changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
child 14 8b5d60ce1e94
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dfb7c4ff071f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // SS_CONN.CPP
    15 // 
    16 //
    17 #include "ss_connselect.h"
    19 #include <comms-infras/ss_log.h>
    20 #include "SS_conn.H"
    21 #include <comms-infras/esock_params_internal.h>
    22 #include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_selector.h>
    24 #include <elements/nm_messages_base.h>
    25 #include <elements/nm_messages_peer.h>
    27 #include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_dataclient.h>
    28 #include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_factory.h>
    29 #include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_internal.h>
    32 #ifdef _DEBUG
    33 // Panic category for "absolutely impossible!" vanilla ASSERT()-type panics from this module
    34 // (if it could happen through user error then you should give it an explicit, documented, category + code)
    35 _LIT(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, "ESockSSockscnslc");
    36 #endif
    38 using namespace ESock;
    39 using namespace Messages;
    40 using namespace MeshMachine;
    42 //
    43 //CSelectionRequest
    44 CSelectionRequest* CSelectionRequest::NewL(const TRuntimeCtxId& aRequestingClient, const TNodeId& aTierManagerId)
    45 	{
    46 	CSelectionRequest* self = new (ELeave) CSelectionRequest(aRequestingClient,aTierManagerId);
    48 	NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest::NewL"));
    49 	NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("[this=0x%08x]"), self));
    50 	NM_LOG_ADDRESS_EXT(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), aRequestingClient, _L8("Client:"));
    51 	NM_LOG_ADDRESS_EXT(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), aTierManagerId, _L8("TierMgr:"));
    52 	NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
    53 	return self;
    54 	}
    56 CSelectionRequest::CSelectionRequest(const TRuntimeCtxId& aRequestingClient, const TNodeId& aTierManagerId)
    57 :	Messages::ASimpleNodeIdBase(),
    58 	TIfStaticFetcherNearestInHierarchy(this),
    59 	iTierManagerId(aTierManagerId),
    60 	iSelectionStatus(EIdle),
    61 	iPlatsecApiExt(NULL)
    62 	{
    63 	LOG_NODE_CREATE(KESockMetaConnectionTag, CSelectionRequest);
    64 	iRequestingNode.Open(address_cast<TNodeId>(aRequestingClient));
    65 	iRequest.Open(iRequestingNode, aRequestingClient);
    66 	}
    68 CSelectionRequest::~CSelectionRequest()
    69 	{
    70 	if (iPlatsecApiExt != NULL)
    71 		delete iPlatsecApiExt;
    74 	iRequestingNode.Close();
    76 	//Properly handled CSR should either complete the request or be cancelled before being destroyed.
    77 	//If the requesting client wants to cancel its request with this CSR, it sends a cancel message.
    78 	//The cancel message is processed (all active requests are being cancelled) and when all complete
    79 	//with error (or select complete) messages, then the error is being send to the requesting client.
    80 	//The requesting client must wait for this error (confirmation to its cancel message) and then
    81 	//it can destroy this CSR, not earlier.
    82 	//This is why we must make sure that iActiveRequests is empty.
    83 	//If this ASSERT fires in your case, make sure that the requesting client obeys the above mentioned
    84 	//protocol.
    85 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iActiveRequests.Count()==0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 1));
    86 	iActiveRequests.Close();
    88 	//The client decided to destroy us.
    89 	//Regardless if we received or didn't receive TSelect, iTopMcprId must be empty now.
    90 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iTopMcprId.IsNull(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 2));
    91 	LOG_NODE_DESTROY(KESockMetaConnectionTag, CSelectionRequest);
    92 	}
    94 //The entry point to the selector. It may be replaced by the mesh machine in the future.
