchronous operation and, on completion, contains 
    81 an error code: see the system-wide error codes. */
    82 	{
    83 	LOG
    84 	(
    85 		const TInt KBufSize = 32;
    86 		TPtrC limitedName(aName.Ptr(), aName.Length() > KBufSize ? KBufSize : aName.Length());
    87 		TBuf8<KBufSize> name;
    88 		name.Copy(limitedName);
    90 		ESockLog::Printf(_L8("RHostResolver %08x:\tGetByName(\"%S\") tid %d"), this, &name, (TUint)RThread().Id());
    91 	);
    92 	SendReceive(EHRGetByName,TIpcArgs(&aName,&aResult),aStatus);
    93 	}
    95 EXPORT_C TInt RHostResolver::GetByName(const TDesC &aName,TNameEntry &aResult)
    96 //
    97 // Get a host by name
    98 //
    99 /** Resolves a machine name to a TSockAddress.
   101 The server will fill in the supplied TNameEntry.
   103 @param aName The name to resolve. The format of the name and any wild-cards 
   104 supported, along with any separators in hierarchical name systems, are protocol 
   105 specific 
   106 @param aResult On return, the result of the name resolution. If more than one 
   107 result is allowed by the protocol, the client can call Next() to find any 
   108 further results.
   109 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
   110 @capability Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT */
   111 	{
   113 	TRequestStatus stat;
   114 	GetByName(aName,aResult,stat);
   115 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   116 	return stat.Int();
   117 	}
   119 EXPORT_C void RHostResolver::Next(TNameEntry &aResult,TRequestStatus &aStatus)
   120 /**
   121 Get the next response if there is more than one response for a given host name (alias list)
   123 Returns the next answer asynchronously, where there is more than one response
   124 for a given host name. 
   126 For some protocols, GetByName() and GetByAddress() may find more than one answer, 
   127 for example if aliases are allowed. 
   129 @param aResult Returns the next result of the name resolution. 
   130 @param aStatus Indicates asynchronous operation and on completion contains 
   131 an error code: see the system-wide error codes. */
   132 	{
   133 	SendReceive(EHRNext,TIpcArgs(0,&aResult),aStatus); //Question - is the change is right?
   134 	}
   136 EXPORT_C TInt RHostResolver::Next(TNameEntry &aResult)
   137 /**
   138 Get the next response if there is more than one response for a given host name (alias list)
   142 Returns the next answer where there is more than one response for a given host name. 
   144 For some protocols, GetByName() and GetByAddress() may find more than one answer, 
   145 for example if aliases are allowed. 
   147 @param aResult Returns the next result of the name resolution. 
   148 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes. */
   149 	{
   151 	TRequestStatus stat;
   152 	Next(aResult,stat);
   153 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   154 	return stat.Int();
   155 	}
   157 EXPORT_C void RHostResolver::GetByAddress(const TSockAddr &anAddr,TNameEntry &aResult,TRequestStatus &aStatus)
   158 /**
   159 Get host by address (as get by name)
   161 Gets the name of a host from its address asynchronously
   164 @param anAddr The address to use 
   165 @param aResult On return, the result of the query. If more than one result 
   166 is allowed by the protocol, the client can call Next() to find any further 
   167 results. 
   168 @param aStatus Indicates asynchronous operation and on completion contains 
   169 an error code: see the system-wide error codes.
   170 @capability Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT  */
   171 	{
   172 	SendReceive(EHRGetByAddress,TIpcArgs(&anAddr,&aResult),aStatus);
   173 	}
   175 EXPORT_C TInt RHostResolver::GetByAddress(const TSockAddr &anAddr,TNameEntry &aResult)
   176 /**
   177 Get host by address (as get by name)
   179 Gets the name of a host from its address 
   181 @param anAddr The address to use 
   182 @param aResult Returns the result of the query. If more than one result is 
   183 allowed by the protocol, the client can call Next() to find any further results. 
   185 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
   186 @capability Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT */
   187 	{
   189 	TRequestStatus stat;
   190 	GetByAddress(anAddr,aResult,stat);
   191 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   192 	return stat.Int();
   193 	}
   195 EXPORT_C TInt RHostResolver::GetHostName(TDes &aName)
   196 /**
   199 Gets the name of the local host.
   201 Note that with some protocols the name of the local host is not necessarily 
   202 known at all times. In some cases, a preceding call to SetHostName() must 
   203 have been made.
   205 @param aName Returns the result of the query. The buffer passed in should 
   206 have a minimum length of 256 characters, otherwise a panic may occur: you 
   207 can use a parameter of the THostName type. 
   208 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
   209 @capability Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT */
   210 	{
   211 	return SendReceive(EHRGetHostName,TIpcArgs(&aName));
   212 	}
   214 EXPORT_C void RHostResolver::GetHostName(TDes &aName,TRequestStatus &aStatus)
   215 /** Gets the name of the local host asynchronously.
