changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dfb7c4ff071f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    18 #ifndef CS_PORT_H
    19 #define CS_PORT_H
    21 #include <c32comm.h>
    23 /** 
    24 @file
    25 defines the classes CPort and CSerial. This file should be included by the CSY
    27 @publishedAll	
    28 @released
    29 */
    31 /** Delta timer interval */
    32 const TInt KDeltaTimerInterval = 100000;     
    33 /** The UID for the CSY */          
    34 const TInt KUidUnicodeCommServerModuleV02 = 0x10005054;
    36 /**
    37 Defines the internal port access mode.
    39 @publishedAll	
    40 @released
    41 */
    42 // Important note!: must have the same order as TCommAccess in c32comm.h
    43 enum TInternalCommAccess
    44 	{
    45     /**  Exclusive mode. Must be first */
    46 	EIntCommExclusive          = 0, 
    47 	/**  Shared mode. Must be second */
    48 	EIntCommShared             = 1, 
    49 	/**  Preemptable mode. Must be third */
    50 	EIntCommPreemptable        = 2, 
    51 	/**  Wait until the port is closed */
    52 	EIntCommWaitUntilAvailable = 3  
    53 	};
    55 class CPortManager;
    59 class CommTimer 
    60 /**
    61 Static utility class for global timer handling designed for use by Serial Server plug-ins (CSYs).
    63 @publishedAll	
    64 @released
    65 */
    66 	{
    67 public:
    68 	IMPORT_C static void Queue(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTimeInMicroSeconds, TDeltaTimerEntry& aHandle);
    69 	IMPORT_C static void Remove(TDeltaTimerEntry& aHandle);
    70 	static CDeltaTimer* GetTimer();
    71 	};
    73 class CCommSession;
    74 class CSerial;
    79 class CPort : public CObject
    80 /** Base class for implementations of serial protocol module ports. Its functions 
    81 are called by the comms server in response to client calls to RComm. 
    83 The class implements CObject to obtain reference counting behaviour. The reference 
    84 count is incremented when a port is first created, and, for ports in shared 
    85 mode, on every later opening.
    87 CPort is an abstract class which defines many pure virtual functions which 
    88 derived classes must implement. Most of these pure virtual functions correspond 
    89 to the client interface of the RComm class.
    91 Created when the first client does an Open request passing its name.
    92 Destroyed only when it deletes itself (following a call to Destruct).
    94 @publishedAll	
    95 @released */
    96 	{
    97 	// Warning:  No CPort::ConstructL, so can't use iExtra members until after construction.
    98 private:
    99 	class CExtra : public CBase
   100 		{
   101 	public:
   102 		CCommSession* iBreakOwner;
   103 		CCommSession* iPreemptableOwner;
   104 		CCommSession* iPreemptedSession;
   105 		CCommSession* iWaitAvailableOwner;  // Also the SetAccess owner.
   106 		RMessagePtr2   iBlockedSetAccess; 
   107 		};
   109 friend class CPortManager;
   111 public:
   112 	typedef TCommAccess TAccess;
   114 	void CommRead(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient); // Start read operation
   115 	void CommReadCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
   116 	void CommWrite(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient); // Start Write opneration
   117 	void CommWriteCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
   118 	void CommBreak(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);	// Start Break operation
   119 	void CommBreakCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
   120 	void CommCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient); // Cancel all blocked operation.