    95 void CSelectionRequest::ReceivedL(const TRuntimeCtxId& aSender, const TNodeId& /*aRecipient*/, TSignatureBase& aCFMessage)
    96     {
    97 	if (TEBase::ERealmId == aCFMessage.MessageId().Realm())
    98 		{
    99 		switch (aCFMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
   100 			{
   101 		case TEBase::TCancel::EId :
   102 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequestingNode == aSender, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 3));
   103 			Cancel();
   104 			break;
   105 		case TEBase::TError::EId:
   106 			{
   107 			if (iSelectionStatus==ERequestingCommsBinder)
   108 				{
   109 				CommsBinderRequestError(aSender, message_cast<TEBase::TError>(aCFMessage));
   110 				}
   111 			else
   112 				{
   113 				TEBase::TError& error = message_cast<TEBase::TError>(aCFMessage);
   114 				if (error.iMsgId == TCFSelector::TSimpleSelect::Id()
   115 					|| error.iMsgId == TCFSelector::TSelect::Id())
   116 					{
   117 					//TSelect may be used by CConnection or the TopMcpr
   118 					//In both cases the control client must leave on an error.
   119 					TInt idx = FindActiveRequest(aSender);
   120 					if (idx != KErrNotFound && !(iActiveRequests[idx].Flags() & TClientType::ELeaving))
   121 						{
   122 						RNodeInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), aSender, TEChild::TLeft().CRef());
   123 						iActiveRequests[idx].SetFlags(TClientType::ELeaving);
   124 						}
   126 					if (aSender == iTopMcprId)
   127 						{
   128 						iTopMcprId.SetNull();
   129 						}
   130 					}
   131 				SelectionError(aSender, error.iValue);
   132 				}
   133 			}
   134 			break;
   135 		default:
   136 //TODO - logging
   137 			NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest:ReceivedL"));
   138 			NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("[this=0x%08x] ERROR: KErrNotSupported "), this));
   139 			NM_LOG_MESSAGE(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), aCFMessage);
   140 			NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
   141 	    		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequestingNode==aSender, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 4));
   143 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 5)); //For debug configurations
   144 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); //For release configurations
   145 			}
   146 		}
   147 	else if ( aCFMessage.IsMessage<TEChild::TDestroy>() )
   148 		{
   149 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequestingNode==aSender, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 6));
   150 		InitialiseDestroy();
   151 		}
   152 	else if (TEPeer::ERealmId == aCFMessage.MessageId().Realm())
   153 		{
   154 		switch (aCFMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
   155 			{
   156 		case TEPeer::TLeaveComplete::EId:
   157 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(aSender==iTopMcprId || iTopMcprId.IsNull(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 7));
   158 			iTopMcprId.SetNull();
   159 			delete this;
   160 			break;
   161 		default:
   162 //TODO - logging
   163 			NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest:ReceivedL"));
   164 			NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("[this=0x%08x] ERROR: KErrNotSupported "), this));
   165 			NM_LOG_MESSAGE(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), aCFMessage);
   166 			NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
   168 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 8)); //For debug configurations
   169 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); //For release configurations
   170 			}
   171 		}
   172 	else if (TCFSelector::ERealmId == aCFMessage.MessageId().Realm())
   173 		{
   174 		switch (aCFMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
   175 			{
   176     	case TCFSelector::TSelect::EId:
   177     		__ASSERT_DEBUG(aSender == iRequestingNode.RecipientId(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 9));
   178     		SelectConnPrefList(message_cast<const TCFSelector::TSelect>(aCFMessage).iConnPrefList);
   179     		break;
   181 		case TCFSelector::TSimpleSelect::EId:
   182 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequestingNode == aSender, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 10));
   183 			iRequest.Open(iRequestingNode, aSender);
   184 			Select(message_cast<const TCFSelector::TSimpleSelect>(aCFMessage).iSelectionPrefs);
   185 			break;
   186 		case TCFSelector::TSelectComplete::EId:
   187 			{
   188 			TCFSelector::TSelectComplete& msg = message_cast<TCFSelector::TSelectComplete>(aCFMessage);
   189 			SelectComplete(address_cast<TNodeId>(aSender), msg.iNodeId, msg.iProviderInfo);
   190 			}
   191 			break;
   192 		default:
   193 //TODO - logging
   194 			NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest:ReceivedL"));
   195 			NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("[this=0x%08x] ERROR: KErrNotSupported "), this));
   196 			NM_LOG_MESSAGE(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), aCFMessage);
   197 			NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
   199 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 11)); //For debug configurations
   200 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); //For release configurations
   201 			}
   202 		}
   203 	else if ( aCFMessage.IsMessage<TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse>() )
   204 		{
   205 		CommsBinderResponse(message_cast<TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse>(aCFMessage));
   206 		}
   207 	else if ( aCFMessage.IsMessage<TCFDataClient::TBindToComplete>() )
   208 		{
   209 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(KErrNone==message_cast<TCFDataClient::TBindToComplete>(aCFMessage).iValue || iRequestingNode==aSender, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 12));
   210 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(KErrNone==message_cast<TCFDataClient::TBindToComplete>(aCFMessage).iValue || iSelectionStatus==ERequestingCommsBinder || iSelectionStatus==EIdle, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 13));
   211 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(KErrNone==message_cast<TCFDataClient::TBindToComplete>(aCFMessage).iValue || !iTopMcprId.IsNull(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 14)); //iTopMcprId must be selected by now!