   217 Note that with some protocols the name of the local host is not necessarily 
   218 known at all times. In some cases, a preceding call to SetHostName() must 
   219 have been made.
   221 @param aName Returns the result of the query. The buffer passed in should 
   222 have a minimum length of 256 characters, otherwise a panic may occur: you 
   223 can use a parameter of the THostName type. 
   224 @param aStatus Indicates asynchronous operation and on completion contains 
   225 an error code: see the system-wide error codes.
   226 @capability Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT */
   227 	{
   228 	SendReceive(EHRGetHostName,TIpcArgs(&aName),aStatus);
   229 	}
   231 EXPORT_C TInt RHostResolver::SetHostName(const TDesC &aName)
   232 /** Sets the name of the local host.
   233 @param aName The local host name.
   234 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide
   235 error codes. 
   236 @capability NetworkControl Service restricting and stored at protocol level
   237 */
   238 	{
   239 	return SendReceive(EHRSetHostName,TIpcArgs(&aName));
   240 	}
   243 EXPORT_C TInt RHostResolver::SetOpt(TUint anOptionName,TUint anOptionLevel,const TDesC8& anOption)
   244 	{
   245 	LOG( ESockLog::Printf(_L8("RHostResolver %08x:\tSetOpt() tid %d"), this, (TUint)RThread().Id()));
   246 	return SendReceive(EHRSetOpt,TIpcArgs(anOptionName,&anOption,anOptionLevel));
   247 	}
   250 EXPORT_C void RHostResolver::Cancel()
   251 /** Cancels any outstanding asynchronous calls, which will return with error code 
   252 KErrCancel. */
   253 	{
   254 	SendReceive(EHRCancel,TIpcArgs());
   255 	}
   257 EXPORT_C void  RHostResolver::Close()
   258 /**
   261 Closes a name resolution service. If a service has been opened using Open(), 
   262 then it should be closed using Close(). This will ensure all associated resources 
   263 are released. */
   264 	{
   265 	LOG( ESockLog::Printf(_L8("RHostResolver %08x:\tClose() tid %d"), this, (TUint)RThread().Id()));
   267 	CloseSubSession(EHRClose);
   268 	}
   272 EXPORT_C void RHostResolver::Query(const TDesC8& aQuery, TDes8& aResult, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   273 /**
   274 *   Protocol - independent query. Asynchronous version.
   275 *
   276 *   @param  aQuery      contains query data. The concrete type of the data depends on protocol.
   277 *                       e.g. for tcpip it will imply DNS query.
   278 *   @param  aResult     Descriptor that will receive data. The concrete meaning of this data depends on protocol. 
   279 *   @param  aStatus     indicates asynchronous operation, on completion contains a system-wide error code
   280 *	@capability 		Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT 
   281 */
   282 {
   283     LOG( ESockLog::Printf(_L8("RHostResolver %08x:\tQuery() tid %d"), this, (TUint)RThread().Id()));
   285 	SendReceive(EHrQuery,TIpcArgs(&aQuery, &aResult),aStatus);
   286 }
   288 EXPORT_C TInt RHostResolver::Query(const TDesC8& aQuery, TDes8& aResult)
   289 /**
   291 Protocol - independent query. Synchronous version.
   293 @param  aQuery      contains query data. The concrete type of the data depends on protocol.
   294                    e.g. for tcpip it will imply DNS query.
   295 @param  aResult     Descriptor that will receive data. The concrete meaning of this data depends on protocol. 
   296 @return             system-wide error code.
   297 @capability 		Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT 
   298 */
   299 	{
   300 	TRequestStatus stat;
   301 	Query(aQuery,aResult,stat);
   302 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   304 	return stat.Int();
   305 	}
   307 EXPORT_C void RHostResolver::QueryGetNext(TDes8& aResult, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   308 /**
   310 Get the next query result. For some queries there can be more than one results. Asynchronous version.
   312 @param  aResult     Descriptor that will receive data. The concrete meaning of this data depends on protocol. 
   313 @param  aStatus     indicates asynchronous operation, on completion contains a system-wide error code.
   314                    In particular KErrNotFound means that there is no more information from resolver.
   315 */
   316 {
   317     LOG( ESockLog::Printf(_L8("RHostResolver %08x:\tQueryGetNext() tid %d"), this, (TUint)RThread().Id()));
   319 	SendReceive(EHrQueryNext,TIpcArgs(&aResult),aStatus);
   321 }
   323 EXPORT_C TInt RHostResolver::QueryGetNext(TDes8& aResult)
   324 /**
   326 Get the next query result. For some queries there can be more than one results. Synchronous version.
   328 @param  aResult     Descriptor that will receive data. The concrete meaning of this data depends on protocol. 
