changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @internalComponent 
    19 */
    21 #if !defined(__SS_ROLES_H__)
    22 #define __SS_ROLES_H__
    24 #include <elements/sd_roles.h>
    25 #include <ss_std.h>
    26 #include <comms-infras/ss_thread.h>
    27 #include <ss_pman.h>
    28 #include <comms-infras/ss_nodeinterfaces.h>
    29 #include <elements/cftransport.h>
    31 class CPlayer;
    32 class CWorkerThread;
    33 class MShimControlClient;
    34 class CommsFW::COwnEntryList;
    35 class TWorkerTierMappingsLoaded;
    37 namespace CommsDat
    38 {
    39 	class CMDBSession;
    40 }
    42 /** Socket type values equal to or greater than this constant are reserved for internal use
    43 */
    44 const TUint KReservedSockTypesBase=0x80000000;
    46 /** Used internally to identify tier entries in the protocol pairing lists
    47 */
    48 const TUint KTierEntryProxyAddrFam=0xFFFFFFFD;
    49 const TUint KTierEntryProxySockType=0xFFFFFFFD;
    50 const TUint KTierEntryLoadCompleteProtocolType=0x0;
    52 /** Used internally to identify specific Player roles in the protocol pairing lists
    53 */
    54 const TUint KPlayerRoleProxyAddrFam=0xFFFFFFFC;
    55 const TUint KPlayerRoleProxySockType=0xFFFFFFFC;
    56 const TUint KPlayerRoleTierResolver=0;
    58 namespace ESock
    59 	{
    60 	class CCommsFactoryContainer;
    61 	class RTierThreadMap;
    62 	}
    64 /**
    65 @class CPitBoss
    66 The PitBoss has responsibility for global resources and gross error handling (panics, etc).
    67 The Pit Boss thread must be started by the Configurator before any worker threads. The ESock
    68 instance loading it must be the only one having the WorkerId 0 (TWorkerThreadInfo::EMainThread).
    69 The PitBoss has two main responsibilities:
    70     -# Maintain global data structures, accessible to all Workers to which the PitBoss pointer is published (through the TWorkerMainIntroductionMsg). Mostly the workers will access this data using PitBoss access functions which are thread-safe, taking special measures to guarantee this where needed.
    71     -# Manage Worker thread start and death: Registering Workers and installing protocols when they start and do a best effort cleanup if they die due to some error condition.
    73 Apart from these, the PitBoss also provides some minor but important services. For example as
    74 all ESock instances can have their own heap sometimes it happens that one Worker needs to do
    75 something that might cause allocation or freeing on another workers heap, such as inserting a
    76 sub-session into a Dealers session. So the PitBoss offer a function that can determine whether
    77 a different heap is needed (maybe the two workers have different heaps, maybe they share one heap)
    78 and does the switch.
    79 It also has AddSubSession() and RemoveSubSession() methods used by the Player, assuring this
    80 happens on the right heap for operations like Socket Transfers.
    81 */
    82 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPitBoss) : public Den::CCommonPitBoss
    83 	{
    84 public:
    85 	static CPitBoss* NewL(CWorkerThread* aOwnerThread);
    86 	~CPitBoss();
    88 	TBool GetWorkerForProtocol(TUint aAddrFamily, TUint aSockType, TUint aProtocol, CommsFW::TWorkerId& aWorker) const;
    89 	TBool GetWorkerForTier(TInt aTierId, CommsFW::TWorkerId& aWorker) const;
    90 	inline TBool TierMappingsLoaded() const;
    91 	void RequestLoadTierMapping();
    92 	void OnTierMappingLoadedL(const TWorkerTierMappingsLoaded* aMappingMsg, CommsFW::TWorkerId aSenderId);
    94 	inline TBool GetWorkerForPlayerRole(TUint aRoleId, CommsFW::TWorkerId& aWorker) const;
    95 	TBool GetWorkerForProtocol(TUint aIndex, CommsFW::TWorkerId& aWorker) const;
    96 	TBool GetWorkerForProtocolByName(const TProtocolName& aName, CommsFW::TWorkerId& aWorker) const;
    97 	TBool GetWorkerForNullSocket(CommsFW::TWorkerId& aWorker) const;
    98 	TUint GetNumProtocols();
    99 	TInt GetLocalProtocolIndex(TInt aPitBossIndex) const;
   101 	TBool FindOptimalDealer(const TSessionPref& aPref, Den::CCommonWorkerDealer*& aDealer);
   102 	const CommsFW::COwnEntryList* GetCompleteList();
   104 private:
   105 	/**
   106 	@class CPitBoss::TProtocolPairing
   107 	Protocol pairings couple a protocol description (address family, socket type, protocol number & name)
   108 	to the Worker thread(s) that host it (indexed by TSubSessInfo::TSubSessionPlane).