   212 		RNodeInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), iTopMcprId, aCFMessage);
   213 		}
   214 	else if ( aCFMessage.IsMessage<TCFMessage::TStateChange>() )
   215 		{
   216 		if (!iDestroying)
   217 			{
   218 			// When destroying prevent the status change being posted to
   219 			// the Implicit Flow Request which may already have been deleted.
   220 			iRequestingNode.PostMessage(Id(), aCFMessage);
   221 			}
   222 		}
   223 	else if ( aCFMessage.IsMessage<TCFMessage::TProvisionConnectionInfo>() )
   224 		{
   225 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequestingNode == aSender, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 15));
   226 		Provision(message_cast<const TCFMessage::TProvisionConnectionInfo>(aCFMessage).iPtr);
   227 		}
   228 	else if ( aCFMessage.IsMessage<TCFPeer::TJoinComplete>() )
   229 		{
   230 		JoinComplete(address_cast<TNodeId>(aSender), message_cast<TCFPeer::TJoinComplete>(aCFMessage));
   231 		}
   232 	else
   233 		{
   234 //TODO - logging
   235 		NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest:ReceivedL"));
   236 		NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("[this=0x%08x] ERROR: KErrNotSupported "), this));
   237 		NM_LOG_MESSAGE(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), aCFMessage);
   238 		NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
   240 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 16)); //For debug configurations
   241 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); //For release configurations
   242 		}
   243 	}
   245 void CSelectionRequest::InitialiseDestroy()
   246 	{
   247 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iDestroying, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 17));
   248 	iDestroying = ETrue;
   250     //We are not ready to destruct ourselves yet, waiting for TErrors
   251     if (iActiveRequests.Count()!=0)
   252     	{
   253     	return;
   254     	}
   256 	//We have never joined the top mcpr, clear it now
   257 	if (!iJoined)
   258 		{
   259 		iTopMcprId.SetNull();
   260 		}
   262 	//We are ready but we have to leave the iTopMcprId first
   263 	if (!iTopMcprId.IsNull())
   264     	{
   265     	RNodeInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), iTopMcprId, TEPeer::TLeaveRequest().CRef());
   266 		return;
   267     	}
   269    	//We are ready to be deleted
   270    	delete this;
   271    	return;
   272 	}
   274 //Selection requests start here.
   275 void CSelectionRequest::Select(const TSelectionPrefs& aSelectionPreferences)
   276 	{
   277     NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest::Select"));
   278 	NM_LOG_ADDRESS_EXT(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), iRequestingNode.RecipientId(), _L8("Client:"));
   279 	NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("[this=0x%08x]"), this));
   280     NM_LOG_STMT(TUint selectionScope = aSelectionPreferences.Scope());
   281 	NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("%s"), (selectionScope & TSelectionPrefs::EExplicitConnection)?_S8("EExplicitConnection"):_S8("SelectTopProviderOnly")));
   283 	LOG( ESockLog::Printf(KESockMetaConnectionTag, _L8("CSelectionRequest %08x:\tSelect: %s."), this, (selectionScope&TSelectionPrefs::ESelectFromExisting)?_S8("ESelectFromExisting"):_S8("SelectAndCreate")));
   284 	LOG( ESockLog::Printf(KESockMetaConnectionTag, _L8("CSelectionRequest %08x:\tSelect: %s."), this, (selectionScope&TSelectionPrefs::ERequestCommsBinder)?_S8("ERequestCommsBinder"):_S8("DoNotRequestCommsBinder")));
   286     NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
   288 	//The requesting client may only request selection once.