   329 @return             system-wide error code. In particular KErrNotFound means that there is no more information from resolver.
   330 */
   331 	{
   332 	TRequestStatus stat;
   333 	QueryGetNext(aResult,stat);
   334 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   336 	return stat.Int();
   337 	}
   339 EXPORT_C TInt RServiceResolver::Open(RSocketServ &aSocketServer,TUint anAddrFamily,TUint aSocketType,TUint aProtocol)
   340 /**
   341 set up the sub session - unlike name resolvers and net databases, services can be socket type specific.
   342 Opens a service resolver service. 
   344 Unlike name resolvers (RHostResolver) and net databases (RNetDatabase), services can be socket type specific.
   346 @param aSocketServer The socket server session.
   347 @param anAddrFamily A constant identifying the protocol family.
   348 @param aSocketType A constant that identifies the socket type.
   349 @param aProtocol A constant that identifies the protocol that provides the 
   350 service.
   351 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes. */
   352 	{
   353 	RSessionBase &s=aSocketServer;
   354 	return CreateSubSession(s,ESRCreate,TIpcArgs(anAddrFamily,aSocketType,aProtocol));
   355 	}
   357 EXPORT_C void RServiceResolver::GetByName(const TDesC &aName,TPortNum &aPort,TRequestStatus &aStatus)
   358 /** Gets a service by name asynchronously.
   360 @param aName Name of the service to get.
   361 @param aPort On completion, the port associated with the service.
   362 @param aStatus On completion, KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the 
   363 system-wide error codes. */
   364 	{
   365 	SendReceive(ESRGetByName,TIpcArgs(&aName,&aPort),aStatus);
   366 	}
   368 EXPORT_C TInt RServiceResolver::GetByName(const TDesC &aName,TPortNum &aPort)
   369 /**
   370 Get a service by name.
   372 @param aName Name of the service to get.
   373 @param aPort On return, the port associated with the service.
   374 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes. */
   375 	{
   377 	TRequestStatus stat;
   378 	GetByName(aName,aPort,stat);
   379 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   380 	return stat.Int();
   381 	}
   383 EXPORT_C void RServiceResolver::GetByNumber(const TUint aPort,TDes &aName,TRequestStatus &aStatus)
   384 /** Gets the name of the service asynchronously.
   386 @param aPort Port of the service.
   387 @param aName On completion, the name of the service.
   388 @param aStatus On completion, KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the 
   389 system-wide error codes. */
   390 	{
   391 	SendReceive(ESRGetByNumber,TIpcArgs(&aName,aPort),aStatus);
   392 	}
   394 EXPORT_C TInt RServiceResolver::GetByNumber(const TUint aPort,TDes &aName)
   395 /** Gets the name of the service
   397 @param aPort Port of the service.
   398 @param aName On return, the name of the service.
   399 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes. */
   400 	{
   402 	TRequestStatus stat;
   403 	GetByNumber(aPort,aName,stat);
   404 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   405 	return stat.Int();
   406 	}
   408 EXPORT_C void RServiceResolver::RegisterService(const TDesC &aName,const TUint &aPort,TRequestStatus &aStatus)
   409 /** Registers a new service asynchronously.
   411 @param aName Name of the service.
   412 @param aPort Port of the service.
   413 @param aStatus On completion, KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the 
   414 system-wide error codes. 
   415 @capability NetworkControl To protect against dangerous new services being added, which may steal legimate services resources */
   416 	{
   417 	SendReceive(ESRRegisterService,TIpcArgs(&aName,aPort),aStatus);
   418 	}
   420 EXPORT_C TInt RServiceResolver::RegisterService(const TDesC &aName,const TUint &aPort)
   421 /** Registers a new service.
   423 @param aName Name of the service.
   424 @param aPort Port of the service.
   425 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
   426 @capability NetworkControl To protect against dangerous new services being added, which may steal legimate services resources */
   427 	{
   429 	TRequestStatus stat;
   430 	RegisterService(aName,aPort,stat);
   431 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   432 	return stat.Int();
   433 	}
   435 EXPORT_C void RServiceResolver::RemoveService(const TDesC &aName,const TUint &aPort,TRequestStatus &aStatus)
   436 /** Removes a service asynchronously.
   438 @param aName Name of the service to remove.
   439 @param aPort Port of the service to remove.
   440 @param aStatus On completion, KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the 
   441 system-wide error codes. 
   442 @capability NetworkControl Ensure that only privileged apps can remove information from the service resolver */
   443 	{
   444 	SendReceive(ESRRemoveService,TIpcArgs(&aName,aPort),aStatus);
   445 	}
   448 EXPORT_C TInt RServiceResolver::RemoveService(const TDesC &aName,const TUint &aPort)
   449 /** Removes a service.
   451 @param aName Name of the service.
   452 @param aPort Port of the service.