   122 	void CommConfig(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession) const;
   123 	void CommSetConfig(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
   124 	void CommSetServerConfig(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
   125 	void CommGetServerConfig(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
   126 	void CommCaps(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
   127 	void CommSignals(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
   128 	void CommSetSignalsToMark(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
   129 	void CommSetSignalsToSpace(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
   130 	void CommReceiveBufferLength(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession) const;
   131 	void CommSetReceiveBufferLength(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
   132 	void CommQueryReceiveBuffer(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession) const;
   133 	void CommResetBuffers(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
   134 	void CommSetAccess(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
   135 	TBool IsBlockedSetAccessWaiting(CCommSession& aClient);
   136 	void CommSetAccessCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
   137 	void CommDebugState(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
   139 	TBool TakeOwnershipForReading(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);		// Check if a read request is valid and take ownership of port
   140 	TBool TakeOwnershipForWriting(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);		// Check if a Write request is valid and take ownership of port
   141 	TBool TakeOwnershipForBreaking(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);		// Check if a Break request is valid and take ownership of port
   143 	void InitL(TDesC8 &aName);	// Not used
   144 	static TInt WriteTimerExpiredHandler(TAny* aPtr);
   145 	static TInt ReadTimerExpiredHandler(TAny* aPtr);
   146 	TBool AreAnyPending();
   148 	void CommGetRole(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
   149 	void CommGetFlowControlStatus(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
   151 	void CommNotifySignalChange(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
   152 	TBool TakeOwnershipForSignals(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);
   153 	void CommNotifyFlowControlChange(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
   154 	TBool TakeOwnershipForFlowControl(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);
   155 	void CommNotifyConfigChange(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
   156 	TBool TakeOwnershipForConfig(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);
   157 	void CommNotifyBreak(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
   158 	TBool TakeOwnershipForBreak(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
   159 	void CommNotifyDataAvailable(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
   160 	TBool TakeOwnershipForNotifyDataAvailable(const RMessage2 &aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);
   161 	void CommNotifyOutputEmpty(const RMessage2 &aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
   162 	TBool TakeOwnershipForNotifyOutputEmpty(const RMessage2 &aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);
   164 	void CommNotifySignalChangeCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
   165 	void CommNotifyConfigChangeCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
   166 	void CommNotifyFlowControlChangeCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
   167 	void CommNotifyBreakCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
   168 	void CommNotifyDataAvailableCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
   169 	void CommNotifyOutputEmptyCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
   171 	TBool SessionHasBeenPreempted(CCommSession* aSession);
   172 	TBool SessionIsAwaitingOpen(CCommSession* aSession);
   173 	void FreeSession(CCommSession* aSession);
   175 public:
   176 	IMPORT_C TInt IPCRead(const TAny* aPtr, TDes8& aDes, TInt aOffset=0) const;
   177 	IMPORT_C TInt IPCWrite(const TAny* aPtr, const TDesC8& aDes, TInt aOffset=0) const;
   178 	IMPORT_C CPort();
   179 	IMPORT_C void ReadCompleted(TInt anError);		// Called by a CPort to complete a read.
   180 	IMPORT_C void WriteCompleted(TInt anError);		// Called by a CPort to complete a write
   181 	IMPORT_C void BreakCompleted(TInt anError);		// Called by a CPort to complete a break
   182 	IMPORT_C virtual ~CPort();
   183 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   184 	IMPORT_C void SignalChangeCompleted(const TUint& aSignals, TInt anError);					// Called by a CPort to complete a signal notify
   185 	IMPORT_C void ConfigChangeCompleted(const TDesC8& aNewConfig, TInt anError);				// Called by a CPort to complete a config notify.
   186 	IMPORT_C void FlowControlChangeCompleted(const TFlowControl& aFlowControl, TInt anError);	// Called by a CPort to complete a flow control notify
   187 	IMPORT_C void BreakNotifyCompleted(TInt anError);			// Called by a CPort to complete a break signal notify
   188 	IMPORT_C void NotifyDataAvailableCompleted(TInt anError);	// Called by a CPort to complete a break signal notify
   189 	IMPORT_C void NotifyOutputEmptyCompleted(TInt anError);		// Called by a CPort to complete a break signal notify
   191 public:
   192 	//
   193 	// Pure virtual methods - to be implemented by the CSY
   194 	//
   196 	// Called by manager when access count is 0 - CSY port must call 'delete this'
   197 	/** Specifies the protocol for port destruction. It is called by the comms server 
   198 	when the last client-side reference to a CPort object has been closed and 
   199 	the CPort must be deleted. The comms server will not delete a CPort other 
   200 	than by calling Destruct().