   289 	//If this assert fires in your case, please make sure the requesting client obeys the protocol.
   290 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSelectionStatus==EIdle, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 18));
   291 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iTopMcprId.IsNull(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 19));
   292 	iSelectionStatus = ESelecting;
   293 	iSelectionPreferences.Copy(aSelectionPreferences);
   294 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iActiveRequests.Count()==0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 20));
   295 	if (KErrNone==iActiveRequests.Append(RNodeInterface()))
   296 		{
   297 		RNodeInterface& tierManager = iActiveRequests[0];
   298 		tierManager.Open(iTierManagerId);
   299 		tierManager.PostMessage(Id(), TCFPeer::TJoinRequest(Id(), TClientType(TCFClientType::ECtrl)).CRef());
   300 		}
   301 	else
   302 		{
   303 		//We have an OOM condition here. Since we have just started serving this request,
   304 		//we must report this error to the requesting client (see SelectError()).
   305 		SelectionError(Id(), KErrNoMemory);
   306 		}
   307 	}
   309 void CSelectionRequest::SelectConnPrefList(const RConnPrefList& aConnPrefList)
   310 	{
   311 	//The requesting client may only request selection once.
   312 	//If this assert fires in your case, please make sure the requesting client obeys the protocol.
   313 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSelectionStatus == EIdle, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 21));
   314 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iTopMcprId == TNodeId::NullId(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 22));
   315 	iSelectionStatus = ESelecting;
   316 	iConnPrefList = aConnPrefList;
   318 	ESock::RConnPrefList::TIter<TConnCSRPref> iterCSR = iConnPrefList.getIter<TConnCSRPref>();
   319 	//There should be one and only one CSR pref
   320 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iterCSR[0] != NULL || iterCSR[1] == NULL , User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 23));
   321 	TConnCSRPref* pref = iterCSR[0];
   322 	iSelectionPreferences.SetScope(pref->Scope());
   323 	iSelectionPreferences.SetFlags(pref->Flags());
   324 	iSelectionPreferences.SetSubSessionUniqueId(pref->Scope());
   326 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iActiveRequests.Count()==0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 24));
   327 	if (KErrNone==iActiveRequests.Append(RNodeInterface()))
   328 		{
   329 		RNodeInterface& tierManager = iActiveRequests[iActiveRequests.Count()-1];
   330 		tierManager.Open(iTierManagerId);
   331 		tierManager.PostMessage(
   332 			Id(),
   333 			TCFPeer::TJoinRequest(Id(), TClientType(TCFClientType::ECtrl)).CRef()
   334 			);
   335 		}
   336 	else
   337 		{
   338 		//We have an OOM condition here. Since we have just started serving this request,
   339 		//we must report this error to the requesting client (see SelectError()).
   340 		SelectionError(Id(), KErrNoMemory);
   341 		}
   342 	}
   344 void CSelectionRequest::Provision(const Meta::SMetaData* aProvisionConfig)
   345 	{
   346 /*	if (!aProvisionConfig->IsTypeOf(STypeId::CreateSTypeId(CConnectionInfo::EUid, CConnectionInfo::ETypeId)))
   347 	return;*/
   348 	iProvision = aProvisionConfig;
   349 	}
   351 void CSelectionRequest::Cancel()
   352 	{
   353 	NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest::Cancel"));
   354 	NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag, _L8("[this=0x%08x]"), this));
   355 	NM_LOG_ADDRESS_EXT(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), iRequestingNode.RecipientId(), _L8("Client:"));
   356 	NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
   358 	//Is the requesting client trying to cancel its request again?
   359 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSelectionStatus!=ECancelling, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 25));
   360 	if (iSelectionStatus!=EIdle)
   361 		{
   362 		iSelectionStatus = ECancelling;
   363 		iOriginalError = KErrCancel;
   365 		TEBase::TCancel cancel;
   366 		for (TInt i = iActiveRequests.Count()-1; i >= 0; i--)
   367 			{
   368 			//Send cancel and wait for error messages before destructing this object.
   369 			iActiveRequests[i].PostMessage(Id(), cancel);
   370 			}
   371 		//We have not completed the original request yet, do not send
   372 		//an error message to the requesting client from here.