   453 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
   454 @capability NetworkControl Ensure that only privileged apps can remove information from the service resolver */
   455 	{
   457 	TRequestStatus stat;
   458 	RemoveService(aName,aPort,stat);
   459 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   460 	return stat.Int();
   461 	}
   463 EXPORT_C void RServiceResolver::Cancel()
   464 /** Cancels any pending request. */
   465 	{
   466 	SendReceive(ESRCancel,TIpcArgs());
   467 	}
   469 EXPORT_C void RServiceResolver::Close()
   470 /**
   471 Closes a service resolver service
   473 If a service has been opened using Open(), 
   474 then it should be closed using Close(). This will ensure all associated resources 
   475 are released. */
   476 	{
   478 	CloseSubSession(ESRClose);
   479 	}
   481 EXPORT_C TInt RNetDatabase::Open(RSocketServ &aSocketServer,TUint anAddrFamily,TUint aProtocol)
   482 //
   483 // set up the sub session
   484 //
   485 /** Initialises a database access service provided by a particular protocol. It 
   486 must be called before other object functions are used.
   488 @param aSocketServer The socket server session 
   489 @param anAddrFamily A constant identifying the protocol family 
   490 @param aProtocol A constant that identifies the protocol that provides the 
   491 database access service 
   492 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes. */
   493 	{
   494 	RSessionBase &s=aSocketServer;
   495 	return CreateSubSession(s,ENDCreate,TIpcArgs(anAddrFamily,aProtocol));
   496 	}
   498 EXPORT_C void RNetDatabase::Query(const TDesC8 &aQuery,TDes8 &aResult,TRequestStatus &aStat)
   499 /** Makes a query to the database asynchronously.
   501 @param aQuery The query to perform 
   502 @param aResult The result of the query 
   503 @param aStat Indicates asynchronous operation and on completion contains an 
   504 error code: see the system-wide error codes.
   505 @capability Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT */
   506 	{
   507 	SendReceive(ENDQuery,TIpcArgs(&aQuery,Max(aQuery.Length(),aResult.Length()),&aResult),aStat);
   508 	}
   510 EXPORT_C TInt RNetDatabase::Query(const TDesC8 &aQuery,TDes8 &aResult)
   511 //
   512 // unfortunately this API must be so general.
   513 //
   514 /** Makes a query to the database.
   516 @param aQuery The query to perform 
   517 @param aResult The result of the query 
   518 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
   519 @capability Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT */
   520 	{
   522 	TRequestStatus stat;
   523 	Query(aQuery,aResult,stat);
   524 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   525 	return stat.Int();
   526 	}
   528 EXPORT_C void RNetDatabase::Add(const TDesC8& anItem,TRequestStatus& aStat)
   529 /** Adds a record to the database asynchronously.
   531 @param anItem The record to add 
   532 @param aStat Indicates asynchronous operation and on completion contains an 
   533 error code: see the system-wide error codes.
   534 @capability Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT */
   535 	{
   536 	SendReceive(ENDAdd,TIpcArgs(&anItem,anItem.Length()),aStat);
   537 	}
   539 EXPORT_C TInt RNetDatabase::Add(const TDesC8& anItem)
   540 /** Adds a record to the database.
   542 @param anItem The record to add 
   543 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
   544 @capability Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT  */
   545 	{
   546 	TRequestStatus stat;
   547 	Add(anItem,stat);
   548 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   549 	return stat.Int();
   550 	}
   552 EXPORT_C void RNetDatabase::Remove(const TDesC8& anItem,TRequestStatus& aStat)
   553 /** Removes a record from the database asynchronously.
   555 @param anItem The record to remove 
   556 @param aStat Indicates asynchronous operation and on completion contains an 
   557 error code: see the system-wide error codes.
   558 @capability Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT  */
   559 	{
   560 	SendReceive(ENDRemove,TIpcArgs(&anItem,anItem.Length()),aStat);
   561 	}
   563 EXPORT_C TInt RNetDatabase::Remove(const TDesC8& anItem)
   564 /** Removes a record from the database.
   566 @param anItem The record to remove 
   567 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
   568 @capability Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT  */
   569 	{
   570 	TRequestStatus stat;
   571 	Remove(anItem,stat);
   572 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   573 	return stat.Int();
   574 	}
   576 EXPORT_C void RNetDatabase::Cancel()
   577 /** Cancels any outstanding asynchronous calls, which will return with error code 
   578 KErrCancel. */
   579 	{
   580 	SendReceive(ENDCancel,TIpcArgs());
   581 	}
   583 EXPORT_C void RNetDatabase::Close()
   584 /** Closes a database access service. If a service has been opened using Open(), 
   585 then it should be closed using Close(). This will ensure all associated resources 
   586 are released. */
   587 	{
   588 	CloseSubSession(ENDClose);
   589 	}