   109 	It implements a single linked list in that is also contains a pointer
   110 	to the next pairing. So all worker threads can access this list of pairings, but still avoid
   111 	locking, workers are allowed to read from the list. The only thread allowed to insert/modify
   112 	the list is the one containing the PitBoss (ESock_Main).
   113 	Non-protocol objects such as tier managers and the tier resolver are also indexed by this scheme,
   114 	using reserved negative values for the address family & socket type.
   115 	*/
   116 	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TProtocolPairing)
   117 		{
   118 	public:
   119 		TUint iAddrFamily;				//< Address Family
   120 		TUint iSockType;				//< Socket Type
   121 		TUint iProtocol;				//< Protocol Number
   122 		TProtocolName iName;			//< Name of protocol
   123 		CommsFW::TWorkerId iWorkerId;			//< Worker ID for each plane-thread supporting this protocol/addr/sock_type
   124 		TProtocolPairing* iNextPair;	//< Next pairing in the list
   125 		TProtocolPairing* iNextDead;	//< Removed protocols (eg owning Player died) are queued in a separate dead list
   126 		};
   128 	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TProtocolPairingOwner)
   129 		{
   130 	public:
   131 		TProtocolPairingOwner();
   132 		void Append(TProtocolPairing* aNode);
   133 		void Release();
   134 	public:
   135 		TProtocolPairing* iHead;
   136 		};
   138 private:
   139 	CPitBoss(CWorkerThread* aOwnerThread);
   140 	void ConstructL();
   141 	virtual void DoOnCPMsConfigured();
   142 	virtual void DoOnPeerDeath(CommsFW::TWorkerId aWorkerId);
   143 	virtual TInt DoCreateRedShirt(RThread& aRedShirt, CommsFW::TWorkerId aWorkerId, Den::CCommonWorkerThread& aDeadWorker);
   144 	virtual void DoProcessWorkerIntroductionL(const Den::TWorkerIntroductionMsg& aMsg);
   145 	virtual void DoFreeWorkerReferences(CommsFW::TWorkerId aWorkerId);
   147 	TProtocolPairing* FindProtocolPairing(TUint aAddrFamily, TUint aSockType, TUint aProtocol) const;
   148 	void AddProtocolToListL(TUint aAddrFamily, TUint aSockType, TUint aProtocol, const TProtocolName& aName, CommsFW::TWorkerId aWorker, TProtocolPairingOwner& aList);
   149 	void PopulateAndAddProtocolPairListL(TProtocolName& tierDesc, ESock::RTierThreadMap* map);
   150 	void IncorporateProtocolListL(TProtocolPairingOwner& aList);
   151 	void AddTierPairingToListL(TInt aTierUid, const TDesC& aTierName, CommsFW::TWorkerId aWorker, TProtocolPairingOwner& aList);
   152 	inline void AddPlayerRolePairingL(TUint aRoleId, const TDesC& aRoleDesc, CommsFW::TWorkerId aWorker, TProtocolPairingOwner& aList);
   153 	void RemoveProtocolPairingsForWorker(CommsFW::TWorkerId aWorkerId);
   154 	void SendLoadTierMappingRequest();
   156 	void AddFactoryProxyProtocols(const ESock::CCommsFactoryContainer& aFC, const TDesC& aFCName, CommsFW::TWorkerId aWorkerId);
   157 	void AddPendingIntroductionResponse();
   158 	void RemovePendingIntroductionResponse();
   159 	void FreeWorkerReferences(CommsFW::TWorkerId aWorkerId);
   162 private:
   163 	/**
   164 	When the main thread starts it will search the drives for a complete list of .ESK files and stores them here.
   165 	A pointer to the list will later be sent to workers upon binding, with TWorkerMsg::EMainIntroduction. This way
   166 	there will only ever be one scan for .ESK files on the filesystem. */
   167 	CommsFW::COwnEntryList* iCompleteEskList;
   169 	/**
   170 	List of "protocol pairings" is a lookup list for Workers, mainly Dealers, who need to search for
   171 	specific protocols by name or number and possibly look up the Player that supports the protocols.
   172 	@see ::AddProtocolPairingL
   173 	@see ::FindProtocolPairing
   174 	@see ::RemoveProtocolPairingsForWorker
   175 	*/
   176 	TProtocolPairing* iProtocolPairHead;
   178 	/**
   179 	List of pairings no longer supported by any active Player.
   180 	@see ::RemoveProtocolPairingsForWorker
   181 	*/
   182 	TProtocolPairing* iDeadPairHead;
   184 	/** The mapping of tiers to the worker threads to host their managers is loaded by the tier resolver upon demand,
   185 	with a little complexity from the interplay of roles
   186 	*/
   187 	enum TLoadTierMappingPhase
   188 		{
   189 		EStart = 0,			// not yet requested
   190 		EDealerRequest,		// one or more Dealers asked, request not yet issued to tier resolver (during boot)
   191 		EResolverRequested,	// request sent to tier resolver
   192 		EComplete			// response from tier resolver digested
   193 		};
   194 	TLoadTierMappingPhase iLoadTierMappingPhase;
   195 	CommsFW::TWorkerId iDefaultOptimalDealer;
   196 	};
   198 /**
   199 Represents the session for Player-side actions, such as tracking protocol
   200 references and session observers. Has responsibility for handling session
   201 close, including signalling close complete back to the Dealer
   202 */
   203 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSockSessionProxy) : public Den::CCommonSessionProxy
   204 	{
   205 public:
   206 	static CSockSessionProxy* NewL(Den::CWorkerSession* aSockSession, CPlayer& aPlayer);
   207 	~CSockSessionProxy();
   209 	void AddProtocolL(CProtocolBase* aProtocol);
   210 	void RemoveProtocolL(CProtocolBase* aProtocol);
   212 private:
   213 	CSockSessionProxy(Den::CWorkerSession* aSockSession, CPlayer& aPlayer);
   214 	void ConstructL();
   216 private:
   217 	CArrayFixFlat<CProtocolBase*>* iProtocols;
   218 	};
   220 /**
   221 @class CPlayer
   222 The main responsibility of the Player is receiving the provider operations/queries
   223 from the Dealer and serving them using the protocol plug-ins.
   224 It is also responsible for adding/removing sub-sessions from the provider container
   225 in the related session object as well as keeping a list of all sub-sessions handled
   226 by the Player instance (iSubSessions).