   373 		//When the last error (or select complete) message has been returned
   374 		//from the last MCpr we have cancelled, then we send our cancel's
   375 		//confirmation from SelectionFinished().
   376 		}
   377 	}
   379 void CSelectionRequest::JoinComplete(const TNodeId& aSender, TCFPeer::TJoinComplete& /*aCFMessage*/)
   380 	{
   381 	if (KErrNone==iOriginalError)
   382 		{
   383 		if (iTopMcprId.IsNull())
   384 			{
   385 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(iActiveRequests[0].RecipientId()==aSender && iTierManagerId==aSender, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 26)); //It has surely been sent by the tier manager.
   387 			if(iConnPrefList.Count() < 1)
   388 				{
   389 				iActiveRequests[0].PostMessage(Id(), TCFSelector::TSimpleSelect(iSelectionPreferences).CRef());
   390 				}
   391 			else
   392 				{
   393 				iActiveRequests[0].PostMessage(Id(), TCFSelector::TSelect(iConnPrefList).CRef());
   394 				}
   395 			}
   396 		else
   397 			{
   398 			if (aSender==iTopMcprId)
   399 				{
   400 				iJoined = ETrue;
   402 				TUint selectionScope = iSelectionPreferences.Scope();
   403 				if (!(selectionScope & TSelectionPrefs::EExplicitConnection))
   404 					{
   405 					return;
   406 					}
   407 				}
   409 			if(iConnPrefList.Count() < 1)
   410 				{
   411 				RNodeInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), aSender, TCFSelector::TSimpleSelect(iSelectionPreferences).CRef());
   412 				}
   413 			else
   414 				{
   415 				RNodeInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(
   416 					Id(),
   417 					aSender,
   418 					TCFSelector::TSelect(iConnPrefList).CRef()
   419 					);
   420 				}
   421 			}
   422 		}
   423 	else
   424 		{
   425 		TInt idx = FindActiveRequest(aSender);
   426 		if (idx != KErrNotFound && !(iActiveRequests[idx].Flags() & TClientType::ELeaving))
   427 			{
   428 			RNodeInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), aSender, TEChild::TLeft().CRef());
   429 			iActiveRequests[idx].SetFlags(TClientType::ELeaving);
   430 			}
   432 		ProviderSelectionFinished(aSender);
   434 		if (iActiveRequests.Count()==0)
   435 			{ //The active list is empty which means that we have finished serving the selection request.
   436 			SelectionFinished();
   437 			}
   438 		}
   439 	}
   441 void CSelectionRequest::CommsBinderResponse(const TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse& aMsg)
   442 	{
   443 	iRequest.ReplyTo(Id(), TCFDataClient::TBindTo(aMsg.iNodeId).CRef());
   444 	iSelectionStatus = EIdle;
   445 	}
   447 //This fn is called when a provider has been successfuly selected.
   448 void CSelectionRequest::SelectComplete(const TNodeId& aSenderId, const TNodeId& aMcprId, const TProviderInfo& aMcprInfo)
   449 	{
   450 	NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest::SelectComplete"));
   451 	NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("[this=0x%08x]"), this));
   452 	NM_LOG_ADDRESS(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), aSenderId);
   453 	NM_LOG_ADDRESS(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), aMcprId);
   454 	NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
   456 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!aSenderId.IsNull(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 27)); //The sender must exist and be in the active list
   458 	//The sender must be in the active list (or it is the tier manager)
   459 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(KErrNotFound!=FindActiveRequest(aSenderId), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 28));
   461 	if (aMcprId.IsNull())
   462 		{ //Last SelectComplete from aSenderId. Remove from the active list.
   463 		ProviderSelectionFinished(aSenderId);
   464 		}
   465 	else
   466 		{
   467 		HandleProviderSelection(aMcprId);
   468 		}
   470 	if (iTopMcprId.IsNull())
   471 		{
   472 		//Top provider has been selected (it must not be null since we have received SelectComplete and not Error).
   474     	NM_LOG_ADDRESS_EXT(KESockMetaConnectionTag, aMcprId, _L8("Top provider selected: "));
   476 		//We should have never reveive SelectComplete(NULL) as the only select complete.