   202 	The implementation should perform any asynchronous shutdown operations on 
   203 	its own resources and, when these operations have completed, should delete 
   204 	this. */
   205 	virtual void Destruct()=0;
   206 	// Queue a read - called by CPort when client wants to read
   207 	// Note: if the value in aLength is negative, this means
   208 	//       ReadOneOrMore and the CSY must invert the number
   209 	/** Specifies the protocol for reading from the port. It is called by the comms 
   210 	server in response to a RComm::Read() or RComm::ReadOneOrMore() request from 
   211 	the client.
   213 	A negative value for aLength is used to flag that the read request was from 
   214 	RComm::ReadOneOrMore() rather than from RComm::Read(). The maximum length 
   215 	of data to be read is the absolute value of aLength.
   217 	The implementation should use IPCWrite() to write the data to the client's 
   218 	buffer. When all the data has been read, the function should call ReadCompleted(). 
   221 	@param aClientBuffer Pointer into client address space to the descriptor containing 
   222 	the client's buffer 
   223 	@param aLength The amount of data to be read */
   224 	virtual void StartRead(const TAny* aClientBuffer, TInt aLength)=0;
   225 	// Cancel a pending read
   226 	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling reading from the port. It is called by 
   227 	the comms server in response to a RComm::ReadCancel() request from the client or
   228 	when the iReadTimer timer expires.
   230 	The implementation should abort any processing which was taking place as a 
   231 	result of the read request. Do not call ReadCompleted(). */
   232 	virtual void ReadCancel()=0;
   233 	// Get the size of the receive buffer from the real serial port
   234 	/** Specifies a protocol for requesting the number of bytes that are currently 
   235 	waiting in the port's receive buffer. It is called by the comms server in 
   236 	response to a RComm::QueryReceiveBuffer() request from the client.
   238 	@param aLength On return, the number of bytes currently waiting to be read 
   239 	from the receive buffer. 
   240 	@return A system wide error code. */
   241 	virtual TInt QueryReceiveBuffer(TInt& aLength) const=0;
   242 	// reset Tx and Rx buffers
   243 	/** Specifies a protocol for resetting the receive and/or transmit buffers to zero 
   244 	length. It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::ResetBuffers() 
   245 	request from the client.
   247 	@param aFlags Bitmask of the following flags: KCommResetRx to reset the receive 
   248 	buffer; KCommResetTx to reset the transmit buffer */
   249 	virtual void ResetBuffers(TUint aFlags)=0;
   250 	// Queue a write - called by CPort when client wants to write
   251 	/** Specifies the protocol for writing to the port. It is called by the comms server 
   252 	in response to a RComm::Write() request from the client.
   254 	The implementation should use IPCRead() to get the data to write from the 
   255 	client's buffer. When all the data has been written, the function should call 
   256 	WriteCompleted(). 
   258 	@param aClientBuffer Pointer into client address space to the descriptor containing 
   259 	the client's buffer 
   260 	@param aLength The amount of data to be written */
   261 	virtual void StartWrite(const TAny* aClientBuffer, TInt aLength)=0;
   262 	// Cancel a pending write
   263 	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling writing to the port. It is called by 
   264 	the comms server in response to a RComm::WriteCancel() request from the client.
   266 	The implementation should abort any processing which was taking place as a 
   267 	result of the write request. Do not call WriteCompleted(). */
   268 	virtual void WriteCancel()=0;
   269 	// Queue a break
   270 	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a break condition at the port. It is called 
   271 	by the comms server in response to a RComm::Break() request from the client.
   273 	When the break is complete, the function should call BreakCompleted(). 
   275 	@param aTime Time period to break for in microseconds */
   276 	virtual void Break(TInt aTime)=0;
   277 	// Cancel a pending break
   278 	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a break request. It is called by the 
   279 	comms server in response to a RComm::BreakCancel() request from the client.