   227 */
   228 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPlayer) : public Den::CCommonPlayer
   229 	{
   230 	friend class CWorkerThread;
   232 public:
   233 	static CPlayer* NewL(CWorkerThread* aOwnerThread, Den::TPlayerRole aPlayerRole);
   234 	~CPlayer();
   236 	CSockSubSession* SubSession(const Den::TSubSessionUniqueId& aSubSessionUniqueId) const;
   237 	CSockSession* CurrentSession() const;
   238 	CWorkerThread& WorkerThread() const;
   240 	TInt ProtocolInfo(TUint aIndex, TProtocolDesc& aProtocol);
   242 	// A Player may not support all kinds of behaviour, eg control + data may be provided by separate threads
   243 	// In future real-time data threads
   244 	inline TBool HasDataPlane() const;
   245 	inline TBool HasSubConnPlane() const;
   246 	inline TBool HasConnPlane() const;
   247 	inline TBool HasMetaConnPlane() const;
   248 	inline TBool HasTierMgrPlane() const;
   249 	inline TBool HasTierResolver() const;
   251 	ESock::CSocket* NewSocketL(TBool aCompleteClientRequest, TInt& aHandle);
   252 	void DeleteSocket(ESock::CSocket& aSocket);
   254 	virtual TBool IsPlayerShutdownComplete();
   255 	virtual void DoProcessMessageL(const Den::RSafeMessage& aMsg, Den::CWorkerSubSession* aSubSession);
   256 	Den::CCommonSessionProxy* DoCreateSessionProxyL(Den::CWorkerSession* aSession);
   258 	inline CSockSessionProxy* CurrentSessionProxyL();
   259 	inline CSockManData* SockManGlobals() const;
   261 	TDes8* BorrowTemporaryBuffer(TInt aSize);
   262 #ifdef _DEBUG
   263 	TBool RunPostBootChecks();
   264 #endif
   265 protected:
   266 	TInt WriteSubSessionHandle(TInt aHandle);
   268 private:
   269 	CPlayer(CWorkerThread* aOwnerThread, Den::TPlayerRole aPlayerRole);
   270 	void ProtocolInfo();
   271 	void ProtocolInfoByName();
   272 	TInt ProtocolInfo(const TDesC &aName,TServerProtocolDesc &aProtocol);
   274 private:
   275 	void CommsApiExtBindIfaceL(const RMessage2& aMessage, CSockSubSession& aSubSession);
   276 	void CommsApiExtIfaceSendReceiveL(const RMessage2& aMessage, CSockSubSession& aSubSession);
   277 	void CloseExtensionInterface(const RMessage2& aMessage, CSockSubSession& aSubSession);
   278 	ESock::CSocket* NewSocketL(TUint anAddrFamily, TUint aSocketType, TUint aProtocol);
   279 	void NewSocketDefaultL();
   280 	void NewSocketWithConnectionL();
   281 	void TransferSocketL(ESock::CSocket* aSocket);
   282 	void LoadProtocolL(TUint anAddrFamily,TUint aSocketType,TUint aProtocol);
   283 	void UnLoadProtocolL(TUint anAddrFamily,TUint aSocketType,TUint aProtocol);
   284 	ESock::CHostResolver* NewHostResolverL(TUint anAddrFamily,TUint aSocketType);
   285 	void NewHostResolverDefaultL(TUint anAddrFamily,TUint aSocketType);
   286 	void NewHostResolverWithConnectionL(TUint anAddrFamily,TUint aSocketType, TInt aHandle);
   287 	void NewServiceResolverL(TUint anAddrFamily,TUint aSocketType,TUint aProtocol);
   288 	void NewNetDatabaseL(TUint anAddrFamily,TUint aSocketType);
   289 	void NewSocketWithSubConnectionL();
   290 	ESock::CSubConnection* NewSubConnectionWithConnectionL();
   291 	ESock::CSubConnection* NewSubConnectionL(ESock::CConnection& aConnection);
   292 	MShimControlClient* CSubConnectionProviderFromHandleL(ESock::CConnection& aConnection, TSubConnectionUniqueId aSubConnectionUniqueId);
   294 	void NewConnectionL();
   295 	void NewConnectionWithNameL(CSockSubSession* aSubSession);
   296 	void SetupNewConnectionL(ESock::CConnection* aConn);
   298 	void FreeSocketMemory();
   299 	void InstallExtensionL();
   301 	void SendToSocketL(TInt aHandle);
   303 private:
   304 	RBuf8 iTransferBuffer;
   305 	};
   307 #include <comms-infras/ss_roles.inl>
   309 #endif //__SS_ROLES_H__