   477 		//If even one provider cannot be selected we should have received an error message!
   478 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(!aMcprId.IsNull(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 30));
   479 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iActiveRequests[0].RecipientId()==aSenderId, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 29)); //It has surely been sent by the tier manager.
   480 		iTopMcprId = aMcprId;
   481 		iTopMcprInfo = aMcprInfo;
   482 		}
   483 	else if (iActiveRequests.Count()==0)
   484 		{ //The active list is empty which means that we have finished serving the selection request.
   485 		SelectionFinished();
   486 		}
   487 	}
   489 //This fn is called when we receive or generate an error during selection.
   490 void CSelectionRequest::SelectionError(const TRuntimeCtxId& aSenderId, TInt aError)
   491 	{
   492 	//Remember the error because for legacy selection we need to use it
   493 	if (KErrNone==iOriginalError)
   494 		{
   495 		iOriginalError = aError;
   496 		}
   498 	NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest::SelectionError"));
   499 	NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("[this=0x%08x] [aError=%d]"), this, aError));
   500 	NM_LOG_ADDRESS_EXT(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), iRequestingNode.RecipientId(), _L8("Client:"));
   501 	NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
   503 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!aSenderId.IsNull(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 31)); //The sender must exist and be in the active list
   504 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSelectionStatus!=ERequestingCommsBinder, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 32));
   506 	TInt idx = FindActiveRequest(aSenderId);
   507 	if(KErrNotFound != idx)
   508 		{
   509 		//Rather than leaving the service provider (sender) that has send as the error message,
   510 		//we are removing it from our list. Any further comunication with the node could result
   511 		//in further errors.
   512 		iActiveRequests[idx].Close();
   513 		iActiveRequests.Remove(idx);
   514 		}
   516 	//If the active list is empty, we have unsuccessfuly finished the whole selection.
   517 	if (iActiveRequests.Count()==0)
   518 		{
   519 		SelectionFinished();
   520 		}
   521 	}
   523 //This fn is called when we receive an error instead of CommsBinder.
   524 void CSelectionRequest::CommsBinderRequestError(const TRuntimeCtxId& aSenderId, TEBase::TError& aCFMessage)
   525 	{
   526 	// Preventing unused variable warnings.
   527 	#ifndef _DEBUG
   528 		(void)aSenderId;
   529 	#endif
   531 	//Remember the error because for legacy selection we need to use it
   532 	if (KErrNone==iOriginalError)
   533 		{
   534 		iOriginalError = aCFMessage.iValue;
   535 		}
   537 	NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest::CommsBinderRequestError"));
   538 	NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("[this=0x%08x]"), this));
   539 	NM_LOG_ADDRESS_EXT(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), iRequestingNode.RecipientId(), _L8("Client:"));
   540 	NM_LOG_MESSAGE(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), aCFMessage);
   541 	NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
   544 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!aSenderId.IsNull(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 33)); //The sender must exist and be in the active list
   545 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSelectionStatus==ERequestingCommsBinder, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 34));
   546 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aSenderId==iTopMcprId, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 35)); //CommsBinder error, this can only come from the iTopMcprId
   547 	//This is an error that needs to be reported to the requesting client.
   548 	PostError(TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderRequest::Id(), iOriginalError);
   549 	}
   551 //We call this fn when we need to report the selection error to the originating client,
   552 //but after the selection is finished
   553 void CSelectionRequest::PostError(const TNodeSignal::TMessageId& aMessageId, TInt aError)
   554 	{
   555 	//Some non-recoverable error has occured and we want to report it back to the requesting client.
   557 	//Because the selection is finished now, there shouldn'd be any more outstanding
   558 	//selections going on below.
   559 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iActiveRequests.Count()==0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 36));
   561 	iRequest.ReplyTo(Id(), TEBase::TError(aMessageId,aError).CRef());
   562 	}
   564 void CSelectionRequest::HandleProviderSelection(const TNodeId& aMcprId)
   565 	{
   566 	NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest::HandleProviderSelection"));
   567 	NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("[this=0x%08x]"), this));
   568 	NM_LOG_ADDRESS(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), aMcprId);
   569 	NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
   572 	// Select next layer provider only if the selection mode is EExplicitConnection
   573 	TUint selectionScope = iSelectionPreferences.Scope();
   574 	if (selectionScope & TSelectionPrefs::EExplicitConnection)
   575 		{
   576 		//Are we currently waiting for this provider to complete our selection request?