   281 	The implementation should abort any processing which was taking place as a 
   282 	result of the break request. Do not call BreakCompleted(). */
   283 	virtual void BreakCancel()=0;
   284 	// Pass a config request - return in descriptor
   285 	/** Specifies a protocol for getting the current configuration of the serial port. 
   286 	It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::GetConfig() request 
   287 	from the client.
   289 	@param aPackage A packaged TCommConfig buffer, set on return to the current 
   290 	configuration of the serial port 
   291 	@return A system wide error code */
   292 	virtual TInt GetConfig(TDes8& aPackage) const=0;
   293 	// Set config with package in the descriptor
   294 	/** Specifies a protocol for setting the configuration of the port. It is called 
   295 	by the comms server in response to a RComm::SetConfig() request from the client.
   297 	@param aPackage A packaged TCommConfig buffer holding the new configuration 
   298 	values 
   299 	@return A system error code */
   300 	virtual TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8& aPackage)=0;
   301 	// Set the port to use partial reads/writes
   302 	/** Specifies a protocol for setting the buffer mode. It is called by the comms 
   303 	server in response to a RComm::SetMode() request from the client.
   305 	@param aPackage A TCommServerConfig package buffer holding the mode settings 
   306 	@return A system-wide error code */
   307 	virtual TInt SetServerConfig(const TDesC8& aPackage)=0;
   308 	// Get the server configs from the CSY
   309 	/** Specifies a protocol for getting the buffer mode. It is called by the comms 
   310 	server in response to a RComm::Mode() request from the client.
   312 	@param aPackage A TCommServerConfig package buffer that, on return, holds 
   313 	the current buffer mode settings 
   314 	@return A system error code */
   315 	virtual TInt GetServerConfig(TDes8& aPackage)=0;
   316 	// Read capabilities from the driver
   317 	/** Specifies a protocol for getting the port capabilities. It is called by the 
   318 	comms server in response to a RComm::Caps() request from the client.
   320 	@param aPackage A TCommCaps package buffer that, on return, holds the port 
   321 	capabilities 
   322 	@return A system error code */
   323 	virtual TInt GetCaps(TDes8& aPackage)=0;
   324 	// Get the status of the signal pins
   325 	/** Specifies a protocol for getting the status of the serial port control lines. 
   326 	It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::GetSignals() request 
   327 	from the client.
   329 	@param aSignals An integer with the bits set to reflect the status of the 
   330 	handshaking lines. 
   331 	@return A system error code */
   332 	virtual TInt GetSignals(TUint& aSignals)=0;
   333 	// Set selected signals to high (logical 1)
   334 	/** Specifies a protocol for setting serial port control lines. It is called by 
   335 	the comms server in response to a RComm::SetSignals() request from the client.
   337 	@param aSignals A bitmask of the handshaking lines to set 
   338 	@return A system error code */
   339 	virtual TInt SetSignalsToMark(TUint aSignals)=0;
   340 	// Set selected signals to low (logical 0)
   341 	/** Specifies a protocol for clearing serial port control lines. It is called by 
   342 	the comms server in response to a RComm::SetSignals() request from the client.
   344 	@param aSignals A bitmask of the handshaking lines to clear 
   345 	@return A system error code */
   346 	virtual TInt SetSignalsToSpace(TUint aSignals)=0;
   347 	// Get size of Tx and Rx buffer
   348 	/** Specifies a protocol for requesting the size of the serial port buffers. It 
   349 	is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::ReceiveBufferLength() 
   350 	request from the client.
   352 	@param aLength The current size of the serial port buffers in bytes 
   353 	@return A system error code */
   354 	virtual TInt GetReceiveBufferLength(TInt& aLength) const=0;
   355 	// Set size of Tx and Rx buffer
   356 	/** Specifies a protocol for setting the size of the serial port buffers. It is 
   357 	called by the comms server in response to a RComm::SetReceiveBufferLength() 
   358 	request from the client.
   360 	@param aLength Requested size of the serial port buffers in bytes 
   361 	@return A system error code */
   362 	virtual TInt SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt aLength)=0;
   363 	virtual void FreeMemory();	// csys have their own implementation, e.g. ECUART
   364 	// Notify client when the signals change
   365 	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a "signal change" notification. It is called 
   366 	by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifySignalChange() request from 
   367 	the client.
   369 	@param aSignalMask Signal mask passed by client */
   370 	virtual void NotifySignalChange(TUint aSignalMask)=0;
   371 	// Cancel an outstanding signal change notification
   372 	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a "signal change" notification. It is called 
   373 	by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifySignalChangeCancel() request 
   374 	from the client. */
   375 	virtual void NotifySignalChangeCancel()=0;
   376 	// Notify client when the configation changes
   377 	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a "configuration change" notification. It 
   378 	is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyConfigChange() 
   379 	request from the client. */
   380 	virtual void NotifyConfigChange()=0;
   381 	// Cancel an outstanding config change notification
   382 	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a "configuration change" notification. 
   383 	It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyConfigChangeCancel() 
   384 	request from the client. */
   385 	virtual void NotifyConfigChangeCancel()=0;
   386 	// Notify client when the flow control changes
   387 	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a "flow control change" notification. It is 
   388 	called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyFlowControlChange() 
   389 	request from the client. */
   390 	virtual void NotifyFlowControlChange()=0;
   391 	// Cancel an outstanding flow control change notification
   392 	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a "flow control change" notification. It 
   393 	is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel() 
   394 	request from the client. */
   395 	virtual void NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel()=0;
   396 	// Notify client when a break occurs
   397 	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a "break" notification. It is called by the 
   398 	comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyBreak() request from the client. */
   399 	virtual void NotifyBreak()=0;
   400 	// Cancel an outstanding break notification
   401 	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a "break" notification. It is called by 
   402 	the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyBreakCancel() request from 
   403 	the client. */
   404 	virtual void NotifyBreakCancel()=0;
   405 	// Notify client when data is available
   406 	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a "data available" notification. It is called 
   408 	by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyDataAvailable() request 
   409 	from the client. */
   410 	virtual void NotifyDataAvailable()=0;
   411 	// Cancel an outstanding data available notification
   412 	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a "data available" notification. It is 
   413 	called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyDataAvailableCancel() 
   414 	request from the client. */
   415 	virtual void NotifyDataAvailableCancel()=0;
   416 	// Notify client when output buffer is empty
   417 	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a transmit buffer empty notification. It 
   418 	is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyOutputEmpty() 
   419 	request from the client. */
   420 	virtual void NotifyOutputEmpty()=0;
   421 	// Cancel an outstanding output empty notification
   422 	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a transmit buffer empty notification. 
   423 	It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyOutputEmptyCancel() 
   424 	request from the client. */
   425 	virtual void NotifyOutputEmptyCancel()=0;
   426 	// Get the flow control status
   427 	/** Gets flow control status. It is called by the comms server in response to a 
   428 	RComm::SetMode() request from the client.
   430 	@param aFlowControl Flow control status to return to the client 
   431 	@return A system-wide error code */
   432 	virtual TInt GetFlowControlStatus(TFlowControl& aFlowControl)=0;
   433 	// Get the role of this port unit
   434 	/** Gets DCE/DTE role. It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::GetRole() 
   435 	request from the client.
   437 	@param aRole On return, DCE/DTE role to return to the client 
   438 	@return A system-wide error code */
   439 	virtual TInt GetRole(TCommRole& aRole)=0;
   440 	// Set the role of this port unit
   441 	/** Sets DCE/DTE role. It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::Open() 
   442 	request from the client.