   577 		if (KErrNotFound==FindActiveRequest(aMcprId))
   578 			{
   579 			if (KErrNone==iActiveRequests.Append(RNodeInterface()))
   580 				{
   582 				 RNodeInterface& mcpr = iActiveRequests[iActiveRequests.Count()-1];
   583 				 mcpr.Open(aMcprId, TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider));
   584 				 mcpr.PostMessage(Id(), TCFServiceProvider::TJoinRequest(Id(), TClientType::EAdministrative).CRef()); //Join the provider
   586 				}
   587 			else
   588 				{
   589 				//We have an OOM condition here.
   590 				SelectionError(Id(), KErrNoMemory);
   591 				}
   592 			}
   593 		}
   594 	else if (selectionScope & TSelectionPrefs::ERequestCommsBinder && KErrNone==iOriginalError)
   595 		{
   596 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iTopMcprId.IsNull(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 37));
   598 		RNodeInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), aMcprId, TCFServiceProvider::TJoinRequest(Id(), TCFClientType::EAdministrative).CRef());
   599 		}
   600 	}
   602 void CSelectionRequest::ProviderSelectionFinished(const TRuntimeCtxId& aMcprId)
   603 	{
   604 	NM_LOG_START_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("CSelectionRequest::ProviderSelectionFinished"));
   605 	NM_LOG((KESockMetaConnectionTag(), _L8("[this=0x%08x]"), this));
   606 	NM_LOG_ADDRESS_EXT(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), aMcprId, _L8("aMcprId:"));
   607 	NM_LOG_END_BLOCK(KESockMetaConnectionTag(), KNullDesC8());
   609 	TInt idx = FindActiveRequest(aMcprId);
   610 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(KErrNotFound!=idx, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 38)); //Sender must be in the active list
   612 	//Leave the providers but do not leave:
   613 	//1) The tier manager, as it has never been joined.
   614 	//2) The top provider, as it needs to be alive for as long as the requestor is happy to delete us
   615 	const TNodeId& selectionProvider = iActiveRequests[idx].RecipientId();
   616 	if (iTopMcprId!=selectionProvider) //Do not leave the top MCpr yet
   617 		{
   618 		if (idx != KErrNotFound && !(iActiveRequests[idx].Flags() & TClientType::ELeaving))
   619 			{
   620 			RNodeInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), aMcprId, TEChild::TLeft().CRef());
   621 			iActiveRequests[idx].SetFlags(TClientType::ELeaving);
   622 			}
   623 		}
   625 	//Remove sender from the active list
   626 	iActiveRequests[idx].Close();
   627 	iActiveRequests.Remove(idx);
   628 	}
   630 //This fn is called when the whole plane (or just one provider) selection is finished.
   631 //Now we can either start the selected (top) provider or reply to the requesting client
   632 //or just cleanup if the client has cancelled us in the meantime.
   633 void CSelectionRequest::SelectionFinished()
   634 	{
   635 	LOG(ESockLog::Printf(KESockMetaConnectionTag, _L8("CSelectionRequest::SelectionFinished [this=0x%08x]"), this));
   637 	if (iSelectionStatus==ECancelling)
   638 		{ //The requesting client has cancelled us.
   639 		LOG(ESockLog::Printf(KESockMetaConnectionTag, _L8("CSelectionRequest::SelectionFinished - cancelled"), this));
   641 		PostError(TEBase::TCancel::Id(),KErrCancel);
   642 		if (!iTopMcprId.IsNull() && iJoined)
   643 	    	{
   644 	    	//We are ready to destroy ourselves now but we have the iTopMcprId to leave first
   645 	    	RNodeInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), iTopMcprId, TEPeer::TLeaveRequest().CRef());
   646 	    	}
   647 		return;
   648 		}
   650 	//We can continue with Starting.
   651 	if (KErrNone!=iOriginalError || iTopMcprId.IsNull())
   652 		{
   653 		LOG(ESockLog::Printf(KESockMetaConnectionTag, _L8("CSelectionRequest::SelectionFinished - no top provider found"), this));
   655 		//We don't even have the top provider selected.