   444 	@param aRole DCE/DTE role 
   445 	@return A system-wide error code */
   446 	virtual TInt SetRole(TCommRole aRole)=0;
   448 // Accessors
   449 #ifdef _DEBUG_DEVCOMM
   450 	virtual void DoDumpDebugInfo(const RMessage2 &aMessage)=0;
   451 #endif
   452 private:
   453 	void DoOpenL(CCommSession* aSession, TInternalCommAccess aMode, TCommRole aRole,TBool aIsNew);
   454 	void DoPreemption();
   456 	TDeltaTimerEntry iReadTimer;  //< delta timer entry for read timeouts
   457 	TBool iReadTimerPending;      //< true if a read timer is pending
   458 	TDeltaTimerEntry iWriteTimer; //< delta timer entry for write timeouts
   459 	TBool iWriteTimerPending;     //< true if a write timer is pending
   460 	TInternalCommAccess iMode;    //< access mode for this port
   461 	CCommSession* iReadOwner;     //< pointer to the read session
   462 	TInt iReadOwnerHandle;        //< handle to the read session
   463 	CCommSession* iWriteOwner;    //< pointer to the write session
   464 	TInt iWriteOwnerHandle;       //< handle to the write session
   465 	// Binary compatible
   466 	// Was: CCommSession* iBreakOwner;  Replace with:
   467 	CExtra* iExtra;               //< pointer to the CExtra object for pre-emptable handling
   468 #define iBreakOwner (iExtra->iBreakOwner) //< forwards iBreakOwner to iExtra->iBreakOwner
   470 	TInt iBreakOwnerHandle;                  //< handle to the break owner
   471 	CCommSession* iSignalOwner;              //< pointer to the signal session
   472 	TInt iSignalOwnerHandle;                 //< handle to the signal session
   473 	CCommSession* iFlowControlOwner;         //< pointer to the flow control session
   474 	TInt iFlowControlOwnerHandle;            //< handle to the flow control session
   475 	CCommSession* iConfigOwner;              //< pointer to the config session
   476 	TInt iConfigOwnerHandle;                 //< handle to the config session
   477 	CCommSession* iBreakNotifyOwner;         //< pointer to the break notify session
   478 	TInt iBreakNotifyOwnerHandle;            //< handle to the break notify session
   479 	CCommSession* iNotifyDataAvailableOwner; //< pointer to the data available session
   480 	TInt iNotifyDataAvailableOwnerHandle;    //< handle to the data available session
   481 	CCommSession* iNotifyOutputEmptyOwner;   //< pointer to the output empty session
   482 	TInt iNotifyOutputEmptyOwnerHandle;      //< handle to the output empty session
   484 	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedRead;                //< pointer to the read request message
   485 	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedWrite;               //< pointer to the write request message
   486 	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedBreak;               //< pointer to the break request message
   488 	/**The encapsulated message*/
   489 	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedSignalChange;			//< holds the notify signal change message
   490 	/**Private padding to preserve BC with earlier versions*/
   491 	TInt iBlockedSignalChangeDummyPadding[7];
   493 	/**The encapsulated message*/
   494 	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedConfigChange;			//< holds the notify config change message
   495 	/**Private padding to preserve BC with earlier versions*/
   496 	TInt iBlockedConfigChangeDummyPadding[7];
   498 	/**The encapsulated message*/
   499 	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedFlowControlChange;		//< holds the notify flow control change message
   500 	/**Private padding to preserve BC with earlier versions*/
   501 	TInt iBlockedFlowControlChangeDummyPadding[7];
   503 	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedBreakNotify;         //< pointer to the notify break request message
   504 	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedNotifyDataAvailable; //< pointer to the notify data available request message
   505 	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedNotifyOutputEmpty;   //< pointer to the notify output empty request message
   507 	CPortManager* iPortManager;              //< Not Used. Not to be exposed to deriving classes of CPort.
   508 	IMPORT_C virtual void CPort_Reserved1();
   509 	TAny* iCPort_Reserved;                   //< reserved pointer
   510 	};
   513 //
   514 // forward declaration
   515 //
   516 class CLibUnloader;
   519 class CSerial : public CObject
   520 /** 
   521 Factory for a single CPort object.
   523 CSerial is the base class for implementations of serial port factories. It is intended to be
   524 overridden by the CSY so that C32 can call in and ask the CSY to create serial ports. In this way
   525 the factory is responsible for creating instances of CPort-derived classes 
   526 for the protocol of the CSY. It also provides query functions, which return general information 
   527 about the capabilities of the serial protocol implemented by the CSY.
   529 Owned by the CPort object it creates.
   531 Writing derived classes:
   533 The pure virtual NewPortL() and Info() functions must be implemented in derived 
   534 classes. Serial protocol modules which can take differing action based on 
   535 the version of the comms server should also override QueryVersionSupported(). 
   537 @publishedAll
   538 @released
   539 */
   540 	{
   541 public:
   542 	IMPORT_C CSerial();
   543 	IMPORT_C ~CSerial();
   544 	IMPORT_C virtual TBool QueryVersionSupported(const TVersion& aVersion) const;
   545 	void ConstructL(RLibrary& aLib);
   546 public:
   547 	//
   548 	// pure virtuals to be implemented by the CSY
   549 	//
   551 	// Create a new port for the supplied unit number
   552 	/** Specifies the protocol for creating a new serial port for the protocol. The 
   553 	comms server calls this function in response to a RComm:Open() call.
   555 	Typically, the implementation would call NewL() on the protocol's CPort-based 
   556 	class. Any resources required by the new port object should be done at this 
   557 	stage. If the serial port object cannot be created for any reason, NewPortL() 
   558 	should leave with an appropriate error code.
   560 	The interpretation of unit numbers is specific to the particular serial protocol 
   561 	module. However, unit numbers on Symbian OS should be zero-based. For the 
   562 	default built-in serial ports implemented by the serial protocol module ecuart.csy, 
   563 	the unit numbers refer to the hardware ports, with 0 being the first port 
   564 	on the machine. If a second request is made to create a port with a unit number 
   565 	that has already been created and not destroyed, NewPortL() should leave with 
   566 	KErrAlreadyExists.
   568 	@param aUnit The unit number to be created. */
   569 	virtual CPort* NewPortL(const TUint aUnit)=0;
   570 	// Get info about this CSY, fill in the supplied structure.
   571 	/** Specifies the protocol for getting the information about the serial protocol.
   573 	Implementations should fill in the TSerialInfo structure to reflect the protocol's 
   574 	capabilities.
   576 	@param aSerialInfo On return, set to indicate the capabilities of the serial 
   577 	protocol. */
   578 	virtual void Info(TSerialInfo &aSerialInfo)=0;
   580 	void ModuleName(TDes& aName);
   582 	IMPORT_C virtual TSecurityPolicy PortPlatSecCapability(TUint aPort) const;
   584 protected:
   585 	/** Module version number. The class should initialise this member with its version 
   586 	number from its constructor. */
   587 	TVersion iVersion;                         //< holds the version of the CSY
   588 private:
   589 	CLibUnloader* iLibUnloader;                //< pointer to the library unloader
   590 	IMPORT_C virtual void CSerial_Reserved1();
   591 	TAny* iCSerial_Reserved;                   //< reserved pointer for future BC
   592 	};
   594 /** This typedef defines the form of the ordinal-1 entry point function to a serial 
   595 protocol module. The function should create and return a concrete CSerial-derived 
   596 class, which will then be used by the comms server.
   598 Each serial protocol module should only ever create a single serial protocol 
   599 factory object. If the entry point is called twice without the first factory 
   600 object being destroyed, this function should leave with KErrGeneral. */
   601 typedef CSerial *(*TSerialNewL)(); //< function type of CSY module entry point
   603 #endif // CS_PORT_H