   656 		//This is an error that needs to be reported to the requesting client.
   657 		PostError(TCFSelector::TSimpleSelect::Id(),iOriginalError);
   658 		return;
   659 		}
   661 	//We can continue with Requesting Comms Binder.
   662 	TUint selectionScope = iSelectionPreferences.Scope();
   663 	if (selectionScope & TSelectionPrefs::ERequestCommsBinder)
   664 		{
   665 		LOG(ESockLog::Printf(KESockMetaConnectionTag, _L8("CSelectionRequest::SelectionFinished - binding to provider (MCpr Tier Id: %X, AP Id: %d)"), this, iTopMcprInfo.TierId().iUid, iTopMcprInfo.APId()));
   667 		TNodeCtxId sender(ECFActivityBinderRequest, Id()); //TODO[PROD]: Does this make sense to use ECFActivityBinderRequest here?
   668 		RNodeInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(sender, iTopMcprId, TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderRequest().CRef());
   669 		iSelectionStatus = ERequestingCommsBinder;
   670 		}
   671 	else
   672 		{
   673 		LOG(ESockLog::Printf(KESockMetaConnectionTag, _L8("CSelectionRequest::SelectionFinished - selected provider (MCpr Tier Id: %X, AP Id: %d)"), this, iTopMcprInfo.TierId().iUid, iTopMcprInfo.APId()));
   675 		//Finish the selection
   676 		//We will leave the top provider in ~CSelectionRequest()
   677 		iRequest.PostMessage(Id(), TCFSelector::TSelectComplete(iTopMcprId,iTopMcprInfo).CRef());
   678 		}
   679 	}
   681 TInt CSelectionRequest::FindActiveRequest(const TRuntimeCtxId& aMcprId)
   682 	{
   683 	for (TInt i = iActiveRequests.Count()-1; i >= 0; i--)
   684 		{
   685 		if (iActiveRequests[i] == aMcprId)
   686 			{
   687 			return i;
   688 			}
   689 		}
   691 	return KErrNotFound;
   692 	}
   694 TInt CSelectionRequest::SecureId(TSecureId& aResult) const
   695 	{
   696 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iPlatsecApiExt, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 39));
   697 	return iPlatsecApiExt->SecureId(aResult);
   698 	}
   700 TInt CSelectionRequest::VendorId(TVendorId& aResult) const
   701 	{
   702 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iPlatsecApiExt, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 40));
   703 	return iPlatsecApiExt->VendorId(aResult);
   704 	}
   706 TBool CSelectionRequest::HasCapability(const TCapability aCapability) const
   707 	{
   708 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iPlatsecApiExt, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 41));
   709 	return iPlatsecApiExt->HasCapability(aCapability);
   710 	}
   712 TInt CSelectionRequest::CheckPolicy(const TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy) const
   713 	{
   714 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iPlatsecApiExt, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnslc, 42));
   715 	return iPlatsecApiExt->CheckPolicy(aPolicy);
   716 	}
   718 NetInterfaces::TInterfaceControl* CSelectionRequest::FetchNodeInterfaceControlL(TInt aInterfaceId)
   719 	{
   720 	if (aInterfaceId == MPlatsecApiExt::KInterfaceId)
   721     	{
   722     	if (iPlatsecApiExt)
   723         	{
   724         	return this;
   725         	}
   727     	if (iProvision && iProvision->GetTypeId() == Meta::STypeId::CreateSTypeId(CConnectionInfo::EUid, CConnectionInfo::ETypeId))
   728         	{
   729             iPlatsecApiExt = new(ELeave) ASubSessionPlatsecApiExt(static_cast<const CConnectionInfo*>(iProvision)->SubSessionId());
   730             return this;
   731         	}
   732     	}
   734 	return Messages::ANode::FetchNodeInterfaceControlL(aInterfaceId);
   735 	}
   737 void CSelectionRequest::ReturnInterfacePtrL(MPlatsecApiExt*& aInterface)
   738 	{
   739 	if (iPlatsecApiExt)
   740 		aInterface = this;
   741 	else
   742 		aInterface = NULL;
   743 	}